Analysis of Error in Measurement System
Analysis of Error in Measurement System
Analysis of Error in Measurement System
Analysis of error in
Measurement system
Aim: - Analysis of error in measurement system.
A measurement systems analysis (MSA) is a specially designed experiment that seeks to
identify the components of variation in the measurement. Just as processes that produce a
product may vary, the process of obtaining measurements and data may have variation
and produce defects. A measurement systems analysis evaluates the test method,
measuring instruments, and the entire process of obtaining measurements to ensure the
integrity of data used for analysis (usually quality analysis) and to understand the
implications of measurement error for decisions made about a product or process, MSA is
an important element of Six Sigma methodology and of other quality management
systems. MSA analyzes the collection of equipment, operations, procedures, software and
personnel that affects the assignment of a number to a measurement characteristic.
A measurement system can be characterized, or described, in five ways:
Location (Average Measurement Value vs. Actual Value):
Stability refers to the capacity of a measurement system to produce the same values over
time when measuring the same sample. As with statistical process control charts, stability
means the absence of "Special Cause Variation", leaving only "Common Cause
Variation" (random variation)
Bias, also referred to as Accuracy, is a measure of the distance between the average value
of the measurements and the "True" or "Actual" value of the sample or part. See the
illustration below for further explanation.
Linearity is a measure of the consistency of Bias over the range of the measurement
device. For example, if a bathroom scale is under by 1.0 pound when measuring a 150
pound person, but is off by 5.0 pounds when measuring a 200 pound person, the scale
Bias is non-linear in the sense that the degree of Bias changes over the range of use.
Variation (Spread of Measurement Values - Precision):
Repeatability assesses whether the same appraiser can measure the same part/sample
multiple times with the same measurement device and get the same value.
Reproducibility assesses whether different appraisers can measure the same part/sample
with the same measurement device and get the same value.
The diagram below illustrates the difference between the terms "Accuracy" and
Efforts to improve measurement system quality are aimed at improving both accuracy
and precision.
Following are general requirements of all capable measurement systems:
o Statistical stability over time.
o Variability small compared to the process variability.
o Variability small compared to the specification limits (tolerance).
o The resolution or discrimination of the measurement device must be small relative
to the smaller of either the specification tolerance or the process spread
(variation). As a rule of thumb, the measurement system should have resolution of
at least 1/10th the smaller of either the specification tolerance or the process
spread. If the resolution is not fine enough, process variability will not be
recognized by the measurement system, thus blunting its effectiveness.
Measurement Systems Analysis Fundamentals
Determine the number of appraisers, number of sample parts, and the number of repeat
readings. Larger numbers of parts and repeat readings give results with a higher
confidence level, but the numbers should be balanced against the time, cost, and
disruption involved.
Use appraisers who normally perform the measurement and who are familiar with the
equipment and procedures.
Make sure there is a set, documented measurement procedure that is followed by all
Select the sample parts to represent the entire process spread.
This is a critical point. If the process spread is not fully represented, the degree of
measurement error may be overstated.
If applicable, mark the exact measurement location on each part to minimize the impact
of within-part variation (e.g. out-of-round).
Ensure that the measurement device has adequate discrimination/resolution, as discussed
in the Requirements section.
Parts should be numbered, and the measurements should be taken in random order so that
the appraisers do not know the number assigned to each part or any previous
measurement value for that part. A third party should record the measurements, the
appraiser, the trial number, and the number for each part on a table.
Stability Assessment
Select a part from the middle of the process spread and determine its reference value
relative to a traceable standard. If a traceable standard is not available, measure the part
ten times in a controlled environment and average the values to determine the Reference
Value. This part/sample will be designated as the Master Sample.
Over at least twenty periods (days/weeks), measure the master sample 3 to 5 times. Keep
the number of repeats fixed. Take readings throughout the period to capture the natural
environmental variation.
lot t e data on an & R chart - consult the Statistical Process Control section of the
Toolbox and calculate control limits.
Evaluate the control chart for statistical control. Again, consult the Statistical Process
Control section of the Toolbox for assistance with this assessment.
Bias Assessment
Referring to the R chart, subtract the Reference Value from to yield the Bias:
- Reference Value
Process Variation = 6 Standard Deviations (Sigma)
Calculate the Bias percentage:
Bias Percentage = Bias / Process Variation
Analyze the results. If there is a relatively high value, examine the following potential
root causes:
Appraisers not following the measurement procedure
An error in measuring the Reference Value
Instability in the measurement. If the SPC chart shows a trend, the measurement device
could be wearing or calibration could be drifting.
Uncertainty is a measure of t e „goodness‟ of result. Without such a measure, it is
impossible to judge the fitness of the value as a basis for making decisions relating to
health, safety, commerce, or scientific excellence. Uncertainty of measurement is a
parameter associated with the result of a measurement that characterizes the dispersion of
the values that could reasonably be expected. In this model, it is understood that the result
of the measurement is the best estimate of the value of the Measurand, and that all
components of uncertainty, including those arising from systematic effects, contribute to
the dispersion.
Typical example for systematic effects is uncertainties of Systematic error that generally
can be corrected either numerically or technically.
Measurement standards that generally are negligibly small in comparison with
uncertainty of the measurement system in total, Standard deviation are the generally used
parameter for expressing the value of uncertainty. It is defined as the point of inflection in
the Gaussian normal distribution of randomly scattering values. Evaluation of uncertainty
is an ongoing process that can consume time and resources. It can also require the
services of someone who is familiar with statistical data analysis techniques.
Measurement result is the best estimate of the value of the Measurand. Standard
uncertainty in the measurement result is expressed with standard deviation. Combined
standard uncertainty in the measurement result has to be calculated by the error
propagation law for statistical characteristics. Type A uncertainty in the measurement
result is expressed as a deviation evaluated by the method of statistical analysis from a
series of observations. Type B uncertainty in the measurement results is expressed as
deviation evaluated by methods other than the statistical analyses of series of
observations. Expanded uncertainty in the measurement result is expressed the quantity
of an interval that is large enough to include that action of the distribution fraction of the
measured values that might be reasonably attributed to the Measurand.
Measurement Systems Analysis is a key step to any process improvement effort.
By understanding existing measurement systems a team can better understand the data
provided by those system and make better business decisions.