Teachers' Effect On Ict Use in Education: The Turkey Sample: World Conference On Educational Sciences 2009

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Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 1 (2009) 1285–1294

World Conference on Educational Sciences 2009

Teachers’ effect on ict use in education: the Turkey sample

Erdo÷an Te]ci*

Received October 23, 2008; revised December 16, 2008; accepted January 4, 2009


This research aims to determine teachers’ influence in the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) at schools.
Various variables are examined such as years of experience, gender, the duration of computer and Internet use, and to detemine
the level of knowledge on and the frequency of ICT use among teachers. The study was conducted with 1540 primary school
teachers using Knowledge, Use and Attitude Scales of ICT. The results show that the most commonly used and well-known ICT
types among teachers are the Internet, e-mail and word processing, and teachers’ attitudes towards computers and the Internet are
generally positive. It was also found that their attitudes vary with their years of experience and levels of knowledge.
© 2009 Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.

Keywords: Primary education, information and communication technology, teachers, attitudes, gender.

1. Introduction

Developments about and widesperad use of Communication and Information Techologies (ICT) influence all
fields in life, one of which is education. Countries see ICT as potential tools for change and innovation in education
(Eurydice, 2001; Papanastasiou & Angeli, 2008) and, thus, make investments in ICT. For instance, Turkey spent
about $400 per person, and allocated 11.7% of its budget to ICT. However, this rate is lower than those of Europe
and Central Asia, which allocate 22% of their budget to ICT, but higher than the rates in developing countries
(World Bank, 2007). In other words, although a considerable quantitative increase has been be observed in personal
computer and Internet use in Turkey, the rate still has not reached the rates in developing countries. Morever,
according to a research carried out by the Turkish State Institute of Statistics (2008), while 3% of 21 million primay
school graduates are Internet users, 69% of 3.5 million university graduates use Internet.
Turkish Ministery of National Education (MNE) make attempts to disseminate ICT at schools as other countries
do to overcome educational problems and to enable innovation in education. According to the objectives of Lisbon
Submit in 2002, European Union has been preparing to make a shift to information-based economy and community
and to develop digital literarcy (Commission of European Communities, 2000). Therefore, the MNE attempts to set
up computer labs and to provide Internet connection at schools. Statistically, the schools with Internet connection in
2005 rose from 40% (World Bank 2007) to 68 1% in 2006 (SPO 2008) In addition by 2001 67% of 520 thousand

1877-0428 © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.

1286 Erdo an Tezci / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 1 (2009) 1285–1294

amounted to 604,000. Finally, in 2008, approximately 87% of 45,973 schools in formal education have Internet
connection (MNE, 2008a, 2008b). Conclusively, it is aimed that %96 of students will have access to the Internet at
schools in 2010 (SPO, 2006).
Both developed and developing countries adopted ICT investments in accordance with their policies in order to
increase quality in education, to provide work power, and to educate individuals who have proficiency on ICT
(Tondeur, van Braak & Valcke, 2007). While ICT investments for educational innovations and developments have
an important potential, it is neglected that there are teachers who will use it in the classrooms as a part of the
curriculum (Cohen & Ball, 1990; Vacc & Bright, 1999; Niederhauser & Stoddart, 2001). However, how these
teachers perceive these reform efforts is closely related to certain variables such as belief and experience, level of
knowledge, attitude toward ICT, educational applications, achievement expectations and learning-teaching
approaches. (Schug, 1998; Smerdon, Cronen, Lanahan, Anderson, Iannotti & Angeles, 2000; Kozma, 2003; Lim &
Khine, 2006; Thomas & Stratton, 2006). As a result, integrating ICT investments with school curricula requires that
teachers’ knowledge, level of use and attitudes towards those technologies are determined and guided.

