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L. Emerson Ferrell
Joel A rgast
L. Emerson Ferrell
1 ST Edi t i on , Copy ri gh t © 2012 L. Em erson Ferrel l .
A l l Scri ptu re qu otati on s, are taken from th e fol l owi n g Sou rces
Ampl i f i ed Bi bl e Versi on 1 .1 (A MP) © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964,
1965, 1987 by Th e Lockm an Fou n dati on , La Habra, CA 90631. A l l
ri gh ts reserv ed. www.l ockm an .org
New Ameri ca n St a n da rd Bi bl e, 1995 edi ti on , wi th Stron g’s
n u m bers ©1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995
by Th e Lockm an Fou n dati on . A l l ri gh ts reserv ed
Ki n g Ja mes Versi on wi th Stron g’s N u m bers, i n Pu bl i c Dom ai n
Ameri ca n St a n da rd Versi on of 1 901 , i n Pu bl i c Dom ai n
Bi bl e i n Ba si c En gl i sh (BBE, 1965), i n Pu bl i c Dom ai n . Cam bri dge
Press i n En gl an d pri n ted th e Bi bl e In Basi c En gl i sh i n 1965.
Pu bl i sh ed wi th ou t an y copy ri gh t n oti ce an d di stri bu ted i n A m eri ca,
th i s work fel l i m m edi atel y an d i rretri ev abl y i n to th e Pu bl i c Dom ai n
i n th e Un i ted States accordi n g to th e UCC con v en ti on of th at ti m e.
J.N. Da rby , Th e ‘Hol y Scri pt u res’: A N ew Tran sl ati on from th e
Ori gi n al Lan gu ages, i n Pu bl i c Dom ai n
Worl d En gl i sh Bi bl e (WEB) - “Worl d En gl i sh Bi bl e” i s a
tradem ark of Rai n bow Mi ssi on s, In c. Perm i ssi on i s gran ted to u se
th e n am e “Worl d En gl i sh Bi bl e” an d i ts l ogo on l y to i den ti fy fai th fu l
copi es of th e Pu bl i c Dom ai n tran sl ati on of th e Hol y Bi bl e of th at
n am e pu bl i sh ed by Rai n bow Mi ssi on s, In c. Th e Worl d En gl i sh Bi bl e
i s n ot copy ri gh ted.
Wey mou t h New Test a men t i n Modern Speech (1913), i n Pu bl i c
Dom ai n
You n g’s Li t era l Tra n sl a t i on of th e Hol y Bi bl e, i n Pu bl i c Dom ai n
Th e NET Bi bl e®, Fi rst Edi ti on , Th e Tran sl ati on Th at Expl ai n s
Itsel f™ © 1996-2005 by Bi bl i cal Stu di es Press, L.L.C. A l l Ri gh ts
Reserv ed
GOD’S WORD® Tran sl ati on , ©1995 God’s Word to th e N ati on s A l l
ri gh ts reserv ed, Pu bl i sh ed by : Green Key Books, 2514 A l oh a Pl ace,
Hol i day , Fl ori da 34691
New Rev i sed St a n da rd Versi on of th e Bi bl e, Th e Scri ptu re
qu otati on s con tai n ed h erei n are from th e N ew Rev i sed Stan dard
V ersi on of th e Bi bl e, copy ri gh ted, 1989 by th e Di v i si on of Ch ri sti an
Edu cati on of th e N ati on al Cou n ci l of th e Ch u rch es of Ch ri st i n th e
Un i ted States of A m eri ca, an d are u sed by perm i ssi on . A l l ri gh ts
reserv ed.
Th e Hol y Bi bl e, by N oah Webster, LL. D. (1833), i n Pu bl i c Dom ai n .
Con t empora ry En gl i sh Versi on ® Copy ri gh t © 1995 A m eri can
Bi bl e Soci ety .
Hol ma n Ch ri st i a n St a n da rd Bi bl e®, Copy ri gh t © 1999, 2000,
2002, 2003, 2009 by Hol m an Bi bl e Pu bl i sh ers. Used by perm i ssi on .
Hol m an Ch ri sti an Stan dard Bi bl e®, Hol m an CSB®, an d HCSB® are
federal l y regi stered tradem arks of Hol m an Bi bl e Pu bl i sh ers.
Th e Messa ge i s qu ot ed: “Scri pt u re t a ken f rom Th e Messa ge.
Copy ri gh t © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by
perm i ssi on of N av Press Pu bl i sh i n g Grou p.”
NKJV Copy ri gh t © 1982 by Th om as N el son , In c.
NET Copy ri gh t © 1996-2009 by Bi bl i cal Stu di es Press (BSP), L.L.C.
an d th e au th ors.
SB Th eSch ocken Gu i de to Jewi sh Books. N ew Y ork: Sch ocken Books.
