Thinking Wisely - Decision Making Wheel 0
Thinking Wisely - Decision Making Wheel 0
Thinking Wisely - Decision Making Wheel 0
The Activity Today we are going to learn how to improve consequences by improving how
we go about choosing what to do. Hand out the Activity Sheet: “Decision
Making Wheels” to each student. Following the steps on the wheel, teach
the students the process of clarifying the problem, then moving through the
steps of thinking to come to a decision. Read the following scenario:
Just before the lunch bell rings, the students whose desk you saw your
friend reach into, walks up to the teacher. A moment later the teacher
announces that this student’s entire pencil case with pencils, pens and
lunch money in it has been stolen. What do you do?
Using the Decision Wheel as a guide, discuss the following questions with
your students and scribe their answers on the board. Ask the students to use
one of their Decision Wheels to record the answers to each question.
Wrap Up Announce that you are now going to read a second scenario. The students
will use their second wheel to analyse this story on their own.
You are alone with your best friend at your best friend’s house. He/she
goes to a drawer in his/her wardrobe and pulls out a pack of cigarettes.
He/she lights up and invites you to do the same. What do you do?
Ask the students to fill out their decision wheel, filling in the hub of the wheel
first and then filling in their answers to each of the areas of the pie.
Close with a full room share. Ask students to share their process and the
results they came up with.
Activity Materials
Resources / Activity Sheet: “Decision Making Wheels” per student
Materials: Pencil or pen
Blueprint Career Management Competencies & Indicators
8.1 Explore and improve decision making
8.1.1 Understand how choices are made.
8.1.2 Explore what can be learned from experiences.
8.1.3 Explore what might interfere with attaining goals.
8.1.4 Explore problem-solving techniques..
8.1.5 Explore all alternatives in decision-making situations.
8.1.6 Understand how personal beliefs and attitudes influence decision-making.
8.1.7 Understand how decisions affect the decision maker and others.
8.1.10 Make decisions and take responsibility for them.
7.1.9 Demonstrate the ability to take responsibility for your own actions.
8.1.12 Evaluate the impact of your personal decisions on yourself and on others.
8.1.13 Engage in responsible decision-making .
Activity Sheet
Decision Making Wheel
This wheel will help you to make better choices in your life. When you have an
important decision to make, start by stating the problem in the hub of the wheel.
Next, move through the 9 choices, one by one. When you have a decision to
make fill in the blanks.
9 2
8 3 3
Decision Consequences
7 4 4
6 5