1.1. ICT attitude and use

One of the factors that determine educational development and innovation in general is teachers as they are the
ones to use the ICT investments for educational development. Technology does not have an educational value in
itself. It becomes important when teachers use it in learning-teaching process. Although there are some who claim
that the presence of technology in the classroom creates a pressure and requires effective use (Kozma, 2003),
research results show that these are also related to teachers’ attitudes and levels of knowledge (Pelgrum, 2001;
Garland & Noyes, 2004; Torkzadeh, Chang & Demirhan, 2006; Lim & Khine, 2006; Zhang, 2007; Paraskeva, Bouta
& Papagianni, 2008).
An individual’s knowledge and experience affect his/her attitudes towards a particular object; besides, the
individual’s knowledge is also affected by attitudes (Freedman & Carlsmith, 1989). Therefore, there are certain
factors that affect ICT use and individual’s attitudes towards ICT. These factors could be listed as follows, in
accordance with related research in the literature.
ICT attitudes, knowledge and use (Jeong & Lambert, 2002; Teo, Chai, Hug & Lee, 2008a; Aral, Bütün-Ayhan,
hnlü, Erdo÷an & Unal, 2006; AydÕn, 2007a), individual characteristics (gender, age, years of teaching experience)
(Durndell, & Thomson, 1997; Hartley & Bendixen, 2001; AydÕn, 2007b), self-efficacy (Karsten & Roth, 1998;
Çelik & Bindak, 2005; Torkzadeh, Chang & Demirhan, 2006; Paraskeva, Bouta & Papagianni, 2008), anxiety
(Igbaria, Parasuaman, & Baroudi, 1996; Hong & Koh, 2002), culture (Torkzadeh, Chang & Demirhan, 2006;
Albirini, 2006; Li & Kirkup, 2007), beliefs (Lim & Chan, 2007; Teo, Chai, Hug & Lee, 2008a), experience of ICT
use (Çelik & Bindak, 2005; Aral and et. al., 2006; Anderson, 2006; Bove´e, Voogt & Meelissen, 2007; øúman,
Evirgen & Çengel, 2008; Paraskeva, Bouta & Papagianni, 2008), learning and teaching approach (Niederhauser &
Storddart, 2007; Teo, Chai, Hug & Lee, 2008b), access to technology and attitudes (Hong & Koh, 2002).
Attitudes affect teachers’ behaviours. Additionally, they have a considerable effect on openness to new
experiences, as well as on reflecting and implementing change. Positive attitudes towards ICT, though too limited,
support their use in classes. The effectiveness of ICT investments can be achieved with their effective application in
the classroom as a part of the curriculum. By this way, learner-based learning environments can be created.

1.2. Study purpose

The literature suggests that the success of ICT integration in learning and teaching process depends partly on
teachers’ qualifications. In perspectives, the study aims to investigate the status of Turkey primary school teachers
with regard to their levels of knowledge on and use of ICT, and their attitudes towards computers and the Internet.
With those concerns in mind, the study examines the following research questions:
1. What are teachers’ levels of knowledge on ICT?
2. What are the levels of ICT use in education among teachers?
3. What are their attitudes towards computers and the Internet?
4. What are the relationships between certain variables such as gender, teaching experience, Internet and
computer use per hour each day, and the dependent variables highlighted above?
Erdo an Tezci / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 1 (2009) 1285–1294 1287

2. Method:

In the study, the data were collected from primary school teachers using a survey method with a scale consisting
of five sections.

2.1. Participants

The data collection was limited to public primary school teachers in Turkey. In the academic year 2007-2008, the
total number of public primary schools was 33,226 and the number of teachers was 422,264 in 81 provinces of
Turkey (MNE, 2008b). In order to determine the provinces, the basic results on “development ranking of regions
and provinces” prepared by Dincer, gzaslan, & Kavaso÷lu (2003) were used. According to the results of their
research, provinces were divided into five regions. In the study, 41 provinces were randomly selected from five
regions. Two provinces from the most developed region (5 in total), 10 from the second most developed region (20
in total), 11 from the third most developed region (21 in total), 10 from the fourth most developed region (19 in
total), 8 from the fifth most developed region (16 in total) were selected. The scale was administered to 1540
volunteer teachers who work in 330 schools with a computer lab in 41 provinces. Some part of the data was
collected in the seminars and the rest by post and e-mail. 54.8% (844) of the participants is female and %45.2 (696)
consists of male teachers.
The average number of years of experience in education was 6-10 years (in a range from 1-5 to 21 years and
more). 83.7% (1289) of these teachers took a computer course previously. Classroom and branch teachers (all of
whom work in primary schools) were included in this study: 676 classroom teachers and 864 branch teachers.

