Sieving For Perfect Quality Control: Milling
Sieving For Perfect Quality Control: Milling
Sieving For Perfect Quality Control: Milling
■ Milling
■ Sieving
Analytical Sieve Shakers
– AS 200
– AS 300
for perfect
– AS 400
Test Sieves
quality control
– EasySieve
■ Assisting
■ Sample dividers
for producing representative partial samples
■ Analytical sieve shakers
Analytical sieve shakers High-tech devices in various sizes and types of motion of the product to
be sieved (throwing movement with angular momentum, or horizontal
circular motion), suitable for wet and dry sieving operations, can be
■ Test sieves
comply with standards, can be calibrated,
produced according to state-of-the-art production technique
■ EasySieve software
to control the sieve shaker, record weighing data and evaluate and
document sieve analyses according to relevant rules and standards
■ Ultrasonic cleaners and dryers
for the optimal cleaning of test sieves and for the rapid,
gentle drying of samples and test sieves
Test sieves
Many unique details make RETSCH products stand out – for optimal
results and maximum working efficiency. Convince yourself!
Clamping test sieves does not get any easier, faster and safer than with the
clamping device “comfort”. The trick: simply press the upper lever to clamp
the sieves tight. After the sieving is completed, the sieve stack can be with-
drawn without having to completely take off the lid. Thus, time and power
Cleaners and dryers
are saved.
and efficiently. Errors due to wrong parameter entries are PROG SET
Unique operation in accelerated mode
All RETSCH analytical sieve shakers of the series “control” and all RETSCH
test sieves can be calibrated and thus may be used in quality control
according to DIN EN ISO 9000 ff. RETSCH supplies high-quality products
that you can rely on.
RETSCH laboratory instruments also show their technical superiority from the
outside. The modern and ergonomic design of the instruments expresses the
many technical innovations that are incorporated in them. The AS 200 was
already awarded a design prize.
The knowledge of particle The following list shows ■ surface reaction ■ stress and breaking
size and distribution in product properties that ■ insulating and behaviour
disperse solids is very depend on the particle absorbing properties ■ agglomeration due to
important for research size distribution: ■ flavour adhesive forces
and development, pro- ■ mixability ■ conductivity
duction and quality ■ mechanical properties ■ wear resistance ■ extinction
assurance. of bulk goods ■ filtration ability
AS 200 basic / digit / control
RETSCH analytical sieve shakers are used in research & development, quality
control of raw materials, interim and finished products as well as in production
monitoring. The three-stage series AS 200 enables each user to select the
suitable instrument according to his individual requirements and budget. The
AS 300 is designed for larger feed quantities. All “control” models are suitable
as measuring instrument according to DIN EN ISO 9000 ff.
AS 200 control
AS 200 control
The AS 200 control complies with the whole sieving process and the sub-
highest requirements in quality as- sequent documentation: with con-
surance. One particular characteristic venience and accuracy.
makes this RETSCH product stand out
from others: Instead of the vibration The AS 200 control is indispensable
height, also the sieve acceleration for all users who attach importance
independent of the power fre- to precision and operational con-
quency can be set. Thus, the AS 200 venience and work according to the
control ensures comparable and re- guidelines of the GLP.
producible sieving results world-
wide. It can be calibrated to ensure All RETSCH sieve shakers can be com-
AS 200 basic 100% reproducibility of sieving results, bined with various sieve clamping
AS 200 basic 40 60
not only in one device, but among all units. For frequent sieving processes,
20 80
20 AS 200 control units! Thus, the re- we recommend the user-friendly
amplitude time min on
The standard model of the AS 200 tally. With the integrated interface ■ available in 3 models
series is recommended whenever and the supplied interface cable, the ■ easy operation, ergonomic design
digital time display, interval instrument can be connected to a PC ■ low noise and maintenance-free
operation and analogue adjustment and controlled with the evaluation ■ 2 years warranty, conforms with
along with optical monitoring of the software EasySieve . This pro- CE standards
vibration height are required. gramme enables you to control the
All sieve shakers of the series be sieved equally over the whole
AS 200 and AS 300 work with an sieving surface. The advantage:
electromagnetic drive that is high stress capacity, extremely
patented by RETSCH (EP 0642844). smooth operation and short
This drive produces a 3D throwing sieving times with high separation
motion that moves the product to efficiency.
