Management Deck
Management Deck
Management Deck
questions.add(new question("How can an ARPA assist the ship to steer a suitable course to make good the
entrance to a channel? ",
new String[]{"Select True grounds stabilized vectors and make the vectors from both buoys at the entrance to
the channel pass either side of the centre of the screen. ","Select ground stabilized true motion display and
alter course so that own ship true vector passes through the middle of the entrance to the channel.
","Acquire the buoy at the entrance to the channel and on relative vector display alter course to make the
vector passes through the middle of the entrance to the channel. ","Select Relative motion display and make
own ship vector pass through the middle of the entrance to the channel. "},1));
questions.add(new question("A bulk vessel loads a full cargo to summer marks of a high density bulk cargo
such a iron ore concentrate; what would be the possible stability conditions produced? ",
new String[]{"The vessel will normally have a large intact metacentric height (GM) and have a fast roll
period","The vessel will normally have a small intact metacentric height (GM) and have a slow roll
period","The vessel may have a list"," The vessel will be tender and have a poor curve of righting levers. "},0));
questions.add(new question("What is the description for a sidelight, as show in rule 21 of the International
Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea? ",
new String[]{"A red, green or yellow lantern, showing an unbroken light over an arc of 112.5 degrees. ","A red
light or a green light , with a minimum range, in a vessel of 50 metres or more, of 3 miles. In a vessel of 10
metres or more but less than 50 metres in length, a range of 1 mile. ","A green light on the starboard side and
red light on the port side, showing an unbroken light over an arc of 135 degrees, from right ahead to 22.5
degrees abaft the beam on the respective side. ","A green light on the starboard side and red light on the port
side, showing an unbroken light over an arc of 112.5 degrees from right ahead to 22.5 degrees abaft the
beam on the respective side. "},3));
questions.add(new question("On a hold inspection of a Bulk Carrier it is noted that a number of transverse
frame beam knees are slightly distorted; what is the significance of this? ",
new String[]{"The distorted areas should be painted ","This is an indication of excessive bending moment
stress","This indicates the vessel is suffering racking stress and is potentially serious ","There are no concerns
with this observation"},3));
questions.add(new question("All designated SAR aircraft and civil aircraft carry equipment operating on the
international aeronautical distress frequencies (amplitude modulation). The aeronautical distress frequencies
are? ",
new String[]{"127.8 MHz and/or 349.6 MHz","121.5 MHz and/or 243.0 MHz","243.1 MHz and/or 486.2
MHz","123.8 Mhz and/or 247.6 Mhz"},1));
questions.add(new question("Which method is used to make a physical connection between a rescue vessel
and a wreck? ",
new String[]{"Rocket Line"," Heaving Line","Sputnik Line","Cosmos Line"},0));
questions.add(new question("What do you understand by the term “Risk Assessment” and how would this be
carried out on board? ",
new String[]{"Identify the hazards, quantify the risks, put control measures in place, and monitor the work
activity and review"," Identify the hazards and specify the personal protective equipment that would be
required to complete the work","States than when work has a degree of risk that the work is not carried
out","Requires a great deal of preparation and involves recording everything on paper "},0));
questions.add(new question("What signal may be given by sound and by light to indicate that a vessel fails to
understand the intentions or actions of another vessel or is in doubt that sufficient action is being taken by
the other to avoid collision? ",
new String[]{"Five short and rapid blasts (flashes). ","Three short and rapid blasts (flashes). ","One prolonged
blast (flash), followed by five or more short and rapid blasts (flashes) ","Five prolonged blasts (flashes) "},0));
questions.add(new question("If all indications are that a cargo has been received without damages,
irregularities or short shipment and the phrase “apparent good order and condition” is entered on the Bill of
Lading, what type of Bill is this said to be? ",
new String[]{"A Bill of Lading completed for shipment. ","A clean Bill of Lading. ","An endorsed Bill of Lading.
","A Due Title Bill of Lading. "},1));
questions.add(new question("On a hold inspection of a Bulk Carrier it is noted that a number of transverse
frame beam knees are slightly distorted; what is the significance of this? ",
new String[]{"This is an indication of excessive bending moment stress ","There are no concerns with this
observation","The distorted areas should be painted ","This indicates the vessel is suffering racking stress and
is potentially serious"},3));
questions.add(new question("Why do the cargo holds of a self-unloading bulk carrier have a “W” shaped
cross section? ",
new String[]{"So that during discharge the cargo will automatically fall onto the underlying conveyor
belts.","To reduce the extent of tank top damages when discharging cargo","So that cargoes are self-trimming
during loading","To make it easier for cargo to be discharged by grabs"},0));
questions.add(new question("What must be carefully checked when loading a bulk carrier to maximum draft?
new String[]{"The vessel is trimmed by the head on completion","The vessel is trimmed by the stern on
completion","The minimum bow height must be maintained","The vessel should have a stern trim 2.0 metres
by stern"},2));
questions.add(new question("What is the top priority if an incident occurs in US water (OPA-90) ",
new String[]{"Safely of ship and crew","Prevention of oil pollution","Protection of the
environment","Any immediate action to prevent loss of time"},0));
questions.add(new question("Under GMDSS which VHF channel is used for Digital Selective Calling (DSC)? ",
new String[]{"Ch. 06","Ch. 70","Ch. 16","Ch. 13"},1));
questions.add(new question("Which plan shows the position of the vertical and longitudinal centres of gravity
for each cargo compartment of a Bulk Carrier? ",
new String[]{"Shell expansion","Vessel stability book","Line drawing","Capacity Plan"},1));
questions.add(new question("As understood within the IMDG Code, what is an “article”? ",
new String[]{"A device that is responsible for initiating a dangerous reaction. ","A device that contains a
dangerous substance or mixture of substances. ","Something that is packed within a freight container. ","A
form that contains important information about a hazardous substance. "},1));
questions.add(new question("You are onboard a vessel off the West African coast. You want to dump a
mixture of food waste, glass bottle and floating packing materials. Is this allowed? And if so, how far the coast
would you have to be? ",
new String[]{"This is prohibited","3 nautical miles off the coast","25 nautical miles off the coast","12 nautical
miles off the coast"},2));
questions.add(new question("The steps of the embarkation ladder used must be spaced apart by a distance
of: ",
new String[]{"equally spaced, not less than 200 mm or more than 280 mm ","300 mm","200 mm","Equally
spaced and not less than 300 mm or more than 380 mm"},3));
questions.add(new question("To get proper conversation discipline in maritime radio traffic: ",
new String[]{"Communication should be done only as per company’s prescribed schedule ","Every available
VHF-channel should always be used","Only after permission by captain, to send and/or receive on VHF
channel pointed out the master ","Only necessary radio conversations are made in a concise and businesslike
questions.add(new question("Who is responsible for ensuring that your ship’s security plan meets the
requirement of the ISPS Code? ",
new String[]{"Company Security Officer","flag State Administration","Ship Security Officer","Recognized
Security Organization"},0));
questions.add(new question("A cargo hatch cover seal on a Bulk Carrier is known to be damaged and not
weather tight prior to sailing; what is the legal significance of this situation? ",
new String[]{"The vessel may well be judged to be un-seaworthy; this could invalidate some certification and
hull and machinery insurance. "," The vessel may have its classification affected ","There are no legal concerns
over this","The vessel is still seaworthy but repairs must be carried out at next port "},0));
questions.add(new question("What can be used to reduce the effect of the state of sea-water? ",
new String[]{"Crude Oil","Fuel Oil","Vegetable / Fish Oil","Foam"},2));
questions.add(new question("Which of the following is a warning sign of a faulty hydraulic hatch cover system
on a Bulk Carrier? ",
new String[]{"Noisy hatch cover operations","A fall in the hydraulic header tank level ","The presence of dust
and cargo particles around the piston gland","Dry greasing points"},2));
questions.add(new question("In a single side skin bulk carrier of 155m in length contrasted in 2000 and
carrying cargo of density Which cargo hold should be able to withstand flooding? ",
new String[]{"The aftermost cargo hold","The foremost cargo hold"," Any cargo hold","The midships cargo
questions.add(new question("How often must the Emergency Steering Gear be tested, and how is this
information recorded In the OLB? ",
new String[]{"Monthly, with signature of Chief Engineer and witness. ","Every three months. Details of test
with signatures of master and witness. ","Fortnightly, with signature of Chief Engineer and witness.