TEV com pl eted i n 1976, was tran sl ated by Robert G. Bratch er wi th
si x oth er sch ol ars
ISBN 978-0-9886617-2-1
Div ine Meetings
Challenged by Heav en
My Wake-Up Call
Section V: T HE SOUL
The Mercy Seat
Old Wine Skins
Throughout my life and at v arious times, God has
interv ened in order to awaken me to His amazing
grace. I believ e nearly ev ery one will hav e or has had a
direct encounter with heav en during his or her
lifetime. Nev ertheless, the choice to pursue those
v isitations remains with each indiv idual.
Hebrew s 1 3:2 GW
Daniel did not eat meat or sugar for twenty -one day s
as a partial fast. Esther is an ex ample of an ex trem e
fast because she did without food and drink for three
day s. Moses and Elijah are ex amples of supernatural
fasting eating no bread or drinking no water for 40
day s and nights.
But from the time of John the Baptist till now , the
Kingdom of the Heaven has been suffering violent
assault, and the violent have been seizing it by
Matthew 1 1 :1 2 Weymouth
Numbers 27 :1 6 WEB
Fi gu re l
Fi gu re 2
But the Lord said to him, Go, for this man is a chosen
instrument of Mine to bear My name before the
Gentiles and kings and the descendants of Israel;
Hebrew s 1 1 :1 HCBS
And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the
greatest of these is love.
And the Word became flesh and dw elt among us, and
w e beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten
of the Father, full of grace and truth.
John 1 : 1 ,1 4 NKJV
Colossians 1 :1 7 AMP
John 1 :4 TEV
And this is the judgment, that the light has come into
the w orld, and people loved darkness rather than
light because their deeds w ere evil.
Genesis 1 :3 NKJV
John 1 :3-4 GW
God set them in the dome of the sky to give light upon
the earth, to rule over the day and over the night, and
to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw
that it w as good.
James 1 :1 7 GW
Man makes his choices and discov eries of the univ erse
from the shadows and illusions of the light outside of
God. Without ex periencing the glory of God in Christ,
our minds are incapable of discerning the true light.
John 4:32 GW
And the God of the peace Himself sanctify you w holly,
and may your w hole spirit, and soul, and body, be
preserved blameless in the presence of our Lord Jesus
God’s Word
John 1 :3-4 GW
1 Thessalonians 5:23 Y NG
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one and separate
simultaneously , which is why God formed man “in His
image and likeness” (Genesis 1 :26).
This is the nature of God, which prov ides man with his
true identity and purpose. After man’s disobedience,
his spiritual nature was no longer in control, creating
an imbalance in his thinking and character. From this
position man attempts to uncov er his origin and
purpose. This is tantamount to rowing a boat with one
paddle. The trip will consist of meaningless circles no
closer to his destination than when the journey began.
John 1 1 :25 GW
If you love your life, you w ill lose it. If you give it up
in this w orld, you w ill be given eternal life.
Deuteronomy 8:2-3 GW
The dev il also wants to perv ert and corrupt the mind
of man with thoughts of doubt about his relationship
with his heav enly Father, as he did with the woman in
the Garden. He appeals to our senses today the same
way he did then.
John 1 4:26 Y NG
Jesus nev er told the dev il He was the Son of God. The
dev il heard God say it at the riv er Jordan.
Fasting has been the single greatest tool for destroy ing
my preconceiv ed ideas and perceptions formed from
other people’s opinions and theories.
Genesis 1 :1 -2 HCBS
The angel said to her, “The Holy Spirit w ill come upon
you, and the pow er of the Most High w ill
overshadow y ou; therefore the child to be born
w ill be holy; he w ill be called Son of God.
And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and
w e have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only
son, full of grace and truth.
John 1 :1 4 NRSV
I believ e He implanted the blood of almighty God into
the phy sical world through the womb of Mary . Jesus
was the “last” Adam carry ing spiritual life in the
Father’s blood back to all who would repent. Those
who believ e that Jesus is merely flesh and blood from
earth do not understand His blood inheritance or the
true purpose of His phy sical appearance.
The dev il was not afraid of any one born of water from
this planet but was terrified of the one who would
come with the blood of roy alty to ov erthrow his rule.
I w ill make you and the w oman hate each other; her
offspring and yours w ill alw ays be enemies. Her
offspring w ill crush your head, and you w ill bite her
offspring’s heel.
Genesis 3:1 5 GW
God rescued man from his wrong choice, but his sin
had consequences. Satan had a legal right to the soul
of man because of the poison, or mark, deposited into
the DNA of man.
GOD made leather clothing for Adam and his w ife and
dressed them.
After ev ery one leav es and y ou feel all alone, the Holy
Spirit is still by y our side whispering words of
encouragement and lov e. The depths of His lov e are
unsearchable because He is from the heart of the
I believ e the Holy Spirit was the life force that was
breathed into Adam the same way Jesus breathed on
His disciples when He returned from destroy ing the
rule of satan.
