Cardol te LITE 20011V is a solvenfffee. iow viscosrty ligl.ll coor phenalkamine curng ageni deslgned for high solids. lcw
VOC epoxy coating applicatrons. Like ihe darker coored Carriolite NC'5411V, ths product has excellent rapd cure
propertres even at low tel.Ilpe[atufes. and prov des good adheslon on wet or othefw se unprepared surfaces Heavy duly
indrstrla. protectve. and marine service coaiings car beneft fronr this procluct's outstanding waler restslance anct
corrosion proiection This producl s light \,ve1 color broadens the use of phenalkamines into tinted coatinq svstems.
Cardolile LITE 20011V is sultab e for high so ids surface to erant mar ne, ndustrial, and protectlve coatings. lt can be used
for coating applications under co d and humid condrtions, even over clamp and poorly prepared surfaces. Th s product,s
fast cure and good hafdness make it ideal for applications requrr ng fast reiurn to service. lts abilily to cuTe over a w cje
lemperatute range and non-critical mlx ratio can br ng coatings broad application latltude. Appllcations requiring good jnlt al
color wi benefit frorn this product's light wet color.
. Excellent comblnai on of rap d cure afd iong pot life at . Compatible with most epoxy resins. solvents and th-^lr
both ambient and low (<5"C/4n'F)temperatures DIENCS
. Continues to chemically crossilnk at vefy ow . Super or corrosion reslstance mltigatlng the need for ani -
tenlperat|rr es' (<0"C/32'F) corros on pigments
. Low v:scosity for excellent workability . Good dilut on efficiency with solvents
. Light wet color for broad coior range and use in tiIt:ng . Non cr tical mlx rat o
systems . No inducllon time requ red
. Good adhesion to poorly prepared surfaces . Non-toxic and non-corros ve
. lvloisture tolerant during cure . Based from natural. renewable. non-food cha n
. Excellent early water reslstance material feedstock
. Good chemrca fes slance
. Good flexibility
Please refer to the material safety data sheet (MSDS). Copies of the MSDS can be requested on the Cardolite website or
via your local sales representative.
Cardolite epoxy curing agents may absorb moisture and carbon dioxide when left in open containers, which could result in
increased viscosity, discoloration, reduction of reaciiviiy, and/or crystallization of the products. These products should be
kept tightly sealed in their original containers when not in use, and stored in a cool, dry place.
Cardolite Corporation Cardolite Specialty Chemicals Europe NV Cardolite Chemical Zhuhai Lid.
500 Doremus Avenue Wijmenstraat 21K / 2 Biyang Road
Newark, NJ 07105 B-9030N,4ariakerke (Gent) Harbor lndustrial Zone
United States of America Belgium Zhuhai, Guangdong 519050
T: +32 (0) 92658826 P.R. China
T: +1-973-344-5015 F: +32 (0) 92658824 T: +86-756-726-9066
F: +1-973-344-1197 F: +86-756-726-9067
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slarldards: majcr drfiere;rces ars ]rote'i. Lrj-lr tatror ci llabll;t/ aric 9n'redy: ltrLr[ci]ase ur use ca rih6se pfodiicls constitules ar.l
.lgfeeirtenl v'/ ih s,elier:nd ntar,rfaciLlrei ihal, ii lire !-'fod!ct pr-Lrrves iL. be deieclive or unsLiilab c, :jrillers afii maIufaclurer's
iiabiLiiy .i rd the e xal!s ve eme .1./. feqarC ess ol |ori or coTrli-aci llteoaV or !i lrcidef ia oi coIseqLie rl]al Ca:l]ages shall be ic
recel,,'e al se ef s or nlafJfaclirreas opiron, iln eo! vil efl cuairtiy of feirla.jenejtt pfocilcl o. a refL|-d of ihe purrhilse
pr ce. Tlr ! rlatarshcei s copyr-lqfrtec to Caiooiile Corlrofar on :r r-ld r-!.rali ba '.:pfod!ceC i)Lrt r.roi a tliie.-l ir ijf v ,,^'irr,,