CM2 CFS100 2002 04

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Field Communication Software

Model: CFS100
Instruction Manual
(Smart Transmitter Edition)
While the information in this manual is presented in good faith and
believed to be accurate, Azbil Corporation disclaims any implied
warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and
makes no express warranty except as may be stated in its written
agreement with and for its customer.
In no event shall Azbil Corporation be liable to anyone for any
indirect, special or consequential damages. This information and
specifications in this document are subject to change without notice.

Instruction Manuals
Safety-related precautions, general operating procedures, and other
general information related to CommStaff can be found in the
Common Edition manual (No. CM2-CFS100-2001). For information
on the operation of a device used with CommStaff, consult the manual
for that particular device.
The Common Edition manual for CommStaff, as well as the manuals
for individual devices, are included in electronic form (as PDF files)
on the CommStaff installation CD-ROM

Devices Covered by This Manual

This manual pertains to differential pressure transmitters
• ST3000 Ace Smart Transmitter Electronic Differential Pressure
Model Nos.: JT_9 _ _
ST_9 _ _
- Does not support multiplexed communication types or field
bus communication types.

• Former DSTJ3000 Smart Transmitter differential pressure transmit-

Model Nos: JT_2_ _
JT_8_ _
- Does not support multiplexed communication types or field
bus communication types..
- Does not support JTD520/720 models.

© 2011–2017 Azbil Corporation All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 1. Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1-1. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1-2. Important Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Chapter 2. Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2-1. Menu List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2-2. Tag Number Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2-3. Output Format Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2-4. Indicator Display Format. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2-4-1. Display format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2-4-2. EULO/EUHI (upper and lower limits for engineering units) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2-5. Low Cutoff Value/Dropout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2-6. Selecting a Unit of Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2-7. Measurement Range Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2-8. Function for Adjusting the Temperature of a Sealed Liquid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2-9. Damping Time Constant Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2-10. Output Limit (Output Saturation Point) Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2-11. NVM Save. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Chapter 3. Preparations and Starting Operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

3-1. Confirmation of Output Signals (Loop Test). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3-2. Range Configuration (Zero and Span Adjustments) according to Input Pressure. . . . . . . . . . 17

Chapter 4. Maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4-1. Calibration of Analog Outputs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4-2. Measurement Range Calibration according to Actual Pressure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4-3. Calibrated Value Reset. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4-4. Checking Self-diagnostic Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Chapter 1. Overview

1-1. Introduction
CommStaff is a tool for communicating with Azbil Corporation’s smart field devices
(DSTJ and others) that enables configuration of device settings. It is a software product
that operates on Windows PCs. CommStaff communicates with Azbil Corporation’s smart
field devices using a USB interface connected to a Windows PC, which is then connected
by communications cable to the USB port of a device.
CommStaff supports Azbil Corporation’s proprietary SFN/DE communication protocol as
well as the HART communication protocol.
*. HART is a registered trademark of the HART Communication Foundation.
For information on the specifications common to all types of devices and information
on how to install CommStaff, please refer to the main CommStaff Operation Manual.
Before reading this manual, make sure to read the main CommStaff Operation Manual
For information on smart transmitter functions and method of connection, refer to manual
No. CM2-DST800-2001, ST3000 Ace Smart Transmitter Electronic Differential Pressure
/ Pressure transmitter Model: JTD, JTG, JTA, JTC, JTE, JTH, JTS User’s Manual

1-2. Important Notes

* When changing connected devices
CommStaff continues communicating with the device when displaying dynamic
values, such as pressure, so that it can continuously update these values. If you remove
the communications cable to change the device during this communication, an error
will occur.
Exit CommStaff before detaching the communications cable from the device, and then
start CommStaff again after connecting the communications cable to the new device.
* The use of SFN communication changes the transmission signal, so be sure to switch
the process control loop to manual mode beforehand.
* For known troubleshooting issues, refer to section 7.4 of CM2-CFS100-2001, the
common edition manual.

Chapter 2. Configuration

2-1. Menu List

Right-clicking “Online” in the menu tree in the left pane of the CommStaff application
window displays a menu. Selecting Expand on the menu displays the expanded menu
Parameters displayed in gray (Pressure and Analog Output in the following window) in
the parameter display in the right pane are parameters that cannot be changed. Those
displayed in black (PV LRV and PV URV in the window below) are parameters that can
be changed.

