Microsoft Word - Fantasy - Games - Book1
Microsoft Word - Fantasy - Games - Book1
Microsoft Word - Fantasy - Games - Book1
Table of Contents
Chapter 3: Skills
Complex Skill Checks 43
Purchasing Rank Benefits 43
Strength Skills 46
Dexterity Skills 52
Constitution Skills 60
Intelligence Skills 62
Will Skills 74
Personality Skills 82
Chapter 1: Hero Creation
In attempting to combine the aspects of both the as evenly as possible. After this each character should
AD&D game and that of Alternity I found in my first determine a secondary role. In this ideology a Believer
attempt that I still ‘locked’ players in a static selection of could be Defensive primarily and Offensive as a secondary
characters. What I present below is the next generation of role. These roles say nothing about race, profession,
character development after having tested my thoughts on career, or talents. Each player should use the options
other DM’s and Game Master’s on the Internet. The result given to create a meaningful character that is an asset to
of which is a change from old classes to the more ‘pure’ his team.
professions of Alternity. I thought long and hard about The creation of characters can be sporadic and
how I should approach this situation and came to the everyone has a different method of doing so. Chapter 1 is
following conclusions: divided into several sections that explain the core
1) There are no level limits. information required during character development. The
2) There are no multi-classed or dual-classed characters. goal of this chapter is to determine the character’s Ability
3) There are no limits on who can and cannot use FX Scores, Race, Profession, FX talent(s), Career,
abilities. Extraordinary Abilities, and Mutations. Each section that
4) There are no limits as to who can and cannot use follows discusses these items in a order given that I felt
armor or weapons. would be the most likely method of character creation and
5) There are no elements in character creation focused reference. As a simple guide I give you the following
on game balance other than the character’s starting checklist so that the information I have included does not
skill points. go forgotten.
6) and finally – The most defining features of a character 1) Select a character race. Apply any mutations if desired
are determined by the skill points spent during and allowed.
development which supersedes race, profession, and 2) Select a profession, career, and talent(s). Think of the
career. character as a whole and then decide which of the
profession and career elements best describes the
This may seem to throw the idea of a balanced game to character.
the four winds but do keep in mind entry number 5 above. 3) Determine ability scores based on the above criteria.
The skill points (because this is a skill-based game) are the 4) Determine secondary statistics (durability, action
balancing forces behind all characters, whether they are score, etc.) and assign a Moral Attitude.
human or otherwise. No starting character can hope to 5) Record those broad skills gained for free by race.
have all options available to them and even if they could 6) Determine the character’s starting skill points and
pull it off they would not be very proficient at any one task. purchase skills, perks, and assign flaws as desired.
Despite all of the options available to a player you will find 7) Determine the character’s Social Status scores.
that having a team of characters who are individually 8) Determine the character’s Standing score and detail
specialized in various skills and abilities will make for a any elements required of a faith.
stronger team. 9) Record any signature equipment allowed by career,
Before an adventure can begin, the players need to roll for your starting gold, and buy your gear.
create their characters. There are two things to consider 10) Name the character and create a background story
when creating a new character. These are the character’s that describes who the character is and why he is who
race and profession, and how the character fits into a he is.
group of other characters. As far as races and professions
are concerned the character should make sense. These
rules allow for a tremendous amount of character options
and the players imagination is the limit, but be careful to
Ability Scores
There are three common methods for determining a
not ‘front load’ a character with so many options, perks, character’s ability scores. The player is allowed to use any
flaws, and statistics that they become burdensome to play. one method desired or other that the Game Master
As it concerns a group of characters, the players provides.
should consult with each other and decide which members 1) Method 1 – Roll per Profession: In this option the
of the character group have what abilities. A balanced player rolls the ability scores for the character based on
distribution of races, professions, and skills work best as a chosen profession. These die rolls are given in the
the team is better able to handle different situations. No Professions section. Each roll is modified as needed by
player should feel trapped into selecting a certain type of any racial modifiers. If a modifier lowers an ability score
character. The creation of a team should be a collaborative below a required minimum then that minimum becomes
effort supported by the Game Master. In my own the score. No ability score, regardless of the die roll, can
terminology I base the distribution of characters by three exceed a racial maximum. As with a low score the
primary roles – Intelligence, Offense, and Defense. These maximum becomes the score if that maximum is passed.
primary roles should be spread out among the characters
Chapter 1: Hero Creation
2) Method 2 – Roll per Ability: This method grants a
2d6+2 roll per ability score, which is modified by any
racial modifiers. This option is best used when the racial
Movement Rates
Through the use of various FX items or by the result of
abilities are desired to be foremost and profession a spells and other powers, characters may occasionally
secondary concern. At the Game Master’s option the possess ability scores far above the norm. For this reason I
player may roll a 2d6+2 six times and then apply the felt that it might be good to expand the Combat Movement
rolls as desired to each ability score. This option grants Rate table for characters who have a combined strength
more flexibility in character creation and can allow and dexterity that exceeds 31. These statistics are also
persons of a particular profession to have scores higher relevant for very powerful beings such as avatars and the
than they would if they used method 1 above. like.
3) Method 3 – Assigned Points: The final option Also a Game Master may feel that transformations of
available grants a player 60 points to divide among the characters into beasts, like a dog for example, may warrant
abilities as he or she likes. If the character has any racial a faster movement rate depending on the type of beast.
modifiers then these may apply but only if the total Using the dog as an example, the Game Master may say
difference between the positive and negative modifiers that a character polymorphed into one may multiply the
are a result other than zero. This means that a Dwarf sum of Strength and Dexterity by 1.5 or by 2.
character with a +1 to Constitution and a –1 to
Personality gains a point and losses a point as well. In Str+ Easy
such a system the player can freely determine the Dex Sprint Run Walk Swim Swim Glide Fly
allotment of ability points and the two cancel each other. 32-33 32 22 8 4 8 32 64
34-35 34 22 8 4 8 34 68
Other races like those presented in Appendix 6 of
36-37 36 24 10 5 10 36 72
this book may have a difference in points that are higher 38-39 38 26 10 5 10 38 76
or lower than zero. In those cases the difference directly 40-41 40 26 10 5 10 40 80
effects the 60 points used to determine the scores so that 42-43 42 28 12 6 12 42 84
44+ 44 28 12 6 12 44 88
a character with a +2 overall bonus starts with 62 points
This system offers the most flexible means of
determining a character’s ability scores. As before, the Character Races
Ability Maximums given for a race must always be a Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Halflings, and of course Half-
consideration. Elves. These races, along with Humans, form the basic
core of fantasy races. They do so here as well. Additional
race options are given in Appendix 6 of this book.
Starting Skill Points The information concerning character races in this
chapter does not give in depth role-playing details. Many
For starting skill points the basic rule is that a
character receives their intelligence score times three plus AD&D tomes and other works give copious information
thirty in points to spend. Also, each character has a base about how to role-play these character races. This is
maximum of six broad skills to purchase at first level information that I assume you either know, or have the
which is modified by adding the Resistance Modifier of the tools to find out. The focus of this chapter, and the book at
character for a high or low intelligence. The table below large, is the rules necessary to play the Heroes of Fantasy
gives these values as appropriate. game.
Chapter 1: Hero Creation
Starting Skills: This lists the free broad skills that a one step bonus to all attacks against Goblinoids, Orcs,
character of this race starts the game with. Some entries and half-breeds of either race. This species enemy
provide options, but most are specific. may be changed to benefit attacks against another race
Typical Moral Attitudes: This entry shows the moral if the campaign has a differing story. For example
attitudes that most commonly attributed to members of some dwarves may have a one step bonus against
this race. This entry is by no means a restriction; players Drow and Duergar due to their cultural histories.
may select any attitude they wish. The entry acts only as Magic Resistance: Dwarves have a +/-1 Resistance
a guide for role-playing and for NPC’s. Modifier vs. any magical FX ability (see Chapter 8:
Typical Environments: This entry shows the terrain or Gamers in Action for rules on Magic Resistance). this
environment that the race prefers and is most likely to defense does not effect psionic powers.
found in. Poison Resistance: Dwarves receive a one step bonus
Ability Modifiers: This entry includes any modifiers the to Constitution feat checks against poisons of all types.
character gains to his or her ability scores. The various Subterranean Senses: Dwarves live in the earth and
methods of determining a character’s abilities are being acutely aware of the subterranean world they
detailed in the previous section. gain a two step bonus (-2 Situation Modifier) to all
Ability Maximums: This entry details the maximum score a Awareness-perception, Awareness-direction sense,
character of a specific race can have for abilities with and Investigate-search checks that deal with
maximums other than 14. Regardless of the method of underground phenomenon, tunnels, and stonework.
ability generation, these limits must be observed. This can include the Engineering-mining skill also.
Characters created from a set number of ability points They may also use this ability to determine the depth
can allot points to abilities that exceed 14 if desired. under-ground in a way similar to human sensing
Advantages: This details any special benefits or abilities which way is up. Finally this bonus may also be used
the character gains. Some of the entries refer to innate to determine a gems value by use of the Business-
abilities commonly called Super Power FX. Refer to appraising skill.
Chapter 7 of Book 2 for more information. Thermal Vision: Dwarves can see into the infrared
Disadvantages: This describes any outstanding drawbacks spectrum, spotting objects by the heat they produce.
that members of this race share. As long as the objects and other beings are not the
Preferred Professions: This details those professions and same temperature as the surrounding area, a Dwarf
options that best suit this race of character. Occasionally receives a 3-step reduction to penalties related to
there are limitations to certain professions (most obscured situations, including total darkness.
notably Arcane Adept) but there is no standing rule that Disadvantages:
excludes a character from a profession or career based Magical Failure: The Resistance Modifier that Dwarves
solely on race alone. gain in defense to magic is not controllable. If a Dwarf
character casts an arcane spell or uses an FX item that
relies on arcane magic then the bonus applies as a
Dwarf (Hill and Mountain) penalty. This benefit also applies to spells cast by
Arcane Adepts that are intended to aid the dwarf.
Starting Skills: Athletics, Stamina, Knowledge, Awareness,
Resolve, and Interaction. A Dwarf may also start the Magical weapons and armor are not effected but if
game with the Construction, Crafting, Engineering, and these items have arcane powers then those powers
Tinkering broad skills. If they do so, they need only pay can be effected as stated above. This penalty also
3 skill points for them. After the time of character applies to all arcane and shared magic spells a dwarf
creation however, they must pay full list cost for these casts if the player chooses to be an Arcane Adept.
skills. This has no effect on any specialty skills. In the case of Shared Magic FX spells, the nature of
Typical Moral Attitudes: Ethical, Conformist, Honorable, the Adept or FX item determines whether a penalty is
Just, and Worldly. applied or not. This means that if an Arcanist casts
Typical Environments: Hills, mountains, caves, and Earth Magic-body of earth on a dwarf then the penalty
subterranean. would apply. If a Believer casts the same spell the
Ability Scores Modifiers: Dwarves receive a +1 to their penalty would not apply. FX items do make the
Constitution scores but suffer a –1 to Personality. distinction for Shared Magic spells referring to them as
Ability Maximums: either faith or arcane in origin.
Constitution 15 Slow Movement: Having a diminutive stature that
Personality 13 includes short legs, Dwarves determine their
movement rates by using the figures given for a
Advantages: combined Strength and Dexterity that is 2 rows lower.
Combat Bonus: Dwarves gain a +1 bonus to their Preferred Professions: Dwarves tend to be Warriors or
Strength Resistance Modifier when combating Faith Adepts with Warrior as a second profession. Some
creatures that are considered Large-sized Humanoids also prefer to be Specialists. While a Dwarf may be an
(Ogres, Minotaurs, Giants, etc.). They also receive a
Chapter 1: Hero Creation
Arcane Adept, few follow this path as they do suffer their lives lend an odd patience to their habits, and time can
Magical Resistance when casting arcane spells. fly by before elf even notices.
Of course in times of war or conflict they are on
the present. When goals are set they meet them, when
Elf (High Elf) timing is close so are they. They simple cherish the
ability to sometimes do nothing at all.
Starting Skills: Athletics, Stealth, Knowledge, Awareness,
and Interaction. Elven characters may also select Melee Preferred Professions: Elves prefer to be Arcane Adepts.
Weapons or Ranged Weapons. Secondary professions are almost always Warrior or
Typical Moral Attitudes: Honorable, Just, Selfish, Anti- Rogue. Warrior and Rogue professions are also very
Authority, Gallant, and Apathetic. common however Specialists and Psionic or Faith
Typical Environments: Sylvan and temperate woodlands Adepts are generally rare. Diplomat elves are not
and forests. uncommon but most tend to remain near their homes.
Ability Scores Modifiers: Elves receive a +1 to their
Dexterity scores but suffer a –1 to Constitution.
Ability Maximums: Gnome (Rock Gnome)
Dexterity 15 Starting Skills: Athletics, Stamina, Knowledge, Awareness,
Constitution 13 and Interaction. Gnome characters may also select
Advantages: Alchemy, Manipulation, or Tinkering.
Archery Bonus: Elves suffer two fewer penalties due to Typical Moral Attitudes: Ethical, Just, Worldly,
them when making Called Shots or when firing a bow Unscrupulous, or Gallant.
in a circumstance that causes a penalty. Examples Typical Environments: Gnomes prefer hilly woodlands and
include firing with their feet, firing a bow while often dwell in underground communities that are
hanging upside down from a tree, and so on. This two- located in those hills.
point reduction cannot remove penalties caused by Ability Scores Modifiers: Gnomes receive a +1 to their
dazed-penalties, fatigue or mortal damage nor does is Intelligence scores but suffer a –1 to Will.
remove penalties for range or obscuring effects. In no Ability Maximums:
way can this benefit by itself produce a step bonus for Intelligence 15
the character. Will 13
Keen Sight: Elves gain a one step bonus to all Advantages:
Awareness-perception and Investigate-search Combat Bonus: Gnomes gain a +1 bonus to their
attempts due to their keen eyesight. Strength Resistance Modifier when combating
Mental Resistance: Elves are totally immune to spells creatures that are considered Large-sized Humanoids
that cause sleep. In addition they receive a +4 (Ogres, Minotaurs, Giants, etc). They also receive a
Resistance Modifier vs. any Influential FX abilities that one step bonus to all attacks and actions against
mentally induce an accumulation of Stun or Fatigue Goblinoids and Kobolds. While these are racial
points as well as those that would cause the elf to be enemies, Gnomes would prefer to befuddle and
rendered unconscious. This benefit does not include humiliate them instead of engaging them in armed
attacks that drain abilities or energy, or any FX powers conflict.
defined as Attacks. Illusion Magic: Gnomes who have an 8 or better in
Night Vision: The eyes of an Elf are extremely sensitive Intelligence may cast the Illusion/Phantasm-audible
to ambient light, which reduces obscurity penalties glamour and illusion spells at rank 1 each. They gain 3
they would otherwise face by 2 steps. This does not FX points to use these spells, which are separate from
help in total darkness however. other FX points. Additional FX points can be
Stealth Bonus: Elves are by nature very sly. As such purchased normally. Additional ranks coat the normal
then they gain a one step bonus to all Stealth-hide list cost. These spells are cast as if the Gnome were
checks. using the Sorcerer career as described in Chapter 2 of
Disadvantages: this book.
Aloofness: Due to their extended life spans, Elves find Magic Resistance: Gnomes have a +/-1 Resistance
no satisfaction in short-term gains. They generally Modifier vs. any illusionary effects.
disdain bustling marketplaces and are rarely found in Night Vision: The eyes of a Gnome are extremely
entrepreneurial activities. While willing to adventure sensitive to ambient light, which reduces obscurity
for gold and glory, a correctly role-played elf shows far penalties they would otherwise face by 2 steps. This
more attention to good music and stories rather than does not help in total darkness however.
material wealth. Speak with Small Mammals: Gnomes begin the game
Elves are also in no great hurry. It is no problem with rank 1 in the language of a small burrowing
for an elf to spend an entire day laying in a meadow or mammal. This skill can be increased normally and
simply watching the flowers grow. Their extended other languages can also be purchased. Burrowing
Chapter 1: Hero Creation
animals include Badgers, Foxes, Rabbits, Moles, Stealth Bonus: Halflings are by nature very sly. If a
Gophers, Musk Rats, Weasels, and Skunks. Halfling is alone then he or she gains a one step bonus
Disadvantages: to all Stealth skill checks.
Magical Failure: The Resistance Modifier that Gnomes Encounter Bonus: Most humans encountered usually
gain is not controllable. If a Gnome character casts an have a Neutral or better initial reaction to Halflings.
arcane spell or uses an FX item that relies on arcane By some twist of fate, Halflings remind some people of
magic then the bonus applies as a penalty. This small children. Human players are of course free to
benefit also applies to spells cast by Arcane Adepts determine their own reactions.
that are intended to aid the gnome. The sole exception Disadvantages:
to this are spells from the Illusion/Phantasm broad Magical Failure: The +1 Resistance Modifier that
skill group. These spells suffer no penalty. Halflings gain is not controllable. This benefit is
Magical weapons and armor are not effected but if applied as a penalty to spells cast by Arcane Adepts
these items have arcane powers then those powers even if they are intended to aid the halfling. Similarly,
can be effected as stated above. This penalty also arcane FX items also receive this penalty during their
applies to all arcane and shared magic spells a gnome use. Magical weapons and armor are not effected but
casts if the player chooses to be an Arcane Adept. if these items have arcane powers then those powers
In the case of Shared Magic FX spells the nature of can be effected as stated above. This penalty also
the Adept or FX item determines whether a penalty is applies to all arcane and shared magic spells a halfling
applied or not. This means that if a wizard casts Earth casts if the player chooses to be an Arcane Adept.
Magic-body of earth on a gnome then the penalty In the case of Shared Magic FX spells the nature of
would apply. If a believer casts the same spell the the Adept or FX item determines whether a penalty is
penalty would not apply. FX items do make the applied or not. This means that if a wizard casts
distinction for Shared Magic spells referring to them as Earth-body of earth on a halfling then the penalty
either faith or arcane in origin. would apply. If a believer casts the same spell the
Small Size: Being slight in stature Gnomes use the rules penalty would not apply.
for small characters as discussed in the Character Size Small Size: Being slight in stature Halflings use the
section later in this chapter. rules for small characters as discussed in the
Preferred Professions: Gnomes prefer to be Rogues or Character Size section later in this chapter.
Specialists. Arcane Adepts usually down grade their Preferred Professions: Halflings prefer to be Rogues.
talent quality to Good or Ordinary and concentrate their Warriors and Diplomats follow in commonality. Adepts
learning to Illusion/Phantasm spells. Warrior and (especially Arcane Adepts) are rare. Halflings are not
Diplomat gnomes are common near gnome lairs. prone to be Specialists as in-depth learning and
analytical thinking tends to be cumbersome and boring
to them.
Halfling (Hairfoot)
Starting Skills: Stealth, Stamina, Knowledge, Awareness-
direction sense (at rank 1), Resolve, and Interaction. Half-Elf (Human/High-Elf)
Typical Moral Attitudes: Ethical, Conformist, Just, Corrupt, Starting Skills: Athletics, Stealth, Stamina, Knowledge,
Gallant, Virtuous, or Apathetic. Awareness, and Interaction.
Typical Environments: Halflings prefer to live near human Typical Moral Attitudes: Any.
settlements and may be found in cities. Typical Environments: Any.
Ability Scores Modifiers: Halflings receive a +1 to their Ability Scores Modifiers: None.
Dexterity scores but suffer a –1 to Strength. Ability Maximums: Standard of 14.
Ability Maximums: Advantages:
Strength 13 Animal Companion: Being loners by nature, half-elves
Dexterity 15 frequently bond with young animals they find in the
Advantages: wild. If the player wishes the half-elf character can
Hazard Resistance: Halflings receive a +/-1 Step Bonus start the game with an animal companion. The player
vs. any FX attack or Hazard. may select any Beast allowed by the GM and the rules
Combat Bonus: Dwarves gain a +1to their Strength for Sidekicks apply to the companion as given in
Resistance Modifier when combating creatures that Chapter 6 of this book.
are considered Large-sized Humanoids (Ogres, Trolls, Keen Sight: Half-elves gain a -1 bonus to all
Giants, Minotaurs, etc). Awareness-perception and Investigate-search
Nimble: Halflings receive a one step bonus to Athletics- attempts due to their keen eyesight.
climb and jump checks as well as Stealth-sneak checks. Mental Resistance: Half-elves receive a +2 Resistance
Throwing Bonus: Halflings gain a one step bonus to the Modifier vs. any Influential FX abilities that mentally
Athletics-throw skill. induce an accumulation of Stun or Fatigue points as
well as those that would cause the elf to be rendered
Chapter 1: Hero Creation
unconscious. This benefit does not include attacks like Religious Society: Faith perk for free.
ability or energy drain or FX powers defined as Warlike Society: List-1 bonus to any one combat
Attacks. related broad skill.
Night Vision: The eyes of a half-elf are extremely Coastal Society: Ship Operation broad skill for free.
sensitive to ambient light, which reduces obscurity Enlightened Society: -1 to all Knowledge skill
penalties they would otherwise face by 2 steps. This checks or list-1 to all Intelligence based skills OR
does not help in total darkness however. +1 to Intelligence, -1 to Strength.
Stealth Bonus: Half-elves are by nature very sly. As Peaceful Society: -1 bonus to all Culture and/or
such then they gain a -1 step bonus to all Stealth-hide Interaction skill checks.
checks. Rugged Society: One free Last Resort point or the
Preferred Professions: Half-elves can be found in any Survival broad skill for free.
profession with equal frequency. The only exception to Lawful Society: -1 bonus to all Law and
this is Diplomat as half-elves tend not to be as socially Administration skill checks.
oriented as other races. Disadvantages:
None: Humans have no outstanding drawbacks.
Humans Mutants
Starting Skills: Athletics, Stamina, Knowledge, Awareness,
and Interaction. Humans also gain one free broad skill of As of this edition of the book there are no changes to
choice, which can include an FX skill. Most humans the rules for mutants as found in the Alternity Players
encountered in the game will have Animal Handling, Handbook.
Crafting, Outdoors, or Agriculture. The very idea of a mutant invokes a sense of science
Typical Moral Attitudes: Any. fiction more than that of the fantasy genre. However, with
Typical Environments: Any. a little consideration, this distinction can be diversified
Ability Scores Modifiers: None. enough to create characters and monsters that are fantasy
Ability Maximums: Standard of 14. versions of classic sci-fi mutants. Aside from the
Advantages: occasional wild magic zone, ancient curse, introduction of
Bonus Skill Points: Humans gain 5 bonus skill points at a new player race, this option should be used wisely or else
the time of character creation. the character party will look like the X-Men.
Bonus Broad Skill: Humans may add one to the Mutations can have a wide variety of uses. Many
maximum number of starting Broad skills that they demi-humans and humanoid races can be created using
can have. these rules by modifying an existing race. Good examples
Cultural Ability: Groups of humans, both large and are the Grimlocks and the Githyanki both of who are
small, can have cultural benefits that have allowed distant cousins of man but who have adapted to special
them to adapt to a way of life or to an environment. environments. Monsters and animal can also be modified.
None of these abilities are similar to any Super Power Tigers adapted to arctic conditions, lions with wings,
FX skills or other abilities like Thermal Vision. What subterranean horses, and the like can all be created using
follows are ideas using some of the more common these rules.
types of persons and cultures. Feel free to embellish The problem isn’t so much in using these rules, the
this idea but mind the fact that the benefit is shared by real trick is to do it with using the word ‘Mutant’ with the
a group of people and is not a special, personal power sci-fi implication it can have. In fantasy, an actual
given to the character. The benefits should always be dictionary definition mutant is rare at best if found at all.
related to skills, perks or flaws, or to the character’s Most deviant species are the result of angry gods, evil
basis statistics. sorcerers, or errant magic. They are rarely the products of
Suggested Benefits: bad genes or radioactive isotopes. In any case, be creative
-1 bonus to a specialty skill. with the mutation rules. They can be very useful for both
An ability score maximum raised by one point. Game Masters and players alike.
A free perk.
A flaw that provides twice the number of bonus
skill points.
A higher number of starting skill points (like 62
In older, level-based, games we became use to the idea
instead of 60). of a character being defined chiefly by his or her class.
One or two free broad or specialty skills. This class included everything needed for character
A bonus Last Resort point. advance-ment and all that was needed was the
A +1 Resistance Modifier against a specific form of accumulation of points to gain the next level. Better
attack. combat scores, increased defenses, heightened knowledge
List-1 with a broad skill. were all gained at a relatively static rate of progression.
Sample Benefits:
Chapter 1: Hero Creation
With the introduction of skill-based games we found a can only be spent on FX skills and perks. If the player
different set of circumstances. The defining attribute of a wishes to improve the character’s talent at a later time
skill-based game is that the accumulation of points allows the normal 10 points per category must be paid
the player to spend points in either broad or limited however. See the Talents section below for more details.
categories. Old terms like Hit Points, Saving Throws, and Secondary Profession: Each Adept selects a Secondary
THACO were gained by rote in level-based games, but they Profession and gains a list-1 skill cost reduction with
must now be purchased in order to improve. If a player that profession’s skills. If an Adept selects another
does not spend points to make a warrior a better fighter, Adept as the second profession then he or she must
or a wizard more knowledgeable then it simply does not specify which type (Arcane, Faith, or Psionic). Of course
happen. this secondary profession cannot be the same as the
What is presented below are the Alternity professions Adept’s primary profession. While the character does
as they were originally written. The only change that I not gain any skill cost reductions, they do begin the
made was to move the Mindwalker into the Adept game with an Ordinary Talent in that FX category at no
profession. While this may seem to change the game a bit, cost. For the purposes of advancing in talent grades
this modification allows a more versatile psionic character (Ordinary to Good for example) assume the character
while still retaining the same options and spirit of the has already spent 10 skill points to gain the talent.
original profession.
The rules so far stated apply to each type of Adept.
From this point forward they slowly begin to differ from
Adepts each other. Each type of Adept has several distinguishing
titles that apply to the exact profession chosen as well as
The Adept is a person who is born with a strong talent
in an FX ability. The Adept represents Arcanists, Believers, the level of talent possessed. The tables below are
and Mindwalkers in this game. Super Heroes are a special provided for campaign color and should not be used if the
consideration and are dealt with later in Chapter 2 of this titles do not fit your campaign. However the entries for
book in the ‘Legends’ section and in Book 2: FX. ‘Adept Name’ and ‘Adept Type’ are used in this book to
Adepts are similar to Diplomats in that they select a refer to different types of Adepts throughout the game so it
Secondary Profession, which in turn determines the is good to at least be familiar with them.
character’s Ability Requirements, Achievements Benefits,
Arcane FX Faith FX Psionics
Starting Funds, and Skill Cost Reductions. In addition to
Adept Name: Arcanist Believer Mindwalker
this an Adept begins the game with a list-1 cost reduction
to one FX broad skill of choice and all of it’s associated Adept Type: Arcane Adept Faith Adept Psionic Adept
specialty skills. Ordinary Talent: Dabbler Faithful Initiate
The FX ability of an Adept is stronger than that of Good Talent: Magician Adherent Master
other persons who make use of such abilities. Adepts Amazing Talent: Wizard Devout Psionicist
begin the game with an Amazing talent in an FX category
for free. If the player wishes the character may ‘down- Arcanists
grade’ this talent to Good instead. Doing so grants the Arcanists are those who work with Arcane Magic. To
character 5 skills points that can spent on FX skills and be an Arcanist the character must start the game with
perks only. The character may also reduce the talent to Knowledge-read/write at rank 3 and either Lore-spell lore
Ordinary. If this is done then the character gains 10 points or the Metaphysics broad skill.
to spend on FX skills and perks. In both cases the rules for After the time when an Arcanist is created any new
Good and Ordinary talents apply as described in the broad skills, and specialty skills that cannot be used
Talents section which follows. untrained, must be learned before being purchased with
All Adepts have the following statistics, which are skill points. Arcanists are also dependent on their spell
summarized from the comments above. books to advance in known skills and to facilitate the
Action Bonus: +1 learning process as a whole. While these factors may seem
Skill Bonus: as per Secondary Profession. a disadvantage they are often beneficial to the Arcanist as
Requirements: as per Secondary Profession. well. The role that learning spells and spell books have in
Random Ability Generation: as per Secondary Profession. the game, and Arcane Magic in general, is discussed in
Amazing Talent: Adepts begin the game with an Amazing Chapter 2 of Book 2.
talent in one of the three FX categories to chose from: This type of Adept generally chooses the Specialist as
Arcane Magic, Faith Magic, or Psionic powers. Each of his secondary profession, however Diplomats and Free
these groups is discussed in Book 2: FX. Talents in Agents are also common. Arcanists are also the most likely
general are described later in this chapter. The Adept Adept to choose another Adept type as a secondary
may elect to downgrade a talent to Good or Ordinary if profession with Psionics being favored of the two options.
desired. Doing so includes all rules for each level of Warrior as a secondary profession is rare. While providing
talent but grants the Adept 5 bonus skill points for a a strong and combat ready character, this combination
Good talent or 10 for an Ordinary. These bonus points
Chapter 1: Hero Creation
tends to detract from ability scores needed to cast a
majority of arcane spells. Diplomat
In the fantasy world Diplomats represent everyone
Believers from Bards to Kings, Ambassadors to Traders, Nobles and
Believers are those who work with Faith Magic. In Military Commanders. The strength of a diplomat is his or
order to be a Faith Adept the character must have the Faith her ability to get the job done through teamwork,
perk. This profession represents any character that draws negotiation, bargaining, or even guile. While at an initial
magical energy from a belief in a god, an elemental force, glance the Diplomat may seem undesirable as a lead
nature, spirits, or even a philosophy. character remember the combination of having two
Believers tend to have more specialty skills in a broad professions of reduced skill cost, or receiving and ordinary
skill that can be used untrained than other Adepts. FX talent, makes the Diplomat extremely versatile.
