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L. Emerson Ferrell

A n a Mén dez Ferrel l , In c.

Thoughts From the Artist About the Cover

For as l on g I am abl e to rem em ber a fem al e statu e, appeari n g as

om n i presen t l i gh ts th e path way s of th e ci ty dwel l ers. Sh e i s cal l ed
“great freedom ” an d h er l i gh t offers u s ori en tati on on ou r path s.
Ev en th ou gh th e pl ace at wh i ch I stan d feel s l i m i tl ess, I sen se
l i m i tati on s an d bou n dari es an d kn ow th ere m u st be m ore.

On e day I real i zed, th at I am stan di n g on a pedestal h ewn of ston e

an d wri ten u n der m e i s th e i n scri pti on , “In troi te, n am et h ei c Di i
su n t” (Com e i n , cau se th ere are gods h ere as wel l ) I n ei th er kn ow
wh at th e i n scri pti on m ean s n or am I cl ear abou t wh y I am on th e
pedestal bu t i t h as becom e th e fou n dati on for m y th i n ki n g. My
u n y i el di n g, ri gi d an d fi rm sen ses resem bl e th e pedestal th at h as
becom e m y fou n dati on . I becom e stron g by m y own stren gth .

Si n ce Jesu s tou ch ed m e I h av e tri ed si n cerel y an d en ti rel y to tru st

Hi m com pl etel y wi th m y wh ol e h eart. Ev en th ou gh He l i v es i n m e i t
feel s m ost ti m es as th ou gh He i s far away . Som eti m es I see Hi s gl ory
l i ke a sh ooti n g star, wh i ch en ters m y earth l y con sci en ce ju st to fade
away wi th i n secon ds. I do bel i ev e based on kn owl edge. Bu t th at i s n ot
en ou gh for m e an y m ore. My desperate cri es are bou n ci n g off a gl ass
wal l , back to m e. It’s a cry stal cl ear wal l , al m ost i n v i si bl e. I l on g so
m u ch to fl ee th e u rban desert. My h eart i s l on gi n g for a l i m i tl ess l i fe.

A t th at v ery m om en t I h eard Hi s v oi ce deep i n m y h eart: “Eat!”

Com pl etel y pu zzl ed I ask m y sel f eat wh at? Th e v oi ce respon ds l ou dl y ,
“Eat of m e.” Su dden l y , ev ery th i n g v i brates an d sh akes fol l owed by a
warm , i n ten se sparkl i n g l i gh t h ov eri n g i n m y h an d. It i s fresh an d
al i v e – h i dden m an n a. I start to eat. Th en I h ear a fai n t cracki n g
sou n d. Som eth i n g begi n s to break. Th e en ergy - l aden atm osph ere i s
starti n g to ri p. Cry stal s are ru bbi n g agai n st each oth er. In a l ou d
expl osi on th e cry stal gl ass wal l bu rsts i n to pi eces i n fron t of m y ey es.
In stan tl y , a fresh cool breeze ru sh es i n si de m y m i n d an d body
expan di n g m y h ori zon s. Free an d ou tsi de of ti m e I step i n to a
fam i l i ar, sti l l u n kn own worl d. Words bei n g abl e to descri be th i s
can n ot fol l ow m e an y l on ger. I am at th e pl ace wh ere m y God dwel l s –
I am h om e.

We wou l d h av e h eal ed Baby l on , bu t sh e can n ot be h eal ed ...

(Jerem i ah 51,9 germ an tran sl ati on )

Joel A rgast

L. Emerson Ferrell
1 ST Edi t i on , Copy ri gh t © 2012 L. Em erson Ferrel l .

A l l ri gh ts reserv ed. Th i s pu bl i cati on m ay n ot be reprodu ced or

tran sm i tted i n an y form or an y m ean s, fi l ed i n an el ectron i c sy stem
n or tran sm i tted i n an y el ectron i c, m ech an i cal way i n cl u di n g
ph otocopy i n g, recordi n g or by an y i n form ati on storage retri ev al
sy stem , or i n an y oth er m an n er (i n cl u di n g au di obooks), wi th ou t th e
prev i ou s wri tten perm i ssi on of th e au th or.

A l l Scri ptu re qu otati on s, are taken from th e fol l owi n g Sou rces
Ampl i f i ed Bi bl e Versi on 1 .1 (A MP) © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964,
1965, 1987 by Th e Lockm an Fou n dati on , La Habra, CA 90631. A l l
ri gh ts reserv ed. www.l ockm an .org
New Ameri ca n St a n da rd Bi bl e, 1995 edi ti on , wi th Stron g’s
n u m bers ©1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995
by Th e Lockm an Fou n dati on . A l l ri gh ts reserv ed
Ki n g Ja mes Versi on wi th Stron g’s N u m bers, i n Pu bl i c Dom ai n
Ameri ca n St a n da rd Versi on of 1 901 , i n Pu bl i c Dom ai n
Bi bl e i n Ba si c En gl i sh (BBE, 1965), i n Pu bl i c Dom ai n . Cam bri dge
Press i n En gl an d pri n ted th e Bi bl e In Basi c En gl i sh i n 1965.
Pu bl i sh ed wi th ou t an y copy ri gh t n oti ce an d di stri bu ted i n A m eri ca,
th i s work fel l i m m edi atel y an d i rretri ev abl y i n to th e Pu bl i c Dom ai n
i n th e Un i ted States accordi n g to th e UCC con v en ti on of th at ti m e.
J.N. Da rby , Th e ‘Hol y Scri pt u res’: A N ew Tran sl ati on from th e
Ori gi n al Lan gu ages, i n Pu bl i c Dom ai n
Worl d En gl i sh Bi bl e (WEB) - “Worl d En gl i sh Bi bl e” i s a
tradem ark of Rai n bow Mi ssi on s, In c. Perm i ssi on i s gran ted to u se
th e n am e “Worl d En gl i sh Bi bl e” an d i ts l ogo on l y to i den ti fy fai th fu l
copi es of th e Pu bl i c Dom ai n tran sl ati on of th e Hol y Bi bl e of th at
n am e pu bl i sh ed by Rai n bow Mi ssi on s, In c. Th e Worl d En gl i sh Bi bl e
i s n ot copy ri gh ted.
Wey mou t h New Test a men t i n Modern Speech (1913), i n Pu bl i c
Dom ai n
You n g’s Li t era l Tra n sl a t i on of th e Hol y Bi bl e, i n Pu bl i c Dom ai n
Th e NET Bi bl e®, Fi rst Edi ti on , Th e Tran sl ati on Th at Expl ai n s
Itsel f™ © 1996-2005 by Bi bl i cal Stu di es Press, L.L.C. A l l Ri gh ts
Reserv ed
GOD’S WORD® Tran sl ati on , ©1995 God’s Word to th e N ati on s A l l
ri gh ts reserv ed, Pu bl i sh ed by : Green Key Books, 2514 A l oh a Pl ace,
Hol i day , Fl ori da 34691
New Rev i sed St a n da rd Versi on of th e Bi bl e, Th e Scri ptu re
qu otati on s con tai n ed h erei n are from th e N ew Rev i sed Stan dard
V ersi on of th e Bi bl e, copy ri gh ted, 1989 by th e Di v i si on of Ch ri sti an
Edu cati on of th e N ati on al Cou n ci l of th e Ch u rch es of Ch ri st i n th e
Un i ted States of A m eri ca, an d are u sed by perm i ssi on . A l l ri gh ts
reserv ed.
Th e Hol y Bi bl e, by N oah Webster, LL. D. (1833), i n Pu bl i c Dom ai n .
Con t empora ry En gl i sh Versi on ® Copy ri gh t © 1995 A m eri can
Bi bl e Soci ety .
Hol ma n Ch ri st i a n St a n da rd Bi bl e®, Copy ri gh t © 1999, 2000,
2002, 2003, 2009 by Hol m an Bi bl e Pu bl i sh ers. Used by perm i ssi on .
Hol m an Ch ri sti an Stan dard Bi bl e®, Hol m an CSB®, an d HCSB® are
federal l y regi stered tradem arks of Hol m an Bi bl e Pu bl i sh ers.
Th e Messa ge i s qu ot ed: “Scri pt u re t a ken f rom Th e Messa ge.
Copy ri gh t © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by
perm i ssi on of N av Press Pu bl i sh i n g Grou p.”
NKJV Copy ri gh t © 1982 by Th om as N el son , In c.
NET Copy ri gh t © 1996-2009 by Bi bl i cal Stu di es Press (BSP), L.L.C.
an d th e au th ors.
SB Th eSch ocken Gu i de to Jewi sh Books. N ew Y ork: Sch ocken Books.
TEV com pl eted i n 1976, was tran sl ated by Robert G. Bratch er wi th
si x oth er sch ol ars

Jordan Riv er Publishing Company

P.O. Box 83335, Miami,
Publisher: Florida 33283.
United States of America.
Printing in: United States of America

ISBN 978-0-9886617-2-1

Cov er Desi gn er: Joel A rgast

Di gi tal book(s) (epu b an d m obi ) produ ced by Bookn ook.bi z.


Div ine Meetings
Challenged by Heav en
My Wake-Up Call


Purposes and Benefits of Fasting
Quantum Fasting and the Supernatural


My Words are Spirit and Life
Our Spirit is His Key
Jesus the Liv ing Word
Stones to Bread


The Blood of the First and Last Adam
Blood and Thoughts
The Demonic and our Thinking

Section V: T HE SOUL
The Mercy Seat
Old Wine Skins

Section VI: T HE BODY

Fasting is Medicine
Fasting and Phy siology
Personal Ex periences of Fasting
Fasting Births Prophets


This book will ex pose y ou to the world of reality

bey ond the phy sical. The life God designed for y ou is
hidden inside y our spirit along with a roadmap to
righteousness, peace and joy .

The Bible say s, For the kingdom of God does not

consist of food and drink, but righteousness, peace,
and joy in the Holy Spirit (Romans 1 4:1 7 ). My life
changed forev er the day the Holy Spirit rev ealed the
depths of meaning to that v erse.

It is my desire for each person to ex perience the

ecstasies bey ond this world that are av ailable to those
who fast. The dev il knows the power of fasting, which
is why he has stirred up so much fear of fasting in so
many of God’s people.

Fasting is not new ev en though it is not practiced often

in the church. Perhaps this is due to preconceiv ed
ideas and religious beliefs. In any ev ent, the dev il has
produced fear of committing to a lifesty le of fasting.

This book will enlighten and transform y our

understanding bey ond fasting to the power ov er fear.
Moreov er, y ou will discov er that y ou are what y ou
believ e because of y our thoughts. Once y ou
understand that food is one of the origins of thoughts,
then y ou will understand the importance of fasting.
Y our spirit is hungrier than y our body and, if fed
properly , it will transform y our eating and how y ou

The power to observ e and change y our desires in the

light of the Holy Spirit alters ev ery thing. Y ou will be in
charge of y our thoughts, not a slav e to them.

In addition, y ou will discov er the hidden power inside

our spirit to change our phy sical condition and health.
The diets consumed by most people born in the West
fulfill crav ings generated from noise and stress. We
will look at how the sounds of our souls are consistent
with the foods we ingest, thus reproducing the
perpetual cy cle of sin, sickness and death.

Y ou will understand how righteousness and peace are

tangible foods of the Spirit serv ed to those whose
desires are consistent with His.

Science uses terms to describe phenomena in both the

v isible and inv isible worlds. Fasting pushes open the
door between the two worlds in order to feast on God’s
div ine nature.

Quantum, according to most dictionaries, is a Latin

word for amount. In modern understanding, it means
the smallest possible discrete unit of any phy sical
property , such as energy or matter.
Those who refrain from eating food (matter) will be fed
faith (energy ) by the Holy Spirit. A person’s spirit will
grow stronger and destroy the illusions of doubt and
unbelief created by the constant diet of matter.

In other words, feeding y our faith is as sim ple as

fasting along with worship and thanksgiv ing.

The power to ov ercome the material world is to trust

the Holy Spirit to prov ide y our needs outside of y our
reasoning and beliefs. Fasting is an ex ercise in doing
just that. If the dev il knows y ou hav e made that
choice, he is helpless to intimidate y ou. Y our fear will
be transformed to power once y ou begin to fast.

These ex periences and more hav e been waiting for us

since the foundation of the world. They are our
inheritance and treasures for transforming future

Fasting will awaken the ov ercoming spirit inside of

y ou as well as increase y our stamina and well being,
which is necessary for the ty pe of worship we were
created to giv e to our King.

Jesus said, “Do not be afraid I have overcome the

w orld” (John 1 6:33). If y ou are frightened about
any thing in y our life, it is because y ou hav e nev er
properly understood the benefits of fasting.

The power and authority ov er ev ery terror in y our life

begins with ov ercoming the fear of not eating. If y ou
desire to attain power and authority , start
reading now and do not stop until y ou hav e
dev oured ev ery page of this book.

Remember, Jesus did not begin to operate in the

power, might and authority of the kingdom until he
returned from fasting in the wilderness.

Do y ou want to follow in His steps? Begin now with

putting all ex cuses aside and nev er looking back.
Y our future is as bright as y our trust in His
power to transform y ou.

Jesus demolished the works of the dev il after His

baptism and return from the wilderness. It was during
those 40 day s in the desert without food that
something was activ ated inside His being. I believ e
that not eating was an important element in activ ating
the div ine blood of His Father.

My journey with fasting began after study ing His

wilderness ex perience and confrontations with the
dev il. Most Bible teachers agree that quoting
scriptures was His defense against Satan. Howev er,
little is said about His lack of food as an ingredient in
the v ictory .

The story of my ex periences and discov eries is a work

in progress written to demonstrate the power of the
Holy Spirit ov er the obstacles of fear from the dev il.
Jesus destroy ed the works of the dev il, and each time I
receiv e a new rev elation about that, a greater lev el of
authority is rev ealed in my life. This is a journey that
increases my spiritual hunger ov er my phy sical
appetites. Fasting was my v ehicle for this miraculous
journey , and my desire is that y ou will be encouraged
to do the same after reading this book.

Throughout my life and at v arious times, God has
interv ened in order to awaken me to His amazing
grace. I believ e nearly ev ery one will hav e or has had a
direct encounter with heav en during his or her
lifetime. Nev ertheless, the choice to pursue those
v isitations remains with each indiv idual.

The accounts y ou are about to read are written to

confirm and encourage others who hav e had similar
ex periences. These stories are a collection of dreams
and v isions I recall from early in life.

Furthermore, while these ex periences impacted my

life greatly , the choice to pursue those encounters was
difficult. I discov ered that each time heav en
interv enes on earth, so does hell. The powers and
principalities of darkness are fully aware when the
Light of Christ illuminates the reality of God and His
Kingdom. This describes what happens each time God
commissions angels to show themselv es.

The powers of darkness use their power of doubt and

unbelief to draw the curtain on the reality of these
ex periences. Time and time again, God has touched
humanity with His majestic lov e, only for it to be
dismissed and forgotten.

Perhaps y ou are remembering things ev en now, which

seemed out of the ordinary and strangely frightening.
Be encouraged to get alone with the Holy Spirit and
allow Him to remind y ou of those ex periences.
Angelic v isitations do not make someone special or
unique. They are simply a reminder of His eternal lov e
for man ev en at the risk of his rejection.


At an early age, my dreams and v isions ex posed me to

a world of reality outside of the traditional
ex periences most people receiv e in churches, schools
or institutions.

It was during those y ears that I became acquainted

with my spiritual nature. I discov ered that my spirit
was equipped to understand nonv erbal languages as if
it were the normal way of communication. In fact, it
was these interactions that created a deep hunger in
me for that world and later my pursuit to know Christ.

My earliest encounter began at school one day , when a

friend told me an angel had once sav ed his life.

The early morning was hot and humid with puffy

clouds in the sky . The grammar school play ground
was loud and noisy with the ex citement that
surrounds the beginning of a new school y ear. Finding
a familiar face in the crowd was like discov ering water
in the desert.

From a distance, I identified the v oice of a friend

named Dav id, who I knew from the prev ious y ear. He
was one of the few classmates I had known who alway s
seemed happy . He made good grades and was liked by
other students, as well as by the teachers.

Dav id was alway s smiling and seemed to go out of his

way to help others adjust to situations and
circumstances that were uncomfortable. One day my
mother had forgotten to pack me a lunch and I had no
money . Dav id heard about my situation and brought
me half of his sandwich. With a big smile on his face he
said, “I hope y ou like peanut butter and jelly .”

We became good friends and would share more than

sandwiches during our times together. On one
occasion Dav id told me about a time that he and his
mother were in a car accident. They were
miraculously sav ed from sure death by what they
discov ered later to be an angel.

He told me about a tall man with penetrating ey es

pulling his mother and him from their burning v ehicle.
He described an ov erwhelming feeling of peace and
security . I sat mesmerized listening to Dav id and
asking him questions about the angel. I wanted to
know ev ery detail.

Often at recess, we would sit on the swings staring off

into space. Day dreaming was our fav orite pastime,
because without say ing a word we could trav el bey ond
time and space into a makebeliev e world full of
innocent dreams and imaginations. Later we would
reliv e our adv entures together, which prov ided fuel
for future ex cursions.

One day Dav id and I were discussing our dreams and

adv entures, when we both noticed a figure standing by
a huge oak tree in the middle of our play ground. We
both began to walk slowly towards this person. To our
surprise, we were the only ones who noticed him.

My feet felt as though they were not touching the

ground at one point, and it became difficult to
determine if I was day dreaming. Suddenly , a v oice
called me by name and told me that my heav enly
Father had chosen me for something special.

At the sound of that v oice I felt a warm sense of peace

and tranquility . Howev er, the closer we mov ed
towards this magnetic figure, the harder it was to
mov e.

Suddenly , we found ourselv es in front of this

magnificent person whose clothes reflected a different
color of light. The light was bright, but the beams
emanating from it were, for lack of a better word,
aliv e.

The most memorable feature about this person was his

ey es. The color was indescribable and the intensity
was laser-like. His countenance radiated power and
gentleness simultaneously .

As we stood in front of this person, my mind was free

As we stood in front of this person, my mind was free
of any thoughts. In other words, it was as if I had
entered a different world, a place that answered all
m y questions before I could ask them .

It was impossible for me to ascertain his age or his

nationality . He did not communicate with his mouth
but rather just stared into my ey es. The sensation
reminded me of being on a roller coaster. I felt dizzy
and nauseous, when suddenly a hand touched my
forehead. Instantly , I felt better, and images raced
through my head in what could only be described as a
motion picture beginning to play in my mind.

I recognized my self in the feature film and intuitiv ely

understood it to be my life now and in the future. The
ex perience was indescribable, because the person I
was observ ing was not the person watching the film. It
was as if my body and spirit were separated from one

I was watching my complete life from the crasdle to

the grav e. As I watched my self on the screen, I knew
what my choices were before I made them.

Furthermore, I knew that making the right decisions

pleased my heav enly Father, and the wrong ones hurt
Him deeply . An ov erwhelming desire to please Him
released a passion inside me that made me cry . I knew
God wanted my life to be His, but the question inside
my head was, Would I make the right choices in life?
Then, in a blink of an ey e, the mov ie ended and what
appeared to be a drop of water containing my life
rolled out of my ey e like a tear. As it rolled down my
cheek a magnificent cry stal v ase shaped like a human
heart captured it.

Y ou number my w anderings. Y ou put my tears into

your bottle. Aren’t they in your book?

Psalm 56:8 WEB

Suddenly , I heard my name called as it began to rain.

The last thing I wanted was to leav e this timeless
euphoria. The instant my focus and gaze changed, I
ex perienced a sensation of “slowing down.” It was as if
I stepped into lead-weighted boots and clothes.

The transition resembled what I imagined “quicksand”

to feel like. All I knew was that the sensation was
uncomfortable and constricting. Ev en my ability to
know and understand things left me.

My mind was racing and heart pounding from the

encounter. No words could describe it, but I knew
something special had marked my life.

I remember seeing Dav id out of the corner of my ey e

racing towards the school building. He waited for me
at the door and flashed a big smile towards me before
entering the classroom. The warmth from that grin left
no doubt in my mind that we were ex periencing
emotions and feelings that words could not ex press.
That was my first ex perience with an angel but it was
not the last.

Take care to keep open house: because in this w ay

some have had angels as their guests, w ithout being
conscious of it.

Hebrew s 1 3:2 GW

It was during that v isitation that I remember feeling a

strange sensation inside of my body and mind. My
attitudes and appetites subtly began to change
concerning my ev ery day life. It was the inv isible
world that captured my imagination.

My spirit was stirred and fear was replaced by the

anticipation of more v isitations from the unseen
realm. My heart was on fire with the hope of meeting
my heav enly Father.

