Chemical Composition of Nigella Sativa L. Seed Extracts Obtained by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
Chemical Composition of Nigella Sativa L. Seed Extracts Obtained by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
Chemical Composition of Nigella Sativa L. Seed Extracts Obtained by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
DOI 10.1007/s13197-010-0109-y
Revised: 11 June 2010 / Accepted: 26 September 2010 / Published online: 1 November 2010
# Association of Food Scientists & Technologists (India) 2010
Abstract Chemical composition of black cumin (Nigella Keywords Nigella sativa . Supercritical CO2 . GC-MS . 2D
sativa L.) seed extracts obtained by supercritical carbon HSQCT NMR . Thymoquinone
dioxide at two different conditions that result in total extract
(28 MPa/50°C, SFE 1) and major volatile part (12 MPa/
40°C, SFE 2) and essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation Introduction
of SFE-1 (HD SFE). SFE have been carried out to
characterize the compounds and the variation of quinones A large number of medicinal plants and their purified
and phenolics. The extracts were analysed by GC and GC- constituents have been shown beneficial therapeutic poten-
MS and the presence of phenolic compounds was further tials. Seeds of Nigella sativa (black cumin), a dicotyledon
confirmed by 2D HSQCT 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy. of the Ranunculaceae family, have been used for thousands
Forty-seven volatile compounds were detected where of years as a spice and food preservative. Black cumin is an
sixteen compounds were reported for the first time in the annual herbaceous plant widely grown in the Mediterranean
oil of this seed. Moreover, thymoquinone (TQ), dithymo- countries, Middle East, Eastern Europe and Western Asia.
quinone (DTQ), thymohydroquinone (THQ) and thymol The seeds have been added as a spice to a variety of Persian
(THY) were the major phenolic compounds. It can be foods such as bread, yogurt, pickles, sauces and salads
concluded that the chemical composition of extracts (Hajhashemi et al. 2004). In the Middle East, Northern
obtained by SC CO2 extraction of the seeds showed better Africa and India, it has been used traditionally for centuries
recovery of phenolic compounds than HD SFE and proved for the treatment of asthma, cough, bronchitis, headache,
the occurrence of thermally labile or photosensitive rheumatism, fever, influenza and eczema and for its
bioactive volatiles of four major quinonic phenol compounds. antihistaminic, antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory activities
(Burits and Bucar 2000).
The oil and the seed constituents, in particular
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article thymoquinone (TQ), have shown potential medicinal
(doi:10.1007/s13197-010-0109-y) contains supplementary material, properties; they exhibit potent anti-inflammatory effects
which is available to authorized users. on several inflammation-based models including experi-
S. K. Tiruppur Venkatachallam : U. S. Kadimi (*) mental encephalomyelitis, colitis, peritonitis, oedama,
Food Engineering Department, Central Food Technological and arthritis through suppression of the inflammatory
Research Institute, (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research),
mediators prostaglandins and leukotriens (Chakrabarty et al.
Mysore 570 020 Karnataka, India
e-mail: 2003). The oil and active ingredient of TQ showed beneficial
immunomodulatory properties, augmenting the T cell and
H. Pattekhan : S. Divakar natural killer cell-mediated immune responses (Haq et al.
Fermentation Technology and Bioengineering Department,
1999). Most importantly, both the oil and its active
Central Food Technological Research Institute,
(Council of Scientific and Industrial Research), ingredients expressed anti-microbial and anti-tumor proper-
Mysore 570 020 Karnataka, India ties toward different microbes and cancers (Topozada et al.