D. Monthly, with signature of person carrying out test. "},1));
questions.add(new question("A bulk cargo is found to be 4.0 centiemetres over her maximum loadline draft
after loading; what should be the action of the master? ",
new String[]{"Record a lower draught and sail ","There is not a problem as over loading is permitted ","Inform
the port authorities and sail","Order the pumping out of fresh water or ballast until the maximum allowed
loadline is achieved"},3));
questions.add(new question("If distress signal is received on board your ship, what should be the first action
that should be taken? ",
new String[]{"Contact SAR Authorities via nearest coastal Radio Station ","Attempt to establish contact with
the distressed vessel","Determine if anyone else has heard the distress signal and if your vessel is near the
distress","Determine how close your vessel is to the distressed vessel "},1));
questions.add(new question("Why is air draught an important consideration when loading bulk cargoes on
Bulk Carriers? ",
new String[]{"Because of variations is under keel clearances whilst alongside the berth ","Because the vessel
may pass under a bridge(s) whilst approaching or leaving the berth ","Because of the vessels may pass
movement whilst berthing or unberthing","Because of movement of the bulk cargo loader or unloaders"},3));
questions.add(new question("The operating mode of a pyrotechnic signal depends essentially on: ",
new String[]{"The fact that the user is on board a liferaft, a lifeboat or ship ","A definite standard process","The
weather conditions of the moment","Instructions or diagrams printed on its casing by the manufacturer"},3));
questions.add(new question("A bulk carrier is to carry a full deck cargo of packaged timber; to what
regulations must the vessel comply? ",
new String[]{"International Code for the carriage of Dangerous Goods ","IMO code of practice for the carriage
of Timber Deck Cargoes. ","Marine Pollution Regulations","Grain Regulations"},1));
questions.add(new question("How many total frequencies are available for DSC distress alerting? ",
new String[]{"Seven (7) ","Five (5) ","One (1) ","Two (2) "},0));
questions.add(new question("When reasonable and practicable, how often shall rescue boats be launched
with their assigned crew aboard and maneuvered in the water? ",
new String[]{"Every week","Every six months","Every month","Every two weeks"},2));
questions.add(new question("Is it necessary to construct a passage plan, (or voyage plan), for transiting a
canal or river, when under pilot? ",
new String[]{"A passage plan is required from departure from port to arrival at the pilot station at the
destination. ","A passage plan is always required, irrespective of the length of the voyage, or if the ship is
under pilot","A passage plan is required for all deep sea passages, but not for transiting a canal under
pilotage","A passage plan is required only when there is no pilot on board "},1));
questions.add(new question("Which of these definitions is that of a “Marine Pollutant” under the IMDG
Code? ",
new String[]{"A substance which, because of its tendency to degrade in seafood or because of its hazard
potential to the aquatic environment is subject to the provisions of Annex I of MARPOL, as amended, and
carried by sea accordingly. ","A substance which is subject to the provisions of Chapter V of SOLAS 19974, as
amended. ","A substance which is subject to the provision of Annex III of MARPOL. ","Any substance which is
deemed hazardous to the marine environment. "},2));
questions.add(new question("What is the world-wide system operated by the US Coast Guard exclusively in
support of search and rescue operations? ",
new String[]{"The International Search and Rescue Coordination System. "," The Worldwide Maritime Mutual
Assistance Programme (WMMAP). ","The Automated Mutual-Assistance Vessel Rescue (AMVER) System.
