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Author Manuscript
Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 August 01.
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Objective—To compare the impact of nortriptyline to sertraline on change in cognitive
functioning in depressed older adults.
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
given the small sample sizes and number of statistical tests (potential for type 1 error), replication
is warranted.
cognitive functioning; cognitive impairment; depression; nortriptyline; sertraline
Corresponding Author: Michelle Culang-Reinlieb, Queens College, City University of New York, Department of Psychology, 65-30
Kissena Blvd, Flushing, NY, 11367, USA.
Disclosures: SPR has received consultant fees from Medtronics and Orexigen
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depression into dementia among those with cognitive impairment is much higher than those
without cognitive impairment (Modrego and Ferrandez 2004). Antidepressant medication is
the first line of treatment for depression, particularly in the older adult community where
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To our knowledge, few studies have fully tested the impact of medication on cognitive
function in depressed older adults. For example, in an 8-week randomized placebo-
controlled trial of citalopram (Culang, et al. 2009), antidepressant non-response was
associated with cognitive decline in verbal learning and psychomotor speed. Although
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The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of a TCA and SSRI on cognition and to
determine whether change in cognition depends on response to treatment and cognitive
domain. To accomplish this aim, we used pre-post neuropsychological data on global
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Study Procedures
This study was a double-blind, randomized, 12-week clinical trial comparing nortriptyline to
sertraline in depressed older adults. Patients were recruited by radio and newspaper
advertisements and/or through referral from other physicians. At the initial visit, a
comprehensive psychiatric evaluation, including a Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-
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IV, 24-item Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HRSD), Mini-Mental Status
Examination (MMSE), Newcastle I scale for the assessment of melancholia, and a medical
history were performed. If the patient met inclusion criteria and signed informed consent, a
physical examination, ECG, CBC, chemistries, electrolytes, and thyroid panel were
Inclusion criteria were 1) age > 45; 2) unipolar depression, single or recurrent, nonpsychotic,
by DSM-IV criteria; 3) HRSD ≥ 16 at the initial visit and at the end of 1 week of placebo; 4)
MMSE score ≥ 24; and 5) willing and able to give informed consent. Exclusion criteria were
1) current or history of obsessive-compulsive disorder, psychotic disorder, or substance
dependence within the past year (other than nicotine) by DSM-IV criteria; 2) judged to be a
current suicide risk or serious suicide attempt within the past year; 3) patients status post
myocardial infarction, coronary artery bypass, or angioplasty, or with a positive history of
angina or positive stress test; 4) QRS interval greater than 0.12 sec or QTc interval ≥ 46
msec; 5) treatment with coumadin, heparin or type 1 antiarrhythmic medications; 6)
diagnosis of narrow angle glaucoma; 7) stroke, epilepsy or Parkinson’s disease; 8) acute,
severe or unstable medical condition; 9) positive urine toxicology screen for drugs of abuse
including amphetamine, barbiturates, cocaine, marijuana, methadone, methaqualone,
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opioids, and PCP; 10) treatment in the current episode of depression with either nortriptyline
with a plasma level between 50 and 150 ng/ml, desipramine or imipramine with a plasma
level of 250 ng/ml or greater, paroxetine 40mg, fluoxetine 40mg, or sertraline 200mg for at
least 4 weeks.
Patients who met inclusion/exclusion criteria and signed informed consent were given one
week of single-blind placebo. If patients still met inclusion/exclusion criteria at the end of
the placebo week and did not reduce their HRSD score by 25%, they were randomized. The
assessments performed at the end of the placebo week and every visit thereafter included the
HRSD, the Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS), the Beck Depression
Inventory (BDI), and the Clinical Global Impression (CGI) of severity and improvement.
The Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale was performed at baseline and at the end of weeks 2, 4,
and 8 of treatment; the Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey and the
MMSE were performed at baseline and at the end of week 12 or upon early termination. The
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Cumulative Illness Rating Scale for Geriatrics (CIRS-G) was also administered at baseline.
Stratification of the sample was based on diagnosis of melancholia by DSM-IV criteria
(questions resolved by case conference). Randomization was done using permuted blocks of
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Participants randomized to sertraline received 50 mg for one week and then 100 mg for the
next 4 weeks. If the patient did not meet criteria for remission (HRSD < 10) by week 5, the
dose was increased to 150 mg/day. If the patient did not show evidence of response by week
9, the dose was increased to 200 mg/day. The nortriptyline dose was calculated at 1 mg/kg;
1/3 of that dose was given days 1 through 3, 2/3 on days 3 through 6, and the full dose of
medication was given on day 7. A plasma level was drawn 7 days later and the dose of
nortriptyline was adjusted so that the plasma level was within 80-120 ng/ml. The New York
State Psychiatric Institute IRB approved this study.