2.2. Instruments

2.2.1. Personal inquiry form

The personal background form used in the study was composed of five questions concerning teaching
experience, gender, duration of daily Internet and computer use and previous participation in an ICT course.

2.2.2. Teachers’ knowledge of ICT and frequency of ICT use

The second section of the questionnaire aimed to determine teachers’ software knowledge and frequency of
software use in education. The questionnaire used in the research was developed by Papanastasiou & Angeli (2008).
The scale assessing teachers’ ICT knowledge (ICT-K) consists of 14 items and is a 1-to-5 Likert-type scale (with
response options as follows: I cannot use it, I can use it to a small extent, I can use it satisfactorily, I can use it well,
I can use it very well) that assesses teachers’ knowledge on various software. The questionnaire of frequency of ICT
use in education (ICT-U) consists of 15 items. Teachers’ response options in ICT-U are respectively “never, once or
twice a semester, once or twice a month, once or twice a week, almost every day”. The questionnaire was first
translated from English to Turkish and the translation was scrutinized by 3 field and linguist experts in both Turkish
and English version. After the pilot study, it was administered to 272 teachers from various fields working in public
primary schools.
The responses were analyzed using the main components analysis, and then, varimax rotation method was
applied. The values of KMO obtained in ICT-K and ICT-U were high (.801 and .863) and the results of Barlett test
were significant (p<0.000), which indicated that the data were appropriate for the analysis. The results of varimax
rotation method for ICT-K (14-items) revealed three factors (eigenvalue over 1.00). Papanastasiou & Angeli (2008)
found the number of factors as two. The differences observed in the factor values are ascribed to the differences in
information levels. The analysis produced three factors that explained 58.032% of the variance of these 14 items.
The first factor that explained 31.306% of the variance is composed of 5 items (publishing software, webpage,
authoring software, programming languages, modeling software microworlds/simulations), the second factor that
explained 16.522% of variance is composed of 5 items (word processing, Internet, email, graphics, presentation
software) and third factor that explained 10.204% of variance is composed of 4 items (databases, spreadsheets,
multimedia authoring software, concept mapping).
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The results of varimax rotation method for ICT-U revealed two factors that explained 60.21% of the variance of
these 15 items. The factor number and the items of each factor were the same as calculated by Papanastasiou &
Angeli (2008). Cronbach's reliability coefficient for ICT-K and ICT-U was found to be 0.826 and 0.881 when it was
applied to 272 teachers from various fields working in public primary schools.

2.2.3. Computer and Internet attitude scale

The computer attitude scale (CAS) used in the scale was developed by Papanastasiou & Angeli (2008). Internet
attitude scale (IAS) was developed by the researcher. The scales aim to assess teachers’ beliefs about computers and
Internet’s value in educational use. The two scales were 1-to-5 Likert-type scales (from 5= completely agree to 1=
completely disagree). CAS consists of 15 items developed by Papanastasiou & Angeli (2008). The scale was
translated into Turkish. The translation was scrutinized by field and linguist experts in both Turkish and English
version. Next, the Internet attitude scale was prepared which consists of 23 items. Subsequently, the two scales were
pilot-tested to be administered to 272 teachers from various fields working in public primary schools.
After the pilot study, Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin (KMO) coefficients on computer and Internet attitude scales were
.814 and .875, and a Barlett Sphericity test value for the two scales was found to be significant (p<0.000). The
results of varimax rotation method for CAS revealed two factors that explained 56.946% of the variance of these 15
items. The factor numbers were the same as calculated by Papanastasiou & Angeli (2008); however, item numbers
in each factor were found to be different. The first factor that explained 30.96% of the variance is composed of 7
items, and the second factor explaining 25.98% of variance is composed of 8 items. The alpha reliability coefficient
of the CAS was calculated as 0.91. The Cronbach coefficient of sub-scales was 0.92 and .93.
The results of varimax rotation method for IAS revealed three factors that explained 72.21% of the variance for
these 23 items. The first factor consisting of nine items explained 30.90% of variance, the second consisting of eight
items explained 24.19% of variance, and the third consisting of six items explained 17.12% of variance. The
analysis of subscales reveals first factor as “opportunities of Internet” (O); the second as the change in education
(CE); and the third as the effects of daily life (EDL) (Appendix 1).
The reliability of IAS and all other subscales was measured by the Cronbach coefficient. The Cronbach
coefficient for the 23 items was 0.86. The Cronbach coefficient of subscales is as follows: first factor 0.93; second
factor, 0.94; third factor, 0.94.