The following gives details of the menus displayed in the menu tree.
Bold items are parameters that can be changed.
online ↔ Pressure

Analog Output 




↔ Write NVM *1


↔ PV % Range
↔ Analog Output *12
↔ Sensor Temp


Status group 0
↔ Diagnostic Status *1 ↔ Critical Status *1 ↔
Status group 0

Status group 0

Status group 0

↔ Status group 0 (RAM FAULT) *1
↔ Status group 0 (NVM FAULT) *1
↔ Status group 0 (ROM FAULT) *1
↔ Status group 0 (PAC FAULT) *1
Status group 3


Status group 1
↔ Non-Critical Status *1 ↔
Status group 1

Status group 1

Status group 1

Status group 1

Status group 1

Status group 1

Status group 1

Status group 2


↔ Loop Test

↔ Calibration ↔ D/A Trim *12

↔ Set Output

↔ Rerange ↔ Enter Values

↔ Apply Values

↔ Correct Input ↔ Zero Trim

↔ Correct Input LRV
↔ Correct Input URV
↔ Reset Correct


↔ Pressure Unit
↔ Range Values
↔ Transfer Function
↔ PV Damp

↔ Device Information ↔ Manufacturer

↔ Model
↔ Measurement Type
↔ Device ID *2
↔ Tag
↔ Date *2

↔ Descriptor *2
↔ Message *11
↔ Sensor Serial Number *2
↔ Final Assembly Number *2
↔ Software Version *1

↔ Revision Numbers *2 ↔ Universal Rev *2

↔ Field Device Rev *2
↔ Software Rev *2

↔ Meter Type *9 ↔ Display Type *9

↔ EU LO *9
↔ EU HI *9

↔ Meter Type *9 ↔ Display Type *9

↔ EU LO *9
↔ EU HI *9

↔ DETAILED SETUP ↔ Sensors ↔ Pressure

↔ Pressure Unit
↔ Sensor Temp
↔ Temp Unit

↔ PV Range Limit ↔ PV LRL *2


↔ Signal Condition ↔ PV Damp

↔ Transfer Function
↔ PV % Range
↔ Cutoff Mode *3 *10
↔ Dropout Point *4 *10
↔ Height *5

↔ Output Condition ↔ Service Setup *2

↔ Analog Output *12 ↔ Analog Output *12

↔ AO Alarm Type *6 *12
↔ Loop Test *12
↔ D/A Trim *12
↔ Scaled D/A Trim *12

Output Limit Lo Limit

↔ ↔
*7 *8 *12 *7 *8 *12
Hi Limit

*7 *8 *12

↔ HART Output *2 ↔ Poll Address *2

↔ Num Req Preams *2

↔ Fail Safe Direction *13

↔ Loop Test *13

↔ Device Information ↔ Manufacturer

↔ Model
↔ Measurement Type
↔ Device ID *2
↔ Tag
↔ Date *2
↔ Descriptor *2
↔ Message *11
↔ Sensor Serial Number *2
↔ Final Assembly Number *2
↔ Software Version *1

↔ Revision Numbers *2 ↔ Universal Rev *2

↔ Field Device Rev *2
↔ Software Rev *2

↔ Meter Type *9 ↔ Display Type *9

↔ EU LO *9
↔ EU HI *9

online ↔ DEVICE SETUP ↔ DE Configuration ↔ DE FS Mode *1 *11

*1 *11 ↔ DE Format *1 *11
↔ DE PV type *1 *11
Switch Analog to

DE *1 *12 *11
Switch DE to

Analog *1 *13 *11

↔ REVIEW ↔ Model
↔ Measurement Type
↔ Manufacturer
↔ Pressure Unit
↔ PV LRL *2
↔ PV Damp
↔ PV % Range
↔ Transfer Function
↔ Analog Output *12
↔ AO Alarm Type *12
↔ Fail Safe Direction *13
↔ Sensor Serial Number *2
↔ Device ID *2
↔ Tag
↔ Message *11
↔ Software Version *1
↔ Universal Rev *2
↔ Field Device Rev *2
↔ Software Rev *2
↔ Poll Address *2
↔ Num Req Preams *2
↔ DE FS Mode *13
↔ DE Format *13
↔ DE PV type *13

*1 Not displayed if HART communications is selected.