","The U.S Command and Control Rescue (USCOMR) Service. "},2));
questions.add(new question("Atleast, how often shall life boats be launched with their assigned operating
crew aboard and maneuvered in the water according to SOLAS? ",
new String[]{"Every week. ","Every two weeks. ","Every three months. ","Every month. "},2));
questions.add(new question("A tug is connected by a line to the bow of a ship. Will the bollard pull exerted
by the tug be the same at any speed? ",
new String[]{"No, when the speed of the ship is increasing, the bollard pull exerted by the tug will also be
increasing","Yes for movement ahead, but when going astern the bollard pull would be expected to be at its
greatest. ","No, when the ship’s speed exceeds about 5 knots it will be expected that there will be a reduced
pull exerted by the tug","Yes, the bollard pull would normally be expected to be the same at any speed of the
questions.add(new question("How are cargoes on self-unloading bulk carriers fed to the vessel’s conveyor
belts during discharge? ",
new String[]{"Via remote-controlled hopper gates at the bottom of each hold ","By gravity through mechanical
hopper gates at the bottom of each hold ","Via mechanically-operated hopper gates at the bottom of each
hold","Via hydraulically-operated hopper gates at the bottom of each hold"},3));
questions.add(new question("Which one of the listed requirements regarding abandon ships drills
corresponds to present SOLAS regulation? ",
new String[]{"All lifeboats shall be lowered during drills ","On ships on short international voyages, each
lifeboat shall be launched and maneuvered in the water atleast every six months ","Each lifeboat shall be
launched, and maneuvered in the water with its assigned crew atleast every three months during an
abandon ship drill","Drills shall be conducted when the ship is in a harbor"},2));
questions.add(new question("Which of the following items shall be included in an abandon ship drill? ",
new String[]{"Checking passenger’s immersion suits","Instruction in the use of radio life-saving
appliances","Checking the distress signal rockets and other distress signals ","Checking the lifeboat provisions
and supplies"},1));
questions.add(new question("What term is applied to the compensation payment by the character that is due
when a vessel is unable to load / discharge her cargo within the allowed and contracted time? ",
new String[]{"Contractual penalty discount. ","Discretion. ","Demurrage. ","Deferment. "},2));
questions.add(new question("A loaded bulk experiences heavy ice accretion on deck forward, what are the
major concerns of the changes in stability? ",
new String[]{"Reduction of metacentric height (GM) and loss of freeboard forward ","Reduction of speed and
additional fuel consumption","Excessive trim by the stern","Increase in metacentric height (GM) "},0));
questions.add(new question("Which personnel must undergo familiarization training on board? ",
new String[]{"Only the deck officers","Everyone","Only catering staff","Only the ratings"},1));
questions.add(new question("The steps of the embarkation ladder used must be proportioned as it follows: ",
new String[]{"Length = 280 mm, breadth = 85 mm, depth = 10 mm ","Length = 380 mm, breadth = 145 mm,
depth = 20 mm","Length = 580 mm, breadth = 165 mm, depth = 25 mm ","Length = 480 mm, breadth = 115
mm, depth = 25 mm"},3));
questions.add(new question("During helicopter evacuation of an injured man, what course should the ship
steer? ",
new String[]{"Directly into the wind","As instructed by the helicopter pilot","With the wind fine on the bow
opposite to the helicopter operating area ","With wind astern so that the effect of the wind is reduced as
much as possible"},1));
questions.add(new question("On board training in the use of davit-launched lifecrafts (including inflation and
lowering whenever practicable) must take place",
new String[]{"every 2 months","every 3 months","every month","every 4 months"},3));
questions.add(new question("A fully laden tanker is in collision with another tanker causing them to interlock.
What action/judgement should be considered by both vessels? ",
new String[]{"Reduce oil pollution by transferring cargo into empty/slack tank ","Separate the two vessels
immediately and move away from the other vessel ","Take separation of the two vessels into immediate
consideration, but consider that a separation may cause a fire and also create a larger oil spill "," Shut down all
watertight doors and shut off all ventilation"},2));
questions.add(new question("In case of pollution in US waters, do you always have to notify the National
Response Center (OPA-90) ",
new String[]{"No, not if the local US State Authority is correctly notified ","Yes, within three (3) days","No, only
the shipowner can notify NRC","Yes, within thirt (30) minutes"},3));
questions.add(new question("Are there any restrictions about how much sludge we can pump overboard on
the sea voyage? ",
new String[]{"Maximum is 30 litre pr nautical mile and total is 1/30000 part of full cargo on the ballast
voyage. ","Maximum is 30 litre pr nautical mile and total 1/10000 part of full cargo on the ballast voyage.
","Maximum is 60 litre pr nautical mile and total is 1/30000 part of full cargo on the ballast voyage. ","There
isn’t any restriction of pumping sludge from ships outside special areas. "},0));
questions.add(new question("The ship is approaching shallow water where the Under Keel Clearance will
reduce to about 0.25 of the ship’s draught. Which of the following answers most accurately summarizes the
aspects to be considered when deciding a suitable speed? ",
new String[]{"Touching the bottom if there is any swell and causing damage due to the wake or wash of the
vessel","All of the suggested answers","A further reduction of under keel clearance and possible changes of
the ship’s trim","A reduced ability to stop the vessel and maintain steerage"},1));
questions.add(new question("The ship is involved in a collision, what is the immediate action by the Officer of
the Watch after the incident has taken place? ",
new String[]{"Call the Master and check the position for any immediate dangers. ","Sound the General Alarm
and Stop engines. ","Contact the other ship and send the bridge lookout down to start taking
surroundings","Stop engines and check over the side for any signs of pollution. "},1));
questions.add(new question("When handing over the con of a vessel to a pilot should the Master insist in
discussing the passage plan with the pilot while he is there to use his local knowledge and advice on the
navigation of the ship? ",
new String[]{"A passage plan should be discussed between the Master and pilot, when under pilotage in the
same way as discussed with the bridge team when deep sea ","The passage is well established and known by
the pilot and a plan is therefore not necessary ","A pilot is responsible for the navigation whilst on board and
will be very familiar with what is required, therefore discussing the passage plan is not necessary ","The pilot
would probably consider it unnecessary, be more interested in knowing the ship’s characteristics and
resist any passage planning discussions with the Master. "},0));
questions.add(new question("A bulk cargo of Coal is to be loaded in Australia for Europe; the coal is declared
as having a high moisture content (but less than the Transportable Moisture Limit (TML); what must the
Master ensure? ",
new String[]{"The bilges should have been sealed prior to loading ","The bilges must not be pumped out","The
bilges must be pumped out regularly","All cargo hold bilges are sounded daily and the amount of water
logged; the bilges can then be pumped out"},3));
questions.add(new question("The prescribed periodic test of the radio set must be entered in: ",
new String[]{"Equipment manual","Manual maritime radio communication","Ship’s deck log","Radio Log"},3));
questions.add(new question("Before a solid bulk cargo is loaded, the Master and shore representative must
agree a loading plan which covers which of the following aspects? ",
new String[]{"Sequence of loading","Quantity and rate of loading the cargo","All of the items specified in the
possible answers","Maximum permissible forces and moments on the ship"},2));
questions.add(new question("Which of the following two digits codes is used to obtain medical advice? ",
new String[]{"38","32","26","42"},1));
questions.add(new question("What rules and regulations are regulating the watch keeping routines in the
engine room? ",
new String[]{"Class Rules","SOLAS","International Standard for Training and Watch keeping (STCW) ","Both
STCW and Classrules"},3));
questions.add(new question("Your vessel has been in collision and it is uncertain whether the vessel has the
required residual stability to remain afloat. After sounding the general alarm on board and informing the
nearest Coast Radio Station of your situation, what other immediate steps should be taken? ",
new String[]{"Monitor any gradual increase of draft, list and trim to determine the final of equilibrium. Ensure
this is sufficient to remain afloat. ","Prepare for abandoning ship and ensure that all ship’s personnel are at
their lifeboat stations. ","Sound round the vessel and calculate the changes in stability due to the lost
buoyancy, to determine if the final residual positive stability is sufficient to remain afloat. ","Complete
soundings of all compartments to determine the number of compartments flooded. Check the vessels
stability limitations within its statutory loadline requirements to determine if still adequate. "},3));
questions.add(new question("The rudder is hard over when streaming at full ahead in shallow water. How
much “lift force” remains when the engine is stopped? ",
new String[]{"There will be lift force remaining","About 80%","About 10%","About 50%"},2));
questions.add(new question("Which of the following requirements to ships stability for normal operation
corresponds to present regulations? (NSCL 4/12.2) ",
new String[]{"The ship is loaded in such a manner that adequate stability is achieved in all loading condition.
