What Is Supervision?: Supervision Learning Resource 15 SSSC
What Is Supervision?: Supervision Learning Resource 15 SSSC
What Is Supervision?: Supervision Learning Resource 15 SSSC
What is
Section 2 on the context of supervision and its impact on the wider system may have
felt abstract because it asked you to think broadly about the purpose of supervision.
However, you will have seen there are contrasting ideas about supervision which have
resulted in a variety of definitions and functions of supervision. Some of these may
underpin the supervision policies in your own organisation. This section explores the
variation in definitions and models in more concrete ways and provides guidance for
further reading.
Although there are various definitions of supervision there are commonalities between
them. Some place more emphasis on the organisational purpose of supervision while
others focus more on the individual. When analysing the different aspects of supervision,
some authors identify three functions, while others see the process10 as having
four (or more) functions. When reading this section, you will want to consider which
definition has resonance in your practice context including how this has influenced your
organisation’s supervision policy.
IRISS Insight11 on achieving effective supervision makes use of the Care Council for
Wales’ definition of the purpose of supervision for the organisation as:
The SSSC Step into Leadership website has the following description of supervision,
which emphasises the professional development of the supervisee in the context of
the organisation’s aims and accountability, particularly in relation to people who use
10Throughout the learning resource supervision is referred to, and understood, as a process
not an event.
11Kettle, M (2015) Achieving Effective Supervision, Insight 30. IRISS, www.iriss.org.uk
Wonnacott, J (2012) Mastering Social Work Supervision, London, Jessica Kingsley
Tony Morrison,12 whose writing on supervision has had a strong influence in social work
and social care, explicitly recognises personal and professional functions alongside the
organisational. He also positions the overall purpose of supervision towards achieving
best outcomes for people who use services:
A more recent definition14 highlights not only the separate functions of supervision
but also recognises how these may be assigned to more than one supervisor. This is
likely to become increasingly common in integrated services and when staff may be line
managed by someone from a different professional background.
12Morrison, T (2005) Supervision in Social Care: Making a real difference for staff and
service users, 3rd ed. Brighton, Pavilion Publishing
13 Hawkins, P and Shohet, R (2012) Supervision in the Helping Professions, 4th ed.,
Maidenhead, Open University Press
14 O’Donoghue, K (2015) Issues and challenges facing social work supervision in the
twenty-first century, China Journal of Social Work, 8:2, 136-149
When considering how the overall purpose of supervision is broken down into different
functions Inskipp and Proctor15 identify three.
• Normative – which they define as the shared responsibility of both supervisor and
supervisee to monitor standards and practice in a way which is ethical and reflects
the value base16 of the profession.
• Formative – which they see as the shared responsibility for the supervisee’s
• Restorative – given the nature of the work supervision needs to provide a
restorative space to explore the impact and for the practitioner to re-charge.
Morrison uses different language and adds a fourth element in the functions of
Morrison refers to this fourth aspect as the mediation function and highlights the way
supervision includes the upward and downward flow of information in organisations.
The table in Appendix 1 provides a more detailed description of some of the tasks
Morrison identifies as contributing to each function.
15Inskipp and Proctor, cited in Davys, A and Beddoe, L (2010) Best Practice in Supervision:
A guide for the helping professions, London, Jessica Kingsley.
16One place where professional values are outlined is in professional Codes of Practice. For
workers in Scotland’s social services this is the SSSC Codes of Practice for Social Service
Workers and Employers (2016).
Exercise 4
Was it easy to access? Is it referred to regularly? Read it and identify the extent it
explicitly draws on and integrates the functions of supervision you have just read
about. Is it possible to identify the key theories or principles which have informed
the policy?
To what extent are the functions outlined in your organisation’s policy put into
practice? Is there a balance across different functions? If so, how is this achieved?
If not, what aspects of supervision seem to take priority and why?
ENABLE Scotland recently revised its approach to support and supervision to better
support personalised services. We used a proactive and dynamic approach for this
task. A group of staff met to try, learn, adapt and improve the existing approach
and to troubleshoot issues. We used participative leadership, person centred
approaches, a focus on the outcomes of the people we support, the European
Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) quality framework and the SSSC
competencies of the Continuous Learning Framework to underpin development
of the system and processes. The staff used a quick turnaround and followed an
iterative plan, do, check, act, approach. This enabled the paperwork to improve as
it was trialled.
We chose to use open questions to encourage first line managers and personal
assistants to focus on resilience and strength. For example, staff members
are asked ‘What are your successes? What are you pleased about?’ They are
also asked ‘What will you focus on to help people using services move towards
personal outcomes?’ Workers are encouraged to seek feedback from others. This
complements a ‘no blame’ improvement culture where staff members have coping
strategies beyond the supervision sessions.
See the current form we use to record supervision in Appendix 2. This is merely
a support to good conversation and open dialogue in supervision and will be
reviewed again based on feedback from ENABLE Scotland staff on its usefulness.
A small group of team leaders across adult and social care and children and
families worked with the learning and development manager to review Midlothian
Council’s supervision policy. We considered a range of outcomes-based supervision
policies. After consulting staff and several drafts, we wrote and adopted an
outcomes-based supervision policy and guidance.
