Lunar Return Interpretation: Princess Diana

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Princess Diana Princess Diana (LR)

Natal Chart Lunar Return

Saturday, July 1, 1961 Monday, August 18, 1997
7:45:00 PM GMD 12:08:19 PM CED
Sandringham, England Paris, France

Lunar Return Interpretation

The Tropical Zodiac

Psychic Eye Astrology Analysis

Princess Diana
23 G 03 F
H 54 i dj 20 E
10 h 06 01
g 59

08 F F E28 23
H 03 39
38 } 20 12
H59 } D
10 [V9
28 V ` 28
8 D 09 b
S 40
\ S D 03
} 12
12 7
18 T WW ] ] W TT 18
WY 25
1 \
X 6

2 U
U TT 5
} 24
12 49 } B
J J 06 3 4 24 B59
27 K } c
28 f 05 KK
10 28
20 K B 54
59 10
23 A 03
29 D 05
Princess Diana (LR)
E 00 19 C
Lunar Return 27 ` 48

August 18, 1997 25

12:08:19 PM CED b 20
F50 j 16 F
Paris, France B
24 19 F 28
48N41 / 2E20 c 50 } } [
00 G
August 18, 1997 58
10:08:19 AM GMT X W
Tropical Koch True Node 22 U 22
V Y W } 07 A f
44 20 44
d 02
H 31 \ SY W U
House Cusps T
V [X }
10th 29 ♋ 05 1st 22 ♎ 44 20 I
19 50
H } k L
11th 27 ♌ 00 2nd 20 ♏ 28 02 } }
28 i 51 56
12th 24 ♍ 50 3rd 19 ♐ 48 J K K
e a K 00
27 05
19 I
Personal Points 48
h g 27
R.A.M.C. 121 14 29 J 05

Medium Coeli29 ♋ 05 Co Ascendant 24 ♎ 34

Ascendant 22 ♎ 44 Polar Ascendant 27 ♉ 22
Vertex 20 ♉ 00 Equatorial Ascendant 03 ♏ 28

Long. Lat. Decl. R.A.

` 25 ♌ 3004 00 N 00 13 N 01 147 46
a Planets by House
25 ♒ 02 02 N 12 11 S 06 326 34
1 Life
b 16 ♍ 13 ℞ 04 S 05 01 N 40 165 44 3 Substance
5 Angular
2 Succedent
c 00 ♎ 58 00 N 43 00 N 17 181 11 2 Relationships
3 Cadent
d 4 Endings `
02 ♏ 31 00 S 39 12 S 57 210 05
e R a
15 ♒ 51 ℞ 00 S 59 17 S 01 318 37
f Planets by Sign b
20 ♈ 07 ℞ 02 S 38 05 N 26 019 35
g 05 ♒ 56 ℞ 00 S 39 19 S 25 308 29 3 Fire
3 Cardinal
2 Earth U X d
h 27 ♑ 51 ℞ 00 N 25 20 S 11 299 51 5 Fixed
4 Air Y W Q R e
i 02 ♐ 50 12 N 28 08 S 29 243 13 1 Water
2 Mutable
V S f
l 28 ♎ 24 00 N 35 10 S 22 206 36
T S g
m 19 ♑ 52 ℞ 37 N 50 15 N 31 286 10 U W h
n 14 ♌ 17 06 S 00 10 N 48 134 59 V U V i
o 09 ♓ 20 ℞ 15 S 11 22 S 04 347 01 T S V l
p 01 ♉ 19 09 S 25 03 N 06 032 25 Q T S m
q 22 ♎ 44 00 N 00 08 S 51 201 02 S R X U n
r 29 ♋ 05 00 N 00 20 N 20 121 14 \ R ] o
j True 19 ♍ 50 ℞ Mean 20 ♍ 54 ℞ [ W T R W Y p
p o n m l i h g f e d c b a `
Natal Interpretation
The Tropical Zodiac

Psychic Eye Astrology Analysis

Princess Diana

provided by
Psychic Eye Book Shops
Princess Diana

Welcome to your lunar return and monthly cycle outlook. It’s a window on personal
developments and opportunities, and a tool to get more effectively tuned in to your
important monthly rhythms, and to some longer-range ones as well. Here’s an overview
of how it works and how to use it:
There are three primary cosmic rhythms that most affect individual life and destiny:

1.The daily wake/sleep cycle, driven by Earth’s rotation…

2.The yearly cycle of the seasons, determined by Earth’s orbit around the Sun, and…

3.The monthly cycle of lunar rhythms that pulse and accentuate our schedules of
work and play, driven by the Moon’s passage around Earth.

Of these, the most complex and yet easiest to track and use as a daily guide is the
Moon’s. As we go through its 27 1/2 day period, it paints a rhythmic kaleidoscope of the
ups and downs of the individual segments of our lives, including emotional highs and
lows, energy peaks and troughs, financial crests and valleys, together with alternating
periods of mental focus, elation/depression, sexual arousal, career accomplishment,
social standing, popularity, partnership success, health, and creativity. Most of what we
consider to be the general “ups and downs” of daily life are simply our individual
personal areas of sensitivity being pumped by the Moon in a monthly rhythm that is
unique to each one of us.