However they pay for this distinction by having the types Diplomats make excellent leaders and, despite the name,
of broad skills they can learn determined by their faith. are not always disposed to be polite.
Some can learn many while others may only learn a few. Action Bonus: +1
In all cases a believer must select a career from those given Skill Bonus: -1 to the list cost of any skill with the ‘D’ class
in the ‘Believer Careers’ section in this chapter. If a player code.
does not like those presented then a new career must be Requirements: Personality of 11, Will of 9.
created. Players may also opt to use faiths from Appendix Random Ability Generation:
3: Fantasy Faiths from book as well. Strength 4+1d8
These Adepts are usually Diplomats as a secondary Dexterity 4+1d8
profession as those cost reductions provide powerful tools Constitution 4+1d8
in the guidance of groups and the influence of others. Intelligence 8+1d6
Warriors are also common despite the lower ability scores Will 8+1d6
in needed areas. Other professions are rare but are known Personality 10+1d4
to exist. With that said it should be pointed out that Free Contact: Diplomats begin the game with a free Contact
certain believers may chose a profession that better of choice. Contacts are described in Chapter 6 of this
reflects a deity’s sphere of influence. A god of magic may book.
have all priests select the Arcane Adept as their secondary Secondary Profession: Diplomats have a knack for learning
profession while others (like Set or Loki) may require other skills for use when negotiation fails. Each
followers to choose Rogue. Information of Faith Magic is Diplomat selects a Secondary Profession and he gains a
given in Chapter 3 of Book 2. list-1 skill cost reduction with that profession’s skills. If
a Diplomat selects the Adept as the second profession
Mindwalkers then he or she must specify which type (Arcane, Faith, or
Mindwalkers are those who work with Psionic Powers. Psionic). While the character does not gain any
In order to be a Psionic Adept the character must have the additional cost reductions, they do begin the game with
Resolve or Psyche broad skill, however having both is a an Ordinary Talent in that FX category at no cost (see
good idea. Of all of the professions the psionicist is the ‘Talents’ later in this chapter). For the purposes of
most self-contained. Unlike rogues, they need no tools, advancing in talent grades (Ordinary to Good for
unlike warriors they need no weapons, unlike believers example) assume the character has already spent 10
and arcanists they need no trappings for their FX abilities skill points to gain the talent.
save their conscious will. Their power comes from within
and they alone give it shape.
The number of specialty skills that can be used
untrained is average and they need not learn FX skills
Rogues are some of the more colorful characters of the
before buying them. Similarly they do not have limits on game. Being less restrained by social mores and the laws
the types of broad skills they may possess. However the of the land; Rogues live and breathe independence. To
shear number of broad skills available makes the multi- properly role-play a rogue character the player must often
talented mindwalker a rarity. Information on psionic act independently of the group. This means acting when
powers is given in Chapters 5 through 11 in Book 2. appropriate regardless of plans. While this doesn’t
Also unlike other Adepts, the Mindwalker gains the necessarily make the rogue foolhardy, it does make them
list-1 bonus to skill costs for all broad skills in the same difficult to predict and control at times. As opposed to
Discipline. This generally grants the character this bonus Warriors or Diplomat characters, the Rogue prefers to
for three or four broad skills. work alone or in a small group.
Action Bonus: +2
Skill Bonus: -1 to the list cost of any skill with the ‘R’ class
Requirements: Dexterity of 11, Will of 9.
Chapter 1: Hero Creation
Random Ability Generation: the basic soldier, mercenary, or master of arms. Some are
Strength 6+1d6 poor and some become kings but all are persons of action.
Dexterity 10+1d4 Action Bonus: +3
Constitution 6+1d6 Skill Bonus: -1 to the list cost of any skill with the ‘W’ class
Intelligence 8+1d6 code.
Will 6+1d6 Requirements: Strength of 11, Constitution of 9.
Personality 6+1d6 Random Ability Generation:
Bonus Last Resort: Rogues gain one additional Last Resort Strength 10+1d4
point and they may spend up to two of them to modify Dexterity 8+1d4
any one given result. Constitution 8+1d6
Resistance Modifier: Rogues may also increase the Intelligence 4+1d8
Resistance Modifier of Strength, Dexterity, Will 6+1d6
Intelligence, or Will by +1. Personality 4+1d8
Combat Bonus: Warriors receive a -1 Situation Modifier to
attacks when using any one combat oriented Specialty
Specialist skill. This can include any Tactics specialty skill,
Acrobatics-defensive martial arts, or Athletics-joust.
Specialists are persons who excel in learning. They
make use of tools effectively and can operate a variety of
tools and equipment proficiently. The Specialist
profession replaces the Tech Op in the standard Alternity Talents
game. They both perform in the same manner the name A Talent is a person who has a varying degree of skill
has been changed to better reflect the medieval world. in one or more FX categories, similar to the Adept
While sometimes deserving the title of ‘geek’ a profession. Unless a character is an Adept or a Diplomat
specialist may also be a blacksmith, an engineer, a with and an Adept secondary profession, all levels of
demolitions expert (if gunpowder is allowed), and other Talent’s ability must be paid for. Having a Talent
martial careers. Of the Adept professions, the Specialist represents an additional element to the character’s
works best when combined with the Arcane Adept. standard profession and is much stronger than most perks
Action Bonus: +1 or extraordinary abilities.
Skill Bonus: -1 to the list cost of any skill with the ‘S’ class As with the Adept professions a character must have
code. the stated skills or perk in order to have the appropriate
Requirements: Intelligence of 11, Dexterity of 9 talent(s). In the case of a Faith Talent, he or she must
Random Ability Generation: chose a religion as described under Believer Careers below
Strength 4+1d6 so as to define his or her allowed FX broad skills.
Dexterity 8+1d6 The table below shows the basic statistics that work
Constitution 4+1d6 the same for Adepts and Talents alike.
Intelligence 10+1d4
Will 8+1d6 Type Cost Broad Skills Max Ranks FX Energy
Personality 6+1d6 Ordinary 10 1 1-6th, all else 5
Accelerated Learning: At the levels shown on the table 3rd
Good 20 3 All @ 6th 10
below a Specialist earns bonus skill points that can be
Amazing 30 All All @ 12th 15
spent on either mundane or FX skills as desired as well
as Achievement bonuses.
The ‘Cost’ column shows the number of skill points
required to have any one talent. The ‘Broad Skills’ column
Level Bonus Skill Points
gives the maximum number of broad skills the talent may
2 to 5 1
have in that FX category. For Ordinary and Good Talents
6 to 10 2
the character may add his or her Intelligence Resistance
11 to 15 3
Modifier to the number of Broad Skills allowed if an arcane
16 to 20 4
talent, or Will for both faith and psionic talents. This
21+ 5
means that a character with an Intelligence of 11 could
learn two Broad Skills as an Ordinary Talent.
Warrior The ‘Max Ranks’ column shows the maximum rank the
talent may have. Ordinary talents may advance as high as
Warriors are the basic types of classic hero. rank 6 with one specialty skill per broad skill if more than
Regardless of whether they are protectors of the one is available. All other ranks cannot be higher than
wilderness, defenders of the meek, rulers and lords, or third. Good talents may advance as high as rank 6 in any
sailors on the high seas; Warriors are the quintessential specialty skill while Amazing talents may advance to 12th.
champions of the fantasy genre. The Warrior represents
Chapter 1: Hero Creation
The ‘FX Energy’ column shows the starting points a
character has based on the type of talent he is. To this base Character Attributes
number the character may add his Intelligence Resistance This section covers some details that help to flesh out
Modifier if an arcane talent or Will Resistance Modifier if a a character and to provide some basic rules that govern a
faith or psionic talent. This score can be increased by 1 FX character’s role in the game. None are optional however
point by spending 5 skill points. The maximum number of individual Game Masters may not always use them with
FX points a character may have is equal to twice his the same level of importance depending on the type of
original base number. This means that an ordinary psionic game being run.
talent with a Will of 13 starts with 7 FX points and may
have a maximum of 14. Height, Weight, and Age
There are three rules that are used for all Talents and As you may have noticed, the Alternity game system
Adepts. They are as follows. uses the metric system. This does change some of the
Rule 1) A Talent must be selected at the time of character mechanics used in determining a character’s height and
creation or at 1st level. Otherwise the character weight. The tables below show the methodology of
must learn the talent as shown below. random determination for these statistics.
Rule 2) Extra FX points can be purchased at 5 skill points
each. Characters with multiple talents must
specify which ‘pool’ of points the purchased point
Racial Statistics
Race Height Max. Height Weight Size Category
belongs to. Dwarf 1.0 1.3 65 Medium
Rule 3) An Adept or talent character can gain 3 FX perks Elf 1.3 1.7 43 Medium
and 3 FX flaws. Extra skill points for FX flaws can Gnome 0.9 1.0 36 Small
only be spent on FX skills. Any skill point can be Half-Elf 1.5 1.9 54 Medium
spent on FX perks. FX perks and flaws are Halfling 0.8 1.0 32 Small
described in Chapter 1 of Book 2. Human 1.5 2.2 68 Medium
Height is given as an average in meters. Weight is an
average in kilograms.
Learning Talents after 1st Level
Learning a Talent is no small task and it is best chosen
As characters advance through a game it is possible for
when the character is first created. If not then the
them to age many years while doing so. Below are two
character will have to learn this ability during the course
tables that show the average ages by race and what game
of a campaign. This is only possible with a willing teacher
effects those age categories have on the character. The DM
who has the Teaching specialty appropriate to the FX
may allow characters to be created at any age the player
desired. The learning process is a complex skill check that
chooses. Players should be able to choose their characters
requires 10 successes to complete with only one check
statistics with in these guidelines if they so choose.
allowed per month. For Arcane Magic an Intelligence Feat
is required. For either the Faith Magic or Psionic ability, a
Will Feat is used instead. Of course before the teaching can Age Categories
Young Mid
even begin, the character must have the skills or perk Race Adolescent Adult Mature Age Old Ancient
required of any other Adept or talent. Dwarf 17 72 229 304 349 +6d12
The teacher can grant a bonus to the students check. Elf 17 100 550 850 999 +10d12
At the start of each month, the teacher makes a Teaching Gnome 27 150 260 365 490 +5d20
½ Elf 17 35 80 130 155 +3d12
skill check. An Ordinary result grants a -1 bonus, a Good Halfling 23 57 95 135 180 +4d12
result grants a -2, and an Amazing result grants a -3 while Human 12 15 30 41 50 +2d12
a Critical Failure imposes a +2 penalty. If the student
generates three failures during the learning period the All characters are assumed to start at the Young Adult
training must begin anew. If a Critical Failure is generated, age category. If a character is created at another age than
then the student must seek out a new teacher or both the this one modify the character’s ability scores for each age
teacher and the student must attain a new level before the category passed. Therefor, if a character is created and the
training can begin again. player starts at Old Age then the character would have a -1
Once a talent is learned the character can purchase an to strength and constitution, a -2 to dexterity, a +2 to
Ordinary talent only. At any level later this can be intelligence, will, and personality.
improved normally. Broad and specialty skills as well as
perks and flaws must also be purchased normally. In the Age Effects
case of perks and flaws that must be bought at the time of Str Dex Con Int Will Per
character creation, the new talent may select them but AD -1 +1 0 -1 -1 0
only if that is done before or simultaneously with the YA 0 0 0 0 0 0
purchase of his first broad skill. MA 0 0 0 +1 0 +1
MD 0 -1 0 +1 +1 0
Old -1 -1 -1 0 +1 +1
Chapter 1: Hero Creation
AN -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 Dur. Stands for Durability and the figures for Large to
Gargantuan creatures are multipliers to their constitution
In no way can any modifiers increase an ability score scores for this purpose. The standard Punch does
above the racial maximums for that character. The old 1d4s/1d4+1s/1d4+2s in damage. For Tiny and Small
AD&D rule about unnatural aging are still in place in this beings the modifier mentioned is subtracted from the base
game as well. This means that a character that is aged by damage to a minimum of 1 point of damage caused. Large,
the touch of a Ghost does not gain any benefit to his or her Huge, and Gargantuan creatures use the same standard
ability scores, however, any negative modifiers do apply. rules for a brawl attack except that the indicated die type
Bonuses to ability scores come from time and experience. replaces the ‘d4’. Of course some monsters have other
means of attack and may or may not follow this guide.
Character Size Hands refers to a new optional rule given in Chapter 5:
All characters have a size. As stated before, Gnomes Weapons and Armor where by a person using a weapon
and Halflings are small-sized while the other races are must have the indicated number of ‘hands’ free in order to
medium. The table below shows the effects a character’s use a weapon. The modifiers shown indicate a change to
size has on various game mechanics should they be altered the weapons statistics. In this way a broad sword with a
in any way. For the most part these modifiers are already hands score of 1 requires a Small sized person to use two
considered for monsters and other beings in Book 3: hands instead when wielding this weapon. Tough stands
Monsters and they need not be modified any further. The for the toughness attribute. Usually only Huge and
table below shows the relative height of the size Gargantuan creatures will have a greater than ordinary
categories. toughness based on size alone.
A being’s base Movement rate is equal to their
Standard Measure Relative Height strength and dexterity summed together as usual. The
Tiny (1” to 1’) .03 to .3 plus or minus in this column indicates the number of
Small (2’ to 3’) .6 to .9 scores that are moved up or down to achieve the persona
Medium (4’ to 8’) 1.2 to 2.4 actual movement rate. For Tiny creatures, the sum of their
Large (9’ to 15’) 2.7 to 4.5 strength and dexterity is divided by two to determine how
Huge 16’ to 25’) 4.8 to 7.6 fast they can move in a given phase. However this only
Gargantuan (26’+) 8+ concerns movement on the ground or in the water. Flying
and gliding move rates remain the same. For Melee, the
The following table shows the basic format that is used entry ‘–1d’ means that the type of die used to determine
for beings of all sizes, however they are standard and are damage is lowered by one die type. If the die type is
subject to change on a case by case basis, serving primarily already a d4 then use a d6 divided by two and rounded up.
as a model for character design. Any modifications based The +d or +2d means that an additional die of equal value
on character size are already assumed to be built into the of the original is added to the damage. In other words, a
character’s racial make-up and any changes to size render giant using a giant club causes 2d4+1s/1d4+3s/ 2d6w in
similar changes. For example, if a wizard were to cast an damage to a hapless victim. It should be noted that this
Alteration-adaptation or polymorph spell on his familiar (a rule is related to the ‘Power’ of the attack and if degraded
magically bonded pet) then the familiar would gain any by toughness this bonus die is lost first. Power is
benefits due to its increased size. In this way a character discussed in Chapter 8: Gamers in Action.
that assumes the size of a giant gains some benefits similar Res. Mod represents modifiers to the being’s Strength
to giants. In the case of monsters the Game Master will and Dexterity Resistance Modifiers. The simple
have to judge is size alterations will modify their scores explanation is that larger creatures are harder to hit and
and to what degree. tiny one’s may avoid some attacks better simply due to
their size. Stealth gives the modifier to all Stealth skill
Size Alteration Table checks and Lift applies as a modifier to the character’s
Character Size lifting ability based on strength.
Con Con Con Con
x 1.5
x 1.5
Moral Attitudes
Every character in the game that is not of animal
Tough O O O O G G
intelligence has a Moral Attitude. This relates how they
Move Base/2 Base-2 - - Base+2 Base+4
Melee -1d - - - +1d +2d interact with the rest of the world and determines such
Res. classic notions as ‘good vs. evil’. These values have the
Mod +1 - - - -1 -2 same means as described on pages 121 to 122 of the
Stealth -1 0 0 +1 +3 +5 Alternity Player's Handbook but are summarized below.
Lift x½ x¾ n/a n/a x2 or 3 x4 or 5
Anti-Authority: The character believes that his life is own
and should be allowed to live as he pleases. His ethics
center on things that are good for him. This individualist
Chapter 1: Hero Creation
can be good or evil, but usually does what he pleases in make his actions live up to his lofty promises – even if no
order to get the most out of life. one else is around to witness his honor.
Apathetic: This character just doesn’t care. Some who hold Just: A character with a just moral attitude doesn’t care if a
this attitude believe that nothing really matters in the law is good or evil; he believes that law is the defining
end, so there’s no point in being concerned about aspect of civilization. Everyone is equal under the law,
anything. Apathetic characters wear an air of and the just-minded character works to defend that
indifference. Some can be cynical. While events may principle. He protects everyone’s opinions, as long as
rouse them to action they will eventually return to this they don’t break the laws of the land. He is fair and law-
state of mind. This hero may have had his beliefs abiding, without regard to the ethics of the laws he
shattered at an early age and only needs a new cause to defends.
spark the smoldering emotions in his breast. Selfish: The selfish character always wants to know what’s
Conformist: This guy is a follower. He doesn’t stick out. In in it for him. He has a high regard for life and freedom –
fact he works very hard to be just another face in the especially his own. He places his own interests above all
crowd. He values the popular opinions of the day, else, seeking a personal angle before he commits to
accepting everything and deciding on nothing. He’s anything. If he agrees to something he sticks to it as long
adaptable, but only a way that allows him to go with the as he feels he has a personal stake in it. Self-
social flow. He is compliant and obeys the laws and the preservation and self-aggrandizement are definitely the
mores of the day. cornerstones of this character’s behavior.
Corrupt: This character has a strict personal code, one that Unscrupulous: This character is self-serving and depraved.
promotes a twisted, even deviant moral program that He is ruthless – he’ll stop at nothing to achieve his goals.
usually bolsters his goals and desires. He may still be He has no conscience, and thus perceives no need to
honorable as long as it doesn’t inhibit his personal adhere to the principles of right and wrong. If he wants
agenda. He’s self-disciplined and admires and expects something, he takes it. If a lie will as well as the truth, he
that same traits in others – after all without discipline opts for the lie.
corruption consumes itself in raging fire. The controlled Virtuous: The virtuous hero is righteous and good,
flame burns the longest and that is important to this exhibiting excellence in word and deed. He always tells
hero. However he has little tolerance for those who the truth, he demonstrates great courage – especially
work against his goals. regarding his convictions – and he lives as an example to
Despicable: This person is wicked, amoral, and totally evil. others. He can’t be bribed or persuaded to work against
He has no code of ethics. He’s unpredictable, random, his beliefs. This hero is unburdened by guilt – unless he
and possibly even insane. If he helps someone it’s only goes against his moral attitude. Then he is wracked by
to further his own gain and he gets great satisfaction guilt and must seek a way to repair the damage he has
from hurting the same person later on. He despises done.
those who are good and honorable. He sneers at Worldly: Material gain is the goal of this character. He
discipline. He hates authority. He delights in evil and wants to own things, especially the best things he can
enjoys causing pain and sorrow. find. He will compromise his other beliefs if there’s
Ethical: This character lives by standards that are something for him to gain by doing so.
universally recognized as being right and good. He
strives to nothing that is evil or morally wrong, and The moral attitudes that players select are the
seeks to help everyone in need. The ethical hero has a Alternity versions of alignment in AD&D. Most the above
moral code that values fair play, respects authority, and attitudes can be cross-referenced to a specific alignment.
brings greatest benefit to the most people. The ethical In this game spells and other abilities that react to or that
hero is honest and hard-working, kind and wise. He can detect evil or good are now based more on intentions
be stern and even driven by his moral attitude but he is rather than a blanket characteristic. A Worldly character,
also fair and good. while self-serving, could perform an action that is
Gallant: This hero believes that the strong must protect the ultimately good whether they know it or not. This form of
weak. He has a nobility of spirit and a high degree of character definition, I feel, allows for more flexible role-
courage. He is quick to action, daring in deed, and playing while still holding true to the fantasy notions of
dashing in manner and appearance. He tries to right good vs. evil.
wrongs, but he also enjoys the fruits of his labors. He
knows he’s good and he likes others to see his goodness
in action.
Honorable: This hero sticks to his word and holds others to
Motivations and Traits
These two aspects of character definition remain
the same standard. He follows a code of dignity, unchanged from their descriptions in the Alternity Players
integrity, and pride. The honorable hero is often Handbook. Game Masters may or may not require them
extremely individualistic, though his personal code based on the tone of their campaigns. However it is a good
means that he can be trusted and counted on to keep his idea to base role-playing awards on the use of these traits
word. Indeed, his word is his bond, and he strives to
Chapter 1: Hero Creation
and to withhold points for not using these tools to develop Infamy -2 0 -1
a character. Primitive -1 0 -1
Spineless -1 0 0
This perk represents a person who is a special contact
for the hero. This contact is friendly and will help the
While we commonly like to create heroes that are
character, but is primarily a teacher of some skill or area invincible, many have weaknesses. No one is perfect and a
important to the character. This contact is always higher
Chapter 1: Hero Creation
well role-played hero has an Achilles Heel of some sort. flaw determine the intensity of the competitive urge and
The list below includes those flaws from the Alternity whether others are competing against the character.
Player's Handbook as well as new ones. All new flaws are For 2 bonus points the hero is not really competing
underlined and are described next. against anyone specifically except on a case-by case basis.
For 4 bonus points there are actually those who actively
Flaw +SP Ability compete with the hero. They need not always be the same
Bad Luck 6 WIL people every time but the hero has the bad luck of
Berserk Rage 5 CON attracting a crowd when signing on to a new adventure.
Clueless 2/4/6 INT For 6 bonus points not only is there real competition but
Clumsy 5 DEX the character has to make additional Will checks to avoid
Code of Honor 3 WIL ruthless or deceptive tactics to win whatever is at hand.
Competitive 2/4/6 WIL This can range from recklessly putting others in danger to
Cursed FX Item 5/10/15 N/A lying or other blatant and immoral behavior.
Delicate 3 STR
Dilettante 5 WIL Cursed FX Item
Dirt Poor 5 PER The DM will have to determine the bonus a character
Divided Loyalty 4 PER can gain from having this flaw. The type of item is up to
Forgetful 5 INT the character, but the DM has the final say as to the bonus
Fragile 3 CON skill points granted. Items that can be gotten rid of by use
Infamy 2/4/6 PER of the Abjuration-Dispel spell should yield a maximum of 5
Oblivious 4 WIL points. For 15 points a specific trigger or event must take
Obsessed 2/4/6 INT place to be rid of the item and this event should be the
Old Injury 2/4/6 STR focus of a major quest at least. The DM can rule that some
Phobia 2/4/6 WIL items can not be rid of at all. The DM and the player will
Poor Looks 3 PER have to work out the overshadowed by the items curse or
Possessed 4/8 WIL drawback.
Powerful Enemy 2/4/6 PER
Primitive 2/4/6 INT Dilettante
Rebellious 2 PER This character can not have a rank higher in any skill
Sloppy 4 WIL than his level. In addition the character cannot purchase
Slow 6 DEX ‘early purchase’ rank benefits either.
Spineless 2/4/6 WIL
Temper 2/4/6 WIL
Divided Loyalty
This character was once a member of a group at some
Berserk Rage (Flaw) time in his past. While no longer with that group he still
When selected as a flaw, Berserk Rage functions holds loyalty to some person or group. At some point
exactly as the perk with the same name. The drawback is during the game the character must place his loyalty ahead
that the player does not record any damage taken. The DM of his other obligations. The old association may ask for
keeps track of the character’s damage and continues to do some favor or may have goals that conflict with the
so until the berserk runs its course, the character dies, or character’s current endeavors. A character must roll a
until the character suffers mortal damage. Personality feat check to overcome this circumstance.
In addition to this the character must also pass an
intelligence feat check to be able to distinguish between
friend and foe. The player can guide the berserk character
This character’s body is sometimes the host of an
through a combat scene but if all enemies are vanquished
invading spirit that can influence or even dictate the
or if another character gets within melee range of the
character’s actions. This is a 4 point flaw if the spirit is
berserk the check is called for. This flaw must run its
largely neutral and harmless, and an 8 point flaw if the
course and cannot be stopped unless an ally achieves a
spirit is actively hostile. Anytime the character is rendered
Good or better result on an Encounter skill or until the
unconscious through the loss of stun or fatigue points the
berserk is effected by an Influential FX power.
spirit gains control of the host body animates it, allowing it
to move and act.
Competitive While possessed the Game Master controls the
This character loves challenges so much that if he character and determines all of his actions. In the case of a
hears of some quest or adventure he must be apart of it. neutral spirit the actions are never self-destructive. A
Upon hearing of some type of mission the hero must roll a hostile spirit will not hesitate to put the character in
Will feat check to resist it. If he fails he do whatever it mortal danger, to abandon companions, and in general
takes to follow up on the lead. The differing levels of the make a mess of the hero’s life, friendships, and property.
Chapter 1: Hero Creation
The spirit remains in control for a matter of days. Each handled. Points given after a game session should be
day that passes affords a Resolve-mental resolve check at a based on a character’s progression towards a goal.
cumulative –1 step bonus to regain control. The character These various means of point distribution may also be
never remembers what has transpired while the spirit was based on how often the Game Master and players meet. If
in control and immediately suffers 1 fatigue point of you meet a lot, don’t feel inclined to hand out a lot of
damage when he ‘wakes up’. points. If you don’t meet very often you may need to give
While it is active the spirit may be expelled by anyone points more frequently to maintain interest and to allow
capable of using the Spirit Magic-exorcise spell. This the players to feel the benefits of their efforts.
expulsion is never permanent unless the spirit has reached
some goal. If the character spends a number of points Award Values
necessary to remove the flaw and the spell is successful, Typically the award value of the points given are
then the effect is permanent. based on three overall criteria.
Game Masters should select an appropriate spirit for ♣ Involvement in Adventure: 1 to 3 can be given based on
the possession and determine its goals. If the Game Master the character’s involvement in the game. If the character
feels that other characters may have means to fight the does not qualify for any points in this category then none
spirit then detail all of the spirit’s abilities or use those should be given for the others.
found in Book 3. ♣ Role-Playing: 1 point should be given if the player role-
plays his character exceptionally well. This includes the
Rebellious use of hindrances, flaws, and drawbacks more than it
Characters with this flaw have trouble relating to does the character’s strengths.
authority figures. This is reflected as a +1 penalty to ♣ Heroism: 1 point can be given if the player performs an
encounter checks with legal or royal persons. extreme act of heroism or self-sacrifice.
Chapter 1: Hero Creation
requires 4 points. This benefit can be purchased at
any level.
Extra FX Points: Adepts and Talents can purchase extra
FX points at a cost of 5 points each. If the character
has more than one talent then the new points must be
specified for the pool they will belong to. This benefit
can be purchased at any level.
Chapter 2: Careers
Careers are additional features that help to further
define a character’s role in the game. Not all Warriors are Careers that list these statistics can be modified. If a
the same and neither are Rogues. A career is basically a character wanted a Ranger with more Moral Attitude
skill package that orients a player to the various options options then he or she needs only drop or reduce the
available through combinations of skills and perks. These hindrance. However in doing so a benefit of equal or
lists are not exhausted by any means and players are greater value must also be dropped as well. Conversely a
encouraged to develop their own careers, with Game player may add benefits but must increase the degree of
Master approval of course. existing hindrances or add new ones to compensate. This
Each career has a short list of statistics that define it in ability allows a player to create careers that resemble
the game. All careers include the following two items: many of the ‘Kits’ found in the various ‘Complete Players
Skill Package: This gives the core skills used by the Handbooks’ of AD&D. Creating custom benefits and
character. hindrances follows the rules given in the ‘Creating Careers’
Signature Equipment: The character gains any items listed section later in this chapter.
in this entry for free.