Ev en at that early age, I knew my spirit was marked. I

knew that the phy sical person was not the one who
would make the choices in life, but the one who had
been marked by God. It was my spirit that possessed
the qualities and knowledge that I wanted to uncov er.


Sev eral y ears later something happened that prov ided

a door to that inv isible world. One night while I was
sitting up in my bed, I observ ed a heav enly being in
my bedroom with a bowl in his hand. Watching
intensely , I heard a v oice inside my spirit ask if I
wanted to taste the liquid inside the bowl.

I remember battling thoughts of fear and curiosity ,

when the angel said, “If y ou do not eat for 40 day s I
will giv e y ou this liquid.”

The angel disappeared, but not my ex citement or

curiosity from the ex perience. My desire to taste the
liquid was stronger than my fear of going without food.

I had no idea any one could liv e without eating a day ,

much less 40. It seemed impossible, but the
ex citement and the desire nev er left me. Finally I
made up my mind to do whatev er it took to drink the
liquid offered by the angel. It seemed impossible, but
something inside me refused to giv e up.

One night, while attending a retreat in the Smoky

Mountains of Tennessee, I spotted a strange colored
light in the distance. My curiosity ov ercame any
resistance to walk into the dark night to discov er the
source of the my stery .

After walking up and down the mountain for a couple

of hours in the dark, I entered a cav e with an eerie
glow emanating from inside. I could hear music
coming from deep below the entrance. My first
thought was that people were camping and play ing
music inside.

Howev er, the further I walked, the faster my heartbeat

became and the more my emotions began to change.
The light changed into colors I associated with
melancholy until all at once I felt a sense of sadness. I
began to weep uncontrollably and heard a v oice inside
me say , “Innocent blood is cry ing to be redeemed.”

Immediately , turning around I saw a man sitting in a

white robe on a rock and knew he was the source of the
light and sound. I was unsure if I was dreaming or
awake. His lips were not mov ing but I clearly
understood his thoughts.

I was hy pnotized by the beauty and serenity of this

being and knew instantly it was the same man I had
met as a y oung schoolboy .

His countenance had not changed, but this particular

v isit sent me to my knees weeping like a child. The
compassion I felt at that moment was ov erwhelming.
The man touched my shoulder, but it felt as if my
insides were on fire. I immediately knew my life was
being used as an altar of sacrifice to atone for the
injustice committed.

My weeping continued uncontrollably for hours until

blood appeared on the surface of my skin. Suddenly ,
the light changed from amber to shades of v iolet. The
sound reflected the change of the light in pitch and
intensity .

My cry ing subsided and was replaced with a profound

sense of joy and strength. The v oice inside me said,
“Intercession is a tool the Spirit uses to counteract ev il
and purify human v essels.”

As I looked up I saw a cloud filled with men clothed in

white worshiping the Lord. My tears of sadness turned
to joy because I knew my intercession had been for
each of them.

After leav ing the cav e it occurred to me that I had

neither eaten nor drunk any thing for sev eral hours.
The thought produced feelings of dehy dration and
hunger in me. My mind was racing wildly out of
control with fear.

At once I heard a v oice I recognized from the cav e

say , “Why are y ou frightened?” T hat instant m y
heart seized control of m y thoughts and I
understood a peace that satisfied m y hunger
and thirst.

The Holy Spirit was preparing me to understand the

origin and construction of thoughts. It also became
cry stal clear to me why Jesus is the Prince of Peace.

The power resonating from that v oice silenced all the

v oices of fear and panic created by my mind. I knew
the time had come for me to taste the liquid offered to
me y ears earlier.


Growing up, I liv ed around the beaches of Florida and

learned to surf at an early age. The wav es there were
nev er really big compared with other places in the

After graduating from college, I mov ed to California

and then liv ed in Hawaii to enjoy some of the larger
wav es. My fascination with wav es was a distraction
from the hunger in my soul for more of the

I recall one day when I was surfing some large wav es

with a few friends. The current was strong, and we had
become separated in the water during the course of
the morning. The skies became ominous and the wav es
grew rougher. As I turned to paddle bey ond the
approaching set of wav es something bumped my

Ev ery surfer hears the horror stories of shark attacks

and is well aware of the ev er-present danger in the
oceans. Therefore, most beginners are more
concerned about the creatures under the water than
the wav es breaking on top. The ones who become the
best wav e riders are the ones who are at peace in the
ocean regardless of the animals below.

Nev ertheless, my mind was activ ely creating images of

danger and foreboding from the jarring of my
surfboard. It was difficult to think of any thing but the
horror stories. As I was consumed in my fearful
thoughts, a huge wav e struck me unex pectedly .

The first rule of paddling a surfboard is to alway s be

perpendicular to the wav e. Well, I was not, and a huge
wav e separated me from my board, sending me to the
bottom of the ocean.

Most surfers use a leash, which is a strong plastic

tether connected to the board and attached by V elcro
to one’s ankle. This sav es endless time swimming to
shore to collect y our board after wiping out on a wav e.
Furthermore, it offers some piece of mind to those a
great distance from the shore.

This particular wav e broke my leash and threw me like

a rag doll to the ocean’s floor. The immediate
question, which floods one’s head in that condition,
concerns the issue of air and if y our lungs hav e
enough. The answer to that question is nev er known
until it is tested in those terrify ing conditions.

I tried desperately to find the bottom in order to push

my self to the surface. Unfortunately , the pressure
from the wav e was equiv alent to hav ing sev eral
hundred pounds of weight strapped to my back. The
effort I ex pended fighting against this force ex hausted
me and depleted the air in my lungs. My fear of
drowning created panic, but the lack of ox y gen
prev ented any phy sical resistance to what I imagined
was certain death. As I resigned my self to the
inev itable, something touched me that felt like a hot
iron running down my spine and ex iting through my
nav el.

Suddenly , tranquility bey ond reason filled my head

with thoughts and images reminiscent of my first
angelic v isitation. My spirit was engulfed with the lov e
of my heav enly Father and transformed me into a
dimension of “knowing” bey ond any thing I had ev er
ex perienced.

I had an ov erwhelming sense of peace about the

situation and was no longer afraid to die. It was as if
the fear of drowning was m y only attachm ent
to the phy sical world.

Loosing that attachment immediately opened the door

to the feeling best described as lov e. The power of lov e
swallowed up all of my fear.

Moreov er, my mind ex perienced an ev ent that

appeared like watching a curtain fall. My thoughts
were filled with joy , which had been hidden by the
shroud of fear.
The lov e transformed my darkness to the most
spectacular brilliant light I had ev er seen. It
penetrated and energized ev ery cell and fiber of my

Instantly , I was filled with compassion for ev ery one I

had harmed in thought or deed. T he ey es of m y
understanding were opened to the person of
Jesus Christ and His am azing power of
forgiv eness. It was then I KNEW lov e, not in a
concept but in a person.

It was during those split seconds in time that I

ex perienced unconditional lov e and forgiv eness from
Jesus. Immediately , my mind was filled with
thanksgiv ing for all the things I had taken for granted
that He had done. For ex ample, I remembered when
someone stopped me from an oncoming car in traffic,
and the time the doorbell rang, waking me up just in
time to put out a fire that had started in the kitchen.
Memories of His mercy flooded my mind, and
gratitude was flooding my soul. I learned later that
this was the purest form of worship.

The nex t thing I remembered was sitting on the beach

coughing and spitting out ocean water. I was nev er
sure how I surv iv ed or why my surfboard lay beside
me when I awoke. All I remember to this day was the
amazing peace that flooded my soul. That encounter
changed my life. The details of what happened must
not be as important as the impact it left in my spirit
and soul, otherwise I am confident the Holy Spirit
would hav e shown me. One thing is certain my
commitment to Christ and confidence in His destiny
for my life has increased a hundredfold.

T he Holy Spirit has rem inded m e m any tim es

that fear surrenders to lov e and those who
know Christ will hav e encounters to test His
power to deliv er them from their worst

The spirit realm has become my refuge and strong

tower. The Holy Spirit is my closest friend and ally ; He
knows my life is His to do as He pleases. Because of
this, fasting has become a joy , not an effort, because I
know the power of life is not in the phy sical dimension.





Fasting is one of the most powerful tools the Holy

Spirit will use to manifest the my steries of Christ and
break preconceiv ed ideas and doctrines. It is by no
means the only method that facilitates our
relationship with Christ but it is, in my opinion, the
most powerful and profound way to meet Him face to
face inside the spiritual dimension.

Most dictionaries define fasting as abstinence from

food for v ary ing lengths of time. Food is defined as
nutrients or nourishment in solid form. Fasting in
some cases has become an ex otic term to imply
sacrificing something y ou want or desire.

For ex ample, there are some who stop watching TV or

listening to music and refer to this as fasting. In my
opinion, if one reduces the material stimuli from this
world it can be beneficial. The benefit is increased
tenfold if one fills that time with pray er.

People who watch the wrong ty pes of mov ies ov er

time will damage their emotional centers and
desensitize their spirits. I believ e the Holy Spirit
rewards those who will separate themselv es from
ex ternal stimuli to spend time with Him.

Howev er, food is more than just a stimulus, because

ov er time it will change our blood, which affects our
organs, emotions, thoughts and future generations.
Later in this book, y ou will see the connection
between y our blood and the Holy Spirit.

There are many way s to fast solid food, but fasting

should not be confused with abstaining from water.
Ox y gen, water and sleep, in that order, are more
important than food. Many people can liv e weeks
without food but no one can surv iv e more than a few
minutes without ox y gen.

The Bible describes v arious kinds of fasts and the

different purposes associated with the sacrifice.
Nehemiah, Dav id, Anna, Jesus, Paul and Barnabas
participated in norm al fasts, abstaining from food for
sev eral weeks, but not water.

Daniel did not eat meat or sugar for twenty -one day s
as a partial fast. Esther is an ex ample of an ex trem e
fast because she did without food and drink for three
day s. Moses and Elijah are ex amples of supernatural
fasting eating no bread or drinking no water for 40
day s and nights.

Moses w as there w ith the Lord forty days and forty

Moses w as there w ith the Lord forty days and forty
nights; he ate no bread and drank no water. And
he w rote upon the tables the w ords of the covenant,
the Ten Commandments.

Exodus 34:28 AMP

Water is important to drink during a fast, and one

should be clear about this in order to prev ent the dev il
from destroy ing our temples. Those who are wise will
listen carefully to the Holy Spirit and refrain from
acting in the flesh or listening to the wrong v oices.

One of the purposes of this book is to encourage all of

those reading it to trust the Holy Spirit. Y ou are aliv e
today because He wants y ou to thriv e and grow in the
fullness and stature of Christ. Trust Him! For specific
purposes and under the direction of the Holy Spirit I
hav e undertaken ex treme fasts on a number of
occasions. The results were both phy sically and
spiritually profound.

There are hundreds of books written about fasting,

which describe methods and results. This book is less
about way s to fast and more about the purposes for
fasting. One of the primary reasons for writing this
book is to prov oke a div ine hunger in those who want
to ex perience the supernatural on a regular basis.

If one will take authority ov er phy sical appetites and

make the smallest steps towards freedom from the
slav ery of food, one will recapture territory
prev iously stolen and will be counted among those
seizing God’s Kingdom.

But from the time of John the Baptist till now , the
Kingdom of the Heaven has been suffering violent
assault, and the violent have been seizing it by

Matthew 1 1 :1 2 Weymouth

Ev ery one’s initial struggles with fasting are the result

of preconceiv ed ideas and theologies. The v iolence
spoken of by Jesus in Matthew should start with
tearing down our strongholds and false images of
Christ and His messages.

The cross is the battleground where our opinions,

feelings, comforts and desires hav e no influence ov er
our journey into His Kingdom. The most powerful
secret weapon for that dismantling process is fasting.

In fact, the sooner one closes their mouth concerning

food, and abandons ex cuses or opinions for past
failures, the sooner one will ex perience freedom from
those prisons. Fasting is the quickest and most
powerful way to break open the doors holding y ou
captiv e in y our mind and body .

It is the most effectiv e way of demonstrating to the

powers and principalities y our knowledge of Christ
and His authority ov er them. Moreov er, it display s the
hope of His glory in y our body and soul.
When I first read the abov e v erse in Matthew, it
sounded v ery contrary to my image of Jesus. My
picture of Jesus was that of an innocent, sweet person
carry ing lambs on His shoulders, while healing the
sick. That is the way religion has portray ed Him for

Jesus was v iolently opposed to the mentality of this

world, particularly religion. He was so aggressiv e with
the powers and principalities that they feared Him.
T hey were afraid because they knew He was
prepared to giv e His life to destroy their
authority .

Jesus understood that His death would be required to

reestablish the kingdom stolen from Adam. Those who
desire to be His disciples must be just as passionate.
One cannot allow any obstacle or hindrance to
prev ent one from v ictory . Fasting is THE principal
tool to display y our determination to retake what y ou
hav e surrendered through ignorance.

In my opinion, fasting is a lifesty le for ev ery disciple.

Fasting transformed my thoughts and has become my
doorway into the spiritual realm.

The phy sical changes in y our body will reflect the

spiritual transition that has begun. Moreov er, if y ou
establish fasting as a lifesty le, the heav ens will remain
open in y our life and mind. For those who fast, the
atmosphere created by the Holy Spirit is impossible to
describe with words.

This is the portal by which rev elation enters our life

and changes our consciousness. We will depend less
and less on the material world for our resources and
will ex perience the supernatural supply from the Holy
Spirit as “our daily bread.” This is the sustenance that
supplies our phy sical bodies and nourishes our spirits.

Perhaps the most important impartation one could

receiv e from this book is the absolute necessity to fast
in order to change one’s current condition. Also, if
y ou are satisfied with y our life and relationship with
Christ, this book will only reinforce what y ou already

Many people reading this book may identify

themselv es as Christians according to accepted
doctrines and scriptural interpretations. While this is
an essential beginning, it is only the first step of a
much deeper journey . Our initial images of Jesus as
the Christ must continually ascend if our desire is to
rule and reign with Him.

Ev ery rev elation of Christ we uncov er unlocks

treasures designed for our personal
dev elopm ent and destiny .



Y ou may be asking what fasting and quantum hav e in

relation with one another. From a natural point of
v iew, they hav e nothing in common. V ery little about
fasting is natural. Fasting, as y ou will learn, is much
more than just not eating.

My introduction to that word and its meaning was

born from a desire to better communicate my
ex periences during and after fasting.

This chapter will ex plain the meaning and purpose

behind the title of this book. Science interested me less
in school than it does now, so my ex planations will be
from a lay man’s perspectiv e. Scientists, like
theologians, rarely agree with one another on
information pertaining to data or the Bible,
respectiv ely , because most of their conclusions are
formed from preconceiv ed beliefs.

According to Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary , the

definition of science is know ledge attained through
study or practice, or know ledge covering general
truths of the operation of general law s, esp. as
obtained and tested through scientific method [and]
concerned w ith the physical w orld.

As the definition indicates, science uses the

information it gathers to form laws and theories about
things still indefinable such as “reality ,” which
according to the dictionary is the state of things as
they are or appear to be.

Howev er, the data is only as reliable as the

instruments used to collect it. One of the fundamental
purposes of research scientists is to discov er
principles that are reproducible outside the
laboratory .

Nev ertheless, it is impossible for human beings to be

objectiv e, because those designing the measuring
dev ices hav e preconceiv ed ideas of the results before
the inv estigation is completed. Hence, the results will
generally confirm the researcher’s ex pectations. The
opinions and theories concerning creation and the
origin of man are formed from these methods.

Most intellectuals, particularly scientists, disregard

the Bible and a personal God. They construct theories
about life and man’s origins from that position. In fact,
most univ ersity professors assume that any one who
does not believ e in ev olution is ignorant.

I believ e that any one who forms their opinion about

I believ e that any one who forms their opinion about
the origin of life from science needs more faith than
those who believ e the Bible. The inability of man to be
objectiv e is the door to pride and arrogance, which
directly or indirectly impacts society .

According to Merriam Webster Dictionary objective

means ex pressing or dealing with facts or conditions
as perceiv ed without distortion by personal
feelings, prejudices, or interpretations.

The world is much more than man can measure with

his instruments. Any one who has had an encounter
with Christ has ex perienced something undeniably
real and immeasurable by man’s instruments.
Howev er, the splitting of the atom began to change
some of science’s preconceiv ed ideas.

They discov ered a world their instruments were

unable to measure but had undeniable influence ov er
the material world. They stumbled upon a strange
world that behav ed differently from the phy sical
dimension. This led to the formation of a branch of
science called quantum phy sics, established to
inv estigate discrete, indiv isible units of energy called

Energy and m atter are am ong the m ost

im portant words in the v ocabulary of
phy sicists. Energy is the unknown power source
behind all of the matter in the univ erse. Quantum
theory is a form of theoretical phy sics with the sole
purpose of understanding the fundamental properties
of matter.

They discov ered that energy and matter responded to

influences bey ond their reasoning or understanding.
Moreov er, their instruments could not accurately
measure the results of most of their ex periments.

The origin and relationship between the v isible and

inv isible worlds remains a my stery for science, which
has attempted to resolv e it by study ing energy and
matter. Consequently , those inv estigations are
uncov ering more questions than answers.

We stated earlier that science uses the terms matter

and energy to describe its research of the material
world. Christians know that man is a spirit that
temporarily resides in a material body . Science
searches for answers about our origin from the
inv isible realm of energy because they refuse to
acknowledge our spiritual identity .

Let the LORD, the God of the spirits of all flesh;

set a man over the congregation.

Numbers 27 :1 6 WEB

Moreover, w e had human parents to discipline us,

and w e respected them. Should w e not be even more
w illing to be subject to the Father of spirits and
Hebrew s 1 2:9 NRSV

God is Spirit; and those w ho w orship Him must bring

Him true spiritual w orship.

John 4:24 Weymouth

Science spends billions of dollars constructing

instruments like a supercollider, which describes a
machine that smashes subatomic particles together,
hoping to discov er the “god particle,” or material that
giv es matter mass. In other words, phy sicists believ e
that the substance that formed the phy sical world
after the big bang can be found by smashing subatomic
matter particles together at the speed of light.

Therefore, their pursuits for answers concerning

creation are from the material world instead of
searching inside their own hearts. Nev ertheless, they
quickly learned that the inv isible realm controls the
v isible world.

For w hat this w orld considers to be w isdom is

nonsense in God’s sight. As the scripture says, God
traps the w ise in their cleverness.

1 Corinthians 3:1 9 TEV

Faith is the tool and power Christians must use to

understand the spiritual or inv isible realm. Science
generally will not believ e what it cannot measure and,
as a result, will nev er be able to understand the
spiritual dimension.

Nev ertheless, God is rev ealing Himself to the skeptics

of this world including scientists. He is confounding
the wise with the most fundamental properties of the
material world called atoms. These are the building
blocks for ev ery thing v isible and inv isible. The sun,
air, water, planets, chairs, food and our bodies are all
composed of atoms.

Fi gu re l
Fi gu re 2

The scientists who established the traditional model of

an atom held the belief that electrons orbited the
nucleus of the atom much like planets rotate around
the sun. Howev er, the electron microscope
discov ered it was not that way at all. See Figure 1 .

Their beliefs were inaccurate. Electrons do not orbit

around the nucleus of an atom in a uniform pattern
but are rather clouds of energy flashing in ev ery
direction simultaneously . See Figure 2.

This seems to indicate that electrons are in many

places at the same time. The inv isible world of energy
is a my stery to science and does not conform to its
theories and laws.
Atoms are 99.99% empty space. So, what prev ents
objects from passing through one another? Each atom
v ibrates at a certain frequency according to their
composition of electrons, protons and neutrons.
Electrons surrounding the atom form a cloud that
either repels or attracts other atoms with the same
v ibration.

Therefore, it only appears as if y ou are walking on a

concrete sidewalk. The electrons of the concrete are
repelling the electrons on y our sneakers and in reality
y ou are hov ering ov er the sidewalk. Research suggests
these clouds or wav es of electrons change or “blink”
into v iew from time to time and form particles of
matter. T his is im portant to understand
because science is desperate to learn why
energy becom es m atter.

It is also fascinating from a Christian’s perspectiv e to

read the term blinking in the contex t of the letter Paul
wrote to the Corinthians:

It w ill happen suddenly, quicker than the blink of an

eye. At the sound of the last trumpet the dead w ill be
raised. We w ill all be changed, so that w e w ill never
die again.

Our dead and decaying bodies w ill be changed into

bodies that w on’t die or decay.

