Firebird V
Firebird V
Firebird V
MaxBotix EZ4 Ultrasonic Range Sensor can measure distance up to 6meters. It has a
very narrow beam angle, which makes it most suitable for range sensing application on
the mobile robots. This sensor is available in customized sensor module kit for Fire Bird
V robot. 1
Interfacing Ultrasonic Range Sensor (EZ4) with
Fire Bird V ATmega2560 Robot
EZ4 sensor has 7 pins for interfacing. Out of these pins only +5V, Gnd, Rx and AN are
used for interfacing. Other pins are left unconnected.
GND: Ground
TX: TX output delivers asynchronous serial with an RS232 format, when BW is set low.
When BW is set high, it sends a single pulse, for chaining.
RX: This pin is internally pulled high. The EZ4 will continually measure range and
output, if RX data is left unconnected or held high. If held low the EZ4 will stop ranging.
Bring high for 20uS or more to command a range reading.
AN: Outputs analog voltage with a scaling factor of (Vcc/512) per inch. A supply of 5V
yields ~9.8mV/in. and 3.3V yields ~6.4mV/in.
PW: This pin outputs a pulse width representation of range. The distance can be
calculated using the scale factor of 147uS per inch.
BW: Leave open or hold low for serial output on the TX output. When BW pin is held
high the TX output sends a pulse (instead of serial data), suitable for low noise chaining. 2
Interfacing Ultrasonic Range Sensor (EZ4) with
Fire Bird V ATmega2560 Robot 3
Interfacing Ultrasonic Range Sensor (EZ4) with
Fire Bird V ATmega2560 Robot 4
Interfacing Ultrasonic Range Sensor (EZ4) with
Fire Bird V ATmega2560 Robot
The application example code is located in the same folder as this application note.
Now keep the obstacle in front of the Robot, The robot will show the distance measured
in centimeter (cm) on LCD mounted on the robot.
1. Ultrasonic Range Sensor EZ4 datasheet from MAXBOTIX
2. FireBird V ATmega2560 Robot Research Hardware manual from Nex Robotics 5
Interfacing Ultrasonic Range Sensor (EZ4) with
Fire Bird V ATmega2560 Robot
The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice. All efforts have been
made to ensure the accuracy of contents in this manual. However, should any errors be
detected, NEX Robotics welcomes your corrections. You can send us your queries /
suggestions at
Content of this manual is released under the Creative Commence cc by-nc-sa license. For
legal information refer to:
Almost all the part of this product is recyclable. Please send this product to the recycling
plant after its operational life. By recycling we can contribute to cleaner and healthier
environment for the future generations. 6