J Food Sci Technol (Nov–Dec 2010) 47(6):598–605 599
1965; Badary et al. 1999). Coupling these beneficial SFE is an attractive alternative to conventional methods
effects with its use in folk medicine, Nigella sativa seed is due to its use of environmentally compatible fluids, reduced
a promising source for active ingredients that would be solvent consumption, oxygen-free extraction environment,
with potential therapeutic modalities in different clinical the ease of separation of solute from supercritical fluid
settings. More than 150 studies have been conducted and (SCF) solvent by simple expansion and shorter extraction
confirmed the pharmacological effectiveness of Nigella time. Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) of bioactive
sativa seed constituents. Though, Nigella sativa seed is a compounds from plant material is a promising field for
complex substance of more than 100 compounds, some of the industrial application of SFE, since it has many
which have not yet been identified or studied (Salem advantages over steam-distillation and solvent extraction
2005). as it prevents the transformation of bioactive compounds
TQ, derived from the medicinal spice Nigella sativa has during extraction. Supercritical CO2 extraction has been
been shown to exhibit anti-inflammatory (Mutabagani and considered as a possible applied field of SFE, because CO2
El-Mehdy 1997) and anti-cancer activities (Worthen et al. is nontoxic and nonflammable, the lack of a chemical
1998). TQ in nanoparticles were more potent than TQ in residue problem and low critical temperature (31.2°C) is
suppressing proliferation of colon cancer, breast cancer, important (Machmudah et al. 2005).
prostate cancer, and multiple myeloma cells and also that Currently, black cumin seeds have been extensively
encapsulation of TQ enhances its anti-proliferative, anti- studied particularly, which justifies its broad traditional
inflammatory, and chemosensitizing effects (Ravindran et therapeutic and nutritional value. In consideration of
al. 2010). Several components of black cumin have been potential utilization, detailed knowledge on the chemical
identified, including thymoquinone, thymol, thymohydro- composition of the seed is of major importance for food and
quinone, and dithymoquinone (Morikawa et al. 2004). The pharmaceutical industries. The reason might be found in the
most abundant component of black seed oil, TQ has been complex chemical composition of the seeds. SC CO2
reported to exhibit antioxidant (Mansour et al. 2002; technology has provided an impetus for their improvement
Badary et al. 2003, 2007), anti-inflammatory, chemosensi- in terms of quality as well as quantity of the extracted
tization and chemopreventive potential effects (Badary et bioactive compounds than other conventional extractions.
al. 1999; Badary and Gamal El-Din 2001; Gali-Muhtasib et Thus the SC CO2 technology described here may find
al. 2004) . utility as a superior technology for determine the compo-
Beneficial effects of Nigella sativa (NS) and TQ on sition of pharmacologically active quinones in this N. sativa
histopathological changes of sciatic nerves in streptozotocin seed oil. The aim of the present study was to explore the
(STZ) induced diabetic rats were studied. The treatment chemical composition of extracts isolated from Nigella
with both NS and TQ caused sharp decrease in the sativa seeds by Supercritical CO2 besides identifying all the
elevated serum glucose, and an increase in the lowered compounds present in the volatile oils by GC MS and NMR
serum insulin concentrations, in STZ induced diabetic Spectroscopy.
rats. No histopathological changes of sciatic nerves in
STZ induced diabetic rats by NS and TQ treatment have
been reported (Kanter 2008). Materials and methods
Despite the availability and use of numerous anti-
epileptic drugs, nearly 15% of childhood epilepsy cases Plant material Seeds of Nigella sativa were obtained from
are resistant to treatment. However, in traditional medi- Supreem Pharmaceuticals Mysore Pvt. Ltd, Mysore, India.
cine, Nigella sativa has been known for its anticonvulsant A voucher specimen authenticated and has been deposited
effects. In this double-blinded crossover clinical trial at the Central Food Technological Research Institute,
conducted on children with refractory epilepsy, the Mysore. The seeds were stored in polythene bags and
aqueous extract of black seed was administered as an maintained at 4°C until extraction. Seeds material was dried
adjunct therapy and the effects were compared with those and ground into a fine powder using an IKA-10 mini
of a placebo. It can be concluded that the water extract of laboratory mill.
