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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,515,238 B1

Martens et al. (45) Date of Patent: Feb. 4, 2003

(54) ANALYTICAL BALANCE FOR WEIGHING 4,666,005. A 5/1987 Komoto et al. ............. 177/18O
ELECTROSTATICALLY CHARGED 4,689,715 A 8/1987 Halleck ...................... 361/213
WEIGHED GOODS 5,055,963 A * 10/1991 Partridge - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 361/231
5,430,275 A 7/1995 Braunisch ................... 177/208
5,617,648 A * 4/1997 Leisinger et al. ........... 177/245
(75) Inventors perg-Peter Martens, Boyenden (DE), 5,690,549 A * 11/1997 Webb et al. ................ 454/137
Heinrich Feldotte, Goettingen (DE); 5,847,514 A 12/1998 Dai ................ ... 315/111.91
Steffen Hirche, Goettingen (DE); 5858.041. A 1/1999 Luetkemeyer. 55/385.2
Eduard Bierich, Hann. Muenden (DE);
Guenter Boetcher, Bovenden (DE) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
DE 7.05715 5/1941
(73) Assignee: Sartorius Aktiengesellschaft,
Goettingen (DE) * cited by examiner
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this Primary Examiner Randy W. Gibson
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Sughrue Mion, PLLC
U.S.C. 154(b) by 58 days. (57) ABSTRACT
(21) Appl. No.: 09/707,962 An analytical balance that includes a balance Scale, a wind
guard encircling the balance Scale, and an apparatus for
(22) Filed: Nov. 8, 2000 generating an ionized Stream of air for dissipating electro
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data Static charges of goods to be weighed. The apparatus for
generating an ionized Stream of air includes a blower that
Nov. 8, 1999 (DE) ..... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1995.3586
draws in air from the weighing Space into at least one
(51) Int. Cl. ............................ G01G 21/28; H05F 3/00 boundary Surface of the weighing space. The blower also
(52) U.S. Cl. .................. 177/180; 177/238; 315/111.01; recycles the air back into the weighing Space via at least one
315/111.91; 361/213 exhaust opening at another point. In this manner, highly
(58) Field of Search ................................. 177/180, 181, effective dissipation of electroStatic charges is possible, and
177/238; 315/111.01, 111.11, 111.91; 361/213 the Stream of air can be conducted So that it exerts Scarcely
any vertical forces on the goods to be weighed. The ana
(56) References Cited lytical balance is very user-friendly in operation.
Additionally, the apparatus for generating an ionized Stream
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS of air is preferably Structured to be an easily installed
2.264,495 A 12/1941 Wilner ....................... 361/231
optional component of the analytical balance.
4,106,329 A * 8/1978 Takahashi et al. ....... 177/25.14
4,390,768 A * 6/1983 Teich et al. ................. 177/245 26 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets

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U.S. Patent Feb. 4, 2003 Sheet 3 of 4 US 6,515,238 B1
U.S. Patent Feb. 4, 2003 Sheet 4 of 4 US 6,515,238 B1

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US 6,515,238 B1
1 2
WEIGHED GOODS This and other objectives are achieved by the invention
for a balance Scale of the aforementioned type by providing
This is a Continuation of German Patent Application, DE an apparatus for the generation of an ionized Stream of air
1995.3586.8 with a foreign filing date of Nov. 08, 1999, the that includes a blower. On at least one boundary Surface of
disclosure of which is incorporated into this application by the weighing Space, the blower draws in air from the
reference. weighing Space. The blower also recycles the air drawn in
from the weighing Space back into the weighing Space via at
FIELD OF AND BACKGROUND OF THE least one blowing outlet opening at another point.
INVENTION In this manner, the invention brings a much greater
The invention relates to an analytical balance with a number of ions into the vicinity of the weighed goods,
balance Scale, with a wind guard encircling the balance compared to a balance Scale according to German Patent
Scale, and with an apparatus for generating an ionized Stream Specification 705 715 discussed above, in order to achieve
of air for the dissipation of electrostatic charges on the 15 a rapid dissipation of the electroStatic charges. Furthermore,
weighed goods. by Suitably directing the Stream, the Vertical component of
An analytical balance of this type is known from the the Stream of air in the vicinity of the balance Scale can be
German Patent Specification 705 715. minimized, thereby minimizing the effect on the weighing
Several Spikes, which Stand vertically upwards and are operation. By turning off the blower during the weighing,
connected to a high-voltage Source, are located in a dis the effect on the weighing is further reduced. Thus, the
charge Space which is disposed below the weighing Space invention provides a Scale that makes precision weighing
and is connected to it by a Sieve. The Sieve acts therein as a possible.