I Corinthians 1 5: 51 -52 CEV

The spiritual realm is what science calls energy . Christ
determines what will be v isible or inv isible. Eternity
resides inside of Christ, and Paul knew this after his
encounter with Jesus on the Damascus road.

For in him were created all things in heaven

and on earth, the visible and the invisible,
whether thrones or dom inions or
principalities or powers; all things were
created through him and for him .

He is before all things, and in him all things

hold together.

Colossians 1 :1 6-1 7 NAB

Paul’s encounter on the road to Damascus was

profound, and it was necessary for him to fast from
food and drink for three day s to receiv e spiritual
rev elation that the church today still does not fully

And for three days he w as not able to see, and he took

no food or drink.

Acts 9:9 BBE

But the Lord said to him, Go, for this man is a chosen
instrument of Mine to bear My name before the
Gentiles and kings and the descendants of Israel;

For I w ill make clear to him how much he w ill be

For I w ill make clear to him how much he w ill be
afflicted and must endure and suffer for My name’s

Acts 9:1 5-1 6 AMP

The authority ov er the v isible world begins with a

relationship with the author of both dimensions. The
v oice of Christ is the inv isible and immeasurable
frequency uniting all things in the material world. The
sound of His Word creates energy and forms matter.
Those who hav e had a personal encounter with Christ
know His v oice. The sound of His v oice is the
frequency of life, both v isible and inv isible. The
inv isible world of energy materializes into the phy sical
through a phenomenon known as a “collapsed wav e
function.” This describes the process of electrons
materializing from the inv isible dimension of energy
into the phy sical world of matter. The reasons for this
hav e been the topic of research for y ears.

Electrical fields of unseen energy surround all organic

life. The energy from human beings emits frequencies
or v ibrations consistent with the indiv idual. Science
has determined that energy becomes matter after the
cloud or energy surrounding the atom encounters a
frequency or v ibration that alters its electromagnetic

T he energy from the person observ ing the

inv isible world directly affects the nature and
character of the atom , changing it from energy
to m atter.

The unseen world is directly affected by our spiritual

nature in way s that create div ine meetings with the
Holy Spirit. These clandestine rendezv ous are
designed for us to meet our heav enly Father.

Consciousness is another way of describing the energy

a person releases because of his or her beliefs.
Therefore, when one pray s or thinks about something
inv isible, that energy interacts with the
electromagnetic shell around those inv isible atoms,
which changes energy into matter.

Now faith is the reality of w hat is hoped for, the proof

of w hat is not seen.

Hebrew s 1 1 :1 HCBS

In other words, the unseen world is filled with limitless

potentials “waiting” for activ ation from someone.
Therefore, according to science, the act of observ ation
is both the cause and effect in the creation of the
material univ erse. Furthermore, the observ er
subconsciously determines the reality of his world
through preconceiv ed beliefs.

In essence, there can be no objectiv e study of the

inv isible world because indiv iduals unintentionally
interfere with their “reality .” Each person finds the
results they predict and are generally unaware of their
subconscious participation in the outcome.

Hence, our phy sical world is not solid, but rather

energy and matter whirling at lightening speeds,
producing the illusion of solidity . The reality of that
illusion is further compounded by the collectiv e
consciousness of society .

For ex ample, education and the media are responsible

for perpetuating the belief that without a flu
v accination a widespread flu epidemic would result.
This forms a consciousness or belief among people
that medicine and phy sicians are the answer to
sickness and disease.

There is v ery little man can do to change the collectiv e

consciousness, which has produced our current
material world. In other words, we hav e inherited the
present day “collapsed wav e functions.”

But our personal life can be changed through the

principles of Christ and His Kingdom, and ev en science
is v erify ing the words of our Lord.

And Jesus said, [Y ou say to Me], If Y ou can do

anything? [Why,] all things can be (are possible) to
him w ho believes!

Mark 9:23 AMP

It has been my ex perience to see the inv isible realm

It has been my ex perience to see the inv isible realm
on a number of occasions beginning with the angelic
v isitations I described earlier. The Holy Spirit also
opened my spiritual ey es to witness and understand
the power separating the two realms as well as the
darkness cov ering the minds of people.

Then Elisha prayed, “LORD, please open his eyes and

let him see.” So the LORD opened the servant’s eyes.
He looked and saw that the mountain w as covered
w ith horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

2 Kings 6:1 7 HCBS

Moreov er, He ex plained that the Kingdom of God was

only v isible to those whose spirit was transformed
through a rebirth into His Spirit, because the inv isible
realm v ibrates at frequencies too high for the natural
ey es to see.

Jesus answ ered him, I assure you, most solemnly I

tell you, that unless a person is born again (anew ,
from above), he cannot ever see (know , be
acquainted w ith, and experience) the kingdom of

John 3:3 AMP

Science has documented man’s effect on matter

through the interaction of his electromagnetic field.
The analogy of a satellite transmitting signals or
energy , which we receiv e on telev ision, is an ex ample
of the way human beings are constructed.

Moreov er, we are designed to both send and receiv e

signals. Most people would assume our mind to be the
source of the body ’s transmission.

Howev er, the latest research indicates that our heart,

or spirit as the Bible calls it, produces the strongest
frequencies, which can alter the phy sical field of atoms
surrounding us.

In other words, science believ es the inv isible energy

emitted from the heart of man is stronger than his
mental activ ity . Again the Bible, written before today ’s
instruments, is at the forefront of modern
technological discov eries.

For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.

Proverbs 23:7 NKJV

For w here y our treasure is, there will y our

heart be also.

Matthew 6:21 AMP

Out of y our heart come evil thoughts, murder,

unfaithfulness in marriage, vulgar deeds, stealing,
telling lies, and insulting others.

Matthew 1 5:1 9 CEV

I tell you the truth, if someone says to this mountain,
‘Be lifted up and throw n into the sea,’ and does not
doubt in his heart but believes that w hat he says
w ill happen, it w ill be done for him.

Mark 1 1 :23 NET

Science confirms what those whose spirits are

immersed into Christ are ex periencing. The heart of
man was designed to be God’s tabernacle and to hav e
dominion ov er his soul (thinking) and body . In fact,
the mind of man will nev er be conv erted until this
transformation occurs, because their thoughts will be
at the frequency of the material world, not God’s

The spirit of man is the source of faith, but faith

without lov e will not change circumstances in the
natural world. The heart is the source of lov e because
it originated from the heart of God. Lov e is heav en’s
frequency because it is the DNA of the creator and the
substance of all things.

And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the
greatest of these is love.

1 Corinthians 1 3:1 3 NKJV

He w ho does not love does not know God, for God is


1 John 4:8 NKJV

And w e have know n and believed the love that God
has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love
abides in God, and God in him .

1 John 4:1 6 NKJV

Lov e is the frequency of God, and faith is the antenna

necessary to see and hear Him. The reason man
doesn’t believ e is because his mind is the receiv er, not
his heart.

The importance of this discov ery should redefine y our

faith. If Christians would do whatev er it takes to
understand their spiritual nature, their world and
future generations would nev er be the same.

Christians whose spirits are connected to God will

witness the material of heav en manifesting on earth,
or what science calls a “collapsed wav e function.”
Fasting changed my frequency and ex tended my

Quantum fasting describes my ex periences bey ond the

sacrifice of food. I use the term quantum as way to
bridge the v isible and inv isible realms. It is more
about the results of fasting than a method.

Those who hunger for His presence and make fasting a

lifesty le will ex perience places inside Him reserv ed for
disciples or disciplined ones. There one will discov er
the treasures too wonderful for words and more
v aluable than phy sical life itself.
Therefore, for me quantum fasting is the v isible
sacrifice of food in order to partake of the
div ine nature of God.

As His divine pow er has given to us all things that

pertain to life and godliness, through the know ledge
of Him w ho called us by glory and virtue, by w hich
have been given to us exceedingly great and precious
promises, that through these y ou m ay be
partakers of the divine nature, having escaped
the corruption that is in the w orld through lust.

2 Peter 1 :3-4 NKJV

Fasting is for m y spirit what ox y gen is for m y

body . Fasting reduces the material stimuli for the
phy sical body , thereby increasing the awareness of
the inv isible world of quanta.

This ty pe of fasting represents a phy sical step into an

inv isible portal that can lead to ex periences with
Christ. It is the quickest way to effectiv ely div orce
oneself from the material world.

I truly believ e that liv ing without food for

ex tended periods of tim e allowed the Holy
Spirit to restructure m y m ind.

Fasting changed my life from the inside out and

ex posed me to the reality of Christ. Ev ery ex perience
has become a perpetual fountain bubbling up with
fresh rev elation each day . Today ’s rev elation of Jesus
is just enough to make me thirsty for tomorrow.

The world we ex perience in our phy sical body is

v alidated through our fiv e sense organs. They are
composed of the nose, hands, ears, tongue and ey es.
Howev er, each of us has a spirit and soul constructed
from materials not discernable by our senses.

Fasting feeds my spirit and starv es my senses, creating

an atmosphere of silence inside my body and mind.
The longer I fast the greater His presence becomes,
ushering in more of His peace and tranquility .

Fasting creates a knowing inside y our being, which

transcends emotions or feelings from the natural
world. Y our mind is awakened to the reality of Christ.
His words are an ev er-ex panding dimension of
eternity that requires spiritual understanding.

Perhaps one of the greatest benefits of quantum fasting

for me was the ability to remain at peace after
discov ering my beliefs were formed primarily from
my fiv e senses. This discov ery opened my ey es to the
reality of Christ and His Kingdom in my midst.

Fasting made it painfully clear that my ex periences

with God and His Word were v ery shallow because I
had no personal rev elation of Him. It was only after
fasting that my indiv idual encounters increased to the
point where He could teach me His way s.
John identified Jesus as the Word of God, the One who
is the source of both the inv isible and v isible worlds.
His Word is the inv isible atomic structure holding
ev ery thing together. I capitalize the W in word to
illustrate that He, Jesus, is who and what He say s He is.

In the beginning w as the Word, and the Word w as

w ith God, and the Word w as God.

And the Word became flesh and dw elt among us, and
w e beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten
of the Father, full of grace and truth.

John 1 : 1 ,1 4 NKJV

And He Himself existed before all things, and in Him

all things consist (cohere, are held together).

Colossians 1 :1 7 AMP

The Word w as the source of life, and this life brought

light to people.

John 1 :4 TEV

Jesus said the world lov es darkness more than the

light. T herefore, when m an constructs his life
and beliefs from a m ind v oid of Christ the
result will be m ore darkness.

And the light shines in the darkness, and the

darkness did not comprehend it.
John 1 :5 NKJV

And this is the judgment, that the light has come into
the w orld, and people loved darkness rather than
light because their deeds w ere evil.

John 3:1 9 NRSV

Once more Jesus addressed them. I am the Light of

the w orld, He said; the man w ho follow s me shall
certainly not w alk in the dark, but shall have the light
of Life.

John 8:1 2 Weymouth

The study of light and its properties has unlocked

many treasures hidden in the univ erse. The result has
made our life on earth much more conv enient as it
relates to trav el, communication and creature
comforts. It is perhaps one of the most studied
phenomena in science because of its direct correlation
with life. Indeed, that is a correct assumption for
any one who has reads the Bible.

Then God said, Let there be light; and there w as light.

Genesis 1 :3 NKJV

Everything came into existence through him. Not one

thing that exists w as made w ithout him.

He w as the source of life, and that life w as the light

He w as the source of life, and that life w as the light
for humanity.

John 1 :3-4 GW

Howev er, the light spoken of in the abov e scripture is

not the same as that being studied by science. I
believ e the abov e scripture represents God releasing
His glory , or eternal intelligence, into the univ erse,
which is the light and life of mankind. The light of the
sun, moon and stars was not created until the fourth
day in the book of Genesis.

God made the tw o great lights—the greater light to

rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night—and
the stars.

God set them in the dome of the sky to give light upon
the earth, to rule over the day and over the night, and
to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw
that it w as good.

And there w as evening and there w as morning, the

fourth day.

Genesis 1 :1 6-1 9 NRSV

The light studied by science is the by -product of the

original light and is formed by shadows and time.
Although it is necessary for phy sical life in the
material world, it is not The Light, which has no
shadows and originates from within God.
Every good present and every perfect gift comes from
above, from the Father w ho made the sun, moon, and
stars. The Father doesn’t change like the shifting
shadow s produced by the sun and the moon.

James 1 :1 7 GW

Man makes his choices and discov eries of the univ erse
from the shadows and illusions of the light outside of
God. Without ex periencing the glory of God in Christ,
our minds are incapable of discerning the true light.

For w ith you is the fountain of life: in y our light we

will see light.

Psalm 36:9 BBE

Our marv elous univ erse was created for man to

discov er God as the author of life in the material and
inv isible worlds. Indeed, those who hav e been “born
into” Christ are ex periencing eternity and that reality

If y ou are ex periencing sin, sickness and disease, it is

because y ou are forming an image of Christ from the
wrong light. Those whose spirits hav e been awakened
in Christ reside in His Light, which illuminates both
v isible and inv isible worlds.

And His appearance underw ent a change in their

presence; and His face shone clear and bright like the
sun, and His clothing became as w hite as light.
Matthew 1 7 :2 AMP

The scripture abov e is not just a story to fill pages in

the Bible. The authority ov er darkness and hell is
found in a true ex perience with Christ, which will make
darkness flee. It will not happen through methods and
doctrines, but an actual face-to-face encounter. That
ex perience is a guarantee for those who will dedicate
their liv es to fasting and pray er.

Fasting is a powerful tool, which changes the

chem istry of the body and allows the glory of
God to penetrate our hearts and m inds to
rev eal the true Light.

The light of Christ is the source and energy of all life.

His words alone are the atoms that sustain the
material world, and His words created the
multidimensional heav ens for His sons to enjoy .

Jesus re-established the Kingdom of God on earth to

demonstrate His authority and power ov er all the
forces of the fourth day ’s light. His miracles and
resurrection were proof of His domination ov er sin,
sickness and death. Christians should not regard
phy sical or medical science as the final word on man’s
origin or his health and healing. Their findings and
diagnosis in most cases are the result of conclusions
constructed from minds that hav e no regard for God.

Ov er the centuries science has discov ered some of the

Ov er the centuries science has discov ered some of the
laws God used to create and maintain our majestic
univ erse, but they will nev er find the source or origins
until they submit to Christ as Lord. The same is true
for those who profess to be Christians but trust in the
words of men more than those of Jesus.

Our creator designed us to liv e in the phy sical world

but to access Him with our spirit. Otherwise, our liv es
will be one of conflict between the soul and body .
Without spiritual understanding, the soul and body
are helpless in discerning the right choices in a world
ruled by their senses. Unfortunately , most of the
world liv es in this chaos, obliv ious to the reality of the
inv isible realm.

Some people will ex perience feelings and sensations

outside the limits of their senses. Those ev ents create
a hunger to know the origin and creator of these
things. “Something” deep inside all human beings
knows there is more than what our senses detect. That
“something” is the sleeping spirit of man cry ing to be

Do not surrender to the emotions or sensations y ou

hav e believ ed to be real. There is nothing to fear, if
y ou hav e truly passed from death to life through y our
trust in Christ.

Darkness and ev il know that once y ou begin to fast,

their hold ov er y ou is in jeopardy . The choice is y ours.
It has alway s been y ours unless y ou relinquish it to
the fear and doubt that y our v ictory was guaranteed at
the cross.

Quantum fasting describes the ex perience of all who

hav e determined to nail their preconceiv ed ideas and
doctrines of Christ to His cross, beginning with food.

Those who ex pose themselv es to this lifesty le will

discov er the manifold wisdom of Christ and the power
to operate in the spirit realm. This requires dethroning
the mind from its position of authority and power. In
order to change the way we think, we must hav e our
spirit awakened and fully activ ated by the Holy Spirit.

The baptism of the Holy Spirit is perhaps one of the

most misunderstood power tools released on earth
through Jesus. After an immersion in the Holy Spirit,
one will be less concerned about whether speaking in
tongues is of God. The first priority will be to “feed”
y our spirit, not y our flesh.

One of the ev idences of those baptized in the Holy

Spirit is how little they open their mouths for food and
idle conv ersation. Many times the Holy Spirit will
speak to me during mealtime, and on many occasions
I hav e ex cused my self and gone to listen.

One of the most profound things I learned through

fasting is that Adam fell by opening his mouth to eat.
Therefore, the longer my mouth is closed, the greater
the opportunity to be fed by the Holy Spirit. Jesus told
His disciples that His nourishment did not depend on
the natural world.

Jesus told them, I have food to eat that you don’t

know about.

John 4:32 GW

Quantum phy sics has demonstrated it has no solutions

to the questions of man’s origin or purpose. The more
they search to understand the my steries of God
without recognizing His supremacy , the more
questions they uncov er.

Nev ertheless, the study of the subatomic world has

prov ided a language for us who hav e been
transformed by Christ to communicate with
unbeliev ers. The world at large depends on science to
solv e their problems and satisfy the v oid inside their
soul, which is an unconscious longing to know Christ.

Phy sicists hav e concluded our world to be an endless

sea of energy with an infinite amount of possibilities.
Therefore, our minds conv ert energy into matter
through ex periences, beliefs and traditions.
Moreov er, they believ e the univ erse and our world
are illusions created from the perceptions of the mind.
Furthermore, if our minds did not shape and configure
our world, the univ erse would simply remain an
endless sea of atoms with countless possibilities.

If y ou ex change the words energy for spirit and matter

If y ou ex change the words energy for spirit and matter
for material it is easier to translate the results of
science into Biblical terms. The following v erses
answer all the problems of science, but unbelief
creates more questions than answers.

For everything, absolutely everything, above and

below , visible and invisible, rank after rank after rank
of angels—everything got started in him and finds its
purpose in him.

He w as there before any of it came into existence and

holds it all together right up to this moment.

Colossians 1 :1 6-1 7 Message

The source of that energy , which forms the

relationships among all material objects, is Christ.
More importantly , without His consent their ability to
breathe or ask questions would cease to ex ist. Jesus is
the source connecting our atoms to Him in the
material world. His Word is the v ibrational frequency
holding all matter together, and if that tone changes,
our atomic structures would dissolv e.

Quantum fasting allows us access to our spirit, soul

and body , while uncov ering hidden ev ents that took
place before the foundation of the world. God is the
creator of all spirits and the source of all creation,
which means that our DNA is founded inside the One
who formed us in His image and likeness.
Jesus is all in all, which means inside and outside of
time He remains the constant before, during and after
all conscious ex periences of life. Bey ond time God is.
Eternity liv es inside God because in Him there is no
start or finish. Eternity does not begin when we die as
so many believ e. Christ is eternity and those who taste
Him nev er die.

The bread, w hich comes from heaven, is such bread

that a man may take it for food and never see death.

John 6:50 BBE

The spiritual realm is multidimensional, which is why

the church is so helpless to ex plain the scriptures. The
ability to understand the Bible requires a spiritual
knowledge not found in the material world.

The following sections will ex plain the power of

quantum fasting on our triune beings. Each distinct
nature of our being is intricately entwined with each
other and requires spiritual surgery conducted by the
Holy Spirit through fasting.

Nothing is more rewarding than to be taken apart,

cleaned up and put back together by the One who
created us. The quicker we submit to His way , the
sooner we obtain access to the presence of an angelic
host ministering to our ev ery need.

And the God of the peace Himself sanctify you w holly,
and may your w hole spirit, and soul, and body, be
preserved blameless in the presence of our Lord Jesus

1 Thessalonians 5:23 YNG

God separated man into a three—part being to rule
with Him in both the phy sical and spiritual
dimensions. The power of fasting transcends both
realms and will effectiv ely purify each nature of man—
body , soul and spirit. This book will familiarize the
reader with the power of fasting in each nature.

The spirit of man is the most important part, because

it is the one whose nature and characteristics most
resemble the Father. Those who fast for ex tended
periods of time hav e access to areas inside God few
people ex perience.

These places are filled with treasures this world could

not appreciate. Jesus told the Pharisees in Luke 1 6:1 5,
“The things of this w orld considered valuable by men
are an abomination to God.” The power of the
thoughts of the Holy Spirit in the spiritual realm has
created an earthquake inside my spirit, which to this
day continues to awaken greater rev elations of Christ
and His finished work.


One of the most important statements in all the

scriptures was made by Jesus and is found in John
6:63. I hav e included sev eral translations to
emphasize the importance of this scripture.

It is the spirit that gives life; the flesh is useless.

The w ords that I have spoken to you are spirit and


Life is spiritual. Y our physical existence doesn’t

contribute to that life. The w ords that I have spoken
to you are spiritual. They are life.

God’s Word

It is the spirit, w hich gives Life. The flesh confers

no benefit whatever. The w ords I have spoken to
you are spirit and are Life.


