S4HANA Changes

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The key takeaways are that SAP S/4HANA Finance has introduced changes to the general ledger, configuration, and fixed asset accounting processes and underlying tables.

In SAP S/4HANA Finance, the open item reports have been removed due to the introduction of the Universal Journal. Some tables have been removed and a new table (ACDOCA) has been introduced. Transaction FAGLGVTR for balance carry forward has been simplified.

We can assign controlling areas while setting up new company codes. Consistency checks for currency conversion settings can be performed. Document summarization levels can be configured.

Functionality impact

1.Now SAP S/4HANA Finance has two major functionality impacts on SAP General Ledger
Accounting. The open item reports have been removed.

2. From SAP S/4HANA Finance due to the introduction of the Universal Journal.

3. Second one , processing of Transaction FAGLGVTR for balance carry forward has been simplified
with SAP S/4HANA Finance now.
4. In addition, the transactions listed in Table have been replaced in SAP S/4HANA Finance.

5. Now this is list illustrates the changes to the G/L underlying tables that have been occurred with
the introduction of SAP S/4HANA Finance:

Now new table introduced in SAP S/4HANA Finance: that table name is ACDOCA.

Obsolete Some tables have removed in SAP S/4HANA Finance, along with index tables:


Configuration Impact
1.Copy Company Code

(i)Now We can assign a controlling area at the initial stage while setting up new company codes.

(II) The company codes copy functionality has been expanded in SAP S/4HANA Finance and now
includes the controlling area assignment,

(iii) If you copy the company code with controlling area assignment, then the currency settings are
consistent. Otherwise, you need to adjust and check the setting of the currency after it’s assigned to
a controlling area.
(iv) If the controlling area isn’t included when copying a company code, the currency

Setting needs to be validated after the assignment of controlling area is made to

the company code.

2.Consistency Check

(I) Now we can use this Transaction FINS_CUST_CONS_CHK to check the consistency of

the currency conversion settings for ledger/company assignments.

(ii) We will have to clean up all inconsistencies and make sure all errors are addressed.

The check is performed during posting for all the company codes that are in scope

during implementation.

3.Document Summarization

(i)We can configure the maximum document summarization for table BSEG while table ACDOCA still
contains the full line item detailed data.

(ii) For compatibility reasons, the document line item number in table BSEG (BUZEI) is still limited to
999 lines,
(iii) while the document line item number in table ACDOCA (DOCLN) has 6 digits. We can Migration
the BUZEI (bseg) limitation with high document summarization in table BSEG.

4. Universal Journal Entry Organization(ACDOCA)

(i) A ledger assigned to a company code represents an accounting principle. SAP S/4HANA Finance
has a new configuration table for ledgers of the Universal Journal entry.

(ii) New G/L ledgers are migrated to the new Universal Journal entry ledgers and are no longer
assigned to total or line item tables because line items are always persistent in table ACDOCA.

5. Ledger Configuration

(i) The ledger definition has undergone a change with the introduction of SAP S/4HANA Finance.

(ii) Leading ledger

(i) There must be exactly one leading ledger, which is assigned to all company codes.

(ii)The leading ledger defines the document number (field BELNR) for all ledgers.

Ledger 0L is delivered as the leading ledger (default setting). (Optional )

(iii)The leading ledger is in sync with the financial operations processes such as Accounts
Receivable/Accounts Payable (AR/AP) open item management

(iv) The leading ledger is the basis for actual CO data (assigned to actual version 0).

The leading ledger contains a full set of line items in table ACDOCA.
2.Additional non leading standard ledgers:

1. Non leading ledgers can be assigned to selected company codes.

2.These ledgers contain a full set of line items in table ACDOCA.

3. These ledgers inherit the currency configuration of the leading ledger

4. In these ledgers, deviating fiscal year variants/open period variants are possible.

Appendix Ledger or Extension ledger

The appendix ledger is defined on top of a base ledger, which is a standard


The appendix ledger inherits all transaction data of the underlying base ledger while reporting.

This ledger contains only line items posted to the appendix ledger only.

This ledger inherits currency settings and the fiscal year variant of the base ledger.