large-Surface counterelectrode. Thereby a So-called electric The analytical balance of the invention greatly simplifies
wind directed upwards is generated which is intensified by handling compared to use of an external ionization blower.
the dischargers development of heat. 25 Beyond the normal placement of the weighed goods onto the
This vertical Stream of air, which Strikes the balance Scale Scale, only the ionization apparatus must be started, for
from below, shifts the Zero point of the balance, thereby example by keystroke. The ionization apparatus according
causing measurement errors. Furthermore, many ions are to the invention is operated with the wind guard closed and
already discharged on the grounded metallic balance Scale blows no air from the Surrounding environment into the
So that, above the balance Scale, only a Small part of the ions weighing Space, which external air could have a different
generated is still available for draining the electroStatic temperature. Instead, the ionization apparatus of the present
charge of the weighed goods. invention circulates only the air contained within the weigh
Furthermore, it is known to dissipate electrostatic charges ing Space.
with an external ionization blower. Such external ionization An especially reliable dissipation of positive as well as
blowers are, for example, described in U.S. Pat. No. 2.264, 35 negative electroStatic charges is obtained if the apparatus for
495 and U.S. Pat. No. 4,689,715. Therein a stream of air is generating an ionized Stream of air generates positive as well
generated by a blower, and this stream of air is ionized at the as negative ions. For this purpose, the ionization apparatus
Same time by high-voltage electrodes. Using these external advantageously has at least two point electrodes which have
ionization blowers, weighed goods can be blown on first Voltages of opposing polarity.
outside the wind guard of the balance with the stream of air 40
from the ionization blower and electrically discharged and BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
then be brought into the balance and onto the balance Scale. The invention and further advantageous refinements
Alternatively, the weighed goods can be blown on by the thereof are explained in more detail below with reference to
ionization blower while on the balance Scale, with the wind the exemplary embodiments depicted in tie drawings.
guard open, and electrically discharged. 45
Both processes are complicated to manage. In particular, FIG. 1 shows a vertical Sectional representation of an
if the weighed goods are insufficiently discharged in the first analytical balance according to the invention in Schematic
attempt, the wind guard must be reopened, and the weighed form,
goods must be removed and positioned in front of the FIG. 2 provides a perspective view of the analytical
ionization blower (in the first method above), or the ioniza 50 balance,
tion blower must be aligned to the balance Scale (in the FIG.3 depicts one advantageous form and arrangement of
alternative method above), and finally the wind guard must the electrodes for ionization,
Subsequently be reclosed. Because these operations require FIG. 4 depicts one embodiment of the apparatus for
a large number of hand movements, any operator of the 55
generating the ionized Stream of air,
balance will take Steps to avoid this repetition, Such as FIG. 5 shows a section along the line V-V in FIG. 4,
running the ionization blower for too long during the first FIG. 6 depicts one advantageous configuration of the
time-attempt. As a result, the weighing time is lengthened in balance Scale, and
most cases. Furthermore, blowing into the weighing Space FIG. 7 shows an attachment for a standard balance Scale.
encircled by the wind guard, in the case of the latter, 60
alternative method above, Substantially disturbs the thermal DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
equilibrium within the wind guard, So that thermal equilib PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS
rium is restored only gradually.