3. Results

3.1. Demographic variables

The data based on teachers’ demographic variables showed that 83.7% (1289) of the respondents had previously
received a computer course. Distribution of teaching experience was 1-5 years for 32%, 6-10 years for 25.4%, 11-20
years for 22%, and 21 years and more for 20.6%. The daily computer usage of teachers was almost never for 9.7%,
1-2 hours for 66%, 3-4 hours for 18%, 5-7 hours for 3.7%, and 8-10 hours for 6.2%. Computer use ranged from 0 to
10 hours daily (M=.2.23, SD=.77). The daily Internet usage of teachers was almost never for 11.6%, 1-2 hours for
69.6%, 3-4 hours for 13.6%, and 5-7 hours for 5.2%. The rate of teachers with personal computers was 89.2%
(1373) and the rate of access to the Internet at home was 77.4% (1192). Locations of Internet access for teachers
were home for 45.5%, school for 21.2%, both for 19.9%, Internet cafe for 8.7%, and other for 4.7%.

3.2. Teachers’ levels of knowledge on ICT

Information levels about ICT among teachers were rated through responses including 14 statements from 1 to 5
(from 1 representing “I cannot use” to 5 representing “I can use it very well”). Scores ranged from 14 to 70. Mean
levels of teachers’ knowledge about ICT are given in Table 1.
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Table 1: Teachers’ knowledge of ICT use in education

I cannot I can use it I can use it I can use it I can use it very
Items M SD
use it to a small extent satisfactorily well well
Word processing (e.g., Word)* 2.9 9.3 15 50.6 22.3 3,80 ,98
Databases (e.g., Access) 37.1 20.9 22.8 15.5 3.7 2.28 1.21
Spreadsheets (e.g., Excel)* 12.5 22.4 24.4 30.4 10.4 3.04 1.20
Graphics * 13.2 18.5 24.5 31.2 12.5 3.11 1.23
Multimedia authoring software 56.1 18.2 13.9 9.7 2.1 1.83 1.11
Presentation software* 13.1 18.8 20.7 30.0 17.4 3.20 1.29
Concept mapping 41.6 21.2 18.5 15.2 3.5 2.18 1.22
Internet* 1.2 4.9 11.3 49.6 33 4.08 .86
E-mail* 8.8 7.5 12.7 42.2 28.9 3.75 1.21
Publishing software 54.8 14.5 15.5 9.9 5.3 1.96 1.25
Webpage authoring software 59.7 15.4 12.2 8.2 4.4 1.82 1.19
Programming languages 72.1 11.9 9.0 5.1 1.9 1.53 .98
Modeling software 80.4 10 5.8 3.2 6 1.34 .78
Microworlds/Simulations 81.7 8.8 5.9 2.9 0.6 1.32 .77
* = indicates a high level of ICT knowledge

According to teachers’ responses, the most widely used ICT type is the Internet (M= 4.08, SD= .86), which is
followed by “word processing” (M=3.80, SD=.98). The least widely used ICT types are “microworlds/simulations”
(M= 1.32, SD= .77) and “modeling software” (M= 1.34, SD= .78). The mean scores of the responses in relation to
14 items are close to having little information (M= 2.51, SD= .96). The results indicate that teachers had a high level
of knowledge about six of ICT softwares while they had low levels of information on most of the softwares.

3.3. Frequency of ICT use in education

Teachers’ responses on the use of ICT in education were scored from 1 to 5. (1= “I cannot use it” to 5=
“Almost everyday”) to expose an overall picture of computer “scores”. The results are shown in Table 2.