We recognised the risk at this point was a lack of implementation. Through the
initiative of key team leaders and learning and development staff we took forward
a number of actions.
On reflection, the integration (of health and social care) agenda was not addressed
alongside developing the supervision policy. The different understandings of
supervision and reflection between health and social care provide a range of
new steps in the journey of implementation and ultimately ensuring improved
outcomes for people using services and carers.
The Changing Lives: 21st Century Review of Social Work report17 identified the
need for practitioners to be both autonomous and accountable. Autonomous does
not mean the practitioner is entirely independent but implies they are able to make
decisions appropriate to their role and function. Accountability is about being able
to explain how and why the practitioner made those decisions. The authority you
have (delegated by your organisation and because of your professional and personal
17Scottish Executive (2006) Changing Lives: Report of the 21st Century Social Work Review,
Edinburgh: Scottish Executive
Exercise 5
You have now considered the different functions of supervision. Using Morrison’s
framework these include the management, support, development and mediation
functions. In Scotland, Changing Lives18 noted a concern that supervision had become
too weighted towards the managerial function. Many writers have identified how the
management function may dominate19 with the result that supervision focuses too
much on performance monitoring and caseload management. There is a risk of this
happening when all four functions are included in a single supervisory relationship as
is common in social work teams.
There are many reasons for this imbalance to occur. Where the management function
dominates it may be because:
18Scottish Executive (2006) Changing Lives: Report of the 21st Century Social Work Review,
Edinburgh: Scottish Executive
19 Noble, C and Irwin, J (2009) Social Work Supervision: An Exploration of the Current
Challenges in a Rapidly Changing Social, Economic and Political Environment, Journal of
Social Work, 9(3), pp. 345–358
Gordon, R. and Hendry, E. (2010) Supervising Assessments of Children and Families: The
role of the front-Line managers, in J. Horwath (ed.) The Child’s World: The Comprehensive
Resource to Assessing Children in Need, 2nd ed. London, Jessica Kingsley
O’Donoghue, K (2015) Issues and challenges facing social work supervision in the twenty-
first century, China Journal of Social Work, 8(2), 136-149
In other situations the supportive function may dominate. This might be because:
• the supervisor is aware of the pressure her/his staff are under and tries to
compensate by being protective
• the supervisor is uncomfortable with her/his authority and overcompensates by
being excessively nurturing
• the boundary between personal and professional issues is unclear and the
supervisor gets pulled into a counselling/therapeutic role20
• the supervisee is not fully confident in their professional role and can be overly
dependent on the supervisor
• the organisation has a tough ‘macho’ culture and supervision is a compensatory
The value of a four function model in a single supervisory relationship is that both
parties (supervisor and supervisee) have to manage the balance between functions. In
a consistent supervisory relationship you can often work through the tensions even if
there is no perfect solution. One of the best remedies for an imbalance in the functions
is to consciously reintroduce those elements that have gone missing. A supervisor may
pose a learning question to shift the conversation into development or introduce a
team or organisational perspective (mediation) to shift the focus from more
personal discussion.
20Cousins, C (2010) ‘Treat Me Don’t Beat Me’ … . Exploring Supervisory Games and Their
21Bradley, G and Hojer, F 2009 Supervision reviewed: reflections on two different social
work models in England and Sweden, European Journal of Social Work, 12 (1 ), 71-85
If you supervise (or are supervised) in a work setting where the functions are
allocated to different people, it will be useful to think about how to minimise or avoid
some of the potential difficulties including fragmentation, duplication and omission.
At a minimum, we recommend you have occasional three-way meetings to discuss
arrangements and explore the kinds of challenges that may arise as well as making the
most of the benefits.
Exercise 6
What do you think would be the best possible arrangements for supervision in your
organisation? What would the challenges be and how could they be addressed?
There has been an increased emphasis on improving outcomes for people who use
services and for carers in recent years. In part, this has been in response to evidence
that, despite extensive input from social care and social work services, there was
limited impact on some people’s day to day, lived experience22. This emphasis is also
informed by shifts in the balance of power between professionals and people using
services so individuals have a greater role in designing and commissioning their own
support. Reflecting this focus on outcomes for people who use services and carers,
there has been a similar shift in supervision with the development of policies which
encourage supervisees/supervisors to use an outcome focused approach in supervision
22Scottish Executive (2002) “It’s everyone’s job to make sure I’m alright”, Edinburgh,
Scottish Executive
‘parallels the supportive and shared process the supervisee is building with
the young person’.
Although Bucknell developed this cyclical approach for direct work with young people,
it can be applied across other areas of practice. The model might help you think about
the different aspects of outcome focused supervision and to focus more clearly on
outcomes for people who use services as well as for yourself as a practitioner.
Exercise 7
Use the following prompts based on Bucknell’s model to think about a relatively
routine problem or issue (for you or for someone you work with) and how a clear
focus on outcomes might help. You may want to use this exercise as a basis for
discussion in supervision.