","Centre of gravity shall be calculated with accuracy better than 5 percent. ","In water with the danger of
icing, loading of deck cargo must be approved by competent authority. ","Unless otherwise stated in the
approved stability calculation, the total weight of the deck cargo shall not exceed 50 metric tons. "},3));
questions.add(new question("A coastal passage or voyage plan should indicate the appropriate methods of
determining positions and include which of the following? ",
new String[]{"All of these suggested answers","Radar ranges and Parallel Indexing","Bearings and ranges from
coastal navigational marks","Positions determined by GPS and plotted on the ECDIS"},0));
questions.add(new question("With an Inmarsat-C terminal the option ‘PSTN’ for addressing is available. This
option: ",
new String[]{"Delivers the message as a fax ","Have the operator read the message by phone ","It to deliver a
message by telephone via a modem on the computer of the subscriber ","Delivers a message as a
questions.add(new question("What is the alcohol content in the blood permissible under US legislation
before it is defined as intoxication? ",
new String[]{"0.01%","0.04%","0.07%","0.1%"},1));
questions.add(new question("A bulk cargo is loader and the shore cargo figure is 10,000 tones; the chief
officer calculate 9 500 tonnes have been loaded; what should the Master do? ",
new String[]{"Bills of Lading to be signed “Clean” by Master. ","No action to be taken","Ask for a draft survey
to be carried in the presence of P & I Club representative","Inform Designated Person Ashore (DPA) "},2));
questions.add(new question("Which one of the listed items has to be included in a distress message? ",
new String[]{"Identification of the ship","Weather in immediate vicinity","Last port of call","Destination"},0));
questions.add(new question("Under international regulations for a Bulk Carrier, who need to be trained in the
use of oxygen analysis and gas detection equipment? ",
new String[]{"The master"," The ship’s crew","The master and chief engineer","All cargo watch-keeping
questions.add(new question("Search for a casualty by a surface vessel varies (amongst other factors)
according to visibility and the nature of the target in the IAMSAR Manual. These distances are then normally
adjusted for prevailing weather conditions. If visibility was 5 nautical miles and you were looking for a six-
person liferaft, what would the recommended uncorrected track spacing be? ",
new String[]{"3.6 nautical miles. ","5.0 nautical miles. ","2.5 nautical miles. ","0.7 nautical miles. "},0));
questions.add(new question("For which of the following ships, is the MARPOL convention applicable? ",
new String[]{"For all vessels except passenger vessels. ","For tankers and other vessels carrying persistent oil
as cargo. ","For all vessels except those engaged in coastal trade. ","For all listed vessels. "},3));
questions.add(new question("At what calendar interval must lifting appliances on board a vessel be suitably
tested by a competent person? ",
new String[]{"Annually. ","5 years. ","2 ½ years/","2 years. "},1));
questions.add(new question("A bulk cargo vessel is found to be 4.0 centimetres over her maximum loadline
draft after loading; what should be the actions of the master? ",
new String[]{"Record a lower draught and sail ","Order the pumping out of fresh water or ballast until the
maximum allowed loadline is achieved ","There is not a problem as over loading is permitted ","Inform the port
authorities and sail"},1));
questions.add(new question("The proper operation of an Inmarsat C-terminal can be tested by: ",
new String[]{"Requesting a “self-test” ","Doing a “link-test” ","Sending a message to MF DSC ","Doing a
“recommissioning test” "},1));
questions.add(new question("Which of these covers the rules and regulations for General Average on a Bulk
Carrier? ",
new String[]{"The Hague Visby rules","The York Antwerp rules","The Hague rules","The Hamburg rules"},1));
questions.add(new question("When loading a bulk cargo of Coal the ship must be fitted with appropriate
instruments to measure the concentration of what gases within the cargo space? ",
new String[]{"The gases specified in all of these answers ","The concentration of Carbon Monoxide only ","The
concentration of Methane only","The concentration of Oxygen only"},0));
questions.add(new question("Under most circumstances, how will communication be carried out between a
ship and a SAR helicopter? ",
new String[]{"On 121.5 Mhz","On VHF Ch 70","On VHF Ch 16"," On 410 Khz"},2));
questions.add(new question("How can you best demonstrate in an adult that you follow company cargo
handling procedures? ",
new String[]{"By providing a summary of incident and lost time figures for the auditor that reflects a
successful and trouble-free system on board. "," By requesting that an adult takes place during cargo
operations. ","By providing a summary of out-turns figures for the auditor. ","By being able to provide
comprehensive and verifiable documentary records of cargo operations. "},3));
questions.add(new question("In a distress situation, how many times or for how long should the emergency
alarm signal be sounded? ",
new String[]{"3 times","3 minutes","Until all crew members and passengers have reported to their respective
muster stations","Until the signal “risk is over” or the order “abandon ship” is given"},2));
questions.add(new question("The analyses of the smoke produced by a fire, may give an interpretation of
that fire. Which are the factor we should take into account? ",
new String[]{"Colour only","There is no possible interpretation of a fire according to the smoke ","Amount and
opacity only","Opacity, amount and colour"},3));
questions.add(new question("On what wave band the search and rescue radar transponder operate? ",
new String[]{"9 GHz","218 kHz","8 GHz","6 GHz"},0));
questions.add(new question("What governs the disposal of dry bulk cargo residues at sea? ",
new String[]{"SOLAS 74/88 regulations","Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of
Wastes and Other Matter","MARPOL regulations"," The Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes"},2));
questions.add(new question("According to the IAMSAR Manual, what is the expected survival time for a
person in water of 4-10 degree Celsius, without special protective clothing? ",
new String[]{"Less than 12 hours. ","Less than 3 hours. ","Less than 6 hours. ","Less than 1 hour. "},1));
questions.add(new question("What possible reason could there be for the identification mark associated with
a Racon not being visible on the radar screen? ",
new String[]{"The radar may be suppressing the mark with application of the Interference Rejection control.
