Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology Department of Biotechnology B.Tech IV - Year Semester - I
Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology Department of Biotechnology B.Tech IV - Year Semester - I
Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology Department of Biotechnology B.Tech IV - Year Semester - I
Code Subject L T P Credits
1 BT 411 Downstream Processing 4 - - 3
2 BT 412 Bioprocess Dynamics and Control 4 - - 3
3 BT 413 Plant Biotechnology 4 - - 3
4 BT 414 Animal Biotechnology 4 - - 3
5 MB 216 Principles and Practice of Management 4 - - 3
6 Elective – II
BT 461 Developmental Biology
BT 462 Cancer Biology 4 - - 3
BT 463 Genomics and Proteomics
BT 464 Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
7 BT 415 Downstream Processing Lab - - 3 2
8 BT 416 Tissue culture Lab - - 3 2
9 BT 417 Project Seminar - - 3 1
Total 24 0 9 23
THEORY Code Subject L T P Credits
1 BT 421 Computer Applications in Bioprocess Industries 4 - - 3
2 BT 422 Bioprocess Economics and Plant Design 4 - - 3
3 Elective – III
BT 471 Molecular Modeling and Drug Design
4 - - 3
BT 472 Immunodiagnostics
BT 473 Tissue Engineering
4 Elective-IV
Bioprocess Validations and Current good
BT 481
manufacturing Practices
BT 482 Food Biotechnology 4 - - 3
BT 483 Nanobiotechnology
ME 464 Entrepreneurship
5 BT 423 Seminar 3 - - 1
6 BT 901 Project 6 - - 9
Total 25 - - 22
With effect from the Academic Year 2016-17
BT 411
Course Objectives:
1. Student is made to understand the role and, importance of downstream processing.
2. Students are taught the various techniques of cell disruption and the principles of solid liquid separation
processes, filtration and centrifugation
3. Students are made to understand the principles of membrane based separations and their applications.
4. Students are enlightened about chromatographic separations, types and their importance in product
5. Students are made to study the principle of crystallization, drying and lyophilisation.
6. The students are made to understand the choice and sequence of bioseparations by case studies.
Course Outcomes:
1. Student will be able to know the key aspects of Downstream Processing from both a technical and economic
2. Be able to learn the various techniques of cell disruption and unit operations for separation of insolubles
3. Student will be able to design mineral water plant
4. Be able to design and select chromatographic separation process for different bioproducts and scale up
5. Be able to learn various techniques of product polishing and formulation.
6. Be able to analyze and summarize scientific results from real examples and use them to choose the best
operational conditions for a particular unit operation.
Text Books:
1. Bio-separations: Principles And Techniques (2008)Prentice-hall Of India Pvt Ltd
2. Separation processes in Biotechnology by Sivasankar B,J M Asenjo, Marcel-Dekker, (1993).
3. Bio-separations- Downstream Processing for Biotechnology- Paul A Belter, E L Cussler, Wei-shouHu, Wiley
Inter-science Publications, 1988.
4. Principles and Techniques of Practical Biochemistry by Keith Wilson, John Walker, John M. Walker 5 th edition
Cambridge University Press, (2000).
With effect from the Academic Year 2016-17
Suggested Reading:
1. Product Recovery in Bioprocess Technology- BIOTOL series, Butterworth Heinmann, (1992).
2. Separations for Biotechnology- M S Verall, M J Hudson, Ellis Harwood Ltd. (1990).
3. Bio-separations Science and technology Roger Todd Rudge Petreides Process Biotechnology Fundamentals by
SN Mukhopadhya, Wankat PC. Rate controlled separations, Elsevier, (1990).
4. Bioseparations by Belter PA and Cussler E., Wiley (1985).
5. Product Recovery in Bioprocess Technology, BIOTOL.’ Series, VCH, (1990).
6. Separation processes in Biotechnology Asenjo J.M., (1993), Marcel Dekkere Inc.
7. Downstream Process Technology by Nooralabettu Krishna Prasad PHI publications.
8. Bioseparations by Siva Shankar PHI publications.
With effect from the Academic Year 2016-17
Course Objectives:
1. The course aims at providing dynamics of system process, flow, level and temperature etc.
2. The course aims at incorporating with concepts of response of first order system for non interacting and
interacting systems.
3. The course aims at providing knowledge the design of control system for open and close loop control.
4. The course aims at inculcating concepts of the control of pH of process and biochemical reactions.
Course Outcomes:
1. Students will use the knowledge of dynamics in the process control of level, temperature, flow etc in
biotechnology industries.
2. Students will apply this expertise of first order system of non interacting and interacting system in biotech
3. Students will incorporate the knowledge of open and close loop system for control of Bioreactors in
biotechnology industries.
4. Students will adopt the skill set of fine tuning the process variable in biotech industries.
5. Students will exhibit the knowledge of control wall sizing in the design of control valve system in
bioprocess units.