The worldwide unique
AS 300 control RETSCH technology:
sieving with controlled
tity (up to 6 kg) that can be separa- ■ 9 parameter combinations can feed material: potash fertilizer
mesh aperture size: 0.125 mm
ted in one working run. Repetitive be stored sieving time: 3 min
operations can be greatly simplified ■ short sieving times with large sie- sieve diameter: 200 mm
feed material: quartz sand equivalent circumstances. dent of the sieving time. This is
particle size: 0.045 - 0.5 mm
vibration height: 1.5 mm because the sieve acceleration is
the decisive factor for the passage
of the particles through the sieve.
Time (min)
AS 400 control
AS 400 control
AS 400 control
memory speed rpm / “g” intervaltime sec interval on/off time min An integrated counter mass ensures For clamping the sieves, the proven
stability even with a high mass of the and extremely convenient quick
The AS 400 control can be used as sieve stack. The instrument can also clamping device “comfort” is available.
test instrument for the quality control be secured to the laboratory bench if The sieve stack can be clamped with
according to DIN EN ISO 9000 ff. desired. The base plate can take two simple steps.
Due to the controlled drive, which very high loads due to 4 eccentric
is independent of the power guides. The AS 400 control has an
frequency, the AS 400 control yields integrated interface for controlling
reproducible results worldwide. The all sieving parameters via the
desired number of revolutions / sieve
EasySieve software. The required Overview
acceleration and sieving time are set, interface cable is included in delivery.
displayed and monitored digitally. A ■ sieving with circular sieving
test certificate is supplied with the The AS 400 control is a robust device, motion according to DIN 53477
instrument. The instrument can be which meets highest requirements ■ for sieves up to 400 mm Ø
recalibrated. If desired, the rotation due to its superior technology. The ■ measuring range 45 µm to 63 mm
direction can be set to alternate in possibility to clamp a wide range of ■ easy operation, ergonomic design
the interval. Up to 9 sieving pro- test sieves with various diameters on ■ low noise and maintenance-free
grammes can be directly stored in the device ensures a versatile use ■ 2 years warranty, conforms with
the instrument and later recalled. of the AS 400 control. CE standards
The base plate performs horizon- sieved. The actual value of the
tal circular motions with a radius of number of revolutions is digitally
15 mm (according to DIN 53477). displayed. The base plate is
The speed of 50 to 300 rpm is driven by a robust, maintenance-
electronically controlled. It is con- free drive motor with a power of
tinuously adjustable to meet the 125 Watt. The power is trans-
requirements of the product to be mitted via an eccentric.
