UPSC MAINS Economics Books
UPSC MAINS Economics Books
UPSC MAINS Economics Books
Paper I Section B
1. Comparative Govt. & Politics -J.C. Johri
2. Comparative Govt. & Politics -Ronald Chilkote
1. Modern Indian Political Thinkers -V.P. Verma
2. Foundations of Indian Political Thought -V.R. Mehta
3. Indian Govt. and Politics -A.S. Narang
4. Indian Govt. and Politics -J.R. Siwach
5. Indian Govt and Politics -M.P. Singh, Himanshu Roy
6. Politics in India -Rajani Kothari
7. Govt. and Politics of India -W.H. Morris Jones
Paper II Section A
• Theoretical aspects of International Politics
o -Mahendra Kumar
• Politics among Nations -Morganthu
• International Politics -Schuman
Paper II Section B
1. International Politics -Bookhives
2. Regular issues of Frontline & World Focus (magazine) Others IIPA Journal, The Hindu,
Topic Wise Books For Pol. Science - Political Theory and Indian Politics
1. George H. Sabine ( Western political theory)
2. Eddy Ashrivatham (Political theory)
3. C.L. Wayper (Political thought)
4. O.P. Gauba (An introduction to political thought)
5. R.M. Bhagat (Western political thought)
6. Amal Roy and Mohit Bhattacharya (political theory, ideas and institutions)
7. S.P. Varma (Modern political theory)
8. J.C. Jauhary (Comparative politics)
9. Indian Polity for Civil Services Examinations - M. Laxmikanth.
10. A.S. Sandhu (Political theory)
11. Pukharaj Jain (Political thought)
General Books for Political Science
1. Our Constitution By Subhash C Kashyap
2. Our Parliament By Subhash C Kashyap
3. Perspective on Constitution (ED) by P.M Bakshi
4. Introduction to the Constitution by D.D. Basu
Ancient India
1. Ancient India (NCERT) Prof. R.S. Sharma
2. The Wonder That was India A.L. Basham
3. Ancient India - An Introductory Outline D.N. Jha
4. History of India, Vol. I Romila Thapar
5. Aspects of Political Ideas and Institutions in Ancient India R.S. Sharma (only Conclusion)
6. Material culture & Social Formation in Ancient India R.S. Sharma
7. Indian Feudalism- R.S. Sharma
8. Ashoka & Decline of the Maurya Romila Thapar
9. A History of South India K.A. Nilkantha Sastri
10. Ancient India and Indian Archaeology Archaeological Survey of India
11. Ancient India Social and Culture - Luniya
12. An Advanced History of India - R.C. Majumda, H.C. Raychaudhurai, - Kalikinkar Datta
13. Ancient India - L.Mukherjee
14. The rise of civilization of India and Pakistan - Bridget and Raymond Allchin
15. Mauryan : Ashoka and the decline of mouryan empire - Romila Thapar
16. Facets of Indian Culture - Spectrum
17. NCERT (11th)
18. Indus Civilization - (a) IGNOU booklet no. 2
Medieval India
1. Medieval India (NCERT) Satish Chandra
2. Medieval India (Macmillan) Satish Chandra
3. The Wonder That was India (Vol.2) S.A.A. Rizvi
4. The Agrarian System of Mughal India 1556-1707 Irfan Habib
5. The Mughal Empire J.F. Richards
6. Urban Dynamics H.C. Verma
7. The Marathas - Gordon
8. Advanced study in the History of Medival India - Volume I J.L. Mehta
9. Advanced study in the History of Medival India - Volume II J.L. Mehta
10. Advanced study in the History of Medival India - Volume III J.L. Mehta
11. Medival India - Volume I Satish Chandra
12. Medival India - Volume II Satish Chandra
13. History Of Medieval India – Satish Chandra
14. Medival India - L. Mukherjee
15. The Advanced History of India - Majumdar, Raychaudhuri & Datta
16. Social life and cultural life of both Delhi Sultanate and Mughal India - J.L. Mehta
17. A history of South India - K. A. Nilakanta Shastri
18. IGNOU material (especially on agriculture and agrarian relations and culture)
19. NCERT (11th)
Modern India
1. Modern India (NCERT) Bipan Chandra
2. Modern India (Macmillan) Sumit Sarkar
3. Anatomy of the Raj (PPH) Suhash Chakravarty
4. India’s Struggle For Independence – Bipan Chandra
5. The Raj Syndrome (Penguins) Suhash Chakravarty
6. VAID's Fundamentals of History Series
a. Administrative History Pravin Kumar
b. Constitutional History Pravin Kumar
c. Social History Pravin Kumar
d. Freedom Struggle Pravin Kumar
7. Peasant Movements in India D.N. Dhanagare
8. India's Struggle for Independence Bipan Chandra and others
9. Gandhi -B.R. Nanda
10. Gandhi -Judith Brown
11. Freedom Struggle (NBT) - Bipan Chandra & others
12. Modern Indian History - Groover & Grooover.
13. A struggle for Independence - Bipin Chandra
14. Freedom Struggle - Bipinchandra
15. Modern India - L. Mukherjee
16. A new look into the modern Indian history - B.L Grover
17. Freedom struggle - Bipin Chandra, Varun Dey and Amlesh Tripathy (NBT)
18. India's struggle for independence - Bipin Chandra
19. Modern India - Sumit Sarkar
20. IGNOU material (esspecially on freedom struggle)
World History
1. The story of Civilization, Vol. 2 (NCERT) Arjun Dev
2. Contemporary World History (NCERT) Arjun Dev & others
3. The Mainstream of Civilization Strayer, Gatzke & Harbison
4. Western Civilizations Burns & others
5. Industry & Empire E.J. Hobsbawm
6. Age of Revolution E.J. Hobsbawm
7. Age of Capital E.J. Hobsbawm
8. Age of Empires E.J. Hobsbawm
9. Social basis of Democracy & Dictatorship B.J. Moore
10. Europe Since Napoleon David Thompson
11. Europe Since 1815 W.C. Craig
12. Europe Since 1870 James Joll.
Part III
1. NCERT : Indian Society, Social Change
2. Bhattacharya, D.K. : An Outline of Indian Prehistory
3. Srinivas : Caste in India & Other Essays
4. Srinivas : Social Change in Modern India
5. Y. Singh : Modernisation of Indian Tradition
6. Vidyarthi & Rai : Tribal Cultures of India
7. Vidyarthi : Tribal Cultures of India
8. N. Hasnain : Indian Anthropology
9. N. Hasnain : Tribal India
10. R.C. Verma : Indian Tribes
11. Vaid : Who Cares for Tribal Development (Hindi & English)
12. A.L. Basham : The Wonder that was India
13. G.S. Bhatt : Bharatiya Samajik Vichar (in Hindi)
14. Bharatiya Samajik Vichar (in Hindi)
15. Sagar Preet : Reservation for Backward Classes a Perspectiv