(Reitan and Wolfson 1985) to assess attention, the Stroop Color/Word Test (MacLeod 1991)
and Trail Making Test B (TMT B) (Reitan and Wolfson 1985) to assess the response
inhibition and switching components of executive functioning, respectively, and the
Buschke Selective Reminding Test (SRT) (Buschke and Fuld 1974) as a measure of verbal
learning. Two of the tests (CPT and Stroop) were presented on a Macintosh laptop computer
and were written in the PsyScope programming language (Cohen, et al. 1993). Performance
on the CPT was summarized by d-prime, a sensitivity index that represents the standardized
difference between hit and false alarm rates. Percent interference (percent change in median
reaction time to color/word versus color responses) was used as the outcome measure on the
Stroop. The other five tests (MMSE, SRT, TMT A and B, and Purdue Pegboard) were
administered by hand. Alternate forms of the CPT and SRT were used in an attempt to
eliminate the problem of practice effects.
Missing Data
One hundred and twelve patients were randomized to treatment with either nortriptyline or
sertraline. Forty-nine patients were missing all neuropsychological data across the two time-
points (baseline and week 12) and were excluded from this study. No differences between
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those patients with neuropsychological data (n=63) and those without neuropsychological
data (n=49) were detected on any clinical or demographic variable. To accommodate
missing data for the remaining sample (n=63), we used the multiple imputation (Schafer and
Olsen 1998) procedure in SPSS. Multiple imputation replaces missing data with a set of
plausible values based on all variables in the working dataset, which includes demographic,
clinical outcome, and neuropsychological test variables. To capture the uncertainty in the
estimated values, multiple imputation is conducted several times yielding similar but not
identical datasets. This report is based on five imputed data sets, which is sufficient to obtain
excellent results unless rates of missing data are exceptionally high (Schafer 1999). The five
imputed data sets are analyzed separately using standard statistical analyses. Results from
the analyses are then combined using Rubin’s rules (Schafer and Graham 2002; Schafer and
Olsen 1998) to generate valid statistical inferences that reflect uncertainty due to missing
values and improve the accuracy of the results.
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Statistical Analyses
Prior to testing for differences in change in neuropsychological test performance, we used
simple and logistic regression in SPSS to test for differences at baseline between the two
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treatment conditions as well as the four treatment condition by responder status groups (see
below). There were no differences on age, education, gender, baseline depression severity,
responder status, or on any of the neuropsychological tests when comparing the two
(treatment condition) and four (responder status by treatment condition) patient groups.
Therefore, we did not adjust for demographic, clinical, or neuropsychological tests in the
subsequent analyses.
status, we used a dummy-coded variable to designate the four patient groups (sertraline
responders, sertraline non-responders, nortriptyline responders, and nortriptyline non-
responders). Multiple regression was used and the neuropsychological test change scores
were again treated as the outcome variable.
The partial or regressed change approach to two time point data is often recommended
(Cohen, et al. 2003). In this procedure, the endpoint neuropsychological test score is treated
as the outcome variable and the baseline test score is treated as a covariate. This effectively
removes all correlation of the endpoint score from the baseline score and represents an
improvement over simple change scores (subtracting baseline from endpoint) which tend to
overcorrect the endpoint score by the baseline score due to unreliability of measurement
(Cohen et al. 2003). We used a change score model in order to be consistent throughout our
statistical analyses and to facilitate the presentation of results. Furthermore, conducting the
analyses using both strategies did not yield substantively different findings. Throughout our
analyses, significance tests were evaluated at the 5% level.
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Descriptive Statistics
Table 1 presents baseline demographic and clinical characteristics of the total sample (n=63)
and sertraline and nortriptyline subgroups. The average study participant was 64 years old
and completed about 4 years of college. Approximately 60% of the sample were women,
average baseline depression severity was 24.37 on the 24-item HRSD, and 43% of the
sample were classified as responders. The average MMSE score of the sample at baseline
was 27.71.
Table 2 presents complete case pre- and post-treatment data for all neuropsychological tests
by medication group and responder status. As can be seen from Table 2, test scores
remained relatively stable in both treatment conditions and in the treatment condition by
responder status groups with the exception of scores on the Buschke SRT, CPT and TMT B.
Qualitatively, nortriptyline responders showed no improvement on the Buschke SRT as
compared to patients treated with sertraline or nortriptyline non-responders. On the TMT B,
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formally test these apparent differences in change based on complete case data, we ran a
series of analyses using change scores on each test as the outcome variable and
accommodated missing data using multiple imputation.