6. Students will apply the knowledge of controlling of pH of bioreactor in bioprocess industry for achieving
good product conversions.
Text Books:
1. Sarkar PK, “Process Dynamics and Control”, PHI, 2013.
2. Seborg, Edgar, Mellichamp, Doyle, “Process Dynamics and Control”, 3 rd edition John Weily and Sons, 2010
3. Harriott P, “Process control”, Tata McGraw-Hill publishing Co., New Delhi, Reprint 1991.
Suggested Reading:
1. Principles of Process Control by Patranabis D, 2 nd ed., Tata McGraw-Hill publishing Co., New Delhi, Reprint
2. Automatic process control, Eckman D.P., Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, (1993).
3. Process Systems Analysis and Control, Donald R.Coughanowr, 2nd ed., McGraw Hill Inc., 1991.
With effect from the Academic Year 2016-17
Course Objectives:
1. The students should be able to understand explicitly the basic concepts of Plant Tissue culture.
2. To understand the developmental pathways of callus induction and plant regeneration.
3. To understand the techniques for production of secondary metabolites in in vitro using plant cell and
tissue culture
4. To understand the methods of gene transfer in plants for production of transgenics.
5. To understand the various strategies and sources of trangenes for crop improvement.
Course Outcomes:
1. Provides opportunity to understand the theoretical concepts behind establishment of in vitro techniques.
2. Enables student to understand the importance and applications of various in vitro techniques
3. The course enables to exploit plant tissues for production of biologics at commercial scale.
4. Helps to understand the transgenes utilized in the production of trangencis resistant to biotic, abiotic
stress resistant and improved quality etc.
5. The course enables the students to understand the appropriate vectors and gene transfer methodology
for production of transgenics
6. Course enables the student to overall get an insight in to the basic concept and advances in plant
biotechnology field
Text Books:
1. Bhojwani SS and Razdan, Plant Tissue Culture Theory and Practice, Elsevier Science, 2004
2. Chawla HS, Introduction to Plant Biotechnology, 4th edition, Oxford and IBH publishers, (2002
Suggested Reading:
1. Surabh Bhatia, Kiran Sharma, Randhir Dahiya and, Tanmoy Bera, Modern applications of Plant
Biotechnology in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Elsevier publication, Academic press, 2015
With effect from the Academic Year 2016-17
Text Books:
1. Ian Freshney, “Culture of Animal Cells: A manual of basic technique and specialized applications” seventh
edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2015
2. John Masters, “ Animal Cell culture: A practical approach” OUP Oxford, 2000
Suggested Reading:
1. Gupta PK, “Biotechnology and Genomics” Rastogi Publications, 1 st edition, 6th reprint, 2013
2. A.K. Srivastava, R.K. Singh, M.P. Yadav, “Animal Biotechnology” Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.,
3. Ranga MM, “Animal Biotechnology”, 3 reprint, Agrobios, India, 2010.
With effect from the Academic Year 2016-17
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, student will be able to apply the
1. Managerial skills for managing a Unit / Branch.
2. The different operations / functional areas to process industry as an organization.
3. Assess the situations in an organization by critical examination and provide better decisions.
4. Dynamics of business and sense to formulate the direction of change.
5. Purchasing objects and principles to material management
6. Concept of marketing management to a global scenario.
Management definition, Administration Vs Management Principles and Functions of Management, levels of
management - System and Contingency approach to management - steps in Planning - Decision making process -
organization: Definition, Line, staff, functional and matrix type organization, span of control (Graicuna`s Formulae),
Centralization Vs Decentralization.
Communication - Process, Grapevine, Networks and Barriers of communication - Managerial grid, Theory of X, Y
and Z; Job Enrichment Vs Job enlargement - Control process - Introduction to Personnel Management: Functions,
staffing process, need for HRD, Training & Development (TWI Programme)
UNIT - III Measurement of Morale - Job Design -Industrial Relations: Human relation Vs Industrial relations, Trade
Unionism, Industrial Unrest, Wage and Incentive concepts - Role of ILO - MIS in industry - Management of public
UNIT - IV Introduction to Financial Management : Sources of Finance, Capital & its Structure (CFS & FFS)
Financial statements, cost sheet - Introduction to Purchase & Material management Purchasing objects and principles,
types of purchasing, Vendor selection, rating, evaluation & Development - Inventory control, ABC analysis, stores
organization and pricing of issues - concept of Warehousing.
UNIT - V Production and marketing Management: Types of Production, Quality control (Tools used), PPC,
Maintenance management - Marketing management ; Definition and concept of marketing, functions of marketing,
market research, Types of markets, Sales Forecasting, Promotion mix - Pricing - Product Identification - A brief note
on International Marketing.
Text Books:
1. Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich, “Essentials of Management-An International Perspective”, 9th Ed., Tata
McGraw-Hill Edu Pvt. Ltd, 2012.