*2 Not displayed if SFN or DE communication is selected.
*3 Valid when Transfer Function is set to Sq root. (Displayed.)
*4 Valid when Cutoff mode is not set to DEFAULT. (Displayed.)
*5 Valid if a JTE model is connected. (Displayed.)
*6 Displays the burnout direction.
*7 Valid when the burnout direction upper limit or lower limit is selected. (Displayed.)
*8 Not displayed if the transmitter version is one of the following: 1.0–3.F, 9.0–9.F, A.0–A.F, B.1.
*9 Not displayed if the transmitter version is one of the following: 1.0–3.F, 9.0–9.F, A.0–A.F
*10 Not displayed if the transmitter version is one of the following: 1.0–3.1, 9.0
*11 Not displayed if the transmitter version is one of the following: 1.0–2.F, 9.0
*12 Not displayed if DE communication is selected.
*13 Valid (displayed) if DE communication is selected.

Setting items and references

Task Parameter Section of
Preparation, Tag No., set or check Tag 2.2
Adjustment" Measurement range, check or change Basic Setup 2.7
Linear/square root output signal, check or set Transfer Function 2.3
Output limit (saturation point), check or set Output Limit 2.10
Damping time constant, check or set Damping 2.9
Units of pressure, check or change Pressure Unit 2.6
Zero adjustment, execute Apply value 3.2
Loop test, execute Loop Test 3.1
Indicator, set Display 2.4
Maintenance Calibrate Correct Input 4.2

2-2. Tag Number Configuration
This section explains how to input or change the tag No. In the menu tree in the left pane,
select DEVICE SETUP ¨ DETAILED SETUP ¨ Device Information ¨ Tag.

Double-clicking Tag displays the settings screen. On this screen, set the Tag and click the
Set button. The tag is highlighted in yellow. Click the Send button to send the new Tag to
the transmitter.

2-3. Output Format Configuration
This section explains how to switch between linear and square root output. This menu is
useful for when communicating with a differential pressure transmitter.
Select DEVICE SETUP ¨ DETAILED SETUP ¨ Signal Condition ¨ Transfer

Linear: Linear output

Sq root: Square root output

2-4. Indicator Display Format
This section explains how to configure the indicator display format and the upper and
lower limits for engineering units.
Select DEVICE SETUP ¨ DETAILED SETUP ¨ Device Information ¨ Meter Type.

2-4-1. Display format

Mode Description
E.UNIT (Linear) Indicates that both the output and the displayed values
are linear and equal to scale readings.
% (Linear) Indicates that both the output and the displayed values
are linear and in percent figures.
E.UNIT (Dsp Flow) Indicates that linear output values and displayed square
root values are equal to scale readings.
% (Dsp Flow) Indicates that linear output values and displayed square
root values are in percent figures.

2-4-2. EULO/EUHI (upper and lower limits for engineering units)

This is enabled when Mode is set to E.Unit.
EULO and EUHI values are the upper and lower limits for engineering units (scale
readings) displayed on the indicator. They are displayed in the range of -19999 to
EULO : Value displayed when output is 0%.
EUHI : Value displayed when output is 100%.

2-5. Low Cutoff Value/Dropout
This section explains how to configure the low cutoff value.
This function is enabled only when square root (Sq root) is selected as the output format.
Select DEVICE SETUP ¨ DETAILED SETUP ¨ Signal Condition ¨ Cutoff Mode.

Double-clicking Cutoff Mode displays the settings screen.

DRP: Dropout type (Linear/Zero)

Linear: If the flow rate (%) is set at the dropout point or below, the output changes to
linear output.
Zero: If the flow rate (%) is set at the dropout point or below, the output changes to 0 %.
MOD: flow mode (Default: forward direction/Expand: both directions)
Default: Square root extraction output in the forward direction only. Use if there is flow
in only 1 direction.
Expand: Square root extraction output in both directions. Use if there is flow in both the
forward and reverse directions.
To configure a dropout value, double-click Dropout Point.

