The Timarpur-Okhla Waste To Energy Venture
The Timarpur-Okhla Waste To Energy Venture
The Timarpur-Okhla Waste To Energy Venture
The Timarpur-Okhla
Waste to Energy
by Dharmesh Shah
The state of Delhi is the largest producer of solid NEW DELHI Capital of India
Waste Management Pvt. Ltd’s integrated waste-to-energy (WTE) Photo Credit: Rajiv Bhatt,The Hindu, January 2010 situations where the waste has a low calorific value. A critical Despite strong legal and political reservations, the failure of the
first plant only temporarily stalled plans for future investments
project at Delhi1. Being promoted as a milestone, the project is analysis of biological treatment as an option was undertaken
in WTE ventures. Based on new and untested innovations in
the first of its kind in a series of projects across the country and for processing of municipal solid waste in Delhi and it has
The 1987 Timarpur Incinerator Experience the field of WTE, a proposal for a new and “improved”
is predicted to revolutionize waste management in India. But been recommended that composting will be a viable option. plant on the old project site at Timarpur was floated within
In 1987, the Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources
serious questions remain about its feasibility and desirability. Considering the large quantities of waste requiring to be five years. In March of 2005, the private firm Infrastructure
(MNES)3 commissioned the Timarpur Refuse Incineration-cum-
Power Generation Station at a capital cost of Rs. 20 crores processed, a mechanical composting plant will be needed.” Leasing & Financial Services (IL&FS) signed a Memorandum
(US$ 4.4 million). Built by Volund Miljotecknik Ltd. of Denmark, of Understanding (MOU) with the Municipal Corporation of
These observations echo the views of several sustainability
Challenges with Business as Usual the plant was designed to incinerate 300 tons of municipal solid Delhi to set up a municipal solid waste processing facility at the
and zero waste experts who strongly oppose any thermal erstwhile Timarpur incinerator plant site.
waste (MSW) per day to generate 3.75 MW of electricity.4
An estimated 100 sq. km of landfill space would be required to
destruction of waste and emphasize segregation at source in
meet the city’s waste disposal needs through 2050 if the ULBs
The plant ran for 21 days of trial operations before shutting order to efficiently manage the organics. Located in the nation’s capital, the high-profile Timarpur-Okhla
were to carry on with business as usual. This is impossible in a down due to the poor quality of incoming waste. It required project is touted to pave the way for the Indian WTE market,
densely populated city like Delhi. Apart from posing serious waste with a net calorific value of at least 1462.5 kcal/kg, with a projected annual growth rate of 9.7% through 2013.6 But
public health hazards, garbage dumps in major cities across but the calorific value of the supplied waste was in the range previous WTE projects elsewhere in India have been failures,
of 600-700 kcal/kg. Plant operators tried to supplement the both technically and economically. Worse yet, successful
India, including Delhi, are in violation of the Municipal Solid
combustion with diesel fuel, but were unsuccessful. projects dismantle the country’s recycling system, which
Waste Rules 2000. These rules mandate waste segregation at
provides informal employment to over 15 million individuals.