Table 2: The means and distribution of the frequency of ICT use among teachers

Items Once or twice Once or twice Once or twice Almost every

Never M SD
a semester a month a week day
Play games (e.g., Solitaire) 31.3 25.6 18.8 19.3 5.5 2.42 1.26
Make presentations (e.g., PowerPoint) 15.8 40.5 28.1 14.4 1.2 2.45 .96
Process texts (e.g., Word) * 3.5 15.3 24.3 35.6 21.3 3.56 1.11
Publish materials (e.g., Publisher) 70.3 18.6 6.0 3.8 1.2 1.47 .86
Prepare spreadsheets (e.g., Excel) 61.4 19.5 11.2 6.0 1.9 1.68 1.01
Create graphics (e.g., Paint) 27.8 36.8 20.8 11.0 3.6 2.26 1.09
Communicate (e.g., e-mail)* 6..9 11.1 15.8 31.2 34.9 3.76 1.23
Access the Internet* 3.1 5..3 7.0 28.1 56.5 4.29 1.02
Develop web pages (e.g., FrontPage) 69.7 16.5 6.4 4.4 3.0 1.55 1.00
Develop multimedia (e.g., HyperStudio) 71.8 17.0 6.5 3.6 1.1 1.45 .85
Author microworlds/simulations 75.3 16.0 5.6 2.5 .5 1.37 .75
Map concepts (e.g., Kidspiration, Inspiration) 62.5 25.5 8.4 3.3 .5 1.54 .82
Model complex systems (e.g., Model-It, Stella) 83.6 11.0 3.3 1.6 .5 1.25 .64
Program the computer (e.g., Logo, C) 81.4 10.8 3.8 3.0 .9 1.31 .76
Use educational CDs* 16.8 29.4 25.4 21.0 7..5 2.73 1.18
*= frequency of ICT use is at a high level

The results show that the most widely used ICT type was the Internet (M= 4.29, SD= 1.02), which was followed
by communication (M= 3.76, SD=1.23) and processing text (M= 3.56, SD= 1.11), modelling complex systems (M=
1.25, SD= .64), programming the computer (M= 1.31, SD= .76) and authoring micro-worlds/simulations (M= 1.37,
SD= .75). The software types frequently used by teachers are the Internet, communication, processing texts, and
using educational CDs. Other ones are less frequently used.
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3.4. Teachers’ attitude towards computers

Each item was rated from 1 to 5 (1=completely disagree to 5= completely agree) (including positive and negative
attitude items) to create overall scores (minimum 15, maximum 75). The results showed that scores ranged from 30
to 75 and the mean score was 56.97 (SD= 7.12). Teachers’ attitudes towards computers were positive and at
moderate levels. That is, the mean teacher attitude score is above 52.5.

3.5. Teachers’ attitudes towards the Internet

Teachers’ attitudes towards the Internet were assessed by an attitude scale made up of 23 positive and negative
items rated 1-5 (1=completely disagree to 5= completely agree). Scores ranged from 52 to 115 and the mean was
83.87 (SD=9.30). Considering the attitude scores are 23 at the minimum and 115 at the maximum, teachers’ average
attitude scores are above medium level. In terms of sub-dimensions, in the “opportunities of Internet” sub-dimension
in particular (minimum 12, maximum 45), the mean score was 31.64 (SD=4.33), while in the CE (minimum 8,
maximum 38) the mean score was 26.79 (SD=3.34), and in the EDL sub-dimension (minimum 9, maximum 30) it
was 22.71 (SD=2.69).

3.6. Gender and ICT

The results showed that there were differences between male and female teachers in terms of their overall scores
on the frequency of ICT use (t=7.617, p<0.01), knowledge of ICT (t=3.990, p<0.01) and overall Internet attitude
(t=2.733, p<0.01) sub-scales in favor of males. However, there were no differences between male and female
teachers in terms of their attitudes toward computers, a finding which is in contrast to most studies on this subject
(t=1.079, p=.281).