Repeating Cycles: The Monthly Ride

Individually, it’s conveniently predictable, as each cycle repeats in the same order
each month, though on slightly different days, and if you know when your peak cycles
are coming, you can plan for it and ride them like the waves they are as far as they will
take you. And, when the wave is past, you can rest and avoid fighting the tide as it goes
out, until the next one comes along to pick you up. Just check your calendar, wait for the
incoming wave/tide, and then ride – that’s all it takes.
Astrologically, these waves coincide with when the Moon passes over your
individual birth planets and houses once each month, giving the areas of life concerning
each a temporary boost, then boVoming out two weeks later. Keep an eye on it and
follow its rolling repeats for just a few months, and you’ll always want to stay
consciously plugged into it. It becomes like pumping a swing in the playground, you just
go higher and higher with only a liVle timed input on your part.

The Changing Monthly Overview – the Lunar Return

on the spot where you are (and where you are then is important, too), called a lunar
return. By looking at that chart, you get an idea of the style, priorities, and general
feeling of the month to come, until it expires and the next month’s lunar return
supplants it. Underneath, like the humming engine under an automobile hood, the same

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rolling lunar beat goes on, but with a new style and body design to show off each time –
one month a sedan, the next an SUV, then a utility wagon, then a sports car, maybe even
a racing vehicle, depending on what’s uniquely happening in the sky, never the same

Change Your Month, Change Yourself

It’s always a treat to see what you’re going to be riding in next month, but unlike
most other astrological arenas where you’re stuck with what you get, if you don’t like
the model, you can change it, simply by going someplace else for the day of your lunar
return (solar returns, or yearly birthday charts, work the same way). Traveling even just
a hundred miles or so, in some cases, can change the all-important ascending and
culminating signs and move critical planets to other houses that will give you a radically
different look and style for the month (though it won’t change the chassis, or the engine
beneath) – it’s all up to you.
This report looks at both takes on your coming month, first the part that changes and
is full of surprises to field and take advantage of, and second the regular rhythms that
drive you from beneath, reinforcing your beat and direction, where you need to mind
the music and the step if you want to maximize the best possible results, increasingly,
from month to month.

The Void-of-Course Moon

There is a period of time every couple of days when the transiting Moon has made its
last aspect to another body in the sky before changing signs which is described as a
Void-of-Course Moon period. It can last from a few minutes to over a day, depending
how late in signs the planets are at the time. Because the Moon at this time doesn't really
have its "feet on the ground," it is generally considered a period unfavorable for tangible
decisions that require solid support, but an excellent time for insight, relaxation, and
reaching outside of confining boundaries.

It's generally a bad time to make purchases, sign contracts, start major new ventures
-- anything that you need to rely on down the line. Ordinary daily routine is OK, just not
big moves, as outcome is often wild and unpredictable. Events already in operation at
the time it begins often suddenly lose their footing and destabilize.

On the other hand, it's a great time to relax, party, get creative, and generally float
free -- when what you want is the wild and unpredictable, a break from ordinary and
sometimes confining stability.

Section 1.This Month’s Style: Your Look and Feel

These are the most personal – and changeable – parts of your lunar return. It’s about
what you look like to others (Ascendant), your reputation and career view (Midheaven),
inner personality (Sun), and feelings and emotions (Moon).

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Your Ascendant this month, how you look, dress, what’s in the mirror, what others

Ascendant in Libra  in ♎
You can insert yourself into any state of affairs this month and alter the dynamics of
the situation, so you may be called upon to do just that, seVle others’ issues, set things
right, even when they already are.

Sun sextile Ascendant ☉⚹

[Clearly In Tune]
You look as good as you feel when you just take your image for granted and don’t
feel you have to primp to appear your best. Good looks flow from good feelings, and
you’ve got plenty of both.

Moon trine Ascendant ☽△

[Singing In Tune]
You look simply marvelous, and feel like it, too. BeVer, it’s effortless for the moment,
doesn’t require makeup or a new suit, because it’s just you humming a song you know
so well, from the inside out.

Saturn opposition Ascendant ♄☍

[Weak In The Knees]
There’s something undercuVing your movements this month that makes it all too
easy to lose your positive edge or actually weaken your moves. It could be aVitude, but it
could be physical.

Neptune square Ascendant ♆□

Others may be a bit confused with what they think they see in you this month, which
may simply be an illusion of dress or makeup. Similarly, you may miss the mark while
constructing your own façade.

Your Midheaven this month, what people are saying about you and thus your
professional prospects:

Midheaven in Cancer  in ♋
[Know To Care]
Your caring side is on display this month, or at least talk about it is in the wind, so be
willing to give some extra first-person time with those who try to make contact. You

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might wind up caring more than you thought.

Venus sextile Midheaven ♀⚹

[Easy Praise]
Wherever you are choosing to display your charms, it’s geVing traction among the
public at large, without your having to do more than be yourself. It’s a good plan, keep it

Mars square Midheaven ♂□

[Against The Wind]
Your best efforts may not be having the effect on your reputation you’d like, so
perhaps you should point them elsewhere for the moment. Relax and float downstream,
don’t fight the wind.

Uranus opposition Midheaven ♅☍

[Inconsistent Tales]
Contrary leaks about what you’re up to can require patching or explaining, as one
story won’t seem to match another, even though they may all be part of a larger truth.
Put out the public relations fires and move on.

Neptune opposition Midheaven ♆☍

[Confusing Advertising]
Maybe you misrepresented yourself, or maybe you were misinterpreted, but there is
some uncertainty about what exactly is going on with you in the air. Find and correct, as

Pluto trine Midheaven △

[Natural Dominance]
Word has it that you’re naturally on top of what you do, so why bother to compete
with you? And, why bother to contradict that welcome belief? Enjoy your status, don’t
rock your own boat.