the source with the aim to gradually eliminate open dumping. Following this failure, the Delhi High Court ordered an enquiry
by the Comptroller Auditor General (CAG). In its findings, Following the MOU, the Unique Waste Processing Company
Implementation of these rules has been poor due to lack submitted in its annual report dated March 1990, the CAG
(a fully-owned subsidiary of IL&FS), in collaboration with the
observed that “The Refuse Incinerator-cum-Power Generation
of monitoring and awareness among citizens. In order to Andhra Pradesh Technology Development Center (APTDC),
Plant installed by Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources
overcome this, the Delhi government has adopted a policy incorporated the Timarpur Waste Management Company
in March 1985 remained inoperative since its installation. The
Limited (TWMCL) in April 2005. TWMCL (a special purpose
which is a combination of Waste to Energy (WTE) and landfill Ministry failed to utilise or dispose off the inoperative plant
vehicle) entered into a 25-year concession agreement with the
projects. Two new sites have been earmarked on the outskirts and incurred an expenditure of Rs 1.25 crore (US$ 278,000)
Municipal Corporation of Delhi and the New Delhi Municipal
of Delhi—105 acres in Bawana to the northwest and 26 acres in on maintenance and insurance of the plant.” The project was
Council under a Public Private Partnership framework to set up
officially scrapped in July 1990.5
Jaitpur in the south—to accommodate the excess waste. These a 650 tons-per-day (TPD) Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) processing
new landfill spaces are required in addition to two proposed facility, a 50 TPD bio-methanation plant, a 6 MW power plant,
In the ”White Paper on Pollution in Delhi with an Action Plan,”
WTE plants in Ghazipur and Bawana, along with the landfills and a 6 million gallons per day (MGD) sewage treatment plant
the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) stated
Photo Credit: Down to Earth at a total cost of Rs. 591.27 million (US$ 13.13 million).7
which are already operational. that, “The experience of the incineration plant at Timarpur,
Timarpur-Okhla > Delhi > India
major deviations in the project design from the EIA report and
the conditions laid down by the Ministry of Environment and
Forests (MoEF) while granting the Environmental Clearance. Deviations since Project Approval
These deviations from the original proposal require a thorough
reassessment of the environmental impacts and the viability of
the project. All these changes indicate that the project is now Original proposal by the company Deviations
Delhi map, location of the plants
reduced to a conventional mass burn incinerator similar to the (as approved by MoEF)
old Timarpur plant that was decommissioned in 1989 due to its
The plant at Timarpur will process 650 TPD of garbage to The Timarpur plant has been dropped. All the RDF production
Eventually, the project developers proposed an expansion inability to handle Indian waste.
produce 225 TPD of RDF. The Okhla site will process 1300 and combustion (2050 TPD) will take place at Okhla.
that included project activity at an additional location: Okhla
TPD of mixed garbage into RDF, and burn this along with the
in south Delhi. In 2006, the company formally changed its
Power Games 225 TPD of RDF from Timarpur to produce 16MW of power.
name to Timarpur-Okhla Waste Management Company Private
Limited (TOWMCL) and proposed the “Integrated Municipal Since the inception of the project, there have been several The Okhla plant will include a biodigester for 100 TPD of Biodigestion is no longer included.
Solid Waste Processing Facility at Timarpur and Okhla.” conflicting reports and changes in the power generation and green waste.
distribution arrangements of the project. These are largely due
According to the Environmental Impact Assessment presented The power plant will have single boiler - single turbine The power plant is to now have 3 boilers - single turbine
to the confusion arising out of the complex structure of the
to the Ministry of Environment and Forests in December 2006, combination. combination.
company ownership and the unproven nature of the technology.
the salient features of the project were:
There will be provision in the plant for firing methane gas The bio-methanation plant is not included in the new plan.
The energy production capacity of the plant was revised three
1. A 650 tons-per-day (TPD) processing plant that will produced from bio-methanation plant. 100 TPD of green waste may be burned directly to produce
times. As discussed above, the project was initially designed to
generate 225 tons of Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) and a 50 power.
produce 15MW of power which was soon revised to 16MW.
TPD bio-methanation plant at Timarpur (North Delhi) In March 2011, an expansion proposal for an additional
2. A 1300 tons-per-day processing plant that will generate 4.9MW was presented before the Expert Appraisal Committee There will be a 4 TPD capacity pelletising facility to This is not part of the new plan.
450 tons of RDF per day, a 100 TPD bio-methanation plant (Thermal Power) of the MoEF. These revisions were made based produce RDF pellets from the biomass and horticultural
and a 16 MW power plant at Okhla (South Delhi). on certain improvements and additions to the plant design. All waste.
the modifications were proposed after the Rapid Environmental
Both the processing facilities together would manage 2,050 TPD Impact Assessment was conducted, but no new studies were Depending on many factors, the gross calorific value of the The gross calorific value of the fuel is now estimated to be
of mixed municipal waste. In its expanded capacity, the project carried out to assess the impacts of the modifications. However, fuel should be around 2600 cal/kg. 1100 - 1500 kcal/kg.
would process 643,500 tons of MSW per year and produce the status of this expansion remains suspended for various
222,750 tons of RDF per year and 5000 m3 of biogas daily. reasons, both legal and financial. The expansion proposal
This raised the capital cost of the expanded project to Rs. might come up in the future for reconsideration. For reducing moisture in the waste, a hot air generator will The altered plan envisages a drying mechanism built into
174.26 crores (US$ 38.7 million), which was later revised to be provided. the boilers which requires 45-60 minutes to reduce the
Rs. 204 crores (US$ 45 million). The reasons for the increase According to all the official documentation, including the Project moisture.