This ledger allows for a separate company code assignment (a subset of the base ledger).

This ledger allows for a separate open period variant.

The appendix ledger can be used to create management views without duplicating the data from
the base ledger.

The appendix ledger can’t be part of ledger groups, except a generated group containing the ledger

The appendix ledger only accepts manual postings (Transactions FB01L,FBB1, KB11, and KB41).

Many appendix ledgers can be assigned to the same base ledgers, but an appendix ledger can’t be
stacked on top of another appendix ledger.
The Fiscal Year Variant must match the controlling area setting for the leading ledger. The non
leading ledger may have different fiscal year variants.

The assignment of the ledger to the company code and its currency settings.

Each ledger, standard or appendix, is assigned to an Accounting Principle.

6.Document Types and Numbering

Going forward in SAP S/4HANA Finance, accounting entries in SAP will have a

common document number. As such, the existing use of document type/number

combinations in the General Ledger View per ledger is now obsolete.

The standard document type and number of the entry view are used for all ledgers except when it’s
required otherwise.

7. Document Posting

The FI document for G/L accounts still generates CO documents, as illustrated.

The CO document generated from the journal entry postings from FI and other

applications has an internal cryptic document number (starting with the letter

“A”) posted into the field CO_BELNR. It’s needed for CO compatibility views, and it

groups Universal Journal entries from the CO perspective. As before, the CO

number ranges are still needed for internal CO postings.

8.Integration of SAP ERP Financials and Controlling

In SAP S/4HANA Finance, CO is integrated in real time into the new G/L. Both

primary and secondary cost elements are created as G/L accounts and are now

part of the chart of accounts. Only account determination for intercompany

accounts remains.
With the introduction of SAP S/4HANA Finance, the concept of the reconciliation

ledger has been eliminated, The need doesn’t arise now because CO and FI have been integrated by
architectural changes in the G/L and cost element master data.

Similarly, the transaction for posting CO documents to FI is no longer available. Due to the real-time
integration of FI and CO, the data gets populated to CO at the same time it’s posted to FI. Unlike
earlier versions of SAP, you don’t have to run a reconciliation program between FI and CO, so the
probability of getting an error or entries not posted is now significantly reduced.
10.Define Ledger for the Controlling Version

In SAP S/4HANA Finance, Version 0 must be assigned to the leading Ledger 0L

for all company codes, CO transactions can write to several ledgers, but they only read data from
one ledger.


In SAP S/4HANA Finance, CO is integrated in real time to the new G/L.

Both primary and secondary cost elements are created as G/L accounts using TransactionFS00 and
are now part of the chart of accounts.

In traditional FI, the leading ledger posts in real time, and the non leading ledger posts periodically.
In SAP S/4HANA Finance, now both leading and non leading ledgers are created as the standard

The newly introduced appendix ledger can report on all transaction data of the base ledger, and it
allows you to create views without affecting the base ledger.

Customer and Vendor Master Data

With the release of SAP S/4HANA On-Premise Edition 1511, Feature Package

Stack 02, customer and vendor master data have now been mandatorily changed

to business partner master data. Business partner records are now the central

source and single point of entry to create, edit, manage, and display master data

for business partners, customers, and vendors. Transaction BP is now used to create both the
customer and vendor master data. The following transactions are no longer available from SAP
S/4HANA 1511

onwards: FD01, FD02, FD03, FD05, FD06, FD0, FK01, FK02, FK03, FK05, FK06,

FK08, MAP1, MAP2, MAP3, MK01, MK02, MK03, MK05, MK06, MK12, MK18,

MK19, V-03, V-04, V-05, V-06, V-07, V-08, V-09, V-11, V-21, V-22, V-23, VAP1,

VAP2, VAP3, VD01, VD02, VD03, VD05, VD06, XD01, XD02, XD03, XD05,

XD06, XD07, XK01, XK02, XK03, XK05, XK06, and XK07.

You must clean up your customer and vendor data before it can be converted into an

SAP S/4HANA business partner. Some of the key activities involved in the conversion include
activating business function CA_BP_SOA, and running the business partner pre check Report
PRECHECK_UPGRADATION_REPORT to verify the results.