","The transmitted radar frequency may not trigger the racon transmitter. ","The racon may not be
transmitting a pulse. ","All of the suggested answers. "},3));
questions.add(new question("The vessel is passing through the English Channel when the ARPA radars fail
completely and navigation must continue without any operational radar. Should there be any changes to your
passage plan or bridge procedures. Your vessel is equipped with an operational ECDIS ",
new String[]{"Post extra lookouts"," Change the passage plan to avoid area of high density shipping, if
possible","Increase the officers on the bridge to allow greater use of visual navigation ","No changes are
questions.add(new question("What corrections must be applied to the echo sounder reading to compare the
depth of water with the depth printed on the chart? ",
new String[]{"The distance between the pulse Transmitter and Receiver ","Draught of the ship"," Shallow water
effects","Allowance for the ships speed"},1));
questions.add(new question("You are Sen. Off Deck onboard a merchant vessel. During the night you have
been in a collision with a sail boat and there are no signs of life in the water. What would you do? ",
new String[]{"Do nothing and wait for assistance ","Leave the position as fast as possible ","Alarm the rescue
centre and commence searching for any survivors ","Call the company, explain the situation and ask for
questions.add(new question("How many maintenance methods must be provided by ships sailing in area A1
and A2? ",
new String[]{"2","1","3","4"},1));
questions.add(new question("On area A2 the function “Transmission of ship to shore distress alerts” is mainly
based on: ",
new String[]{"The use of VHF DSC","The use of INMARSAT Epirbs","The use of SARSAT COSPAS Epirbs","The use
of MF DSC"},3));
questions.add(new question("An EPIRB has been activated accidentally. Which of the following is correct for
cancelling the false distress alert? ",
new String[]{"Make broadcast to all stations on VHF 16 ","Call a LUT and inform it","Call the nearest coast
station and inform it that a false distress alert has been transmitted ","Send a distress priority VHF DSC call
and make broadcast to all stations"},2));
questions.add(new question("You receive via the 8 MHz a DSC distress alert. The received DSC message is
however distorted. The MMSI as well as the position are illegible. After listening at the 8 MHz telephone
distress frequency, nothing is heard. This because: ",
new String[]{"First an acknowledgement of a coastguard station must be received via the 8MHz ","You should
have listened on VHF","Telephone signals in the same frequency band are generally weaker than DSC
signals","You should have listened on the 2183 kHz"},2));
questions.add(new question("What is the primary hazard associated with the carriage of a bulk cargo of salt
on a bulk carrier? ",
new String[]{"There are no special hazards associated with this cargo ","The only possible hazard is associated
with ingress of water into the hold and a loss of stability ","This cargo maybe liable to spontaneous
combustion","The cargo may be liable to self-heat"},1));
questions.add(new question("When should a master agree to accept a bulk cargo of concentrates? ",
new String[]{"When he is fully satisfied that the actual moisture content of the cargo is less than the
Transportable Moisture Limit (TML) ","As soon as the cargo holds have been passed for loading ","Once the
actual moisture content of the cargo has been declared by the shipper ","After a laboratory analysis of the
cargo has been carried out"},0));
questions.add(new question("Which of the following items has to be included in an abandon ship drill
according to SOLAS regulations? ",
new String[]{"Launching and recovery of a survival craft ","Checking that life-jackets are correctly
donned","Maneuvering the lifeboat in the water","Starting and operating radio life-saving appliances"},1));
questions.add(new question("Your vessel is acting as the one scene commander during a distress
rescue.Various vessels are interfering the distress traffic on the VHF. What message would you use to stop
them interfering with this traffic? ",
new String[]{"Seelonce securite","Seelonce distress","Seelonce pain"," Seelonce mayday"},3));
questions.add(new question("Which special regulations cover transportation of solid bulk cargoes? ",
new String[]{"Classification Society Rules","IMO Bulk Cargoes Code (BC) and the IMO International Maritime
Solid Bulk Cargo Code (IMSBC) ","The cargo securing manual","The timber deck cargo code published by
questions.add(new question("What is the result of a “high metacentric height”? ",
new String[]{"The vessel will roll slowly or be unstable? ","The vessel will have a great bending moment?
","The vessel’s tweendeck height is too high? ","The vessel will roll violently? "},3));
questions.add(new question("With respect to the ISM, what training in additional to lifeboat and fire drills
must be carried out? ",
new String[]{"Mooring operations","The boat drill and fire drill should be adequate to meet your need ","
Familiarization, and other drills identified as necessary by the ship ","Bridge Team Management"},2));
questions.add(new question("If you use chemicals for cleaning up an oil-spill on the water, what would the
chemicals do? ",
new String[]{"Contain the oil within a small area","Remove the oil from the water","Absorb the oil for easy
removal","Disperse or dissolve the oil into the water"},3));
questions.add(new question("In the Inmarsat Maritime Communications Handbook one can find information
about: ",
new String[]{"Numbers of fax subscribers","2 digit code telex services","Ship’s Inmarsat Id’s","Radio Telex
questions.add(new question("A distress alert sent by Inmarsat to an RCC is sent via: ",
new String[]{"The manager’s office","LUT"," LES","NCS"},2));
questions.add(new question("A conventional tanker has most of its tanks slack during the discharging of oil
cargo, it is not of any great consequence; however, if an OBO has most of its holds slack during discharging
(or loading) of oil cargo this will: ",
new String[]{"Likely cause a sudden or violent list due to the very large free surface in the broad beamed
holds? ","Have not much effect on stability as these vessels are designed for such conditions? "," Cause the
vessel to develop a slow rolling motion? ","Cause extreme strain to the hull on the listed side if a list
develops? "},0));
questions.add(new question("In what format will an On-Scene Coordinator report such information as on-
scene weather and operation progress to other parties? ",
new String[]{"OSCREP. ","SITREP. ","POSREP. ","SARREP. "},1));
questions.add(new question("To get priority with radio-communication, one must notify the coast-station
that the call is: ",
new String[]{"A collect call","A personal call","A priority call","An urgent call"},3));
questions.add(new question("The recommend connection between antenna and VHF is: ",
new String[]{"Three vein cable","Electric cable","Band cable"," Coaxial cable"},3));
questions.add(new question("During test and/or maintenance work of the CO2 system affecting the release
system, precautions to ensure that the gas is not released into the engine room due to a mistake are to be
ensured. What precautions should be taken? ",
new String[]{"Arrange a watchman in the CO2 central. ","The main supply line to be blanked off prior to the
work. ","Check the main valve for a potential leakage. ","No special precautions necessary. "},1));
questions.add(new question("Where are cargo hold water level detectors required to be fitted on bulk
carriers? ",
new String[]{"At the after end of each cargo hold ","In cargo hold bilges","At the port and starboard midships
sections of each cargo hold","At the forward end of each cargo hold. "},0));
questions.add(new question("What may be issued by the shipper to indicate that a vessel or her operators
will not be held responsible for any damage that may arise from the carrier issuing a clean Bill of Lading, even
though the Mate’s receipt is marked as “unclean”, such as may apply to atmospheric corrosion on steel plates
that have been waiting in a port facility for some time awaiting shipment? ",
new String[]{"A letter of Credit. ","An absolution clause in the shipping documents. ","A Letter of Indemnity.
