Business Ethics Unit II - Work Life in Indian Philosophy
Business Ethics Unit II - Work Life in Indian Philosophy
Business Ethics Unit II - Work Life in Indian Philosophy
Work Life in Indian Philosophy
• We Indians have been importing management systems and styles from foreign countries
• Work place ethics: Lay down the code of conduct for the employees
• India’s rich cultural heritage, its ancient texts such as the Mahabharata has many important lessons
that can be utilised in modern day contexts by corporations.
Each society has to draw lessons on ethics from its own culture specific areas – its own psychological
make-up. It cannot draw ethical lessons from another society. Hence, the body of knowledge, which
derives solutions from the rich and huge Indian system of ethics are known as Indian Ethos in
✓ Daam (Rewarding)
✓ Dand (Punishment)
✓ Bhed (Discrimination).
• Managerial ethics is the rules and principles, decided by upper management, that spell out what is
right and wrong in an organization.
• Managerial ethics is intended to make it easier for managers to make the right decisions on the job
when a conflict of values is presented
These are following characteristics for management and ethics as per the Indian ethos
1. Purity in business operations can be obtained by performing the activities ethically. Business should
not be pursued for greed but for satisfying need of masses
2. Nishkam karma in business reflects loyalty and gratitude to all the stakeholders.
3. Basic values like sharing, humility, truth should be the business principles
4. The short term goal of profit maximizations should be replaced by long term goal of goodwill and survival.
5. Business is the creation of society and the manager must value the social system
Spirituality in Management
• Spirituality can be source of quality for the individual, the society and the organization.
• If knowledge is the key to asset, then developing human quality must be at the heart of the corporate
❖ A detached mind is essential, because only a calm and serene mind without any attachment, can
take clear decisions;
❖ And creativity, vision, innovation and new ideas can come only from a clear, focused and detached
• Ethos can be defined as the characteristics, spirit and beliefs of community people and the way
they react to various problems and situations in life.
Organizations which have ignored the Indian philosophy of work, have only gained external development at the
cost of internal growth and inner peace. Indian Philosophy emphasises on Mental peace and inner harmony.
Indian Ethos
In India, there is now increasing awareness and effort by a few business corporations, management scholars
and consultants to discover and create principles based on the Indian ethos rooted in Indian history,
mythology and spirituality.
• Focuses on the existence of human being as truth. There is nothing more perfect than the supreme
• Indian ethos is principally derived from the Upanishads, Bhagwad Geeta, and Puranas.
• Individual is the focal point. If you are good the world is good.
• Emphasis on duties and responsibilities more than rights and privileges of an individual.
• Balance: Harmony between desire and desire lessness and between materialism and spiritualism
• In an economic system, governed by Indian tradition and ethos, universal humanism will be governing
economic engine for creation of wealth (artha) and for dispensation of wealth for common welfare.
• Holistic Management
• Karma Yoga
Six Principles of Indian Ethos for Management (IEM)
2. Why work?
➢ For the welfare of the world (Synchronise our private benefits with public benefits).
3. What is work?
➢ Yagnayacharath Karma: Work is to be done with the spirit of Yagna (Teamwork, Selflessness).
4. Seva + Tyag
5. Spirit of Work
6. The Resources: Sukshma /subjective factors are more important than Sthula / objective or gross
factors. Subjective factors are intangible and objective factors are tangible and visible.
Teachings of Gita and Work Ethos
• Non-Attachment to Work
• Work is Worship
Nishkam Karma which is the path of ego-less work has the following benefits:
• Leads to clarity
• Nishkam Karma
• Non-attachment to work
• Work-life balance is the ability to experience a sense of control and to stay productive and competitive
at work while maintaining a happy, healthy home life with sufficient leisure.
• It is attaining focus and awareness, despite seemingly endless tasks and activities competing for one’s
time and attention
• Work life balance is the term used to describe the balance that an individual need between time
allocated for work and other aspects of life.
• Work-life balance is a term used for the idea that you need time for both work and other aspects of life,
whether those are family-related or personal interests.