CUT-OFF: DEFAULT The default values for cutoff are as follows.

Dropout Point: 7.1 %, Dropout Type: linear, Flow Mode: Default.
DRP: lin MOD:def Dropout Type: Linear, Flow Mode: Forward direction.
DRP: lin MOD:exp Dropout Type: Linear, Flow Mode: Both direction.
DRP: zero MOD:def Dropout Type: Zero, Flow Mode: Forward direction.
DRP: zero MOD:exp Dropout Type: Linear, Flow Mode: Both direction.

2-6. Selecting a Unit of Pressure
This function allows you to select the measurement units for pressure used by the
transmitter. Although the configured units for pressure can be changed, the changed
settings are not saved by the transmitter. At the next reconnection, measurements are
displayed in the default units for pressure, that is, kPa or MPa, not in the changed units.
Select DEVICE SETUP ¨ BASIC SETUP ¨ Pressure Unit.

Units for pressure can be selected from the following.

Note: I f the ST3000 SFN is used in Japan, the selected units should be part of the
standard international system (SI units).

inH2O inHg mmH2O mmHg psi

bar mbar g/Sqcm kg/Sqcm Pa
kPa MPa

2-7. Measurement Range Configuration
This section explains how to configure the measurement range of the transmitter.
Select DEVICE SETUP ¨ BASIC SETUP ¨ Range Values.

LRV: Value at which 4 mA is output

URV: Value at which 20 mA is output
Double-clicking LRV or URV displays the settings screen. After configuring the
measurement range, close the edit screen and click the Send button to send the
measurement range value to the transmitter. Values can be input to two decimal places.
Note: In SFC and CommPad, when the LRV (Lower Range Value (0%)) is changed, the
URV (Upper Range Value (100%)) also changes by the same amount in order to
keep SPAN unchanged. In CommStaff, when Lower Range Value (0%) is changed,
Upper Range Value (100%) does not change.

2-8. Function for Adjusting the Temperature of a Sealed Liquid

This function is valid only when a JTE model is connected. If a model other than JTE is
connected, the menu is not displayed.
For remote seal pressure transmitters, this is Azbil Corporation’s original correction
function for minimizing the size of zero point shifts caused by density change in a
sealed liquid. Specifically, a temperature sensor on the transmitter measures the ambient
temperature, and on this basis the density is corrected.
For this function to be enabled, the height between flanges of the tank on which the
transmitter is mounted must be specified.
Select DEVICE SETUP ¨ DETAILED SETUP ¨ Signal Condition ¨ Height.

Input the height difference between the flanges in meters. If this function is not enabled,
“0.00 m” is displayed.

2-9. Damping Time Constant Configuration
This section explains how to configure the damping time constant.
Select DEVICE SETUP ¨ DETAILED SETUP ¨ Signal Condition ¨ PV Damp.

If SFN communication is used, set a value in the range of 0 to 32 seconds.

The following values can be input. If a value other than the following is input, the closest
value is automatically selected.

Unit: sec.

If HART communication is used, set a value in the range of 0 to 120 seconds.

2-10. Output Limit (Output Saturation Point) Configuration
Output limit is enabled only when Burnout is upward or downward. It is disabled if a
non-burnout transmitter is used.
The output limit configuration is for specifying the saturation point for output current
under normal conditions.
Select DEVICE SETUP ¨ DETAILED SETUP ¨ Output Condition ¨ Analog Output ¨
Output Limit.

The following are the ranges of possible values.

Lo Limit: -5.00 to +49.99 % (SFN transmitter), -1.25% to 49.99% (HART transmitter)
Hi Limit: 50.00 to 105.00 %

2-11. NVM Save

The transmitter saves configured data in nonvolatile memory 30 seconds after it is
sent to the transmitter. If the transmitter power is turned off in less than 30 seconds,
configuration data that has been sent will be lost, and the existing saved data will remain
in the transmitter. To avoid this, NVM Save can be used.
Select the “Online” menu at the top of the menu tree and execute WRITE NVM. This
allows configuration data that has been sent to be saved in nonvolatile memory so that the
transmitter power can be turned off.