Nigella sativa has antiepileptic effects in children with
refractory seizures (Akhondian et al. 2007). Chemicals Sodium sulphate (anhydrous) and silica gel (60–
TQ converted to DTQ via photodimerization, as a 120 mesh) for column chromatography was purchased from
consequence of exposure to heat and sunlight during SD Fine Chemicals, India. Silica gel G for thin layer
separation and extraction procedures. Various storage chromatography was purchased from Loba Chemicals,
conditions are also expected to make a difference in the India. All the solvents used were of analytical grade and
amounts of the quinone constituents especially TQ of the dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO-d6) from Merck Co, Mumbai,
oil (El-Dakhakhny 1963). India. The solvents were distilled once before use. For the
600 J Food Sci Technol (Nov–Dec 2010) 47(6):598–605
Table 1 Chemical composition (%) of black cumin seed extracts isolated by supercritical CO2 extraction
Table 1 (continued)
Identification has been through by comparing mass spectra (MS), retention indices (RI), NMR spectra, data from NIST, Wiley commercial
libraries, Chemistry Web Book ( and other reports (Joulain and Konig 1998; Adams 2007)
SFE 1 (28 MPa/50°C), SFE 2 (12 MPa/40°C) and hydrodistillation of SFE 1 (HD SFE)
The retention indices were calculated for all compounds using a homologous series of C8-C22 n- alkanes. RIexp, experimental retention indices
given for DB-5MS column; RIlit, literature retention indices given for DB-5MS column. tr, trace (<0.1%)
Compounds identified for the first time in the extracts of Nigella sativa
determination of retention indices, a hydrocarbon mixture Column chromatography 5 ml of SFE 1 sample was
(Sigma, India) ranging from n-octane to n-docosane was subjected to purification, using a glass column (40 mm
used. Food grade CO2 cylinder (99.9% purity) was i.d×450 mm length) packed with silica gel (60–120
obtained from Kiran Corporation, Mysore, India. mesh) and eluted with hexane and ethyl acetate at 99:1
ratio. Fractions of volume 250 ml were collected and
Supercritical fluid extraction A Nova Swiss high pressure concentrated. They were monitored by TLC in 9:1 ratio
extractor (Nova Werke, AG, model Ex 1000–1.4–1.2) was of hexane and ethyl acetate. The spots were located by
used for the extractions. Food grade CO2 was pumped exposing the plates to iodine vapours. Fractions having
into the system by diaphragm pump until the required the similar pattern of the spots with similar Rf values on
pressure was obtained. Back pressure regulators were used the TLC plates were collected and pooled. From
to set the system pressure (in extractor and separator). The chromatographic separation, four fractions were detected.
extractor vessel was loaded with 1 kg of the powdered The fraction weights were: fraction 1; 1.3 L, fraction 2;
material of black cumin seeds. Heat exchangers were 0.8 L, fraction 3; 0.4 L and fraction 4; 0.7 L.
provided in the system and on the extractor and separator
vessel for temperature elevation. SC CO2 flows through GC and GC-MS analysis GC analyses were performed
the extractor and enters the separator vessel through an using a Fisons GC 8000 gas chromatograph equipped with
expansion valve and was re-circulated. Samples of the FID detector. All the analyses were carried out by a fused
extracted substance were collected by opening the valve silica DB-5MS column (30 m×0.32 mm i.d., film thickness
located at the bottom of the separator vessel. A flow meter 0.25 μm). The oven temperature was increased from 70°C
was provided to monitor the flow rate of CO2 circulating to 220°C at 4°C min and held isothermal for 15 min.
in the system. Extractions were carried out at two different The injector and detector temperatures were maintained at
conditions of pressures and temperatures, namely 28 MPa 220°C and 240°C respectively. 10% of samples were
at 50°C (SFE 1) and 12 MPa at 40°C (SFE 2) at a CO2 prepared in chloroform. The injection volume was 0.5 μL
mass flow rate of 3.3–8.05×10−4 kg/s (Udaya Sankar with a split ratio of 1:30 and nitrogen used as carrier gas at
1989). a flow rate of 1 ml/min. GC-MS recordings were made on a
Shimadzu gas chromatograph (Shimadzu, Japan) coupled
Hydrodistillation The Supercritical CO2 extract (SFE 1) with QP-5000 mass spectrometer. A 0.5 μL sample was
was subjected to hydrodistillation (HD) for 6 h using a injected in the split mode ratio of 1:15. Helium was used as
Clevenger-type apparatus. The essential oil (HD SFE) carrier gas at a flow rate of 1 ml/min. All the other
obtained was yellow color with aromatic odour in a yield parameters remained unchanged relative to GC analyses.
of 1.5% (v/v) which was dried using anhydrous sodium Mass spectra were obtained by EI at 70 eV. Mass scanning
sulphate and then stored at 4°C in dark until analysis. was performed from 40 to 400 amu.
