Advisory Circular: AC 21-46 Airworthiness Approval of Avionics Equipment
Advisory Circular: AC 21-46 Airworthiness Approval of Avionics Equipment
Advisory Circular: AC 21-46 Airworthiness Approval of Avionics Equipment
AC 21-46
Airworthiness approval of avionics
Advisory Circulars are intended to provide advice and guidance to illustrate a means, but not necessarily the only
means, of complying with the Regulations, or to explain certain regulatory requirements by providing informative,
interpretative and explanatory material.
Advisory Circulars should always be read in conjunction with the relevant regulations.
This Advisory Circular (AC) applies to:
The purpose of this AC is to provide information and guidance concerning the standards used
for the approval of required avionics equipment for use in Australian registered aircraft.
Version Date Details
3.0 Aug 2014 Removed reference to CAR 35, recognition of European Technical Standard
Orders (ETSOs), reference to Airworthiness Bulletin (AWB) 00-21, reference
to subpart 21.J, reference to AC 21-50 and revision of existing avionics
standards in Appendix 1.
(0) Sept 2009 A review of CAO Series 103 and 108 identified a number of orders that are
obsolete, inaccurate and no longer relevant. This AC was first drafted to
assist industry in identifying the appropriate standards CASA wishes to apply
to particular avionics equipment.
Unless specified otherwise, all subregulations, regulations, divisions, subparts and parts
referenced in this AC are references to the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR 1998).
1 Reference material 3
1.1 Acronyms 3
1.2 Definitions 3
1.3 References 4
1.4 Forms 5
2 Background 6
2.1 Regulations 6
2.2 Approval of required equipment 7
2.3 Approval of non-required equipment 7
2.4 Approval to fit equipment 7
2.5 Commercial/off-the-shelf products 8
3 Current recognised standards 9
3.1 Technical Standard Orders 9
3.2 Approval of equipment for which there is no standard 9
4 Approvals 10
4.1 Existing equipment approvals 10
4.2 New equipment approvals 10
4.3 Data requirements 11
1 Reference material
1.1 Acronyms
The acronyms and abbreviations used in this AC are listed in the table below.
Acronym Description
AC Advisory Circular
CS Certification Specification
1.2 Definitions
Terms that have specific meaning within this AC are defined in the table below.
Term Definition
Active Historical Where Technical Standard Order (TSO) equipment can still be used but new
applications should be manufactured to the current version.
Certification Basis An airworthiness design standard plus any special conditions applied by
CASA (or NAA) to that code.
Invalid Where TSO equipment can still be used but new applications should be
manufactured to the current version.
Latent A failure that is not detected and/or annunciated when it occurs.
1.3 References
Regulations are available on the ComLaw website
Advisory material
Advisory Circulars are available at
Civil Aviation Advisory Publications are available at
Airworthiness Bulletins are available at
AC 21-14—Production certificates
AC 21-27—Manufacturing Approval – Overview
AC 21-50—Approval of software and electronic hardware parts
AC 21-601—Australian Technical Standard Order Authorisation
Civil Aviation Advisory Publication (CAAP) 42W-2—Authorised Release Certificate
AWB 00-21—CASR Part 21 Approval of Aircraft Equipment used in Modifications or Repairs
Other documents
FAA Advisory Circulars are available at:
FAA AC 21-16G—RTCA Document DO-160 versions D, E, F, and G, “Environmental Conditions
and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment
5862578b80062049d/$FILE/AC 21-16G.pdf
EASA CS-ETSO - Certification Specification ETSO
RTCA/DO-160G—Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment
RTCA/DO-178C—Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification
1.4 Forms
CASA’s forms are available at
2 Background
This AC provides details of the data needed to support a request for approval of avionics
equipment that is to be fitted to a certified aircraft in accordance with Subparts 21.E and
Subpart 21.M.
2.1 Regulations
2.1.1 Any required equipment fitted in compliance with the regulations must be approved by
CASA prior to use. Subregulation 207(2) of CAR 1988 states:
“A person must not use an Australian aircraft in a class of operation if the aircraft is not;
a. fitted with instruments; and
b. fitted with, or carrying, equipment, including emergency equipment, that CASA has
approved and directed.”
2.1.2 Any equipment fitted to, or on, an aircraft from time to time can be divided into two basic
a. Required equipment – items required for compliance with the regulations governing
specific types of operation
b. Non-required equipment – any other equipment that is fitted in addition to that
required by regulation.
2.1.3 All equipment, both required and non-required equipment, may only be installed on an
aircraft in accordance with an approved design (i.e. Subpart 21.E Supplemental type
certificate (STC), Subpart 21.M modification approval). For required equipment to be
approved, sufficient evidence needs to presented to certify that the design standard and
manufacturing processes provide an appropriate level of safety.
2.1.4 Regulation 2 of CAR 1988 states that:
“any part or equipment for an aircraft that, when fitted to, or provided in an aircraft may,
if it is not sound or functioning correctly, affect the safety of the aircraft, its occupants
or its cargo or cause the aircraft to become a danger to person or property.”
As an example, the Aeronautical Information Package (AIP) states that radio navigation
equipment fitted to an aircraft must be of a type approved by CASA.
See AC 21-50 for further details.
4 Approvals
4.1.2 Appendix 3 of this AC provides a listing of equipment approved since the last
amendment of Publication 50. This listing will be updated as required.
For further information see AC 21-50.
vi. the requirement for the component to be marked with a unique part number.
4.3.2 This data package will be frozen and identified as the model intended for fitting to the
aircraft and will be subject to configuration control in a manner similar to other aircraft
Executive Manager
Standards Division
October 2014