3.7. Teaching experience and ICT

ANOVA was used to find out whether the teachers’ knowledge of ICT use, frequency of ICT use, computer and
Internet attitudes varied with teaching experience and previous participation in a computer course. The results
showed that there was a statically significant difference in all dependent variables. Tukey test was conducted so as
to determine in which variable the difference was observed. According to the results of the analysis, information
levels of teachers differ in accordance with their professional experience (F(3–1536)= 82.321, p<0.01), frequency of
ICT use (F(3–1536)= 41.868, p<0.01), computer attitudes (F(3–1536)= 18.332, p<0.01), and overall Internet attitudes (F(3–
1536)= 8.507, p<0.01). The difference is in the range of 11-20 and 21 and more years. Internet attitudes differ in only
1-5 years. Furthermore, it was found that there exists a significant difference with regard to previous participation in
a computer course and information level on ICT (t=7.555), (t=4.373), (p<.001).

3.8. Examination of Relationships (ICT use, frequency of ICT use and attitudes towards computers and the Internet)

Spearman’s Rank Order Correlation analyses were conducted to examine possible relationships between the
overall computer and Internet attitudes, knowledge of ICT use, frequency of ICT use, as well as the relationship
between each of these and the variables used in the study. The results are shown in Table 3.

Table 3: Spearman’s Rank Order correlation coefficients between certain variables

Knowledge of Frequency of ICT

Computer attitude Internet attitude
ICT use use
Internet attitude .334**
Knowledge of ICT use .323** .215**
Frequency of ICT use .315** .232** .703**
Computer use daily per hour .254** .174** .314** .353*
Internet access daily per hour .246** .161** .272** .301*
** = correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (two-tailed).
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The data showed that there was a significant relationship between computer and Internet attitudes, knowledge of
ICT use, frequency of ICT use, and duration of computer and Internet access in hours.

4. Conclusion and Discussion

The findings of the study can be summarized under six headings, which are the levels of knowledge on and the
use of ICT, independent variables related to knowledge and use of ICT, attitudes towards the Internet and
computers, the correlation between attitudes and independent variables.
The first shows that teachers’ ability in ICT and their ICT use in learning-teaching process are fairly low. The
most common uses of ICT are the Internet, e-mail, word processing and educational CDs, though rarely used. The
results seem similar to the results of previous research (Schug, 1998; Garland & Noyes 2004; Thomas & Stratton,
2006; Alghazo, 2006; Tondeur, van Braak & Valcke, 2007). The study also revealed that ICT use in classroom is
limited, a finding which is attributed to the level of experience; and the most commonly used ICT types were
determined as the Internet, e-mail, word processing, and educational CDs. The second finding demonstrates that
teachers’ level of knowledge of ICT is low, too. According to the results of the study, most teachers know how to
use the Internet, email, word processing, graphics and presentation software. The low levels of knowledge on ICT
might result from the fact that these technologies require technical knowledge. In relation to these results, another
finding is that there is a significant correlation between the levels of knowledge about ICT and the use of ICT in
education. This is an important finding as it shows that the higher the level of knowledge on ICT, the higher its level
of use in education. Another finding supporting this result is the significant differences observed between teachers in
terms of their previous participation in a computer course. As demonstrated by Anderson (2006), Bove´e, Voogt &
Meelissen (2007), øúman, Evirgen & Çengel (2008), Paraskeva, Bouta & Papagianni (2008) in their research on ICT,
the higher the mean level of knowledge, the more the ICT use. Teachers with previous computer experience have
higher levels of knowledge on ICT and their ICT use is more frequent. Teacher’s levels of ICT use show that they
use these technologies as information transmission-based tools. How teachers use ICT in teaching-learning process
is affected by their teaching approaches, which is also supported by findings of study (Alghazo, 2006; Niederhauser
& Storddart, 2007; Teo, Chai, Hug & Lee, 2008b).
The third finding is related to attitudes. It shows that teachers’ attitudes towards both the Internet and computers
are at a medium level. However, their levels of attitude towards computers are lower than those towards the Internet.
The findings of this research confirm those of Hong & Koh (2002), Paraskeva, Bouta & Papagianni (2008), Garland,
& Noyes, (2004), Aral et al., (2006); Torkzadeh, Chang, & Demirhan (2006), Albirini (2006) on computers and the
Internet. These researches concluded that teachers had positive attitudes.
The fourth finding concerns the gender variable. In the comparisons in terms of gender, ICT knowledge, their use
in education and attitudes towards the Internet show statistical differences. Male teachers had higher scores than
female teachers in terms of knowledge and usage. They had more positive attitudes than female teachers did. On the
other hand, in terms of attitudes towards computers, there exist no significant statistical differences. There are
similar findings revealed in the literature by Garland & Noyes (2004), Çelik & Bindak (2005), and Hong & Koh
(2002). In these researches, gender was found to be a significant variable itself but rather it can be assumed to be
shaped by experience, as well as cultural and educational objectives.
The fifth finding involves teachers’ experience. Teachers’ knowledge of ICT and levels of use and attitudes
towards the Internet and Computers show the same difference according to years of experience. The less the years of
experience, the higher their knowledge and ICT use. In addition, they have more positive attitudes, a finding which
is, in fact, not suprising. In the framework of Lisbon Submit of 2002, the studies conducted at schools to disseminate
ICT use and the growing of these youth with these technologies may be effective factors. Furthermore, openness of
the youth to innovations may be another factor. The research conducted by the National Center for Educational
Statistics (2006) indicated that teachers with less years of experience use ICT more for educational purposes.
However, in the research conducted by Niederhauser & Stoddart (2001), no differences could be found.
The last finding of the research is the positive correlation between teachers’ experience and knowledge of ICT,
computer and Internet attitudes. These findings reveal that the more the teachers’ level of knowledge, the more their
positive attitudes. Furthermore, as the duration of Internet and computer use increases, experiences and attitudes
toward ICT also improve. These results are similar to those of Garland & Noyes (2004), Alghazo (2006),
Torkzadeh, Chang & Demirhan (2006), Paraskeva, Bouta & Papagianni (2008).
Teachers’ knowledge on how to use these technologies in the learning-teaching process has an important effect
on using them effectively. Attitudes have also important effects on teachers’ use of these technologies. Given that
1292 Erdo an Tezci / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 1 (2009) 1285–1294