Asset Accounting
1.General Functionality Changes

The following functional changes have been made to FI-AA with the introduction

of SAP S/4HANA Finance:

1.Reporting is based on line items and the virtualization of totals has been removed.

2.All non statistical line items in FI-AA are stored as Universal Journal entries.

3.Reconciliation isn’t required with G/L or within FI-AA itself. SAP General Ledger Accounting and
new FI-AA are reconciled due to the Universal Journal entry.

4.Depreciation is now posted for the individual asset.

5.Reporting is done for any Controlling (CO) object by individual asset, such as depreciation for the
cost center (e.g., CC1) by asset (e.g., Mac1).

6.The asset depreciation run takes significantly less time because the depreciation values are
computed and posted in real time and are no longer part of the depreciation run itself.

7.Periodic posting runs are no longer valid due to the real-time update.

8. For each accounting principle, a corresponding depreciation area is required.

For each currency in a G/L, a corresponding derived depreciation area is

required. Fiscal year variants for fixed assets differing in start date or end date as compared to the
fiscal year variants for the company code are only supported by a workaround (discussed in SAP
Note 1951069) and require thorough testing before the upgrade.

8. Accurate values are now posted from the start using multiple parallel documents.

9. If a period is skipped, a depreciation run can be re executed for a particular asset

for the skipped period.

10. If some assets have an error during the depreciation run due to missing accounts in the account
assignment,(AO90) when you re execute the deprecation run after fixing those errors, it picks up
only the assets to which corrections were made.
11. The posting logic in new FI-AA has changed as follows:

(i) The operational entry document posts a debit to the technical clearing account and a credit to
the vendor account. This document doesn’t update the asset values, and the asset data are only
used to perform checks.

(ii) The accounting principle-specific documents are posted with a debit to the

asset reconciliation account dr

the technical clearing account.

This document updates the asset line items. This is applicable for both the ledger approach and the
account approach, when multiple postings occur for each of the ledger groups assigned to the
accounting principles for each depreciation area.

3.As an illustrative example, an asset acquisition from a vendor is made using T ransaction F-90 in a
one-step process.
In the same document, there are other corresponding accounting documents that post the other leg
of the accounting entry,

debiting the asset reconciliation account,

and crediting the technical clearing account. Separate documents are posted to each

of the ledgers within the ledger group that are assigned to the accounting principle

associated with the depreciation area,

In a nutshell, Transaction AS91 used to be a single transaction to load asset master

data and values for previous years and the current year. In SAP S/4HANA

Finance, it’s a three-step process:

1. Master data are loaded through Transaction AS91.

2. Asset historical values, accumulated depreciation, and depreciation for the year

are loaded through Transaction ABLDT.

3. The current year acquisitions are managed through Transaction AB01. Asset migration through
Transaction AS91 doesn’t upload values in SAP S/4HANA Finance.

In addition, in SAP S/4HANA Finance, the Depreciation Run selection screen has been simplified with
a new screen that has the following attributes:

1.We can now run depreciation posting for a particular Accounting Principle that can be entered on
the selection screen.

2. Server group needs to be entered in SAP S/4HANA Finance.

3. The Reason for posting run section, which includes Planned posting run repeat, Restart, and
Unplanned posting run, has now been eliminated in SAP S/4HANA Finance,
The Depreciation Posting Run detailed log option reports depreciation at the

individual asset level with corresponding cost center information,

Changes in Transaction Codes

Table Changes

New tables introduced

ACDOCA, FAAT_DOC_IT,(Statistical line item in asset accounting) FAAT_YDDA(year dependent

attributes for deprecation ) , FAAT_PLAN_VALUES(plan deprecation and revaluations)

Obsolete tables removed

1.Tables ANEP, ANEA, ANLP, and ANLC were replaced by table ACDOCA but are still

supported by means of compatibility views.

2. Statistical line items from tables ANEP, ANEA, ANLP, and ANLC were moved to table
FAAT_DOC_IT but are still supported through compatibility views.