The Spirit is the life giver; the flesh is of no value:

The Spirit is the life giver; the flesh is of no value:
the w ords, w hich, I have said to you, are spirit and
they are life.


Perhaps the translation in the God’s Word v ersion

illustrates why mankind is at such a disadv antage. The
phy sical world is difficult enough to understand, but if
one adds the pressures of family , job and money there
is little time remaining to contemplate an inv isible

Jesus say s the flesh has no v alue, y et I discov ered Him

that way , which means my definition of flesh must be
different from His. In fact the dictionary calls flesh the
soft substance of a human or other animal body ,
consisting of muscle and fatty tissue.

That means the figure we see in the mirror is not the

person Jesus died to sav e. Furthermore, it should not
be the one who makes choices and decisions according
to feelings or emotions.

Therefore, Jesus is in essence ex plaining to the Jews

that their phy sical laws such as washing their hands
and cups are of no v alue to God.

Nonetheless, God gav e them those laws in hopes they

would search for the spiritual connection of holiness.
Y our spirit is who y ou are, and it liv es from the life
inside the words He speaks. If He stops speaking to
y ou or me, we will cease to ex ist.

The Master how ever said to him, “Here w e see how

you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup or plate,
w hile your secret hearts are full of greed and

Luke 1 1 :39 Weymouth

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For

you clean the outside of the cup and of the plate, but
inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence.

Matt. 23:25 NRSV

One of the most important key s for both entering and

understanding the spiritual world is fasting. Also, the
battle to return to our spiritual nature is the journey
that must begin with fasting. Jesus illustrated this after
He was baptized.

Jesus came from the inv isible realm to speak words of

the Spirit that require spiritual understanding. If we
are to comprehend the Bible or the words He spoke we
must hear and see spiritually .

His words are the only containers of life, because He is

the life of ev ery creature. T he quantum world of
phy sics recognizes a connection between all
m aterial substances and energy . If we ex change
the word energy for spirit a parallel can be drawn
between the Bible and science.

Everything came into existence through him. Not one

thing that exists w as made w ithout him.

He w as the source of life, and that life w as the light

for humanity.

John 1 :3-4 GW

For it w as in Him that all things w ere created, in

heaven and on earth, things seen and things unseen,
w hether thrones, dominions, rulers, or authorities;
all things w ere created and exist through Him and in
and for Him.

And He Himself existed before all things, and in Him

all things consist.

Colossians 1 :1 6-1 7 AMP



In order to truly understand the nature of our

spirit and its authority ov er the phy sical
world, it is necessary to fast from food.

Most Christians agree that man is a spirit with a soul

and body . The challenge begins when we attempt to
understand the makeup and purposes of each of these
three natures. Fasting is the only tool I hav e
discov ered that unv eils each distinct person and
purpose hidden inside each nature.

....and the God of the peace Himself sanctify you

w holly, and may your w hole spirit, and soul, and
body , be preserved blameless in the presence of our
Lord Jesus Christ;

1 Thessalonians 5:23 Y NG

The phy sical Son of God, Jesus, was described in the

v erse below to contain the Father and Spirit. Jesus
represented the perfect model of spirit, soul and body
sanctified wholly .

For in him all the fullness of the Godhead dw ells

For in him all the fullness of the Godhead dw ells

Colossians 2:9 WEB

The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one and separate
simultaneously , which is why God formed man “in His
image and likeness” (Genesis 1 :26).

God is Spirit, and those w ho w orship Him must

w orship in spirit and truth.

John 4:24 NKJV

This is the nature of God, which prov ides man with his
true identity and purpose. After man’s disobedience,
his spiritual nature was no longer in control, creating
an imbalance in his thinking and character. From this
position man attempts to uncov er his origin and
purpose. This is tantamount to rowing a boat with one
paddle. The trip will consist of meaningless circles no
closer to his destination than when the journey began.

The spiritual v oid inside mankind is responsible for

the tribulations of this world. This is critical to
understand if one is honest about discov ering the
truth of his place and purpose on earth. Otherwise,
one will be ov erwhelmed by the fear and unbelief
rampant among those whose spirits are not connected
to God.

If man needed nothing more than his body and brain

If man needed nothing more than his body and brain
to discov er his origin, the world would be free of sin,
sickness, disease and death. Man is unable to discov er
the answers that could change the world. The first step
begins with acknowledging that Christ is who He said
He was. In addition, the church that should be leading
the change has, in many cases, neglected to train
people about their spiritual natures.

Thus says the LORD, w ho spreads out the heavens,

lays the foundations of the earth, and form s the
spirit of m an within him :

Zechariah 1 2:1 NAB

Man is helpless until he finds his true Father, but until

he discov ers that truth for himself he will not bow
before Jesus. Neither religion nor politics will prov ide
his spiritual DNA or mediate that encounter.

One must search for the truth outside the boundaries

of preconceiv ed ideas and theology . Fasting brought
me face to face with the Person who is the truth and
the life and the only way back to my spiritual

Fasting is the only method of preparation for this ty pe

of spiritual encounter. Jesus had fasted 40 day s before
the dev il approached Him. The temptations most of us
encounter are not face to face with satan. (I refuse to
capitalize satan because it would attribute honor to
one Jesus calls a liar, thief and murder) He does not
waste time with those who are not capable of
controlling their most basic desires such as eating.

T he only way to threaten the dev il and get the

attention of heav en is to quit feeding y our
body and m ind with the m aterial from this
dim ension.

The greatest majority of people in the churches are

easy targets for demonic influence because of either
ov ereating or consuming the wrong foods. Demons
require a phy sical host v oid of spiritual power. Feed
y our spirit and starv e y our body to achiev e
v ictory ov er those forces!

If y ou stop eating and begin pray ing for someone

other than y ourself, hell and heav en will take notice.
They will not necessarily see y ou from the same
dimension, but they will recognize the frequency or
v ibration resonating from y ou.

Then Noah built an altar to the LORD, and choosing

from every clean animal and every clean bird, he
offered holocausts on the altar.

When the LORD smelled the sw eet odor, he said to

himself: “Never again w ill I doom the earth because
of man, since the desires of man’s heart are evil from
the start; nor w ill I ever again strike dow n all living
beings, as I have done.

Genesis 8:20-21 NAB

God made a cov enant with Noah nev er to destroy this
planet or man again and demonstrated it with a
rainbow. The cov enant was the foreshadow God would
make through His Son. That cov enant offers
redemption to man and spiritual authority in the
phy sical world.

If God smells a sweet aroma from our flesh ‘burning’

on the altar of fasting, He will send the Holy Spirit.
Quantum fasting is the tool that ex poses our soul and
spirit to the mind of Christ. That condition creates a
scent and a different frequency in our bodies.

Remember, quantum fasting is the ex perience one will

achiev e bey ond the sacrifice of food and becomes the
v ehicle for understanding the spiritual nature of God.


I knew that Jesus fasted before He began preaching His

kingdom, and that prov oked me to read what He said.
If His words are spirit, I needed to activ ate my spirit
to understand Him. I determined that fasting would be
the tool necessary for this activ ation.

The scriptures describe men and women whose

fasting, along with pray ers, altered ev ents and
circumstances during their liv es. Those who sacrificed
food for the presence of God changed their world, and
I was determined to do the same. Furthermore, after
fasting, my ex periences with angels became more the
norm for me than most Christians.

Jesus demonstrated His mastery ov er the material

world with miracles. He returned from the wilderness
after fasting 40 day s, which I believ e prepared His
mind and body for His death and resurrection.

In m y opinion, fasting was a crucial building

block in constructing His resurrection
consciousness ov er death.

Then Jesus w ent back full of and under the power

Then Jesus w ent back full of and under the power
of the [Holy ] Spirit into Galilee, and the fame of
Him spread through the w hole region round about.

Luke 4:1 4 AMP

Jesus drank water while fasting, which is why the Bible

say s, “Afterw ard He w as hungry” (Luke 4:2).
According to the scriptures, the dev il tempted Jesus
by suggesting He change stones to bread. Howev er, he
soon discov ered that Jesus preferred “manna,” or the
word of God, rather than phy sical food.

Jesus answ ered him, saying, It is w ritten, Man shall

not live by bread alone, but by every w ord of God.

Luke 4:4 WEB

Jesus is the liv ing Word, and He also represented the

manna in the wilderness during the time of Moses. The
amazing rev elations inside the scriptures remain
hidden to those who do not “eat and drink” from Him.

I am the living bread, which has com e from

heaven: if any man takes this bread for food he w ill
have life forever: and more than this, the bread,
w hich I w ill give, is my flesh w hich I w ill give for the
life of the w orld.

Then the Jew s had an angry discussion among

themselves, saying, How is it possible for this man to
give us his flesh for food?
Then Jesus said to them, truly I say to you, If you do
not take the flesh of the Son of man for food, and if you
do not take his blood for drink, y ou have no life in
y ou.

He who takes m y flesh for food and m y blood

for drink has eternal life: and I will take him
up from the dead at the last day .

John 6:51 -54 BBE

Pay close attention to the words of Jesus in v erse 53,

“you have no life in you.” In other words, “life” must
be something more than a heartbeat and breathing.

Therefore, feeding on the body and blood of Jesus is

the only nourishment capable of producing “real life.”
That sounds preposterous until y ou understand the
reality of the spiritual world, whose author and master
is Christ.

Religion, society , education and the “world sy stem” in

general are anti-Christ because the father of that
consciousness is satan. The mindset of the v isible
world is constructed from pride and selfishness.

The present phy sical world is a reflection of satan’s

nature and has been reproduced throughout the
history of mankind, beginning with Adam’s fall.

It is a mindset or consciousness that perpetuates fear

and greed. Quantum fasting is the v ehicle to go
bey ond our phy sical senses and ex plore the
nature and m ind of Christ from within the
spiritual realm .

My theology changed about “needing” Jesus to return

in a phy sical body once I understood my spiritual
nature. My encounters with Christ in the spiritual
realm gav e me the understanding of the dominion of
the inv isible world ov er the phy sical. Nev ertheless,
m ost of us hav e been taught to ex pect a
phy sical m anifestation to solv e a spiritual
problem .

Then Jesus said to them, truly I say to you, If you do

not take the flesh of the Son of man for food, and if you
do not take his blood for drink, you have no life in

He w ho takes my flesh for food and my blood for drink

has eternal life: and I w ill take him up from the dead
at the last day .

John 6:53-54 BBE

The “last day ” mentioned in v erse 54 refers to a

specific period in one’s life after discov ering the “life”
Jesus speaks of in v erse 53. Otherwise, those who walk
the earth are phy sically aliv e but spiritually dead and,
according to Jesus, “hav e no life.”

Our minds in their current condition are incapable of

understanding that because of y ears of wrong teaching
mix ed with fear. Until each of us encounters the
new birth into Christ, we will be unable to
com prehend the spiritual Word as Christ. The
following scriptures are not just words on paper but a
mirror for self-ex amination.

Jesus said to her, I am the one w ho brings people

back to life, and I am life itself. Those w ho believe in
me w ill live even if they die.

John 1 1 :25 GW

If you love your life, you w ill lose it. If you give it up
in this w orld, you w ill be given eternal life.

John 1 2:25 CEV

Each of the v erses abov e demonstrates a power

emanating from the Spirit of one who has already
conquered death and stands eternally ready to change
y our future.

One of the biggest problems prev enting the church

from understanding the words of Christ is their
preoccupation with eating phy sical food instead of
feasting on the body and blood of Christ.

Quantum fasting will train a believ er to resist

phy sical gratification in order to obtain
spiritual rev elation.

If we sacrifice phy sical food for His presence, He will

If we sacrifice phy sical food for His presence, He will
nourish us with manna. We recall the Israelites were
fed the “liv ing Word” ev en before He came in the flesh.

Remember that for 40 years the Lord your God led

you on your journey in the desert. He did this in order
to humble you and test you. He w anted to know
w hether or not you w ould w holeheartedly obey his

So he made you suffer from hunger and then fed you

w ith manna, w hich neither you nor your ancestors
had seen before. He did this to teach you that a
person cannot live on bread alone but on every w ord
that the Lord speaks.

Deuteronomy 8:2-3 GW

Jesus used the word of the Law to defeat the dev il in

the wilderness. Jesus passed the test in the wilderness
after 40 day s. The Israelites died in the wilderness
after 40 y ears eating the Word, in the form of manna
but nev er allowed the Word to change them.

Ex amine this scripture and allow it to impact y ou as it

did me.

For indeed the gospel was preached to us as

well as to them ; but the word, which they
heard did not profit them , not being m ixed
with faith in those who heard it.
Hebrew s 4:2 NKJV

The “gospel” was preached to the Old Testament Jews

in the times of Moses. The gospel is Christ, and
whether He is manna or Jesus, God’s message is the
same. Quit feeding on the m aterial world and
eat the “liv ing word” in order to liv e free from
sin, sickness and death.

The gospel messages most people hear today are v oid

of power because they are constructed from the
material world. The true message of the gospel is
spiritual through and through because it consists of
the “liv ing Word.” Jesus was the manifestation of the
spiritual world and carried His Father’s DNA. T he
power ov er the phy sical world is hidden in the
inv isible.


So the Tempter came and said, If you are the Son of

God, command these stones to turn into loaves.

Matthew 4:3 Weymouth

The question from the dev il in the abov e scripture

rev eals the nature of the serpent. His goal was to
corrupt the mind of Jesus and pollute His blood, which
would prev ent Him from fulfilling His purpose as our

Therefore, his suggestion for Jesus to turn stones into

bread was the same as say ing (author paraphrasing)
break y our cov enant with y our Father and serv e me.

Jesus answered each temptation of the dev il with the

written Word, and as The Word, which ex isted before
the Garden of Eden. The Word was, is and will be the
final authority ov er all ev il.

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the

End, says the Lord God, He Who is and Who w as and
Who is to come, the Almighty (the Ruler of all).
Revelation 1 :8 AMP

The dev il also wants to perv ert and corrupt the mind
of man with thoughts of doubt about his relationship
with his heav enly Father, as he did with the woman in
the Garden. He appeals to our senses today the same
way he did then.

Stones are used throughout the scriptures to

represent cov enant. The first house of God was
dedicated on the stone Jacob used for a pillow. God
gav e the Law to Moses on stone tablets.

Then Jacob rose early in the morning, and took the

stone that he had put at his head, set it up as a pillar,
and poured oil on top of it.

And this stone, w hich I have set as a pillar shall be

God’s house, and of all that Y ou give me I w ill surely
give a tenth to Y ou.

Genesis 28:1 8,22 NKJ

When I w ent up the mountain to receive the tables of

stone, the tables of the covenant w hich the Lord
made w ith you, I remained on the mountain forty
days and forty nights; I neither ate food nor drank
w ater.

Deuteronomy 9:9 AMP

Our liv es are more than food or drink, but if we do not

Our liv es are more than food or drink, but if we do not
fast and pray the dev il will lead us around by our
stomach. An ex ample of how food caused a man to
break cov enant with God is the story of Jacob and
Esau. The original plan of God was to pass the largest
inheritance, both spiritual and phy sical, to a father’s
firstborn son. But the eldest son of Isaac, Esau, sold his
cov enant birthright for food.

And Esau said to Jacob, I beg of you, let me have

some of that red lentil stew to eat, for I am faint and
famished! That is w hy his name w as called Edom

Jacob answ ered, Then sell me today your birthright

(the rights of a firstborn).

Esau said, See here, I am at the point of death; w hat

good can this birthright do me?

Jacob said, Sw ear to me today [that you are selling it

to me]; and he sw ore to [Jacob] and sold him his

Then Jacob gave Esau bread and stew of lentils, and

he ate and drank and rose up and w ent his w ay. Thus
Esau scorned his birthright as beneath his notice.

Genesis 25:30-34 AMP

Even as it is w ritten, Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.

Romans 9:1 3 WEB

The dev il is lawless. Those who break cov enant, as he

did, are lawless and consequently lose their birthright.
Sin has corrupted m ans bloodline. Paul say s it
clearly in Romans 3.

Since all have sinned and are falling short of the

honor and glory w hich God bestow s and receives.

All are justified and made upright and in right

standing w ith God, freely and gratuitously by His
grace (His unmerited favor and mercy), through the
redemption w hich is [provided] in Christ Jesus,

Whom, God put forw ard, before the eyes of all, as a

mercy seat and propitiation by His blood, through
faith. This w as to show God’s righteousness, because
in His divine forbearance He had passed over and
ignored former sins w ithout punishment.

Romans 3:23-25 AMP

Many messages from the pulpit today focus on the

phy sical needs of the sheep instead of the spiritual
inheritance through the cross of Christ. In my opinion,
it is the same as trading our birthright for a bowl of
stew. This is the reason so many people are suffering
from sickness and disease.

The power ov er the dev il is from a spiritual rebirth

and supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. Christ
defeated the dev il on an empty stomach, and those
who follow His ex ample will liv e in v ictory on the

I discov ered through fasting that life begins “in” Jesus

at the new birth. He liv es in the Father and sent the
Holy Spirit to show us all things.

... and the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, w hom the

Father w ill send in my name, he will teach y ou all
things, and rem ind y ou of all things that I said
to y ou.

John 1 4:26 Y NG

It would hav e been impossible for Jesus to show His

disciples the spiritual realm while liv ing in the flesh.
The same is true today . Our phy sical nature is trained
at birth to respond to our fiv e senses. The only
solution for breaking the grip of the material world is

Therefore, it was imperativ e for Jesus to leav e and

introduce His disciples to the most important liaison
between Himself and His Father and the Holy Spirit.
The more time they could spend with Him, the sooner
they would understand His words and purpose in the

The spiritual realm and His words below make sense to

those who are immersed in His Spirit.
At that time [when that day com es] you w ill know
[for yourselves] that I am in My Father, and you [are]
in Me, and I [am] in you.

John 1 4:20 AMP

T hat day came for me when I began to fast. The

power ov er sin, unforgiv eness, depression, demonic
influence, sickness and death is found inside the
resurrection life of Christ. That is not a cliché but the
reality of those who hav e no trust in the phy sical
world and demonstrate it through fasting and pray er.

Jesus nev er told the dev il He was the Son of God. The
dev il heard God say it at the riv er Jordan.

And w hen Jesus had been baptized, just as he came

up from the w ater, suddenly the heavens w ere
opened to him and he saw the Spirit of God
descending like a dove and alighting on him.

And a voice from heaven said, This is my Son, the

Beloved, w ith w hom I am w ell pleased.

Matthew 3:1 6-1 7 NKJV

Satan was the ruler of both the second heav en

(inv isible realm) and the heav ens of this world (v isible
worlds) prior to Jesus’ resurrection. The dev il knew
his empire was coming to an end when God announced
His Son’s priesthood at the riv er Jordan.
And the seventy came back w ith joy, saying, Lord,
even the evil spirits are under our pow er in your

He said to them, I w atched Satan fall from heaven like

a lightning flash.

Luke 1 0-1 8 HCSBS

Then I heard a loud voice in heaven saying, “Now

God’s salvation has come! Now God has show n his
pow er as King! Now his Messiah has show n his
authority! For the one w ho stood before our God and
accused believers day and night has been throw n out
of heaven.

Revelation 1 2:1 0 TEV

Fundamental changes occur in a person’s beliefs and

behav ior when they enter a lifesty le of fasting.
Quantum fasting ex poses our organism to the reality
of the inv isible world, creating a totally different
perspectiv e of Christ and His blood.

The blood is a key spiritual element, which connects

heav en and earth to our creator. God designed water
and blood as the conduit back to Himself. These life-
giv ing elements carry the DNA of our heav enly Father,
and once the Holy Spirit sanctifies us, it will lead us to
the my steries of His Kingdom.


One of the most difficult things to understand is that
our phy sical world is not how it appears. Quantum
phy sics has demonstrated that the building blocks of
the material world consist of atoms that are mostly
empty space.

The atoms closely resemble hov ering clouds of

electromagnetic dust. The field of energy around each
cloud is composed of an inv isible shell of electrons.
These clouds of atoms are empty spaces in a material
world, but collectiv ely they attract and oppose one
another to appear solid.

In other words, the material world that science studies

and in which we liv e is fully dependent on perception.
The solidity of objects and matter itself depends on
how we observ e them, not the particles themselv es.

Fasting has been the single greatest tool for destroy ing
my preconceiv ed ideas and perceptions formed from
other people’s opinions and theories.

The section y ou are about to read is best understood

after beginning a lifesty le of fasting. The illusions of
this world are ex posed and destroy ed through
prolonged time spent in the presence of the Holy

Before God spoke the material world into ex istence, it

was necessary to position the Holy Spirit ov er the
water. The three—Father, Son and Holy Spirit—work
in unity , in and outside of time, throughout all
dimensions, to create order.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the


Now the earth w as formless and empty, darkness

covered the surface of the w atery depths, and the
Spirit of God w as hovering over the surface of the
w aters.