Chapter 2: Careers
Action Bonus (1): Barbarians are stout warriors and have Special Benefits
spent years listening to their instincts when in a fight or Aura of Protection (3): Paladins radiate a natural aura of
tense situation. Because of this conditioning, Barbarians goodness that hinders the actions of evil beings. This
may add one more point to their Action Check score. equates to a +1 Resistance Modifier against any and all
Skill Check Bonus (2): Barbarians gain a -1 Situation physical or magical attacks by evil beings that are
Modifier with War Craft, Survival, Athletics, Movement, directed specifically at the paladin. This power also
and Outdoors broad and specialty skills. applies against any summoned creature or that which
comes from another plane or dimension. The aura has a
Special Hindrances 3-meter radius around the paladin and can also defend
Primitive (3): The character must select the Primitive flaw any of the paladin’s friends and allies that are in this
at the +3 level of influence. This flaw can be reduced as area. As with the Abjuration-protection spell, pushing
per the standard rules for Achievement benefits the edges of this defense against an opponent will
however it can never be improved beyond the +1 temporarily cancel its beneficial effects.
penalty flaw status. If the Game Master allows some Call War Horse (1): A paladin may call for a war horse, a
skills may be learned if proper role-playing is used. This creature that is intelligent and spiritually bonded with
is akin to American Indians learning to use muskets. The the paladin. The paladin can attempt this call once per
character gains no skill points for this flaw however it week and the rules for Calling on Fate are used as
does count against the character maximum number of described in chapter 3. Any success calls the war horse
laws available. and a critical failure can mean that the paladin must wait
an entire month before trying again. At the GM’s option
Skill Package: Animal Handling, Movement-trailblazing, the paladin may have to complete a quest to find the war
Outdoors-hunt, Survival, War Craft, Unarmed Combat, horse. In such a case the outcome is determined by the
and Awareness-intuition. completion of the quest itself.
FX Package: Spirit Magic Once successfully called the war horse will remain at
Preferred Professions: Barbarians make good Warriors the paladin’s side for good unless the paladin loses a
however do not overlook Faith Adepts who are Shaman points of standing; at which point the beast becomes a
by faith. Rogues may also be common. Diplomats and normal animal again. If the point is recovered then a
Specialists are not unheard of but are rare. Arcane and new war horse may be called for. The war horse has the
Psionic Adepts are not usually allowed in normal following statistics that are identical to the paladin’s:
circumstances. Intelligence, Will, and Last Resort Points (not the
Signature Equipment: Hide Armor, Knife personality score itself). The paladin and the war horse
may swap these last resort points between each other
Paladin and they may use up to two to modify an given result.
A paladin is person dedicated to a specific faith and The paladin and the war horse must be together (not
culture who acts as its guardian against the forces of chaos necessarily in physical contact) to use this ability. It is
and evil. The paladin is very similar to a knight and is important to note that the war horse need not be a
usually drawn from that caste however they may come horse. Any appropriate steed can be used if that type of
from any background. In AD&D we grew use to the idea of animal is a common mount in the area that the paladin
a paladin being a sub-class of Fighter or belonging to the lives.
Warrior group; depending on the edition of the game you The paladin’s bonded mount acts as a Sidekick as per
were playing. Here the lid has been thrown off, so to the rules in Chapter 7 of this book.
speak, and the paladin has been given far more latitude Detect Evil Intent (1): With a successful Awareness-
than was experienced before. Now a character of any race perception check a paladin can detect evil intentions up
may be paladin. Also a paladin may be a career for any to 20 meters away.
Profession allowed. Disease Resistance (2): Paladins are immune to non-
Despite these changes the paladin still remains true to magical diseases. Against magical ones, they have the
the concept as before. Truth is foremost, virtue the goal. same level of resistance as anyone else.
Paladins prefer to be known and do not hide in the Hazard Bonus (2): Paladins gain a –1 step bonus to all
shadows or use deceit and guile to win. They must be Constitution feats against Hazards. This benefit is not
chaste and they must behave in a chivalrous manner. This cumulative with the Aura of Protection benefit against
applies to a Paladin arcane adept equal as it does to a the same attack should such an even occur.
Paladin warrior. Holy Sword (1): When a paladin wields a holy sword and
A Paladin has many special abilities and they are all the item is boldly displayed it creates a zone of good
tied to the Paladin’s Standing. As this number increases, so magic that can dispel any magic cast with evil intent that
does their access to their special benefits. What is enters that area. This zone is a 10 meter radius around
presented is the standard formula to create the paladin of the paladin and the ‘dispel’ power is equal to the
AD&D. paladin’s Will score added to the plus of the holy sword
as if the Abjuration-dispel spell were being used. This
Chapter 2: Careers
power is completely defensive and can take effect any Limit Moral Attitude (1): The character must have one of
number of times in a single phase. Also, this ability does the following Moral Attitudes: Ethical, Gallant,
not cost the paladins one of his or her actions to use nor Honorable, or Virtuous. A Just moral attitude may be
does it require the use of any FX points. used also but it is limited in that a paladin will not
Laying on Hands (2): The paladin character gains the Aid- blindly follow a law that leads down a path of darkness
heal spell at rank 1. This can be improved to a maximum or ignorance. Therefor a Just paladin only enforces laws
of rank 6. No other Aid spells can purchased unless the that are good and moral themselves.
paladin is a faith talent. Even then such spells are Minimum Standing (2): As the strength of a Paladin’s faith
treated separately. The paladin also gains 5 super increases, so does the expectations of the powers that
Power FX points that can used to power the spell. watch over the warrior. In game terms, the Paladin’s
Additional points may be purchased for 5 skill points minimum required Standing, for the purposes of gaining
each to a maximum of 10 FX points. These points are the special abilities above, is always raised to the
also used for the Turn Undead benefit below. Paladin’s current Standing score. If a Paladin’s Standing
Turn Undead (2): The paladin character gains the Cosmos- score is a 7, then all abilities gained for a 7 or less now
quell undead spell at rank 1. This can be improved to a require at least a Standing of 7 to have. The net result is
maximum of rank 6. No other Cosmos spells can that if the Paladin ‘falls from grace’ by only one point,
purchased unless the paladin is a faith talent. Even then then all of his or her special benefits are lost.
such spells are treated separately. The paladin also Lost Standing points may be recovered as the
gains 5 super Power FX points that can used to power Paladin’s faith returns, however should a Paladin’s
the spell. Additional points may be purchased for 5 skill Standing score ever fall to zero or less their special
points each to a maximum of 10 FX points. These points benefits are lost forever. Returning to good graces
are also used for the Laying on Hands benefit above. usually requires the aid of a Faith Adept of the paladins
faith using the faith feat ‘Atonement’ as described in
Special Hindrances Chapter 3 of Book 2.
(Despite the options stated for modifying a career Obvious to Evil (1): There is a drawback to having the Aura
most of the following hindrances can be dropped unless of Protection ability. The paladin is a glowing beckon of
otherwise stated.) good, even when disguised. Any evil or supernatural
Ability Requirements (2): Strength and Constitution of at being that is within 3 meters of paladin will feel uneasy
least 10, a Will of at least 11, and a Personality no lower and any that pass an awareness check with a –1 bonus
than 13. This hindrance can be dropped or lowered to a can identify the paladin as the source of this radiant
value of 1 by dropping two required ability scores. goodness.
Code of Honor (2): A paladin must select the Code of Honor Pursuit of Evil (3): A paladin is not properly role-played if
flaw and does not gain any skill points for it. This code is his actions are to pursue dungeon delving or treasure
the paladin’s code of conduct itself. In a way this does seeking will some greater quest exists. Paladins always
act to protect the character from the player’s actions, as seek to find and defeat powerful evils in the land
a Will feat check must be rolled to overcome the flaw as regardless of whether they are equipped to do so from a
usual. Calling for a feat check helps to prevent a paladin game-based point of view. If no one will join the Paladin
from straying off the moral path. The basic tenets of this then they must pursue evil on his or her own. Failure to
code are summarized below. fulfill this role is cause for a loss of Standing as the
Humility – do not seek wealth for wealth’s sake. powers of good gave the Paladin his abilities for a
Tithing – give charitably to noble causes, share with reason.
those less fortunate.
Company – do associate with those of low standards. Skill Package: Armor Optimization, Athletics-joust, Melee
Edicts – support your religion, heritage, and philosophy. Weapons, Law-law enforcement, Tactics, Animal
Courtesy – behave with dignity, speak kindly, express Handling-riding, Culture-heraldry, and Leadership.
compassion for others. FX Package: Regardless of the manner a Faith talent is
Honesty – do not lie. obtained, a Paladin is limited to the following FX broad
Valor – demonstrate unyielding courage at all times. skills: Abjuration, Aid, Cosmos, Divination, Guardian,
Celibacy – remain chaste. Travelers, and War.
Industry – never be idle, engage in productive activity at Preferred Professions: Warrior, Diplomat (Warrior),
all times. Diplomat (Faith Adept), Faith Adept (Diplomat), and
Delayed Use - Call War Horse (1): A paladin must wait until Faith Adept (Warrior). For faiths a Paladin must select
his Standing score is a 7 in order to call his war horse. either the Monotheistic Priest or Priest of Good styles
This hindrance can be dropped. however this is for role-playing and character
Delayed Use – Turn Undead (1): A paladin must wait until development only. Those abilities and hindrances are
his Standing score is a 5 in order to gain the Turn not added to those of the Paladin.
Undead ability. This hindrance can be dropped.
Faith Perk (1): The character must buy the Faith perk.
Chapter 2: Careers
Signature Equipment: Chain Mail, Shield, Lance, Long 5 Pegasus
Sword, Dagger, War Horse, Tack & Harness, and Unit 4 Ranger (Non-Human)
Crest or Banner. 3 Rogue (Non-Human)
2 Pixie
Ranger 1 Satyr
Rangers are the classic woodland warriors of legend. 0 Werebear
Their wards the helpless and oppressed as well as the -1 Weretiger
purity of the natural world. Though similar to Druids in -2 Brownie
many respects, Rangers do not however feel that life must -3 or less Treant
always be balanced with nature, and as such they strive to
see that the cause of good is furthered regardless of the Game Masters should feel free to modify this table to
means. suit their campaign and the environment that the Ranger
While most Rangers are good and noble persons at is in. A Ranger is not obligated to accept any followers
heart they take combat seriously. As bold as any Paladin, that arrive and can dismiss them at anytime. If the
Rangers still prefer to use stealth to gather information. Ranger’s Standing should ever be reduced a Personality
They are not above sneak attacks and guerilla warfare and Feat modified by Standing should be made for each
they approach combat from a survival point of view. In follower. Each failure indicates that the follower no
other words they will take cover and will use whatever longer travels with the Ranger. Each success indicates
tools they have at hand to confuse, separate, and break the that the follower remains.
moral of their enemies; especially their species enemy. The Ranger’s Standing can be effected in ways
The information provided allows a player to design similar to that of a Paladin’s. Performing evil acts or
the classic Ranger character. Being open to allowing such acts to be committed in the Ranger’s
benefit/hindrance modifications, races, and professions presence, whether by intention or not can always cause
allows for other types of Rangers that are unique. this type of reduction.
Species Enemy (3): When dealing with their species enemy
Special Benefits a Ranger gains a bonus of –1 to their attack rolls against
Followers (2): A Ranger may attract special followers. them as well as other skills used to learn or thwart that
These followers usually arrive one at a time and each enemy. Such skills include Tactics, Investigate-track,
time the Ranger achieves a higher level, another follower Security, Stealth, or any other skill the Game Master
is gained. The key is to first determine how many total allows. This broader use of the bonus reflects not only
followers can potentially be gained. To do this the the hatred the Ranger has towards that enemy but
Ranger makes a Personality Feat check. The result knowledge of that enemy’s habits and tactics as well.
grants a dice range used to determine this maximum At every 5th level the Ranger may add another
amount as follows: 1d4-1/1d6/1d6+1/2d6/3d6 for a species enemy. As each enemy type is added the Ranger
Critical Failure to an Amazing result. gains a cumulative –1 Situation Modifier against
Once this number is determined, the Ranger then previous enemies as well. Therefor a 20th level Ranger
rolls a Personality Feat check modified by his or her would have five species enemies and would have a –5, -
Standing modifier to determine the type of the first and 4, -3, -2, and –1 bonuses against them.
subsequent followers. The result of the Personality Game Masters may determine the specific limits to
check is then referenced on the table below. Note that a what is included in each species enemy description but
Critical Failure is treated only as a 20 for this purpose. the general rules is to determine such enemies by their
secondary classification as described in Book 3:
Result Follower Type Monsters. This means that a Ranger cannot select all
20+ Dog Humanoids as an enemy but would rather have to
19 Raven choose from the sub-types listed like Giants, Goblinoids,
18 Wolf or Dwarves. Game Masters may also declare that some
17 Black Bear types of creatures like Mindflayers or Manticores are
16 Falcon exclusive and not members of larger groups for this
15 Cleric purpose. A lot of this decision should be based on the
14 Fighter (Human) campaign structure. Species enemies may also be places
13 Druid in special groups like intelligent, evil creatures native to
12 Fighter (Non-Human) the Underdark or any person who willingly serves a
11 Brown Bear hated nation or people.
10 Warrior/Wizard (Elf) Stealth Bonus (1): Rangers gain a -1 Situation Modifier to
9 Great Cat all Stealth checks while in the wilderness. This bonus is
8 Rogue (Human) lost in towns, cities, or areas of built or manufactured
7 Ranger (Human) surroundings.
6 Hippogriff
Chapter 2: Careers
Tracking Bonus (2): The Ranger gains a -1 bonus to the acquisition of spells as a means to create better magical
Investigate-track skill. items. Artificers are sought for their skill and may
Two-Weapon Combat (2): If a Ranger can wear armor and command high places in a society that benefits from his
equipment with a total Action Penalty of +1 or less (this research. They may also be feared and may become power
includes encumbrance as well), then they can fight with brokers; giving their more powerful items to those they
two weapons at once at no penalty. Note however that favor.
having high ranks in the Armor Optimization specialty
skills cannot be used to lessen the Action Penalty of Special Benefits
armor for this purpose. Ease of Creating (1): An Artificer gains a –1 Situation
Modifier to the use of the Enchantment-enchant an item
Special Hindrances spell. They may also reduce the complexity of creating
Delayed Use - Special Followers (2): A Ranger cannot begin an FX item by 1 check required.
to attract followers until he is 12th level or higher.
Encounter Penalty (2): All Encounter skills used while in Special Hindrances
the presence of any member of the Enemy Species Weaker Combat Skills (1): This character relies heavily on
impose a +2 penalty on the Ranger. In addition to this the items he as acquired or crafted. As such his skill in
the Ranger must always seek out that species if he weapons is not that strong. At 1st level the Artificer
knows that it is near by. This does require foolish cannot purchase the Heavy Weapons, Melee Weapons,
actions or the pursuit of superior foes but the Ranger Ranged Weapons, or Fire Arms broad skill. This
cannot simply dismiss the presence of the enemy restriction also includes Athletics skills that are weapon
without at least checking on the enemy’s activities. oriented like joust or whip. After 1st level the Adept may
Limited FX (1): Rangers who are not Faith Adepts by purchase these broad skills normally.
primary profession are limited to the Animal and Plant
FX broad skills if the purchase a Faith talent. Those that Skill Package: Crafting, Creativity, and Metaphysics-magic
have the Primitive flaw may also select Spirit Magic. theory.
Limited Moral Attitudes (1): Rangers must be either be FX Package: Enchantment-enchant an item, MetaMagic-
Ethical, Conformist, Honorable, Just, Anti-Authority, permanency.
Gallant, or Virtuous. Secondary Profession: Specialist
Mandatory Perk (1): A Ranger must purchase the Animal Signature Equipment: Spellbook, One FX item of choice,
Friend perk. Dagger.
Mandatory Skills (1): Ranger characters are also required
to purchase the Stealth Broad skill, and the Investigate- Arcane Specialist
track specialty skill at rank 1. An Arcane specialist is an Arcanist who selects one
Minimum Abilities (2): To qualify as a Ranger, a character allowed FX broad skill to specialize in. Aside from the
needs at least an 11 in Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, standard list-1 to cost for that broad skill the Arcanist also
and Will. This may reduced to a hindrance of 1 by enjoys other benefits when using that set of spells.
dropping two of the required abilities. However their ability with other magic is weakened.
Skill Package: Outdoors, Survival, Athletics-climb, Animal Broad Skill of Choice Possible Title
Handling, Tactics, and Movement-trailblazing. Abjuration Abjurer
FX Package: Animal and Plant Alteration Transmuter
Preferred Professions: Warrior, Rogue, Faith Adept Black Magic Witch/Warlock
(Warrior), and Faith Adept (Rogue). Conjuring Conjurer
Signature Equipment: Leather Armor, Hand Ax, Short Bow, Divination Diviner/Seer
Wind Magic Wind Wizard
Earth Magic Earth Mage
Arcanist Careers Fire Magic
Water Magic
Arcanists have a wide variety of career options
expressed in these following entries. Most of these careers Enchantment Enchanter
are skill advantages rather than role-playing styled Illusion/Phantasm Illusionist
models. This follows the pragmatic and analytical manner Invocation Invoker/Shaper
of an arcane talent. Never the less there are many other MetaMagic Thaumaturgist
possible roles that an Arcanist may fill however they are Necromancy Necromancer
usually overshadowed by their skill in Arcane Magic. Spirit Magic Witch Doctor
Elemental Priest
The spirits and powers on the elemental planes are
Believer Careers not as demanding as are other gods. Priests of these
planes and energies are not required to develop a
Believer careers are described below by their style of
belief. As stated before a believer character must a career following of the faithful as are other believers and while
as this defines the FX broad skills available to them. Each this frees the character for other pursuits it also leaves
career described below is a generality to some degree and them without an organization to call on in times of trouble.
customizing them, especially polytheistic priests, is Elemental worshippers are almost always a minor religion
recommended. However these careers can easily be used in a location and priests of this faith are usually
without modification. Appendix 3 of this book goes into subordinated at best or ostracized or persecuted at worst.
details about various religions that are not covered here. Some of these believers worship all of the elements,
In this game system there is a distinct difference some worship only a few of them, and others only pay
between a priest and a shaman. This difference is societal heed to one element. In general the special benefits and
and revolves around the difference in man as agricultural hindrances apply only to those priests that specialize in
or hunter-gatherer. Most shaman rituals involve solo treks one elemental broad skill. Others ignore these entries.
like Native American journeys to find a spirit guide or
animal or the Australian Aborigine’s walk-about. These Special Benefits
rituals involve fantasy elements in the relation to spirits Elemental Focus (2): The believer gains a –1 Situation
and nature but also perform the role of a rite of passage for Modifier to the casting of spells from his specific
young men in both the real world and the fantastic. Priests elemental broad skill of worship.
are believed to have originated when mankind first began Improved Reactions (1): The believer shifts the initial
developing agriculture and city-states. These spiritual reactions of elemental beings and creatures encounter
leaders focused the will of the people in prayer to their one step in his favor.
gods for mercy and good weather. This stands in stark
contrast to the shaman’s hunter-gatherer society. While Special Hindrances
both types of Believers serve their communities the priest Exclusive Element (2): The believer is barred from
usually holds socially initiated, ceremonially inducted rank purchasing the other three elemental broad skills and
in an organized religion. A shaman usually is not. the Animal, Plant, and Weather broad skills as well.
Another contrast is the role of Black Magic and the Weapon Limits (1): An Adept with an elemental focus is
Cosmos broad skills. It cannot happen that a Believer has limited in the types of weapons he may choose. In all
both skills. If one is known and the other is purchased the cases Unarmed Attack is unhindered.
powers the priest worships will surely abandon him. It is
far more common to encounter Believers with the Cosmos Element Weapons Skills
skill, as Black Magic is never fully trusted by most Air Any except Heavy Weapons and Melee
societies. Most practitioners of Black Magic are cultists Weapon specialty skills (the broad skill is
and follow the Priest of Evil career mentioned below. allowed however).
A final distinction in the relationship of gods and Earth Any except Firearms, Heavy Weapons, and
mortals is the role of the various professions in a religion. Ranged Weapons.
In the terms of this game a Diplomat with a high Standing Fire Weapons made of obsidian or those that are
may be more important to a divinity than a Believer with a set afire with oil. If not –1 to AP earned for
lower score. Having the ability to cast divine magic does that adventure.
not automatically conclude that a character is of more Water Weapons composed of bone or wood only.
importance to a power. See the Cleric career for Diplomats
for more on this. FX Broad Skills
The ‘FX Package’ entry does not appear for believers. Required: At least one Elemental broad skill.
Rather they have this entry instead. This entry details the Available: Abjuration, Aid, Animal, Divination, Elemental
Magic, and Plant, and Weather.
Chapter 2: Careers
Barred: Black Magic, Cosmos, Guardian, Numerology, Spirit Power of the People (1): The monotheistic priest enjoys a
Magic, Thought, Travelers, and War. position of command over the bulk of the populace that
shares his faith. As such this priest automatically
Secondary Professions: Few elemental priests chose improves the initial reaction of those persons
Diplomat. Most are Rogues or Warriors. An occasional encountered by one place in favor of the priest.
few are Specialists or Arcanists.
Skill Package: Survival, Stamina-endurance, Nature, and Special Hindrances
Metaphysics. Oath of Tenets (1): This believer is not always free to act as
Signature Equipment: Club, bedroll, and leather armor. he wishes. Given the multitude of social mores and
values a large religion can have, this character is
Godsman expected to obey them all. If a believer is found to
This type of believer immolates a specific deity. This violate these customs or laws then the above benefit is
type of character exists primarily in campaigns with a lost until he redeems himself.
polytheistic theme (see the ‘Polytheistic Priest’ below).
Some deities do not like singular worship or priests that FX Broad Skills
seek to be a mortal version of the god however some relish Required: Cosmos
it. Some societies also have differing views that vary from Available: Abjuration, Aid, Divination, Guardian,
full acceptance to condemnation for blasphemy. The bulk Numerology, Thought, Travelers, and War
of the information that pertains to each type of Godsman is Barred: Animal, Black Magic, Elemental Magic, Plant, Spirit
given in appendix 3 of this book as this believer’s statistics Magic, Weather
vary from deity to deity.
Secondary Profession: Diplomat
Monotheistic Priest Skill Package: Interaction-charm, Leadership, Law, and
The monotheistic priest is characterized by a belief Medicine.
that only their god reigns supreme above all others or that Signature Equipment: Holy Symbol, Chain Mail, Text of
only their god truly exists and that all others are religious doctrines.
fraudulent. This system of belief differs from the
polytheistic method in that a polytheistic priest still Nature Priest (Druid)
believes in the other god’s power even if they favor some Priests of this faith do not worship deities normally
over the others. In most fantasy based campaigns a and if so they see a god or gods as being elements in the
monotheistic priest is rare given the number of individual natural cycle of nature. Nature priests live in the woods
gods and pantheons that are available. Game Masters can and in nature, they know the sound of every animal and
of course create worlds or entire universes in which only the leaf of every plant. Nature priests can come in many
one god exists or where the god is much more powerful varieties with the Druid being the best known. The entries
than other deities. In such places other religions could be below describe a Druid character however others can be
seen as small cults who worship forces or even outsiders created as is fit for a campaign.
from other planes - but not true gods. The worship and activities of this believer are based
Of course much to religion is subjective and it is quite on cyclical events in nature like having ceremonies during
possible for a large group of people to develop a belief seasonal changes or repeated astronomical events. Nature
system that determines all other gods and goddesses as priests also watch ecological events closely and it is their
frauds or are merely extremely powerful mortals who sworn duty to preserve the balance of nature.
manipulate mankind. In such a case the monotheistic deity
could be seen as a savior and the only path to purity and Special Benefits
eternal bliss. The deity of a monotheistic religion is often Charm Immunity (2): Nature priests, as stewards of the
times only referred to by a pronoun such as ‘God’, ‘Lord’, wilderness, are accustom to the powers of many of its
‘Savior’, or ‘Holy King or Queen’ and the like. magical inhabitants. This indicates the Fey, or Faeries.
With so many gods running around in a standard When a nature priest is faced with an innate FX ability
campaign which ones could actual convince a populace that is of an Influential nature and is being use against
that they are the only divine being? Well any of them the Adept by a creature classified as a Fey (see chapter 6
could attempt it. I feel that in this arena of manipulation of book 3) then they receive a +1 Resistance Modifier vs.
(to the detriment or benefit of the people involved) the the power. This bonus increases by +1 for every 5 point
deity would have to instill a belief that it is invincible in the of Standing earned to a maximum bonus of +5 at a
face of other super-natural beings. And that they are at the Standing of 20.
top of the metaphysical ‘food chain’, so to speak. With this Note that this benefit does not come into play in any
idea in place it will be natural for the populace to assume other circumstance with the three criteria being that it is
that safety is found in fealty to that deity. a Super Power FX ability, it is of an Influential type, and
it is being used by a member of the Fey order. A Pixie,
Special Benefits
Chapter 2: Careers
who is also a Wizard, would not face a penalty if he cast Nature priests see man and other creatures as
Enchantment-charm using Arcane FX points. ‘takers’ and preach that all should be conscious of what
Hazard Bonus (1): Nature priests gain a -1 Situation they give back to the earth for its bounty. Druids
Modifier to Constitution feat checks against any Fire or themselves are always conscious about what they
Lightning hazard. This bonus also applies to exposure or render unto the earth and are willing to die to defend it.
exhaustion checks that are due to variations of GRAPH Failure to respond to environmental threats can strip the
statistics. druid of his powers, cause a loss to Standing, apply
Secret Language (1): Nature priests make use of secret penalties to spell casting, or any combination of the
language known only to them. This grants the character above. It is also not uncommon for Druids who have lost
the Knowledge-druid tongue skill at rank 3 for free in their way to be cursed by some deformity that mirrors
addition to that character’s native culture and language. the ecological threat they ignored. Such a curse may
It is considered highly taboo to teach this language to cause a druids touch to kill plants or for all animals to
other, non-druids, and doing so my result in the attack them violently.
expulsion of the character from that druids priesthood Purity (2): Nature priests live primitive and basic lifestyles
or even that character’s termination as this is one the even if the society around or near them is advanced. As
few methods of control and intelligence that the Druids such they must shun all elements of technology that are
have. at Progress Level 2 or higher. They may take skills like
Shape Changing (2): A Nature priest’s most coveted gift is Construction-blacksmith or Engineering but they do not
his ability to change into the creatures of the wilderness. wish to mine the earth or to form a business around
This is a Super Power FX ability that uses the basic rules such activity.
of the Alteration-shape change spell. This ability is Druids cannot wear metal armor nor may they use
gained at Rank 1 for free and can be improved at its list metal shields. Weapons made of metal are acceptable
cost. This power does have a limit of size options in that however. A Druid cannot use crossbows, any type of
the Druid cannot change into a creature of size category firearm or demolitions. Failure to abide by any of these
greater than Large or less than Small. The animal form stricture results in a 1 point reduction to the Adept’s
must also be warm-blooded. Avians are included Standing score and a +1 penalty to the casting of spells.
because they are also warm-blooded creatures. The penalty is increased for each transgression and can
This power also has a unique quality in that the be removed by the use of the Faith Feat ability called
Druid can heal some or all of any damage he or she may ‘Atonement’, which is described in chapter 3 of book 2.
have sustained. This amount is 1d4 points healed with a Lost points to Standing must be regained normally.
–2 to a +1 modifier for a Marginal to an Amazing result. Required Skills (1): At first level the Druid character must
This is determined by the result of the shape change purchase the Nature-ecology, herbalism, and
spell and can only have effect if initiated by the Adept, meteorology, Animal Handling, and Movement-
not the ending of the spell duration. This power heals trailblazing skills.
only Stun and Wound damage (player’s choice of
priority) with Mortal and Fatigue damage remaining FX Broad Skills
unaffected. Required: Animal, Plant, or Weather
Skill Bonus (1): A Druid receives a -1 Situation Modifier Available: Animal, Abjuration, Aid, Divination, Elemental
when using Nature, Survival, Outdoors, and any Magic, Guardian, Plant, Travelers, and Weather.