Your Sun this month, how and where your inner personality shines forth:

Sun in the 10th house ☉ in 10th

[Limelight ]
They’re talking about you, and you want to take all possible advantage of what they
say. Promote your achievements, or beVer, let yourself be endorsed and graciously
receive kudos…

Sun opposition Moon ☉☍☽

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[Confidence Challenge]
Your self-image and your feelings may be in conflict, which can undercut your
confidence and ability to respond, so avoid decisive situations if you can…resolution is
the keyword for the month.

Sun opposition Jupiter ☉☍♃

[Rolling And Tumbling]
Positive prospects can trip you up and get you out of balance, stumbling when it’s
too much, too soon. Overdoing it, or misdirected expansion, can waste good possibilities.
Fools rush in, so don’t be one.

Sun trine Saturn ☉△♄

[Experience Speaks]
You can lean back a liVle and enjoy a slower inner pace because you know you’ve got
time and are on the right track. No rush, you’ll get there, and in just the right time for the
accomplishment you’re expecting.

Sun square Pluto ☉□

[Inside Force Play]
You can get yourself into pointless power plays this month which only spin
everyone’s wheels, especially including yours. Don’t waste the energy, wait for the
currently-unlikely consensus, then proceed.

Your Moon this month, the mix of feelings and emotions that are especially on tap:

Moon in the 4th house ☽ in 4th

[Feeling Firm]
You will feel quietly secure when you know you're on solid ground and you share
fundamental understandings at the most meaningful levels. Time to run silent, run deep.

Sun opposition Moon ☉☍☽

[Confidence Challenge]
Your self-image and your feelings may be in conflict, which can undercut your
confidence and ability to respond, so avoid decisive situations if you can…resolution is
the keyword for the month.

Moon trine Mars ☽△♂

[Play It Like It Lays]
It’s easy to intuit how to make your moves this month, as action flows from reaction

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like hand in glove. It makes you feel good about what you’re doing, and do things that
make you feel good.

Moon conjunct Jupiter ☽☌♃

[Double Scoop Sundae]
An abundance of good feelings overflows with plenty enough to spread about to
your surroundings. If you overdo it, however, later you may feel a liVle silly at the level
of your enthusiasm.

Moon sextile Saturn ☽⚹♄

[Steady As You Go]
It’s easy to feel stable right now, and even to be someone to lean on for those in a
more shaky state of heart. Emotional peaks are compressed, so overreaction doesn’t
happen, and understatement becomes an art.

Moon square Pluto ☽□

[Emotional Power Plays]
It can feel like you’re geVing pushed around, even if you’re the one doing the
pushing, so when competition or jealousies close in, beVer to withdraw than get drawn
in. Push and shove drives out love.

Section 2. Monthly Maneuvers: Your Goals and Action Plan

The inner “personal” planets Mercury, Venus, and Mars paint the way in which your
plans (Mercury), desires (Venus), and actions (Mars) combine to set your daily table, get
you what you want by seVing your goals and making it all happen.

Your Mercury this month, the way you organize your head, structure your intentions,
communicate and network, tie it all together:

Mercury in the 11th house ☿ in 11th

[Stairway To Heaven]
Organizing your inner circle is the order of the month, and the beVer that’s done, the
higher you all climb, together. Share the plan, fuel the ambition.

Your Venus this month, your needs and desires, from love to food to money, what/
who you are hot for and is hot for you:

Venus in the 12th house ♀ in 12th

[Hidden Desires]
The need to have things you maybe shouldn’t could get you into trouble if you’re not

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careful. But if you’re clever, you can benefit from both front and back doors without
anyone the wiser except yourself.

Venus trine Uranus ♀△♅

[The Cause That Refreshes]
New tastes, a leading-edge appetite, original design all make you someone who is
exciting and enjoyable to pursue right now. You can turn oddity into celebrity, just by
showing how easy it can be.

Venus trine Neptune ♀△♆

[Ideal Diet]
Whether it’s love, money, or other pleasant objects of desire, fantasy becomes reality
without a struggle because you don’t try to force it, just let it happen. Imagine it, and
there it is, in your hand.

Venus sextile Pluto ♀⚹

[Satisfaction Guaranteed]
If you’re confident you’ll get what you want, chances are you’ll get it without a fight
this month. Just lay back and let it happen, while fate provides. Stay open to the
possibilities, and in they’ll come.

Your Mars this month, your physical energy, actions, assertiveness, fuel and
speedometer rating, the fire inside:

Mars in the 1st house ♂ in 1st

[Jump In The Game]
You’re in the first with the most this month, and the challenge will be to stay in first
place farther down the track. Energy is up-front, fired-up, and front-runner ready the
moment the gates open.

Moon trine Mars ☽△♂

[Play It Like It Lays]
It’s easy to intuit how to make your moves this month, as action flows from reaction
like hand in glove. It makes you feel good about what you’re doing, and do things that
make you feel good.

Mars square Uranus ♂□♅

[Tumultuous Two-Step]
It’s a minefield with no clear way out, explosions all around, more to come, so what
do you do? Stop, sit down, and wait until the situation changes, the minesweeper comes
and goes, and you quietly walk away unharmed.