2. Khan & Jain, “Financial Management”, 7th Ed., Tata McGraw-Hill Edu Pvt. Ltd, 2014.
Suggested Readings:
1. David A. DeCenzo, David A, Robbins, Stephen P, “Fundamentals of Human Resource Management”, 11th Ed,
John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2015.
2. Elwood S Buffa, Rakesh K. Sarin, “Modern Production/Operations Management”, 8th Ed, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.,
3. Jennifer George and Gareth Jones “Understanding and Managing Organizational Behavior”, Published by Pearson
Education Inc., 2013.
4. I. M. Pandey, “Financial Management”, 10th Ed. Vikas Publishing House, 2013.
5. Gary Dessler, “Human Resources Management”, 11th Eastern Economy Ed., 2011.
With effect from the Academic Year 2016-17
BT 461
Course Objectives:
1. Students are made to understand the basic concepts of developmental biology.
2. Students are taught the structure of gametes, and how they are generated.
3. Students are taught the influence of genes on body axis formation in Drosophila and Mammals.
4. Students are enlightened about the later embryonic developments i.e Organogenesis.
5. Students are made aware of sex determination in Drosophila and Mammals.
6. The concept of Ramifications of developmental biology is introduced to the students.
Course Outcomes:
1. Students understand the basic concepts of Developmental Biology.
2. Students understand the Anatomy of gametes and Biochemistry in its recognition.
3. Analyze the role of genes in the body axis formation of Drosophila and Mammals.
4. Understand the importance and differentiation of germinal layers in to different organs.
5. Compare the role of genes in the sex determination of Drosophila and Mammals.
6. Be able to explain the genetic anomalies leads to diseases.
Text Books:
1. Jam PC, “Elements of Developmental Biology”, Vishal Publications, New Delhi, 1998.
2. Manju Yadav, “Molecular Developmental Biology” Discovery Publishing, September, 2008.
3. Scott F Gilbert, Michael JF Barresi. “Developmental Biology”, 10 th edition, Sinauer Associates, Inc, 2013.
Suggested Reading:
1. Raven, P, “Developmental Physiology”, 1st edition, Pergamon Press, Newyork, 1959.
2. Snustad P, Simmons and Jenkins, “Principles of Genetics”, 2 nd Edition, John Wiley Publications, 1999.
3. P.C.Jain , “Elements of Developmental Biology” International Publications, 2013.
With effect from the Academic Year 2016-17
Instruction 4L Periods per week
Duration of University Examination 3 Hours
University Examination 75 Marks
Sessionals 25 Marks
Credits 3
Course Objectives:
1. Student is made to understand the role of cell cycle and diet in cancer.
2. Students are taught the Molecular aspects of cell cycle control.
3. Importance of physical and chemical carcinogens taught by showing effects of mutagens on cell cycle.
4. Students are enlightened about discovery of proto-oncogenes and their activation.
5. Students are made to understand the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.
6. The concept of cancer pharmacology is introduced to the students.
Course Outcomes:
1. Apply to real life situations, the concept of diet and cell cycle.
2. Incorporate the fundamentals of cell biology and Molecular biology to under stand how they are responsible
for cancer.
3. Be able to explain the types of carcinogens and the effect of mutagens on cell cycle.
4. Be able to describe the structure of retrovirus and how they led to discover the oncogens.
5. Be aware of no of stages of cancer, detection of cancer and treatment of cancer.
6. Be in a position to explain the ADME properties of anticancer drugs.
Text Books:
1. Franks LM and N.M.Teich , “Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Biology of Cancer”, 2 nd edition, Oxford
Medical Publications, 1991.
2. Raymond W. Ruddon “Cancer Biology”, 3rd edition, Oxford University Press, USA 1995.
3. King, Roger J B, Robins, Mike W, “Cancer Biology”, 3 rd edition, Prentice Hall, USA.2003.
Suggested Reading:
1. Fiona Macdonald, Christopher Ford, Alan Casson, “Molecular Biology of Cancer”, 2 nd Edition, Taylor &
Francis, 2004.
2. Robert A. Weinberg, “The Biology of Cancer”, 5th edition, Garland Science.2006.
3. Robin Hesketh, “Introduction to Cancer Biology” Cambridge University Publishers, Jan, 2013.
With effect from the Academic Year 2016-17
BT 463
Course Objectives:
1. Student is made to understand the fundamentals of genome
2. Students are taught about the transposable elements and their importance.
3. Students are made to understand DNA sequencing and various DNA sequencing methods.
4. Students are enlightened about construction and screening of cDNA libraries.
5. Students are made to understand the basics of proteomics, tools for proteomics and protein modifications
6. The concepts of metabolomics and pharamacogenomics are introduced to the students.
Course Outcomes:
1. Be able to know about genomes, types of genomes and the advanced techniques used for analysing genome.
2. Be able to explain the occurrence of genome variations due to the implication of transposable elements in
the genome.