Genesis 1 :1 -2 HCBS

The angel said to her, “The Holy Spirit w ill come upon
you, and the pow er of the Most High w ill
overshadow y ou; therefore the child to be born
w ill be holy; he w ill be called Son of God.

Luke 1 :35 NRSV

The same positioning was necessary before Jesus

could be birthed through Mary . Imagine the Holy
Spirit hov ering ov er Mary the same way He did in
Genesis ov er the water. God speaks through Gabriel
and His liv ing Word is made flesh.

And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and
w e have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only
son, full of grace and truth.

John 1 :1 4 NRSV
I believ e He implanted the blood of almighty God into
the phy sical world through the womb of Mary . Jesus
was the “last” Adam carry ing spiritual life in the
Father’s blood back to all who would repent. Those
who believ e that Jesus is merely flesh and blood from
earth do not understand His blood inheritance or the
true purpose of His phy sical appearance.

After Jesus was pierced below the heart on the cross,

water separated from His blood, signify ing the
phy sical man, Jesus, was dead. But the God-man
would be resurrected to redeem man. His Father’s
blood reestablished His Kingdom.

And to Jesus by w hom the new agreement has been

made betw een God and man, and to the sign of the
blood, w hich says better things than Abel’s blood.

Hebrew s 1 2:24 BBE

The my steries of the univ erse will alway s remain

hidden from the minds of those whose hearts hav e not
been conv erted. Howev er, the Holy Spirit will help all
who fast to understand the amazing secrets of His

If fasting has rev ealed any thing to me, it is my

ignorance concerning the most basic principles of life.
It was a shock to discov er that most of what I had been
taught or taken for granted was either wrong or
incomplete at best.
Fasting is a key for ex panding both our phy sical and
spiritual understanding. The phy siological effects on
our bodies are scientifically prov en, but the spiritual
world requires the guidance and direction from the
Holy Spirit.

Quantum fasting is the av enue to change our

senseless religious speculations and v ain
im aginations into a m eaningful relationship
with Christ.

This is he that came by w ater and blood, even Jesus

Christ; not by w ater only, but by w ater and blood.
And it is the Spirit that beareth w itness, because the
Spirit is truth.

For there are three that bear record in heaven, the

Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these
three are one.

And there are three that bear w itness in earth, the

Spirit, and the w ater, and the blood: and these three
agree in one.

1 John 5:6-8 KJV

Man is a triune being—spirit, soul and body .
Therefore, God is Lord ov er each area and, as such,
prov ides the perfect model in heav en to be manifested
on earth.
When we ex amine the Godhead in heav en with the
elements on earth, we discov er an interesting
correlation. God the Father, the Word and the Holy
Spirit manifest on earth as the Spirit, water and blood,
respectiv ely .

Jesus is the “liv ing water” of God as well as the creator

of the material world. I believ e that John strategically
connects the spiritual and phy sical dimensions
together with the heav enly components of water and

My book, Immersed in Him, ex plains the connection

between the natural water and Jesus. Creation and the
v erses in 1 John 5 illustrate the Godhead’s unity and
power to manifest heav en on earth.

Liv ing immersed in Christ is the my stery that changes

our perception from the future to the present. That
requires drinking from Christ daily and offering the
same refreshment to a dy ing world.

Jesus answ ered her, Everyone w ho drinks of this

w ater w ill thirst again, but w hoever drinks of the
w ater that I w ill give him w ill never thirst again; but
the w ater that I w ill give him w ill become in him a
w ell of w ater springing up to eternal life.

John 4:1 3-1 4 WEB




This is He w ho came by w ater and blood—Jesus

Christ; not only by w ater, but by w ater and blood.
And it is the Spirit w ho bears w itness, because the
Spirit is truth.

1 John 5:6 NKJ

The plan of redemption was prepared and completed

by Jesus before the foundation of the world. He was
made flesh, in order to return the sinless blood of His
Father back to earth to redeem mankind.

The dev il was not afraid of any one born of water from
this planet but was terrified of the one who would
come with the blood of roy alty to ov erthrow his rule.

God told him in the Garden that his head would be


I w ill make you and the w oman hate each other; her
offspring and yours w ill alw ays be enemies. Her
offspring w ill crush your head, and you w ill bite her
offspring’s heel.

Genesis 3:1 5 GW

Sin contaminated God’s redemptiv e blood that was

placed inside of Adam and resulted in the first murder
of his offspring. Moreov er, aside from the animals and
eight persons on the Ark, ev ery thing on the earth was
cursed and destroy ed by water.

God determined that sin would destroy His univ erse

after only ten generations. The imaginations and lusts
of men had reached into the second heav en and
resulted in giants populating on the earth.

When people had spread all over the w orld, and

daughters w ere being born, some of the heavenly
beings saw that these young w omen w ere beautiful,
so they took the ones they liked.

Then the LORD said, I w ill not allow people to live

forever; they are mortal. From now on they w ill live
no longer than 1 20 years.

In those days, and even later, there w ere giants on

the earth w ho w ere descendants of human w omen
and the heavenly beings. They w ere the great heroes
and famous men of long ago.

When the LORD saw how w icked everyone on earth

w as and how evil their thoughts w ere all the time, he
w as sorry that he had ever made them and put them
on the earth.

He w as so filled w ith regret that he said, “I w ill w ipe

out these people I have created, and also the animals
and the birds, because I am sorry that I made any of

“But the LORD w as pleased w ith Noah.”

Genesis 6:1 -8 TEV

Little is understood about the earth before the flood

but my speculation is that man had spiritual authority
in the second heav ens because Adam walked with God.
I believ e that Adam had the ability to liv e in both the
material and spiritual world simultaneously , as Jesus

Adam’s sin corrupted the DNA for all mankind and

polluted heav en’s blood that was coursing through his
v eins. Sin is a spiritual v irus that destroy s the soul and
body of man. The only cure for that disease is a
heav enly transfusion of God’s blood.

Jesus crushed the head of satan but not before the

dev il deposited his poison of pride into the blood of all
Adam’s descendants.

Now the serpent w as more subtle than any beast of

the field, w hich the LORD God had made: and he said
to the w oman, Y ea, hath God said, Y e shall not eat of
every tree of the garden?

Genesis 3:1 WEB

God rescued man from his wrong choice, but his sin
had consequences. Satan had a legal right to the soul
of man because of the poison, or mark, deposited into
the DNA of man.

I believ e that to be the m ark spoken of in the

book of Rev elation.

And the first w ent, and let w hat w as in his vessel

come dow n on the earth; and it became an evil
poisoning w ound on the men w ho had the mark of
the beast, and w ho gave w orship to his image.

Revelation 1 6:2 BBE

Beginning that day , man would be required to choose

whom he would serv e. The poison from the serpent
anesthetized the spirit of man and contaminated his
blood, resulting in ev il thoughts. He was condemned
to believ e only what his senses could detect and had
no contact with the spiritual world of God.

And the eyes of them both w ere opened, and they

knew that they w ere naked; and they sew ed fig-
leaves together, and made themselves aprons.

Genesis 3:7 ASV

Nev ertheless, God is faithful to all who call upon Him,
and when Adam chose to confess his condition, God
forgav e him. God sacrificed animals for Adam and his
wife, foreshadowing the power of the blood and what
was required for man’s redemption until Jesus would
manifest as the spotless lamb for all mankind.

GOD made leather clothing for Adam and his w ife and
dressed them.

Genesis 3:21 The Message

The plan of God was to reproduce “Sons” through

Adam to rule and reign on earth as it is in the heav ens.
That plan was accomplished through Jesus, the last

So also it is w ritten, The first man Adam became a

living soul. The last Adam became a life-giving spirit.

1 Corinthians 1 5:45 ASV

Those who study the scriptures understand that God

used Abraham as the bloodline to birth Jesus. God
protected, blessed and multiplied the Israelites
because of His cov enant with Abraham and
redemptiv e plans for the human race.

The goal of the dev il was to corrupt the bloodline of

Christ with sin, thereby prev enting God from
redeeming man.
Our blood is the legal right the dev il has to control our
thoughts and liv es. The only way back to the Father is
through a blood transfusion at the cross of Christ.
Without His blood, our mind and thoughts will be
controlled by the dev il.

Jesus was born on earth, as the Son of Man, to return

God’s redemptiv e blood to man. The DNA from the
Father, which was polluted by Adam’s sin, would
return as the “spotless Lamb.” God had to sacrifice His
Son for the same purpose that He killed the animal to
redeem Adam’s sin.

The righteous blood of God entered earth through the

body of Jesus and reopened heav en to man. Jesus is
not only the phy sical life source, but also the bridge
into the spiritual realm.

Jesus understood the power and purpose of the Holy

Spirit and rebuked those who did not honor Him. T he
Holy Spirit is the guardian of God’s blood and
offers redem ption to those God draws.

People cannot come to me unless the Father w ho sent

me draw s them to me; and I w ill raise them to life on
the last day.

John 6:44 TEV

I assure you that people can be forgiven all their sins

and all the evil things they may say.
But w hoever says evil things against the Holy Spirit
w ill never be forgiven, because he has committed an
eternal sin.

Mark 3:28-29 TEV

Jesus nev er defended Himself but was v ery quick to

warn any one who spoke against the precious Holy
Spirit. Those of y ou who hav e been acquainted with
Him understand our Lord’s zeal.

After ev ery one leav es and y ou feel all alone, the Holy
Spirit is still by y our side whispering words of
encouragement and lov e. The depths of His lov e are
unsearchable because He is from the heart of the

Each ex perience with the Holy Spirit has shown me

something new about His heart and creation. Ev ery
encounter has altered my understanding of His way s
and designs. He continues to giv e me greater insights
into the heart of God.

The world of God is not accessible through the

phy sical senses, but it is tangible and v isible to those
who learn certain principles. Our spirit must be aliv e
to the Holy Spirit in order to understand that realm.

Those who fast often will become v ery familiar with

Him, because when it feels like hell is swallowing y ou,
the v oice of the Holy Spirit will tam e y our
thoughts and still y our em otions.
God breathed into the nose of Adam to create life.
Breathing through our nose ox y genates the blood 1 0
to 1 5 times more than breathing through our mouth.
Science is unable to discov er the power that ignites
blood, which perpetually produces life in our bodies.

I believ e the Holy Spirit was the life force that was
breathed into Adam the same way Jesus breathed on
His disciples when He returned from destroy ing the
rule of satan.

Then he breathed on them and said, Receive the Holy


John 20:22 TEV

The breath from Jesus was the same that activ ated the
first Adam and now activ ated the new blood cov enant
He had made. This time the Holy Spirit could protect
the cov enant and His blood from contamination
because Jesus crushed the serpent’s head through His
perfect sacrifice and v ictory ov er death.

Man still has the right to choose sin ov er

righteousness, but nev er again can his unrighteous
choice pollute the redemptiv e fountain formed in
heav en through Christ’s sacrifice.


For I am conscious of my thoughts about you, says

the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give
you hope at the end.

Jeremiah 29:1 1 Y NG

The origins of thoughts hav e been the source of debate

and research for centuries. Science calls thoughts
ev ery thing from energy to chemical reactions by the

The truth can alway s be found in God’s word because

He is the author of all things. Thoughts began inside
God before the foundation of the world. God has nev er
stopped sending good thoughts toward His creations.

We know that His thoughts are hindered before man

receiv es them. Otherwise, the world would be a
different place. The following scripture in Isaiah helps
us understand the responsibility of man in order to
obtain His goodness.

Let the w icked leave their w ay of life and change

their way of thinking. Let them turn to the LORD,
our God; he is merciful and quick to forgive.

My thoughts, say s the LORD, are not like

y ours, and my w ays are different from yours.

Isaiah 55:7 -8 TEV

Man must consciously change the way he thinks and

turn his receiv er towards God. It is important to note
that God does not say man cannot think like Him, just
not in his current condition. The first step is to repent,
which is changing the way one thinks.

Repentance is not emotionally feeling sorry for

wrongdoing but rather a complete restructuring of
mentality . The only one capable of rebuilding our
mind is the Holy Spirit.

That is precisely why Jesus said, “REPENT,” for the

kingdom of heav en is at hand. Repent means to
CHANGE THE WAY ONE THINKS. No one is capable of
entering the kingdom of God with the same mentality
or corrupted blood. That is why there must be a new

Nor w ill they say, Look, here it is or There for indeed,

the kingdom of God is in y our m idst.

Luke 1 7 :21 NET

The spiritual world operates differently from the

phy sical. God’s kingdom surrounds us, but our
mentality and thoughts produced from the blood of
Adam prev ents our believ ing or hearing Jesus. Those
born from the Spirit hav e their Father’s DNA, and all
things are different.

I correct and punish everyone I love. So m ake up

y our m inds to turn aw ay from your sins.

Listen! I am standing and knocking at your door. If

you hear my voice and open the door, I w ill come in
and w e w ill eat together.

Revelation 3:1 9-20 CEV

Blood is the life force of man and, I believ e, originated

in heav en from the heart of God. It is my opinion that
the Holy Spirit is the blood of God and assigned to
redeem those whose liv es belong to Christ.

Moreov er, the blood, because of its origin prov ides

not only phy sical life, but spiritual life as well. The
blood and mind work together to form ideas,
imaginations and thoughts. If the mind has not been
“renewed” through Christ, the thoughts will produce
sin, sickness and ev entual death in the body .

And be renewed in the spirit of y our m inds,

Ephesians 4:23 NAB

Now the natural person does not accept w hat

pertains to the Spirit of God, for to him it is
foolishness, and he cannot understand it, because it is
judged spiritually.

The spiritual person, how ever, can judge everything

but is not subject to judgment by anyone.

For “w ho has know n the mind of the Lord, so as to

counsel him?” But w e have the mind of Christ.

1 Corinthians 2:1 4-1 6 NAB

For ex ample, if a farmer plants good seeds into

properly watered ground, it will produce a healthy
harv est. If, on the other hand, the ground is not
prepared and he does not keep the weeds and birds
away , the harv est will be destroy ed.

Therefore, if the blood remains lawless because of the

first Adam’s transgression, the soil of our mind will not
produce good thoughts. Furthermore, the thoughts
formed from sin will ev entually destroy both the soul
and body .

And he said, What have you done? the voice of your

brother’s blood is crying to me from the earth.

Genesis 4:1 0 BBE

And to Jesus the negotiator of a new Covenant, and

to the sprinkled blood w hich speaks in more gracious
tones than that of Abel.
Hebrew s 1 2:24 Weymouth

In other words, the blood from heav en has a

different frequency from the blood of those
who hav e nev er repented. Our thoughts will
magnetically attract the v ibration it is tuned to
receiv e. The power of His blood will attract the
goodness of God and life ev erlasting.

T he baptism in the Holy Spirit is m ore than

speaking in tongues; it is the im m ersion in the
blood of Christ. T he power in that act is the fire
that purifies our blood and transform s our
m inds.

I indeed baptize you w ith w ater unto repentance, but

He w ho is coming after me is mightier than I, w hose
sandals I am not w orthy to carry. He will baptize
y ou with the Holy Spirit and fire.

Matthew 3:1 1 NKJV

Are y ou starting to receiv e a deeper rev elation of the

“baptism of the Holy Spirit”? One of the most
important aspects of the baptism is changing our
thoughts and quality of blood. Fasting is the fastest
way to change y our blood in order to prepare
for the infilling of His.

If our spirit is not connected to the Holy Spirit, our

desires will be from the flesh. I believ e food play s a
role along with water and ox y gen to equip our bodies
and maintain the quality of our blood. Fasting has
shown me many things about our bodies and its
relationship with food. If one will make fasting a
lifesty le, the choices of food will change.

Unless one is immersed in the blood of heav en

through a div ine transfusion, our minds will not think
about the things of heav en. One may “feel” different,
but an unchanged mind will ev entually control the
emotions and prev ent access from the Holy Spirit.

Those who attempt to change their thoughts without

the baptism of Christ and His wilderness ex periences
may achiev e temporary results but will not activ ate
the ev erlasting changes of the Holy Spirit for their
liv es.

T he m ajestic wisdom of God is cloaked in

perpetually changing dim ensions to prov oke
our passion for Him and destroy the dev il’s
hold on our m entality .

In other words, the presence of God must be the

primary pursuit of our life. Otherwise, the dev il will
continue to control our thoughts. For ex ample, if one
stops v iewing pornography or taking drugs because of
religious shame, the same person will usually begin
another destructiv e behav ior because they hav e not
understood the root cause of their desires.

Unless our spirit and soul are submerged in the Holy

Unless our spirit and soul are submerged in the Holy
Spirit, our blood will continue to affect our thinking.
The unredeemed mind is an open door for the dev il to
control our emotions and desires. If the doors are not
shut, the enemy will use one’s unchanged thinking to
create complacency or dogmatic doctrines. Ex amples
of this are found throughout church history .

In ev ery mov e of God, denominations are formed

around the preconceiv ed belief that they hav e the
only relev ant rev elation of Christ. Remember when
John told Jesus, “We saw someone casting out demons
in y our name?”

John said to Jesus, Teacher, w e saw someone forcing

demons out of a person by using the pow er and
authority of your name. We tried to stop him because
he w as not one of us.

Mark 9:38 GW

They wanted to stop him because he was not part of

“their” group. This is precisely why the “Body of
Christ” requires the head or mind of Christ to function
as one.

The origin of our thoughts must be from the blood of

Christ. Otherwise, our past memories and associations
will corrupt the outcome. Man’s fall should remind
each of us that we hav e the final choice in what we
believ e and think.



The person w ho lives a sinful life belongs to the devil,

because the devil has been committing sin since the
beginning. The reason that the Son of God appeared
w as to destroy w hat the devil does.

1 John 3:8 GW

He w ho is habitually guilty of sin is a child of the

Devil, because the Devil has been a sinner from the
very beginning. The Son of God appeared for the
purpose of undoing the w ork of the Devil.

1 John 3:8 Weymouth

[But] he w ho commits sin [w ho practices evildoing] is

of the devil [takes his character from the evil one], for
the devil has sinned (violated the divine law ) from the
beginning. The reason the Son of God w as made
manifest (visible) w as to undo (destroy, loosen, and
dissolve) the w orks the devil [has done].

1 John 3:8 AMP

Each translation of the v erse implies Jesus destroy ed
the “work” of the dev il and that is why He manifested
in the flesh. But unless the church understands what
John meant by “work,” there will be limited v ictory
ov er sin. Therefore, when people sin, it indicates they
hav e not understood the “work” Jesus destroy ed.

Satan uses deception and doubt to create unbelief

inside the minds and hearts of each person. The power
ov er sin is spiritual, and it cannot be understood from
an unredeemed mind. Sin is the nature of rebellion
found in the character of the dev il. Those whose minds
hav e not been washed in the blood of Christ will be
deceiv ed.

The hy pnotic trance perpetrated by the dev il ov er the

inhabitants of the world is the “work” Jesus destroy ed.
He ended man’s captiv ity by taking the fear of death
captiv e. Nev ertheless, if people trust fear more than
faith, they will liv e their life as a slav e to sin.

We hav e just described that the power of the dev il is

through fear. He is the master illusionist who alters
shadows and light to reflect fear into the minds and
hearts of those he has traumatized in life.

We all hav e ex perienced situations in our liv es, which

hav e scarred or frightened us. It was during that split
second of v ulnerability the dev il planted a seed of
doubt and unbelief inside our hearts. The seed is
nourished each time we ex perience fear or think about
things contrary to God’s goodness.

For ex ample, as children during summer v acations we

would play outside until late at night. Hide and Seek
was the most popular game we play ed. The one who
managed to stay undiscov ered while others searched
was the winner.

On one occasion, we hid inside a magnificent two-

story v acant house. We all knew it was wrong to go
inside, but the adv enture of entering the forbidden
territory was too much to resist. Besides, we were
kids, and as long as we didn’t break any thing, we
believ ed we could talk our way out of any trouble.

With our imaginations running wild, we ex plored

ev ery room in the house. Finally , each of us found a
place to hide and waited to be discov ered. It seemed I
had been hiding for a long time, so I decided to look
around for the others. When I opened the door to look
downstairs, I felt something touch my arm. Spinning
around I saw this figure dressed in a white gown
standing behind me. Later, I learned the person
dressed up was one of my play mates.

