Navamsa Chart (D9 Chart) in Vedic Astrology.: Free Horoscope Reading

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Navamsa chart (D9 chart) in Vedic

- October 11, 2014

In Vedic Astrology the Navamsa or 9th

Harmonic chart (D9 chart) is said to be a
microscopic view of the 9th House and
therefore the hidden undercurrent of our
fate. It is basically to predict marriage life
of the native, spouse and life in later stage
(after 32 years). The rasi chart (D1 chart) is
your physical existence, the circumstances
you live in, the things you do. The D9 chart
is the hidden force, invisible hand of
destiny that decides the results of your

D9 chart basically gives information about

your inner personality. The D1 chart gives
information about your surface
personality. The inner personality keeps
on changing until late twenties and
remains almost the same after that. So, its
advisable to consult D9 chart in the later
stage of life.

Note : There are no concepts of degrees

and nakshatras in D9 chart.

How to read D9 chart:

Determine the the position of D9-

ascendant in D1 chart. In the above
example, D9 ascendant is Sagittarius
and Sagittarius is the 11th house in
D1 chart. The D1 chart ascendant is
Aquarius ascendants are eccentric,
mystical, visionary, humanitarian
personality with an unusual path.
Sagittarius rising in the D9 shows
that his/her 11th house in the D1
(Sagittarius falls in the 11th House)
becomes a very important part of
his/her Aquarian nature, so his/her
goal orientated focus and tendency
to align himself/herself to group
participation for higher
philosophical cause becomes highly
emphasized (11th house and
Sagittarius themes). This analysis
basically gives in which area (where)
the native is going to express his/her

Analyze the status of D9-ascendant

lord in D9 chart. This will tell you
how the native is going to express
his/her nature.
Jupiter, the lord of the D9-
ascendant, is placed in the 3rd amsa
in Aquarius. So his/her
philosophical goal orientated team
spirit is getting expressed in his/her
communicative prowess and
impartial leadership.

Analyze the position of D9-ascendant

lord in D1 chart. This will tell you
what role the native will take to
pursue his nature.
Jupiter is occupying the 5th house in
Gemini in the D1 chart, so his/her
goal orientated and communicative
efforts are used for teaching and
guiding his/her students and is a
major contributing factor for his/her

Analyze the strength, placement,

conjunctions of Chara Atmakaraka
and Amatyakaraka in D9 chart.

Venus is the natural atmakaraka in

D9 chart. Hence, don’t forget to
analyze the strength, placement,
conjunctions of venus in D9 chart.

Analyze the strength, placement,

conjunctions of the D1-9th lord in D9

D9-chart is also used for marriage


Determine the 7th house lord in D1

chart. In the above example, 7th
house is Leo and Sun is the lord of
Leo. Then, figure out the position of
7th lord in D9 chart. Here, the 7th
lord is Sun and its in Sagittarius in D9
chart. The lord of sagittarius is
Jupiter. Look at the strength,
placement, conjunctions of Jupiter in
D1 chart.

See the placement of D9-ascendant

lord in D9 chart.
This will show how the native
inherently behaves with his/her
If it is placed in
6th house: native will tend to fight
with his/her spouse.
8th house: native will hide the things
from his spouse and will not be
12th house: The native would be
indifferent for his or her spouse.
In the above example, ascendant
lord is Jupiter and its in 3rd house in
D9 chart.

See the placement, strength,

conjunctions of the D9 ascendant lord
in D1 chart.
This will give you the information
about, how the native behaves with
his spouse in front of the whole

Spouse should be seen from 7th house

of D9 chart. How will he/she behaves
with the native.
Apply the previous 2 points likewise.
In the above example, the 7th house
lord is Mercury.

D9-ascendant aspected by a benefic

can give a happy married life.

D9-ascendant lord aspecting D9 is a

good combination for a peaceful
married life.

If D9-ascendant happens to be 9th or

12th to the D1-ascendant, physical
needs may be very high.

If D9-ascendant is associated with

many malefics, there could be extra-
marital relationships.

If the lord of 3 or 6 or 7 or 10 is
posited in the 7th to D9-ascendant
your spouse may have a career in law.

Venus in the 7th to D9-ascendant

indicates disharmony in marriage.

If the lord of 7th in D1-chart is in 6 or

8 or 12 to D9-ascendant, married life
may not be pleasant.

Conjunction of Moon and venus and

if one of them is debilitated, there will
be no happiness from marriage.

If the 5th from the D9-ascendant is

occupied by Jupiter and venus, you
could get ravishing beauty as your

If the 7th happens to be the house of

saturn and if malefic are in it, the
spouse could look old or it could be a
second marriage.

If venus is in the amsa of Mars or in

the house of saturn without any
benefic aspect, there could be sexual

If the 7th lord conjuct with the 6th

lord and also venus, there will be
separation or divorce.