those with less years of experience had higher levels of knowledge and more positive attitudes, as ICT experience
increases, their attitudes also improve, which is a very important result as it shows that teacher training will be a
significant factor in the the effective use of ICT in learning-teaching process..Although most of the teachers received
computer courses, it is difficult to say that they are good enough to use ICT. Despite the opportunities offered by
these technologies, teachers use these for informational purposes. This is too far from forming a learner-based
learning environment.
In educational systems, the decision-makers and practicians should have enough knowledge on whether the
investments for the integration of ICT in curricula reach its aims. The investments can be directed according to
teachers’ level of knowledge, how they use it in learning-teaching process, as well as their attitudes. As it is teachers
who will use these technologies in the classroom to integrate them into the curricula, educating teachers will become
a more important issue.
Furthermore, research acitivities could examine the impact of variables such as teachers’ educational approaches
and levels of ICT use, their self-efficacy about ICT, objectives of ICT use, objectives of using ICT and success
expectations, cultural effect in ICT Internet and computer use. In addition, comparative studies could be conducted
to examine that how the way teachers use ICT affects students’ success.


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1294 Erdo an Tezci / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 1 (2009) 1285–1294

Appendix 1: Internet attitude scale (factor numbers and eigenvalues):

Items Factoactor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3
18. offers new opportunities like distance learning .897
15. helps me get rid of boredom by performing varrious activites .897
14. helps me improve mself by learning new things .887
22. supports perspective development .879
9. relaxes students .875
5. makes access to information easier .779
16. irritates me due to wrong information .740
13. keeps me and my students away from bad habits .726
12. makes finding friends easier .687
21. supports development in education .888
19. helps me learn about different cultures .876
10. improves curiosity .857
7. its use causes problems .828
20. enables equality in education .820
4. drives students toward laziness .799
23. causes estrangement of students to their values. .764
8. reduces the time allocated to learning .746
2. helps me with my job .951
3. gives me the opportunity to follow daily events .950
1. makes life easier .940
11. it excites me to reach the world from home and school .900
17. leads to addiction .786
6. causes estrangement to ourselves .735

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