","An Addendum to the Bill of Lading. "},2));
questions.add(new question("What is essential to ensure that efficient stripping of ballast tanks on a Bulk
Carrier can be achieved? ",
new String[]{"The vessel must be maintained at an even keel ","The trim of the vessel is not important ","A trim
by the bow is required","A good stern trim is maintained during de-ballasting operations
questions.add(new question("What is the possible concern if fuel tanks on a Bulk Carrier, which are close to
cargo spaces containing grain, are excessively heated? ",
new String[]{"The grain cargo may be heater and damaged"," The grain cargo may produce methane gas","No
damage should occur","The cargo may liquefy"},0));
questions.add(new question("What publication must be carried on a vessel carrying dry bulk cargoes? ",
new String[]{"International Tankers and Terminal Code? ","IMO Solid Bulk cargo Code or IMO Solid Bulk?
","Classification Society Grain Rules? ","Charters Solid Bulk Cargoes Code? "},1));
questions.add(new question("What would cracked cross-deck plating found during a loaded passage on a
bulk carrier indicate",?
new String[]{"That bulkhead failure is imminent ","That shear forces have been exceeded","That failure of the
shell plating is imminent","That the vessel is due for survey"},1));
questions.add(new question("What do you do after receiving a VHF DSC DISTRESS call? ",
new String[]{"You send immediately a DSC DISTRESS RELAY call","You send immediately a DSC DISTRESS
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT call","You set watch on VHF channel 16","You set watch on channel 13"},2));
questions.add(new question("What immediate actions should the Officer of the Watch take when the ship
goes aground on an uncharted shoal in the middle of the ocean? ",
new String[]{"Stop engines and immediately request “Full Astern” ","Sound the General Alarm and plot the
ships position","Stop engines and tells the engine room to switch over to high suctions ","Stop engines and call
the Master"},3));
questions.add(new question("What differences in design are there between a standard cargo hold and a
cargo hold which can also be used for ballast on a Bulk Carrier? ",
new String[]{"There is no differences in design ","This hold does not have ventilators","The coamings are much
lower on the ballast hold","The ballast hold hatch cover must be fitted with additional securing devices "},3));
questions.add(new question("How often are “abandon ship” drills required to be held on cargo vessels
according to SOLAS? ",
new String[]{"Once every year","Once every month","Once every week","Once every 6 months"},1));
questions.add(new question("What is the purpose of the radiotelephony two tone alarm? ",
new String[]{"Alert COSPAS/SARSAT satellites","Attract the attention of the person on watch ","Activate bridge
watchkeeping receivers","Activate bridge watchkeeping receivers and attract the attention of the person on
questions.add(new question("One particular group of hazardous goods is highlighted by the IMDG Code as
potentially being the most dangerous for carriage. Which of the following is it? ",
new String[]{"Organic peroxides","Toxic substances","Infectious substances","Liquefied gases"},0));
questions.add(new question("A VLCC is to anchor in a depth of 80 meters in open water with moderate swell
running. How many shackles of anchor chain should be used to aid a safe anchorage? ",
new String[]{"6 shackles"," 3 shackles","8 shackles","11 shackles"},3));
questions.add(new question("What are the advantages of ballasting double bottom ballast tanks by gravity
filling on a Bulk Carrier? ",
new String[]{"There is minimum pressure head on the tank top and pumps are not required ","Free surface
effect is eliminated","Ballasting is done more quickly","Ballasting can be done without any supervision"},0));
questions.add(new question("What is the crucial aspect in executing a voyage in a safe and efficient way? ",
new String[]{"All navigational equipment fully functional. ","The bridge equipment includes ARPA radar, GPS
and ECDISSS in full and effective operation ","An effective detailed passage plan fully understood and followed
by a competent bridge team.","Bridge equipment effectively operating and being used efficiently "},2));
questions.add(new question("DSC uses for automatic identification the MMSI. The identification 002442000
is assigned to: ",
new String[]{"A vessel","A group of vessels","A coast-station or coast guard-station","A type of vessels"},2));
questions.add(new question("At the end of a radio telex-connection, when a ‘store and forward’ message has
been transmitted, the coast-station at least gives a; ",
new String[]{"Time (in UTC) whereupon the telex for the subscriber is delivered ","Code in letters which will be
repeated when the telex has been delivered to the subscriber ","Reference number","Approximate time when
telex will be delivered"},0));
questions.add(new question("During a pre-loading survey prior to loading grain on a Bulk Carrier, very small
amount of the previous grain cargo is found in a cargo hold; what is the significance of this situation? ",
new String[]{"The vessel may fail the pre-load survey and be declared off-hire ","The affected cargo hold
should be left empty","The cargo hold can be cleaned while other holds are loaded "," The remaining cargo
from this previous voyage can be ignored"},0));
questions.add(new question("Which of the below structures of bulk carriers are considered critical? ",
new String[]{"Longitudinal deck plating outside hatches","Forecastle deck"," The girders","Upper and lower
connections of main side frames"},3));
questions.add(new question("As a probable result of being in collision with your vessel, the other vessel
involved is on fire? What are your responsibilities to the other vessel? ",
new String[]{"Your vessel should maneuver close to the other vessel and aid the firefighting operation ","After
checking the extent of the damage and welfare of your crew, if possible your vessel should standby and offer
assistance, until being relieved of that obligation by the other vessel. ","You should inform the nearest Coast
Radio Station of the incident and if your damage is not serious, continue on your voyage. ","There is no
statutory requirement to provide assistance as the actions of that vessel were the primary cause of the
questions.add(new question("The majority of conventions adopted under the auspices of IMO fall into which
of the three main categories: ",
new String[]{"Maritime Safety, Prevention of Marine pollution, Liability and compensation ","Safety, Terrorism,
ILO","There are no connections that fall under IMO","Maritime Safety, STCW, Maritime Security"},0));
questions.add(new question("The lights here show those that must be exhibited by a vessel engaged in
towing, as per rule 24 of the International Collision Regulations. But how long is the tow behind this vessel? ",
new String[]{"At least 100 metres",". It is more than 50 metres but less than 200 metres ","It is less than 200
metres","It exceeds 200 metres"},3));
questions.add(new question("To maintain good relationship among the crew on board a vessel, one must be:
new String[]{"Give authority to others","Understanding, Co-operative, and have respect from both
sides","Polite and diplomatic while talking to crew members ","Strict and authoritative while giving
questions.add(new question("What is the emergency frequency on M.F. (Medium Frequency) radio? ",
new String[]{"2182 Hz","1616 Hz","2617 Hz","1718 Hz"},0));
questions.add(new question("What is the required number of hours that a SART’s battery must be able to
operate the unit in the standby mode? ",
new String[]{"Three (3) days","Eight (8) hours","Forty-eight (48) hours","Four (4) days"},3));
questions.add(new question("You wish to carry out a test transmission on your radio equipment. What
precautions should be taken if any? ",
new String[]{"Test transmission should be carried out on artificial aerials and/or reduced power. ",". Test
transmission should be kept to a minimum. ","All of the items in the other alternatives should be done.