To say I was scared would be an understatement. The

fear that passed through my body caused my heart to
beat wildly , as my mind created all ty pes of terrible
thoughts. I ran out as fast as my feet would carry me
until I heard the others laughing loudly at my

What seemed like a harmless prank opened my heart

and mind to spiritual seeds of fear, which is the poison
from the beast in the Garden. Fear produces an
atmosphere of doubt and unbelief and is the soil from
which illusions and suggestions prosper.

The instant the heart is gripped with fear, the dev il will
control our thoughts with panic. Regardless of the
situation, the mind will focus on doom and gloom as
the ev entual outcome.

The work of the dev il is to create a perpetual fountain

of doubt and unbelief bubbling inside the hearts and
minds of people, activ ated by images of fear. Each
time he succeeds at frightening or intimidating
someone, he has created a hy perlink or instant
connection to that person’s psy che for future
activ ation.

Future panic and terror in a person is as simple as

activ ating the link or picture from a past trauma. Once
activ ated, those images will control that person’s
behav ior.

In essence, most people are easily manipulated with

images from past traumas whose origin is fear. The
pain of div orce generally creates serious problems for
future relationships between men and women. In most
cases, walls of resentment and mistrust are
constructed from the pain. Consequently , the obstacle
becomes a memorial to fear, doubt and mistrust and
will ultimately be the construction site for future
images of pain and suffering. Moreov er, if one
ex periences pain, the mind will retriev e those images
and reliv e them as if they just occurred.

Behav iors are more easily manipulated when people

are selfish. A person’s character must be within the
laws of righteousness, or they will be positioned for

We hav e heard or read stories of Christians who in

“moments of weakness” committed tragic sins,
destroy ing their ministries and families. Most sins are
the result of submitting to thoughts constructed from
desires, whose primary purpose is self. If our minds
are unfamiliar with the spiritual realm, our bodies will
be an open door for unclean spirits.

Everyone is tempted by his ow n desires as they lure

him aw ay and trap him.

Then desire becomes pregnant and gives birth to sin.

When sin grow s up, it gives birth to death.

James 1 :1 4-1 5 GW

Demonic influence begins in the form of thoughts until

one surrenders their will to the suggestions. The
manifestation of selfish thoughts in the material world
creates the legal right for the habitation of the unclean

Some churches av oid deliv erance ministry because of

the fear that people will be worse off. That position
may hav e been formed from not understanding Luke
1 1 :26. We will ex amine that scripture from another
perspectiv e.

The unclean spirit, w hen he has gone out of a man,

goes through dry places, looking for rest; and w hen
he does not get it, he says, I w ill go back to my house
from w hich I came.

And w hen he comes, he sees that it has been made

fair and clean. Then he goes and gets seven other
spirits more evil than himself, and they go in, and
take their places there: and the last condition of that
man is w orse than the first.

Luke 1 1 :24-26 BBE

After an ev il spirit is remov ed from a person, it

receiv es the same torment the human soul does
without God. The spirit of man is the life source for
man and, as such, prov ides life ev en for demons.

The understanding of the spiritual realm is essential

and is the promise to those who are truly born of the
“water” (quotation marks added) and Spirit of God. The
words spoken to Nicodemus by Jesus in John 3 are not
sy mbolic terms.
Jesus answ ered, V erily, verily, I say unto thee,
Except one be born of w ater and the Spirit, he cannot
enter into the kingdom of God!

John 3:5 ASV

The kingdom of God is the power and authority ov er

all creatures in both the v isible and inv isible world.
Angels and demons reside outside the material world,
but unclean spirits require a phy sical host to surv iv e.
Angels, on the other hand, are sustained by God’s
glory and are sent to serv e the saints chosen before
the foundation of the world.

Man is approx imately 7 0% water because Jesus is the

“liv ing water” both spiritually and phy sically .
Furthermore, ALL things hav e their ex istence and
being through Jesus.

And He Himself existed before all things, and in Him

all things consist (cohere, are held together).

Colossians 1 :1 7 AMP

Therefore, once an unclean spirit is separated from a

person or phy sical host, it desperately searches for
water in the form of another phy sical host. Their
manifestation requires the water of this world in the
form of man. It is the combination of water and Spirit,
which is the source of all things.

The dev il and his kingdom know that Jesus is the

The dev il and his kingdom know that Jesus is the
origin and source of all life, but their treason has
blinded them eternally . They ex ist because of God’s
will and are permitted to do what God or we allow. The
unclean spirits go through dry places looking for rest,
which is only found in Christ.

Man’s phy sical life ex pectancy is limited. Therefore,

unclean spirits must contaminate entire families’
bloodlines, commonly referred to as generational
curses, in order to sustain themselv es. It is common
among family gatherings to hear heartbreaking stories
surrounding premature deaths, insanity , adultery ,
suicides and others.

Many of us are familiar with immediate family

members who hav e struggled with ev ery thing from
drug and sex ual abuse to cancer and heart disease.
These are clear indications of unclean spirits
occupy ing family members from one generation to the
nex t. One of the key s for maintaining our freedom
from demonic influence is found in the following

As He thus spoke a w oman in the crow d called out in

a loud voice, Blessed is the mother w ho carried you,
and the breasts that you have sucked.

Nay rather, He replied, they are blessed w ho hear

God’s Message and carefully keep it.

Luke 1 1 :27 -28 Weymouth

Once a person is deliv ered from demonic influence,
whether it be addictions or diseases, the power ov er
that situation belongs to those the Lord has set free.

For ex ample, those persons taking medication or

prescription drugs because of a doctor’s diagnosis will
be v ery diligent to follow his instructions. By the same
token those who hav e been deliv ered by “Doctor”
Jesus must follow His prescription, which is to be led
by His Spirit.

Unfortunately , most people are unaware that sickness,

diseases, drug addictions and oppressions are spiritual
in nature and thus require the leading of the Holy
Spirit to be set free. Paul makes it clear in his letters
the necessity for depending on the Spirit of God.

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are

children of God.

Romans 8:1 4 WEB

If your spiritual nature is your guide, you are not

subject to Moses’ law s.

Galatians 5:1 8 GW

The Spirit has given us life; he must also control our


Galatians 5:25 TEV

It is v ery interesting that ev en unclean spirits
understand degrees of ev il. Remember, the scripture
say s, and then he goes and gets sev en other
spirits m ore ev il than him self.

The only difference between the mentality in the

v isible and inv isible world is the phy sical body . The
soul represents the sum total of a person’s life while
liv ing in the phy sical world.

In other words, if the soul does not surrender to the

Spirit of God, he or she will serv e their ideas and
beliefs formed from their senses.

Therefore, the beliefs of the soul will be the same in the

body or outside of it. The only difference will be the
location of the soul after the body dies.

Don’t be afraid of those w ho kill the body but cannot

kill the soul. Instead, fear the one w ho can destroy
both body and soul in hell.

Matthew 1 0:28 GW

And the dust returneth to the earth as it w as, And the

spirit returneth to God w ho gave it.

Ecclesiastes 1 2:7 Y NG

These scriptures indicate God as the final resting place

for man’s spirit and the earth for his body . But the final
home of man’s soul is determined by the choices each
person makes while liv ing in the material world. The
soul must be surrendered to the Holy Spirit in order to
win that battle. Otherwise, the dev il will control the
mind with doubt, unbelief and emotions.

T he m ind believ es lies and form s its reality

from that position. If we do not change our
thinking, we will liv e forev er in darkness.

Those whose mind is filled with darkness on earth

attract like-minded souls. The demonic realm is an
atmosphere of chaos and fear created by wrong

After the soul is separated from the spirit it is

tormented forev er by the demons it once entertained
through fear and wrong thinking. God ultimately
determines the lev el of torment.

Lov e alters our thoughts by ex posing our minds to

light. Jesus is the source of all light, lov e and
salv ation. Lov e ex poses the enemy and illuminates the
darkness. Fear has no substance in the light.

There is no fear in love; perfect love drives out all

fear. So then, love has not been made perfect in
anyone w ho is afraid, because fear has to do w ith

1 John 4:1 8 TEV

Jesus spoke to the Pharisees again. He said, “I am the

Jesus spoke to the Pharisees again. He said, “I am the
light of the w orld. Whomever follow s Me w ill have a
life filled w ith light and w ill never live in the dark.”

John 8:1 2 GW

Jesus is speaking about the difference between the

v isible and inv isible worlds or phy sical and spiritual
dimensions. This is clear because the majority of
people liv e in areas that hav e darkness.

Life was created in the light of God. Sin corrupts the

light with impure or distorted thoughts, like filters
used by cinematographers to change the quality of
light on the image they are filming.

The likeness or figure is the same, but the light is

altered or shadowed, which changes the appearance
on the film or mov ie screen.

The purity of our thoughts is gov erned by the source

and frequency of the light. Thoughts are a ty pe of lens
ov er the mind’s ey e. Christ is the light of life, but if our
minds are corrupted by wrong thoughts, fear will be
the result and we will liv e in darkness.

But if your eye is evil, your w hole body w ill be full of

darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is
darkness, how great is the darkness.

Matthew 6:23 WEB

The precious Holy Spirit continually orchestrates
ev ents in the natural world to awaken us to God’s
mercy and grace. I believ e grace is a spiritual force
that absorbs darkness long enough for our
spirit to ex perience the Light of Christ. T he
acknowledgem ent of that ev ent opens our
spirit to m ore grace.

Because by grace y ou have salvation through

faith; and that not of yourselves: it is given by God:

Ephesians 2:8 BBE

Do not let all kinds of strange teachings lead you from

the right w ay. It is good to receive inner strength
from God’s grace, and not by obey ing rules
about foods; those w ho obey these rules have not
been helped by them.

Hebrew s 1 3:9 TEV

The work of Christ fulfilled the law, allowing grace to

soften our hearts and minds in order to receiv e the
truth, in the person of Jesus. Today , He resides in the
hearts and minds of those who choose the Holy Spirit
and the unseen world as the reality , instead of the
phy sical world.

T herefore, those whose liv es are spent

following Jesus in the natural world will liv e in
God’s inv isible world forev er.
For the law w as given through Moses. Grace and
truth came through Jesus Christ.

John 1 :1 7 WEB

He w ho loves his life w ill lose it, and he w ho hates his

life in this w orld w ill keep it for eternal life.

John 1 2:25 NKJV


Quantum fasting will produce the greatest results in
our soul, which is why , the dev il fights desperately to
prev ent the Body of Christ from participating. Once
fasting became a lifesty le in my life, my thoughts and
phy sical health took a quantum leap in div ine
rev elation and health.

It gav e me the power to subdue my soul and train it

not to submit to the doubts and unbelief of the dev il.
The heav enly tool of fasting will destroy the
strongholds, which the soul has created from fear. The
model of dominion promised in Genesis will again
become the birthright for y ou and y our family .

Then God said, Let Us m ake m an in Our im age,

according to Our likeness; let them have
dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the
air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over
every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.

Genesis 1 :26 NKJV

God made man according to his own species and

prov ided him with a soul, which separates him from
the angels and animals. The soul is the instrument
designed to work in conjunction with the spirit to
manifest heav en on earth.

Jesus was the perfect ex ample of a soul completely

submitted to His spirit. The result was the
manifestation of the Kingdom of God ev ery where He
trav eled.

The command to dominate the creatures on the earth

requires gov ernmental understanding. The power of
rulership on the earth ev entually ex tends to the
heav ens.

Do you not know that the saints w ill judge the w orld?
And, if the w orld w ill be judged by you, are you
unw orthy to judge the smallest matters?

Do you not know that w e shall judge angels? How

much more, things that pertain to this life?

1 Corinthians 6:3-4 NKJV

The soul is designed for planetary rulership and
judgment. But, if it is not connected to the Creator, the
results will be the conditions of the world that we see
today .

Instead of ruling angels and worlds, man is

preoccupied with material pursuits that offer little
eternal v alue. The blood of Christ is the soul’s only
resource, which will join his spirit to the Spirit of God.
This is the only connection that will conv ert the soul
and mind of man.

This Son of God is Jesus Christ, w ho came by w ater

This Son of God is Jesus Christ, w ho came by w ater
and blood. He didn’t come w ith w ater only, but w ith
w ater and w ith blood. The Spirit is the one w ho
verifies this, because the Spirit is the truth.

1 John 5:6 BBE

This is important to understand, because Jesus was
not only God’s Son but also the Son of man, in order
for His sinless sacrifice to be counted righteous for all
men. The blood He shed for our redemption was from
His Father, and the water represents the basic
component for all material life, including man.

These two elements are key for those who want to

ex perience the depths of the inv isible Kingdom of God
manifested through quantum fasting. The dev il is
afraid of those who are born of both water and spirit
through His blood, because they are the heirs of God.

The senses, intellect, emotions and beliefs are located

in our soul. It is the soul that prov ides man with the
capacity to ex perience the wonders of God in both
dimensions. The gov ernment of man resides in his
soul, which is ex ercised each time he makes decisions.
God designed man’s soul to gov ern both the v isible
and inv isible worlds, starting with his thoughts. The
ultimate choice one makes between trusting God or
self determines the soul’s eternal home.
“Do you not believe, Philip, that I am in the Father
and the Father is in me?

The w ords that I have spoken to you,” Jesus said to

his disciples, “Do not come from me. The Father, w ho
remains in me, does his ow n w ork.”

Believe me w hen I say that I am in the Father and the

Father is in me. If not, believe because of the things I

I am telling you the truth: those w ho believe in me

w ill do w hat I do—yes, they w ill do even greater
things, because I am going to the Father.

John 1 4:1 0-1 2 TEV

Jesus asked Philip if he believ ed Him. This is the

question alway s answered by one’s soul. The creator
of all things resided on the inside of Jesus, inv isible to
His disciples.

Here is an ex ample to illustrate this powerful truth:

Astronauts wear space suits when walking in outer
space to protect themselv es and to prov ide them with
ox y gen. If they were to rescue someone in outer
space, would it be because of the spacesuit or the man
inside? The man inside the suit was the hero, but the
action required the protectiv e gear.

Jesus was telling Philip to trust the inv isible person

inside Him, because He is the source of life and
miracles. Jesus was the body and soul of His Father
who did the work.

This trust is determined by the information processed

from our mind and soul, and it forms our belief
sy stem. The env ironment is a major factor for
influencing what a person believ es. For ex ample, if a
person only watches TV and listens to the news, their
belief sy stem will be decidedly different from those
who fast and pray . Therefore, if the v isible world is the
main resource for determing what one believ es, that
person will not do the greater works Jesus told Philip

Quantum scientists affirm what Solomon said by the

Holy Spirit thousands of y ears ago. Our heart
produces the reality we think about the most.
Consequently , the source of our thoughts produces
the life we lead.

For as he thinketh in his soul, so is he.

Proverbs 23:7 a Darby

For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.

Proverbs 23:7 a NKJV

Quantum fasting opens the door of heav en,

empowering man’s spirit to control his soul and body .
It is the most powerful tool I hav e discov ered for
changing the way I think. This is the first step to
altering our beliefs and ex posing our minds to the
limitless possibilities IN CHRIST.

The w ord of God is alive and active, sharper than any

double-edged sw ord.

It cuts all the w ay through, to w here soul and spirit

meet, to w here joints and marrow come together.

It judges the desires and thoughts of the heart.

Hebrew s 4:1 2 TEV

Jesus said, “Any thing is possible if y ou can believ e.”

Jesus is the master of ev ery thing that is, was and will
be. Think of that! Ev ery thing that ev er will be or has
been was completed IN CHRIST! The soul has the
ability to understand the reality of that statement and
the joy contained in “knowing” the author of it all,

The soul is v eiled in darkness from birth, and unless

one’s spirit can be awakened, it will form its reality
from the material world. That darkness is sin, which is
the substance produced from a corrupted mentality .
Once sin is remov ed through repentance, one can
ex perience lov e, which is a frequency from heav en.

As we discussed before, the heart of m an in union

with the source of lov e can change the
m aterial world and alter our perceptions of
reality and the way we think. Fasting is by far
the m ost effectiv e m ethod in achiev ing this
transform ation.

Those who fast often will ex perience new

understanding about the scriptures and their
assignments from before the foundation of the world.
God is the Father of all spirits. In my opinion, one of
the goals of the Holy Spirit is to remind each spirit of
their origin with their Father before becoming a liv ing

If y ou are reading this book, most likely y our spirit is

longing for the relationship it enjoy ed with the Father
before the foundation of the world. I believ e the Holy
Spirit has been assigned to fulfill that desire. He will
nev er force y ou, but He does lov e y ou enough to use
ev ery method possible to reach y ou.

The Holy Spirit was sent to remind us through His

Word about the reality of the inv isible world. The
Word is Jesus and He is the author of both the v isible
and inv isible dimension. God is Spirit, and the Word
He spoke in Genesis contains ev ery thing that was and
is and will be.

Often during a fast, the Holy Spirit would rev eal the
relationship between my soul and body . On one
occasion, I saw the Mercy Seat sitting at the right hand
of the Father in heav en. Jesus is the mercy seat, and
His blood is the power whose source is lov e.


The Ark of the Cov enant was wood furniture cov ered
in gold inhabited by God and His Word. This is a
depiction of Christ in us, the hope of glory .

Jesus is God and the Word made flesh. He must be man

in order to be a propitiation for sin. We are created
like the ark, in order to carry the supernatural power
of God ev ery where we go.

And you shall put inside the ark the Testimony [the
Ten Commandments], w hich I w ill give you.

And you shall make a mercy seat (a covering) of pure

gold, tw o cubits and a half long and a cubit and a half
w ide.

Exodus 25:1 6-1 7 AMP

Jesus suffered the most horrible death at the hands of

those who prophesied His coming and salv ation. This
sacrifice is unmatched in the univ erse and is what
giv es Him authority ov er sin, sickness and death. The
Holy Spirit unv eiled the picture of the mercy seat
when I began to fast for ex tended periods of time. He
showed me this v ision outside of time and space,
because that was the way it was presented to Moses.

Moses was chosen to implement the v ision God gav e

him during his two consecutiv e 40 day s without food
and water. During that time, he was shown, among
other things, the ark and mercy seat. God could not
trust this v ision to any one who had not died to this
world. Fasting is the way to demonstrate one’s
detachment from this world.

He was giv en the responsibility to construct a phy sical

manifestation from the inv isible realm of eternity . The
Tabernacle, along with all of the ordinances of the
Law, was part of the redemptiv e picture of God.
Ev ery thing from the tent to the candlesticks was a
phy sical representation of Christ and His redemption.

Jesus is the mercy seat and the testimony of life ov er

death through His blood sacrifice.

God show ed that Christ is the throne of mercy w here

God’s approval is given through faith in Christ’s
blood. In his patience God w aited to deal w ith sins
committed in the past.

Romans 3:25 GW

God offered him, so that by his blood he should

become the means by w hich people’s sins are
forgiven through their faith in him. God did this in
order to demonstrate that he is righteous. In the past
he w as patient and overlooked people’s sins; but in
the present time he deals w ith their sins, in order to
demonstrate his righteousness.

Romans 3:25 TEV

The work of Christ is described in Ex odus through the

description and design of the ark. It is essential to
understand that the guardians ov er the ark are the
same ones set at the entrance of the Garden of Eden to
prev ent man from liv ing forev er in his fallen

Then the LORD God said, “Behold, the man has

become like one of Us, to know good and evil. And
now , lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree
of life, and eat, and live forever”—

So He drove out the man; and He placed cherubim at

the east of the garden of Eden, and a flaming sw ord
w hich turned every w ay, to guard the w ay to the tree
of life.

Genesis 3:22,24 NKJV

And you shall make tw o cherubim (w inged angelic

figures) of [solid] hammered gold on the tw o ends of
the mercy seat. And the cherubim shall spread out
their w ings above, covering the mercy seat w ith their
w ings, facing each other and looking dow n tow ard
the mercy seat.
Exodus 25:1 8,20 AMP

The same cherubim assigned to prev ent man from

entering the Garden are commissioned to usher him
into God’s presence. They are positioned abov e the
mercy seat in order to rejoice with those who offer
their liv es to Christ. In heav en it is the highest form of
worship and celebrated by heav en’s hosts.

Jesus said, “In the same w ay God’s angels are happy

w hen even one person turns to him.”

Luke 1 5:1 0 CEV

The mercy seat is the place of transparency and the

surrendering of our will. This is a place of atonement,
which for the Jews meant fasting and repentance.

Our soul’s lev el of sacrifice determines the quality and

aroma of our worship. The greater the sacrifice, the
sweeter the fragrance and smell in heav en. I believ e
the fragrance from Noah’s sacrifice was an important
part of the cov enant God made with earth and man
forev er.