Hypothesis Testing
We first compared pre- and post-treatment neuropsychological test scores within each
treatment condition to address whether antidepressant medication has an impact on cognitive
functioning. Within the sertraline condition, significant change occurred on the Buschke
SRT [t(2082)=-6.30, p=.001]. No change was observed on the other neuropsychological
tests. Within the nortriptyline condition, no significant change was observed on any of the
neuropsychological tests. These results are graphically displayed in Figure 1, which depicts
pre- to post-treatment change in cognitive performance within each treatment condition
across the seven neuropsychological tests.
60]. Although there were no statistically significant changes in cognition within the
nortriptyline condition, we nevertheless examined whether there were differences depending
on response; however, no significant findings were observed.
The purpose of the present study was to examine the impact of nortriptyline and sertraline
on change in cognitive functioning of depressed older adults using data from a twelve-week,
double-blind, randomized clinical trial. Within this multi-domain assessment, we addressed
two interrelated sets of questions: 1) Within treatment condition, does cognitive functioning
change from pre- to post-treatment and does it depend on medication response? 2) Between
treatment conditions, is there a differential effect of medication on change in cognition and
does it depend on medication response?
We found that patients treated with sertraline showed a significant change in verbal learning
from pre- to post-treatment, but this change did not depend on responder status. Therefore,
taking sertraline improved memory regardless of whether the patient responded to the
medication. Of course, this effect could be because of sertraline or non-specific factors
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associated with participating in a clinical trial. However, improvement in memory (or any
other cognitive domain) was not observed in the nortriptyline condition. Therefore, we can
infer that memory improvement is likely to be associated with taking sertraline because we
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did not see a similar effect in the nortriptyline condition, which shared the same non-specific
factors. This finding is consistent with previous reports showing improvement in memory on
sertraline in non-depressed older adults (Furlan, et al. 2001; Schmitt, et al. 2001).
We next compared change in cognitive functioning between the nortriptyline and sertraline
conditions and found that patients treated with sertraline showed significantly more
improvement in verbal learning compared to patients treated with nortriptyline. This finding
is consistent with previous studies comparing the impact of sertraline to nortriptyline on the
cognitive functioning of older adults. For example, treatment with sertraline in the geriatric
depressed led to greater improvement in verbal learning (as measured by the Shopping List
Task (SLT)) when compared to treatment with nortriptyline (Doraiswamy et al. 2003). In
another study of depressed older adults, sertraline treatment led to improvement in verbal
learning (as measured by the SLT) whereas nortriptyline treatment led to a mild decline over
12 weeks of treatment (Finkel, et al. 1999).
The most cogent explanation for this unexpected finding is that memory improvement is
blocked by the anticholinergic effect of nortriptyline. Tricyclic antidepressants have five
times the anticholinergicity of SSRIs in older adults (Pollock, et al. 1998). More specifically,
sertraline has been found to produce no anticholinergic activity at therapeutic doses whereas
nortriptyline demonstrates a moderate anticholinergic activity (5-15 pmol/ml) (Chew, et al.
2008). Furthermore, drug-induced anticholinergic activity has been associated with
cognitive impairment in older adults (Oxman 1996); greater anticholinergic effect was
significantly (negatively) associated with endpoint cognitive improvement (in verbal
learning and processing speed) in depressed older adults (Doraiswamy et al. 2003). In
another study of the geriatric depressed, higher plasma nortriptyline concentration over 6
weeks of treatment was associated with poorer free recall but better affective outcome
(Young, et al. 1991) indicating that the therapeutic and cognitive effects of nortriptyline may
have different mechanisms. Even very low anticholinergic activity has been associated with
specific cognitive deficits. In one study, depressed elderly subjects with serum
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anticholinergic activity performed more poorly in verbal learning than did those without
anticholinergic activity (Nebes, et al. 1997). However, plasma drug levels of nortriptyline
were blood-controlled in the present study, and it is unlikely that the anticholinergic effect
differentially impacted the cognitive functioning of responders and non-responders on
Another possible explanation for the unexpected finding is that the nortriptyline responder
group had a disproportionately high number of cognitively impaired patients. However, the
average MMSE score at baseline for the sample was 27.01, which is within normal limits
and there was no significant difference in MMSE score between the four treatment by
responder status groups at baseline. There were also no differences between the four groups
in age or education. It is also possible that the overall medical burden was higher among
nortriptyline responders compared to the other three groups. The interaction between
medical illness and antidepressant medication could adversely affect cognitive functioning.
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However, there were no significant differences in medical burden (as assessed by the
Cumulative Illness Rating Scale for Geriatrics) between the four groups.