Chapter 3. Preparations and Starting Operation
This chapter explains how to prepare for transmitter operation, and provides general
instructions to follow when starting transmitter operation.

3-1. Confirmation of Output Signals (Loop Test)

By putting the transmitter in constant current mode, you can keep current outputs
constant in the range of 4 - 20 mA. This section explains how to configure the constant
current mode and how to return to normal output mode.
Select DEVICE SETUP ¨ DETAILED SETUP ¨ Output Condition ¨ Analog Output ¨
Loop Test.

Caution: If this operation is performed while the transmitter process is under
automatic control, outputs may fluctuate, making transmitter operation
dangerous. Before performing this operation, make sure that you switch
the process control loop to manual control.

Double-clicking Loop Test displays the following screen.

Click OK if there are no problems. The screen changes to the following.

• SFN communication
Select 4 mA and click OK. Output signals will be fixed at 4 mA (0%).
Select 8 mA and click OK. Output signals will be fixed at 8 mA (25%).
Select 12 mA and click OK. Output signals will be fixed at 12 mA (50%).
Select 16 mA and click OK. Output signals will be fixed at 16 mA (75%).
Select 20 mA and click OK. Output signals will be fixed at 20 mA (100%).
To input a different value, select Other and Click OK.
If you select End and click OK, a message is displayed notifying you that normal
output mode will resume.

• HART communication
Select 4 mA and click OK. Output signals will be fixed at 4 mA (0%).
Select 20 mA and click OK. Output signals will be fixed at 20 mA (100%).
To input a different value, select Other and Click OK.
If you select End and click OK, a message is displayed notifying you that normal
output mode will resume.

3-2. Range Configuration (Zero and Span Adjustments) according
to Input Pressure
The range can be configured so that the current pressure input into the transmitter
becomes 4 mA (0%) or 20 mA (100%).
CAUTION: If this operation is performed while the transmitter process is under
automatic control, outputs may fluctuate, making transmitter operation
dangerous. Before performing this operation, make sure that you
switch the process control loop to manual control.

The following describes how the range can be changed according to input pressure.
Select DEVICE SETUP ¨ DIAG/SERVICE ¨ Calibration ¨ Rerange ¨ Apply Values.

Double-click Apply Values, and a warning is displayed first and then the following

• Select 4 mA and click OK.

The range is reconfigured so that the current input pressure becomes the 4 mA output
pressure (zero adjustment).
• Select 20 mA and click OK.
The range is reconfigured so that the current input pressure becomes the 20 mA output
pressure (span adjustment).
• Select Exit and click OK.
This completes the configuration process.

Chapter 4. Maintenance
This chapter explains how to calibrate the analog signals of the transmitter, how to
calibrate the measurement range, and how to reset a calibrated value to the default value.
It also explains how to check the transmitter’s self-diagnostic messages.

4-1. Calibration of Analog Outputs

By connecting to an ammeter and comparing measured values, you can calibrate the 0%
and 100% analog outputs.
Select DEVICE SETUP ¨ DETAILED SETUP ¨ Output Condition ¨ Analog Output ¨
D/A Trim.
CAUTION: If this operation is performed while the transmitter process is under
automatic control, outputs may fluctuate, making transmitter operation
dangerous. Before performing this operation, make sure that you
switch the process control loop to manual control.

Step Operation and indication
1 Double-click D/A Trim.
WARN - Loop should be removed from automatic control
A warning that the loop should be switched from automatic control
to manual mode is displayed. After switching to manual mode,
click OK.

“Connect reference meter” is displayed. Connect the loop to an

ammeter (mA) or voltmeter. (It is recommended that an ammeter
or voltmeter with an accuracy of 0.03% or better be used.)
2 The following messages are displayed in the order given.

Setting fld dev output to 4mA (about to set transmitter output to 4

Click OK if there are no problems.

Enter meter value (input the ammeter reading).

Input the reading of the ammeter and click OK. This allows the
adjustment command to be sent to the transmitter.

Fld dev output 4.000mA equal to reference meter? (is the

transmitter output equal to the reading on the connected
If the transmitter output is not equal to the reading of the ammeter,
select No and click OK. This allows the adjustment process to
3 Next do the 20 mA calibration.
The following messages are displayed in the order given.