Knowledge-lore skill that deals with nature like plant Barred: Black Magic, Cosmos, Numerology, Shamanism,
lore or animal lore. Thought, and War
One of the first members of the Believer Adept
Diplomat Careers
Diplomat careers cover the spectrum of the secondary
profession, the Shaman petitions spirits on behalf of his professions they can chose from. Acting primarily as deal-
tribe. Coming primarily from a hunter-gatherer makers and negotiators, diplomats also need other skills
background, the Shaman is as rugged as any barbarian is. when talk fails. Diplomats need high Personality and Will
In fact their special benefits and hindrances are the same. scores and should take advantage of these abilities with
The Shaman does not see the world in terms of gods or skills like Culture, Deception, Leadership, Administration,
philosophies. Instead he beckons to the spirits of his Resolve, Business, Law, and Teach.
ancestors, the land, of dreams and animals for guidance
and aid. While he may recognize gods and even Ambassador
acknowledge their strength and influence, this Adept An ambassador is an official representative of one
follows a different path. organization to another. He has the ability to speak and
As they belong to a wandering culture a Shaman’s negotiate for the persons who he represents.
rituals are variants of this lifestyle. When men come of age
they must survive alone in the wilderness, seeking their Secondary Profession: Any
spiritual guide and protector. When they seek guidance Skill Package: Law-court procedures; Administration-
they commune with the spirits of their ancestors who have bureaucracy; Awareness-perception; Culture-diplomacy,
gone before him. Given to wandering the Shaman is less etiquette (specific #1), etiquette (specific #2);
likely to be tied by social mores and usually comes and Deception-bluff, bribe; Interaction-charm.
goes as he pleases. FX Package: Enchantment-charm; Divination-know
Signature Equipment: Formal clothing
Special Benefits
Action Bonus (1): A Shaman is a stout warrior and has
spent years listening to their instincts when in a fight or
tense situation. Because of this conditioning, a Shaman The antiquarian is a keeper of knowledge. He
may add one more point to their Action Check score. frequents book shops, libraries, museums, and private
Skill Check Bonus (2): A Shaman gain a -1 Situation collections to garner obscure and ancient information.
Modifier with War Craft, Survival, Athletics, Movement,
and Outdoors broad and specialty skills. Secondary Profession: Specialist
Skill Package: Knowledge-read/write, lore (taken for
Special Hindrances several areas of knowledge), history; Metaphysics;
Chapter 2: Careers
Signature Equipment: Historical texts, rumpled clothes, Skill Package: Athletics-climb, jump, throw; Acrobatics-
various cultural artifacts. dodge, fall; Manipulate-prestidigitation; Deception-bluff;
Entertain-act, dance, juggle, musical instrument, sing;
Appraiser Interact-charm, intimidate.
Appraisers are skilled at examining an object, FX Package: Divination-know, Enchantment-charm, hinder,
determining its value, and then relaying that information suggest.
to the owner. Sometimes they tell the truth; other times Signature Equipment: Juggling knives, lute, book of poems,
they use the Deception-bluff skill. Often they use their brightly colored cape, and rapier.
skills to run pawn and loan shops and occasionally fence
black market goods. Others hold legitimate jobs and use Cleric
their services to ascertain values and help kingdoms and Cleric and priest are two titles that were kicked
businesses alike to plan. around a bit in other games as being the same. A cleric is a
functionary of a church and fulfills roles other than spell
Secondary Profession: Rogue casting. Many are scribes, some are envoys, and others are
Skill Package: Business-appraising, small, illicit; managers of church business. Therefor a cleric is always a
Awareness-perception; Deception-bluff. priest, but a priest is not always a cleric.
Signature Equipment: Formal clothes, measuring scales. Clerics are the clergy and sometimes soldiers of their
religions and churches, acting as bastions of their beliefs
Bard and servants to philosophies of various alignments and/or
Bards are wandering minstrels who weave spells as gods. Clerics are the most progressive type of Priest
well as songs. Being similar to the Entertainer career presented here and are most common in PL2 and higher
below, a Bard seeks to entertain others but has magical settings. This is due primarily to their role in society and
qualities that the other career does not. To a Bard his the fact that larger kingdoms and/or nations usually also
Fame is the root of his special abilities and so adventuring occupy higher progress level regions. In these settings,
and danger seeking is a natural course of action for these these large political bodies usually have a single or
heroes. dominate religion of which the Cleric is a member, the
Bards begin the game with a Fame of 3. This result of which is a Priest whose focus is on the strength of
attribute is as important to a Bard as Standing is to a the religion as a state institution as well as that of the god
Believer. As this score increases so does their Influence itself.
Reactions benefit. Clerics are generally Monotheistic, Polytheistic, Priests
of Good, or Priests of Balanced Forces. Few are Godmen as
Special Benefits their role is to advance a church or temple and its people
Influence Reactions (1): Bards gain a -1 Situation Modifier as a whole.
for every three points of Fame earned for any encounter
skills used following a successful use of their Entertain Secondary Profession: Believer
skill. This Situation Modifier cannot exceed a –5 bonus. Skill Package: Knowledge-first aid, religious doctrine;
Inspire Allies (1): A Bard can grant his or her allies a -1 Resolve-mental resolve; Teach; Culture-etiquette;
Situation Modifier to any attack rolls and an increased of Leadership-inspire.
+1 to all Resistance Modifiers. This only takes effect if FX Package: As per Believer careers choices
the Bard performs any successful Entertain skill or is Signature Equipment: Holy symbol and holy text.
allowed to speak (and be heard) for no less than one
round (4 phases). This must be done within minutes of Entertainer
the conflict. Anytime period longer than five minutes These diplomats represent talented individuals who
cancels the abilities benefits and must be started again. are either one-man shows or are members of large
companies or troupes. The Entertainer is a Rogue version
Special Hindrances of the Bard career and is just as likely to pursue the quest
Required Abilities (1): A Bard must have an 11 or better in for Fame.
Dexterity, Intelligence, and Personality.
Required Skills (1): Bards must purchase the Entertain, Secondary Profession: Rogue
Manipulate, and Athletics-climb skills at 1st level. With Skill Package: Awareness-intuition; Creativity; Deception-
the Entertainment skill the Bard must select at least two bluff; Entertainment; Interaction-charm, seduce.
specialty skills at rank 1 or higher. Signature Equipment: Performing costume, musical
Limited Attitudes (1): A Bard is limited to having the Anti- instrument.
Authority, Gallant, Just, Honorable, and Selfish Moral
Attitudes. Most are Bards are Gallant. Field Agent
These persons are leaders of missions for powerful
Secondary Profession: Arcanist organizations. Responsible for security, tactical planning,
and command these persons are part leader and part
Chapter 2: Careers
baby-sitter. In most cases the results of a mission or quest Military Officer
are the sole responsibility of the agent and he is liable for Military officers are commanders in the field of war
the actions of those ‘under his wing’. using their tactical training where it is best suited. While
In many ways the field agent acts as a motivator and being capable fighters their greatest abilities lie in tactics
leader, but is expected to pull his weight as a fighter when and leadership.
the going gets rough.
Secondary Profession: Warrior
Secondary Profession: Rogue Skill Package: Armor Optimization-heavy armor; Athletics-
Skill Package: Unarmed Attack; Ranged Weapons- joust; Melee Weapons-blades; Ranged Weapons-
crossbow; Knowledge-read/write 3, deduce, first aid; crossbow; Tactics-infantry tactics; Administration-
Law-law enforcement; Tactics; Administration- bureaucracy; Leadership-command.
management; Investigate-interrogate; Culture; Signature Equipment: Chain mail, broad sword, shield,
Interaction-interview, intimidate; Leadership-command. lance, war horse, one NPC attendant.
Signature Equipment: Several thousand gold pieces in
credit. Noble
Nobles are the inheritors of titles, land, and deeds that
Functionary have insured their wealth by name and birth. While many
A Functionary is a person who is dedicated to making rule in petty baronies some are in line of succession for
sure that the organization they belong to works effectively kingdoms and empires.
towards its goals. Sometimes workhorses and sometimes Nobles adventure for a variety of reasons. Some are
leaders the Functionary will do whatever it takes to philanthropists, some seek to advance their kingdoms or
achieve the goals of his allegiance. lands through war or exploration, while others are simply
bored and are looking for a thrill.
Secondary Profession: Specialist
Skill Package: Administration-management; Investigate- Secondary Profession: Warrior
search; Business-large business; Law; Interaction- Skill Package: Armor Optimization; Melee Weapons-blades;
interview. Business-large business; Animal Handling-riding;
Signature Equipment: Tools or writing instruments Culture-diplomacy, etiquette; Deception-bribe, gamble.
Signature Equipment: Quality mount, chain mail, long
Guide sword or rapier.
The Guide is a person who is familiar with both the ‘lay
of the land’ and the inhabitants who dwell within. Often Psychic
sought to guide caravans and pilgrimages, the Guide’s This diplomat supplements encounter skills with
greatest skills are their ability to negotiate safe passage. psionic powers. Some of these persons are celebrated
prophets while other are wandering gypsies.
Secondary Profession: Rogue
Skill Package: Athletics-climb; Movement-trailblazing; Secondary Profession: Mindwalker
Navigation-surface navigation; Animal Handling; Skill Package: Lore-psionic lore; Deception-bluff;
Outdoors-fire building; Culture-etiquette. Interaction-bargain, interview.
Signature Equipment: Compass, maps of the area, FX Skills: ESP-empathy, mind read, precognition.
provisions. Signature Equipment: Tarot cards, rune dice, crystals.
Chapter 2: Careers
Trader senses”. So say the words of Tsi Sun, the great Mindwalker
Traders are small businessmen and independent philosopher.
merchants who operate in every campaign. Dealing with The Inseer is a Mindwalker who holds all disciplines of
all sorts of persons a Trader needs a good assortment of psionic power as being equally important. Seeking
skills to deal with a variety of situations. meditation first and relying on an impressive array of
psionic abilities to succeed, the Inseer is in some ways the
Secondary Profession: Specialist or Rogue true Psionic Adept.
Skill Package: Ranged Weapons-crossbow; Business-small
business; Interaction-bargain. Special Benefits
Signature Equipment: Measuring scales, Crossbow, Wagon Even Flow (1): Practicing a balancing act between powers
or Small coastal ship in need of repairs. grants the Inseer the benefit of never needing to pay
more than 3 skill points for any Psionic Broad skill. This
benefit, however, does not effect the cost of the Specialty
Mindwalker Careers skills.
Mindwalkers careers are primarily based on the list-1 Special Hindrances
bonus granted to a psionic discipline. As explained before, Talent Requirements (1): The Inseer must start the game
a Psionic Adept gains this cost reduction to all broad and as an Amazing talent and must spend no less then two-
specialty skills within a discipline. This means that a thirds of his available broad skills on psionic broad
Mindwalker who chooses the Clairsentient discipline gains skills.
that benefit for the ESP, Psychic, and Sensory Manipulation
broad and specialty skills. Secondary Profession: Specialist
A universal benefit option applies to all of the career Skill Package: Acrobatics-defensive martial arts; Medicine-
option listed except for the Inseer. This benefit, and its psychology; Awareness-intuition; Lore-psionic lore;
accompanying hindrance is as follows: Psyche-psychic combat; Resolve-mental resolve; Teach-
psionic skills.
Special Benefit FX Package: An Inseer seeks to purchase broad skills from
Devotion (2): The Adept gains a –1 Situation Modifier to as many different disciplines as possible to increase his
the use of all specialty skills within any one broad skill of knowledge of psionics as a whole. Once this is done the
choice. This bonus must apply to a broad skill in the remainder of his skill point are usually spent to achieve
same discipline as that chosen by the player to receive rank 1 in as many specialty skills as possible. This
the list-1 bonus to cost. removes the +1 penalty for broad skill use in many
areas and makes the Inseer a formidable and capable
Special Hindrance opponent.
Unfamiliar (2): All other psionic broad skills that are
outside of the Adept’s chosen discipline suffer a list+1
cost increase.
Rogue Careers
Each discipline has a possible title for a devotee as Rogues come in many different types. Some are
shown on the table below. Within each discipline it is not miserable thieves and thugs while others are honorable
unheard of for Mindwalkers to further subdivide agents on the side of law. The primary characteristic of a
themselves into devotees of specific broad skills. As a Rogue is the ability to succeed alone.
discipline can be seen as a school of thought, conflicts can
arise between similar Psionic Adepts. A good example is a Bounty Hunter
Telepathic school where some students focus on Ego skills Similar to an assassin, the bounty hunters primary
while other, more nefarious students concentrate on concerns is the apprehension of a wanted man. Whether
Manipulate skills. that person is alive or dead is another issue. Bounty
hunters may work by contract only; similar to a hired
Discipline Possible Title killer, but may not be so prone to actually killing each
Clairsentience Seer quarry. Other may frequent taverns and jailhouses to
Psychokinesis Kineticist found out who is wanted and for how much.
Psychometabolic Physical Adept
Psychoportive Porter Skill Package: Ranged Weapons-crossbow; Rope Use-bind;
Telepathy Telepath Stealth-shadow; Investigate-interrogate, search, track;
Street Smart; Interaction-interview.
Signature Equipment: Crossbow, leather armor, one or two
Inseer known bounties.
“All Disciplines are the same. It is only a matter of
expression that makes them appear different to the
Chapter 2: Careers
Con Artist
This rogue loves shell games. Whether the game uses Investigator
three shells and a pea or large sums of money or goods “It takes a thief to catch a thief”. This rogue works for
supposedly arriving on a late ship are no matter. This the local law, applying his expert knowledge of
rogue differs from a their in that the execution of a crime investigation to solve crimes and to arrest nefarious
or fraud is carried out right in front of the victim; organizations. Most of their investigations are local but
sometimes even with their permission. For this reason a they sometimes stumble onto web of conspiracy that can
Con Artist needs a high Personality score. Having a high take them far and wide. Often limited by jurisdiction, they
Will is also beneficial. must sometimes work undercover in other lands.
Skill Package: Manipulation-pick pocket; Awareness- Skill Package: Ranged Weapons-pistol; Stealth-shadow;
intuition; Street Smart; Deception-bluff, bribe, gamble; Knowledge-deduce; Law-law enforcement; Creativity-
Entertain-fortune telling; Interaction-charm. disguise; Investigate-search; Street Smart-street
Signature Equipment: Formal clothes, deck of cards, fake knowledge.
jewelry. Signature Equipment: Wheel lock pistol, magnifying glass,
lock pick set.
Sea wolves, pirates, buccaneers, call them what you Outlaw
will. The Corsair can fit any of those descriptions but they Outlaws represent brigands and bandits as well as the
may also work for the side of justice or the establishment. good guys striking out against a corrupt lord. As their
Some started their careers as raiders and were then name indicates they are criminals but they often fight laws
offered an opportunity to stop the criminals they once that they feel are not just. On the other hand many are
associated with. Others were free lance captains or naval simply raider making the lives of traveling merchants
captains who realized they could make better pay looting miserable.
on the high seas.
Skill Package: Ranged Weapons-bows; Tactics; Outdoors-
Skill Package: Athletics-climb; Melee Weapons-blades; set snares; Street Smart-criminal elements.
Vehicle Op-sea vessel; Ship Op-sails, signaling; Tactics; Signature Equipment: Short bow, knife, 100 meters of rope.
Street Smart.
Signature Equipment: Cutlass, Coaster or Cog, 5 bonus skill Scout
points if the character has a peg-leg or a hook for a hand. Similar to the Guide career for Diplomats, the Scout
applies his knowledge of trails and the land to assist the
Explorer movement of armies and to locate the enemy in the field.
Searching for ancient secrets, treasures, or just the Scouts are always in danger of being caught and most are
expanding man’s knowledge of the frontier the explorer not allowed to return to their employeers.
relies on survival skills to perform his job. Other skills like
Culture-diplomacy can also serve well. Skill Package: Athletics-throw; Ranged Weapons-rifle;
Movement-swim, trailblazing; Stamina-endurance;
Skill Package: Athletics-climb; Movement-swim, Survival-survival training; Animal Handling-riding;
trailblazing; Survival-survival training; Navigation- Investigate-track; Knowledge-first aid.
surface navigation; Creativity-cartography. Signature Equipment: Long rifle, compass, hand ax.
Signature Equipment: Spyglass, paper and chalk for
drawing, excavation tools, leather armor, pack mule, Smuggler
short sword, short bow. Whether by land or by sea these rogues peddle goods
that are illegal but that are in high demand. Smugglers
Gambler must be ready to fight when negotiations fails, or be ready
Fit the classic gunslinger model, the gambler likes high to flee.
stakes and high risks to challenge his skills. While they
often limit their activities to games of chance they also take Skill Package: Unarmed Attack; Vehicle Operation;
on bigger gambits as long as they feel they can win. As an Business-illicit; Deception-bluff, bribe; Interaction-
aside note this career works equally as well with the bargain, taunt.
Diplomat profession. Signature Equipment: Small cog or horse-drawn cart, club,
legal goods with hidden compartments.
Skill Package: Ranged Weapons-pistol; Manipulate-pick
pocket; Street Smart-criminal elements; Deception-bluff, Spy
gamble; Interaction-charm, seduce. Spies are infiltrates whose sole purpose is to gather as
Signature Equipment: Starwheel pistol, deck of cards or much information as they can and safely return to their
Chapter 2: Careers
employers. As most clandestine knowledge is subject to
change once compromised the spy must also ensure that Crewman
his efforts go unnoticed. These specialists fill the higher ranks on shipboard
crews. They know better than their fellow crewmen do
Skill Package: Unarmed Attack; Athletics-climb, jump, how to speed the ship along and keep things running
throw; Stealth-sneak; Investigate-interrogate; effectively. Often times the even serve as officers of lower
Interaction-seduce. ranks and are responsible for navigation.
Signature Equipment: Dose of poison, paper and ink for
notes. Skill Package: Rope use-secure; Vehicle Operation-water
craft; Navigation-surface navigation; Ship Operation-
Thief sails, signaling, shipwright; Heavy Weapons-direct fire;
Being burglars and housebreakers, few love thieves. Awareness-perception.
The quest for gold and treasure is only matched by their Signature Equipment: Knife, rope, signaling whistle.
thrill of the quest itself. They often pursue a job simply for
the challenge. As such the best thieves target the most Doctor
valuable of items as their targets. Sought after to cure all manner of aliments the Doctor
is the next best thing to the Aid-heal spell. In addition to
Skill Package: Athletics-climb; Manipulate-lockpick, those skills listed, many also take Medicine-surgery or
set/disarm traps; Stealth-hide, sneak; Business-illicit; Animal Handling-veterinary healing.
Signature Equipment: Lock picks, dark suit, grappling hook Skill Package: Crafting-healer’s tools; Alchemy-concocting,
and rope. toxins; Medicine-diagnostics, medical knowledge,
treatment; Interaction-interview.
Signature Equipment: Healers bag, magnifying glass.
Specialist Careers
The goal of a specialist is to explore a broad skill and Engineer
become the best at it. Focusing on their cost benefits for Engineers are hired to build castles and temples,
many skills, the Specialist is the expert in many areas of expanding a kingdom or build one where none exists.
knowledge and practical application. Often they must survey and area first and may hire other
to aid them should the local denizens prove unfriendly.
The Alchemist is a specialist that uses the Alchemy- Skill Package: Construction; Demolitions-set explosives;
concocting skill like Adepts use spells – often. This Engineering-aqueducts, fortifications; Science-physics;
character supplements his income or his adventuring Tinkering.
career with a healthy dose of potions and other Signature Equipment: Surveying gear, machete (hand ax),
concoctions to make ends meet. They often go one quests spyglass.
to find rare and exotic ingredients or to uncover treasure
to supplement their research. Pilot
Pilots represent higher progress level operators who
Skill Package: Crafting-gem cutting; Alchemy-concocting; use airborne craft. Some are ace fighters while other run
Business-small; Science-chemistry; Metaphysics; cargo missions. Because one can never be sure of
Interaction-bargain. tinkering completely having the Survival skill helps when
Signature Equipment: Spellbook, Dagger, travelling kit for parachute works but the aircraft does not.
taking samples, 3 concoctions of choice.
Skill Package: Vehicle Op-aircraft; Acrobatics-daredevil;
Apothecary Ranged Weapons-pistol; Survival; Navigation-surface
The Apothecary is similar to both a doctor and an navigation; Tinkering-repair.
alchemist; dabbling in both arts. Their primary concern is Signature Equipment: Pilot goggles, parachute, starwheel
aiding the sick with poultices, salves, and ointments. In pistol, knife, survival gear.
addition many apothecaries run small businesses selling
concoctions to those in pain. They all specialize in Smith
examining a person and then creating a remedy. Smiths are skilled with their hands and are master
craftsmen. The skills below represent a broad selection of
Skill Package: Knowledge-brewing, cooking, first aid; knowledge and many smiths concentrate on few skills than
Alchemy-concocting; Medicine-diagnostic; Agriculture- this.
gardening; Nature-herbalism.
Signature Equipment: Ordinary quality lab.
Chapter 2: Careers
Skill Package: Construction-blacksmith, smelting; Crafting- Dragoon
locksmith; Creativity-engraving. The Dragoon is a mounted rifleman who combines the
Signature Equipment: Blacksmith tools, leather apron. speed of a horse with the deadly accuracy of the caviler.
While still apart of a larger unit, often times a Dragoon
Tinker cavalry acts separately as a flanking unit and must be able
Tinkers are usually associated with Gnomes and while to think tactically and on the move.
that is not untrue many campaigns include other races
with knowledge in this area. Tinkers are responsible for Weapon Specialty: Ranged Weapons-rifle
inventions in any progress level and while they seem to fit Skill Package: Melee Weapons; Tactics-cavalry; Animal
into a Progress Level 3 or higher environment they can be Handling-riding.
used in lower ones as well. Consider that someone had to Signature Equipment: Caviler, cavalry sword, war horse.
invent scissors and the magnifying glass. That person was
probably a tinker. Duelist
Similar to a Gladiator, the Duelist fights his battles
Skill Package: Manipulate-set/disarm traps; Science- man to man – in single combat. Preferring either the
physics; Tinkering-invention, juryrig, repair, tinker rapier or the wheel lock pistol as weapons of choice this
knowledge; Creativity. warrior settles matters of honor with mortal stakes.
Signature Equipment: Tool box, tool harness.
Weapon Specialty: Melee Weapons-blades or Ranged
Warrior Careers Skill Package: Stamina-resist pain; Tactics-melee tactics;
Interaction-charm, intimidate.
Warriors come in many varieties. Most of these
characters have high Strength and Constitution scores. Signature Equipment: Rapier or wheel lock pistol, Formal
Others also favor Dexterity and Intelligence as well. clothing.
Archer Guard
The archer relies on his keen vision and long range to These are warriors who protect a location or a person
wear the enemy down before melee is engaged. Archers from intrusion and harm. While combat skills are a must
should have a decent Will score as well as an 11 or higher the guard must also pay some attention to Awareness
in Dexterity. skills. Investigate-search is also a good idea.
Brawler Gladiator
Brawlers specialize in hand-to-hand fighting and Forced to fight for their lives, gladiators are grim
close-quarter battles. He’s a boxer, a street fighter, or warriors seeking glory and fame or simple freedom. Some
hired muscle – mean and strong. The brawler fights for seek glory in an arena or pit but most are slaves or
honor, money of just to survive. criminals fighting for their lives and for the glory of their
Weapon Specialty: Unarmed Attack-brawl
Skill Package: Melee Weapons; Street Smart-criminal Weapon Specialty: Tactics-melee tactics
elements; Deception; Interaction-intimidate. Skill Package: Armor Optimization-shields; Melee
Signature Equipment: Knife Weapons; Unarmed Attack-brawl; Acrobatics-dodge;
Stamina-resist pain; Resolve-physical resolve.
Constable Signature Equipment: If a free Gladiator – Cestus, leather
This warrior is a soldier of the streets, enforcing the armor, whip, trident. If a slave – none.
law or his lords will in that city or land.
Weapon Specialty: Melee Weapons-bludgeon Knights are charged by their lords to enforce the laws
Skill Package: Melee Weapons-bludgeon; Law-law of the land and to fight the kingdoms enemies. In exchange
enforcement; Investigate; Street Smart. most knights are afforded land and titles to compensate
Signature Equipment: Night stick (club), ropes for binding, them for their duties. While similar to both the Justice and
Chapter 2: Careers
Constable careers, the Knight is also a soldier or officer and rogues and diplomats. The Partisan is the warrior’s
fulfills a military role. contribution to the war of civil liberties.
The skills presented below are for a partisan operating
Weapon Specialty: Athletics-joust primarily in the wilderness. For more urban styled
Skill Package: Armor Optimization-heavy armor; Melee characters replace the Survival and Outdoors skills with
Weapons; Tactics-cavalry; Animal Handling-riding; Street Smart-criminal elements and Security-traps and
Culture-heraldry, etiquette. devices. The Demolitions skill only applies in campaigns
Signature Equipment: War horse, partial plate armor, that allow smokepowder.
lance, mace, shield, flag standard.
Weapon Specialty: Ranged Weapons-crossbow
Marine Skill Package: Unarmed Attack; Survival-survival training;
Marines are shipboard fighters who off-load into Demolitions; Outdoors-set snares; War Craft-bows;
unfriendly ports or onto unfriendly ships. Marine tactics Interaction-intimidate
involve the overwhelming of the enemy by sheer Signature Equipment: Crossbow, survival gear.
firepower and force.
Weapon Specialty: Melee Weapons-blades or Heavy The Soldier belongs to a standing military force. They
Weapons-direct fire. can serve in many capacities, even as officers.
Skill Package: Unarmed Attack-brawl; Vehicle Operation-
water craft; Movement; Ship Op; Tactics-infantry. Weapon Specialty: Melee Weapons-blades
Signature Equipment: Great ax, partial plate. Skill Package: Armor Optimization; Unarmed Attack;
Ranged Weapons; Stamina-endurance; Movement-
Martial Artist trailblazing; Tactics.
An aesthetic that seeks fullness through physical Signature Equipment: Broad sword, chain mail, shield.
perfection, the Martial Artist is not a warrior to be taken
lightly. The Martial Artist usually lives by a code and value Weaponeer
system that is apart of his training. Some pursue the The weaponeer is an expert in the use of heavy and
maximum ranks they can afford in power martial arts team weapons. Found at key locations on a battlefield this
while other, more pacifistic warriors, prefer defensive warrior loves big weapons. In infantry units they wield a
martial arts. blunderbuss or even a light ballista. In defensive positions
they may command a catapult crew or shipboard weapons
Weapon Specialty: Unarmed Attack-power martial arts as well.
Skill Package: Athletics-jump; Melee Weapons; Acrobatics-
defensive martial arts, fall; Stamina-endurance, resist Weapon Specialty: Heavy Weapons-direct fire or indirect
pain; Awareness-intuition; Resolve-physical resolve. fire.
Signature Equipment: Nunchaku, sandals. Skill Package: Demolitions; Tinkering-repair; Awareness-
Mercenary Signature Equipment: Blunderbuss, chain mail.
A Mercenary is a soldier who sells his skills to the
highest bidder. The Mercenary needs every advantage he
can get. While dealing out damage is key, so is defense.
Don’t forget that before an assignment this character
Occasionally a character enters the scene that is above
usually must bargain for his pay as well. Some of these the normal kin of mankind. These persons are called
warriors are solo acts, while other belong to guilds. The Legends. Some are born of both man and god, some are
latter case can involve an allegiance. destined to perform some great event or deed, while
others are of a race that is from another dimension.
Weapon Specialty: Melee Weapons-blades Regardless of origin the Legend character is by default a
Skill Package: Armor Op-heavy armor; Unarmed Attack- ‘mover and shaker’ despite his or her best efforts to avoid
brawl; Ranged Weapons-bows; Stamina-endurance; attracting attention.
Movement; Survival; Interaction-bargain, intimidate. These characters are by all means optional. The
Signature Equipment: Partial plate mail, great ax. inclusion of this type of character changes the nature of the
campaign in a way that shifts a majority of the game focus
Partisan on that character. Before allowing this option ask the
The partisan represents revolutionaries, guerilla other players if they mind being involved in this type of
fighters, terrorists, and the strong arm of political groups. campaign. Often times this character type works best in
Skilled at remaining hidden until the time is right to strike single character games. However other players may also
these underground warriors fight against who ever is in wish to be a Legend as well. If this is the case then the
power. Politically motivated groups are often homes for focus of the campaign should include them all.