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This study should be interpreted in the context of several limitations. First, the sample size
was relatively small and this study was not specifically powered to detect between drug
differences in cognitive function by responder status. The responder analyses should
therefore be interpreted with caution. Furthermore, the small sample size did not allow for a
test of the interaction between depressive subtype, responder status, and treatment condition
on change in cognitive function nor did it allow us to take into account differences due to
depressive subtype (melancholia vs. non-melancholia). Second, the findings of this study
may have been only a statistical anomaly. These were post-hoc analyses involving a
multiplicity of statistical tests. Therefore, the findings are intended to be hypothesis
generating only and are clearly in need of replication. Third, although multiple cognitive
domains were examined, the assessment within each domain was relatively limited. Fourth,
there was no placebo control group making it difficult to determine whether the observed
improvement in verbal learning was nothing more than a practice effect. However, treatment
with sertraline led to an improvement on the Buschke SRT that exceeded the improvement
observed in patients randomized to placebo in our previous study (Culang et al. 2009) (¾
and ¼ of a standard deviation, respectively), suggesting there was significant change from
pre- to post-treatment beyond a practice effect.
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This research was supported by a grant from National Institute of Mental Health grants R01 MH55716 (Steven P.
Roose) and K23 MH075006 (Joel R. Sneed).
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Figure 1.
Change in cognitive performance from pre to post-treatment in the (a) sertraline condition
and (b) nortriptyline condition across seven neuropsychological tests.
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Table 1
Baseline Clinical and Demographic Characteristics of the total sample, the sertraline and nortriptyline conditions, and the four patients groups classified by treatment condition and responder status (complete
case data).
Age 64.19 (8.47) 64.85 (8.83) 63.47 (8.15) 65.82 (9.19) 64.36 (8.82) 63.25 (8.94) 63.71 (7.47)
Women (%) 60 61 60 45 68 63 57
Education, Yr 16.17 (2.42) 16.29 (2.14) 16.04 (2.73) 17.40 (.52) 15.67 (2.45) 16.23 (2.35) 15.83 (3.19)
HRSD Baseline 24.37 (4.87) 23.91 (4.38) 24.87 (5.39) 23.18 (4.56) 24.27 (4.36) 24.81 (4.45) 24.93 (6.47)
CGI-Severity Baseline 4.35 (.93) 4.38 (.71) 4.33 (1.12) 4.30 (.82) 4.41 (.67) 4.63 (.72) 4.00 (1.41)
CIRS-G 3.11 (2.14) 3.52 (2.22) 2.70 (2.0) 3.30 (1.83) 3.60 (2.48) 2.25 (1.69) 3.21 (2.26)
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Table 2
Unadjusted neuropsychological test performance scores at baseline and endpoint for the sertraline and nortriptyline subsamples and the four patient groups classified according to treatment condition and
responder status (complete case data)
MMSE 27.85 (2.56) 28.19 (2.16) 27.55 (2.87) 28.32 (2.50) 28.45 (2.07) 28.55 (2.34) 27.55 (2.77) 27.80 (1.99) 27.07 (3.37) 28.00 (2.85) 28.07 (2.24) 29.17 (.75)
TMT A 48.16 (36.39) 48.55 (24.27) 49.86 (20.64) 51.01 (20.65) 38.30 (9.83) 36.75 (12.09) 53.10 (43.54) 61.54 (28.08) 50.23 (21.53) 55.09 (21.68) 49.46 (20.44) 40.13 (13.68)
TMT B 106.37 (52.53) 101.80 (49.38) 109.49 (63.89) 126.15 (80.73) 89.55 (48.96) 90.24 (39.45) 114.79 (53.31) 115.92 (58.62) 118.16 (72.68) 142.95 (87.37) 100.20 (54.08) 81.35 (34.06)
CPT 1.74 (1.02) 1.57 (.97) 1.51 (.56) 1.48 (.90) 1.75 (1.11) 1.96 (1.05) 1.72 (.98) 1.12 (.68) 1.49 (.52) 1.71 (.89) 1.56 (.74) .95 (.78)
Purdue Pegboard 10.11 (3.11) 10.02 (3.13) 10.66 (3.06) 11.18 (3.84) 10.91 (3.30) 10.14 (3.48) 9.70 (3.00) 9.90 (2.88) 11.00 (3.36) 10.94 (4.02) 10.29 (2.79) 11.83 (3.54)
Buschke SRT 102.16 (16.38) 121.55 (16.35) 108.96 (23.18) 114.27 (21.43) 105.36 (15.14) 122.70 (19.85) 100.48 (17.11) 120.40 (12.93) 112.07 (17.96) 112.19 (24.13) 105.62 (28.13) 119.83 (11.44)
Stroop .54 (.34) .55 (.29) .45 (.34) .43 (.27) .45 (.30) .43 (.23) .59 (.35) .67 (.31) .43 (.41) .43 (.30) .47 (.27) .43 (.18)
MMSE=Mini Mental Status Exam, total number correct; Stroop=Color/Word Test, interference effect; CPT=Continuous Performance Test, d-prime; TMT=Trail Making Test, seconds; Buschke SRT=Buschke Selective Reminding Test, immediate recall, total number correct
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