Lunar Return Interpretation: Princess Diana
Lunar Return Interpretation: Princess Diana
Lunar Return Interpretation: Princess Diana
08 F F E28 23
H 03 39
38 } 20 12
H59 } D
10 [V9
28 V ` 28
8 D 09 b
S 40
\ S D 03
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12 7
18 T WW ] ] W TT 18
WY 25
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X 6
2 U
U TT 5
} 24
12 49 } B
J J 06 3 4 24 B59
27 K } c
28 f 05 KK
10 28
20 K B 54
59 10
23 A 03
29 D 05
Princess Diana (LR)
E 00 19 C
Lunar Return 27 ` 48
provided by
Psychic Eye Book Shops
Princess Diana
Welcome to your lunar return and monthly cycle outlook. It’s a window on personal
developments and opportunities, and a tool to get more effectively tuned in to your
important monthly rhythms, and to some longer-range ones as well. Here’s an overview
of how it works and how to use it:
There are three primary cosmic rhythms that most affect individual life and destiny:
2.The yearly cycle of the seasons, determined by Earth’s orbit around the Sun, and…
3.The monthly cycle of lunar rhythms that pulse and accentuate our schedules of
work and play, driven by the Moon’s passage around Earth.
Of these, the most complex and yet easiest to track and use as a daily guide is the
Moon’s. As we go through its 27 1/2 day period, it paints a rhythmic kaleidoscope of the
ups and downs of the individual segments of our lives, including emotional highs and
lows, energy peaks and troughs, financial crests and valleys, together with alternating
periods of mental focus, elation/depression, sexual arousal, career accomplishment,
social standing, popularity, partnership success, health, and creativity. Most of what we
consider to be the general “ups and downs” of daily life are simply our individual
personal areas of sensitivity being pumped by the Moon in a monthly rhythm that is
unique to each one of us.
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rolling lunar beat goes on, but with a new style and body design to show off each time –
one month a sedan, the next an SUV, then a utility wagon, then a sports car, maybe even
a racing vehicle, depending on what’s uniquely happening in the sky, never the same
It's generally a bad time to make purchases, sign contracts, start major new ventures
-- anything that you need to rely on down the line. Ordinary daily routine is OK, just not
big moves, as outcome is often wild and unpredictable. Events already in operation at
the time it begins often suddenly lose their footing and destabilize.
On the other hand, it's a great time to relax, party, get creative, and generally float
free -- when what you want is the wild and unpredictable, a break from ordinary and
sometimes confining stability.
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Your Ascendant this month, how you look, dress, what’s in the mirror, what others
Ascendant in Libra in ♎
You can insert yourself into any state of affairs this month and alter the dynamics of
the situation, so you may be called upon to do just that, seVle others’ issues, set things
right, even when they already are.
Your Midheaven this month, what people are saying about you and thus your
professional prospects:
Midheaven in Cancer in ♋
[Know To Care]
Your caring side is on display this month, or at least talk about it is in the wind, so be
willing to give some extra first-person time with those who try to make contact. You
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Your Sun this month, how and where your inner personality shines forth:
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[Confidence Challenge]
Your self-image and your feelings may be in conflict, which can undercut your
confidence and ability to respond, so avoid decisive situations if you can…resolution is
the keyword for the month.
Your Moon this month, the mix of feelings and emotions that are especially on tap:
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like hand in glove. It makes you feel good about what you’re doing, and do things that
make you feel good.
Your Mercury this month, the way you organize your head, structure your intentions,
communicate and network, tie it all together:
Your Venus this month, your needs and desires, from love to food to money, what/
who you are hot for and is hot for you:
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careful. But if you’re clever, you can benefit from both front and back doors without
anyone the wiser except yourself.
Your Mars this month, your physical energy, actions, assertiveness, fuel and
speedometer rating, the fire inside:
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Your Jupiter this month, where opportunity knocks, big doings await, prosperity and
good times await or elude:
Your Saturn this month, surrounding situations which may hold you back or on a
good day wisely keep you from overreaching.
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activities that don’t actually produce. Economy of motion is the key, how to accomplish
the most with the simplest routine.