Causes of Imbalances
• Societal Expectations – Human being is a social animal and the society of twenty first century expects
a lot more from him. Like a painter’s master piece is never perfect according to critics, which leads a
painting to turn into crypt. Similarly, society’s expectations take a toll on human beings. Society
(neighbors, teachers, relatives, friends etc.) expects a young boy to turn into a businessman, an
engineer, a doctor or actor at same time whilst leaving no stone unturned to make him feel shabby.
• Extreme Ambition – Aiming high is always been the best piece of advice people throw towards each
other. But wait, keeping/setting and defining such extreme ambition(s) that may sound like drawing
blueprints to time travel are definitely not the most alluring thing people should do. However, we should
always keep it in mind what we can certainly do things that sounds impossible but again, everything
has its own sheer limitations. People with aspirations to be a Banker with extreme phobia of
numbers…!! Gentleman, you need to rework on your aspirations rather than blaming luck and using
your true potential towards betterment of society by trying some other trait. Yes… Who knows you can
be an excellent customer in same bank or maybe an HR personnel.
• Desperateness for Perfection – People in modern world are knowingly or unknowingly getting aware
of new things that surrounds them and then the feeling to exhibit the best to their social circles is the
follow up reaction. We want everything intact as seen. Be it a song “Main Heroine hoon” or a movie
“Mujhe Madhuri Dixit Banna Hai”, both are excellent examples of how people are serious about seeking
and then owing/being the 100% of perceived item/personality. Just try to focus on wedding ceremonies
taking place 20 years back. Uhh What….!! The scenic beauty of overdressed couple and terror of
beetles on each bright light may disappoint you if you compare the weddings taking place now a days
in the gigantic auditoriums with Proscenium stages. And then, wanting that sheer perfect costume,
location, perfect bride, photoshoot, perfect food etc. could be one of the small examples to explain this
concept. This very habit of getting things done in 100% perfect manner causes utter imbalances in work
• Denied Depression (Depression – Addiction – Denial) - “Avoiding emotions, such as sadness, keeps us
from processing what is going on”. It keeps us from being able to accept and move past the event. Negative
emotions are useful, especially sadness. Sadness can improve your judgment and motivation. Those who allow
themselves to experience sadness can use this emotion as a catalyst to push them out of their comfort zone and
do more to start to feel better. In fact, those who process their sadness also show greater perseverance.”It
happens to the best of us. We are living life and enjoying every moment of it. Then suddenly things start spinning
out of control and we wonder what happened. Where did our joy go? Why are we feeling this way? It does not
matter where we grew up or went to school. It does not matter what type of job we have or where we live. What
matters is that life has tossed us a curveball and things are not turning out the way we thought they would. And
before we know it, we become depressed and search for an addiction to cope with our feelings. At the same
time, of course, we are completely in denial about everything. Depression, Addiction, and Denial—the “DAD”
effect—is something experts agree is a growing concern.
Indian Ethos for Work Life Balance
Ideas and thoughts of Indian Ethos in Management revealed by our Ancient Scriptures
1. Atmano Mokshartham, Jagat hitaya cha: All work is an opportunity for doing good to the world and thus
gaining materially and spiritually in our lives.
2. Archet dana manabhyam: Worship people not only with material things but also by showing respect to
their enterprising divinity within.
3. Atmana Vindyate Viryam: Strength and inspiration for excelling in work comes from the Divine, God
within, through prayer, spiritual readings and unselfish work.
4. Yogah karmashu Kaushalam, Samatvam yoga uchyate: He who works with calm and even mind
achieves the most.
5. Yadishi bhavana yasya siddhi bhavati tadrishi: As we think, so we succeed, so we become. Attention
to means ensures the end.
6. Parasparam bhavayantah shreyah param bhavapsyathah: By mutual cooperation, respect and fellow
feeling, all of us enjoy the highest good both material and spiritual.
7. Tesham sukhm tesham shanti shaswati: Infinite happiness and infinite peace come to them who see
the Divine in all beings.
8. Paraspar Devo Bhav: Regard the other person as a divine being. All of us have the same consciousness
though our packages and containers are different.
Work life balance is about Creating & Maintaining supportive & healthy
environments which will enable individuals to have balance between work &
personal responsibilities and thus strengthening loyalty & productivity.