602 J Food Sci Technol (Nov–Dec 2010) 47(6):598–605
1 13
Table 2 H and C 2D-HSQCT NMR data of compounds 1, 2 and 3a in DMSO-d6
Carbon number Chemical shifts (ppm) Compound 1 Chemical shifts (ppm) Compound 2 Chemical shifts (ppm) Compound 3
1 13 1 13 1 13
H NMR (J in Hz) C NMR H NMR (J in Hz) C NMR H NMR (J in Hz) C NMR
1 ── 145.1 ── 127.2 ── ──
2 6.59(s) 133.5 (i1) 7.03 (s) 120.4 6.72 (s) 133.5 (i1)
3 ── 188.3 (i2) ── ── 7.47 (d, 8 Hz) 127.9 (i2)
4 ── 187.3 (i2) ── ── ── 154.1
5 6.72(s) 133.3 (i1) 5.30 (s) 129.3 7.85 (d, 8 Hz) 125.8 (i1)
6 ── 156.4 ── 133.5 ── 127.7 (i2)
7 ── 14.9 ── 14.3 ── 14.2
8 2.12 (m, 5.3 Hz) 31.0 1.92 (m, 5.1 Hz) 31.1 2.01 (m, 5.4 Hz) 30.8
9 1.93 (d, 5.3 Hz) 26.7 1.41 (d, 5.1 Hz) 24.5 1.37 (d, 5.4 Hz) 23.5
10 1.94 (d, 5.3 Hz) 26.7 1.47 (d, 5.1 Hz) 25.3 1.41 (d, 5.4 Hz) 26.2
5 mg of sample was dissolved in 0.5 ml of DMSO-d6 for recording the spectra at 20°C on Bruker Avance AQS 500 MHz NMR spectrometer. All the
details are mentioned in Materials and Methods. s-singlet, d-doublet, m-multiplet and i-interchangeable
H and 13C NMR analysis Two-dimensional Heteronuclear sinusoidal-shaped z-gradients of strength 25.7, 15.42 and
Single Quantum Coherence Transfer Spectra (2D HSQCT) 20.56 G/cm with a gradient recovery delay of 100 μs to
were recorded using a Bruker Avance AQS 500 MHz defocus unwanted coherences. Increment of t1 was in 256
(Bruker Biospin, Fallanden, Switzerland) NMR spectrom- steps. About 50–200 scans and 500–6000 scans were
eter operating at 500.18 MHz for 1H and 125.78 MHz accumulated with a recycle period of 2–3 seconds to obtain
for 13C at 20°C. Proton and carbon 90° pulse widths were good spectra for 1H and 13C NMR, respectively. A region
12.25 and 10.5 μs, respectively. Chemical shifts were from 0–10 ppm and 0–200 ppm were scanned for all the
expressed in ppm relative to tetramethylsilane (TMS) as an samples for 1H and 13C NMR, respectively. The size of the
internal standard. 5 mg of samples dissolved in DMSO-d6 computer memory used to accumulate the data was 4 kB.