are unclear, as the company continues to provide conflicting Design Document submitted to the CDM Executive Board and
documentation and has made several amendments to the project the Power Purchase Agreements (PPA), the project is expected to
design since its inception. The Table at right provides a list of generate roughly 16MW per day or 98 million units (MUs) per
Timarpur-Okhla > Delhi > India
was to be sold to the Delhi Transco at quoted tariff.” This value, a high proportion of plastics, paper and cardboard must carbon dioxide.13 However, since methane is generated by wet,
problematic provision was observed in the previous PPA with be included for the incinerators to function. These are precisely organic waste which does not burn readily, it is doubtful that much
Delhi Transco and might have been transferred onto the new the materials which the informal sector recycles. Recognizing organic waste will be diverted from the landfills. Furthermore,
PPA with BRPL. Because a copy of the new PPA is not available this threat to their livelihoods, Delhi’s waste pickers have the project fails to take into account the role of Delhi’s informal
for analysis, this cannot be confirmed. begun agitating against the project, holding multiple rallies and recycling sector, which prevents three times more emissions than
demanding that local and national authorities halt the project. the incinerator’s projected emissions reductions. By incinerating
waste that would otherwise be recycled, the project in fact
Destroying Livelihoods - Delhi’s Green Workers
displaces authentic emission reductions achieved by the waste
Photo Credit: Jacqui Kotyk, 2009
Delhi’s waste supports a population of approximately 100,000 Carbon Credits for Destroying Resources workers and overstates its own emissions reductions.
waste pickers,9 who recover nearly 1,600 tons or approximately Despite its social and environmental impacts, the TIMARPUR-
annum. However, as per the Detailed Project Report prepared 15-20% of usable materials such as metal, paper, cardboard, The actual emissions picture worsens when biogenic emissions
OKHLA Waste Management Pvt. Ltd’s integrated waste to
by IL&FS, the plant’s declared power generation capacity was and plastic from the city’s waste. These materials are manually are taken into account. Under the CDM, it has become standard
energy project at Delhi has been registered under the Clean
increased to 19MW/121MUs of which BSES Rajdhani Power or semi-mechanically processed and sold back to the industry as practice for companies to claim that burning biomass—including
Development Mechanism (CDM) for reducing emissions of
Ltd. (BRPL) proposed to purchase 60MUs of power per annum raw material for new products. This saves approximately US$ wood, paper, food waste, and plant material—has no net effect
greenhouse gases. The project, according to its promoters, will
and the balance was to be sold to PTC India Ltd (a government 14,000 per day in operational costs for the city municipality.10 on the climate. Scientists have pointed out that this rule does not
“avoid emissions from organic waste disposal at landfill sites.”
authorized power trading company). The waste pickers are the first link in the value chain of the
The project anticipates offsetting nearly 262,791 tons of CO2 reflect reality—all CO2 has the same effect on the atmosphere,
recycling sector, and by one estimate their efforts prevent the
per annum. This would earn the project participants 2.6 million regardless of source—and its widespread application would have
On January 1st 2008, the project operation contract was emission of 962,133 tons of greenhouse gasses annually, or
CERs or approximately 23 million euros.12 disastrous consequences, including the complete deforestation
awarded to Jindal Urban Infrastructure Ltd. (JUIL), a subsidiary about 3.6 times more than that saved by any waste project
of the planet.14 In the case of the Timarpur-Okhla project only
of Jindal SAW Ltd. JUIL’s bid was the lowest at Rs. 2.833 per accruing carbon credits in India.11
It is true that municipal landfills are one of the primary global 16% of its CO2 emissions from burning waste are reported,
kWh with grants and subsidies and Rs. 2.844 per kWh without
sources of methane, a greenhouse gas 25-72 times as potent as since the other 84% are assumed to be biogenic in origin.15
them. Interestingly, after winning the bid, JUIL declared its intent The Timarpur-Okhla project proposes to process and burn a
to use all the power generated from the project for captive use. quarter of Delhi’s mixed waste. Because incinerators cannot burn
In a letter dated 20 October 2008 to the Ministry of New and only food waste, which is high in moisture and low in calorific Estimated Annual Emissions Reductions from RDF Incinerators and Waste Pickers
Renewable Energy (MNRE), JUIL stated, “We intend to use
the entire power generated by TOWMPL for Captive Power Rajkot
Consumption for manufacturing units of our parent company Chandigarh Excess emisions reductions
M/S Jindal SAW Ltd. at Mundra, Gujarat by having access to
Vijayawada / Guntur claimed assuming 50% recycling
wheeling facility.” 8
Emisions Reductions
A crucial fact was pointed out by the MNRE in its internal Ghazipur (Delhi)
file notes. In a file note dated 3.2.2010 the MNRE recorded
Timarpur-Okhla (Delhi)
that “The Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) also has a clause
according to which M/S TOWMCL [Timarpur-Okhla Waste Pune Waste Pickers
Management Company Limited] can use the entire power Delhi Waste Pickers
for its captive use. This clearly is not in accordance with the 0 200 400 600 800 1000
tender/bidding conditions according to which entire power Photo Credit: Gigie Cruz, GAIA 2010
Estimated annual emisions avoided (ktons CO2e)
Source: L. Cushing,“Waste-to-energy or wasted opportunity? Informal Sector Recycling for Climate Change Mitigation in India.”