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Mars square Neptune ♂□♆

[Drained At The Pump]
No maVer how much you fuel up, now the power just leaks away through
mysterious cracks and crevices, draining detours, private pressures. Don’t waste gas,
switch off the ignition, try it again later.

Section 3. Opportunities: Opening Doors, Closing Windows

The middle (social) planets Jupiter and Saturn are about the opportunities and
limitations set by your immediate social and financial environment, who’s helping,
who’s not, what to invest wisely in and what’s likely to bring you down. Jupiter tends to
be the upside, Saturn the downside.

Your Jupiter this month, where opportunity knocks, big doings await, prosperity and
good times await or elude:

Jupiter in the 4th house ♃ in 4th

[Palatial Underpinnings]
Your house is not just your home this month, it’s your palace, or so you can make it
appear simply by your pride in who you are and where you come from. Go ahead, show
it off, you offer the best.

Sun opposition Jupiter ☉☍♃

[Rolling And Tumbling]
Positive prospects can trip you up and get you out of balance, stumbling when it’s
too much, too soon. Overdoing it, or misdirected expansion, can waste good possibilities.
Fools rush in, so don’t be one.

Moon conjunct Jupiter ☽☌♃

[Double Scoop Sundae]
An abundance of good feelings overflows with plenty enough to spread about to
your surroundings. If you overdo it, however, later you may feel a liVle silly at the level
of your enthusiasm.

Your Saturn this month, surrounding situations which may hold you back or on a
good day wisely keep you from overreaching.

Saturn in the 6th house ♄ in 6th

[Trim Ship]
A good time to cut back and simplify your schedule and cut out time-wasting

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activities that don’t actually produce. Economy of motion is the key, how to accomplish
the most with the simplest routine.

Sun trine Saturn ☉△♄

[Experience Speaks]
You can lean back a liVle and enjoy a slower inner pace because you know you’ve got
time and are on the right track. No rush, you’ll get there, and in just the right time for the
accomplishment you’re expecting.

Moon sextile Saturn ☽⚹♄

[Steady As You Go]
It’s easy to feel stable right now, and even to be someone to lean on for those in a
more shaky state of heart. Emotional peaks are compressed, so overreaction doesn’t
happen, and understatement becomes an art.

Section 4. Background Trends

The outer planets are the slow-movers you don’t generally live to see come full circle,
part of the larger picture of which your life is only a small part but which may be
directly affecting you. The evolutions of national and world politics, economics, religious
and moral trends, wars and migrations, boom times and depressions, all are out of your
control, but they can control you, for beVer or worse.

Your Uranus this month, what’s shaking things up, unexpected change, shocks to
your expectations, brilliant breakthroughs, sudden turnarounds, off the edge

Uranus in the 4th house ♅ in 4th

[Stormy Castle]
If you’re seeking quiet and security at home, this month may shock you, as that’s
where the surprises lie, which can destabilize or blow away tired presumptions, bringing
in fresh air in a big gust.

Venus trine Uranus ♀△♅

[The Cause That Refreshes]
New tastes, a leading-edge appetite, original design all make you someone who is
exciting and enjoyable to pursue right now. You can turn oddity into celebrity, just by
showing how easy it can be.

Mars square Uranus ♂□♅

[Tumultuous Two-Step]
It’s a minefield with no clear way out, explosions all around, more to come, so what

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do you do? Stop, sit down, and wait until the situation changes, the minesweeper comes
and goes, and you quietly walk away unharmed.

Uranus sextile Pluto ♅⚹

[Rolling Destiny]
Between revolutions and periods of social upheaval there are times like this when
society’s gears seem like they’re meshing nicely. Enjoy it, make the best of it, before the
wheel turns yet again.

Your Neptune this month, dreams and fantasies, hopeful and wishful thinking, the
perhaps unaVainable but desirable creative muse, always great and heady if you can get
a piece, sometimes sad and confusing if you don’t:

Neptune in the 3rd house ♆ in 3rd

[Mysterious Phrases]
The more you try to clear things up verbally or even on paper, the more ambiguous
the conversation seems to get. The imagination soars, but it may not be reality, at least
not until next month.

Venus trine Neptune ♀△♆

[Ideal Diet]
Whether it’s love, money, or other pleasant objects of desire, fantasy becomes reality
without a struggle because you don’t try to force it, just let it happen. Imagine it, and
there it is, in your hand.

Mars square Neptune ♂□♆

[Drained At The Pump]
No maVer how much you fuel up, now the power just leaks away through
mysterious cracks and crevices, draining detours, private pressures. Don’t waste gas,
switch off the ignition, try it again later.

Your Pluto this month, ongoing forces of destiny or just naked power that can push
you ahead or shove you down, regardless of how you handle it. Inside, it can be
unaddressed needs that drive you, sometimes exciting and arousing, sometimes hurtful
and unfair, always to be wary of:

Pluto in the 2nd house  in 2nd

[Dictates Of Necessity]
Money tells the story this month, and it must be obeyed, as otherwise it will take no
prisoners. The financial wedge is the deciding tool, in whatever dealing you’re involved

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with, so use it wisely.

Sun square Pluto ☉□

[Inside Force Play]
You can get yourself into pointless power plays this month which only spin
everyone’s wheels, especially including yours. Don’t waste the energy, wait for the
currently-unlikely consensus, then proceed.