3. Planned values from tables ANLP and ANLC were moved to table FAAT_PLAN_

VALUES but are still supported through compatibility views.

Actual items

1.Actual data of tables ANEK, ANEP, ANEA, ANLP, and ANLC are now stored in table

ACDOCA. Table ANEK data are also stored in table BKPF.

Statistical items

1. Statistical data stored previously in tables ANEP, ANEA, ANLP, and ANLC are now

stored in table FAAT_DOC_IT.

2.Planned data stored previously in tables ANLP and ANLC are now stored in table

Configuration Impact

1. Define How Depreciation Areas Post to the SAP General Ledger.

The chart of depreciation is migrated in such a way that no areas post periodically; all areas post
immediately to the G/L. This also applies to reserves for special depreciation areas. The delta
depreciation area is no longer required.
2.Specify Transfer of Acquisition and Production Cost Values

In this activity, you define transfer rules pertaining to the posting of acquisition

and production cost (APC) values for depreciation areas. These transfer rules ensure that certain
depreciation areas have similar asset values.

3.Specify Transfer of Depreciation Terms

In this activity, we specify how the depreciation terms for a depreciation area are adopted from
another depreciation area. we can specify whether the adoption of values is optional or mandatory.
If you specify an optional transfer, you can change the proposed depreciation terms in the
dependent areas in the asset master record

For a mandatory transfer, you can’t maintain any depreciation terms in the asset

master record. In this way, we can ensure that depreciation is uniform in certain

depreciation areas.

4. Activate New Asset Accounting

In this Customizing activity, we activate the new functions for new FI-AA by selecting the Actv.
(active) option in the New Asset Accounting area. The system performs various checks before saving
this setting. If the checks are successfully executed and subsequently saved, FI-AA is activated, and
we can then start posting using the new posting logic.
5.Technical Clearing Account for Integrated Asset Acquisition

1.The business transaction pertaining to FI-AA is allocated into an operational part and a valuating
part during the integrated asset acquisition posting: For the operational part (vendor invoice), a
ledger-group-independent document valid for all accounting principles is posted against the
technical clearing account for integrated asset acquisitions.

2.For each valuating part (asset posting with capitalization of the asset), a separate ledger-group-
specific document valid for each of the accounting principles is posted against the technical clearing
account for integrated asset acquisition,

Thus, the technical clearing account for integrated asset acquisitions is posted automatically and
always has a zero balance for each of the accounting principles in the chart of depreciation.

Closing Process Impact

1.Real-time integration of the asset with the G/L occurs, eliminating reconciliation steps.
2. The APC posting run isn’t required with SAP S/4HANA Finance.

3.The planned depreciation value of the asset is reflected in real time and is updated with every
master data change and every asset transaction posting.

4.No separate program is executed for balance carry forward in FI-AA. The general balance carry
forward transaction of FI transfers AA balances by default.

5. Planned depreciation is automatically calculated for the new year after the balance carry forward
(year-end close) is performed.

6.The depreciation posting run is executed faster due to simple processing logic, new data
structures, and parallel processing.


Now We understand the biggest changes that SAP S/4HANA introduced to FI-AA.

1.In classic FI-AA, Transaction AS91 was a single transaction that loaded asset master data and
values for previous years and the current year. In SAP S/4HANA

Finance, it’s a three-step process.

2.We ’ve also seen that a valuation difference now exists between the leading and

Non leading ledgers due to separate accounting principles. Ledger-specific separate number ranges
must also be maintained for document types that generate asset postings.

3.The technical clearing account generates entries for asset acquisition from a vendor using
Transaction F-90. All links between sample charts of depreciation and company codes must be
deleted because they trigger an error during new FI-AA activation. Depreciation is now posted for
the individual asset with a corresponding depreciation area being defined for each accounting
Cash Journal View

1.There is a new Cash Journal link under Business Transactions in SAP S/4HANA Finance.

Upon execution, it will take you to the Customizing settings for Cash Journal under Bank Accounting
as depicted. The Cash Journal is used to manage and display the cash transactions and balances.
There is a new Cash Journal link under Business Transactions in SAP S/4HANA Finance.

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