was used for recording the spectra in magnitude mode with The spectra were processed using unshifted and π/4 shifted
sine bell window function in F1 and F2 dimensions, The SFE oils could be distinguished from the HD SFE
respectively. oil by their greater richness in monoterpene hydrocarbons
(36.51% in SFE 1, 14.15% in SFE 2 and 15.94% in HD
Compounds identification Compounds were identified SFE), sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (5.35% in SFE 1,
based on comparison of their Kovats retention indices 12.32% in SFE 2 and 8.19% in HD SFE), oxygenated
(RI) relative to C8-C22 n-alkanes and matching of the mass sesquiterpenes (2.59% in SFE 1 and 4.69% in SFE 2),
spectra with those detailed in the NIST, Wiley commercial diterpenes (2.15% in SFE 1 and 2.25% in SFE 2), fatty
libraries, data from Chemistry web book and literature data acids (0.44% in SFE 1 and 12.31% in SFE 2) and fatty acid
(Joulain and Konig 1998; Adams 2007). esters (0.12% in HD SFE). The oxygenated monoterpenes
were more represented in HD SFE (17.14%) than in SFE 1
(7.47%) and SFE 2 (9.16%). Quinones were present to
greater extent in HD SFE (57.67%) than SFE 1 (44.08%)
Results and discussion and SFE 2 (39.54%) oils. The main compounds in SFE 1,
SFE 2 and HD SFE oils were thymoquinone (35.05% in
The SFE 1 extract carried out at pressure of 28 MPa and SFE 1, 33.12% in SFE 2 and 38.41% in HD SFE),
temperature of 50°C resulted in total extract yield of γ-terpinene (27.46% in SFE 1, 13.20% in SFE 2 and
26.02% contained both volatile and nonvolatile fraction. 12.87% in HD SFE), thymol (7.43% in SFE 1, 5.30% in
The SFE 2 extract found to contain a major fraction of SFE 2 and 16.95% in HD SFE), β-caryophyllene (2.89% in
steam volatile components only at lower pressure and SFE 1, 5.07% in SFE 2 and 4.80% in HD SFE) and
temperature of extraction (Udaya Sankar 1989). In this thymohydroquinone (1.17% in SFE 1, 1.12% in SFE 2 and
study, extract yield is expressed in % and defined as weight 2.31% in HD SFE). In this study, dithymoquinone (DTQ)
of the extract divided by weight of the sample. SFE1 could not be traced by GC and GC-MS analysis of these
obtained higher extract yield than the SFE 2. The extraction
yield was increased with increasing pressure and tempera- Table 3 1H and 13
C 2D-HSQCT NMR data of compound 4a in
ture at certain levels along with better recovery of quinones DMSO-d6
and phenolics. The hydrodistillation of Nigella sativa seed Carbon number Chemical shifts (ppm) Compound 4
powder with Clevenger distillation yielded 1.0–1.2% of
1 13
essential oil with 30–32% of thymoquinone (TQ). In SFE 1, H NMR (J in Hz) C NMR
the extract yield was 26.02% with 7.11% of TQ whereas in
1 ── 59.7 (i1)
SFE 2 the yield of extract was 7.8% with TQ content of
2 4.59 (s) 59.4 (i1)
12.27%. The recovery of TQ on the seed basis was 0.4–
3 ── 172.9 (i2)
0.5% in hydrodistillation, 1.85% in SFE 1 and 0.95% in
SFE 2. Hence, by SC CO2 extraction the recovery of TQ 4 ── 192.7 (i2)
was much better. 5 5.40 (s) 129.8 (i3)
Hydrodistillation of SFE 1 extract yielded 1.5% of essential 6 ── 154.1 (i4)
oil (HD SFE) with characteristic transparent yellow color with 7 ── 59.6 (i1)
typical aromatic odour. A total of 47 different compounds 8 4.02 (s) 59.4 (i1)
were identified in Nigella sativa seed oils extracted by 9 ── 172.9 (i2)
supercritical CO2 (SFE 1 and SFE 2) and hydrodistillation of 10 ── 192.7 (i2)
SFE 1 (HD SFE). About 31 compounds were identified in 11 5.40 (s) 130.3 (i3)
SFE 1 oil, 22 compounds in SFE 2 oil and 23 compounds in 12 ── 153.0 (i4)
HD SFE oil. Among the 47 compounds, the occurrences of 13 1.07 (s) 22.0 (i5)
16 volatile compounds were reported for the first time in 14 1.06 (s) 20.9 (i5)
Nigella sativa seeds (Table 1). They are n-nonane, 15 2.27 (m, 5.3 Hz) 33.6
allo-ocimenol, terpinen-1-ol, 1,5,8-ρ-menthatriene, dihydro- 16 1.18 (d, 5.3 Hz) 29.2
carvone, ocimenone (E), n-octyl isobutyrate, citronellyl 17 1.17 (d, 5.3 Hz) 29.1
acetate, thymohydroquinone methyl ether, (Z)-caryophyllene, 18 2.26 (m, 5.5 Hz) 33.4
thymohydroquinone dimethyl ether, aromadendrene, dava- 19 1.16 (d, 5.5 Hz) 28.6