Moon square Pluto ☽□

[Emotional Power Plays]
It can feel like you’re geVing pushed around, even if you’re the one doing the
pushing, so when competition or jealousies close in, beVer to withdraw than get drawn
in. Push and shove drives out love.

Venus sextile Pluto ♀⚹

[Satisfaction Guaranteed]
If you’re confident you’ll get what you want, chances are you’ll get it without a fight
this month. Just lay back and let it happen, while fate provides. Stay open to the
possibilities, and in they’ll come.

Uranus sextile Pluto ♅⚹

[Rolling Destiny]
Between revolutions and periods of social upheaval there are times like this when
society’s gears seem like they’re meshing nicely. Enjoy it, make the best of it, before the
wheel turns yet again.

Lunar Return Ascendant conjunct natal Midheaven ☌

[Broadcast From Above]
Your in-person image is at one with your general reputation this month, kind of like
being on camera where strangers get to see what you actually look like. No hiding place,
so be true to yourself, and to your chosen script, without fail.

Lunar Return Sun conjunct natal Mars ☉☌♂

[From Strength To Strength]
This month marks a yearly energy boost that allows you to push forward more
strongly, on either physical or career levels. You can go farther and longer, and your
eagerness level is up, so it’s contagious.

Lunar Return Sun conjunct natal Uranus ☉☌♅

[Worlds of Discovery]
This month highlights your more inventive side, so pay special aVention to
inspiration that comes in like a bolt from the blue. It could be a mental or emotional

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flash, or just something novel happening around you.

Lunar Return Mars conjunct natal Neptune ♂☌♆

[Fire The Imagination]
A biennial surge sparks your creative urge and makes it possible for you to act on
dormant dreams and fantasies that need aVending. LeVing sleeping dogs lie is like
having no dogs at all, so wake them up.

Lunar Return Jupiter conjunct natal Moon ♃☌☽

[Happy Feelings]
This month highlights a twelve-year cycle of emotional highs and expanding feelings
of great possibilities and well-being. Everything immediately gets a positive spin, and
that makes it happen that way.

Lunar Return Uranus conjunct natal Jupiter ♅☌♃

[Wild Possibilities]
Your ability to develop new growth comes in surges, erratically, and your inspiration
is to do it in unusual, perhaps even strange, directions. Follow your muse. What may
seem weird at the moment may be the wave of the future.

Lunar Return Neptune conjunct natal Jupiter ♆☌♃

[Ambiguous Ambition]
However big your plans, they could be bigger, and the pursuit of making them
perfect beyond possibility can hamper geVing them accomplished. Tightening your
focus may be a challenge, but necessary this year.

Lunar Return Neptune conjunct natal Saturn ♆☌♄

[Uncertain Certainty]
It may be hard to know what the rules are this year, as their sharp edges have lost
their focus and formerly firm ground has goVen a bit soft. Falsehood seeks this soggy
terrain, so be careful to be as true as possible, despite all.

The Daily News, All Month Long

Throughout the month, the rhythms of the planets highlight both the lunar return
and your own natal birth chart. These give special qualities to each day, with
opportunities and possible pitfalls to match. Some of these are one-shots which you’ll
never see again, others part of a monthly rhythm that you will see every month and
should strive to get in tune to, to get ahead of the curve.

What you’ll see here:

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Transits to the lunar return planets and houses – these are small tweaks to your
transient monthly style. They’ll happen again next month, but on totally different days
for a different lunar return. Worth a look, but won’t come back to haunt you. Use them
and forget them, like a handy but disposable tissue.

Lunar cycle rhythms of the natal chart planets and houses – these will come back
every month (in the same order, with the same advice, in your next report), so note them
carefully, get into tune with them, learn to plan and make room for them ahead of time.
The beVer you know these, the more you’ll be on top of and even ahead of yourself every
month. Remember them.

New and full Moons, – these are the big, monthly tidal rhythms, the overall ebb and
flow of intensity that affect not only you , but everybody, regardless, from ordinary
mortals to would-be werewolves, vampires, and freelance lunatics.

August 18, 1997

Full Moon in natal 3rd house ☽ in 3rd
12:55:26 PM CED
[Crazy Talk]
Time to connect to everybody you know and make the most of the networking
you’ve done for the last year. Communicate like mad, get out there and speak your
mind, rake in the replies.

Full Moon in Lunar Return 4th house ☽ in 4th

12:55:26 PM CED
[Checking Out]
The temporary home base you have made for the month is at its most useful now, so
it may be time to use it up and move on to the next. Don’t wait until you see diminishing
returns, when you’ll have to pay extra for it.

Transiting Moon Enters Lunar Return 5th house ☽ in 5th

3:15:55 PM CED
[New Party]
Don’t let having fun be a repeat, until it isn’t fun anymore. Try something fresh,
adventurous, at a different time and place, with different people. It’s about waking up
your senses to new pleasures.

Transiting Moon opposition Natal Mars ☽☍♂

10:37:14 PM CED
[Breathe Out]
This is your physical energy low, when you need to begin the cycle of buildup to
more exciting days to come. Work may be in a slough, muscle tone and chi generally less

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in gear, time to prepare, not deliver.

August 19, 1997

Transiting Moon opposition Natal Pluto ☽☍
5:35:28 AM CED
Not for you to say do or die, your way or the highway, right now, so let someone else
take charge of the fray. Avoid confrontations and you won’t miss them, and neither will
anyone else around you.