Your Uranus this month, what’s shaking things up, unexpected change, shocks to
your expectations, brilliant breakthroughs, sudden turnarounds, off the edge
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do you do? Stop, sit down, and wait until the situation changes, the minesweeper comes
and goes, and you quietly walk away unharmed.
Your Neptune this month, dreams and fantasies, hopeful and wishful thinking, the
perhaps unaVainable but desirable creative muse, always great and heady if you can get
a piece, sometimes sad and confusing if you don’t:
Your Pluto this month, ongoing forces of destiny or just naked power that can push
you ahead or shove you down, regardless of how you handle it. Inside, it can be
unaddressed needs that drive you, sometimes exciting and arousing, sometimes hurtful
and unfair, always to be wary of:
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Transits to the lunar return planets and houses – these are small tweaks to your
transient monthly style. They’ll happen again next month, but on totally different days
for a different lunar return. Worth a look, but won’t come back to haunt you. Use them
and forget them, like a handy but disposable tissue.
Lunar cycle rhythms of the natal chart planets and houses – these will come back
every month (in the same order, with the same advice, in your next report), so note them
carefully, get into tune with them, learn to plan and make room for them ahead of time.
The beVer you know these, the more you’ll be on top of and even ahead of yourself every
month. Remember them.
New and full Moons, – these are the big, monthly tidal rhythms, the overall ebb and
flow of intensity that affect not only you , but everybody, regardless, from ordinary
mortals to would-be werewolves, vampires, and freelance lunatics.
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9:20:44 AM CED
[Where The Heart Is ]
The opposite end of your monthly career cycle, this is the perfect time to stay home
and enjoy the pleasures of the fundamentals of life and family, put off the outside world
until you’ve got the ambitious itch again.
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8:00:52 AM CED
[Evaluating Needs]
It’s a good couple of days for assessing what you need to keep or throw away, and
what may be necessary to get elsewhere. Recycle what you can, borrow or use credit
when you need to.
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on what makes it all come together in your life. Travel – on your feet or just in your head
– broadens, for sure.
September 1, 1997
Transiting Moon Enters Lunar Return 11th house ☽ in 11th
12:23:18 AM CED
[Heaven Is A Place]
What’s the best place in the world for you? Among close friends, in a fancy
restaurant, seeking personal enlightenment? Maybe it’s someplace you never
considered…time to give that some thought.
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6:42:36 PM CED
[Stopping Point]
This monthly power cycle brings issues that may have to be dealt with forcefully,
unless you can manage a tactical evasion to prevent it. You can push and shove to get
your way, but beVer to let a surrogate do it if possible.
September 2, 1997
New Moon in Lunar Return 11th house ☽ in 11th
1:51:34 AM CED
[Silver And Gold]
Make new friends, but keep the old…now’s the time for it, even just for temporary
admiVance into the halls of your precious few. Just being inclusive elevates everybody
for the moment.
September 3, 1997
Transiting Moon Enters Lunar Return 12th house ☽ in 12th
8:57:30 AM CED
[Bad Dream]
One person’s minor slip-up is another’s personal nightmare, and you can avoid either
or both right now: just stop, look, and listen for that unscheduled train before you rush
onto the track.
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September 5, 1997
Transiting Moon Enters Lunar Return 1st house ☽ in 1st
5:35:30 PM CED
Your new look for this month is particularly emphasized for the next few days, so
play the part and make the most of it, as it likely will be a new game yet again in only a
few weeks.
September 6, 1997
Transiting Moon conjunct Lunar Return Mars ☽☌♂
1:10:11 PM CED
[A Quick Move]
The flash of energy and push to put you where you want to be this month sparks
today, so fire away at your intended target. You don’t even have to squeeze the trigger,
shooting from the hip may do just fine.
September 7, 1997
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September 8, 1997
Transiting Moon Enters Lunar Return 2nd house ☽ in 2nd
12:32:55 AM CED
[Pocket Power]
This month’s new approach to handling your finances and spending is emphasized,
so get out of your old paVerns, try out something new. Think it over before you buy,
invest in something else.
September 9, 1997
Transiting Moon conjunct Lunar Return Pluto ☽☌
12:18:15 AM CED
[Blockade Runner]’
Don’t let sudden obstacles in the middle of the road stop your progress. That’s what
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side streets are for, and confrontations avoided now allow you to outdistance those left
behind grappling for control.
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