Chapter 2: Careers
Regardless of the type of Legend chosen, each has an unjust nobility or to expel the influence of powerful
several similar attributes as follows: beings like gods or outsiders.
Achievement Benefits: A Legend may purchase While mortal and using the same rules that other
achievement benefits at one-half the listed cost rounded heroes do, the destined hero has some special benefits to
up. The only exception to this is the removing of a flaw. help him reach his goal. A good example of a destined hero
This remains normal. is King Arthur who was foretold to unite all of Britain.
Required Flaw: As a hindrance they must take the Powerful Call on Fate: The destined hero can ‘Call on Fate’ as often as
Enemy flaw which provides no bonus skill points. This he wishes without penalty. If a Critical Failure is rolled
flaw is usually set at the most extreme level however then it is treated as a normal failure result. This check
Game Masters are free to custom fit it within their also receives the –1 bonus stated below.
campaign design. Clear Future: The future of the destined hero is easier to
see by use of FX abilities. Information gained through
In most cases the Legend character selects a race and a these means, as well as through the use of mundane
profession normally. Any exceptions to this are included skills like Metaphysics-astrology or prophesy, always
in the descriptions below. Benefits and hindrances, perks, render clearer and more exact information than is usual
and flaws can be purchased normally. Mutations should be for the result generated.
avoided as they may complicate the character’s description Item of Power: At sometime during the hero’s career he
and should only be allowed if they make sense. will learn of a weapon or item of great power that can
help him achieve his goal. Finding the weapon is usually
Demigod a quest unto itself and may be the first adventure the
The Demigod is a product of a relationship between a hero undertakes. The item is always useful and never
deity and a mortal man or woman. In the classic sense has a curse or drawback that would hinder the
most are human but other races can be used. The best character’s destiny. Being the subject of a grand and
example of a demigod is Hercules, born of a mortal woman mission the item is never ‘run of the mill’.
and Zeus. The demigod is a superior specimen being born Powerful Enemies: The destined hero’s enemies always
of the divine and as such they enjoy several benefits. come from the force or effect the hero is destined to
Increased Abilities: A Demigod character starts the game overcome. Often times the leaders of the enemy force
with 6 more points to distribute among his ability will not tell subordinates about the hero for fear of
scores. These bonus points can raise a score above the weakening moral however some issue warrants for the
racial maximum. hero’s capture or death, hiring every bounty hunter
Longevity: Long-lived and in remarkable health, demigods willing to except the job.
live on average twice as long as other members of their Shroud of Destiny: When actively pursuing his goal, the
species. destined hero gains a –1 Situation Modifier to all skill
Luck of the Gods: The demigod gains a bonus last resort and feat checks. This benefit does not apply for activities
point. This point recharges itself automatically every that are not directly related to the completion of the
adventure and need not be purchased. character’s destiny.
Powerful Enemies: The enemies of the demigod usually
come from the same pantheon as his immortal parent. Immortal
Some can be deities that have been cast out of the fold, By a twist of fate or divine intervention, this hero
and some may even be a jealous spouse. This being the never ages. The hero aged normally at first, but after
case the demigod can face some of the more powerful reaching a young adult or mature age his aging ceased.
beings in the game, sometimes with no warning at all. Others grow older but he does not. His children grow, age,
Super Power FX: As befits the spawn of a deity, the and die and generations pass.
demigod has special powers. The character begins the Many immortal characters see their gift as a curse.
game with the ability to buy Super Power FX abilities as Wandering the earth watching all they knew and loved
detailed in that chapter in book 2. Powers that are pass into oblivion while they remain. Others revel in it and
chosen should reflect the nature of the deity parent in use their gift to achieve their goals or simply flaunt their
some way. Hercules gained his father’s strength. A sea- uniqueness.
god’s child may select Power Swimming while deity of A good example of this type of character can be found
love may produce a child with Super Personality. There in the ‘Highlander’ movies.
is no fixed rule for this selection, only that the abilities Advanced Level: Unless the Game Master feels otherwise,
should reflect the parent gods attributes in some way. the immortal character has been around for sometime
and has by consequence a lot of experience. Immortals
Destined Hero add 10 to the average level of the campaign to determine
Born with a foretold quest, the destined hero has been their starting level. This assumes that the immortal is
prophesied to perform some great act or deed that will around for several hundred years and has accumulated
change the nature of the campaign as a whole. The much knowledge.
character may have been born to lead a revolution against
Chapter 2: Careers
Historical Witness: Having lived history the immortal they can literally break the rules of reality. While
character is better able to recall lore from the past. This effectively a normal member of their species they may
benefit manifests as a –1 Situation Modifier to the Lore differ in ways that are astounding. Imagine an elf as tall as
or Knowledge-history skills as well as others that have a a frost giant, a man who is so charming that any woman he
historical context. For example the hero may know that meets instantly falls in love with him, or a person who can
a kingdom attempted to settle an area long ago and that speak with animals at will. A Tall Tale character does
the denizens of that area may have lore, knowledge, or readily fit the ideals for a Warrior profession but differing
even fear of that ancient culture. campaign styles will have to dictate how they are used.
Mortal Resistance: Being immortal also makes the Adventures based around this type of character differ
character immune to certain effects that are deadly to from standard fantasy games in that they tend to be more
other, mortal characters. This type of character has a light-hearted. Quests and adventures should be humorous
Toughness of Good against all physical and energy and comical to some degree with the more dire nature of
attacks as well as Hazards. In addition to this mortal some campaign settings being put on hold. Examples of
damage can be healed as if wound damage. Furthermore this type of character range from everyone like Baron
when mortal damage is suffered the character does not Manchusen, to Paul Bunyon, even to Dr Doolittle.
need to roll further checks to avoid additional mortal Defy Reality: The Tall Tale character can attempt to change
damage. the laws of reality to overcome situations by merely
Aging Immunity: Immortals are immune to attacks that passing a Personality feat check. Game Masters can limit
cause aging and similar effects. Spells that effect time, the circumstances that call on this ability (with untimely
like Alteration-continuance do have their normal effects death being one of them) or may allow the character to
however. do so whenever he wishes. The spirit of this ability is
Powerful Enemies: The selection of enemies for an not to make spell effects more powerful or to cause more
immortal character is far more flexible than for other damage. Instead it allows the character to fulfill the
Legends. Literally any one could be an enemy. Having status off being a Tall Tale in the first place. Examples
been around a long time this character has had enough include riding canon balls or cyclones, creating a new
time to create many enemies, some of whom are still magic word that causes everyone to laugh
around. uncontrollably, or
Reoccurrence: Even after a Tall Tale’s demise they may
Outsider return if they are missed. In a way not unlike the
Outsider heroes are members of extra-dimensional essence of spirits, the Tall Tale continues to live else
races that are somehow involved in the campaign world. where even after death. If the Game Master desires they
They may be trapped there, on some type of long-term may actually be summoned by elaborate rituals, critical
mission, or condemned to the mortal world for a period of situations that require their presence, or even the
time as punishment. Regardless of the reason they are longing of a lonely child. May times this character does
here Outsiders stick out like a brick in a punch bowl. become a Tall Tale until after his demise. I such a case
Creating an Outsider character follows all of the adventures could be built around those times that the
standard rules as regards character creation except for the character ventures the world pursing his livelihood.
selection of race. In this case the character picks a race Trademark: Each Tall Tale character has a distinct
form the Outsiders chapter in book 3. This character uses trademark ability. This ability can be a spell-like effect, a
those powers and attacks that are listed, but selects his Super Power FX ability, or something completely
own ability scores and skills normally. Game Master's may different. It can be broad in scope and effect but it is
need to modify some scores as appropriate. very rarely a form of attack. Usually no roll is required
Powerful Enemies: Outsiders already have plenty of of the character and the ability just happens when
natural enemies from opposing planes. Celestial conditions are right.
outsiders could have fiends hounding their tails. Powerful Enemies: The Tall Tale character can have any
Elemental outsiders may have enemies from opposing number of powerful enemies but if this concept detracts
elements. Some outsiders have journeyed to the prime from the tone of the game dismiss it. One enemy that all
material plane to escape an angry god who can only Tall Tales face is being forgotten by the public at large.
attack through its minions. As the world changes, the Tall Tale can become obsolete
and his aid no longer needed.
Tall Tale
This character is larger than life. The Tall Tale
character can be the most difficult to play and to control as
Chapter 3: Skills
All skills in this game follow the same core rules as It is good to be reminded of a good deal and this is
detailed in the Alternity Players Handbook. Skills in blue something players should be aware of. Heroes may be
cannot be used untrained; a player must first purchase a able to purchase some rank benefits early if the benefit
Broad skill before advancing in rank with any of its is identified as such. Skills that are designated with the
related specialty skills and so on. The Profession Codes symbol may be purchased before the character
are a little different and are defined below. actually reaches the indicated rank. The cost for this is
the difference between the character’s current rank and
Profession Codes that required to gain the rank benefit normally. This
D = Diplomat difference is then multiplied by two. For example, a
R = Rogue character with rank 5 in brawl wants the rank 8
S = Specialist ‘increased damage’ benefit before reaching rank 8. The
W = Warrior difference between the ranks is 3, which becomes a cost
‘-‘ = Open of 6 skill points. Rank benefits that have the ⊗ symbol
next to them cannot be purchased early.
Every skill on the table has an entry in this book.
Those skills that remain unchanged from the Alternity Strength Skills Cost Pro. Page
Players Handbook entries are still mentioned; even if the
entry is brief. Rank benefits are given for all skills as a Armor Optimization 7 W 36
point of reference. Also game statistics are provided for Heavy Armor 3 W 36
reference as well and the entries include information from Shields 3 W 36
both the Alternity Players Handbook and the Alternity
Gamemaster's Guide. Athletics 3 - 36
Climb 2 - 37
Manipulate 6 - 43 Business 4 D 48
Lock Pick 4 R 43 Illicit Business 3 D, R 48
Pick Pocket 4 R 43 Large Business 3 D 48
Prestidigitation 3 D 43 Small Business 3 D 48
Set/Disarm Traps 3 R, S 43
Demolitions 6 W,S 48
Ranged Weapons 7 W 44 Disarm 4 S 49
Automatic Weapon 3 W 44 Scratch-Built 4 S 49
Blow Gun 3 W 44 Set Explosives 3 W,S 49
Bow 4 W 44
Crossbow 3 W 44 Engineering 7 S 49
Pistol 3 W 44 Aqueducts 3 S 49
Rifle 3 W 44 Fortifications 3 S,W 49
Sling 4 W 44 Mining 2 S 50
Siege Works 4 S,W 50
Rope Use 3 - 44 Space Works 5 S 50
Bind 1 - 45
Secure 1 - 45 Knowledge 3 - 50
Deduce 2 - 50
Stealth 7 R 45 First Aid 2 - 50
Hide 4 R 45 Languages 1 - 50
Shadow 4 R 45 Read/Write 1 - 50
Sneak 5 R 45 (specific) 1 - 50
Somatic Concealment 3 R 45
Law 5 D, R 50
Vehicle Operation 4 S 45 Court Procedures 3 D 51
Air Vehicle 5 S 46 Law Enforcement 3 W, R 51
Land Vehicle 4 S 46 (specific law) 1 - 51
Space Vehicle 5 S 46
Spelljamming 2 S 46 Life Shaping 7 S 51
Water Vehicle 3 S 46 Creatures 5 S 51
Products 3 S 51
Constitution Skills Cost Pro. Page Mutate 4 S 51
Tissues 4 S 52
Movement 3 - 46
Race 2 - 46 Medicine 6 S 52
Swim 1 - 46 Diagnostics 3 S 52
Trailblazing 3 R 46 Forensics 3 S 52
Medical Knowledge 3 S 52
Stamina 3 - 46 Psychology 3 S 52
Surgery 5 S 52
Treatment 4 S 52
Chapter 3: Skills
Metaphysics 5 - 53 Perception 2 - 58
Magical Theory 3 - 53
Prophesy 5 - 53 Creativity 4 - 58
(specific) 1 - 53 Cartography 1 - 58
Dreamscape 1 - 58
Nature 5 - 53 Engraving 1 - 58
Ecology 2 - 53 Forgery 1 - 58
Herbalism 4 S 53 Illusion Sculpting 1 - 59
Meteorology 2 - 53 Voice Mimicry 1 - 59
Writing 1 - 59
Navigation 6 S 53 (specific) 1 - 59
Phlo Navigation 3 S 54
Space Navigation 3 S 54 Investigate 7 R,S 59
Surface Navigation 3 S 54 Cryptography 3 R,S 59
Interrogate 4 R,W 59
Science 7 S 54 Read Lips 3 R 59
(specific) 3 S 54 Research 3 R, S 59
Search 4 R,S 59
Ship Operation 4 S 54 Track 4 R 59
Sails 3 S 54
Shipwright 4 S 54 Lore 3 - 60
Signaling 1 - 55 (specific) 1 - 60
(specific) 1 - 55
Outdoors 3 - 60
Tactics 6 S,W 55 Animal Noise 5 R 60
Cavalry Tactics 3 W 55 Hunting 3 W 60
Infantry Tactics 3 W 55 Fire Building 2 - 60
Melee Tactics 4 W 55 Fishing 3 - 60
Sentry Tactics 3 D, W 55 Set Snares 4 R 60
Space Tactics 3 S,W 55 (specific) 1 - 60
Vehicle Tactics 3 S,W 55
Psyche 6 - 61
Tinkering 7 S 56 Awaken 3 - 61
Invent 4 S 56 Psychic Combat 2 - 61
Juryrig 3 S 56
Fantasy Physics 3 S 57 Resolve 5 - 61
Repair 3 S 57 Mental Resolve 3 - 61
Tinker Knowledge 3 S 57 Physical Resolve 3 - 61
Chapter 3: Skills
Dexterity resistance modifier penalty associated with a
shield by 1 additional step. Distance Successes Time
For attacks, the shield is treated a Gauntlet (detailed in 1–30 m 2 1/minute
Chapter 4: Weapons and Armor) except that there is a +1 30–100 m 4 1/5 minutes
accuracy penalty applied. Shield rank benefits are detailed 100–1000 m 6 1/30 minutes
below. 1+ km 10+ 1/hour
Rank 2 – Shaking Off Stuns: Beginning at rank 2 the
character automatically reduces secondary and primary If a hero gets a Critical Failure on a climb check, he
stun damage by 1 point. This benefit is increased by 1 loses his grip and falls (unless equipment prevents it). If
point for every even rank gained to a maximum of 6 he has any actions left in the round, he can attempt to
points of stun reduced at rank 12. regain his hold by getting an Ordinary success or better on
Rank 4 - Reaction Parry: The character may use the a second climb check with a +1 penalty on top of any other
Reaction Parry benefit as given for Melee Weapons. modifiers that apply. If this attempt fails or if the hero has
Ranks 4, 7, & 10 – Improved Use: At the indicated ranks no remaining actions, he falls. Damage from the fall is
the reduction to armors action penalty score increase to lessened if the hero makes a successful untrained
2, 3, and 4 respectively. This benefit cannot be used to Dexterity check or an Acrobatics–fall skill check.
render a step bonus.
⊗ Ranks 6 & 12 - Damage Absorption: Not only can a shield Climbing Modifiers
be used to absorb secondary damage, it can also be used Sheer surface +3
to absorb primary damage as well. At rank 6 the Icy or slippery surface +2
protective value of the shield is increased by +1, at rank Darkness +1
12 this is increased again to a maximum of +2. It is Wet surface +1
important to note that this applies to primary damage Surface with some footholds -1
only. Surface with many footholds -2
Ranks 6 & 9 - Attack Bonus: At rank 6 the +1 penalty to Minimal climbing gear (gloves & -1
attacks using the shield is dropped. At rank 9 the sturdy shoes)
character can attack with the shield at a -1 Situation Partial climbing gear -2
Modifier. Full climbing gear -3
Sling (Cost 4 – W)
Chapter 3: Skills
Stealth (Cost 7 – R) Shadow (Cost 4 – R)
This broad skill provides a hero with the ability to Shadowing is the ability to follow a target without
hide, sneak, or otherwise move about without attracting being noticed by that target. The target a hero is
attention. The base situation die for a skill check is usually shadowing provides a Will resistance modifier to the
altered by the opponent's Will resistance modifier, as well hero's situation die. The skill used by the target to detect
as other conditions determined by the GM that may affect the shadowing character is Awareness–intuition.
the hero's ability to remain unnoticed or undetected. The hero must make a new shadow check every time
How well a hero uses Stealth or any of its associated the situation changes (he moves closer, he does something
specialties depends on the degree of success he achieves. to attract attention, etc.)
This success translates into a modifier that applies to an ⊗ Rank 5 - Increased Effect: As a hero achieves higher
observer's chance of noticing the hero with an Awareness– ranks in Stealth specialty skills, he becomes even more
perception, Awareness–intuition, or Investigate–search difficult to detect. An Amazing result on his skill check
skill check (depending on the particular Stealth skill being causes a +4 step penalty to be applied to the observer's
employed). skill check; a Good success means a +3 step penalty; an
If the hero's skill check results in a Critical Failure, the Ordinary success +2 steps, and a Marginal success +1
hero is liable to be noticed despite his best efforts; the step. The outcome of a Critical Failure result does not
observer's skill check is made with a –2 bonus. A Failure change.
result provides no modifier to the observer's skill check.
An Ordinary success gives the observer a +1 penalty; Sneak (Cost 5 – R)
Good, a +2 penalty; and Amazing, a +3 penalty. Sneaking is the ability to move silently so as to avoid
Obviously, a Stealth skill can't be used if the hero is being observed. While a hero is sneaking, he can move at
presently in plain sight of his opponent, or if the hero is up to ½ of his walk movement rate. The skill used by an
emitting sounds or smells that can reach the opponent. observer to detect a sneaking hero is Awareness–
Before you can hide from someone, or follow him without perception if the observer is expecting trouble, or
being seen, or sneak up on him, you first have to be in a Awareness–intuition if he is not.
situation or a position where the observer can't The hero must make a new sneak check in every round
immediately see or otherwise detect you. during which he continues to use this Stealth skill.
In addition, if a hero should succeed in using the sneak
Hide (Cost 4 – R) skill to get adjacent to an opponent (or to get within short
Hiding is the ability to stay unnoticed by keeping quiet, range, if the hero is using a ranged weapon), he can make
by taking advantage of cover or darkness, and by an attack in the same phase that the successful sneak took
remaining totally still. place—and the hero receives a situation die bonus to that
If a hero is alone when he hides, no modifier is applied attack, since he has surprised his opponent. The bonus is
to his situation die. If there's someone around whom he's determined by the level of success achieved: Ordinary, –1
trying to remain hidden from, then that character's Will step; Good, –2 steps; Amazing, –3 steps.
resistance modifier is applied to the situation die for the ⊗ Rank 6 - Increased Effect: As a hero achieves higher
hero's skill check. If more than one character attempts to ranks in Stealth specialty skills, he becomes even more
hide in the same place, a penalty ranging from +1 step to difficult to detect. An Amazing result on his skill check
+3 steps may be applied at the GM's discretion, depending causes a +4 step penalty to be applied to the observer's
on the situation. A new hide check is required whenever skill check; a Good success means a +3 step penalty; an
the hero does something to change the situation (move, Ordinary success +2 steps, and a Marginal success +1
turn on a light, make noise, etc.). step. The outcome of a Critical Failure result does not
Awareness–perception is the detection skill used by an change.
opponent who isn't actively searching for the hero;
Investigate–search is used if the opponent is specifically Somatic Concealment (Cost 3 – R)
looking for the hero in particular or any hidden foe in All FX abilities from the Arcane, Faith, and Shared
general. magic skill groups require a ‘ritual’ trapping. This means
⊗ Rank 4 - Increased Effect: As a hero achieves higher that the spell caster must perform some type of physical
ranks in Stealth specialty skills, he becomes even more movement to cast a spell. This skill helps the caster to hide
difficult to detect. An Amazing result on his skill check these movements and gestures from others when they feel
causes a +4 step penalty to be applied to the observer's it is appropriate.
skill check; a Good success means a +3 step penalty; an The result of the skill check provides a +1, +2, or a +3
Ordinary success +2 steps, and a Marginal success +1 penalty to the perception checks of onlookers to prevent
step. The outcome of a Critical Failure result does not them from noticing the casting. Marginal results offer no
change. penalty and Critical Failures provide those in view with a –
2 bonus. This skill can be very helpful in societies where
Chapter 3: Skills
magic is not tolerated or in situations where the separately.
anonymity of the spells origin is best left unknown.
At the DM’s option, this specialty skill can also be Land Vehicle (Cost 4 – S)
placed under the Manipulate broad skill. This specialty skill enables a hero to become trained in
⊗ Rank 3 - Increased Effect: As a hero achieves higher the use of a specific type of land vehicle. If he wants to be
ranks in Stealth specialty skills, he becomes even more skilled in the operation of more than one type of land
difficult to detect. An Amazing result on his skill check vehicle, he must purchase and improve each specialty skill
causes a +4 step penalty to be applied to the observer's separately.
skill check; a Good success means a +3 step penalty; an
Ordinary success +2 steps, and a Marginal success +1 Space Vehicle (Cost 5 – S)
step. The outcome of a Critical Failure result does not This skill can't be used untrained.
change. This specialty skill enables a hero to become trained in
the use of a specific type of space vehicle. If he wants to be
Vehicle Operation (Cost 4 – S) skilled in the operation of more than one type of space
The use of vehicles in fantasy campaigns is not nearly vehicle, he must purchase and improve each specialty skill
as common as with the standard Alternity game. Even still, separately.
there are crafts that adventures will use to get around. This skill is also used to operate the helm of large,
The most come type of vehicle in use are watercrafts. Land multi-crewed space vessels. Other aspects of a space
crafts are rare as most persons travel on a horse or other vehicle may require the Ship Operation broad skill to
beast of burden. Aircraft are even rarer and may be control.
limited to unique vehicle of this type. Types of space vehicles are discussed in the
Rank benefits for the various uses of this skill are Spelljamming section of chapter 7 in this book.
common regardless of which specific type of vehicle is
being used. Those rank benefits are as follows. Spelljamming (Cost 2 – S)
⊗ Rank 3 – Maintain Control: The vehicle operator gains a - This specialty skill differs from the space vehicle skill
2 Situation Modifier against losing control of his vehicle. do to the use of a spelljamming helm; a special magical
⊗ Ranks 4, 8, & 12 – Improved Proficiency: At the indicated item. The different types of ship systems that require this
ranks the character gains a –1, 2, or 3 Situation Modifier skill is discussed in the ‘Spelljamming’ section of chapter 7
while controlling a vehicle. in this book.
⊗ Rank 6 – Moderate Maneuver: At this rank the character
can specialize in a Moderate maneuver. This maneuver Water Vehicle (Cost 3 – S)
can be performed at no penalty. The control of a sea vessel is an important part of this
⊗ Rank 9 – Vehicle Dodge: At this rank the vehicles skill however there is more to manning one of these larger
controller can provide a +1 increase to resist incoming craft than merely holding on to the wheel and rudder.
fire if at least some type of maneuver is attempted in the Many of the ships mentioned on the table above also
same phase. require the Ship Operation skill to maneuver as well. This
⊗ Rank 12 - Extreme Maneuver: At this rank the character skill is called in to action during phase by phase conflicts
can specialize in an Extreme maneuver. This maneuver or in avoiding immediate disasters where speed is critical.
can be performed at only a +1 penalty. Ship Operation-sail manipulation, described later, is used
to determine the ships speed over a long voyage.
In addition to rank benefits characters can also
attempt to squeeze a little more speed out of their vehicles
by first stating that this is their intention and then by
rolling the appropriate skill check. A Good result allows
Constitution Skills
Constitution measures a hero’s stamina, general
the vehicle to increase it’s speed by 10% for that phase physical condition, and ability to absorb or withstand
only while an Amazing result allows the crafts speed to be physical trauma. Fighting off the effects of nausea after
increased by 30%. Ordinary results do not alter a vehicle’s being exposed to an unpleasant odor is an example of a
speed. While using this option, the craft cannot perform Constitution feat check.
any other type of maneuver.
Chapter 3: Skills
Race (Cost 2) If a success is generated, the quality of the result
This skill can’t be used untrained grants the character the ability to wake up and take action.
Purchasing this skill increases the character’s run rate In the phase that a threat is present an Ordinary check
by 2 meters. This skill gains the following rank benefits. allows for an Action Check at a +2 penalty, a Good a +1
⊗ Ranks 4, 7, & 12 – Increased Sprint: At the indicated penalty, and an Amazing check offers no penalty. A
ranks the character’s sprint move rate increases by 2 Marginal result grants the threat a free surprise attack or
meters. action that the character can not readily defend against. A
⊗ Ranks 5 & 9 – Increased Run: The run rate improves by 2 Critical Failure grants the threat a free surprise attack and
more meters at ranks 5 and 9. the first action taken by the sleeping character takes place
automatically in the Marginal phase of the next combat
Swim (Cost 1)
Except to determine if a hero can tread water to avoid
drowning, this skill can’t be used untrained. Resist Pain (Cost 4 – W)
This skill is needed for a character to use his swim This skill can’t be used untrained.
move rate. In addition the character gains a –1 step bonus This skill allows a character to ignore some or all of
to endurance checks for holding his breath. the penalties accumulated from excessive stun and
Ranks 4, 8, & 12 – Improved Breathing: The bonus to wounds as well as mortal damage. After the first penalty is
breathing improves to –2, -3, and –4 at the indicated applied the character makes this check immediately
ranks. without spending an action. The skill removes 1, 2, or 3
⊗ Ranks 4, 8, & 12 – Increased Speed: Both the easy swim steps of penalty based on its success and the bonus last for
and swim move rates increase by 1 meter each at the the remainder of the scene. This skill has no effect on
ranks indicated. fatigue damage.
Type of Device
Demolitions (Cost 6 – S, W) Skill Check Result Concussive Fragmentation Incendiary
This skill represents a persons knowledge of applying Critical Failure d4w d4+3m d6+2w
explosives to destroy specific targets in a specific manner. Failure Dud Dud Dud
This hero has working knowledge of handling explosives, Ordinary d6+2s d4+2w d4w
using fuses, and placing charges for maximum effect. This Good d8+2s d6+3w d4+2w
skill is also used in the manufacturing of weapons or Amazing d4w d4+3m d6+2w
devices that rely on gunpowder or explosives to create a
desired effect. On a Critical Failure the bomb explodes upon
While the concept of demolitions may seem out of completion of the creation process; injuring the maker.
place in a fantasy setting it is important to remember that The degree of success also indicates he complexity
where there are firearms there is gunpowder. And where required to disarm the device as well.
there is gunpowder, there are those who will use them in
large quantities and for devastating effect. In fact the use Set Explosives (Cost 3 – S, W)
of gunpowder may predate firearms as in the use of This skill improves a character’s ability to set
bamboo cannons by the Chinese. The types of possible manufactured explosives.
demolition gear available is discussed in chapter 5 of this
book. Engineering (Cost 7 – S)
When setting a charge a Failure result indicates that
This Broad skill can’t be used untrained.
the charge is a dud and will not detonate. A Critical Failure
Engineering is very similar to the Construction skill.
can indicate a premature detonation, depending on the
The difference is more a matter of complexity and size
type of explosive and the circumstances. If a hero wants to
than that of materials worked with. With Construction one
place a charge so that it won’t be easily found a complex
may make a door, but it requires Engineering to make a
skill check is needed. If the check succeeds at a Marginal
working drawbridge. Where Construction may make a
complexity then a +1 penalty applies to Awareness or
cart, Engineering is needed to make a siege tower.
Investigate-search checks used to uncover it. This penalty
Engineering feats require many workers and many
increases by +1 for each level of complexity passed to a
months to complete a project, but this skill provides some
maximum of +4 at Amazing. In addition to this if the check
the greatest works of mankind and their kin. Ancient
for placement also passes a Good complexity the
stone bridges that span mountain chasms, ziggurats for
detonation causes damage at one grade better. For
dead man-gods, dikes and canals that redirect rivers, and
completion of an Amazing complexity check the damage is
towers on mountains that point to the heavens.
two grades better.
Engineering requires a complex skill check. But many
of its applications are different than these other skills.