August 20, 1997

Transiting Moon Enters Lunar Return 6th house ☽ in 6th
11:27:21 AM CED
Break your regular regimen and try a new one for a moment. Whether it’s what you
eat, when you rise, or any other daily ritual, put it into a new rhythm, if only to beVer
appreciate the old.

August 22, 1997

Transiting Moon conjunct Lunar Return Saturn ☽☌♄
4:29:33 AM CED
[Resting Place]
A pause to catch your breath and make sure current operations are stable and under
control can be a relief today. On the other hand, pushing too hard will likely just meet
with frustration, blockage.

Transiting Moon Enters Lunar Return 7th house ☽ in 7th

8:49:37 AM CED
[Team Substitute]
You can lose interest in the way you partner, and the person involved, if you don’t
switch off now and then, to get a fresh feeling of interaction. Try new timing, someone
fresh, just this once, to clear the air.

Transiting Moon Enters natal 4th house ☽ in 4th

9:20:44 AM CED
[Homeward Bound]
Take the next couple of days to take care of business at home, if you have the time, in
general make room for the room you live in and the surrounding space that gives you
the firm foundation from which you operate.

Transiting Moon opposition Natal Midheaven ☽☍

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9:20:44 AM CED
[Where The Heart Is ]
The opposite end of your monthly career cycle, this is the perfect time to stay home
and enjoy the pleasures of the fundamentals of life and family, put off the outside world
until you’ve got the ambitious itch again.

August 23, 1997

Transiting Moon opposition Natal Neptune ☽☍♆
11:35:43 AM CED
[Just Ordinary]
You’re not exactly in dreamland this part of the month, and a liVle hard-to-find
imagination would help, but seems to elude. Call it creatively tired, or just uninspired,
tend to business as usual until the vision returns.

Transiting Moon Enters natal 5th house ☽ in 5th

3:29:08 PM CED
[Play Time]
Whether it’s playing music, playing with kids, or simple bedroom play, the next
couple of days are open to party and create more fun in your life, rekindle your spark for
living and loving.

August 24, 1997

Transiting Moon Enters Lunar Return 8th house ☽ in 8th
8:04:33 AM CED
[Throwing It Out]
Time to reevaluate what you keep and what you discard – also where you use
someone else’s stuff instead of your own. Don’t borrow, don’t lend, and double-check
what you think is trash.

Transiting Moon conjunct Natal Venus ☽☌♀

2:59:09 PM CED
[Want It, Get It]
Whether it’s love, money, or anything aVractive, this is your monthly peak of desire
when you can expect to receive and enjoy. Scoop it up, take it in, set some aside for later
in the month when it’s less available.

Transiting Moon Enters natal 6th house ☽ in 6th

11:06:17 PM CED
Couldn’t hurt to turn your aVention for a few days to picking up on details,
rearranging your schedule, and generally organizing the everyday affairs that make your

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life run smoothly, on time.

August 26, 1997

Transiting Moon opposition Natal Ascendant ☽☍
10:27:04 AM CED
You’re not the first pick of the liVer this time of month, but your partner could be, so
find someone else to share the spotlight with, enjoy their light and make it your own.
Time to be a team player, pass the ball.

Transiting Moon Enters natal 7th house ☽ in 7th

10:27:04 AM CED
[Turning Outward]
The next few days are partner perfect, so don’t rely on yourself when you can lean on
someone else for support, affection, and who knows what else. Time to hand it off and
play ball, together.

Transiting Moon Enters Lunar Return 9th house ☽ in 9th

1:02:57 PM CED
[Open Your Head]
Now’s the opportunity to consider a totally different way of looking at things. Maybe
life is fundamentally different than you thought. Consider new beliefs and try them on,
before you snap back to the old.

August 27, 1997

Transiting Moon conjunct Natal Mercury ☽☌☿
2:15:12 PM CED
[Say It With Words]
Your monthly Mercury peak puts words in your mouth and ideas in your head, so
speak your mind and write down your clever concoctions, as you’re on top of your
mental game. Put your plan forward now, for later.

August 28, 1997

Transiting Moon conjunct Natal Sun ☽☌☉
2:37:14 AM CED
[Feels Like Home]
At the top of your Sun-sign cycle right now, in all its uniqueness and glory, you can
get the aVention you want if you just step out and receive the accolade. The biggest
monthly boost, so don’t waste it.

Transiting Moon Enters natal 8th house ☽ in 8th

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8:00:52 AM CED
[Evaluating Needs]
It’s a good couple of days for assessing what you need to keep or throw away, and
what may be necessary to get elsewhere. Recycle what you can, borrow or use credit
when you need to.

August 29, 1997

Transiting Moon opposition Natal Saturn ☽☍♄
1:59:40 PM CED
[Soft Ground, Hard Choices]
Your resistance to change is low, which might make for action but also can catch you
off-guard, more easily sideswiped or lured into unwise actions that won’t support you
later. Wait until you’re sure before acquiescing.

Transiting Moon conjunct Lunar Return Midheaven ☽☌

4:30:24 PM CED
[In The Wind]
A breath of good news for what you’re promoting this month is in the air, so see if
you can catch it and blow it up bigger. Turn rumor into fact, fulfill imagined promises,
show off your accomplishments.

Transiting Moon Enters Lunar Return 10th house ☽ in 10th

4:30:24 PM CED
[A New Career]
Thinking of shifting careers in mid-stream? Maybe not, but maybe you should be, if
only to refresh what you normally do, get to know it from a new perspective, and
consider the alternatives.