Energy and Resources Group, University of California, Berkeley, 2010.
Timarpur-Okhla > Delhi > India
Environmental Health Concerns public hearing. In the case of the Timarpur project, neither the The project has been provided several subsidies by the state found that each waste picker contributes Rs. 246 (US$ 5.47)
As with all incinerators, toxic emissions from the Timarpur plant developers nor the government behaved in accordance with the including a Rs. 10 crore (US$ 2 million) grant by the MNRE worth of free labour per month by recovering the waste. This
are inevitable.16 Considering this, the location of the plant, in true spirit of the EIA requirement. and land from the MCD at a nominal rent. The state has so accounts to a savings of Rs. 89 lakh (US$ 198,000) for the
the midst of a densely populated region of South Delhi, is cause far made no attempts to implement the Municipal Solid Waste municipal corporation23 that would have otherwise spent the
for grave concern. Human settlements are barely 100 meters The announcement for the Public Hearing was made via two (Management and Handling) Rules 2000 in its true spirit by money in transportation and landfilling.
from the plant site. Several colonies, including Sukhdev Vihar, local newspapers on 17-12-2006. The announcement read ensuring segregation at source and encouraging recycling.
Haji Colony, Gaffar Manzil, Jasola Vihar, Noor Nagar, Masih “Public Hearing for environmental clearance to the construction Instead, by backing this project, it encourages waste generation The case for the Timarpur project is based on faulty logic
Garh, Johri Farms, and Sarita Vihar, dot the area. Hospitals of proposed integrated municipal solid waste processing and discourages citizens from segregating waste. and poor assessment of its socio-economic and environmental
such as Holy Family, Fortis-Escorts, and Apollo Indraprastha complex at Okhla —adjacent to existing Sewage Treatment Plant implications. The government’s justification for pushing ahead
are in close proximity to the plant as well. Also important to (STP) Delhi.” 18 The announcement was made within the existing despite massive public opposition is that the project would serve
note is that two crucial wildlife sanctuaries, the Okhla Bird guidelines but failed to communicate the nature of the project Public Opposition the twin purposes of waste management and energy security.
Sanctuary and the Assola Wildlife Sanctuary, fall within 10km and excluded the most crucial fact about power generation. In its Project Design Document for the CDM, the project But this clearly is an untenable way to resolve these critical
radius of the plant site. The project is in violation of city zoning As a result no member of the public appeared at the hearing, proponent has claimed that, “The role of the local population issues, particularly when the social and environmental effects
laws that prohibit the use of the allotted land for purposes other and the project was passed without any objections. After the will be as beneficiary of the project. The project will be would be so clearly detrimental.