3. Be able to start self-employment from the knowledge obtained from various DNA sequencing methods.
4. Be able to construct cDNA libraries and explain the importance of cDNA libraries in the identification of
functional genes in the genome
5. Be able to modify proteins for better use
6. Be able to design personalized medicines and explain their uptake, action and metabolism.
Text Books:
1. Sahai S, “Genomics and Proteomics-Functional and Computational Aspects”, Plenum Publications, 1999.
2. Rastogi SC, Mendiratta N, Rastogi P, “Bioinformatics-Methods and Application, Genomics, Proteomics,
and drug discovery”, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2003.
3. Lieber DC, “Introduction to Proteomics, Tools for the new biology”, Humana Press, UK, 2000
4. Hunt SP, Levessy FJ, “Functional genomics” Oxford University Press, UK, 2000
Suggested Reading:
1. Proeomics in practice,A laboratorymanualof proteome analysis by JohnWiley-YCH,UK1999
2. ‘Genomics’by cantor, CR, Joohn Wiley, UK 1999
With effect from the Academic Year 2016-17
Course Objectives:
Students are made to understand the following concepts during there course of time:
1. Origin, Scope and importance of pharmaceutical biotechnology.
2. ADME of Drugs. Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of drugs.
3. Materials and Formulations of pharmaceuticals.
4. Collection, processing and storage of whole human blood.
5. Ideal requirements of Poly vinyl Pyrollidine and Dextran 40.
6. Steroidal and Nonsteroidal drugs, Antacids, Alkaloids and Biological extracts.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course students gain knowledge in the following concepts:
1. Types of microorganisms for production of secondary metabolites used as drugs.
2. Types of drug delivery systems like oral, parenteral, transdermal etc
3. Types of excepients. Labelling, preservation and release of drugs in to the market.
4. Fractionation of human RBC, dried human plasma, HPPF, from whole human blood.
5. Control of blood transfusion products to avoid infectious diseases (HepatitisB, HIV)
6. Therapeutic activity and dosage of drugs to treat the diseases.
Text books:
1. Brahmankar DM and Sunil B Jaiswal, “Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics- A Treatise”, Vallabh
Publications, Prakashan, 2006,
2. Purohit SS, Kakrani HN and Saluja AK., “Pharmaceutical Biotechnology”, Student Edition Jodhpur, 2003
3. Cooper and Guns, “Pharmaceutics”, CBS publishers, 1989
Suggested Reading:
1. David B Troy and Paul Beringer, “Remington’s:The Science and practice of Pharmacy”, Vol 1 and 2,
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publications, 2006
2. Tripathi, K.D. "Essentials of Medical pharmacology", Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers 6th Edition , John
Wiley, New Delhi,2000.
With effect from the Academic Year 2016-17
Course Objectives:
1. To provide an opportunity to experimentally verify the theoretical concepts studied.
2. To give extensive exposure to various unit operations of downstream processing.
3. Students are explained how to design protocol for separation of bioproduct based on characteristics
Course Outcomes:
1. Be able to understand the fundamentals of downstream processing for biochemical product recovery.
2. Be able to calculate operating parameters for a given downstream processing unit operation.
3. Be able to develop their skills in the purification of bioproducts from fermentation broths.
4. Be able to design chromatographic separation process for a given compound.
5. Be able to arrange unit operations into an appropriate sequence for the purification of a given type of
biological product.
6. Be able to analyze and summarize scientific results
1. Cell Disruption of microorganism using sonicator.
2. Cell Disruption of microorganisms using lysozyme.
3. Homogenization of microbes / plant material using pestle and mortar.
4. Recovery of bulk proteins by Aqueous Two Phase Extraction.
5. Separation of solids from liquid by Sedimentation
6. Separation of micro organisms from fermentation broth by Microfiltration.
7. Separation of solute particles by Dialysis.
8. Separation of alpha amylase by Ammonium Sulphate Precipitation.
9. Isolation and quantification of casein from milk by Isoelectric Precipitation.
10. Separation of biomolecules by Gel Exclusion Chromatography.
11. Purification of lysozyme from chicken egg white extract by Ion Exchange Chromatography.
12. Purification of proteins by Affinity Chromatography.
13. Determination of purity and molecular weight of proteins by SDS-PAGE
14. Extraction of Enzymes.
15. Extraction of Ethanol.
Text books:
1. David Plummer, “An introduction to Practical Biochemistry” 3 rd edition, John Wiley & Sons
2. Principles and Techniques of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology by Keith John Walker John
Walker,Cambridge University Press; 6 edition (2005).