August 30, 1997

Transiting Moon opposition Natal Jupiter ☽☍♃
4:24:55 AM CED
[Mending And Tending]
This is your monthly expansion low, when it’s beVer to patch up and police what’s
already in operation than launch something new. Make the most of what you’ve
invested in before you throw more effort, money elsewhere.

August 31, 1997

Transiting Moon Enters natal 9th house ☽ in 9th
12:13:04 PM CED
[The Big Picture]
Time is well-spent the next few days backing off the small stuff and geVing a handle

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on what makes it all come together in your life. Travel – on your feet or just in your head
– broadens, for sure.

Transiting Moon conjunct Natal Uranus ☽☌♅

4:58:10 PM CED
[Where The Wild Things Are]
Your monthly peak of inventiveness and discovery can have the unusual jumping out
of the box and startle everyone, but original approaches that pop up now can be mined
all month long when inspiration wanes.

Transiting Moon opposition Natal Moon ☽☍☽

8:24:23 PM CED
This monthly lunar low finds feelings flagging, less emotional entanglement and
interaction. A great time for dispassionately evaluating relationships, because there’s less
passion to interfere with your judgment.

Transiting Moon conjunct Lunar Return Sun ☽☌☉

9:20:32 PM CED
This month’s efforts get a sudden boost, like they didn’t really get started until just
now. If you need to repeat steps to get it all in sync, do so, and you’ll get beVer
momentum the rest of the month.

September 1, 1997
Transiting Moon Enters Lunar Return 11th house ☽ in 11th
12:23:18 AM CED
[Heaven Is A Place]
What’s the best place in the world for you? Among close friends, in a fancy
restaurant, seeking personal enlightenment? Maybe it’s someplace you never
considered…time to give that some thought.

Transiting Moon conjunct Natal Mars ☽☌♂

9:46:57 AM CED
[Make It Happen]
Your monthly energy peak has you running at your hoVest, with power to spare, so
spare no effort in geVing what you need done while your strength is up. Time for work
decisions and startups to get underway.

Transiting Moon conjunct Natal Pluto ☽☌

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6:42:36 PM CED
[Stopping Point]
This monthly power cycle brings issues that may have to be dealt with forcefully,
unless you can manage a tactical evasion to prevent it. You can push and shove to get
your way, but beVer to let a surrogate do it if possible.

September 2, 1997
New Moon in Lunar Return 11th house ☽ in 11th
1:51:34 AM CED
[Silver And Gold]
Make new friends, but keep the old…now’s the time for it, even just for temporary
admiVance into the halls of your precious few. Just being inclusive elevates everybody
for the moment.

New Moon in natal 9th house ☽ in 9th

1:51:34 AM CED
Time to get a new grip on how it’s all put together, your world view. The world has
goVen bigger over the last year, so don’t be content with the size you were wearing.
Grow with it, expand your horizons.

Transiting Moon conjunct Lunar Return Mercury ☽☌☿

3:24:16 PM CED
[Bright Ideas]
The flash of genius needed to make this month work may just be hiVing, so keep
your mind open for a perk in planning, an emphasis in reorganization that allows it all to
come together as intended.

September 3, 1997
Transiting Moon Enters Lunar Return 12th house ☽ in 12th
8:57:30 AM CED
[Bad Dream]
One person’s minor slip-up is another’s personal nightmare, and you can avoid either
or both right now: just stop, look, and listen for that unscheduled train before you rush
onto the track.

Transiting Moon conjunct Lunar Return Venus ☽☌♀

9:28:15 PM CED
[Step Up And Get It]
The move you need to make in order to get the juice out of the month is on tap today,
so don’t miss the opportunity. That extra bit of mutual aVraction to bring love or money

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(or both) is within reach, so grasp it.

September 5, 1997
Transiting Moon Enters Lunar Return 1st house ☽ in 1st
5:35:30 PM CED
Your new look for this month is particularly emphasized for the next few days, so
play the part and make the most of it, as it likely will be a new game yet again in only a
few weeks.

Transiting Moon conjunct Lunar Return Ascendant ☽☌

5:35:30 PM CED
[Refresh Your Face]
The face you’ve put on for the month gets a free boost today, so straighten up your
costume, throw yourself back into the play, and let your chosen persona of the moment
work its magic for you.

Transiting Moon Enters natal 10th house ☽ in 10th

6:13:14 PM CED
[Maaers That Maaer]
Time to get down to business and do some business for a few days, throw yourself
into career maVers or pursue your life’s most important purposes. You get your
reputation by making it, now.

Transiting Moon conjunct Natal Midheaven ☽☌

6:13:14 PM CED
[Professional Contacts]
This work and reputation peak is when you’re most likely to get noticed
professionally, find your ambitions confirmed, generally get extra PR and notice from
the outside world. It’s what’s up, and it’s you.

September 6, 1997
Transiting Moon conjunct Lunar Return Mars ☽☌♂
1:10:11 PM CED
[A Quick Move]
The flash of energy and push to put you where you want to be this month sparks
today, so fire away at your intended target. You don’t even have to squeeze the trigger,
shooting from the hip may do just fine.

September 7, 1997

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Transiting Moon conjunct Natal Neptune ☽☌♆

1:20:14 AM CED
[Fountain Of Dreams]
This is the time of month when you refresh yourself at the fountain of fantasy,
creativity, hopes, and dreams. Don’t worry about feasibility, only desirability, and work
out how you want to work it out later.

