Resume of Wentao He 2019
Resume of Wentao He 2019
Resume of Wentao He 2019
B May - Aug ’19 ML and NLP Research Assistant University of Pennsylvania
- Devised an automatic text classifier with SKLearn module to monitor
T +1 (650) 656-5005
social media and determine potential prescription medication abuse.
m - Trained with multiple ML classifiers and achieved an overall accuracy
of 85.3%, which was 7.2% higher than previous implementation.
May - Aug ’18 Blockchain Algorithm Engineer Intern LITEX
- Implemented two versions of consensus algorithms, PAXOS and
Education RAFT, onto the existing architecture, which significantly streamlined
the process and shortened the run time by 18.7%.
University of Pennsylvania May 2020 - Composed company’s white paper draft.
M.S. in Robotics
GPA: 3.43
Mar - May ’18 Reinforcement Learning Intern Tensorstack
- Used OpenAI Gym and MuJuCo to train various robots to walk and
climb with Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients (DDPG) Trust Region
Carnegie Mellon University Dec 2017
Policy Optimisation (TRPO) algorithm.
M.S. in Mechanical Engineering
- The quadrupedal robot was able to walk after 1.5 million time-steps
GPA: 3.50
and climb after 15 million time-steps on any slope less than 10◦ .
Carnegie Mellon University May 2017
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering Research and Projects
GPA: 3.42
Fall 2018 Image Captioning (Python) Computer Vision
- Implemented vanilla recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and Long-
(For more detailed information about
Short Term Memory (LSTM) RNNs, combined with VGG16 neural net-
my coursework, research and
work to extract image concept features and applied them to image
projects, please refer to my online
captioning on COCO image dataset with an accuracy of 89.8%.
Fall 2018 Optical Flow and Visual Tracking (Python) Computer Vision
- Implemented an algorithm to detect an object/face in a video and
Skills track it with a bounding box throughout the video with a success rate
Languages: , C, C++, Python, Matlab, of 94.3%+.
LATEX - Applied the Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi tracking procedure to track the
Software: ANSYS, Solidworks, features by computing the optical flow between each video frame.
Autodesk, PTC Creo, Mastercam, Fall 2018 Label Prediction (Matlab) Machine Learning
CorelDRAW, Photoshop, Illustrator, - Made label predictions that had more than 2000 features.
Premiere, Final Cut Pro - Performed theme clustering on the topics to reduce dimensionality
Machines: Mill, Lathes, Drill Press, and implemented an algorithm that combined linear regression, k-
Band Saw, Laser Cutter, 3D Printer, nearest-neighbors, neural net, SVM and random forest to achieve a
CNC Machine training error of 8.05%.
Spring 2017 Pressure Distribution Solver (Matlab) Computational Fluid Dynamics
Extra-Curricular - Developed a Matlab solver to visualize and optimize the pressure
distribution and flow profile inside hydrodynamic journal bearings.
CMU Formula SAE Team
Fall 2013 - Fall 2017 2015 - 2016 Research Assistant Experimental Biomechatronics Lab @ CMU
- Received a $2000 research grant - Designed and manufactured robotics ankle exoskeletons to assist
from Carnegie Mellon University individuals with mobility impairments.
- Improved the design of a pure-moment knee exoskeleton to reduce
Mechanical Engineering Student resultant forces by 35%+ in the human joint and to fit a wide range
Advisory Council of users.
Fall 2014 - Fall 2015
2014 - Now "A Collective Effort, Dear" (ACED) Organization Founder
- Founded an organization that aims to create a platform for network-
ing, educating, inspiring, and idea spreading between young students
and scholars across the country.
- Collaborated closely with big education corporations to coordinated
lectures, workshops, and summer camps for students. Personally led
15+ lectures and 10+ workshops.
Spring 2017 Best Prototype Award in Senior Design Projects