Scene I (It Is An Old Burned House in Homeless Man: Don't Hurt Me! Sam: Homeless Man: It's Not You, I'm
Scene I (It Is An Old Burned House in Homeless Man: Don't Hurt Me! Sam: Homeless Man: It's Not You, I'm
Scene I (It Is An Old Burned House in Homeless Man: Don't Hurt Me! Sam: Homeless Man: It's Not You, I'm
Characters: Sam – The adopted, Sam and Anna turn to the source of
mysterious girl Emma – The fearful the noise.) Anna: Who is there? Sam:
one Anna – The self-proclaimed And I thought to you abandoned
leader Kayla – Anna’s right hand or means no one is here. (Anna hushes
second in command Nora – Anna’s Sam. She points to the source of the
left hand or third in command Zack – noise and the two creep over to the
The uninterested one John – Zack’s source. They pull off the blanket and
follower White Widow – The ghost are frightened at the Homeless Man.)
dressed in white. Homeless man Homeless Man: Don’t hurt me! Sam:
Scene I (It is an old burned house in We’re not going to hurt you.
darkness. Several chairs or seats can Homeless Man: It’s not you, I’m
be placed on stage with the effect of afraid of. I-it’s her! (Points to any
it being burned. A flashlight comes empty area.) Anna: There’s no one
onto stage from stage left and Sam there, old man. Sam: What do you
walks on from stage left with the see? Homeless Man: A woman in
flashlight in hand. As she enters, SFX white. She lurks in these halls. Sam:
of door creaking. A faint spotlight is Are you alright, sir? Homeless Man:
on Sam. Important to note that the Beware! Beware! (Runs off stage left,
lighting when dealing with many repeatedly saying this line.) 3 3
characters on the stage is feint (Nora, Emma and Kayla walk in from
enough to see everyone clearly. stage left. Huddled up together with
Homeless man is sitting in a corner flashlights of their own. ) Nora: What
under a blanket.) Sam: This isn’t so was that about? Anna: Just a crazy
bad. (Looks around and touches the man. Kayla: Why was he screaming,
walls.) Is there anyone here? Anna: ‘’Beware?’’ (Anna shrugs and the
(Enters from stage left with a torch in group of three girls walk forward to
hand.) This place has been centre stage.) Emma: (Scans the
abandoned for nearly twenty years. room with her flashlight. Speaks with
Do you really think someone is here? uncertainty.) So, this place seems
Sam: Well, you never know. Someone nice. Anna: Stop lying. We know
could be living here. Who says that you’re scared. Emma: Fine. I hate this
just because it’s abandoned it must place. It gives me the creeps. (Nora
be empty. (Homeless man moans. and Kayla break from the huddle,
THE WHITE WIDOW by: Tikling Diva 😊
leaving Emma curled up and looking night. Emma: Don’t say that. Please,
around.) Nora: We’re friends, Anna, do this for me. I’d like to leave. Sam:
but I agree with Emma. I hate this (Sighs.) Fine! (Hesitates to speak.)
place and I hate the boys that dared Where do I start? Anna: Come out
us to come here. Kayla: Stop being and just say it. We’re all friends here
such a drag. If you want to blame and friends are there for each other.
someone, blame Sam. She didn’t Nora: Start at the truth or dare game!
want to tell the truth. (Girls start I mean, that’s where it started. She
bickering. Sam keeps to herself and didn’t want to talk about her parents.
continues to look around. SFX of a (SFX of strong breeze. They all raise
strong breeze. SFX of a house their flashlights to their faces. The
creaking. Girls stop bickering. They all White Widow walks across upstage
huddle up and hold up their flash centre.) Emma: I still say we should
lights to their faces.) Emma: Here’s leave. Kayla: Can she start already or
an idea. What if I waited for you are you three going to go at it all
outside? I mean, I see no reason why night? (Emma, Anna and Nora keep
we should all suffer for Sam’s quiet and turn to Sam.) Sam: (Clears
decision. (Emma start to creep throat and struggles to speak.) You
towards stage left. Anna rushes to her guys know I’m adopted right?
and pulls her back.) Anna: And where (Everyone nods except Emma. She is
do you think you’re going? There’s no scanning the roof with her flashlight.)
turning back now, unless you want to Kayla: Pay attention, Emma. Emma:
be teased for the rest of your school Sorry, Sam. Sam: It’s okay. Well. My
career? Kayla: Anna is right. But adoptive parents never told me much
where do we start? This place is about my real parents. Anna:
huge. (Scans the room with her Weren’t you curious about them? I
flashlight.) Anna: We start with Sam. mean, I’d be. I’d want to know. Sam: I
(Anna directs Kayla’s flashlight to was. I still am, but I never had the
Sam. They all find a place to sit while courage to ask. But before we came
watching Sam sit down nervously.) 4 out, they weren’t really themselves.