3. Laboratory Manual in Biochemistry By J. Jayaraman, Kunthala Jayaramanj, New Age International
With effect from the Academic Year 2016-17
Course Objectives:
1. The students should be able to understand explicitly the concepts of Plant Tissue culture and Animal tissue
2. Develop their skills in plant tissues culture techniques.
3. Get extensive exposure to various techniques of plant cell and tissue culture.
4. To develop a protocol for genetic transformation using Agrobacterium strains.
5. The students will handle animal cell culture.
Course Outcomes:
1. Provides an opportunity to experimentally verify the theoretical concepts studied.
2. The course helps in gaining hands on training in developing protocols for various in vitro techniques:
callus cultures, cell and suspension cultures etc.
3. The course experiences the students to establish in vitro techniques of
micropropagation of crop/horticulture and medicinal plants.
4. The course enables student to establish a system of genetic transformation using Agrobacterium
5. The handling experience of Protoplast isolation and culture helps them to produce somatic hybrids.
6. The course enables student to handle animal cell culture.
1. Preparation of Plant tissue Culture Media
i. Preparation of MS stock solutions
ii. Preparation of MS callus induction media
2. Surface sterilization
3. Callus induction: Embryo Culture.
4. Meristem tip culture
5. Micro propagation of horticultural/medicinally important plants
6. Cell suspension cultures initiation and establishment.
7. Organogenesis and Embryogenesis.
8. Production of synthetic seeds.
9. Protoplast isolation (demo)
10. Agrobacterium mediated gene transfer: induction of Hairy roots
11. Preparation of Animal cell culture media
12. Preparation of cheek epithelium cells
13. Preparation of Primary cell lines
14. Cell counting and viability
15. Staining of animal cells
16. Preservation of cells
With effect from the Academic Year 2016-17
The objective of the project seminar is to actively involve the student in the initial work required to undertake the
final year project. Dealing with a real time problem should be the focus of the under graduate project.
It may comprise of
The department should appoint a project coordinator who will coordinate the following.
Grouping of students as project batch( a maximum of 3 in group )
Allotment of projects and project guides
Project monitoring at regular intervals.
1. Submit a one page synopsis of the seminar to be delivered for display on notice board.
2. Give a 30-40 minute’s presentation followed by 10 minutes discussion.
3. Submit a technical write up on the talk delivered.
Three (3) teachers will be associated with the evaluation of the project seminar for the award of the sessional marks
which should be on the basis of performance on all the three items stated above.
With effect from the Academic Year 2016-17
Course Objectives:
1. This course aims at providing knowledge on basic concepts in software development processes, Algorithm
design and Process Models.
2. The course is designed to give an understanding on obtaining. solutions of differential equations by Euler`s,
Modified Euler`s, Runge-Kutta methods
3. This course aims at providing an insight into the solution of set of simultaneous equations by Gauss
elimination, Gauss Jordan and Gauss Seidel methods.
4. The aim of the course is also to give the students an understanding of obtaining solutions of numerical
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course student should
1. Be able to distinguish between different process models
2. Be able to formulate process models leading to set of ordinary differential equations and solution procedures
numerical methods.
3. Be able to formulate process models leading to set of linear simultaneous equations and solution procedures.
4. Be able to formulate process models leading to transcendental and polynomial equations and solution
5. Understand the steps involved in optimization that are a prerequisite for the development of process flow
6. Be able to optimize biochemical process.
The Programs are to be written in "C" only
UNIT-I Computers and Software
Computers and Software: Computing environments, The software development processes, Algorithm design,
Program composition, Quality Control, Documentation, Storage and •Maintenance, Software strategy. Process
Models: Uses, Distributed & Lumped parameter models, Linear and Nonlinear models, Steady state and Dynamic
models, Continuous and Discrete models, Empirical models. Formulation of Process Models: Momentum, mass and
energy balances, constitutive rate equations, transport rate equations, biochemical kinetic rate expressions,
thermodynamic relations.
Review on "C" Language Fundamentals.
Process Optimization :Nature and organization, basic concepts and elements of Optimization, single variable
functions, direct, indirect and random search methods – with and without acceleration Elimination methods for
unrestricted and exhaustive search, Fibonacci search, Dichotomous search, Golden-section (gradient) search methods.
Text Books:
1. Higher engineering mathematics by DR. B.S. Grewal, Khanna publishers (1998)
2. Numerical methods for Engineersby Steven C. Chapra and Raymond P Canale, 2 nd edition, MCGraw Hill
International edition, 1988.
Suggested books:
1. Computer Applications in Bioprocessing by Henry R. Bungay Volume 70/(2000) Springer.
2. Edger T.E., and Himmelbau D.M., “Optimization of chemical processes”, McGraw Hill international
edition, 1988
3. Bioprocess engineering Enrique Galindo and Octavio T. Ramírez Volume 16, Issue 7, (1998).
With effect from the Academic Year 2016-17
Course Objectives:
1. To provide the students with knowledge about basic concepts in Interest, capital investment tax and
2. Measures of economic performance.
3. This course aims at providing an insight into capital, overhead and manufacturing costs estimation
4. The course is designed to give an understanding of process design development and general design
5. This course aims at providing knowledge on design of batch and continuous sterilizers, Design calculations for
immobilized enzyme kinetics.