Setting fld dev output to 20mA (about to set transmitter output to

20 mA)
Click OK if there are no problems.

Enter meter value (input the ammeter reading)

Input the reading of the ammeter and click OK. This allows the
adjustment command to be sent to the transmitter.

Fld dev output 20.000mA equal to reference meter? (is the

transmitter output equal to a reading of the connected ammeter?)
If the transmitter output is not equal to the reading of the ammeter,
select No and click OK. This allows the adjustment process to

Finally, a message is displayed notifying you that this will return

operation to normal measurement mode and that the 20 mA
calibration process is complete.

4-2. Measurement Range Calibration according to Actual Pressure
For the DSTJ3000 series differential pressure and pressure transmitters, the measurement
range must be calibrated at two points, namely the LRV (input value at 0% output) and
URV (input value at 100% output).
This calibration is done when calibrating actual pressures using a standard pressure
transmitter. For further details, refer to Chapter 5, “Maintenance and Troubleshooting” in
DSTJ3000 Ace Series Smart Transmitter (CM2-DST800-2001).

CAUTION: If this operation is performed while the transmitter process is under
automatic control, outputs may fluctuate, making transmitter operation
dangerous. Before performing this operation, make sure that you
switch the process control loop to manual control.

Select DEVICE SETUP ¨ DIAG/SERVICE ¨ Calibration ¨ Correct Input.

• To calibrate the LRV value, double-click Correct Input LRV. To calibrate the URV
value, double-click Correct Input URV.
• A warning that the loop should be switched from automatic control to manual mode is
displayed (WARN - Loop should be removed from automatic control). After switching
to manual mode, click OK.
• “Apply LRV pressure” or “Apply URV pressure” is displayed. If the value of the
standard pressure generator is equal to LRV (0%) or URV (100%), click OK.
• “Press OK when pressure is stable” is displayed. After confirming that input pressure
has stabilized, click OK.
• The “Note - Loop may be returned to automatic control” message is displayed to notify
you that you can now switch back to automatic control. Click OK.

4-3. Calibrated Value Reset
This operation is for resetting the calibrated zero-span value. Since the calibrated value is
deleted, you must recalibrate following the steps described in 4.2.
Select DEVICE SETUP ¨ DIAG/SERVICE ¨ Calibration ¨ Correct Input ¨ Reset

CAUTION: If this operation is performed while the transmitter process is under
automatic control, outputs may fluctuate, making transmitter operation
dangerous. Before performing this operation, make sure that you
switch the process control loop to manual control.

• Double-click Reset Corrects. The “WARN - Loop should be removed from automatic
control” message is displayed, warning that the loop should be switched from
automatic control to manual mode. After switching to manual mode, click OK.
• The “About to Reset corrects” message is displayed to notify you that calibrated values
will be reset. Click OK.
• After the calibrated values are reset, “Reset Corrects OK” is displayed. Click OK.
• The “Note - Loop may be returned to automatic control” message is displayed to notify
you that you can now switch the loop back to automatic control. Click OK.

4-4. Checking Self-diagnostic Messages
You can check self-diagnostic messages by clicking the Status icon “A” in the below or
“Device status” in the “Display” menu.

For example, the button to the left of CORRECTS RESET turns red after the calibrated
values are reset.
There are 4 status groups. The self-diagnosis details are shown for each group.

The following gives details of the information on self-diagnosis.

Status message Meaning
Invalid Database Configuration data and/or calibration data is corrupt
Chara. PROM Fault PROM function fault
· Input data error
Suspect Input · Problem in the process
Critical · Transmitter fault
MDU/DAC Fault Electronic parts fault
NVM Fault Electronic parts fault
RAM Fault Electronic parts fault
ROM Fault Electronic parts fault
Meter Body Over Temperature Meter body temperature is too high.
The Zero correction factor is outside the acceptable
Excess Zero Correct
limits for accurate operation.
The Span correction factor is outside the acceptable
Excess Span Correct
Non-critical limits for accurate operation.
status · the Input pressure exceeds two times the upper range
Meter Body Overload or
limit of the transmitter
Meter Body Fault
· the Transmitter fault
Correct Reset Calibration data is initialized.
External Switch Fault External switch fault

Terms and Conditions
We would like to express our appreciation for your purchase and use of Azbil Corporation's products. You are required to
acknowledge and agree upon the following terms and conditions for your purchase of Azbil Corporation's products (system
products, field instruments, control valves, and control products), unless otherwise stated in any separate document, including,
without limitation, estimation sheets, written agreements, catalogs, specifications and instruction manuals.