Engineering is the thinking process behind the actual
building of a project. In this sense it can be seen as being
Chapter 3: Skills
directly effected (and effecting) the Construction skill. A Agriculture 0
simple way to put it is that this skill cannot be used by Advanced Agriculture -1
itself in the building of a project. This skill’s purpose is to
observe the laws of physics so those incredible, and Work Force Skill
routinely difficult, feats of building can be accomplished. Untrained +3
All Engineering complex skill checks are measured in Construction Broad 0
months, weeks, or days as determined by the DM. Skill
When a character declares a work the DM should first Ranks 1 to 4 -1
request some type of drawing of what the project. Then Ranks 5 to 8 -2
divide the work into sections of durability (like the Ranks 9 to 12 -3
description of walls in ‘Property Damage’ found in Chapter
8: Gamers in Action). An engineer can manage a number Work Force Moral
of specific sections equal to his or her rank with a specialty Very Poor +3
skill, or one section in the case of having only the broad Poor +1
skill. In a best case scenario the engineer (or the Average 0
employer) will have a sufficient number of laborers per Good -1
section. If not then apply a +1 to a +4 Situation Modifier Very Good -3
for the building of that section or a –1 or –2 if plenty of
help is available. The moral of the workers is also Resources
important and Leadership as well as other Encounter skills Distant and Poor +4
(or the lack there of) can either increase or decrease the Distant and Good +2
base Situation Modifier of a section or the entire project. Near and Poor +1
The following rank benefits apply to each specialty skill Near and Good 0
listed below.
⊗ Ranks 4, 8, & 12 - Increased Effect: At the indicated ranks Aqueducts (Cost 3 – S)
the character gains a –1 Situation Modifier when using When water is some how involved in a building
this skill. This increases to a –2 at rank 8 and a –3 at project, this specialty skill is called into play. The
rank 12. aqueducts skill is also used if water provides power by the
force of its movement like that found in a river mill.
The table below shows the standard Situation WAM Jr
Modifiers used for any Engineering skill check. At least Fortifications (Cost 3 – S, W)
one modifier from each entry should be chosen, however This specialty skill is the most common skill of this
DMs are free to elaborate on them given the specific group as it covers all earth based works, bridges, buildings,
circumstances of a particular work. castle walls, and so on.
Prophesy (Cost 5)
This skill can’t be used untrained.
When strange things happen they sometimes happen
for a reason. This specialty skill focuses on finding the
hidden meanings behind unexplained events and in some
Chapter 3: Skills
This skill allows characters the ability to foresee minute and no greater than 10 minutes to perform the
damage to the environment and it’s inhabitants. This skill skill.
can identify to cause of some type of ecological disaster
and also provides knowledge on how to prevent such Navigation Modifiers
events in the future. Ecology also provides a very strong Combat conditions +4
understanding of plant and animal lore but more Hostile conditions +2
importantly, how the elements of nature interact. Calm conditions 0
Unexplored territory +4
Herbalism (Cost 4 – S) Partially explored +2
This skill can’t be used untrained. Explored territory 0
The art of herbal mixtures can be used in the Familiar territory -2
Knowledge-herbal lore skill. This skill is somewhat No equipment +4
different. Herbalism allows a character to create semi- Damage equipment +2
magical teas, incense, and salves from plants and roots Dependable equipment 0
found in the wild. This skill works exactly like the Alchemy Superior equipment -2
skill with the exception of a required lab. However, the
products of this skill are not of the same magnitude as For surface and nautical navigation
those that can be made with the Concocting specialty skill. only
The descriptions of herbal mixtures are given in the Darkness +3
Mundane Concoctions appendix of this book. Inclement weather +2
Rough terrain/turbulence +2
Meteorology (Cost 2)
Meteorology provides a character with a deeper Navigation skills are subject to rendering wrong
understanding of atmospheric conditions. This can include information. When a Critical Failure is rolled the character
many mythological creatures or events that are immediately rolls on the ‘Off Course Results’ table below to
supernatural, like Saint Elmo’s Fire. determine approximately how far off course he is.
At the DM’s option this skill can also be used to
enhance the chances of survival during furious storms or Off Course Results
the threat of hurricanes and tornadoes in ways similar to Critical Failure: Travel for d12+3 hours in random direction.
the Survival skill. Also, this skill can enlighten one on the Next check is made at a +2 penalty.
possible ways of harnessing such forces and may even Marginal result: Travel for d6+2 hours in random direction. A
allow a character to do greater harm to threats and +2 penalty applies to the next check unless d4
hours are spent to relocate the group.
monsters native to the sky and the powers of the weather.
Ordinary result: Travel for d4 hours in random direction.
However this skill cannot do this itself, and any attempt to Identifying position requires d20+10 minutes.
do so would be dangerous in the least. Good result: Travel for d20+3 minutes in random
Finally, as many portents and omens originate from direction. Identifying position requires d6+5
the sky, this skill can be used in ways similar to minutes.
Metaphysics-Prophesy if some supernatural event features Amazing result: Travel for d12 minutes in random direction.
the sky as its playground. Location is known as soon as that travel if
“Red skies at night sailors delight, red skies in the
morning sailors take warning”. Phlo Navigation (Cost 3 – S)
-Anonymous This skill can’t be used untrained.
This skill concentrates on plotting courses in the
Navigation (Cost 6 – S) Phlogiston, an ocean of flammable gas that separates
Crystal Spheres. On any successful result the character
This skill involves the knowledge of plotting courses
navigate within sight of the target sphere.
for persons in many types of environments. This skill does
not include plotting a course for persons moving overland
on foot. That is a function of the Movement-trailblazing Space Navigation (Cost 3 – S)
skill. Navigation requires one skill check, which This skill can’t be used untrained.
determines the accuracy of the course plotted. The This skill is used in Wildspace, as in a Spelljamming
optimum time for using this skill is 5 minutes. Variations campaign. An Ordinary result indicates normal travel time
of this time frame range from a +1 penalty for each minute plus d4 time units. A Good result indicates travel time
less, or a –1 bonus for each additional minute. These with the normally expected arrival time. An Amazing
modifiers fall in a range of requiring no less than one result indicates that the course cuts travel time by one
time unit.
Chapter 3: Skills
Surface Navigation (Cost 3 – W) Ship Operation (Cost 4 – S)
This skill is the study of landmarks and stars to plot While a person may know how to man a boat and
courses and determine locations. An Ordinary result guide a small cog along a coast, it takes far more skill to
indicates normal travel time plus d4 time units. A Good command and maneuver a massive galleon or clipper. This
result indicates travel time with the normally expected skill represents the knowledge of sea and wind and how it
arrival time. An Amazing result indicates that the course effects the movement and well being of these great ships.
cuts travel time by one time unit. What separates this skill from Vehicle Operation-
WAM Jr water craft is the use and knowledge of a galleon’s other
Science (Cost 7 – S) components primarily the sails. While Vehicle Operation-
For a fantasy setting the approaches to knowledge can water craft is used to man the helm in tactical maneuvers
vary greatly from those of the real world. In a fantasy this broad skill covers the other functions governing the
setting skills like Alchemy, Life Shaping, Metaphysics, operation of a large sea-going craft. Other skills that aid in
Medicine, and Tinkering replace the standard ‘science’ the manning of such large crafts are Navigation-surface
skills of the Alternity game system. Why? Well things just navigation, Team Weapons, and Tactics-vehicle tactics.
work differently in the fantasy world. Up is not always up, While this skill focuses on terrestrial ships, it and the
outer space does not necessarily kill you through pressure specialty skills are also used for space-faring ships as well.
(or lack there of), and the simple fact that magic exists In this case the Ship Operation-specific skill comes into
questions conventional learning of analytical principles. play. How the specific skill works for such ships is detailed
Never the less some basic laws of reality exist and in chapter 7 of this book in the ‘Spelljamming’ section.
there will always be those willing to learn them. The
Science broad skill teaches the basic principles of science Sails (Cost 3 – S)
itself and the scientific method; which is the standard Ships that have multiple sails require that those sails
method of forming a theory and the steps to establish a be coordinated in their use to take full advantage of the
fact. With just the broad skill a character can attempt to wind for the ships speed over long voyages and the ship’s
research to garner knowledge from any Science specialty maneuverability in round by round action. All sea-going
skill with a base +3 penalty. Some of the more common vessels have a ‘Handling’ modifier assigned to them. For
specialty skills are listed below and all of them gain the ships with sails this number acts as a base and the result of
following rank benefit. this skill modifies the ‘Handling’ score. A Critical Failure
⊗ Ranks 3, 6, 9, & 12 – Increased Effect: At the indicated imposes a +2 penalty and a Marginal result imposes a +1
ranks the skill gains a –1 to a –4 step bonus when this penalty. An Ordinary check generated by those
skill is used. manipulating the sails applies no modifier to the ‘Handling’
modifier while a Good results grants a –1 Situation
Science, Specific Skill (Cost 3 – S) Modifier and an Amazing result a –2. When used in this
The following are examples of how this skill can be manner, the result of the skill check lasts for the remainder
improved upon. Game Master's and players should feel of the round the check was made and the entire next
free to add to this list. round.
Astronomy: The study of stars and celestial mechanics. When used for long voyages, the result of the skill
Biology: The study of the building blocks of life. check can effect the vessel’s Cruise speed in the way that is
Botany – The study of plants, molds, and fungi. described in the Vehicle Operation skill above with the
Chemistry – The study of elemental reactions and how exception that the bonus % increase effects the overall
such elements interact. voyage. This can work in tandem with Navigation results.
Linguistics – The study of language and how it is shaped.
Mutations – The study of mutations and how they Shipwright (Cost 4 – S)
originate. This skill can’t be used untrained.
Planetology – The study of planetary ecology. Generally speaking the Engineering skill is the first
Physics – The science of energy and how it reacts as matter thing that comes to mind when one thinks of how one can
vs. energy. build a large sea-going vessel. While Game Masters are
Psiology – The study of psionics. free to use whatever system they are comfortable with, it
Zoology – The study and classification of animals. should be said that having an intimate understanding of
what a sailing ship requires is not necessarily common
At the Game Masters option these specialty skills can knowledge imparted by the Engineering skill. Shipwright,
be used to aid other skills and even some FX abilities. The as a skill, is the shipbuilder’s best friend. While this can
most common examples are Alchemy, Nature, and aid or be aided by Engineering, this skill can stand alone in
Tinkering however other may also apply. the construction of a ship. All of the rules for Engineering,
as well as other building skills, apply to this skill as well.
Chapter 3: Skills
Signaling (Cost 1) vulnerable. To reflect this, the opponent’s Resistance
This skill is basically a means of communication by use Modifier increases by +1 each time this skill is used
of flags or banners (referred to as ‘semaphores’) between against him or her. Critical Failures indicate that the
two ships. Being similar in concept to Knowledge-sign character cannot use this skill against that opponent for
language, the characteristics of that skill are applied as the remainder of that combat in addition to any other
well as the rules concerning any language. penalties the Game Master might impose.
As a final note, this skill is useless in ranged combat or
Ship Operation, Specific Skill (Cost 1) in situations where the character is being fired on from a
This skill can’t be used untrained. distance. However a character can employ this skill
Not all ship-of-the-sea rely on sails. Some use oars and against multiple targets engaged at close range. In this
crews of slaves while others use steam power and the like. case the highest Resistance Modifier in the group applies
This entry can also be used for other shipboard functions as the penalty.
as the Game Master and player see fit.
WAM Jr Sentry Tactics (Cost 3 – D, W)
This skill replaces the Security-protection protocols
Tactics (Cost 6 – S, W) skill as found in the Alternity Player's Handbook. This skill
Tactics provides a character with training in tactics increases the character’s ability to secure an area or to find
and tactical situations. A successful use of the skill weak points in observational security. It has two principal
provides a penalty to the opponent’s next skill check. On a uses:
Critical Failure the opponent sees through the plan and Secure an Area: With proper time and cooperation a
receives a –1 step bonus to his next skill check. For an character can increase the modifier for Awareness
Ordinary to an Amazing result a +1 to a +3 penalty checks by sentries on watch in the area. An Ordinary to
applies. an Amazing result grants a –1 to a –3 step bonus to
Awareness checks. A Critical Failure imposes a +1
Tactics Modifiers penalty.
Skill user engaged in combat +1 Analyze Weak Points: The character can analyze a secure
Skill user observing combat 0 area for weak points to exploit. The quality of the
Familiar opponent -1 security provides a penalty to the check. If no security is
Unfamiliar opponent, known species +2 present then there is no modifier. For a Marginal to an
Unfamiliar opponent, unknown species +3 Amazing result a +1 to a +4 penalty applies as
determined by the first optional use of this skill. The
⊗ Ranks 4, 8, & 12 – Increased Effect: At the indicated ranks degree of success achieved by the character grants a –1
a hero gains a –1, 2, or 3 step bonus to the use of a to a –3 step bonus to the use of subsequent skills used to
Tactics specialty skill. exploit the weak points (primarily Stealth but others
may qualify).
Cavalry Tactics (Cost 3 – W)
This specialty skill covers situations where the Space Tactics (Cost 3 – S, W)
primary element of a battle includes troops use animals as This specialty skill covers tactical situations involving
mounts or a form of locomotion. This includes chariots, spaceships when they engage in combat.
mounted knights, or warriors mounted on griffons.
Vehicle Tactics (Cost 3 – S, W)
Infantry Tactics (Cost 3 – W) This skill deals with troops mount on or in vehicles not
This skill covers situations where the primary driven by animals or beasts of burden.
component of a battle is individual troops.
Tinkering (Cost 7 – S)
Melee Tactics (Cost 4 – W) Tinkering takes the intellectual practicalities of the
Melee tactics offers the same benefits as other tactics Engineering skill and applies a touch of fantasy to create
skills however it’s use is focused on individual combat as some of the most bizarre and unique contraptions found.
in a gladiatorial or dueling style of fighting. In this case the While it may seem that this skill belongs solely in the
penalty can be applied to the opponent as normal or the Tinker Age (Progress Level 4), this skill is actually the
character may opt to use the modifier as a bonus to lessen catalyst of any technological development of any progress
the penalty for making a called shot (+4 penalty base). level. For example a tinker invented fire, which took man
In the case of called shots the Intelligence Resistance from being a naked ape to having a semi-civilized position.
Modifier of the opponent does effect the outcome of this In this sense Tinkering is Crafting for items of future
skill check. When used repeatedly against the same progress levels.
opponent, it is inevitable that the opponent will begin to
catch on to the fact that he or she is leaving oneself
Chapter 3: Skills
Another way of looking at it is that any building skill The time required is also important. Each skill check
was at first Tinkering. And as the technology became can be made once per day, week or even per month. This
better known and more wide spread, new broad and is relative to the size of the item. If the device is Tiny or
specialty skills dealing with that technology were created. Small in size then one check per day can be allowed. If the
While the Crafting-weaving allows a person the ability to item is Medium to Large then the checks should be made
operate and even design a loom, someone had to invent weekly. Huge and large devices may require two weeks to
the device and the process. That person was a tinker. a month per check as the DM sees fit. Cost is another
WAM Jr factor that is best left to the DM and the player to work out.
Tinkering Modifiers Some important factors are paying any helpers, buying the
No tools +3 equipment to build the device, the device’s components
Minimal tools 0 themselves, rent for the space required, and so on.
Standard toolkit -1 Determining the cost is another tool that the DM can use to
Specialized toolkit -2 make a device possible or very difficult to build, however
Darkness +3 since the device was accepted during Stage 2, it is not a
Marginal illumination +1 good idea to make a device totally impossible based on
Ordinary illumination 0 cost alone.
Good illumination -1
No deadline -2 Stage 4: Success or Failure
Reasonable deadline 0 After the dice are rolled the device will be either a
Tight deadline +1 success or a failure. Successes work as planned, may have
Unreasonable deadline +3 a Marginal to an Amazing quality, and can proceed to the
next and final step. Failures may also come in differing
When a character wishes to develop a new contraption degrees of worthlessness. This is primarily a Failure or a
it is suggested that he follow the stages presented below. Critical Failure but several possibilities exist for each.
Failures are usually the result of three or Marginal results
Stage 1: Planning the design during the building process.
Decide exactly what the machine is to do. It may have When the third failure is rolled the project can be
more than one function, but it’s best to stick to machine dropped completely, started again from the beginning, or
with a relatively simple function. The player must come the device can be scrapped for parts to reduce the cost of
up with the basic principal that will is going to be used in another project if possible. Costs for restarting a project
the design of the device as well as the power source. Then are reduced by a percentage of the work that was
the player needs to provide some type of drawing of the completed successfully where possible.
finished product. This need not detail every nut and bolt, For example, a character needs 8 successes to build a
but it should give a clear idea of what the device looks like Dodamahicky. After succeeding with four checks the
and how it’s part relate to another. character unfortunately rolls his third Marginal result. The
project can be started from the beginning at the same
Stage 2: Determining whether it can work number of success required, however since half of the
The Game Master needs to decide whether or not he or project was originally completed the cost to refit and
she will allow the device to function as designed. If, given rebuild the device is also reduced by half.
a healthy dose of imagination, it seems like a device might Critical Failures are another matter entirely. The
work, then it will! On the other hand, this does not mean device can either be ruined and unrecoverable or, if
that it can be built successfully. The Game Master is most weapons or explosive materials are used, someone could
certainly allowed a level of subjectivity as to the manner in be hurt or ‘attacked’ by the device. In any event, be
which the device will impact the campaign. creative with this rule.
Chapter 3: Skills
with other normally crafted weapons. When durability
checks are called for, use the rules given for such a case in
War Craft (Cost 5 – R, W) Chapter 4: Weapons and Armor.
War Craft is a skill similar to both Survival and WAM Jr
Outdoors. The focus of this skill is the preparation of
armor and weapons from materials found in the wild and
Weapon Craft (Cost 2 – W)
from the bones of animals. In addition, this broad skill Weapon Craft allows a character to make any weapon
includes a specialty skill that it focused on the that is of the Stone Age. Higher Progress Level weapons
improvisation of weapons on the spur of the moment. can be made but their accuracy and damage is
Most characters will prefer to have other skills like compromised by the lack of metal components. The rules
Construction or Crafting to design their own weapons and for making the weapon are the same as found in the
armor. And in truth both of those broad skills are superior Construction-weaponry skill with the exception that a skill
in the quality and variety of goods that can be made. While check can be made per hour.
War Craft has to outward appearance of being used
primarily by primitive or Stone Age persons, it can also be
used to great effect by those in survival situations; or for Personality Skills
those who do not have access to those other skills or Personality measures a character's interpersonal
materials required to make weapons and armor of sturdier ability and charisma. This ability and its skills are
material. Weapons and armor are described in the next extremely important as they are used in most
chapter of this book. circumstances where interacting with others can be a
challenge. All Personality skills belong to a special group
Bow Craft (Cost 2 – W) call Encounter skills. A Personality feat check may be
By using this skill a character can make a short bow called for to determine a supporting cast member’s initial
and arrowheads of either stone or bone material. The reaction to the character. A check may also be called for to
rules for this are the same as for the Crafting-bowyer skill determine a character's general luck in a situation.
above. Other bows and crossbows are beyond the kin of
this skill however a Strength Bow may be allowed to be Culture (Cost 3 – D)
made but the Complexity of such a task is increased to This skill helps a character to interact with cultures
Amazing. that are different from his own. The use of this skill
assumes that the culture being related to is at least known
Crude Armor (Cost 2 – W) and understood by other to some degree. Completely alien
By the use of this skill a character can fashion a suit of beings must be approached with the first encounter skill.
hide armor and may also make shields from hide, wood, or Use of this skill is almost always an encounter check.
even shell. The results of the skill check, when making
hide armor, can help to protect the armor from ‘disease’ as Culture Modifiers
such armor is not properly treated against rot. The quality Simple concepts -1
of the skill check (as determined by the rules for ‘Complex Everyday concepts 0
Skill Checks’ above) grants the armor a modifier to its Complex concepts +1
Durability check to resist disease as follows: Marginal +2, Etiquette ranks 3 – 5 -1
Ordinary 0, Good –2, Amazing –4. See Chapter 4: Weapons Etiquette ranks 6 – 8 -2
and Armor for more detail on hide armor and Stone Age Etiquette ranks 9 – 11 -3
shields. Etiquette rank 12 -4
Chapter 3: Skills
correspond directly to the amount of money one can earn Strangers +1
while making use of this skill. Situation Modifiers for this Known to each other 0
skill increase in difficulty by the number of items being Acquainted -1
juggled, whether the items are different than each other, or
if they are on fire. These modifiers usually range from +1 For the bargain skill only:
to +4 with the DM deciding upon a final number based on Opponent has no ranks in bargain -2
these criteria. Opponent has ranks in bargain 0
The fine art of juggling has a few other applications Supply is low +2
other than its entertainment value. First of all this skill can Supply is moderate 0
be use instead of the Athletics-throw skill (however Supply is high -1
strength still determines range) if desired. The juggler Demand is low -2
may also attempt to catch objects thrown at him or her. Demand is moderate 0
The base penalty for this is a +2 and like a parry, the Demand is high +2
character must have a success of equal or greater value. If
not then the character takes damage as normal. Bargain (Cost 3 – D, S)
This skill represents the ability to make and close
Musical Instrument (Cost 2 – D, R) deals of all kinds. It provides a character with the ability to
This skill can’t be used untrained. haggle, negotiate, and bluster his way through his way
Each purchase of this specialty skill must be specified through a deal. The greater the degree of success, the
for a particular musical instrument. better the deal turns out to be for the character making it.
Chapter 3: Skills
skill can only be used on those whose attitudes are On a Critical Failure the leader confuses his followers,
Friendly or better. To accomplish this an Ordinary result who receive a +1 penalty instead. No further Leadership
or greater is required. checks can be made this scene.
Seduction doesn’t last forever. If the target becomes On a Failure the followers receive no bonus, but the
Charmed, the seduction works well enough that seduce leader may attempt another check in the next round.
checks are only required once per week, in which the On an Ordinary result as many as two followers
character feigns a continued interest in the seduced party. receive the bonus for the remainder of the current round
If the target becomes Fanatic the seduction works so well and all of the next round.
that they fall in love with seducer. On a Good success as many as four followers can
Every time the seducer asks for a favor the seduced receive the leadership bonus.
character makes a Will feat check. A +1 penalty applies if On an Amazing success as many as six followers can
they are Charmed, and a +3 penalty applies if they are receive the leadership bonus.
Fanatic. If the Will feat check is passed their attitude shifts ⊗ Ranks 4, 8, & 12 – Increased Effect: At the indicated ranks
one step towards Neutral. Once the seduced character's the character gains a cumulative –1 step bonus to the
attitude shifts to Friendly, he or she no longer behaves as use of either specialty skill.
though seduced.
Command (Cost 4 – D, W)
Taunt (Cost 2) This specialty skill improves a character's ability
This skill represents the character's ability to trade command others as per the rules of the broad skill.
insults. A successful check can cause and opponent to
become rattled or even attempt an action he knows is Inspire (Cost 4 – D, W)
against his best interest. This skill has no effect on This skill can’t be used untrained.
Charmed or Fanatic persons. This skill represents the ability to command by
On a Critical Failure the target uses the insult to fuel example. The skill is used basically in the same that
his own rage, gaining a –2 step bonus to his next action. Interaction-charm is used. The one major difference is
On a Failure the taunt has no effect. On an Ordinary to an that inspire can be used Hostile and Combative targets.
Amazing success the target suffers a +1 to a +3 penalty to WM Jr
their next action. In the case of an Amazing result the
target’s attitude shifts on step towards Combative.
Generally this skill can only be attempted on an individual
once per scene. Taunt is modified by the targets starting
Taunt Modifiers
Target is Combative -2
Target is Hostile -1
Target is Neutral 0
Target is Friendly +1
Leadership (Cost 4)
This skill expresses a character's ability to coordinate
others into effective groups so that they perform better.
Only one character can assume the role of leader at a time.
Using the skill costs an action and provides a –1 step to
bonus to all actions performed in the remainder of the
current round and all of the next round. The skill check is
modified by the attitudes of the targets and any modifiers
shown on the table below.
Leadership Modifiers
Targets are use to being lead -2
Targets recognize leader’s authority 0
Targets don’t recognize leader’s authority +2
Chapter 4: Weapons & Armor
One the most common tools that characters have to civilization in this type of progress level would be one that
deal with threats and enemies is their weapons and armor. is similar to the Roman Empire at its peak. This is also the
While skills and magic can save the day, having a trusty time period that heavy weapons make their presence
weapon is usually a good idea. This chapter is divided into known (and felt).
to several groups, each detailing a different weapon group
as well as armor. There are Melee Weapons, Ranged Progress Level 2: The Middle Ages
Weapons, and Heavy Weapons. Armor is described at the The Middle Ages (or the Dark Ages as it is sometimes
end of the chapter. called) features an increase in the knowledge of
metallurgy. As tall castle walls are built, larger more
Lasso Trident
The purpose of a lasso is to entangle a target or to Tridents have a reach of one meter, which is the same
ensnare an object. The lasso uses all of the rules for the as that for a spear. Tridents are not generally used for
whip (see Chapter 3: Skills) except that it does not cause combat as they are fishing tools (to which they add a –1
damage and only has the called shot/entangling options
Chapter 4: Weapons & Armor
bonus) but may find themselves on the battlefield in lance becomes a weapon of choice among knights.
coastal areas or in the hands of sea-going races. Polearms also undergo many changes that allow them to
differ in use than the spear.
The majority of the rules concerning a whip are in Broad Sword
Chapter 3: Skills. Whips also have a ‘reach’ that extends The heavy, double-bladed broad sword features a
out by one meter beyond the character’s melee space. meter-long blade designed for both cutting and slashing.
Chapter 4: Weapons & Armor
Heavy Crossbow
While somewhat clumsier and slower than the Wheel Lock
standard crossbow, this weapon does enjoy a much The Wheel Lock is little more than a hand held version
greater range. As such, the heavy crossbow is a preferred of the Arquebus. Being the first pistol sized use of a
weapon for snipers and assassins. firearm the wheel lock offers a Hide factor and is a good
Like the standard crossbow, it takes one action to load weapon for short-range conflicts in the opening phases.
the heavy crossbow and one action to fire it.
PL 4: The Tinker Age
Long Bow Vast improvements on firearms take place during this
A famous weapon, the long bow actually exceeds many age. Tinkering and continued miniaturization of gears and
firearms in range, accuracy, and rate of fire and does springs also makes wonders like the needle gun and the
nearly as much damage. The long bow remains a weapon automatic crossbow possible.
of choice long after the introduction of firearms.
Automatic Crossbow
Repeating Crossbow This marvel appears near the end of this age. The
A variation of the crossbow, this version features an auto-bow, as it is often called, is basically a smaller version
ammunition box mounted on top of the weapon and a pull- of the Arrow Gun. While the damage is less, this weapon
bar that allows the weapon to loaded and fired in one provides any common soldier the ability to establish a base
action. This feature however reduces the crossbows pull of fire and to use suppressive fire as well. As such, the
so that both range and damage are reduced. Normally the repeating crossbow allows for both burst and auto-fire
ammo box can hold 10 quarrels. capabilities.
The weapon resembles a crossbow and is held the
PL 3: The Age of Gunpowder same way. When the powerful spring is pulled back the
The introduction of firearms begins in this progress weapon has enough potential energy to fire 30 quarrels
level. The first weapon of this type is the Arquebus and is before losing sufficient strength. The auto-bow features a
later followed by better options. Some Game Masters may top mounted box with a cache of 30 quarrels.
feel that the Arquebus is the height of firearm technology Using the automatic crossbow requires the Ranged
in his or her campaign. Weapons-automatic weapon specialty skill. A character
may also use the crossbow skill instead but does not gain
Arquebus the use of any rank benefits specifically for crossbows.
The first firearm invented by man, the Arquebus is a Range modifiers for an automatic crossbow are the as for
crude matchlock weapon that is best used in a volley of fire normal crossbows.
instead of sniping.
Grenade, Powder The carbine is essentially a caviler with a rifled barrel
This grenade is a small metal ball or tube that is and a conical shot called a mini-ball. The range and
packed tightly with gunpowder and includes a fuse. The accuracy of this weapon combine into a deadly
area of effect for the Powder Grenade is 2/4/6. combination, however this weapon remains rare and hard
to get until the end of this age.