Transiting Moon Enters natal 11th house ☽ in 11th

5:49:17 AM CED
[Rare Air]
Spend a few days Enters up in the world – that can mean keeping the very best
company of closest friends or finding new colleagues who will help you up the ladder of
success, your own elite.

September 8, 1997
Transiting Moon Enters Lunar Return 2nd house ☽ in 2nd
12:32:55 AM CED
[Pocket Power]
This month’s new approach to handling your finances and spending is emphasized,
so get out of your old paVerns, try out something new. Think it over before you buy,
invest in something else.

Transiting Moon opposition Natal Venus ☽☍♀

8:09:21 AM CED
[Slim Pickings]
This is a low-appetite phase of the month, which is just as well, as it’s not that good
for geVing what you’d like, anyway. A good time to find out if you took as much as you
needed earlier, or need to readjust input for next month.

Transiting Moon Enters natal 12th house ☽ in 12th

4:56:49 PM CED
[Behind The Scenes]
You’re not quite camera-ready for the next day or so, so don’t leap into the spotlight
prematurely. Spend time perfecting your costume and makeup before your next stage

September 9, 1997
Transiting Moon conjunct Lunar Return Pluto ☽☌
12:18:15 AM CED
[Blockade Runner]’
Don’t let sudden obstacles in the middle of the road stop your progress. That’s what

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side streets are for, and confrontations avoided now allow you to outdistance those left
behind grappling for control.

September 10, 1997

Transiting Moon Enters natal 1st house ☽ in 1st
5:23:28 AM CED
[Go-go Time]
On your busiest monthly lunar peak for a couple of days, so make personal
appearances, get out in front of your public, just be there and be seen. The focus is on
you, so grab it, run with it.

Transiting Moon conjunct Natal Ascendant ☽☌

5:23:28 AM CED
[Front And Center]
This is usually the peak cycle of the whole month, when you get the most notice and
can make your presence known more easily, even without trying. Sally forth, or simply
wait for the message that you’re wanted.

Transiting Moon Enters Lunar Return 3rd house ☽ in 3rd

7:57:21 AM CED
[New Subject Maaer]
Something new to talk about is at the tip of your tongue, if you just let it out. The
same with those you’re addressing, try someone new, add a different style to your
personal network.

September 11, 1997

Transiting Moon opposition Natal Mercury ☽☍☿
8:05:03 AM CED
This mental low point is a good time to let your mind rest, don’t force yourself to
come up with solutions, turn to others for advice or just let plans ride until there’s a
beVer idea in the wind.

Transiting Moon opposition Natal Sun ☽☍☉

7:27:17 PM CED
[Weary All]
This is often the lowest, most tapped out portion of the month, when personal energy
is low or restless, there’s less engagement and encouragement than usual, a good time to
step away from it all.

September 12, 1997

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Transiting Moon Enters natal 2nd house ☽ in 2nd

12:19:30 AM CED
[Cash Flowing]
The emphasis on money in and out makes this couple of days important for your
boVom line this month, so pay aVention on geVing it, keeping it, and spending, but not
overspending, where needed.

September 13, 1997

Transiting Moon conjunct Natal Saturn ☽☌♄
2:30:29 AM CED
[Stabilizers On]
This monthly peak may not seem like one, because it’s about slowing things down
and taking the more careful path. Restrictions seem to rise, but they may also be fail-safe
backup points you’ll want to keep.

Transiting Moon conjunct Lunar Return Neptune ☽☌♆

2:33:26 AM CED
[A Faint Suggestion]
Wisps of imagination could be the threads of something stronger if you’re listening
today. Listen to the still, small voice that calls you, then decide if it’s real enough to
invest in, tag on to a dream.

Transiting Moon Enters Lunar Return 4th house ☽ in 4th

4:38:26 AM CED
Come home at a new time for a couple of days, and do something out of the ordinary
when you do, like revamp the place. It could be a whole new rhythm for you, just
because it’s a new look.

Transiting Moon conjunct Natal Jupiter ☽☌♃

2:38:03 PM CED
[Big Plans]
You’re at your expansive peak for the month, so thinking large is the order of the day.
Tend to the big picture now and expect input to come in that affects major efforts already
in operation, swell your part in them.

Transiting Moon conjunct Lunar Return Uranus ☽☌♅

4:00:55 PM CED
[Points Of Light]
Slightly unstable ground could trip you and have you seeing stars – or a glimpse of
unexpected starlight could put you en route to higher places. Look for the unexpected,

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let it work for you.

September 14, 1997

Transiting Moon conjunct Lunar Return Jupiter ☽☌♃
8:15:04 AM CED
[A Size Larger]
This month’s possibilities are kicked up a notch and grow into something even more
promising if you catch the wind today. It won’t last forever, but it could mean a critical
point of ambitious departure.

Transiting Moon Enters natal 3rd house ☽ in 3rd

4:32:10 PM CED
[Talk On]
The next day or so open up the wires for communication, so get on the horn and
make contact, network, interact, and spark the neurons that inspire yourself and others,
put it all together.

Transiting Moon opposition Natal Uranus ☽☍♅

8:19:32 PM CED
[Dull Blades Don’t Carve]
You’re at your least original and inventive point in the month, when incisive
solutions may not be available. Don’t go with a worn-out tool, wait until you’re
sharpened up again to tackle the tough cuts.

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