Overview of RETSCH sieve shakers
Technical data
Suitable sieve diameters 100 mm / 150 mm / 305 mm (12") 100 mm / 150 mm /
200 mm / 203 mm (8") 200 mm / 203 mm (8") /
305 mm (12") / 400 mm
Height of sieve stack up to approx. 450 mm up to approx. 450 mm up to approx. 450 mm
WxHxD 400 x 230 x 350 mm 400 x 235 x 400 mm 540 x 260 x 507 mm
Net weight approx. 30 kg approx. 35 kg approx. 73 kg
Measuring conditions: 5 test sieves; vibration height 1.5 mm; feed material quartz sand; particle size <1 mm
Emission value with regard to workplace LpAeq 63 dB(A) LpAeq 59 dB(A) LpAeq 58.4 dB(A)
Sieve clamping device Sieve clamping device Sieve clamping device Universal wet sieve Universal sieve clamping
“comfort” “standard” “economy” clamping device “comfort” device “standard”
For all RETSCH sieve shakers, various Clamping Clamping Stand Dry Wet Acrylic
sieve clamping devices are available, cover elements rod sieving sieving plastic window
with which the sieves can be clamped Sieve clamping device for AS 200 and AS 400
safely, quickly and conveniently. The comfort quick clamping elements smooth yes no approx. 150 / 300 mm
rapid clamping devices “comfort” are standard quick clamping nuts threaded yes no approx. 150 / 300 mm
particularly user-friendly and time- economy quick clamping nuts threaded yes no none
efficient. With universal sieve clamping Universal sieve clamping device for AS 200 and AS 400
devices, test sieves of a diameter of comfort quick clamping elements smooth yes optional approx. 90 mm
100 – 203 mm (8") can be clamped. standard quick clamping nuts threaded yes optional approx. 90 mm
As an option, they are also available Sieve clamping device for AS 300
for the sieving of wet materials. standard quick clamping nuts threaded yes no approx. 150 mm
A new generation of
RETSCH test sieves
The demands made of particle size The new sieves are fully compatible
analysis are constantly increasing. with RETSCH’s existing products and
This is also reflected in the greater can be combined with other sieves
requirements made in the new without any problems. Beyond this,
standard ISO 3310. there's something important for you:
each and every sieve that leaves our
In order to adapt our test sieves to company includes a test report or, at
these new requirements, RETSCH your request, a special inspection
has developed a completely new certificate in conformity with
manufacturing process that ISO 3310-1. RETSCH's calibration
guarantees a previously unattained certificates even ensure a higher
Production process: quality and consistency in sieve statistical reliability and document
1. Entering Information production. In addition, a logistic our continual quest for perfection.
2. Welding manufacturing system makes it
3. Lasering possible to record each and every Retsch’s new sieves are available in
4. 100% Inspection material used in the process. three sizes which have been deter-
mined to be the most commonly
used 200 x 50 mm, 200 x 25 mm
1. 2. 3. 4.
and 203 x 50 mm (8"x 2").
Of course, we guarantee compa-
tibility with other standard sieves.
Our new manufacturing process ensures an optimum 1. One piece construction and fabric-transition
design with each and every sieve. Experience yourself without any grooves to prevent cross
the benefits of increased quality analyses as well as contamination (no solder, no residues, etc.)
improved handling and service life of the sieves.
2. A high degree of corrosion resistance and
ease of cleaning due to high-alloy stainless
steel (specifications: 316L or 1.4435)
1/4 in.*
0.265 in.
200 7,10
For the various test sieves, suitable collecting 212 70 8,00 5/16 in.
pans, collecting pans with outlet, intermediate 224 9,00
pans, intermediate rims and sieve covers are 250 60 9,50 3/8 in.
available. Sieving aids and sieve racks complete 280 10,00
the range of accessories. 300 50 11,20 7/16 in.
315 12,50 1/2 in.*
Please refer to our price list for exact order data 355 45 13,20 0.530 in.
of the test sieves and the available accessories. 400 14,00
425 40 16,00 5/8 in.
4. 450
500 35
600 30
1. 2. 3. 1. collecting pan and 630
intermediate rim 710 25
2. sieve cover
800 * ASTM
3. collecting pan
850 20 supplementary
with outlet
900 values
4. sieve rack
An example of a particle size analysis using EasySieve
Parameter entry Trend analysis of production procedures Comparison with specification limits
Professional particle
size analyses
® ®
EasySieve Standard or EasySieve Comfort
Two different versions of EasySieve are available: Standard and Comfort.
EasySieve Comfort offers enhanced possibilities for data transfer to LIMS
systems, for graphical display of trend analyses as well as for the determina-
tion of special characteristics. Available in German and in English.
Software EasySieve Item No.
German English
EasySieve Standard, single-user-licence 32.645.0019 32.645.0020
EasySieve Comfort, single-user-licence 32.645.0021 32.645.0026
For additional accessories as test sieves, sieve covers, collecting pans, sieving aids etc. please refer to our price list.
For more details on our sample dividers, rapid dryers and ultrasonic cleaning baths see our “Assisting” brochure.
Subject to technical modification
Telefax +49 21 29 / 87 02
mills, sample dividers, feeders
E-mail as well as cleaning and drying