than composting, and the Municipal Solid Waste Act of 2000, facts and the prospective impacts of the case became more providing both direct and indirect employment opportunity to
which requires waste processing facilities to be located in close available, the residents demanded a new hearing to present the local people. The project does not propose to displace any
End Notes:
proximity to landfills or as integral part of a landfill. There their objections against the plant. community; it does not have any direct conflict with the people 1 The project proponents have presented several conflicting
are no existing landfills in the selected site, and it is illegal to of the region.” This is a gross misrepresentation of the facts— reports and documents (both official and unofficial) over a
establish a new one due to high population density. The EIA report was not available for public comment at the time the project is facing stiff resistance from local communities, period of six years with different facts, figures, project designs,
of the hearing and has not yet been made available to the public, including the residents of Okhla and the waste pickers of Delhi. etc. This has made the process of information gathering and
The project claims zero emissions through state-of-the-art even four years after the hearing. A Right to Information (RTI) A court case against the plant was filed by affected residents in authoritative presentation of facts very complex. As noted
pollution control technology. However, at an investment of only request was filed with the Delhi Pollution Control Board (DPCC), 2009 and is currently being heard by the Delhi High Court. The in the text, this report is based on certain key documents
Rs. 200 crores (US$ 45 Million) to process 748,250 tons of submitted to the government for the sake of environmental
one of the nodal state agencies mandated to have a copy of agitation of the residents drew the attention of the Environment
RDF per year (TPY), the Timarpur-Okhla project clearly cannot the project EIA as per the law. The DPCC in its response dated Ministry which ordered an inquiry into the environmental
afford state-of-the-art technology. By way of contrast, an RDF 8.6.2010 to the applicant stated that “Information regarding impacts of the plant.
2 Delhi Pollution Control Committee - http://dpcc.delhigovt.
incinerator for processing 230,000 TPY was set up in Rostock, the EIA report of integrated Municipal Solid Waste processing
Germany in 2009 at the cost of 83 million Euros 17 (US$120 facility proposed to be set up in Okhla, Delhi was dealt by the The other impacted population, the waste pickers of Delhi, has 3 Now renamed the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
Million). In modern incinerators, half the construction cost is Ministry of Environment and Forests. Your application has been been pitched in a non-legal battle against the project since it was (MNRE).
allotted to pollution control alone. forwarded to MoEF.” Following this, a RTI application was also first announced. Several demonstrations and rallies have tried to 4 ‘Manual on Municipal Solid Waste Management’, Published
filed with the MoEF by the same applicant in response to which draw attention to the plight of the nearly 100,000 waste pickers
by Central Public Health & Environmental Engineering
the MoEF in a letter dated 16.8.2010 said “As per the records of Delhi whose livelihood will be literally set on fire. Numerous Organization (CPHEEO), Government of India http://
Process Irregularities copy of EIA report is not available, however presentation on studies around the world and in Delhi underline the invaluable
A fundamental requirement when proposing any industrial the EIA, application, public hearing report and Minutes of the contribution of the informal sector in waste recovery.19 20 21 22 files/Manual%20on%20municipal%20solid%20waste%20
project is the environmental impact assessment. In India, this Meeting etc. are available.” Waste management models that integrate waste pickers have management_%20MoUD_GOI_2000.pdf.
process is governed by the Environmental Impact Assessment numerous well-documented social, financial, and environmental 5 Comptroller and Auditor General of India - Union Government
(EIA) Notification 2006 under the auspices of the MoEF. The government has granted permission to proceed with the benefits. According to a study on the informal waste sector in (Scientific Departments) for the year ended 31 March 1990;
There are two steps in the process: the EIA report and the project despite these clear violations of EIA law. Pune conducted by the International Labor Organisation, it was (No.2 of 1991).
6 Frost and Sullivan, “Analysis of Municipal Solid Waste-to- Kumar Choudhary, “Waste and Waste Pickers,”
20 Bikramaditya
Energy Market in India,” 2011 Economic and Political Weekly, 13 December 2003.
7 Executive Summary of the Integrated Municipal Waste 21 Poornima Chikarmane and Lakshmi Narayan, “Formalising
Processing Complex at Timarpur, Delhi prepared by the Livelihood,” Economic and Political Weekly, 7 October 2000.
Timarpur Waste Processing Company Pvt. Ltd.
Environmental Research and Action Group, “Waste
22 Chintan
8 Definition of Wheeling - the act of transporting electric power to Energy or Waste-of-Energy: Social and Economic Impact
over transmission lines. Assessment of WTE projects on wastepickers near Ghazipur
and Okhla Landfills in Delhi,” 2011.
9 Kaul, A Study of Ragpicker Children in Delhi, ILO, 2003.
23 ILO-SNDT,“study of Scrap Collectors, Scrap Traders and
10 Chintan Environmental Research and Action Group, Recycling Enterprises in Pune”, 2001.
“Factsheet: Wastepickers,” Delhi. http://www.chintan-india.
November 2011