FIG. 1 shows, in Vertical Sectional representation, Signifi
cant parts of an analytical balance according to the invention
According to one object of the invention, it is Sought to 65 to explain its principles of operation. The balance includes
provide a balance Scale having improved dissipation of the a lower Structure 1 which houses the balance System, not
electroStatic charges of the weighed goods. shown in detail. The components of the balance System are
US 6,515,238 B1
3 4
known and thus are not illustrated in FIG. 1. The analytical 1 are denoted by the Same reference numbers. Among the
balance further comprises a balance Scale 2 to receive the parts of the wind guard which encircles the weighing Space,
goods to be weighed, a wind guard 3 that encircles the the right sliding door 30, the left sliding door 31, which is
weighing Space 6 on all sides, a display 5 for displaying the illustrated as being open, the upper enclosing element 32,
weight, and a rearward upper part 4 of the housing which, and the (fixed) rear wall 11 are shown in FIG. 2. The front
for example, can accommodate parts of the electronicS for transparent wall of the wind guard can be located by its left
the balance. These parts of the balance are generally known lateral edge 33. The upper intake opening 9 is covered with
and thus not explained in more detail. protective bars 19, which prevent the entry of larger
In the rearward upper part 4 of the housing, a tube 7 is particles, thereby protecting the blowers from damage. Two
disposed with a fan 8 installed. The tube 7 ends in an intake outlet openings 10' and 10" are provided, for the exit of the
opening 9 at an upper location in the rear wall 11 of the ionized air, and include lamellas 12" and 12" for deflecting
weighing Space. The tube 7 ends in at least one exhaust the stream of air. The ionization electrodes are not visible in
opening 10 in a lower location of the rear wall 11 of the FIG. 2. They are described with the aid of FIG. 3.
weighing Space. The direction of conveyance of the fan 8 is FIG. 3 shows a cross-section of the tube 7 and the
accordingly from above to below. The exhaust blowing 15
mounted high-voltage electrodes for the ionization in an
opening 10 has lamellas 12 that flatten out the exiting Stream advantageous form and arrangement. The arrangement of
of air and direct it in defined directions. Even though these electrodes contains two point electrodes 20 and 21 which are
lamellas are represented in FIG. 1 as extending in the connected to the positive terminal of a high-voltage Source
horizontal direction, the lamellas can also be directed in, or 27 and two point electrodes 22 and 23 which are connected
Supplemented with lamellas extending in the vertical direc to the negative terminal of the high-voltage Source 27.
Between the two pairs of point electrodes, there is located a
tion. Moreover, the lamellas 12 can, if needed, be fully counterelectrode 24, by way of example in the form of a wire
adjustable and thus permit adaptation to goods to be or a sheet, which is grounded via a resistor 25. The positive
weighed of different sizes and heights. and the negative Voltage of the high-voltage Source 27 are
The high-voltage electrodes for the ionization of the Set at a level at which discharge Still barely occurs by
stream of air are denoted by 13 and 14. In the embodiment 25 So-called Still discharge, rather than by Spark discharge. The
of FIG. 1, the electrode 13 is a point electrode, and the two Voltages of the high-voltage Source 27 are controlled
electrode 14 is a comparatively large-Surface electrode, for therein by a controller 26 so that the current through the
example in the form of a Small plate or a wire ring. In the resistor 25 is maintained at Zero. Thereby, it is ensured that,
event the tube 7 is formed of metal, this metal tube can independent of tolerances of the electrode geometry and
function directly as a large-Surface counterelectrode 14. The independent of aging processes (for example, contamination
circuit for generating the high-voltage and the feed lines to of the electrodes), the same current flows over each pair of
the electrodes 13 and 14 have been omitted in the Schematic point electrodes 20 and 21 and point electrodes 22 and 23,
representation of FIG. 1 for simplicity's sake, as have been So that approximately equal numbers of positive and nega
the feed lines and the power supply for the motor of the fan tive ions are generated. Accordingly, the Stream of air exiting
8. 35
through the exhaust opening 10' and 10" contains positive as
During operation, the fan 8 draws air from the weighing well as negative ions, Such that positively as well as nega
tively charged weighed goods can be effectively discharged.
Space 6 at the intake opening 9 and enriches this air with ions An advantageous and compact configuration of the appa
by moving the air past the high-voltage electrodes 13, 14. ratus for generating an ionized Stream of air is shown in
The fan 8 further blows this air made electrically conductive FIGS. 4 and 5. FIG. 4 is a perspective view, whereas FIG.