The odor of the sacrifice pleased the LORD, and he

said to himself, “Never again w ill I put the earth
under a curse because of w hat people do; I know that
from the time they are young their thoughts are evil.
Never again will I destroy all living beings, as
I have done this tim e.
Genesis 8:21 TEV

God designed our phy sical body as the perfect

container for His Spirit to reside and ultimately
conv ert our souls to heav enly instruments of worship.

Worship alters our phy sical world and changes

our perceptions of reality according to our
rev elation of Christ.

Ev ery one must hav e a personal encounter with Christ

in order to know he or she has passed from death unto
life. For me, this ev ent occurred after fasting 40 day s.
God in His infinite wisdom designed a place for man to
meet with Him outside church walls, sy nagogues and

Fasting was the tool I used to prepare my self for this

ex perience. My intimate ex perience occurred in the
timeless eternity abov e the mercy seat where He
taught me how to worship Him.

During that time the Holy Spirit taught me the

frequency of heav en and what lov e sounds like to God.
The angels mov e to the beat of God’s heart and the
sound of His thoughts. There is nothing on earth that
can match the v ibrations my soul ex perienced in
heav en.

The power ov er death is the melody of God’s blood on

the mercy seat. It is a sound, which terrifies the dev il
and sets captiv es free. The music in heav en is the
resurrection life in Jesus’ blood and it resonates in the
outer most regions of the univ erse.

Those who fast will understand worship from another

perspectiv e and become God’s instrument of
resurrection on the earth.


The word fast in Hebrew is tsowm pronounced

“tsoom,” and it means to cover or close the mouth.
Moses did not use that word in Ex odus or Lev iticus
but instead used the word anah, pronounced “aw -
naw ’.”

The root word anah means to be afflicted, bowed

down, humbled, or meek. Perhaps, this giv es us some
insight as to why Moses was considered the meekest
man on the earth.

Then the disciples of John came to Him, saying, “Why

do w e and the Pharisees fast often, but Y our disciples
do not fast?”

And Jesus said to them, “Can the friends of the

bridegroom mourn as long as the bridegroom is w ith
them? But the days w ill come w hen the bridegroom
w ill be taken aw ay from them, and then they w ill fast.

Nor do they put new w ine into old w ineskins, or else

the w ineskins break, the w ine is spilled, and the
w ineskins are ruined. But they put new w ine into new
w ineskins, and both are preserved.”
Matthew 9:1 4-1 5,1 7 NKJV

Wine skins are the v essels made from animal hides,

which protect and permit a limited amount of y oung
wine to be portable. The skin was considered old when
it had been filled prev iously with wine, and new wine
could not be mix ed in the same container without
loosing both the wine and skin.

It is my belief that fasting is the process that will

supernaturally oil the skin from the inside out, in
order for it to receiv e the new wine of Jesus. The
response by Jesus illustrates His contempt for religion
and its understanding of fasting.

The union of the Holy Spirit and Jesus will transform

our heart into the altar or house of God. Thus, the skin
on the outside will be God’s tent as it was in the Old

Fasting will maintain the phy sical tent while the new
wine nourishes the soul and spirit with fresh
rev elations each day . Fasting is not a religious method
to obtain God’s approv al, but a weapon for
dismantling our natures. It is the soul of man that has
the greatest need for reconstruction and ex pansion.

The old wineskin is a container incapable of change or

manifesting the rev elations of heav en. Christ is both
the kingdom of God and the new wine. The new wine
sustains our growth and prov ides perpetual rev elation
for abiding in the kingdom. The scripture ex plains the
v arious methods for offering sacrifices on the altar of
God. The “drink offering” consisted of wine and was
sacrificed along with ex act proportions of “cereal and
meat offerings.” The Old Testament is the ty pe and
shadow of Christ whose life was the perfect sacrifice
poured out for all men.

The Bible describes Jesus in John 1 5 as the v ine. In

order to produce fruit, each of us must abide IN HIM.

I believ e the fruit of that v ine produces the new wine

Jesus is speaking of in Luke 22. Those who want fresh
rev elation must be connected to Him and ev en be
pruned by God. Pruning prov ides the sweetest berries.

One of the purposes of fruit is to reproduce and

prov ide health and healing in the bodies of those who
consume it. The Father tends the v iney ard in order to
produce a greater harv est and the best wine.

The greatest future we could hav e as His fruit is to be

chosen and consumed by the Master. Paul recognized
the relationship between the drink offering and being
chosen as God’s fruit.

And even if I am offered like a drink offering, giving

myself for the cause and w ork of your faith, I am glad
and have joy w ith you all.

Philippians 2:1 7 BBE

For I am already being poured out as a drink offering,
and the time of my departure has come.

2 Timothy 2:4 NASB

I think it is important to understand that the Old

Testament position of fasting was considered afflicting
the soul on the Day of Atonement. The following
scriptures describe God’s ordinance to the Israelites.

It shall be a statute to you forever that in the seventh

month [nearly October] on the tenth day of the month
you shall afflict yourselves [by fasting w ith penitence
and humiliation] and do no w ork at all, either the
native-born or the stranger w ho dw ells temporarily
among you.

For on this day atonement shall be made for you, to

cleanse you; from all your sins you shall be clean
before the Lord.

It is a Sabbath of [solemn] rest to you, and you shall

afflict yourselves [by fasting w ith penitence and
humiliation]; it is a statute forever.

Leviticus 1 9:29-31 AMP

And the Lord said to Moses, also the tenth day of this
seventh month is the Day of Atonement; it shall be a
holy [called] assembly, and you shall afflict
yourselves [by fasting in penitence and humility] and
present an offering made by fire to the Lord. And you
shall do no w ork on this day, for it is the Day of
Atonement, to make atonement for you before the
Lord your God.

For w hoever is not afflicted [by fasting in penitence

and humility] on this day shall be cut off from among
his people [that he may not be included in the
atonement made for them].

And w hoever does any w ork on that same day I w ill

destroy from among his people.

Y ou shall do no kind of w ork [on that day]. It is a

statute forever throughout your generations in all
your dw ellings.

It shall be to y ou a Sabbath of rest, and y ou

shall afflict y ourselves [by fasting in
penitence and hum ility ]. On the ninth day of
the m onth from evening to evening, y ou shall
keep y our Sabbath.

Leviticus 23:26-32 AMP

Religion will alway s represent the old skin because it is

incapable of ex panding with an ev er-increasing
rev elation of Christ. Jesus makes the following
statement in Matthew to rev eal the purposes behind
the Mosaic Law.

If you had know n w hat this means: I w ant mercy and

not sacrifice, you w ould not have condemned the

Matthew 1 2:7 NET

Those who drink old wine will become intox icated on

themselv es, while judging others. Pride and self-
righteousness are the characteristics of those drinking
that wine. Sacrifice was the mercy of God on their
behalf. In other words, Israel was the old wineskin God
was using to carry the promise of new wine. Had they
understood the mercy of God, they would hav e
receiv ed the new wine Jesus was offering them.

Jacob did something in Genesis after meeting God that

illustrates the wine as Jesus and the oil as the Holy

And Jacob set up a pillar (monument) in the place

w here he talked w ith [God], a pillar of stone; and he
poured a drink offering on it and he poured oil on it.

And Jacob called the name of the place w here God

had talked w ith him Bethel [house of God].

Genesis 35:1 4-1 5 AMP

One will discov er that most of the miracles performed

by Jesus were done on the Sabbath day . This is
significant because, in essence, He was demonstrating
Himself as the fulfillment of the Law. Jesus is both the
Sabbath and the sev enth day in Genesis chapter 2.
Jesus is the phy sical completion of ev ery thing
foretold by the prophets throughout the scripture.
Religion is so preoccupied with form that it misses the

In other words, the leaders of Jesus’ day were more

concerned about His birthplace and doctrine than His
authority ov er sin, sickness and death. The same is
true today . Fasting is a struggle without a rev elation of
the inv isible world. But the Spirit wants to set y ou free
and will help y ou ev ery step of the way .

The soul is most accustomed to giv ing orders and

therefore must relinquish that role to the Holy Spirit.
The difference between the spiritual and phy sical
world is easy to discern once our spirit is awakened.

Fasting is the designated tool God will use to perform

the most thorough work. The soul and mind are the
most resistant to change and are the biggest challenge
for man.

Those who choose to fast will be faced with difficult

decisions that will require persev erance to ov ercome.
Nev ertheless, one who will spend hours in pray er and
worship will succeed. The power released in fasting
separates us from phy sical appetites and introduces us
to the world of faith.

Fasting is capable of transforming the soul from pride

to humility , but the battle will be fierce and terrify ing
at the beginning. The mind is the soul’s companion in
self-protection and will steadfastly manifest danger
signs throughout the organism.

Initially the v oices from the phy sical body are louder
than those from the Spirit. Those with little
understanding or desire to change will rarely achiev e
v ictory ov er their fleshly desires. But be assured the
Holy Spirit can be trusted for v ictory .

The mind will send images of distress that the body

will manifest in pain and discomfort in hopes that the
organism will return to its habitual patterns of eating.
These are certain signs that the battle is being won and
v ictory is certain, if one stay s the course.

Y our biggest fears are only as real as y our

attachm ent to them . T he rev elations of Christ
that y ou ex perience will be the fuel that will
separate y ou from the influences and
attachm ents of this phy sical world.

The dev il hates those who are willing to sacrifice their

bodies on the altar of self-death and make the
commitment to trust God for their deliv erance. There
are special angels assigned to those whose
determination and will are submitted to the Father.

I hav e had first-hand ex perience in these matters and

know what I am speaking about. But don’t just take my
word for it. Discov er the truth of these things for
y ourself.

Some Pharisees asked Jesus w hen the Kingdom of God
w ould come. His answ er w as, “The Kingdom of God
does not come in such a w ay as to be seen.

No one w ill say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or, ‘There it is!’;

because the Kingdom of God is w ithin you.”

Luke 1 7 : 20-21 TEV

The Kingdom of God cannot be found in a city or

church. According to Jesus, it resides inside those
who are IN CHRIST. In order to understand this, it is
required for us to clean our phy sical body for His
residence. This is accomplished ex pressly through
fasting. There are no short cuts, and it does not matter
the amount of scripture we know or quote. Those who
do not fast will find it difficult to maintain a dwelling
place for His presence.

Many Christians feel the presence of the Holy Spirit on

occasions, which may be described as the “anointing.”
But those who maintain a lifesty le of fasting are more
likely to enjoy His habitation inside their spirit.

The body and soul must be reconnected to the Spirit in

man to liv e in true order and ex perience the reality of
the Kingdom of God. True prosperity and fulfillment
begins the instant we are truly born “into” Christ.

Dear friend, I know that you are spiritually w ell. I

pray that you’re doing w ell in every other w ay and
that you’re healthy.

3 John 2 GW
Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things
and be healthy, even as your soul prospers.

3 John 2 WEB
Our body is the temple of God and, as such, we are
responsible to maintain this amazing instrument to
liv e in health, both phy sically and spiritually , while
fulfilling our destiny on earth.

Prev iously , we ex plained the role of the Holy Spirit as

the guardian of God’s blood in the earth. The Holy
Spirit is the designated person of the Godhead
assigned to empower God’s people with His wisdom
and power.

The infilling of His Spirit is the supernatural power

designed to change us from a life of consumption to a
life of giv ing. The first man chose to consume instead
of giv e. God asked for one thing in the Garden.
Nev ertheless, the man rejected his request and chose
to eat from the v ery thing God warned him against.
The Bible say s God so lov ed that He gav e. Those who
hav e chosen to enter God’s kingdom must do it by
giv ing God their liv es. If one changes their priority
from consuming to giv ing, fasting will become a
lifesty le.

The body is the center of attention for most of society ,

because it is the source of phy sical gratification. The
statement Jesus makes in the following scripture
defines the priority between the natural and spiritual

So I say to you, Take no thought for your life,

about food or drink, or about clothing for your body.
Is not life more than food, and the body more than its

Matthew 6:25 BBE

Jesus is separating the life of the phy sical body from

that of the spirit. He appears to be say ing our thoughts
are what determine the v alue we place on the phy sical
or spiritual world. Later in the chapter, He ex plains
that His Father takes care of those whose thoughts are
about Him and not earthly things.

Whose end is perdition, w hose god is the belly, and

w hose glory is in their shame, w ho mind earthly

Philippians 3:1 9 ASV

Societies whose appetites are their god will nev er find

satisfaction, but will alway s be searching. That is a
recipe for phy sical, mental and spiritual problems.
Moreov er, it will reproduce future generations with
the same characteristics. The kingdoms of this world—
including religion—hav e no solution for problems
originating from the spirit of man.

God sent the perfect sacrifice for man to liv e in div ine
health. Those who are ov erweight and slav es to
unhealthy appetites are deceiv ed, but not forsaken or
unlov ed by God. Fasting is the tool designed by God to
set y ou free from the attachments of the phy sical
world, including food. The original design of the body
was created to liv e for thousands of y ears free from

My dear friend, I pray that you may in all respects

prosper and enjoy good health, just as y our
soul already prospers.

3 John 2 Weymouth


Fasting is God’s natural detox ification treatment for

those with medical conditions and is considerably
better than destroy ing the body with prescription
drugs. Fasting is medicine, and it has no side effects.
Medical science has reported results supporting
fasting as a prev entiv e measure that increases ov erall
health, v itality and resistance to disease.

When properly utilized, fasting can be a pow erful tool

in helping your body do w hat it does best...heal itself.
It is the answ er to a surprising number of questions. 1

Fasting is the best method one can use to repair the

phy sical body , including the organs and cells. 2 Dr.
Benjamin Horne believ es that fasting could one day be
prescribed as a treatment for prev enting diabetes and
coronary heart disease.

In addition, fasting is ev en recognized by science to

purify and cleanse the organs. The digestiv e tract
requires the most immune sy stem support because it
is the part of the body most ex posed to bacteria,
v iruses, parasites and tox ins. After food trav els
through the intestines, it enters the blood to the liv er,
the largest natural detox ification sy stem of the body .

The liv er dissolv es and remov es the tox ic waste

produced through digestion, including the organic and
the chemical pollutants now present in the food
supply . Fasting allows the liv er and immune sy stem
the freedom to use healthy blood to reenergize and
v italize all the organs in the body .

One of the most important phy siological aspects of

fasting is the internal energy formerly used to digest
food is now harnessed to clean and heal the organism.
The principle behind that is simple. When the intake of
food is temporarily stopped, many sy stems of the
body are giv en a break from the hard work of
digestion. The ex tra energy allows the body the
chance to heal and restore itself.

In addition, the body will burn stored calories as fuel

to eliminate tox ic substances stored in the organs.
During the absence of food, the body will
sy stematically cleanse itself of ev ery thing ex cept v ital

Many phy siological changes occur in the body during

fasting. During the first day or so, the body uses its
gly cogen reserv es, or sugars, which supply the basic
energy of the body . After these are depleted, the body
begins using stored fat.
The brain requires complex sugars or glucose to
function most effectiv ely . In fact, Dr. Norberto
Coimbra’s studies show that the brain requires twice
as much energy or glucose than any other cells in the
body . In addition, his research found that mental
concentration actually drains glucose from a key part
of the brain associated with memory and learning—
underscoring just how crucial this blood sugar is for
proper brain function. 3

To obtain sufficient amounts of glucose for the brain,

the body begins to break down muscle tissue during
the second day of the fast. Although protein is being
used by the body during the fast, a person fasting 40
day s on water will not suffer a deficiency of protein,
v itamins, minerals or fatty acids.

In order to fuel the brain, the body would need to

burn ov er a pound of muscle a day , but the body has
dev eloped another way to create energy that sav es
important muscle mass. This protein-sparing process
is called ketosis, which occurs during the third day of a
fast for men and the second day for women. The liv er
conv erts stored fat and other nonessential tissues into
amino acids called ketones, which can be used by the
brain, muscles, and heart as energy .

According to A. J. Carlson, Professor of Phy siology ,

Univ ersity of Chicago, a healthy , well-nourished man
can liv e from 50 to 7 5 day s without food, prov ided he
is not ex posed to harsh elements or emotional stress.
The healthy cells remain perfectly sound ev en if they
are reduced in size and strength for a time. 4 The
benefits of fasting are more than losing weight or
healing chronic conditions. Fasting releases power
that transcends the phy sical world. Nev ertheless,
without the Holy Sprit’s presence, fasting is just
another self-help tool for those who want to look good
and lose weight.

The phy sical body is a magnificent machine designed

to transform matter into energy in order for man to
discov er the wonders of his creator. For ex ample, if
someone eats an apple, the stomach starts the process
of digestion until the matter (consumed food)
becomes chemical compounds and acids small enough
to enter the blood stream. It is this transition from
matter to energy that supplies both the phy sical and
psy chological needs of man.

Phy sical food is chemically altered through digestion

in order to supply the necessities for both body and
soul. The energy ex change from the food to the blood
is the first step in understanding the my stery of God’s

Research indicates that white blood cells increase

during prolonged fasting, producing a healthy
env ironment for cell reproduction. 5 In addition,
blood acts as the body ’s spiritual antibiotic. If it were
not continually working to digest food, it could offer
healing properties to diseased organs.
God tells Moses in Lev iticus the importance of blood.

For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have

given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for
your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement
for the soul.

Leviticus 1 7 :1 1 NKJV

I believ e the Holy Spirit is assigned to bring souls back

to God through Christ and uses the spiritual properties
inherent in the blood as His conduit.

Why ? Because we hav e learned that the blood was

designed by God to supply both phy sical life and
spiritual DNA. The dev il knows the power of blood,
because it is what defeated him. I believ e that God
required the Israelites to eat certain foods to protect
their blood as well as to prov ide proper nutrition.

Science spends billions of dollars on drugs to prev ent

the spread of disease, but hardly any thing is spent to
educate the world about the need to fast.

Isn’t it about time the Body of Christ rises up and leads

the world instead of following it?


Capitalism, particularly in the United States, produces

insatiable consumers whose desires are their gods.
People who spend their money and resources on
material goods determine the economic prosperity of
the world. The more they consume, the greater the
demand for ex pansion both phy sically and mentally .

One of the side effects of capitalism is the fast food

industry . These are restaurants that prepare foods
quickly to satisfy hunger but offer little in the way of
nutrition. The menus in those restaurants consist
primarily of processed meats and fried foods, which
hav e been linked to sickness and disease.

Nutritional factors can hav e a significant impact on

brain function, which can result in numerous mental
aberrations, such as depression, anx iety , attention
deficit hy peractiv ity , schizophrenia, autism, bulimia,
anorex ia and bi-polar disorders, to name a few. Bad
diets and wrong eating habits combined with the
“lov e” of money is a primary cause for illness.

Thoughts and their origin are as my sterious as the

univ erses and galax ies. Nev ertheless, science has
discov ered the association between the foods we eat
and our mental activ ity . In order to maintain self-
control, will power and the ability to think clearly , the
brain needs nutrients. The crav ing for unhealthy food
is the by -product of a body whose mind has been
chemically altered with wrong eating. 6

Many scientists believ e that fast food is not only

unhealthy but also has addictiv e qualities. There is
ev idence that shows fast-food consumption reinforces
the desire for more of the same empty calories. Most
people complain about being unable to stop crav ing
the unhealthy food ev en though they know it is killing
them. 7

Research rev eals the effects fast food has on the brain
from the hormones, such as leptin and galanin. The
latest findings indicate that fast food increases leptin
and decreases galanin, which creates a malfunction in
the brain called “hy pothalamic-obesity ”. This is why
ov erweight indiv iduals continue to eat because their
bodies cannot tell when they hav e eaten enough. 8

Linus Pauling Ph.D., a two-time Nobel Prize winner,

said, “It is now recognized by leading workers in the
field that behav ior is determined by the functioning of
the brain, and that the functioning of the brain is
dependent on its composition and structure.”9 The
brain produces chemicals called neurotransmitters
that regulate our moods, emotions and ev en the way
we ex perience pain. Nutrients in the foods we eat
trigger certain amino acids that, in turn, produce or
decrease production of chemicals such as dopamine,
epinephrine and serotonin. People who display
sy mptoms of fatigue, weight problems and short
attention spans are generally deficient in these amino
acids. The inability to concentrate and focus is one of
the biggest obstacles to education and hearing the
Spirit of God.

Sadly those who display these sy mptoms or feel ill

most likely go to a phy sician who generally prescribes
a pharmaceutical drug to treat the sy mptoms. The
drug may allev iate the sy mptoms, but in time it will
make other organs v ulnerable by lowering the body ’s
natural resistance to diseases.

Another ov erwhelming reason why people, ev en

Christians, suffer from health conditions is sin. I know
many Christians whose lifesty le of wrong eating was
challenged by the Holy Spirit, but their refusal to obey
has led to illness.