none, 8-heptadecene, dihydro farnesyl acetate and pimara- 20 1.15 (d, 5.5 Hz) 28.5
diene. The lower number of compounds occurred in HD SFE a
5 mg of sample was dissolved in 0.5 ml of DMSO-d6 for recording the
compared to SFE is mainly related to the possible degradation
spectra at 20°C on Bruker Avance AQS 500 MHz NMR spectrometer. All
of volatile compounds by higher temperature and longer the details are mentioned in Materials and Methods. s-singlet, d-doublet,
distillation time. m-multiplet and i-interchangeable
604 J Food Sci Technol (Nov–Dec 2010) 47(6):598–605
oils, as confirmed by Burits and Bucar (2000) and Benkaci- some variations in the qualitative and quantitative compo-
Ali et al. (2007). The present analysis showed higher sitions of Nigella sativa essential oil in different regions of
thymoquinone content than what has been reported in the the world. Many factors can influence the essential oil
literatures so far (Burits and Bucar 2000; El-Ghorab 2003). composition of seeds including genetic and phenologic
Fractions obtained from column chromatography sepa- stage as well as environment effects and extraction
ration, showed a mixture of four quinonic phenol com- methods (Reineccius 1994; Omidbaigi 1997; Gora et al.
pounds, all possessing the thymol skeleton through 2D 2002).
HSQCT NMR spectra in different proportions.
Compound 1 showed the presence of two carbonyl
groups at 187.3 ppm and 188.3 ppm. Further, two aromatic Conclusion
protons were detected at 6.59 ppm and 6.72 ppm. A CH3
group attached to an aromatic ring was detected at Sixteen compounds were identified for the first time in
14.9 ppm in the carbon spectrum. The presence of hydrodistillate of SFE and supercritical CO2 extracts of
isopropyl group was detected by observing signals at Nigella sativa. To our knowledge, this is the first report on
1.93 ppm and 1.94 ppm (doublet) and 2.12 ppm, all with the chemical composition of essential oil obtained by
the coupling constant of 5.3 Hz (Table 2). Thus, compound hydrodistillation of SC CO2 extract of Nigella sativa seeds.
1 was identified to be thymoquinone (Fig. 1). This study has clearly brought out the possibilities to obtain
Compound 2 showed methyl groups attached to an higher percentage of valuable volatiles such as thymoqui-
aromatic ring and an isopropyl group attached to an none through the SC CO2 technology and proved its
aromatic ring at 14.3 ppm and 31.1 ppm (1H 1.92 ppm), superiority to earlier reports in the literature.
24.5 ppm (1H 1.41 ppm), 25.3 ppm (1H 1.47 ppm)
respectively with a characteristic coupling constant value Acknowledgement The first author acknowledges the management
and Dr. H. Muhamed Mubarack, Advisor, School of Life Sciences of
of 5.1 Hz. Two aromatic protons were detected at 5.30 ppm
the RVS College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
and 7.03 ppm (Table 2). All these showed that compound 2 for sponsoring as a Teacher Research Fellow at CFTRI, Mysore. We
could be thymohydroquinone (Fig. 1). thank the Director of the Central Food Technological Research
Compound 3 showed the characteristic thymol 1H and Institute, (CSIR), Mysore, for providing all the facilities.
C NMR characteristics. Two ortho coupled signals were
detected at 7.47 ppm and 7.85 ppm with a characteristic
ortho coupling constant of 8.0 Hz. A single aromatic peak References
was also detected at 6.72 ppm. Phenolic carbon was
observed at 154.1 ppm. An isopropyl group attached to an
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observed (Table 2). Thus, compound 3 clearly showed the Stream, and IL
characteristic of thymol (Fig. 1). Akhondian J, Parsa A, Rakhshande H (2007) The effect of Nigella
sativa L. (black cumin seed) on intractable pediatric seizures.
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Only two aromatic protons were detected at 5.4 ppm. Four
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(Table 3). Thus, compound 4 was identified to be Badary OA, Taha RA, Gamal El-Din AM, Abdel-Wahab MH (2003)
Thymoquinone is a potent superoxide anion scavenger. Drug
dithymoquinone (Fig. 1).
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