1. Warranty period and warranty scope

1.1 Warranty period
Azbil Corporation's products shall be warranted for one (1) year from the date of your purchase of the said products or
the delivery of the said products to a place designated by you.
1.2 Warranty scope
In the event that Azbil Corporation's product has any failure attributable to azbil during the aforementioned warranty period,
Azbil Corporation shall, without charge, deliver a replacement for the said product to the place where you purchased,
or repair the said product and deliver it to the aforementioned place. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any failure falling
under one of the following shall not be covered under this warranty:
(1) Failure caused by your improper use of azbil product
(noncompliance with conditions, environment of use, precautions, etc. set forth in catalogs, specifications,
instruction manuals, etc.);
(2) Failure caused for other reasons than Azbil Corporation's product;
(3) Failure caused by any modification or repair made by any person other than Azbil Corporation or Azbil Corporation's
(4) Failure caused by your use of Azbil Corporation's product in a manner not conforming to the intended usage of
that product;
(5) Failure that the state-of-the-art at the time of Azbil Corporation's shipment did not allow Azbil Corporation to
predict; or
(6) Failure that arose from any reason not attributable to Azbil Corporation, including, without limitation, acts of God,
disasters, and actions taken by a third party.
Please note that the term “warranty” as used herein refers to equipment-only-warranty, and Azbil Corporation shall not
be liable for any damages, including direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages in connection with or
arising out of Azbil Corporation's products.

2. Ascertainment of suitability
You are required to ascertain the suitability of Azbil Corporation's product in case of your use of the same with your
machinery, equipment, etc. (hereinafter referred to as “Equipment”) on your own responsibility, taking the following
matters into consideration:
(1) Regulations and standards or laws that your Equipment is to comply with.
(2) Examples of application described in any documents provided by Azbil Corporation are for your reference
purpose only, and you are required to check the functions and safety of your Equipment prior to your use.
(3) Measures to be taken to secure the required level of the reliability and safety of your Equipment in your use
Although azbil is constantly making efforts to improve the quality and reliability of Azbil Corporation's
products, there exists a possibility that parts and machinery may break down.
You are required to provide your Equipment with safety design such as fool-proof design, *1 and fail-safe
design*2 (anti-flame propagation design, etc.), whereby preventing any occurrence of physical injuries, fires,
significant damage, and so forth. Furthermore, fault avoidance, *3 fault tolerance,*4 or the like should be
incorporated so that the said Equipment can satisfy the level of reliability and safety required for your use.

*1. A design that is safe even if the user makes an error.

*2. A design that is safe even if the device fails.
*3. Avoidance of device failure by using highly reliable components, etc.
*4. The use of redundancy.

3. Precautions and restrictions on application

Azbil Corporation's products other than those explicitly specified as applicable (e.g. azbil Limit Switch For Nuclear Energy)
shall not be used in a nuclear energy controlled area (radiation controlled area).
Any Azbil Corporation's products shall not be used for/with medical equipment.
The products are for industrial use. Do not allow general consumers to install or use any Azbil Corporation's product.
However, azbil products can be incorporated into products used by general consumers. If you intend to use a product for
that purpose, please contact one of our sales representatives.
In addition,
you are required to conduct a consultation with our sales representative and understand detail specifications, cautions
for operation, and so forth by reference to catalogs, specifications, instruction manual, etc. in case that you intend to use
azbil product for any purposes specified in (1) through (6) below.
Moreover, you are required to provide your Equipment with fool-proof design, fail-safe design, anti-flame propagation
design, fault avoidance, fault tolerance, and other kinds of protection/safety circuit design on your own responsibility to
ensure reliability and safety, whereby preventing problems caused by failure or nonconformity.
(1) For use under such conditions or in such environments as not stated in technical documents, including catalogs,
specification, and instruction manuals