These are some general principles . Please

consider the aspect and conjunction of
other planets before coming to a


Mel Ina January 14, 2015 at 1:26 PM

Thank you for your text! It's excellent

and very useful!
"If the 7th lord conjunct with the 6th
lord and also venus, there will be
separation or divorce."
Does this mean if the 7th lord
conjunct with Venus but also with
the 6th lord, there will be separation
or divorce? Or if the 7th lord
conjunct only with Venus, e.g., then
there also will be separation or
divorce? And do you mean if the 7th
lord in D9-chart conjunct with the
6th lord and Venus in D9-chart? If
the 7th lord in D9-chart (Jupiter in
my case) conjunct only with Venus
also in my D9-chart, does it mean
that I will undergo divorce or
Thank you very much.

uma sankar pradhan

January 14, 2015 at 4:33 PM

In D9 chart, if the 7th lord,

6th lord and venus are
together, then there could
be a chance of divorce or
separation. Its a possibility.

FYI: Myself don't give much

importance to astrology.
The rule of thumb is : "If
you are conscious enough,
you can create your life the
way you want"

Mel Ina
January 15, 2015 at 1:52 PM

Thank you so much. And

just one more question:
what does mean if
debilitated Mars (Mars is in
Cancer in 2nd house in D9
chart) aspects the 7th lord
of D9 chart (the 7th lord is
Jupiter and is located in
9th house in D9 chart in
Aquarius)? I suppose it is
bad and indicates some
problems in married life. I
have recently started
learning jyotish, hence I
have asked you these


April 30, 2015 at 10:29 PM

I'm amazing about scientibc-

astrology.Here I can got good topes
it's inspires me a lot of- really gives
me an insight on this topic.Here you
can bnd more relative information if
you have time please visit natal


ruchi5 December 25, 2015 at 12:00 AM

i have question about my D9 chart .

After looking my horoscope so
many astrologer suggested me not
to get married as it will suffered
from multiple Separation and
divorces . I am really disappointed
after hearing all that results . when i
analyses it I found that Virgo Lagna
D1 are same as D9 Ascedent which
is mercury .My Mercury(Virgo
lagnesh ) is in Pisces 7 house which
is debilitated in D1 and it is in virgo
house (Exalted) in D9 . In D9 chart
my venus is in pisces ( Which is also
Exalted ) and JUP is in cancer house
( Rahu is in Gemini and Ketu is in
Danu ). What it signibes ? Do i am
missing something to refer . Please
do reply as this doubt is bothering
me .

uma sankar pradhan

December 25, 2015 at 10:18

Dasha and Mahadasha are

important. Please consider
them too. To analyze any
thing, full chart is needed
and many factors (like
aspects, conjunctions) are
to be considered.

abishek agarwal
August 27, 2017 at 10:19 AM

U will have a good married

life...don't be upset coz
ultimately your mercury will
give u positive results coz
it is exalted in D-9, and in D-
9 exalted jupiter is also
present which is karak of

abishek agarwal
August 27, 2017 at 10:22 AM

U will have a good married

life...don't be upset coz
ultimately your mercury will
give u positive results coz
it is exalted in D-9, and in D-
9 exalted jupiter is also
present which is karak of


Krishna Manoj
February 5, 2016 at 8:37 AM

My D1 ascendant is Aquarius(with
the 2nd-cum-11th lord Jupiter
placed in it), while D-9 ascendant is
Sagittarius(with Jupiter in 5th house
Aries with Venus).

In D1: 7th lord Sun is in 3rd

house(Aries), while in D9 sun is in
10th house(Virgo).

Venus in D1 is placed in Taurus.

D9 7th lord mercury is in 3rd

house(Aquarius), while in D1
mercury is in 2nd house(meena)

What do these placements suggest

w.r.t. marriage/wife/career etc.?


NS Prakasa Rao
March 6, 2016 at 9:22 AM

Very good and important

information. In a D9 chart, Makara is
ascendant with Venus in it. In 5th
house of D9 there are moon, Mars,
Jupiter, Saturn and Ketu. Sun in 3rd,
mercury in 8th and Rahu in 11th. In
D1, vrischiks lagna, moon, mer and
Ketu in 3rd; sun, ven, Mars in 4th;
Rahu in 9, Jupiter and Saturn in
11th. Since 5 planets in one house
in D9 chart, I could not assess.
Please guide me about native's
marriage and married life. Is there
asthangathva for Venus. Thank You.