6. To give insight about various types of valves, pumps, steam traps, spargers and impellers used in biotech
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course student should
1. Be able to carry out interest calculations and prepare balance sheets for business transactions.
2. Be able to determine the economic analysis of bioprocesses.
3. Carry out cost estimations for different industrial productions.
4. Develop process design, flow diagrams.
5. Carry out material and energy balances accurately
6. Be able to design filters for air sterilization, batch and continuous sterilizers, valves etc.
Introduction to different types of valves, pumps, steam traps, spargers and impellers used in fermentation industries;
Design exercise on trickle flow fermentor; Problems associated with design equations.
Text Books:
1. Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers, 5/e
Max S. Peters, Ronald E. West, (2003) McGraw-Hill Higher,
2. Biochemical Engineering -Humphrey, A. E.; Millis, JSTOR 1966.
3. Biochemical Engineering, by Harvey W. Blanch, Douglas S. Clark CRC; 1 st edition (1997).
4. Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals by James; Ollis, David F. Bailey,1977, McGraw-Hill.
Suggested Reading:
1. Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology Handbook by Bernard Atkinson, Ferda MavitunaGrove's
Dictionaries; 2 edition (1992).
2. Bioprocess Engineering:Basic Concepts. Michael L. Shuler / Fikret Kargi, Reihe:Prentice ,(2001) Hall.
3. Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers” by M. Peters and K. Timmerhaus, McGraw-Hill.
4. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering Dirk Weuster-Botz, ISSN: 1615-7591 Journal no. 449, Springer.
With effect from the Academic Year 2016-17
Course Objectives:
1. Empirical force fields and Hydrogen bonding in different molecules.
2. Simulation methods to calculate Thermodynamic properties of molecules.
3. Molecular dynamics simulation of molecules by simple and continuous potential.
4. Practical aspects in setting and running the molecular dynamics simulation.
5. Montecarlo simulation method for rigid and flexible molecules.
6. QSAR between different protein ligand interactions.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course students gain knowledge in the following concepts:
1. Calculate Total energy of molecule by using force field potentials.
2. Calculate Internal energy, Heat capacity, Temperature, pressure.
3. Hard sphere potential, Continuous potential by Finite differential method.
4. Choosing the initial configuration and analyzing the results of computer simulation.
5. Simulation of polymers by Random walk method, Self avoiding walk method.
6. Classification of Drug Design. CADD to treat Alzheimer’s and Tuberculosis diseases
Text books:
1. Molecular modeling principles and Applicatios AR Leach, Longman, (1996).
2. Molecular Dynamics simulation -Elementary Methods- John Wiley and Sons, (1997).
Suggested Reading:
1. Protein Engineering - Moody PCE and AJ Wilkinson. IRL press.
2. Introduction to protein structure by C. Brandon and J. Tooze, Garland, 2nd edition, (1998).
3. Essentials of Drug Designing V. Kothakar, Dhruv publications
With effect from the Academic Year 2016-17
Course Objectives:
1. The students will learn the basic principles, procedures and applications of immunodiagnostic tests.
2. The students are introduced to engineer antibody by using rDNA technology
3. The students are illustrated to the steps involved in the develop, production and applications of monoclonal
antibody technology
4. The students will learn the development of preventive agents such as vaccines
5. The students also learn the novel methods used for immunodiagnostics
6. Students will be introduced to immunoproducts IPR and its patenting.
Course Outcomes:
1. Students will demonstrate competence in diagnosing various diseases by using different types of
immunodiagnostic tests.
2. Students can explain the concepts of validation and quality control as applied to antibody-based analytical
3. Students will learn about development of monoclonal antibodies diagnosis, treatment and prevention of
disease by using monoclonal antibody.
4. New methods of treating various diseases are being explored by vaccine development
5. The course is helpful to learn the novel techniques used in immunodiagnostics.
6. Students will learn what is patenting and how immunoproducts are patented
Principles of immunodiagnostic tests and their development, classification of immunodiagnostic tests,
Immunodiagnostics techniques – Precipitation, Immunoelctrophoresis, Agglutination, RIA, ELISA,
Fluoroimmunoassay, Luminescent immunoassay, Immunofluorescence, Cell separation techniques, Western
blotting, Selection and preparation of reagents, Assay design, Antibody engineering, Catalytic antibodies,
Applications of nanoparticles in immunodiagnostics.
Text books:
1. Edwards R, “Immunodiagnostics: A practical approach” Oxford University Press, 1999.
2. Rastogi SC, “Immunodiagnostics Principles and Practice” New Age Publishers, 1996
Suggested Reading:
1. Thomas J. Kindt, Barbara A. Osborne, Richard Goldsby, W. H. Freeman, “ Kuby Immunology”, 6th
edition, 2006.