","Listen out to ensure that no safety/distress traffic is in progress. "},2));
questions.add(new question("The normal mode of operation for each coast station shall be indicated in: ",
new String[]{"The ITU List of Ship Stations","The ITU List of Coast Stations","The ITU List of Call signs and
numerical identities of station used by the maritime mobile and maritime mobile-satellite services ","The ITU
List of Radio determination and Special Services"},1));
questions.add(new question("Large bulk carriers are more likely to suffer from cracks in structure in which of
the following parts of the vessels? ",
new String[]{"On bottom plating in the after part of the vessel ","In number 1 and number 2 holds","In after
peak area"," Around hatch corners and upper ballast tank amidships"},3));
questions.add(new question("What is the minimum number of channels required for the portable two-way
VHF’s for survival craft? ",
new String[]{"Channels 6, 12 & 16","Channel 16 only","Channels 6, 13 & 16","Channels 16 & 12"},2));
questions.add(new question("You are witness to a collision between two other ships close to your vessel.
What immediate action should you take? ",
new String[]{"Nothing, just standby and wait to see if any assistance is required ","Inform the local coast radio
station of the incident and submit your name as a witness ","Send out a distress message on their behalf.
","Contact one or both vessels involved in the incident and offer assistance. "},0));
questions.add(new question("A battery of 24 Volt supplies during 10 hours a current of 6 ampere. What is the
capacity supplied: ",
new String[]{"60 Ah","144 Ah","48 Ah","240 Ah"},0));
questions.add(new question("You are proceeding along a narrow channel behind another vessel. You have a
higher speed and have signaled your intention to the vessel ahead that you intend to overtake him on his
port side. The vessel responds with this sound signal. What does it mean? ",
new String[]{"That the vessel is indicating her agreement with my proposed maneuver ","That the vessel
","This is a signal intended for another vessel or shore station. It is nothing to do with our vessel. ","That the
vessel suggests I overtake on the starboard side instead. "},0));
questions.add(new question("Why does a ship move laterally (sideward drift) when turning. ",
new String[]{"Because the turning moment is created by the rudder, which is positioned at the stern of the
vessel","The ship moves laterally because it always tries to continue in a straight line. ","Because the pivot
point is not at the centre of the ship ","The ship move sideward because of all external force on the vessels
questions.add(new question("What is the period of validity of the Safety Management Certificate ",
new String[]{"1 Year","5 Years","6 months","2 Years"},1));
questions.add(new question("What is most important for crew members when preparing for emergencies? ",
new String[]{"That people know where to find designated equipment ","That people know where to
muster","That people are well trained","That people listen to orders given"},2));
questions.add(new question("Ship A is fully loaded with iron ore and is navigating in a coastal region when it
is collision with ship B, causing ship A to take in water in several holds. What is the best course of action by
ship A to save the vessel and the cargo?”,
new String[]{"Put the ship a ground on a soft sandy bottom as soon as possible ","Inform the local coast radio
station of the situation and ask for advice ","Attempt to stop the ingress of water by listing the ship over and bringing
the damaged area of the hull out of the water","Call for tug boat assistance as soon as possible"},0));
questions.add(new question("Which of the following items must be included in each fire drill? ",
new String[]{"Checking fireman’s outfits and other personal rescue equipment ","All the items
mentioned","Reporting to stations and preparing for the duties described in the muster list ","Starting a fire
pump using at least two required jets of water to shop that the system is in proper working order "},1));
questions.add(new question("While navigating using a paper chart marked WGS84 the OOW plots the ships
positions by four different methods and they all give slightly different positions. Which of the following would
be considered the most accurate? ",
new String[]{"Radar ranges from two radar distinctive headlands ","Bearing and distance from a navigation
buoy close to the vessel","GPS set on WGS84 datum","Gyro compass bearings from two lighthouses"},0));
questions.add(new question("What action should be taken by the Officer of the Watch in the event of fire
being reported to the bridge during the 00.00 to 04.00 watch? ",
new String[]{"Send the bridge look-out down to investigate ","Call the Master","Stop engines and informs
engine room","Sound the Fire Alarm"},0));
questions.add(new question("Which Convention first placed on the ship owner an obligation to exercise due
diligence to make a ship seaworthy, requiring him “before and at the beginning of a voyage….to…make the
ship seaworthy….and…make the holds…..and all other parts of the vessel in which goods are carried, fit and
safe for their reception, carriage and preservation? ",
new String[]{"The Antwerp Convention","The Nassau Protocol","The Hague-Visby Rules","The Paris
questions.add(new question("Records relating to breaches of security and charges in security level must be
secured against unauthorized access and available for review by contracting governments. ",
new String[]{"TRUE",".",".","FALSE"},0));
questions.add(new question("If one wants to transmit a weather report with an Inmarsat-C terminal one
should use the following address:”,
new String[]{"OBS+","41","Sitrep","Center"},1));
questions.add(new question("What must be specified when ordering gas detection equipment when used in
association with bulk carriers?”,
new String[]{"That the instrument is suited for its purpose of application ","That the instrument can measure
flammable atmospheres","That the instrument can measure methane and hydrogen when used in low-oxygen
atmospehers","That the instrument complies with international regulations"},0));
questions.add(new question("Any ship of 10.000 tons gross tonnage and above shall be fitted with oily-water
separating equipment for the control of machinery space bilges. What kind of equipment is required in this
new String[]{"Either Oil fitting equipment, or Oily-water separating equipment, or combination of
both","water separating equipment only","separating tank","Oil fitting equipment only"},0));
questions.add(new question("Which of the following duties shall be included in the “muster list” as being
assigned to crewmembers in relation to passengers? ",
new String[]{"Assembling passengers at muster station ","Ensuring that every passenger is provided with an
immersion suit or thermal protective aid ","Ensuring that extra food and water is taken to the survival
craft","Clearing the escape routes"},0));
questions.add(new question("During the 5-yearly overhaul and operational test of a lifeboat on-load release
gear, to what level should the gear be load tested? ",
new String[]{"1.25 times the total mass of the lifeboat when loaded with its full complement of persons and
equipment. ","1.1 times the total mass of the lifeboat when loaded with its full complement of persons and
equipment. ","0.8 times the total mass of the lifeboat when loaded with its full complement of persons,
equipment and stores.","The equivalent to the total mass of the lifeboat when loaded with its full
complement of persons and equipment. "},1));
questions.add(new question("Hand flares and buoyant smoke signals can continue to burn or emit smoke
after having been immersed for a period of 10s",