out through the exhaust opening 10, and distributes this air 40 5 shows a section along the dotted line V-V in FIG. 4. A
in the Space above the balance Scale 2, where the weighed Y-shaped formed part 15 is shown in the figures, which
goods to be discharged electrically are disposed. In this basically includes an encircling frame 40 and an intermedi
manner, a discharge of ions at the metallic balance Scale 2 ate substrate 41 which is located at about half way up the
is substantially avoided. As the airflow through the fan 8 is height of the frame 40. This intermediate substrate 41 is
Significantly greater than the airflow due to convection 45 visible only in FIG. 5 because in FIG. 4 it is hidden below
according to the prior art, the electrostatic charges of the an electronic circuit board 42, which, together with the fan
weighed goods are much more effectively drained than in the 8, occupies essentially the entire interior Space of the formed
case of the prior-art balance. Furthermore, the predomi part 15. The electronic components located on the electronic
nantly horizontal Stream of air exerts Scarcely any vertical circuit board 42 are depicted only by the cubes 43, illustrated
forces on the balance Scale 2, So that the effect on the results 50 by way of example. In reality, the entire electronic circuit
of weighing is small. In addition the fan 8 can be turned off. board 42 may be provided with components.
When the fan propeller comes to rest, the resulting airflow The intermediate substrate 41 divides the interior space of
resistance causes the airflow through the tube 7 to come to the formed part 15 into two areas: one area for the electron
a stop nearly instantaneously, thereby ending the circulation ics (shown in FIG. 4 on the front side and, in FIG. 5, on the
of air in the weighing Space. In addition, the previous 55 right) and one area (obstructed from view in FIG. 4 and
circulation of air through the fan 8 prevents development of shown in FIG. 5 on the left) which defines the air channel 7
essentially any temperature gradients in the weighing Space and which leads from the fan 8 to the high-voltage electrodes
6, So that after turning the fan 8 off, the remaining thermal 20 to 24. The intermediate substrate 41 is penetrated near the
convection is minimal. If the fan 8 is turned on after closing fan 8 and near the high-voltage electrodes, as illustrated in
the weighing Space 6, e.g. for 20 Seconds, then nearly 60 FIG. 4. Specifically, in the left leg 45 of the Y-shaped formed
complete dissipation of any electroStatic charge of the part 15, neither the high-voltage electrodes nor their holder
weighed goods is achieved in this time period, and, in 28 are shown, so that the hole 46 in the intermediate
addition, the formation of thermal gradients is prevented So substrate 41 is visible. In reality, an electrode holder 28 and
that ideal conditions for highly precise weighing prevail high-voltage electrodes 20 to 24 are provided in the left leg
thereafter. 65 45. Likewise the cross-section of the left leg 45 is the same
One embodiment of the electronic balance is represented as the cross-section (represented in FIG. 5) through the right
in perspective view in FIG. 2. The parts illustrated in FIG. leg.
US 6,515,238 B1
S 6
The formed part 15 is closed off at its end surface (in FIG. Static charge of opposite sign for the goods to be
4 back or in FIG.5 left) by an appropriately configured cover weighed is increased. This is useful if Similar Samples,
16. The formed part 15, together with fan 8 and electrode in which the Sign of the charge is constant and known,
holder 28, is screwed on the back side of the back wall 11 are being weighed.
of the wind guard, facing away from the weighing Space 6, 5 The lamellas 12 or 12" and 12" can be adjustable in order
by means of tongues 44 with holes. These parts are held permit adaptation of the ionized Stream of air to
together, as can be seen in FIG. 5. The formed part 15 is weighed goods of different sizes and weights.
attached such that the fan 8 is located directly behind the Overall the described apparatus for generating an ionized
intake opening 9, while the two electrode holders 28 with the Stream of air forms a compact Structural unit which contains
high-voltage electrodes are positioned behind the two all the components necessary for performing an ionization
exhaust openings 10' and 10" in FIG. 2. Thus, during function. In the framework of a building block System, it is
operation, the fan 8 draws air from the weighing Space 6 thereby possible to equip an analytical balance, with only a
through the intake opening 9, transports it back into the air few interventions, with or without an apparatus for gener
channel 7 between the intermediate Substrate 41 of the ating an ionized Stream of air. In a given case, the analytical
formed part 15 and the cover 16, and pushes the air through 15 balance can later be retrofitted with Such an apparatus for
the hole 46, i.e., through the interior of the electrode holder generating an ionized Stream of air if warranted.