2. Ralph M. Aloisi Lea & Febiger Principles of Immunology and Immunodiagnostics by, 1988.
With effect from the Academic Year 2016-17
Course Objectives:
1. Understand the fundamental principles and elements of tissue engineering.
2. Get insight into the roles of cells, tissue organization and matrix in tissue engineering.
3. To learn the practical approach of carrying out tissue culture.
4. Learn about the different materials use as biomaterials.
5. Understand the role of stem cells in tissue engineering.
6. Gain knowledge into the medical applications of tissue engineering.
Course Outcomes:
1. Graduates are aware of the upcoming concept of tissue engineering.
2. The importance of the cell matrix in tissue engineering is highlighted to the graduates.
3. The graduates learn about in vitro culturing and the parameters of importance.
4. Students are able to discuss the potential of stem cells in tissue engineering for wound healing.
5. Graduates understand the need of compatible biomaterials to support growth and differentiation of stem cells
into functional organs.
6. The graduates understand the scope of tissue engineering in producing organs for therapeutic applications.
With effect from the Academic Year 2016-17
Course Objectives:
1. Student is taught with the concepts of prospective process validations and analytical methods validations.
2. Students are explained the development of validation protocol and methods of evaluation.
3. Students are explained with good laboratory practices with suitable examples.
4. Students are enlightened thoroughly the (SOP) of biotech process.
5. Students are taught with proper illustrations with the concept of waste minimization and zero contamination.
6. Students are taught and explained about health hygiene of persons involved.
Course Outcomes:
1. Apply prospective process validation and analytical methods in biotechnology industries.
2. Students will be capable of developing validation protocols and methods of evaluation in Quality control
department of biotechnology industry.
3. Students will apply good laboratory practices in real life situations in bio process industriesand laboratories
of R&D and quality control units.
4. Students will apply SOP in process operations of biotech industries.
5. Students will apply the concepts of waste minimization and zero contamination in process units of
biotechnology industries.
6. Students will apply the concepts of personal hygiene of employees of biotech industries and implementation
of good health practices.
With effect from the Academic Year 2016-17
Course Objectives:
1. Student is made to understand the importance of food biotechnology and its nutritive value.
2. Students are taught the types of food available in the nature and its consumption value.
3. Students made to understand the food spoilage.
4. Students are enlightened about the importance of food processing.
5. Students are made aware of chemical and physical methods of food processing.
6. Student is made to understand the methods of food preservation and its control in food spoilage.
Course Outcomes:
1. Apply the fundamentals of food biotechnology to their real life situation.
2. Be able to differentiate types of food and explain their consumption value.
3. Be able to describe the types of pathogens and their effect on food.
4. Be able to describe the physical and chemical methods of food processing.
5. Be in a position to preserve the food material to avoid food spoilage.
6. By understanding the principles of biotechnology able to work in a suitable food industry.
Introduction to Scope and importance of food biotechnology, Nutritive value of the food ; consumption and structure
of foods and the importance of industrial processing of foods, various technologies and methods in food preservation,
processing and packaging, food grade polymers.
Text Books:
1. Roger Angold, Gordon Beech & Taggart, “Food Biotechnology” 1st edition, Cambridge University Press,
2. Frazier, William, C.Westhoff, Dennisc , “Food Microbiology” 2nd Edition TATA Mcgraw Hill Publishers,
3. Norman Potter, Hotch Kiss, “food science” 2nd edition, chapman Publishers, 1996.
4. Kalidas Shetty, Gopinadhan Paliyath, Anthony Pometto, Robert E. Levin, “Food biotechnology” 2 nd Edition,
CRC Press, 1999.
Suggested Reading:
1. Ashok Pandey, “Biotechnology:Food Fermentation” Asia Tech Publishers Inc,New Delhi,1999.
2. J.M.Jay, M.J.Loessner and D.A.Golden, “Modern food microbiology”, 7 th edition,Springer,2006.
3.Romeo T. Toledo, “Fundamentals of Food Process Engineering”, 3rd edition, Springer, February, 2007.
With effect from the Academic Year 2016-17
Course Objectives
1. To introduce the concept of nanotechnology and nanobiotechnology
2. To educate students about significance of nano-size
3. To gain knowledge on the synthesis of nanomaterials
4. To gain knowledge on the characterization of nanomaterials
5. To have awareness about different types of Nanostructures
6. To get familiarize with applications of nanobiotechnology in different fields
Course Outcomes
1. Students will acquire the knowledge of multidisciplinary nature of nanotechnology
2. Students will be able to explain the nanoscale paradigm in terms of properties at the nanoscale dimension.
3. Students will be able to describe different methods used for the synthesis of nanomaterials
4. Students will have the knowledge of characterization of nanomaterials
5. Students will have awareness of nanostructures
6. Students will learn various applications of nanobiotechnology
Text books:
1. Christof M. Niemeyer and Chad A. Mirkin, “Nanobiotechnology: Concepts, Applications and Perspectives”
Wiley Publishers, April 2004.