All disobedience is sin, and this ty pe of disobedience is

often characterized by the combination of surfeiting
and eating “junk” foods. The word surfeiting means
ov ereating or gluttony , and it is one of the root causes
for illness in society , both phy sically and spiritually .

But take heed to yourselves, lest haply your hearts be

overcharged w ith surfeiting, and drunkenness, and
cares of this life, and that day come on you suddenly
as a snare:

Luke 21 : 34 ASV

The phy sical matter used to form the body is the same
material it needs to maintain it most efficiently , which
is why consuming processed foods destroy s the

For ex ample, if y ou were to put diesel fuel in a car that

operates on gas, the engine would not work.
Therefore, if one consumes sugary soft drinks and
foods prepared from nonorganic materials, the organs
will fail.

Fasting will reduce or ev en heal nearly ev ery chronic

condition, including allergies, anx iety , arthritis,
asthma, depression, diabetes, headaches, heart
disease, high cholesterol, low blood sugar, digestiv e
disorders, mental illness, and obesity . 10

Food is often used to control the emotions. But if the

food is not healthy , it will inhibit the production of
serotonin. Eating sugar or too many carbohy drates is
a quick fix for the chemical imbalance but produces
long-term health problems such as diabetes or high
blood pressure.

Those who depend on doctors to solv e their health

problems hav e not understood the power of the cross.
The book Pharmakeia by my wife, Ana Méndez Ferrell,
describes in great detail the atrocities committed by
the pharmaceutical industry in conjunction with the
health sy stem.

According to information from a statistical study of

hospital deaths in the U.S., which was conducted at the
Univ ersity of Toronto, pharmaceutical drugs kill more
people ev ery y ear than are killed in traffic accidents. 11

The study shows that more than two million

American-hospitalized patients suffered a serious
adv erse drug reaction (ADR) within the 1 2-month
period of the study . The study found that ov er
1 00,000 died. The researchers found that ov er 7 5 per
cent of these ADRs were dose-dependent, which
suggests they were due to the inherent tox icity of the
drugs rather than to allergic reactions.

The data did not include fatal reactions caused by

accidental ov erdoses or errors in administration of
the drugs. If these had been included, it is estimated
that another 1 00,000 deaths would be added to the
total ev ery y ear.


The first time someone said they were fasting, I

honestly did not know what they were talking about.
After it was ex plained to me, I thought it was
interesting and challenging, but not necessarily for
me. Boy , was I in for a shock.

In the day s following that conv ersation, the Holy

Spirit reminded me constantly about the subject of
fasting. Moreov er, ev ery where I turned, fasting was
the topic of discussion. I was reluctant to study the
scriptures at first, because I knew what I would find,
namely a command to fast.

My preoccupation with this word created many

sleepless nights and endless questions. What was
fasting and was it really that important? The churches
I attended rarely spoke on the subject and most of the
people in the congregations did not appear to miss
many meals.

I was particularly shocked to find research that

indicated obesity to be the number one health issue
facing Americans. I then discov ered that “church
members” tend to be more ov erweight than the
general population. And according to a study the
Southern Baptists, hav e the distinction of being the
most ov erweight of the religious groups studied. 12

The preparation for my first fast began sev eral day s

before starting with reducing the intake of all meat and
fried foods. The following three day s my diet consisted
of v egetables, cooked and raw. The final day of
preparation I only ate fruits.

My first complete fast consisted only of water and

lasted for three day s. Although it was not v ery long, it
changed me. The phy sical change was not as
significant as the joy I felt for hav ing pleased the Lord.

My first attempts at fasting were dismal failures. The

primary objectiv e for fasting is to concentrate on the
Lord. Sadly , all I could do was think about eating.

For those of y ou who hav e had similar ex periences,

take heart. The Holy Spirit helps those who persev ere.
It was not long before my obsession for food subsided
and the peace of God filled my mind and heart.

Subsequently , I learned to drink a large glass of salty

hot water and soak in a tub of hot water, while
listening to worship music. This serv ed sev eral
purposes, but mainly it purged my bladder and
intestines, kept me relax ed and helped me stay
focused on the Holy Spirit. Later I discov ered that my
body stopped crav ing food after three or four day s,
and the biggest battle from that point forward was with
my thoughts.

During my first attempts, I would succumb to

temptations and had to begin again after ov ercoming
remorse and guilt. The Holy Spirit gently encouraged
me to start ov er and not listen to the v oices of
condemnation from the dev il.

Those early ex periences planted seeds inside my soul

that hav e produced patience and endurance for the
things of the Spirit. The small steps I made in the
beginning hav e helped me to become an ov ercomer.

By your steadfastness and patient endurance you

shall w in the true life of your souls.

Luke 21 :1 9 AMP

Fasting taught me, among other things, that food is as

addictiv e as drugs. So I determined to be conscious of
each time my mouth opened to eat. I had to ask my self
if the material going inside me was for His glory or my

After sev eral smaller fasts, the first of what became

many 40-day fasts had arriv ed. Initially the number of
day s made me a bit anx ious, but when I remembered
my angelic v isitations, my determination returned.
Each day began with worship and quiet meditation.
My job allowed me to work from my home most
weeks. The day s that required trav el I would spend
listening to teachings or worship music in the car. On
many occasions I would take clients to lunch or dinner
and ex plain to some of them that I was fasting.

Many of my customers were surprised that someone

would v oluntarily go without food, while others
seemed supportiv e. The v ast majority were interested
but ex pressed no interest in pursuing that lifesty le.

As the day s and weeks went by , so did the intensity of

the ex periences with the Holy Spirit. One ev ening the
presence of the Lord became so strong that I fell to the
floor and wept uncontrollably . I lost all awareness of
time but my mind and body felt wav es of ecstasies and
terror simultaneously . I learned later that the Lord
was preparing me for His habitation.

The Holy Spirit asked me how much of Him I wanted,

and I knew my answer would determine the lev el of
phy sical and mental annihilation required to
accomplish His work.

My response was to fill me. Almost immediately , it was

as if my body was plugged into a 220-v olt outlet. The
feeling of electrical wav es changed to tsunamis, but it
was nev er more than I could endure.

Moreov er, He told me that in order to know Jesus and

Moreov er, He told me that in order to know Jesus and
His Glory , I must become spiritually hungry . I did not
understand what He meant at the time. So I began to
cry out, “Show me y our way , Lord.” Then it happened!
My desperate cry for more of Him dev eloped a
spiritual hunger that replaced all of my natural
appetites. In other words, if the Holy Spirit can make
y ou spiritually hungry , y ou will lose y our natural
desire for the things of this world, including food.

My soul and body were being transformed, and the

appetites of this world seemed meaningless and
unappealing. My desire to fellowship with the Father
made me hungry . It occurred to me that this is why
Jesus separated Himself to feed on His Father’s

The following day was the beginning of my second

week and my energy lev el was noticeably higher. My
body and mind ex perienced lev els of sensitiv ity that
reminded me of my y outh. I remember going outside
that morning and jumping on my son’s trampoline.
The thought of doing that the prev ious week would
hav e made me nauseous.

The following day after spending the afternoon in

pray er I felt the fire of God touch me from the inside
out. Each sensation created more hunger inside my
soul and a deeper longing for Christ. The v isits and
ex periences were only limited by doubt and unbelief
within my mind.
The fire increased, and the phy sical pains were at
times unbearable. But something incredible occurred
through my spiritual hunger. A phy sical and mental
shield seemed to env elope me from any more unbelief.
The enemy used mental images, wrong choices and
bad decisions from the past as a mental wedge
between the Holy Spirit and my self.

Nev ertheless, the spiritual hunger from my desire for

more of Him created a knowing inside my spirit of
forgiv eness and v ictory . The ov erwhelming power of
lov e flooded my soul and erased the unbelief. That
ex perience marked me for the remainder of my fast. I
believ e Jesus baptized me in His fire during those
encounters. The ex perience lasted all night and into
the following day .

The following week I sensed the presence of angels in

my room. It was on that occasion that I remember
tasting the liquid I saw y ears ago. During that time, an
angel was holding a container whose appearance could
only be described as “liquid light.” The angel indicated
that I could taste the contents in the jar if I would fast
40 day s.

I remember trembling as the wav es of His Glory filled

me from the inside out. I was unable to determine if I
was in my body or out. Time stood still and the ceiling
in the room opened to a bright light filled with faces
and clouds. During that time, my awareness of the
inv isible world and eternity changed forev er.
Each day the Holy Spirit would v isit me with an
incomprehensible sense of lov e and encouragement.
One ev ening He showed me the nature of creation and
its origin from the mind of God. I witnessed the
structure of faith and why it was the only substance
that pleased God. I understood ev ery thing He was
say ing through my spirit, but in my mind it sounded
like a foreign language.

My spiritual hunger increased until my natural

appetites ceased to hav e any control ov er my phy sical
body . My spirit was gaining dominance ov er my mind
and body .

The following day started the final week of my first 40-

day fast. That morning I remember sensing that my
life no longer belonged to me, that somehow my
ex periences had ushered in a new lev el of sonship with
my Father. The freedom I was ex periencing could not
be described by words. Then I understood the words
of Jesus in John.

If the Son sets you free, then you w ill be really free.

John 8:36 NET

Then the Holy Spirit commanded me to start reading

the Bible from cov er to cov er. This began the most
amazing journey of my life. From Genesis to
Rev elation the words and ex periences came aliv e. The
book became an open door into the mind of the Holy

T he power of those words fed m y spirit and

changed m y m ind. The Holy Spirit was
transforming me through the liv ing Word. I
ex perienced the scriptures coming to life and
introducing me to Christ in a way I had nev er
ex perienced before. I believ e my birth into His
kingdom started during those 40 day s.

Fasting is a small step relativ e to the amazing

adv entures of eternity waiting for those who lov e Him.
Those willing to persev ere will be rewarded if they
keep their ey es focused on the person who sacrificed
ev ery thing.


My life as a prophet was born from worship and

fasting. Worship became not only music but also the
harmony between my spirit and His. The resonation of
my heart and mind had to be changed into the
frequency of heav en in order to understand His way s.

Fasting was the v ehicle the Lord has used to change

me into an instrument He can use. The process has
been amazing, and the results are a perpetual fountain
flowing inside my spirit.

One day after fasting solid food for sev eral weeks, I
recall feelings of joy beginning to sweep through my
soul like a roaring wind. Laughter bubbled up like a
fountain, and all at once something remarkable
happened inside my mind.

My thoughts changed from pictures with recognizable

shapes and sizes to wav es of color. The wav es then
transformed from color to phy sical objects such as a
chair, table or person. I did not understand what was
happening but remained calm.

During the ev ening while I was worshiping, the room

During the ev ening while I was worshiping, the room
filled with what appeared to be clouds. There were
many of them, and each appeared to hav e their own
special characteristics. The sound of my worship
changed the shapes and sizes of the clouds, and at one
point they joined together to form what appeared to
be a ladder. I looked up the ladder and witnessed
angels and saints mov ing between two dimensions.
Immediately , I was reminded of what Jesus told

Nathanael said to him, “How do you know me?” Jesus

answ ered and said to him, “Before Philip called you, I
saw you under the fig tree.”

Nathanael answ ered him, “Rabbi, you are the Son of

God; you are the King of Israel.”

Jesus answ ered and said to him, “Do you believe

because I told you that I saw you under the fig tree?
Y ou w ill see greater things than this.”

And he said to him, “Amen, amen, I say to you, you

w ill see the sky opened and the angels of God
ascending and descending on the Son of Man.”

John 1 :48-51 NAB

That ex perience opened my understanding to the

prophetic realm. Later the Holy Spirit trained me to
trust His way s regardless of the methods He used.
For ex ample, I would associate a certain smell with a
person or place and within a matter of hours or day s
the person or place would be right before my ey es in
the natural. At first I believ ed it to be a coincidence
until the ex perience repeated itself ov er and ov er

Before long, it was commonplace to know things

before they actually happened in time. Most people
consider this to be a common occurrence for
prophets, but I can assure y ou that nothing the Holy
Spirit does is common.

After being baptized in the Holy Spirit, my sensitiv ity

to the inv isible world became increasingly more
intense. God’s kingdom is eternal and timeless.
Therefore, it is limited with phy sical words, which
makes it difficult to ex plain to those unfamiliar with a
lifesty le of fasting.

My thirst for deeper and greater ex periences in the

Lord propelled me to longer periods of fasting and
more intense times of pray er. During these times, my
understanding was ex panded through ex periences in
the spiritual world and so too were my interactions
outside of time and space.

The most striking difference separating the two

dimensions appeared to be a curtain-like fabric that
resembled a waterfall of light. The light sounded like
water falling, but the closer I mov ed towards the v eil
the quieter it became. Furthermore, the light changed
colors and sound relativ e to position of my v iewpoint.

There were no shadows or darkness, which indicated

an absence of time and mov ement. Any attempt to
describe the circumstance or rationalize the ev ents
altered my perception or memory of the occurrence.
Quickly , I heard the Holy Spirit tell me to be still and
not to think with my mind, but understand with my

I later learned that my mind was interfering with the

spiritual dimension of God because His realm is
timeless. Therefore, any thoughts arising from the
temporal world contained doubt or fear and
prev ented any further connection to His realms of
glory .

This ex perience made me understand many things,

one being the speed of thoughts. It was clear the
images from my mind hindered the ability of the Holy
Spirit to display the wonders of the inv isible world. My
perceptions of “things” outside the phy sical world
were constructed from thoughts and images that
restricted comprehension.

Later the Holy Spirit ex plained to me that the world

and ev ery thing material was God’s idea before it
became phy sical. The material world requires both
v isible and inv isible elements to sustain it. Light and
time are two of the consistent factors in maintaining
the integrity and continuity of phy sical life.

Science uses light as an important v ariable in its

equation for determining the relativ ity of matter.
Research is being conducted today in the hopes of
discov ering the “origin” of the univ erse by colliding
electrons together at the speed of light. The anti-
matter that is collected from these collisions is
ex pected to prov ide clues to the source of energy ,
which to date is unknown.

God formed ev ery thing from His thoughts, which

resonated in His command for light to become v isible
(Genesis 1 :3). The light God released is the light of the
life of all men. His light is described on the mountain of
transfiguration, which is much different from the light
of this world.

Jesus is the phy sical manifestation of God’s words. The

Word of God was manifested to destroy the darkness
that kept men separated from God, called sin. Today
His Word sustains both the inv isible and v isible world.

It has been critical for my faith to understand His

authority and power ov er both the seen and unseen
world. Man is equipped to understand both phy sical
and spiritual realms, if he will recognize the “liv ing
Word” as Christ.

It is obv ious to m e that the inv isible world is

It is obv ious to m e that the inv isible world is
the substance of God, and the m aterial world is
the m anifestation of God through Christ.

All things came into being through Him, and apart

from Him nothing that exists came into being.

John 1 :3 Weymouth

That rev elation changed my perception of the world

and increased my awareness of the strategies of the
enemy through our thoughts. Most importantly , I
discov ered my thoughts could be changed through
ex tended periods of fasting. In fact, the title of this
book was born from that understanding.

The longer I fasted, the sooner I began to realize the

real battle was not doing without food but bringing my
thoughts under submission. I had read the scripture in
2 Corinthians before, but until then it was not
rev elation.

For though w e may be living in the flesh, w e are

not fighting after the w ay of the flesh

(For the arms w ith w hich w e are fighting are not

those of the flesh, but are strong before God for the
destruction of high places);

Putting an end to reasonings, and every high thing,

w hich is lifted up against the know ledge of God, and
causing every thought to com e under the
authority of Christ;

Being ready to give punishment to w hatever is

against his authority, after y ou have m ade it
clear that y ou are com pletely under his

2 Corinthians 1 0:3-6 BBE

Furtherm ore, the m ore I fasted, the easier it

was for m e to y ield to His instructions and
surrender to His authority .

Ev ery thought that ex alts desires or wants abov e

submission is out of order and must be submitted to
Christ. Otherwise, they become spiritual roadblocks to
our righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Nutritionists are learning that foods are not just

protein and carbohy drates but phy sical matter that
influence our thoughts. Some studies indicate these
basic nutrients, despite the fact they are similar in
calories, v ibrate at different frequencies. 13

Atoms are frequencies of energy that operate in the

v isible and inv isible realms. The speed or v ibrations of
these atoms create the magnetic attraction that makes
up material molecular structures.

Taking this a step further, at the atomic lev el, the

v ibrating, energetic, charged particles of food interact
to a significant degree with the blood and cells. These
v ibrations affect the molecular structure of our mind
and body .

Understanding the basis of frequencies and v ibrations

can helps us understand that the world considered
real is actually v ibrating so fast it appears to be solid.
All atoms v ibrate at different frequency rates,
depending on their complex ity and density .

In other words, our phy sical world consists of

material from the inv isible realm. The spiritual world
is inv isible to our naked ey e because of the speed in
which it mov es.

Science measures the atomic structures separating the

two worlds with sophisticated equipment. The
instruments rev eal the frequency and v ibrations of the
spinning atoms that form our material world. Fasting
speeds up the atomic structure inside persons who
reduce the amount of matter they eat and increase the
amount of time they spend in pray er.

I believ e satan was interested in the phy sical body of

Moses because of the phy sical transformation that
happened to him from his supernatural ex periences in
God’s presence.

Moses w as 1 20 years old w hen he died. His eyesight

never became poor, and he never lost his physical
Deuteronomy 34:7 GW

Not even the chief angel Michael did this. In his

quarrel w ith the Devil, w hen they argued about w ho
w ould have the body of Moses, Michael did not dare
condemn the Devil w ith insulting w ords, but said,
“The Lord rebuke you!”

Jude 9 TEV

Hitler, was said to hav e searched the world looking for

the spear that penetrated the side of Jesus. Why ?
Because the demons inside him know the blood of
Christ is immortal and eternal. All of hell knows that
and recognizes those who carry His DNA in their
spirits. 14

My ex perience in the spiritual realm through fasting

has produced phy siological changes in my body
including increased stamina and attention span. At the
writing of this book I am 62 and do not wear
ey eglasses or take medications, including aspirin.

If our spirit remains in contact with the Holy Spirit,

the phy sical body will be dramatically affected.

Fasting will increase the presence of God. The

presence of God changes the electromagnetic field of
the phy sical body . This results in attracting heav en’s
frequency and rev elation of Christ. That ex perience
will create a hunger inside y our soul that natural food
will nev er be able to satisfy .


It is not my desire or goal to change those who oppose

my rev elation of truth. The truth will ev entually
prev ail after those who oppose it die out and a new
generation arises familiar with not only the rev elation
God has giv en to me but also fresh rev elation.

The v alue of a prophet is measured by the rev elation

of Christ they carry . If His v oice is not heard, the
prophet has not done their job. Jesus nev er tried to
force the religious people to change their minds. He
brought the rev elation of His Father and completed
the Law.

The Lord has allowed me these adv entures through

fasting to see the reality of the inv isible realm. The
spirit realm is the source of all reality , and it is
interacting with the phy sical world constantly .

Christians should be solv ing problems in the world

because of their connection with Christ. Sadly , that is
not the case. I believ e more and more people are
becoming disillusioned with the status quo. My hope
this book will help awaken those who hav e been
dissatisfied with the answers they hav e receiv ed from
religious leaders.
My journey has just begun, and y ours will begin as
well once y ou choose a lifesty le of fasting. Our world
supplies opportunities for greater ex periences in the
unknown realms. Most assuredly , the Holy Spirit will
nev er forsake those whose desire is to discov er their
origin in God.

If y ou are reading this book, it is because the precious

Holy Spirit has heard y our pray ers. He knows what
y ou need and has already prov ided y our solutions.
But are y ou willing to change the way y ou think and

My response to that question changed my life and

allowed me to become personal friends with the Holy
Spirit. Fasting is one of the many radical sacrifices
necessary for this eternal relationship to prosper.

The authority and power began for Jesus after the

Holy Spirit led Him into a 40-day fast. Why should it
be any different for any one who wants to follow Him?

Fear prev ents most people from making the necessary

changes in their liv es. The majority of human beings
hav e ex perienced the v oices of fear reminding them of
past failures. If y ou do not remember any thing else
today , remember this: Life is filled with failures,
but one v ictory , regardless of how sm all, will
create a new tom orrow for y our life today .

Make fasting a part of y our foundation for success, and

Make fasting a part of y our foundation for success, and
the dev il will flee from y ou. The v isible world was
formed from the inv isible. Therefore, those whose
source of nourishment is spiritual will rule and reign
ov er the material realm.

When y ou make the sacrifice to fast, the Holy Spirit

will activ ate heav en on y our behalf. If y ou hav e
longed to interact with the angels, fasting will remov e
the v eil and ex pose y ou to their participation in y our
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