28 which is provided with the high-voltage electrodes 20 to An embodiment of a balance Scale which is particularly
24, and finally through the exhaust opening 10' and 10" back advantageous for electrostatically charged goods to be
into the weighing Space 6. weighed is shown in FIG. 6. This balance scale 34 has a
The Space above and around the electronic circuit board plurality of thin vertical metallic pins 37, similar to a bed of
42 is advantageously filled entirely with an insulating mate nails, on its upper side. The goods Stand on these pins 37 and
rial 17, which is indicated in FIG. 5 by dots. The housing of can thereby be exposed on their lower Side as well to ionized
the fan 8 and the electrode holders 28 prevent the insulating air and thereby discharged. It is noted that the metallic
material from flowing out through the hole in the interme balance Scale 34 and the metallic pins 37 cause the discharge
diate substrate 41 at the fan 8 and through the holes 46 at the 25 of many ions. However, by virtue of the large number of ions
electrode holders 28. The encircling frame 40 acts as a present and the good transport of the ionized air, the remain
lateral enclosing element during introduction of insulating ing ions are Sufficient to fully discharge the weighed goods.
material. In FIG. 7a variant of the nail bed balance Scale is shown
The back wall 11 advantageously has, on its back Side in perspective view. Here a disk 35, which has vertical metal
facing away from the weighing Space 6, an encircling pins 36 on its upper side as well as on its lower Side, is laid
protuberance around each of the intake opening 9 and the on the normal balance scale 2 (in FIG. 1 or 2). This
exhaust openings 10' and 10". These protuberances, in configuration permits exposure of the weighed goods to
cooperation with the elastic insulating material 17, Seal the ionized air on all sides.
intake opening 9 and the exhaust openings 10' and 10" The above description of the preferred embodiments has
against the Surrounding environment. 35 been given by way of example. From the disclosure given,
The apparatus described above for generating an ionized those skilled in the art will not only understand the present
Stream of air can be further improved by incorporating many invention and its attendant advantages, but will also find
additional advantageous refinements. apparent various changes and modifications to the Structures
For example, the fan 8 can be provided with a control for disclosed. It is Sought, therefore, to cover all Such changes
regulating the Speed of revolution. This permits the
40 and modifications as fall within the Spirit and Scope of the
apparatus to be adapted both for use with Strongly invention, as defined by the appended claims, and equiva
lents thereof.
charged goods to be weighed (large speed of revolution What is claimed is:
with Strong circulation of air) as well as for uses 1. An analytical balance comprising:
requiring high precision weighing and short Settling 45
time after being turned off (small speed of revolution a balance Scale;
with low circulation of air). This refinement provides a Wind guard defining a Weighing Space, the Weighing
the ability to weigh with the fan running slowly. Space encircling Said balance Scale and having at least
The fan 8 can be designed to be turned off, for example, one boundary Surface containing at least one intake
by an electrical contact or by a photosensor when the 50
opening and at least one exhaust opening, and
lateral wall 30 or 31 or the upper enclosing element 32 an apparatus generating an ionized Stream of air and
of the weighing Space is closed. The fan 8 is then turned comprising a blower,
off after a predetermined running time. Of course, a wherein Said blower draws in air from the weighing Space
button or a Switch can also be provided within the via the at least one intake opening and recycles the air
framework of the operator keyboard for turning the fan 55 into the weighing Space via the at least one exhaust
8 on or off manually. The high-voltage source 27 is in opening.
general turned on or off together with the fan 8. 2. The analytical balance according to claim 1, wherein
However, it can also be designed to be Switched on or Said apparatus generating an ionized Stream of air further
off independently. comprises high-voltage electrodes disposed between Said
It is further possible to design the controller 26 so that the 60 blower and the exhaust opening.
offset (electrical Zero point) can be shifted away from 3. The analytical balance according to claim 2, wherein
the Voltage Zero at the resistor 25 and instead Set to a Said high-voltage electrodes comprise:
predetermined positive or negative Voltage value. at least one positive point electrode, at least one negative
Thereby the current over one pair of electrodes 20, 21 point electrode, and
or 22, 23 is greater than the current over the other pair 65 a respective counterelectrode,
of electrodes. In this way ions of one Sign are prefer wherein Said positive and negative point electrodes have
ably generated and the discharge effect for the electro Voltages of opposing polarity.
US 6,515,238 B1
7 8
4. The analytical balance according to claim 3, further channels conducting the air between the intake opening
compriSIng: and the exhaust opening;
a high-voltage Source; and fastening points for mounting Said blower;
a controller, a mounting Space for a high-voltage Source; and
wherein Said controller controls Said high-voltage Source mounting points for mounting Said formed part on a back
So that a discharge Stream over Said at least one positive Side of the analytical balance on the rear wall, facing
point electrode is as large as a discharge Stream over away from the weighing Space.