4 Anna: Come on, out with it. We not Nora: How so? Sam: They were
leaving here until you tell us. Sam: extremely jittery for some reason.
Then I’m afraid we will be here all Spilling cups of water or even the odd
THE WHITE WIDOW by: Tikling Diva 😊
chance of breaking a glass cup on the type. (John hides his face and Anna
floor. Although I never asked them turns back around to them.) Zack: I
why. They were nervous for me thought everyone would like this
coming out here. I see no reason adventure. Emma: I don’t!
why. This place is kind of a dump. 5 5 (Whimpers.) I-I’ve been wanting to
(Zack and John creep onto the stage leave since we came here. Zack: You
from stage left. The two scare them can’t until you take a photo of her.
all into standing except for Sam. She Nora: But we haven’t even seen her.
does not react at all.) Zack: You see, I (Takes out a camera from her
told you. John: You did, Zack. You did. pocket.) If you want a photo of her,
Anna: What’s going on here? John: you take it. Zack: That wasn’t the
We took a bet, kind of. Zack bet me dare. The dare was you all go in, take
that he could scare you all and I bet a photo of her and leave. Simple! 6 6
he couldn’t. But he won, fare and Emma: Not simple. Kayla: The White
square. Anna: I wasn’t scared. (Turns Widow is a myth. She is nothing more
her head away from them.) Zack: than a myth. (White Widow stands at
Then why did you scream the stage left, allowing the audience to
loudest? (Zack and John laugh and see her.) Zack: Is that what you think?
mock Anna.) Kayla: What are the two (Zack starts walking around them and
of you doing here anyway? Zack: The John mimics him.) Zack: People say
guys were restless back in Anna’s that her husband was responsible for
room and got tired of waiting for you all of this. At the end of their wedding
all. What’s taking you all so long day, he murdered her. They had a
anyway? Nora: Girl time is girl time. child though and this child was born a
What we do in our private time is year before they were to be married.
none of your business. Besides, we A month after her death, she
wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you. returned in that dress and found him
John: I thought it was a good dare. (In with her child and another woman.
a dishonest voice.) Who doesn’t like So, she burned this place down taking
the White Widow’s place? Kayla: Puff the husband, new wife and child with
up your chest all you want, John. We her. Anna: We all know the story.
know you share the same kind of Emma: And some of us, John and I,
pants that Emma wears, the scared don’t like hearing it. John: Speak for
THE WHITE WIDOW by: Tikling Diva 😊
yourself. (Crosses his arms.) (White flashlight.) Anna: We need to get out
Widow exists from the audience’s of here. Sam: We can’t leave Emma.
view.) Emma: What was that? Anna: She’s on her own! (Anna heads
(Searches the room.) Nora: It doesn’t towards stage left, for the door. SFX
change the fact she is not here. of closing door. Nora stares at stage
Kayla: She would have shown up if right in blank stare and her mouth
she was. Anna: No one has seen her. opens wide. She walks off stage
(Emma turns her flashlight’s light in right.) Anna: Well, it seems leaving is
the direction of stage left. She out of the question. Kayla: At least
suddenly goes into blank stare and we’re together… wait, where’s Nora?
exits stage left.) Zack: I’ve seen her. Sam: (Sighs.) She’s gone just like
(Emma screams from off-stage.) Emma. Kayla: What’s going on Zack?
Anna: Emma? Where are you? John? Explain yourselves now! John:
(Everyone runs off searching for Don’t look at me. I’m as shocked as
Emma and after a few moments, they you are. Zack: I’m not up to anything.
come back and take their seats I only see one person, (Pauses.) well
again.) Nora: Where could she have ghost, that can do this. Anna: Enough
gone? Zack: There’s only one with the White Widow. We need to
explanation. John: You’re telling me find a way out of here. Sam: Not
that – Anna: Don’t you even bother without Emma. Anna: You search for
saying it. Zack: It can only be the Emma. As for me, I’m going to look
White Widow. Nora: No, she can’t be for a way out to save myself. Come
gone. Where is she? Stop playing on, Kayla.
games, Emma. Where are you? Zack:
Think of it. Why would Emma joke
around with this? She is the most The END!!!
fearful of all of you. So where could
she have gotten this idea? The White
Widow is the only explanation. John:
Zack’s right. I mean, there’s no other
explanation. Nora: Don’t say such. I
mean, do you really think that she is
here? (Looks around with her