new String[]{"Right if the immersion depth is smaller than 100 mm ","Right","Wrong","Right if the immersion
depth is more than 1m"},0));
questions.add(new question("What is mean by bulk Grain cargoes have a low angle of repose? ",
new String[]{"Unlikely to shift","Likely to produce toxic gas","Always stable","Liable to shift"},3));
questions.add(new question("Who is responsible for maintaining the vessel’s structural strength? ",
new String[]{"The Master. ","The flag state administration. ","The management company. "," The classification
society. "},0));
questions.add(new question("With help of DSC a ship wants to contact a coast-station to have a question for
telephone call. One has to choose from the following DSC-frequencies. ",
new String[]{"TX: 8415.0 kHz RX: 8415.0 kHz","TX: 8415.0 kHz RX: 8436.5 kHz"," TX: 8414.5 kHz RX: 8414.5
kHz","TX: 8436.5 kHz RX: 8436.5 kHz"},1));
questions.add(new question("A bulk cargo declaration shows that the iron ore to be loaded has an angle of
repose of 45 degrees; what does this indicate? ",
new String[]{"The cargo pile is stable and unlikely to shift ","The cargo may self-heat","The cargo should not be
accepted to load","The cargo pile will be very unstable"},0));
questions.add(new question("How will you start a cancelling message after you send by mistake a distress call
on your VHF DSC equipment? ",
new String[]{"MAYDAY – All Stations – This is “”SAINT - ROMAIN”” ","PAN PAN – All Stations – This is “”SAINT -
ROMAIN”” ","All Stations – This is “”SAINT – ROMAIN”” ","SECURITE – All Stations – This is “”SAINT –
ROMAIN”” "},2));
questions.add(new question("It has been shown that the controlled release of oil is effective in reducing the
effects of the sea, making it possible for a rescue craft to approach survivors in the water. How many square
metres does the IAMSAR Manual suggest may be calmed by releasing 200 litres of lubricating oil slowly
through a rubber hose with the outlet maintained just above the surface while the ship ",
new String[]{"Approx 500 square metres. ","Approx 50,000 square metres. ","Approx 50 square metres. ","
Approx 5,000 square metres. "},3));
questions.add(new question("The high level water ingress alarm in number 1 hold of a Bulk Carrier activates
in bad weather at sea; what would be the actions of a prudent Master? ",
new String[]{"The alarms could be faulty and should be ignored ","Assess all spaces for signs of damage if
weather conditions permit","Sound general alarm, muster ship’s crew and transmit a Mayday call and
message. ","Investigate when the weather improves. "},2));
questions.add(new question("Which one of the listed requirements regarding service and maintenance of
life-saving appliances correspond to present regulations? ",
new String[]{"Maintenance and repair of all the life-saving equipment’s will be carried out ashore in work
shop only","Instructions for onboard maintenance of life-saving appliances in accordance with regulations
shall be provided. ","Maintenance and repair of all life saving equipment’s shall be carried out by the certified
ship staff only","At least one member of the crew shall hold a repairman certificate for life-saving
questions.add(new question("What is the priority for the ship’s management team when fire breaks out? ",
new String[]{"The ship’s management team must fight the fire and then call the fire teams ","The ship’s
management team must call the nearest fire brigade and police station ","The ship’s management team and
the crew must evacuate the ship","The ship’s management team must organize the fire teams and then the
teams have to rescue missing personnel. "},3));
questions.add(new question("The prescribed test of an approved portable VHF radio set (portophone) must
be done once a: ",
new String[]{"Month","Quarter","Week","Year"},0));
questions.add(new question("You are taking fuel on your vessel in the US when you notice oil on the water
around your vessel. You are to stop taking fuel and: ",
new String[]{"Begin clean up operations ","Notify the Corps of Engineers "," Notify the US Coast Guard ","Leave
the area"},2));
questions.add(new question("Why should Ground Stabilized True Motion display mode be avoided when
using the Arpa for anti-collisions purposes. ",
new String[]{"True motion does not provide the collision risk of other ships ","The true vector can never give
an indication of collision risk with another ship ","The Relative Motion display and relative vectors is the only
display to use for anti-collision purposes. ","The collision regulations are based on ship courses through the
water. "},3));
questions.add(new question("If a master initially responds to a distress but then, in special circumstances,
decides not to proceed, what must he then do? ",
new String[]{"Inform the appropriate search and rescue authorities of his decision and enter the reason in the
ship’s logbook. ","If possible, inform the casualty of his decision and communicate his reasons. ","Inform his
owners of his decisions and resume his passage at the earliest opportunity. ","Contact the SAR Mission Co-
ordinator and secure his written agreement to the release of his vessel from the operation. "},0));
questions.add(new question("The MF/HF transceiver on board is tuned to the assigned frequency of a station.
To make this connection the following mode is used: ",
new String[]{"G3E","H3E","J2B","J3E"},3));
questions.add(new question("Who will verify the computational results and actual ship data used by the
calculation program on a vessel’s stability computer? ",
new String[]{"The manufacturer. ","The Classification Society. ","The engineer attending the installation and
initial on-site testing. ","The master. "},1));
questions.add(new question("In making VHF communication or test transmission you must: ",
new String[]{"With DSC use, first broadcast the carrier wave for at least three seconds. ","Identify yourself
with your call sign and/or ship’s name. ","First tap on the mike several times, but not more than 10 times.
","Warn all ships in the vicinity. "},1));
questions.add(new question("If whistles are fitted on a vessel at a distance apart of more than 100 metres,
will maneuvering and warning signals, as defined by rule 34 of the international regulations for Preventing
Collisions at Sea, be given on one both whistles? ",
new String[]{"They shall be given on both whistles simultaneously. ","They shall first be given on the forward
whistle, followed by the after whistle, with a 5 second interval in between. ","Maneuvering signals will give
on the forward whistle, warning signals will be given on both whistles simultaneously. ","They shall be given
on one whistle only. "},3));
questions.add(new question("Who needs to be trained in the use of oxygen analysis and gas detection
equipment? ",
new String[]{"The Master","The entire ship’s crew","Cargo watch-keeping officers","The Master and Chief
questions.add(new question(" “On area A1 function””Reception of shore to ship distress alerts””is mainly
based on:” ",
new String[]{"The use of SARSAT COSPAS Epribs","The use of SART transponders","The use of VHF DSC"," The
use of MF DSC"},2));
questions.add(new question("A ship experiences an interaction effect known as “Squat” when moving in
shallow water. The amount of Squat is affected by the speed of the vessel through the water. If the speed
through the water is HALVED what will be change in the effect of “Squat” ",
new String[]{"The squat effect will be reduced to a quarter of its original value ",". The squat effect will also be
halved. ","There will be very little change to the effects of squat ","There will be a significant change in the
reduction of underkeel clearance, but the amount varies from ship to ship. "},0));