2. Mark Ratner and Daniel Ratner, “ Nanotechnology: A Gentle Introduction to Next Big Idea”, Low Price
edition, Third Impression, Pearson Education
Suggested Reading:
1. David S Goodsell, “Bionanotechnology”, John Wiley & Sons, 2004.
2. Debasis Bagchi, Manashi Bagchi, Hiroyoshi Moriyama, Fereidoon S hahidi, “Bio-Nanotechnology: A
Revolution in Food, Biomedical and Health Sciences” Wiley -Blackwell, 2013.
3. Elisabeth S P, Aravind P, “Bionanotechnology”, Morgan & Claypool publishers, 2007
With effect from the Academic Year 2016-17
1. To understand the essence of Entrepreneurship
2. To know the environment of industry and related opportunities and challenges
3. To know the concept a procedure of idea generation
4. To understand the elements of business plan and its procedure
5. To understand project management and its techniques
6. To know behavioral issues and Time management
Outcomes: After completing this course, students will be able to:
1. Apply the entrepreneurial process
2. Analyze the feasibility of a new business plan and preparation of Business plan
3. Evaluate entrepreneurial tendency and attitude
4. Brainstorm ideas for new and innovative products or services
5. Use project management techniques like PERT and CPM
6. Analyze behavioural aspects and use time management matrix
Indian Industrial Environment: Competence, Opportunities and Challenges, Entrepreneurship and Economic
growth, Small Scale Industry in India, Objectives, Linkage among small, medium and heavy industries, Types of
enterprises, Corporate Social Responsibility.
Identification and characteristics of entrepreneurs: First generation entrepreneurs, environmental influence and
women entrepreneurs, Conception and evaluation of ideas and their sources, Selection of Technology, Collaborative
interaction for Technology development.
Business plan: Introduction, Elements of Business Plan and its salient features, Technical Analysis, Profitability and
Financial Analysis, Marketing Analysis, Feasibility studies, Executive Summary.
Project Management: During construction phase, project organization, project planning and control using CPM,
PERT techniques, Human aspects of project management, Assessment of tax burden
Behavioral aspects of entrepreneurs: Personality, determinants, attributes and models, Leadership concepts and
models, Values and attitudes, Motivation aspects, Change behavior
Time Management: Approaches of time management, their strengths and weaknesses. Time management matrix and
the urgency addiction
Text Books:
1. Vasant Desai, “Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development and Management”, Himalaya Publishing House,
2. Prasanna Chandra, “Project-Planning, Analysis, Selection, Implementation and Review”, Tata Mcgraw-Hill
Publishing Company Ltd. 1995.
3. S.S. Khanka, “Entrepreneurial Development”, S. Chand & Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
Suggested Reading:
1. Robert D. Hisrich, Michael P. Peters, “Entrepreneurship”, Tata Me Graw Hill Publishing Company Ltd.,
5lh Ed., 2005
2. Stephen R. Covey and A. Roger Merrill, “First Things First”, Simon and Schuster Publication, 1994.
3. Sudha G.S., “Organizational Behavior”, National Publishing House, 1996.
With effect from the Academic Year 2016-17
Oral presentation is an important aspect of engineering education. The objective of the seminar is to prepare the
student for a systematic and independent study of state of the art topics in a broad area of his /her specialization.
Seminar topics may be chosen by the students with advice from the faculty members. Students are to be exposed to
following aspects of seminar presentations.
Literature survey
Consolidation of available information
Power point Preparation
Technical writing
1. Submit a one page synopsis of the seminar talk for display on the notice board.
2. Give twenty(20) minutes presentation through OHP/ PPT/ Slide Projector followed by
Ten (10) minutes discussion
3. Submit a report on the seminar topic with list of references and hard copy of the slides.
Seminars are to be scheduled from 3rd week to the last week of the semester and any change in schedule should be
For the award of sessional marks students are judged by three (3) faculty members and are based on oral and written
presentations as well as their involvement in the discussions during the oral presentation.
Note: Topic of the seminar should be from any peer reviewed recent journal publications.
With effect from the Academic Year 2016-17
Dealing with a real time problem should be the focus of under graduate project.
All projects will be monitored at least four times in the II-semester through individual presentations (Project batch
Every student should maintain a project dairy, wherein he/she needs to record the progress of his/her work and get it
signed at least once in a week by the guide(s). If working outside and college campus, both the external and internal
guides should sign the same.
Sessional marks should be based on the marks, awarded by a project monitoring committee of faculty members as
well as the marks given by the guide.
Common norms are established for final documentation of the project report, the students are directed to download
from the website regarding the guidelines for preparing the project report and the project report format.
The project report shall be evaluated for 100 Marks by the External Examiner.
If the project work found inadequate in the end examination, the candidate should repeat the project work with a new
problem or improve the quality of work and report it again.