Sudip April 28, 2016 at 11:41 AM

I am not able to read navamsa

chart.. I tried but failed to
understand. Please clarify by going
through my D1 and D9 chart in a
layman language so that i could
Dob 06/02/1990
Biratnagar, nepal


Indrani Reddy
May 10, 2016 at 10:16 PM

My dob is 10-1-1994 & time is

2:10A.M in bangalore .how will be
my narried lyf


sivaranjani mtech
May 23, 2016 at 9:52 PM

good article


sivaranjani mtech
May 23, 2016 at 9:53 PM

good article


La chica francesa
June 15, 2016 at 11:07 AM

hello ,

in rasi chart my 7th lord is venus sits

in taurus in 7th house my ascendant
is scorpio ..

in d9 chart my lagna is leo sun in leo

.. venus in pisces in 8th house with
jupiter and mercury.. saturn in
aquarius in 7th house with 12th lord
moon .. this means that i can be
married with a foreigner .. venus in
8th house damaged married life ..

thank you


La chica francesa
June 15, 2016 at 11:08 AM

hello ,

in rasi chart my 7th lord is venus sits

in taurus in 7th house my ascendant
is scorpio ..

in d9 chart my lagna is leo sun in leo

.. venus in pisces in 8th house with
jupiter and mercury.. saturn in
aquarius in 7th house with 12th lord
moon .. this means that i can be
married with a foreigner .. venus in
8th house damaged married life ..

thank you


Pasha June 20, 2016 at 9:16 PM

Dear Concerned,
My Name is Muhammad Azeem
Date Of Birth day 12 June 1990 Birth
Time 11:50 A.M
Place of birth : Lahore, Pakistan

Can you Please tell me about my



Krishnan Kethandapatti Veeraraghavan

January 10, 2017 at 5:25 AM

Where Can I bnd the full

understaďing of How to read D9
chart for
Education including higher
Profession, in native land or abroad
shirt or permanent etc
Marriage good ,bad, divorce not etc.
4. Old age painful,peaceful etc.
Please provide a good book or link


Unknown March 7, 2017 at 4:42 AM

Dob- 27/11/1992
Please tell me about my marriage?


Gaea March 17, 2017 at 9:48 AM

I have my venus in eighth house in

virgo and jupiter in 12th house in
capricorn in D-9 chart which are
both debilitated. while in my d1
chart venus mars and jupoter are in
conjunction in 7th house. can
anybody help me because i feel
there will be no hope in my married
life. i am not married yet though


vishu vh Vh
March 28, 2017 at 1:51 AM

Without job since June 2015. I

continue to do odd jobs. Can you
please let know as to when can I
bnd one. Gave three interviews in
January 2017.
What exactly is the problem. When
do I enter stability phase.

My details are given below:

Name - vishu
Gender - Male
Birth - November 04, 1976
Birth time - 13.37hrs
Birth place - Baroda, Gujarat, India

Living near Pune.

Look forward to hear from you.

Regards, Vh

Partha Dutta
June 2, 2017 at 12:32 AM

bro no astrologer can help

you if you cant help
yourself . believe in
yourself . if you tried 10
attempts for that job last
time try 100 times now ,
you will surely get a job .
bro job is available every
where but you have to
accept all types of job . if
you are graduate go to
business , do private tuition
, do any job that is available
. but if you think you want
that particular job i am sure
if you are not good for it
you wont get it .


Unknown June 2, 2017 at 12:24 AM

if somebody dont wanna marry at all

then how these rules are followed ?

all nonsense rules like lal kitab

remedy .

believe in yourself and True God . if

you follow true God's light = joty +
ish , then why should God punish
you ?

every thing in your mind , if you want

divorce or separation it will happen
at any cost if you want it wont .

you cannot predict anyone's future

or tell the accurate future because
you are not God .

you cannot tell future from only

conjunction without knowing exact
degree of those planets .


Ketaki Munshi
June 8, 2017 at 8:45 PM

in d9 chart ascendant lord venus in

9th house with Saturn and ketu. 7th
lord mars is in makar 4th house.
Guru Vargottama in 5th house.
Chandra rahu In 3rd house. Sun in
1st house debilitated. Sun is in d9
chart exalted. Please give me some


Unknown August 27, 2017 at 9:34 AM

I have jupiter and mars together in

8th house scorpio sign in navasma
chart. In natal chart jupiter and
mercury in 9th house. Does it mean
separation or divorce?


Divina Geven
October 10, 2017 at 11:11 PM

I want to know what my ascendant

is for my d9 chart. There different
sites and Some of them say gemini
and Some of them say pisces. How
can calculate right?

October 23, 2018 at 4:21 AM

You need to know the

degrees of your ascendant
in its particular sign, then
search in the table
provided in this link


September 30, 2018 at 12:34 AM

My d9 chart venus in 7th house 7th

house lord satrun & rahu in 8th
house asadant lord sun in 12 house
how to my marriage life sir.


Unknown October 30, 2018 at 10:12 AM

Aries ascendant having mercury

Venus Jupiter and sun in 7TH
house, mars in 6th house, rahu and
Saturn in 8th house, moon in 4th
house, ketu in 2nd house. How are
the prospect of this native.


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