Said at least one negative point electrodes.
5. The analytical balance according to claim 3, further 1O
18. The analytical balance according to claim 17, wherein
comprising: Said formed part further comprises a Space for mounting
a high-voltage Source; and controller electronics.
a controller, 19. The analytical balance according to claim 17, wherein
Said formed part is formed in an H-shaped cross-section
wherein Said controller controls Said high-voltage Source defining two chambers, a first chamber disposed nearer to
So that a difference of a discharge Stream over Said 15
positive point electrode and a discharge Stream over Said back wall and a Second chamber disposed at a distance
Said negative point electrode assumes a constant value. from said back wall,
6. The analytical balance according to claim 2, further wherein Said high-voltage Source is housed in Said first
comprising: chamber, and Said Second chamber contains a channel
a high-voltage Source; and for conducting the air.
a controller, 20. The analytical balance according to claim 19, wherein
Said apparatus generating an ionized Stream of air further
wherein Said controller controls Said high Voltage Source comprises a cover closing off Said formed part on a side
Such that no Spark discharge occurs from Said high facing away from Said back wall and defining one boundary
Voltage electrodes. 25 Surface of Said Second chamber.
7. The analytical balance according to claim 1, wherein 21. The analytical balance according to claim 17, wherein
the intake opening is located in an upper area of a rear wall Said formed part is formed in a Y shape and connects the
of the weighing Space.
8. The analytical balance according to claim 1, wherein intake opening to two exhaust openings.
the exhaust opening is located in a lower area of a rear wall 22. The analytical balance according to claim 17, wherein
of the weighing Space. Said high-voltage Source is injection-molded to Said formed
9. The analytical balance according to claim 1, wherein part and Said formed part forms an injection mold for
the exhaust opening is located at least partly vertically above injection-molding Said high Voltage Source to Said formed
Said balance Scale. part.
10. The analytical balance according to claim 1, wherein 35 23. The analytical balance according to claim 22, further
the at least one exhaust opening comprises auxiliary aids comprising elastic insulating material forming a Seal
that deflect the ionized Stream of air into a preferred direc between said formed part and Said back wall.
tion in the weighing Space. 24. The analytical balance according to claim 1, further
11. The analytical balance according to claim 10, wherein comprising a plurality of thin Vertical metallic pins posi
Said auxiliary aids comprise lamellas. 40 tioned on an upper Side of Said balance Scale.
12. The analytical balance according to claim 10, wherein 25. The analytical balance according to claim 1, further
Said auxiliary aids are configured to adjust at least one of a comprising a disk comprising a plurality of Vertical metal
direction and an intensity of the ionized Stream of air. pins projecting from an upper Side and from a lower Side of
13. The analytical balance according to claim 1, wherein Said disk, Said disk positioned on Said balance Scale.
Said blower is configured with a variable Speed control. 45 26. An analytical balance comprising:
14. The analytical balance according to claim 1, wherein
Said blower is configured to Switch off automatically after a a balance Scale;
predetermined time period. a Wind guard defining a Weighing Space, the Weighing
15. The analytical balance according to claim 14, wherein Space encircling Said balance Scale and having at least
Said wind guard comprises two displaceable weighing-space 50 one boundary Surface containing at least one intake
enclosing elements and a contact disposed on at least one of opening and at least one exhaust opening, and
Said enclosing elements, wherein Said blower is Switched on an apparatus comprising:
by actuation of Said contact and is Switched off after the a blower;
predetermined time period. at least two electrodes coupled to a Voltage Source, and
16. The analytical balance according to claim 14, wherein 55
a channel that connects the intake opening and the
Said wind guard comprises two displaceable weighing-space exhaust opening;
enclosing elements and a photosensor disposed on at least
one of Said enclosing elements, wherein Said blower is wherein Said blower draws in air from the weighing Space
Switched on by actuation of Said photosensor and is Switched via the intake opening and moves the air through Said
off after the predetermined time period. 60 channel past Said electrodes and returns the air into the
17. The analytical balance according to claim 7, wherein Weighing Space Via the exhaust opening.
Said apparatus generating an ionized Stream of air further
comprises a formed part, Said formed part comprising:

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