The breath from Jesus was the same that activ ated the
first Adam and now activ ated the new blood cov enant
He had made. This time the Holy Spirit could protect
the cov enant and His blood from contamination
because Jesus crushed the serpent’s head through His
perfect sacrifice and v ictory ov er death.
Jeremiah 29:1 1 Y NG
Mark 9:38 GW
1 John 3:8 GW
The instant the heart is gripped with fear, the dev il will
control our thoughts with panic. Regardless of the
situation, the mind will focus on doom and gloom as
the ev entual outcome.
James 1 :1 4-1 5 GW
Colossians 1 :1 7 AMP
Galatians 5:1 8 GW
Matthew 1 0:28 GW
Ecclesiastes 1 2:7 Y NG
John 8:1 2 GW
John 1 :1 7 WEB
Quantum fasting will produce the greatest results in
our soul, which is why , the dev il fights desperately to
prev ent the Body of Christ from participating. Once
fasting became a lifesty le in my life, my thoughts and
phy sical health took a quantum leap in div ine
rev elation and health.
Do you not know that the saints w ill judge the w orld?
And, if the w orld w ill be judged by you, are you
unw orthy to judge the smallest matters?
Often during a fast, the Holy Spirit would rev eal the
relationship between my soul and body . On one
occasion, I saw the Mercy Seat sitting at the right hand
of the Father in heav en. Jesus is the mercy seat, and
His blood is the power whose source is lov e.
The Ark of the Cov enant was wood furniture cov ered
in gold inhabited by God and His Word. This is a
depiction of Christ in us, the hope of glory .
And you shall put inside the ark the Testimony [the
Ten Commandments], w hich I w ill give you.
Romans 3:25 GW
Fasting will maintain the phy sical tent while the new
wine nourishes the soul and spirit with fresh
rev elations each day . Fasting is not a religious method
to obtain God’s approv al, but a weapon for
dismantling our natures. It is the soul of man that has
the greatest need for reconstruction and ex pansion.
And the Lord said to Moses, also the tenth day of this
seventh month is the Day of Atonement; it shall be a
holy [called] assembly, and you shall afflict
yourselves [by fasting in penitence and humility] and
present an offering made by fire to the Lord. And you
shall do no w ork on this day, for it is the Day of
Atonement, to make atonement for you before the
Lord your God.
Initially the v oices from the phy sical body are louder
than those from the Spirit. Those with little
understanding or desire to change will rarely achiev e
v ictory ov er their fleshly desires. But be assured the
Holy Spirit can be trusted for v ictory .
Some Pharisees asked Jesus w hen the Kingdom of God
w ould come. His answ er w as, “The Kingdom of God
does not come in such a w ay as to be seen.
3 John 2 GW
Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things
and be healthy, even as your soul prospers.
3 John 2 WEB
Our body is the temple of God and, as such, we are
responsible to maintain this amazing instrument to
liv e in health, both phy sically and spiritually , while
fulfilling our destiny on earth.
God sent the perfect sacrifice for man to liv e in div ine
health. Those who are ov erweight and slav es to
unhealthy appetites are deceiv ed, but not forsaken or
unlov ed by God. Fasting is the tool designed by God to
set y ou free from the attachments of the phy sical
world, including food. The original design of the body
was created to liv e for thousands of y ears free from
3 John 2 Weymouth
Leviticus 1 7 :1 1 NKJV
Research rev eals the effects fast food has on the brain
from the hormones, such as leptin and galanin. The
latest findings indicate that fast food increases leptin
and decreases galanin, which creates a malfunction in
the brain called “hy pothalamic-obesity ”. This is why
ov erweight indiv iduals continue to eat because their
bodies cannot tell when they hav e eaten enough. 8
Luke 21 : 34 ASV
The phy sical matter used to form the body is the same
material it needs to maintain it most efficiently , which
is why consuming processed foods destroy s the
Luke 21 :1 9 AMP
If the Son sets you free, then you w ill be really free.
One day after fasting solid food for sev eral weeks, I
recall feelings of joy beginning to sweep through my
soul like a roaring wind. Laughter bubbled up like a
fountain, and all at once something remarkable
happened inside my mind.
John 1 :3 Weymouth
Jude 9 TEV
Immersed in Him
Supernatural Believ ing
Christ Conscious
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In term ou n tai n Medi cal Cen ter. “Rou ti n e peri odi c fasti n g i s good for
y ou r h eal th , an d y ou r h eart, stu dy su ggests.” Sci en ce Dai l y , 3 A pr.
2011. Web. 24 N ov . 2011.
Gu y l ai n e Lan ctôt. “Th e Medi cal Mafi a,” V esi ca Pi sci s, 2002, page.