(2) For use of specific purposes, such as:
* Nuclear energy/radiation related facilities
[For use outside nuclear energy controlled areas] [For use of Azbil Corporation's Limit Switch For Nuclear
* Machinery or equipment for space/sea bottom
* Transportation equipment
[Railway, aircraft, vessels, vehicle equipment, etc.]
* Antidisaster/crime-prevention equipment
* Burning appliances
* Electrothermal equipment
* Amusement facilities
* Facilities/applications associated directly with billing
(3) Supply systems such as electricity/gas/water supply systems, large-scale communication systems, and traffic/air
traffic control systems requiring high reliability
(4) Facilities that are to comply with regulations of governmental/public agencies or specific industries
(5) Machinery or equipment that may affect human lives, human bodies or properties
(6) Other machinery or equipment equivalent to those set forth in items (1) to (5) above which require high reliability
and safety

4. Precautions against long-term use

Use of Azbil Corporation's products, including switches, which contain electronic components, over a prolonged period
may degrade insulation or increase contact-resistance and may result in heat generation or any other similar problem
causing such product or switch to develop safety hazards such as smoking, ignition, and electrification.
Although acceleration of the above situation varies depending on the conditions or environment of use of the products,
you are required not to use any Azbil Corporation's products for a period exceeding ten (10) years unless otherwise stated
in specifications or instruction manuals.

5. Recommendation for renewal

Mechanical components, such as relays and switches, used for Azbil Corporation's products will reach the end of their life
due to wear by repetitious open/close operations.
In addition, electronic components such as electrolytic capacitors will reach the end of their life due to aged deterioration
based on the conditions or environment in which such electronic components are used.
Although acceleration of the above situation varies depending on the conditions or environment of use, the number of
open/close operations of relays, etc.
as prescribed in specifications or instruction manuals, or depending on the design margin of your machine or equipment,
you are required to renew any Azbil Corporation's products every 5 to 10 years unless otherwise specified in
specifications or instruction manuals.
System products, field instruments (sensors such as pressure/flow/level sensors, regulating valves, etc.) will reach the end
of their life due to aged deterioration of parts.
For those parts that will reach the end of their life due to aged deterioration, recommended replacement cycles are
prescribed. You are required to replace parts based on such recommended replacement cycles.

6. Other precautions
Prior to your use of Azbil Corporation's products, you are required to understand and comply with specifications (e.g.,
conditions and environment of use), precautions, warnings/cautions/notices as set forth in the technical documents
prepared for individual Azbil Corporation's products, such as catalogs, specifications, and instruction manuals to ensure
the quality, reliability, and safety of those products.

7. Changes to specifications
Please note that the descriptions contained in any documents provided by azbil are subject to change without notice for
improvement or for any other reason.
For inquires or information on specifications as you may need to check, please contact our branch offices or sales offices,
or your local sales agents.

8. Discontinuance of the supply of products/parts

Please note that the production of any Azbil Corporation's product may be discontinued without notice.
For repairable products, we will, in principle, undertake repairs for five (5) years after the discontinuance of those
products. In some cases, however, we cannot undertake such repairs for reasons, such as the absence of repair parts.
For system products, field instruments, we may not be able to undertake parts replacement for similar reasons.

9. Scope of services
Prices of Azbil Corporation's products do not include any charges for services such as engineer dispatch service.
Accordingly, a separate fee will be charged in any of the following cases:
(1) Installation, adjustment, guidance, and attendance at a test run
(2) Maintenance, inspection, adjustment, and repair
(3) Technical guidance and technical education
(4) Special test or special inspection of a product under the conditions specified by you
Please note that we cannot provide any services as set forth above in a nuclear energy controlled area (radiation
controlled area) or at a place where the level of exposure to radiation is equivalent to that in a nuclear energy controlled


Document Number: CM2-CFS100-2002
Document Name: Field Communication Software CommStaff
Model: CFS100
Instruction Manual (Smart Transmitter Edition)

Date: 1st edition: Feb. 2011

4th edition: Aug. 2017
Issued/Edited by:

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