Hand Crossbow
Originally created by the Drow, this little weapon is
most effective when the tip of the quarrel is coated with The caviler is an improvement on the musket and the
poison. The hand crossbow is placed at this progress level long rifle and is the most common firearm of this age.
in terms of human engineering and assumes that humans Relatively light in weight, the caviler is a favored weapon
and other surface dwellers develop the weapon later than by mounted cavalry and usually accompanies the cavalry
the Drow. This can be changed if the Game Master feels sword.
that it is necessary.
Grenade, HE
Long Rifle As the demolition skill comes to full appreciation in
This firearm features a lengthened barrel and fires a this Progress Level, it’s use as a weapon is only a matter of
smaller shot. While accuracy and range are improved, the time. The grenade featured here is a small canister made
damage is not as good. of iron, which is then packed tight with gunpowder and
alchemical substances of an explosive nature. Often times
they are also filled with small slivers of iron of
Musket blunderbuss shot.
The most overall successful weapon of the age, the
musket fires a large ball that deserves respect.
Chapter 4: Weapons & Armor
Early grenades may require a short fuse to be lit weapon uses the Ranged Weapons-automatic weapon skill,
before throwing. Later, more advanced models feature a a character can use the pistol skill at his full rank.
cap that when pulled off ignites an internal fuse that burns However, no rank benefits for using a pistol apply while
quickly. The High Explosive Grenade has a 2/6/10 meter using the needle gun. Range modifiers for a needle gun are
area of effect. the same as for pistols.
Needle Gun
Little more than a glorified ‘rubber-band gun’, this
weapon is the smaller cousin in the Arrow-Gun and
Automatic Crossbow family. The needle gun only holds ten Star Wheel
needles and is therefor good for only one auto-fire attack As the caviler is an improvement on the Arquebus, so
or up to three bursts. Though the range of the weapon is the star wheel to the wheel lock. Sleek and far more
leaves little to be desired, many needle gun darts are accurate, the Star Wheel becomes a favorite officer’s side
tipped with poison. arm.
Nevertheless it is small and easy to use, and is often
favored by proper ladies over crude handguns. While this
Ranged Weapons Table
Weapon Skill Acc Range Damage Actions Mass Hide Cost
Progress Level 0: The Stone Age
Atlatl Throw +1 By STR x2 d4w / d4+1w / d4+2w 2 0.1 +2 1sp
Blowgun Blowgun +1 By CON d4-2w/d4-1w/d4w 3 0.1 +2
Bola Throw +1 By STR d4s/d4+2s/d4w 1 1 +1 2sp
Boomerang Throw 0 By STR d4s / d4+2s / d4w 1 0.1 +2 5sp
Rock, thrown Throw +1 By STR d4s/d4+1s/d4+2s 4 0.1 +4 -
Short Bow Bow +1 20/40/100 d4w / d4+2w / d4+3w 3 1 - 30gp
Sling Slings +1 10/20/60 d4s / d4+2s / d4w 2 0 +2 5cp
Progress Level 1: The Iron/Bronze Age
Dart Throw 0 By STR d4-1w / d4w / d4+1w 4 0.1 +3 5sp
Elven Bow Bow 0 30/75/150 d4w/d6w/d4m 3 1 - 100gp
Grenade, Fiery Throw +1 by STR d4w/d4+2w/d4+3w 1 0.5 +3 1gp
Javelin Throw 0 By STR x 50% d4w / d4+1w / d4+2w 1 1 - 5sp
Sling Staff Throw +2 10/20/50 d6s/d6+2s/d6w 1 3 - 2sp
Strength Bow Bow +1 By STR x 2 d4+1w / d6+1w / d4m 2 1 - 90gp
Progress Level 2: The Middle Ages
Crossbow Crossbow 0 50/100/250 d4+2w/d6+2w/d4+1m 1 2 +1 35gp
Harpoon Throw +1 By STR d4w / d6w / d4+1m 2 5 - 20gp
Heavy X-bow Crossbow +1 75/150/350 d4+2w / d8+1w / d6m 1 3 - 50gp
Long Bow Bow +1 40/80/200 d4+1w / d6+1w / d4m 2 1 - 75gp
Repeating X-bow Crossbow +1 40/80/150 d4+1w / d6+1w / d4m 2 4 - 750gp
Progress Level 3: The Age of Gunpowder
Arquebus Rifle +2 10/40/80 d6w/d6+2w/d6m 1 4 - 500gp
Hand X-bow Crossbow -1 4/8/16 d4-1w/d4w/d4+1w 3 1 +3 350gp
Grenade, Powder Throw +1 by STR d6+2s/d4w/d4+2w 1 0.5 +3 10gp
Long Rifle Rifle +1 30/60/150 d6w/d6+2w/d6m 1 5 - 800gp
Musket Rifle +2 20/40/100 d6+1w/d6+3w/d6+1m 1 4 - 900gp
Wheel Lock Pistol +2 4/8/16 d4+2w/d6+2w/d4+1m 2 2 +2 700gp
Progress Level 4: The Tinkering Age
Auto. X-bow Auto Wpn 0 50/100/250 d4+2w/ d6+2w / d4+1m 3 3 0 7500gp
Carbine Rifle -1 50/100/300 d4+2w/ d6+2w / d4+1m 3 3 - 5000gp
Caviler Rifle 0 40/80/240 d6w / d8+1w / d6m 2 4 - 1500gp
Grenade, HE Throw +1 by STR d4w / d4+2w / d6+2w 2 0.5 +3 25gp
Needle Gun Auto Wpn -1 1/2/4 d4-3w / d4-2w / d4-1w 3 0.5 +4 400gp
Star Wheel Pistol +1 4/10/40 d4+2w /d6+2w / d4+1m 3 2 +2 100gp
Progress Level 5: The Magic Age
Acid Bow Bows 0 30 / 60 / 90 Acid Splash 3 1 3000gp
Dragon Rifle Rifle -1 Varies by type Varies by type 3 3 - 7500gp
Energy Rifle Auto Wpn 0 50/100/150 d6w/d6+1w/d6+2w 3 4 - 8000gp
Grenade, Spell Throw +1 by STR Varies by type 1 0.5 +3 50gp
Mage Pistol Pistol -1 Varies by type Varies by type 4 1 +3 5000gp
Chapter 4: Weapons & Armor
Rainbow Gun Pistol -1 20/40/80 Varies by type 4 1 +3 9000gp
Stinger Crossbow 0 50/100/250 d4+1w/d6+2w/d4+1m 3 2 +1 6000gp
PL 5: The Age of Magic bowstring is released they touch, casting the acid arrow
The infusion of magical and mechanical parts leads to spell, and uses those effects. The target must roll an
the cutting edge in magic age warfare. Must Progress endurance check against the acid, the check is modified by
Level 5 weapons resemble wands in effect, and the two are a +1 penalty for a Good hit and a +3 for an Amazing as per
very similar. The advantages of Progress Level 5 weapons the rules of the spell.
is that they are far easier to manufacture, their use may
gain rank benefits for Ranged Weapons skills, and they are Dragon Rifle
generally more durable and harder to break. The most This weapon actually describes an entire family of
common type of Progress Level 5 weapons are called ‘Spell magic arms that resemble a caviler or musket and are fired
Weapons’. Even in a future setting, these weapons remain in a similar manner. The Dragon Rifle is a versatile
expensive. weapon that allows for multiple types of spell gems to be
In the fantasy future, the manufacturing of these used in them; thus allowing for different types of magical
weapons follows a relatively common methodology. By attack.
charging two crystals with opposite versions of the same Regardless of the type, the spell gems are assumed to
spell and housing them in a reflective sphere, magical be of rank 6 in ability should rank become and issue. If
energy is released when the crystals are touched together. rank benefits apply to a spell gem then this weapon has
The resulting burst of magical energy is given only one enough strength for benefits of ranks 5 to 8. Range
way out, down the reflective barrel of the weapon, which modifiers for a Dragon Rifle remain the same for other
then releases the spell. The mechanism of either the spell types of rifles. Unless stated otherwise, damage is En/O in
pistol or rifle is found in the trigger apparatus which when type.
pulled back brings the two crystals into contact in a The different types of spell gems commonly available
scissors-like manner. and what they can do is shown on the table below.
Mage Pistol
The Mage Pistol is a versatile weapon that allows for
multiple types of spell gems to be used in them; thus
Heavy Weapons
Being the cousins of ranged weapons the use of these
allowing for different types of magical attack. Regardless arms is used based on the wielder’s strength rather than
of the type, the spell gems are assumed to be of rank 3 in dexterity. Heavy weapons begin in the Iron Age as huge
ability should rank become an issue. siege engines. In later ages technology allows military
If rank benefits apply to a spell gem then this weapon engineers to develop smaller, man-carried heavy weapons,
has only enough strength for benefits of ranks 1 to 4. and also makes the building of colossal versions of the
Range modifiers for a Mage Pistol remain the same for weapons as well.
other types of pistols. Unless stated otherwise, damage is Heavy weapons use the range modifiers for Direct and
En/O in type. Indirect as shown ‘Range Modifiers Table’ earlier in this
The different types of spell gems commonly available chapter. Many heavy weapons use the ‘Accuracy by Range’
and what they can do is shown on the table below. table found in the Alternity Players Handbook and also use
the scatter diagram for grenades for determining the
Spell Gems Damage Range Resist
Magic missile d4-1w/d4w/d4+1w 30/60/9 DEX
location of impact. These weapons are indicated by having
0 a value in parenthesis that appears before the range values
Magic fire Fire/Heat Hazard 6 meters CON for the weapon. This also indicates the minimum range in
Meteors* d6s/d4w/d6w 10/20/4 DEX which the weapon can be used against a target.
Prismatics Special 10 Dodge Weapon Teams
Chapter 4: Weapons & Armor
Any of the heavy weapons mentioned below that have and if any individuals have a better Resistance Modifier
a ‘1’ entry for actions require a number of persons to man than their fellows, this modifier is applied to the control
and reload the weapon equal to the reload number. This die separately for determining damage for that individual.
means that while a Light Ballista only requires one person
to reload, a Heavy Ballista requires three. If the weapon Catapult, Heavy and Light
crew is less than that required, one more action is added to Invented by the Romans, the catapult can throw either
the reload time. Therefor if a single man was reloading a rocks or flaming shot. It major disadvantage is its
Heavy Ballista it would take him five actions to do so. If a accuracy. Another disadvantage is that its range usually
specific weapon has special or differing needs these will be bring it within the range of defenders as well and
explained in the weapons entry. historically many were destroyed before being able to
If the Game Master desires a more flexible system can provide the fire power needed to take a fort or castle.
be used for reloading team-oriented heavy weapons. If flaming shot is used then damage is reduced by one
When it is time to reload each member of the team rolls a point per category, however structures, objects, and
Heavy Weapons skill check and modifies the result of one persons struck must roll a feat check against Heat/Smoke
key person in the group; either a leader or the person with or Fire as determined by the Game Master. Catapults can
the best skill score. also fire scatter shot. This is basically a load of rocks, nails,
An Ordinary to an Amazing result applies a –1 to a –3 and other hard debris that can cover an area with
step bonus. A Critical Failure applies a +2 penalty. The shrapnel. The damage caused is treated like a club but the
modifiers are summed together and act as a base modifier area of effect is like that of a grenade using the ‘Accuracy
for the key person. It requires a complex skill check to by Range’ rules. It is also common practice to use
reload the weapon equal to the reload number. On check catapults to hurl flaming shot as well as lit barrels of
is made per phase. A Critical Failure result has the same gunpowder into the enemy’s defenses.
effect as if generated while firing the weapon. In this It requires 2 actions to reload a light catapult and 4
instance, and this instance only, a failure still counts as a actions to reload a heavy one. A separate action is needed
success, however each failure result applies a +1 penalty to fire the weapon.
to firing the weapon unless an equal number of actions are
used to realign and aim the weapon again. Greek Fire Projector
Once the team’s modifier is determined it remains Preferred for shipboard combat, this team weapon is
unchanged for that scene unless it is re-determined later best used at very close range. The damage listed considers
on. Leadership can also apply a bonus to this skill check as an area of effect similar to other indirect fire weapons,
well. which is ‘2/4/6’. In addition to the damage caused, all
targets that are hit must also make a Constitution feat
Progress Level 1: The Iron Age check vs. Fire on the following phase or continue to burn
The first heavy weapons make their appearance. All of as per those rules.
them are team weapons with the exception of the Light It requires four liters (or roughly one gallon) of Greek
Ballista, which only requires one man to reload and fire. fire to use this weapon.
Another, non-lethal, option can be used with this
Ballista, Heavy and Light weapon. By using water instead of Greek fire, crowds and
The ballista uses either poles drawn tight in between riots can be brought under control with out seriously
twisted ropes or they use a large bow to fire a spear; injuring the populace. The damage for a ‘water cannon’ is
resembling a giant crossbow. While the damage is only d6s/d6+2s/d6w and is Li/O in power.
comparable to that of a spear the damage type is High It requires three actions to refill and prepare this
Impact; and the weapons range is superior to the Long weapon and a separate action to attack with it.
How many actions it requires to reload is dependent Progress Level 2: The Middle Ages
on the ballista’s size. It takes on action to load a Light While Ballista and Catapults remain in heavy use
Ballista and three actions to load a Heavy Ballista. It during this period, other war machines also appear –
requires a separate action to fire the weapon. primarily the Bombard. The period also sees
improvements on existing heavy weapons and introduces
Catapult, Arrow the Drill; and special type Ram, which is also called a Bore.
An advancement on the scatter shot option for
catapults (see below), the arrow catapult is fantastic as an Ballista, Great
anti-personnel weapon. When fired, an average fifty This monster requires a team of men to move and
arrows are launched in a tight pattern at a target area. The even still it can only be moved over flat, open ground. It
damage listed considers an area of effect similar to that of takes five actions to load a Great Ballista. It requires a
a grenade with the following ranges 2m/6m/12m. The separate action to fire the weapon.
resistance modifier of the target(s) is applied to the attack
Chapter 4: Weapons & Armor
Bombard The following table presents the character with some more
The bombard is the first gunpowder weapon to be options.
used by mankind and arrives near the end of the Middle
Ages. Bulky and slow to reload, the bombard also has the Shot Type
characteristic of backfiring on both a 20 and a 19. Backfire PL Range Cost Damage
Bolt 4 3 / 6 / 12 25sp d6+1w/d8+2w/d6m
damage is 1d6 points of wound damage, is considered Grenade 4 10 / 30 / 180 150gp As per Grenade
En/O, and effects all in a 4-meter radius around the Harpoon 3 8 / 16 / 40 10gp d4w/d6w/d4+1m
bombard. Rock 0 6/12/30 - d4w/d4+1w/d4+2w
While the standard bombard shot does not explode, it *
does cause half of the damage generated to all targets out Salt 3 6 / 12 / 30 1cp d4-1w/d4w/d6+1w*
to 6 meters. It requires 10 charges of gunpowder to fire a Snare 3 8 / 20 / 40 2gp Special
bombard. Spike 3 8 / 30 / 60 1gp d4w/d6w/d4m*
Standard 3 6 / 12 / 30 1sp d4w/d6w/d4m*
* indicates that damage for short range is twice the amount rolled
Catapult, Great while long range is one-half.
Introduced to the west by the Crusaders this weapon
may have been in use by China as early as 300BC. There Shot Types
are two types of Great Catapult, or Trebuchet, being the Bolt: Filling the entire barrel of the blunderbuss is the
traction and counterpoise versions. The force exerted by bolt shot. Heavy and short of range, this cylinder of
the weapon when it fires is too powerful to be supported steel is deadly when it hits. As an option this shot can
on wheels or in most castle battlements. For this reason be used as an indirect ranged attack. This relies on the
most great catapults are built in place on the battlefield indirect fire skill and increases the range to
and normally are not moved from their original location 10/50/100. However when used in this fashion an ‘on
without much labor. target’ result most be generated on the ‘Accuracy by
Range’ table as described in the Alternity Player's
Sweeper Handbook for damage to be caused.
This weapon is a specialized version of the ballista that Grenade: Specifically designed for use in the
fires a length of chain or net into a body of soldiers. The blunderbuss, this warhead requires the use of the
Sweeper can hit any target out to 4 meters on either side of indirect fire skill.
the trajectory path. This weapon uses the indirect fire Harpoon: Essentially a barbed rod, this shot is not as
rules for medium or long range but may be fired directly at dangerous as the bolt shot above but has a greater
short range granting a –1 bonus to the attack roll. If used range. This shot may also be used with the indirect
in this fashion however, it cannot hit targets at medium or fire skill which grants ranges of 12 / 60 / 120. The
long range as it falls to the ground at 20 meters. rules for determining a hit are the same those for the
bolt shot.
Rock: This simply represents a handful of rocks
gathered and packed into the barrel of the weapon.
Progress Level 3: The Age of Gunpowder Salt: The damage caused by salt shot is low but the
Use of gunpowder becomes prominent in this age. As pain that is caused by salt that gets under the skin can
muskets and wheel-lock pistols develop improvements are be very distracting. If the salt shot causes at least one
also made on the bombard. This age also introduces the point of wound damage then the target must make a
first personal Heavy Weapon called the Blunderbuss. Stamina-endurance check against the Irritant entry on
the poisons table found in chapter 3 of this book as
Blunderbuss well as the Alternity Gamemaster's Guide. Onset is
The early blunderbuss presents a character with a one round and the duration is one hour.
useful but cumbersome weapon. In a sense similar to a Snare: This shot type allows a character the option of
shotgun, the Blunderbuss causes twice the damage at close firing a net at a target. When determining the
range but only one-half the damage at long range. The +2 accuracy of the shot, any person or object within 2
Accuracy modifier does consider that this weapon is at meters of the target is also captured in the net.
first a Matchlock firearm. It quickly changes over to the However this shot does have a minimum range of 2
Flintlock firing mechanism, granting only a +1 modifier, meters as the net requires a moment to expand.
before the end of this age. It requires two actions to Spike: An improvement on the standard load, spike
properly load a blunderbuss, and a separate action to fire shot is better in every way except for cost.
the weapon. Standard: Standard shot is a pack of small metal balls.
The blunderbuss’s entry on the Heavy Weapons table They are available in most societies where a
shows the range and damage for a Standard load of shot. Blunderbuss is common.
Chapter 4: Weapons & Armor
Cannon, Heavy It requires 10 charges of gunpowder to properly fire
This weapon begins a new era of warfare as this weapon.
gunpowder weapons take the lead in battlefield tactics.
While there is always room for improvement, the cannon Mortar
is hard to beat. Similar to the bombard, a cannon causes Relying completely on indirect fire rules, the mortar is
half of the damage generated out to 6 meters. It takes 4 a difficult weapon to aim. A +5 modifier is shown for the
actions to load a Heavy Cannon, and a separate action to weapon, however this only applies to first shot taken with
fire it. the weapon once it is placed in a new location. After the
It requires 15 charges of gunpowder to properly fire first round lands, the crew can then make adjustment to
this weapon. walk the weapons fire wherever needed. After the first
shot on a new battlefield the mortars accuracy changes to
Cannon, Light a +3. A mortar causes one-half of the damage generated
While being weaker in firepower than the larger out to 4 meters.
version, light cannons can be used in a 2-to-1 manner
when space and structure is considered. Because of this
allowance, light cannon are popular onboard naval vessels.
Like other gunpowder using team weapons, the light
cannon causes half of the damage generated out to 4
meters. It takes 2 actions to load a Light Cannon, and a
separate action to fire it.
Heavy Weapons Table
Weapon Skill Acc Range Damage Type #of A Reload* Mass Cost
Progress Level 1: The Iron Age
Ballista, Heavy Indirect +3 75/250/500 d8w/d8+2w/d6+1m Hi/O 1 3 150 600gp
Ballista, Light Indirect +2 50/200/500 d6w/d6+2w/d4+1m Hi/O 1 1 100 400gp
Catapult, Arrow Indirect +2 (25)50/125/25 d4+1w/d6+1w/d4m Li/O 1 3 150 500gp
Catapult, Heavy Indirect +4 (25)75/175/35 d4+1w/d6+1w/d4m Li/G 1 4 200 700gp
Catapult, Light Indirect +4 (25)50/125/25 d4+1w/d6+1w/d4m Hi/O 1 2 150 200gp
Greek Fire Projector Indirect +1 10/25/50 d6w/d6+3w/d8+3w En/O 1 3 100 800gp
Progress Level 2: The Middle Ages
Ballista, Great Indirect +4 100/250/700 d8w/d8+2w/d6+1m Hi/G 1 5 250 800gp
Bombard Direct +3 50/200/400 d8w/d8+2w/d6+1m Hi/G 1 5 500 5000gp
Catapult, Great Indirect +4 60/120/480 d4+2w/d6+2w/d4+1 Li/G 1 8 300 100gp
Sweeper Direct +1 20/40/80 d8s/2d6s/d8w Li/G 1 4 200 600gp
Progress Level 3: The Age of Gunpowder
Blunderbuss Direct +2 6/12/30 d4w/d6w/d4m Hi/O 2 2 6 400gp
Cannon, Heavy Indirect +2 75/350/900 d6w/d6+2w/d6+1m Hi/G 1 4 200 2000gp
Cannon, Light Indirect +2 50/300/750 d4w/d4+2w/d4+1m Hi/G 1 2 150 1500gp
Mortar Indirect +5 (30)50/75/150 d6w/d6+2w/d4+1m Hi/G 1 2 175 1200gp
Ribald Direct +3 10/40/80 d6w/d6+2w/d6m Hi/O 1 48(2x24) 100 700gp
Progress Level 4: The Tinker Age
Arrow Gun Direct +1 20/40/100 d4+1w/d6+1w/d6+3 Li/O 3 2(36) 15 700gp
Cannon, Boiler Direct +1 15/45/150 d4w/d6w/d4+1m Hi/O 1 3 150 2000gp
Cannon, Great Indirect +2 150/600/1500 d6w/d6+2w/d6m Hi/A 1 8 750 20,000gp
Cylinder Rifle Direct +1 30/60/150 d6w/d8+1w/d6m Hi/O 3 20(2x10) 8 1200gp
Fire Lance Indirect +2 30/60/150 d4w/d4+2w/d4m Li/O 2 3 10 800gp
Greek Fire Rifle Indirect +1 6/12/25 d6w/d6+3w/d8+3w En/O 2 1 6 900gp
Six Gun Direct +1 30/60/150 d6w/d6+2w/d6m Hi/O 2 12(2x6) 14 5000gp
Slag Gun Direct +1 20/80/400 d6w/d4m/d6m Hi/O 3 200(1x200 150 50,000gp
Tri-Gun Direct +1 40/80/240 d6w/d8+1w/d6m Hi/O 2 3(1x3) 10 1600gp
Progress Level 5: The Magic Age
Mage Cannon Direct -1 90/180/270 Varies by type Varies 2 2(25) 20 25,000gp
Nova Cannon Direct -1 150/300/750 d6+2w/d8+4w/d8+1 En/G 2 2 150 30,000gp
Nova Gun Direct -1 100/200/500 d6+1w/d8+2w/d6+1 En/G 2 1(10) 15 10,000gp
Chapter 4: Weapons & Armor
Defining the Heavy Weapons Table depending on range. When the weapon is fired the Game
The table for Heavy Weapons has a few entries that Master should count each shot that hits at a given range so
can vary among different weapons of this type and should those further targets are not hit by spent rounds.
be explained. While this weapon only requires one man to fire all of
Skill: If Tactics appears in this entry then it refers to a the barrels, it is a good idea to have a crew handy to reload
weapon that is not used in personal combat, but rather a the weapon. It requires 2 actions to load each barrel for a
weapon with a specialized use; like during a siege. The total 36 to 48 actions!
Tactics broad skill can be used to determine success as The most ominous version of this weapon appears in
can the infantry tactics specialty skill. The Game Master the later days of Progress Level 4 where a Pepperbox
may also allow the use of the Engineering-siege works feature is used for each barrel and they can all be rotated
skill as well. into firing position with a single, tandem action.
Acc: The modifier is always given for a weapon being used
against an individual. If a large weapon is used to Progress Level 4: The Tinker Age
repeatedly assault an area, building, or a mass of people As the knowledge of tinkering grows heavy weapon
the modifier is improved by two steps. In no case can applications begin to exceed in variety. Firearms continue
this produce a modifier of –1 or better. to advance, but new breeds of weapons evolve that are
Range: If a number appears in parenthesis this indicates powered by other sources.
the minimum effective range for the weapon.
Damage: Damage for heavy weapons that rely on the Arrow Gun
Tactics skill cause their damage to structures only. The Arrow Gun is a kinetic powered weapon that
Type: This entry remains unchanged for all Heavy operates by a system of gears and pulleys to rapidly draw
Weapons. and fire a series of arrows. The earlier versions of the
#of A: If a ‘1’ appears in this entry then the weapon must weapon feature a crank that is turned to induce firing.
always be reloaded after each shot. Later models are ‘pre-spun’ requiring only a trigger for
Reload: The first number presented indicates how many effect.
actions are required to reload the weapon in question. If The Arrow Gun is one of the few weapons known that
a number appears in parenthesis then this number has automatic firing capabilities. However this can be a
indicates how many shots are loaded by the action. One drawback as the weapon has only one mode of firing, full
shot is the default and does not appear in the entry. If a automatic, and the rules that apply to such attacks. In all,
multiplier appears then this indicates the number of the Arrow Gun is similar in appearance to a crossbow but
separate actions required loading each shot. In these would never be confused with one.
cases the weapon can be fired before being fully loaded. Despite all of the advantages that this weapon gives to
Mass: This is average mass of a weapon of this type. a soldier, the arrow gun is very cumbersome to carry and
Variations of the weapon, and those that use Heavy fire. When the arrow gun is fired ‘from the hip’ a
Weapon Option can vary in mass. +2/+4/+6 auto-fire penalty is incurred. This can be
Cost: This is average cost of a weapon of this type. overcome with a successful strength feat check but this
Variations of the weapon, and those that use Heavy check must be made for each phase that the weapon is
Weapon Option can vary in cost. fired in this manner. Normally this weapon is mounted
and the fore of the recoil is light enough to accommodate
Ribald many firing platforms.
A Ribald is a small cart upon which are a series of 12 Arrow Guns usually carry enough arrows for 4
to 24 musket barrels, all charged and ready. When a single automatic-mode attacks. It takes two actions to reload a
lever is pulled, or trigger released, all of the hammers new ammo box. Improved versions feature continuous
strike as one. The weapon shown considers the use feed mechanisms that allow the weapon to fire without
Matchlock mechanisms. Near the end of this age Flintlocks having to reload every fourth attack.
can be used instead which betters the accuracy to a +2 A nasty, and often used, option of the Arrow Gun is to
instead. use Explosive tipped arrows as described later in this
The blast of the weapon has a conic area of effect. chapter.
Within 10 meters (short range) the shots can strike
anyone within 2 meters of the trajectory path. From 11 to Cannon, Boiler
40 meters the shots have a spread of 3 meters, and from This weapon relies on steam to propel a harpoon or
41 to 80 meters the shots have a spread of 4 meters. The spear at a target. Found mostly on whaling boats, the
size of the target generally determines how many shots weapon often uses a harpoon for deadly effect. If a
can strike him. Tiny and Small characters are usually only harpoon is used then the damage caused should consider
attacked by one shot. Medium and Large targets may be that weapon.
hit by up to three shots. Huge targets may be hit 6 shots, It requires only 2 actions to reload the Boiler Cannon,
and Gargantuan targets may be hit by 12 to 24 shots and a separate action to fire it.
Chapter 4: Weapons & Armor
check means that the next lowest result for damage is
Cannon, Great caused that phase. In the case of Amazing damage, the
The gunpowder revolution in the Age of Gunpowder target could suffer both Good and Ordinary damage as
granted field commanders a more reliable cannon. At the well. When a successful feat check is passed no additional
dawn of the Tinker Age the miniaturization of cannon is damage is caused.
halted long enough to produce this monster. If a lord can
overcome the 25 charges of gunpowder required to fire Greek Fire Rifle Configurations
the weapon and a solid earth platform to mount it on, a As noted by its name, the Greek Fire rifle uses
battle can be resolved very quickly. flammable oil as its fuel source. In general there are three
The impact of the cannon ball is so great that it causes manners in which a flame gunner can employ this. The
one-half of the inflicted damage out to 10 meters. It first is the standard type as detailed on the table above.
requires eight actions to reload a Great Cannon, and a Small Bellows: Using this version of the gun, the
separate action to fire it. soldier empties one liter of oil into the gun bellows for
later use.
Cylinder Rifle Large Bellows: Allowing for more oil to be pulled into
Being one of the first quick-loaded firearms, this these larger bellow gives the gunner three liters
weapon contains all of its shot, wading, and powder in instead of only one. In addition to this, the gunner can
cylinders along the barrel length. When the arming bolt is use all three uses as a burst fire. Large Bellows
pulled back, a portion of each component is loaded into the increase the weapons mass to 10 and the Reload entry
barrel allowing for a more rapid rate of fire. The weapon changes from 1 to 1(1x3). The cost also rises to
can be fired on every action the character has until the 1200gp.
rounds (10 in all) run out. However, it requires a total of Oil Tank: Instead of pouring flasks of oil into the
20 actions to fully arm the weapon again. Despite this, the bellows, this option gives the gunner a steady supply
Cylinder Rifle can be fired before it has been fully loaded. of Greek fire oil strapped to his back in a barrel and
The downfall of this weapon is its dangerous ability to attached to the weapon by a water-proof hose. This
backfire when the powder cylinder is nearly or completely gives the soldier an average of 30 liters of the weapon
full. When a backfire is indicated during the weapons use and both burst and auto-fire options are available.
treat the damage caused as a demolition’s explosion using While being a very popular option with leaders, many
those rules for powder charges given in Chapter 5: Goods soldiers are uneasy about having that much flammable
and Services. liquid on their backs. This option raises the weapons
total mass to 35 kilograms, increases the cost to
1800gp, and the reload entry reads as 3 (1x30). Of
Fire Lance course larger or smaller barrels can be used just
Siege warfare will never be the same again! The Fire remember to adjust both mass and reload rates using
Lance resembles a large blunderbuss with a lengthened common ratios to determine their values.
barrel. The weapon uses special spears that have an
impact-detonating explosive charge housed in the
warhead. The damage listed is for the spearhead itself (if
Six Gun
it should happen to hit someone); the explosion is treated The Six Gun is a Pepperbox configuration (see
as a grenade with the area of effect remaining the same. Pepperbox under ‘Firearms Options’ below) based on the
While smaller and shorter ranged versions of this caviler rifle. This gives the weapon six rotating barrels
projectile can be made for the blunderbuss the standard allowing the gunner to fire six times before reloading. This
Fire Lance round is to long and heavy to use with that introduces the potential for several persons with these
weapon. weapons to lay down a volley of fire that is only matched
It requires two charges of powder to deploy this by soldiers with bows.
weapon effectively. Reloading a new ‘lance’, and charging It requires 12 actions to fully reload the weapon.
the gun requires 3 actions. A separate action is needed to However, it can be fired before being completely reloaded.
fire it. In this case two actions are needed to load each shot. A
separate action is required to fire the weapon.
Greek Fire Rifle
Composed of a set of high-pressure bellows,
Slag Gun
waterproofed tubing, a rifle barrel, and a forward mounted An application of steam power to the heavy weapons
torch (usually oil soaked cork or pitch), this heavy weapon genre produced this monster. While the gun itself is
can instill fear in even the best of troops. After the initial relatively small, the boiler and loading rails make the
damage is caused, the target on the following phase must weapon system rather large. The gun is about one and
roll a Constitution feat to avoid further damage if the result one-half meters long and stands a little under a meter tall.
of the attack was better than Ordinary. When Good or The boiler weighs 30 to 50 kilograms and is attached to the
Amazing damage is caused, a failure on the targets feat gun by tar sealed hoses of giant eel skin. The loading rails
Chapter 4: Weapons & Armor
are 1-meter long enclosed chutes that provide the gun with Meteor Swarm 1d6s/1d4w/1d6w 80/160/240 DEX
Sheet Lightning d4+1w/d6+2w/d4+1 80/160/240 DEX
a continuous feed of ammunition. The ammunition used is
a bolt 10 centimeters in length and 1 centimeter in Ice Storm see below 100/200/30 CON
diameter. 0
When the boiler is sufficiently heated a steam-release
valve is closed forcing the pressure through the barrel of Each spell gem also gives an attack other qualities that
the gun. When the gunner depresses the firing bar the may not be covered on this table. The spell gem types and
bolts are individually forced into the barrel by a steam- the spells the are derived from as follows:
powered rotor. The weapon will continue to fire as long as Deadly Missile: Invocation-magic missile, Rank 10
the firing bar is depressed. Leaping Flames: Invocation-magic fire, Rank 9
As indicated on the table, the Slag Gun can fire 200 Power Word: Invocation-power word, Rank 9
bolts under normal conditions (i.e. both loading rails are Meteor Swarm: Invocation-meteors, Rank 8 (three meteors
fully loaded). However it is normal that another person are fired each time the weapon is fired. Aside from the
continues to load new bolts into the loading rails during blast radius, this feature grants a bonus –1 step as if
combat making the weapons rate of fire dependant only burst fire mode.)
the amount of bolts available. The Slag Gun can be used in Sheet Lightning: Invocation-lightning, Rank 8
Fire, Burst, or Automatic modes of fire. Ice Storm: Invocation-ice, Rank 10 (Damage caused is
The Slag Gun cannot be carried in total except by Huge 3d4w/2d4w/1d6w/1d6s/1d4s for a Critical Failure to
creatures. However they are versatile enough to be used an Amazing result and the damage is treated as Energy
on any platform and when compared to other heavy with regards to armor.)
weapons like the Ballista, they are easy to move. The Mass
entry for the weapon includes all those mentioned so far. Nova Cannon
In most campaigns where this weapon is included, The Nova Cannon is a larger version of the Nova Gun
their use is almost always limited to Military only (or the below. They only differ in damage caused and the ranges
lord who owns one) as the weapon’s destructive power is of the weapon. Unlike other large weapons, only one man
great. is required to man a Nova Cannon.
Armor Table
Type Li/Hi/En Skill AP Mass Cost Hide
Progress Level 0: The Stone Age
Hide d6-3/d4-3/d6-4 Armor Op. +1 10 N/A
Progress Level 1: The Iron Age
Body Shield +2/+1/+1 Shields +3 12 N/A
Body Spikes +1/0/0 None 0 1 +10gp N/A
Elven Chain d6-1/d6-4/d6-4 None 0 0 +4
Helm +1/0/0 Armor Op. +1 4 N/A
Leather d6-2/d6-4/d6-4 None 0 7 +2
Small Shield +1/0/0 Armor Op. +1 4 +1
Progress Level 2: The Middle Ages
Chain Mail d6-1/d6-4/d6-4 Armor Op. +1 15 +1
Medium Shield +2/+1/0 Shields +2 7 N/A
Chapter 4: Weapons & Armor
Plate Armor, Full d6+1/d6-3/d6-3 Heavy Armor +3 25 N/A
Plate Armor, Partial d6/d8-5/d6-4 Heavy Armor +2 20 +1
Progress Level 3: The Age of Gunpowder
Leather Coat 1d6-3/d4-3/d4-2 None 0 5 +3
Progress Level 4: The Tinker Age
Ballistic Chain d6-2/d6-2/d6-4 Armor Op. +1 15 +2
Ballistic Shield +2/+2/0 Shields +2 9 N/A
Ballistic Plate, Full d6/d6-1/d6-3 Heavy Armor +3 25 N/A
Ballistic Plate, Partial d6-1/d4-1/d6-3 Heavy Armor +2 20 +1
Kinetic Armor d4+3/d4-1/d4-2 Heavy Armor +4 75 N/A
Progress Level 5: The Age of Magic
Ceramic Plate d6-1/d6-4/d4 Heavy Armor +2 10 +1
Ceramic Shield +1/+1/+2 Shields +2 5 +1
Force Armor d6-1/d6-1/d6-1 None 0 1 +4
Force Shield +2/+2/+2 None 0 1 +4
Chapter 4: Weapons & Armor
Influential spell. This benefit does not have any effect on Exploding Shot 3 25gp
psionics however. Grape Shot 4 7gp
Great Cannon shot 4 25gp
Force Armor and Shield Gunpowder, Heavy 3 15gp
Utilizing spell gem technology, Force armor and Gunpowder, Light 3 10gp
shields provide a practically weightless defense that is Gunpowder, Great 4 25gp
comparable to most other types of protection. Force
Armor is girdle or belt with a large buckle in the center. Firearms,
On the buckle is a button that when pushed produces the Ball Shot 3 2sp
‘Force Armor’ option from the Invocation-force field spell. Gunpowder, per shot 3 1gp
The Force Shield does the same, however it is installed in a Mini-Ball 4 5sp
bracer or gauntlet. Wading 3 1cp
Each time the buttons are pushed the force field
generated will last for 10 minutes, and uses a charge. Both Greek Fire, per shot 1 10gp
types of force protection have a maximum of 25 uses.
While no skill is required to utilize the protection to its Quarrels,
fullest value, having high ranks in either heavy armor or Hand Quarrel 4 1gp
shields do grant those benefits. Similarly a person with an High Explosive 4 3gp
active Force Armor can cause Gauntlet damage from a Standard Quarrel 2 1sp
punch and the Force Shield can be used in strike as a
normal shield. Sling,
Force protection of either type is visible, but is Sling Bullet 1 1sp
transparent. Colors range from blue to green to red, and Sling Stone 0 -
the protection may be featureless or fully detailed based
on who designed the devise. Sling Staff,
Sling Bullet 1 1sp
Sling Stone 0 -
Ammunition Stink Pot 1 3sp
The damage rating listed for most ranged and heavy Spell Gems,
weapons considers that a standard armament is being Heavy, Generic 5 50gp
used with that weapon. Below are the not only the cost for Heavy, Specific 5 150gp
such ammunition, but other types of ammunition as well. Pistol, Generic 5 25gp
Most importantly is the cost of the ammo and the Pistol, Specific 5 50gp
Progress Level in which is appears. Rifle, Generic 5 35gp
Rifle, Specific 5 75gp
Ammunition Type Progress Level Cost
Armor Piercing 2 4cp Game Masters may allow a character to use the same
High Explosive 4 5gp type of arrows for differing types of bows if desired. Some
Incendiary 1 +1cp however may feel that Long Bows fire different arrows
Signal Arrow 2 5cp than other types of bows and may deem it necessary to
Standard Arrow 0 2cp apply some penalty if done so.
Ballista, Armor Piercing: Useable only with a Long Bow, this arrow
High Explosive 4 10gp features a heavy chiseled head on a meter long arrow.
Incendiary 1 7sp When damage is assessed for a successful hit, armor
Standard Bolt 1 5sp values are reduced by 1 point for Low Impact damage.
Chapter 4: Weapons & Armor
The Hand Quarrel is designed for use with the Hand the wielder may strike with basket hilt causing damage as
Crossbow. Standard Quarrels may be used with either a Gauntlet.
Medium or Heavy Corssbows. The inclusion of a basket hilt increases the value of the
weapon by 50%. It also increases the mass of the weapon
High Explosive: Similar to the High Explosive version of the by 0.5 kilograms.
arrow, this quarrel causes High Impact damage. Of the melee weapons presented in this chapter, the
following are suitable for this modification: Dagger, Mace,
Sling and Sling Staff Broad Sword, Cutlass, Rapier, Saber, Cavalry Sword, and
Sling ammunition is listed considering the use of sling any Sheath Weapon of these types.
stones. If sling bullets are used then add a +1 to damage.
Sling bullets, which are usually made of lead, also increase Composite Bows
the range of the standard sling to 15/30/75 and the Sling A Composite Bow is one that incorporates different
Staff to 15/30/60. materials in the bow, increasing the total strength. The net
result a 25% increase to each range category for the bow
Stink Pot: This ordinance is a clay vessel filled with in question. This modification doubles the cost of the bow
burning sulfur or quicklime. The range is not good, in question.
being only 10/20/40, but the payload breaks upon Generally speaking, only Short Bows and Long Bows
impact releasing an Irritant poison. All persons within 4 can have composite versions. Their ranges are shown
meters of the broken Stink Pot must resist the poison or below.
suffer immediate penalties. A Stink Pot will usually burn
for 1d4+1 combat rounds before it loses effectiveness. Composite Type Ranges Cost
Long Bow 50/100/250 150gp
Spell Gems Short Bow 25/50/125 60gp
Many ranged and heavy weapons of Progress Level 5
refer to the use of spell gems. The reference is plural Firearm Standards
because in order for a spell effect to be released from the Each type of firearm is defined primarily by three
weapon, two matching spell gems must make contact criteria. There is the manner of ignition, the barrel type,
inside the weapon. The method making spell gems is a and the type of ammunition that can be used. Each firearm
closely guarded secret but does involve a spell that splits described on the Ranged and Heavy Weapons tables
an existing spell into two versions, one ‘positive’ and one already has the information for each of these aspects built
‘negative’. When they make contact the spell is completed in to their statistics. If a player modifies a firearm then the
and released. following rules should be used. Considering the following,
Generic spell gems refer to effects that can be have no these options have already been applied to the weapons
optional settings or enhanced use for the weapon. Their present on the Ranged Weapons table.
benefit is that certain weapons like the Mage Pistol or the
Dragon Gun can use several different types by replacing Weapon Ignition Barrel Ammo
the spell gems. Arquebus Matchlock Crude Ball Shot
Specific versions require the use of a specific weapon Blunderbuss Matchlock Crude Special
Cylinder Rifle Flintlock Smooth Mini-Ball
as they have options that make non-generic. Weapons like
Carbine Breech Loaded Rifled Mini-Ball
the Rainbow Pistol, the Energy Rifle, and the Nova Gun fall Caviler Flintlock Smooth Mini-Ball
in this category. Fire Lance Flintlock Crude Special
Harpoon Gun Flintlock Crude Special
Long Rifle Flintlock Crude Ball Shot
Weapons Options Musket
Six Gun
Breech Loaded
Ball Shot
The weapons presented on the tables above are Star Wheel Flintlock Smooth Ball Shot
generic in nature. The following section describes some Tri-Gun Flintlock Smooth Mini-Ball
basic options that can be used to modify these weapons Wheel Lock Matchlock Crude Ball Shot
into more useful of deadly forms.
Most of these options have some special quality the The Ignition Type refers to one of three options
impart to the weapon they modify, but almost all of them available. Matchlock weapons require a lit fuse to ignite
effect both the cost and mass of the weapon in question. the powder and require three actions to reload the
weapon. Flintlock weapons are a little more
Basket Hilts accommodating allowing for only two actions to reload.
A Basket Hilt offers a character a –1 step bonus when Breech Loaded firearms have a special feature in that the
attempting a parry, as such daggers with basket hilts are shot, powder, and wading is combined in a packet and is
often favored as an ‘off-hand’ weapon. In addition to this loaded into the rear of the barrel. Breech-loaded firearms
Chapter 4: Weapons & Armor
still use the flintlock mechanism. This allows for only one ruin a good gun. Damage caused in this fashion may be
action to reload. The above rules are primarily for rifles. fixed with either the Firearms or Tinkering-Repair skills.
Pistols can be reloaded at a rate of one less action to a
minimum of zero actions required. Backfire Damage
Barrel Types effect the Accuracy of the weapon being Matchlock and flintlock weapons are notorious for
used. Crude bore firearms have little if no specialized causing harm to the shooter when things go wrong. This is
methods for smoothing the barrel and incur a +2 penalty simulated in this game with the Critical Failure. When this
to the firing of the weapon. Smooth bore weapons are result occurs while using a firearm, the backfire causes
better but still impose a +1 penalty. Rifled barrels feature 1d4 points of wound damage to both the character and the
a spiral groove inside the barrel that puts a spin on the weapon itself. Because of the closeness of the weapon and
round and causes the weapon to have no penalty at all. the way in which it is aimed and fired, the damage is
Ammunition Types effect range and can also have an focused on the armor of the character’s head. In a similar
effect on the weapons Accuracy. Ball Shot has no effect on sense, the weapon’s armor, if any, does not apply (however
either. A Mini-Ball increases the range by 25% and grants Toughness does). Damage caused to the weapon by a
a –1 bonus to Accuracy. Bullets (which are not detailed for backfire may be fixed with either the Firearms or
any weapon shown) grant a –1 bonus and increase range Tinkering-Repair skills.
by 50%. Neither mini-balls nor bullets can be used in If the DM allows another option may also be used for a
crude bore barrels and ball-shot cannot be used in a Critical Failure. If the character passes a Personality Feat
breech-loaded weapon. check then the backfire can be determined as a ‘Hang Fire’
It is important to note that the firearms in use today instead. This means that the powder burns incorrectly or
have qualities that are greater than the weapons presented is of poor enough quality that the round is not discharged
here. In addition, there are no Burst or Auto-Fire from the barrel. While this option saves the character
capabilities described here as well. If DMs and players are from backfire damage it does require that the weapon be
willing, those and other options (as well as those listed reloaded with an additional action.
below) are given in Appendix 2: Tinkering. But for the As a final note, a breech-loaded firearm does not
standard version of the game, I assume that with magic backfire on a ‘20’. It jams instead. Correcting this problem
and other options available that firearms will evolve requires only one action.
differently in a fantasy environment than they have in the
real world. Firearm Options
In addition to the standard models and their
Gunpowder possible upgrades, there are also several other options
There are two types of explosive powder that are used useable by firearms. These are presented below and most
with firearms, Black Powder and Gunpowder. Both types are limited to Progress Level 4 unless the DM feels
of powder use the same basic ingredients however otherwise. Each of these options has modifiers to their
gunpowder receives a special process in its mixing called ease or difficulty in implementing, the details of which are
‘Corning’. This step grants a more useable and moisture discussed in Appendix 2: Tinkering. Of the options
resistant powder and also allows for breech-loaded presented below the Combination Barrel and Scopes
weapons and other possible applications. options cannot be used with Pistols.
Against the threat of moisture consider black powder
to have a Durability of 3 and gunpowder to have a Multiple Barrels: Up to two additional barrels can be
Durability of 6. Checks should be made as often as added to a firearm as long as they are of the same type
necessary given the environment and damage should be and model. While this allows the user to fire multiple
treated as an Acid Splash as found in Chapter 8: Gamers in volleys before reloading, each barrel adds one-half on
Action of this book. the weapons mass to the total mass. Regardless of the
For the purpose of easy rules, any type of powder can final mass of the weapon, its bulk makes it a Heavy
be used in any type of firearm. The sole exception is that Weapon by definition. Each barrel also costs one-half
black powder cannot be used in a breech loaded weapon. of the base cost for the weapon as well. Therefor a
The application of powder types used in the manufacture firearm with two additional barrels weighs and costs
of explosives is discussed in Chapter 5: Goods and Services. twice as much in both categories. The Tri-Gun on the
Heavy Weapons table is an example of this type of
Melee with Firearms weapon.
When a firearm is used for melee it must make a Combination Barrels: This option is similar to the
durability check for each attack that hits. The damage multiple barrel option above except that it includes
caused to the target is also caused to the firearm itself barrel types that are different. Only one barrel can be
including any modifiers for high strength. The added to a firearm if it differs from the first. The most
mechanisms and components for a firearm are not common application of this is a Blunderbuss combined
designed for these purposes and this is an excellent way to with another type of rifle. As with the multiple barrel
Chapter 4: Weapons & Armor
option above, this makes the firearm a Heavy Weapon.
Cost and mass are similarly modified excepting the Dual-Mount: increases accuarcy, must be used for two
base costs of the firearms of which the barrels bolts or no go. adds on step to reload. doubles the cost
originate. of the weapon.
Pepperbox: An advancement on the barrel Steam Fired: The force of steam is used to hurl the
combinations above, a Pepperbox is a series of like object. The greater force generated in this manner
barrels designed to rotate around a based so that they does not increase the range of the attack, but damage
may be fired by a common flintlock. This option is increased by a +1. The drawback to this is that the
allows for up to six barrels to be combined on one gun. weapon weighs 50% more, requires one more action
The mass of the weapon, and cost, are determined by to reload, and the fire and water in the boiler must be
the same criteria above. The Six Gun on the Heavy maintained at an operating level.
Weapons table is an example of this type of weapon. Steam Powered: The most superior use of steam in
Free-All Trigger: Useable with either the Multiple or large weapons, this system utilizes the force of the
Combination Barrel options, a Free-All Trigger is an steam to power a series of mechanisms to fire and
additional trigger built into the firearm that allows all reload a large weapon. This grants the weapon a +2
of the triggers present to be released in one action. bonus to damage caused and range is increased by
This option increases the weapons cost by 25%. The 25% per category. The flaws are the same as for the
Tri-Gun on the Heavy Weapons table makes use of this Steam Fired option above except that this option
option. allows the weapon to be reloaded in half the time by
Quick Load Rods: While not being an actual use of steam powered assistance.
modification to a firearm itself, Quick Load Rods are Explosive Powered: Some team weapons may follow
specially designed loading rods that allow a character the designs as those used for firearms. While the
to place the shot, powder, and wading down the barrel bombard and cannon fit this category (as possible
of the weapon in one action. This reduces the reload modifications to a catapult) the ballista may also make
time by one action however they cannot be used with use of this delivery system. The primary benefit
Breech Loaded firearms. It requires one minute to gained by doing so is that the weapon causes High
prepare a QL Rod therefor most gunners carry several Impact but does use a lot of gunpowder to use.
in to battle. In a progress level 4 campaign, quick load Tandem Systems: Allowing one man to fire multiple
rods cost around 15 gold pieces each. weapons can be of great benefit. This modification
Scopes: Scopes help in long range shooting by includes a series of gears, levers, and pulleys that
reducing the long-range penalty by 1 point. However, allow for one release mechanism to be used by the
not just any scope can be placed a rifle and used as weapons that are loaded and ready. Reloading the
such without first being sighted correctly. This is done weapons, however, is another story.
with a complex skill check using the Firearms-Rifle Automatic Systems: A dream not realized until late in
skill and requires 3 successes with one being allowed the Tinker Age, this system is comprised of weighs,
per. The medieval/fantasy scope utilizes two lenses springs, and the weapons natural power to reload
sealed together with strands of spider web to form the itself. When the weapon is fired, the force of the
crosshairs. The average scope costs 300 gold pieces. release creates a chain reaction that quick ‘rewinds’
Melee Rigging: This option allows a Rifle to be used as itself to its firing position. The only step remaining is
a club in melee combat without forcing it to make a to place the shot into the weapon, however some
Durability check when it lands a blow. At Progress weapons also include this feature. The force
Level 4 the rigging includes a mount for a bayonet. generated by this action is too much for a wooden
Adding this option to a firearm increases it’s cost by frame. As such, the frame must be made of metal
25%. (preferably steel) and causes the weapon to weigh
Wide Breech: A Wide Breech allows the weapons twice as much as is normal. This option is not
wielder to load more powder into a firearm than is available to weapons that use gunpowder like the
normally allowed. The net result is that the blast fires bombard or the cannon.
the round with more force, which adds a +1 to the Pulley Reload System: The forerunner of the automatic
damage. The down side of this is that the firearm will system, pulley reloads include a block and tackle
backfire on either a 20 or 19 (or 20, 19, and 18 if the combination that makes reloading easier by reducing
wielder has the Bad Luck flaw). Designing a firearm the force of the weapons ‘pull’. This option does not
with a wide breech increases its cost by 25 gold pieces. increase the weight of the weapon and it reduces the
reload time by one-half. This option is not available to
Heavy Weapon Options bombards or cannon.
As with other types of weapons, heavy weapons may
also be modified for greater effect. Some of the more
common options available are given below.
Chapter 4: Weapons & Armor
Made for Throwing item is to hold. This reflects the rules involving a
Some weapons that are designated as ‘Not for permanent magical item. Temporary magical items, made
throwing’ can be made as ‘Designed for throwing’ if by the Enchantment-enchant item spell, do not have to
desired. While this helps with range modifiers, it does follow this rule but their power only lasts a short while.
modify the damage by a –1 point if the weapon is used in The table below shows the qualities allowed for each level
melee combat. This means that if a Hand Ax is made to be of power.
‘Designed for throwing’ then standard damage applies if
the weapon is thrown, however the damage will be –1 Quality vs. Magnitude
point of damage per category if the Hand Ax is used in Magnitude
melee. Quality Ordinary Good Amazing
Weapons that are ‘Heavy’ for the purposes of throwing Ordinary Yes No No
cannot usually be bettered in the terms of this rule. Good Yes Yes No
Amazing Yes Yes Yes
Parrying/Disarming Blades
Bladed weapons like swords and daggers may have The features of both quality and power are combined
Parrying/Disarming Blades attached to them. These in the statistics for the item. This means that an amazing
modifications grant a step bonus to parrying attempts quality suit of plate mail retains those values for Quality
while using the blade and disarming attempts impose only and also gains the benefits of being amazing in Magnitude
a +3 penalty instead of the usual +4. as well.
This modification comes in two varieties: Fixed Blades
or Spring Blades. Fixed Blades can be introduced as early Magical Weapons
as Progress Level 1, while Spring Blades generally do not Magical weapons gain two primary features; a Skill
appear earlier than Progress Level 2. The cost for Fixed Bonus and the ability to Ignore Armor. The Skill Bonus
Blades is a price increase of 10% of the weapons value; represents an increase in the wielder’s rank score with
while Spring Blades increase the price by 50%. that weapon. If the character is untrained, he first bonus
The primary difference between the two is that Fixed grants a broad skill level of use. If the wielder has only the
Blades cannot be sheathed while Spring Blades can. Spring broad skill then the first bonus grants rank 1. If the new
Blades can also be used to surprise an opponent if rank would normal grant a rank benefit, like double-strike
combined with a successful Tactics-melee tactics skill or distance precision, then those benefits are also gained.
check. In such a case the use of the blades during that The Ignore Armor column shows the reduction to a
phase may grant a –2 step bonus to parrying or only a +2 defender’s armor value. If, and only if, the target has no
penalty to a disarm check. armor value then this reduction acts as a point-for point
Of the weapons presented in this chapter the following increase to damage. The Power of a magical weapons also
are suited for this modification: Dagger, Short Sword, acts as its power rating in terms of toughness. Unless a
Broad Sword, Great Sword, Long Sword, and any Sheath Game Master feels otherwise this should not upgrade
Weapons of these types. damage. High power should only downgrade Good or
Amazing toughness as standard.
Polearm Options Both apply to melee and thrown weapons however
The entry for polearms on the melee weapons table when applied to heavy or ranged weapons not all of these
details the basic statistics for such a weapon. Historically values apply. In these cases the weapon itself and the
however, polearms had several other uses. For ammunition used can differing power. Weapons (bows,
simplicities sake a polearm can be used to make several crossbows, ballista, and slings) gain only the benefit of the
types of called shots with only a +2 penalty instead of the Skill Bonus column. Ammunition types (arrows, quarrels,
usual +4. These maneuvers include specific attacks to sling stones, or bullets) use the Ignore Armor and the
damage armor, or to pin an opponents weapon. They may Power columns only.
also be used to in an Overpowering attempt to unhorse a
mounted attacker or to pull someone to the ground. Magnitude Skill Bonus Ignore Armor
Ordinary +1 Rank -1
Good +3 Ranks -2
Magical Weapons & Armor Amazing +5 Ranks -3
Magical weapons, armor, and shields are all ranked by
their magnitude. The magnitude of the magic invested in
Magical Armor
such gear allows it to be used to greater capacity than a The strength of magical armor is found primarily in its
normal, mundane, piece of equipment. All magical gear ability to fend off secondary damage and the increase to
also has a quality. The general rule of thumb is that the the armors base ratings. The Secondary Damage column
quality of the item must be at least equal to the power the shows the decrease of secondary damage taken while the
armor is being worn. The Armor Value column details the
Chapter 4: Weapons & Armor
modifier to the die roll for an armors protective value. The
Mass column shows the modifier for the armors mass
when worn. This does not effect the mass if the armor is
being carried or transported however. As with magical
weapons, magical armor must first be made of an equal or
greater quality to have an equal or lesser power.
Secondary Armor
Magnitude Damage Value Mass
O -1 +1 -25%
G -2 +2 -50%
A -3 +3 -100%
Magical Shields
Magical Shields gain bonuses in a manner similar to
magical armor. The columns below are self-explanatory.
It should be noted that shields, whether magical or not,
only benefit a character if they can actual be used to ward
off an attack. Attacks to unprotected flanks or the rear do
not offer protection from a shield. Of course the bonuses
granted a shield benefit a character’s overall armor values
as per the standard rules.
Secondary Armor
Magnitude Damage Value Mass
O -1 0 -25%
G -2 +1 -50%
A -3 +2 -100%
Quality Value
Ordinary x100
Good x250
Amazing x500