Cardiorespiratory Endurance: in This Chapter Student Web Resources
Cardiorespiratory Endurance: in This Chapter Student Web Resources
Cardiorespiratory Endurance: in This Chapter Student Web Resources
In This Chapter www Student Web Resources
Cardiorespiratory Endurance Facts
Step Test and One-Mile Run Test
Building Cardiorespiratory Endurance
Skills for Building Self-Confidence
Target Heart Rate Workouts
In the early 1900s, medical doctors
referred to an enlarged heart as the “ath-
lete’s heart” because athletes’ hearts tend
to be large, and enlarged hearts were
associated with disease. By midcentury, Less active person
research showed that the large heart
muscle of a trained athlete was a sign of FIGURE 8.2 The heart muscle of a fit, active
health, not disease. person pumps more blood per heartbeat than that
of a less active person.
a b
FIGURE 8.4 Blood vessels on the heart: (a) the heart of a typical person; (b) the heart of a person who
exercises regularly.
beat—meaning it has greater stroke volume—and
If you don't do what's best for therefore can beat less often. Thus, if you exercise
your body, you're the one who properly, your heart works more efficiently because
comes up on the short end.
—Julius Erving (Doctor J),
Hall of Fame basketball player
each heartbeat supplies more blood and oxygen to
your body than if you did not exercise. You can also
function more effectively during an emergency or
during vigorous physical activity.
Nerves of Your Heart
Your heart muscle is not like your arm and leg
Muscle Cells
muscles. When your arm and leg muscles contract, In order to do physical activity for a long time
nerves in them are responding to a message sent by without getting tired, your muscle cells must also
the conscious part of your brain. In contrast, your function efficiently and effectively. Regular physical
heart is not controlled voluntarily; it beats regularly activity helps your cells be effective in their use of
without your consciously telling it to do so. Instead, oxygen and in getting rid of waste materials. Physi-
your heart rate is controlled by a part of it called cal activity also helps your muscle cells use blood
a pacemaker, which sends out an electrical current sugar, with the aid of the hormone called insulin,
telling it to beat regularly. People who do regular vig- to produce energy. This function is important for
orous aerobic exercise often develop a slower heart good health.
rate because the heart pumps more blood with each
Lungs O2
O2 O2
• Heart muscle gets stronger
• Pumps more blood with each
O2 beat (stroke volume)
• Beats slower
• Gets more rest
• Works more efficiently
• Healthy elastic arteries allow O2 • Helps the nerves slow your
more blood flow heart rate at rest
• Less risk of atherosclerosis O2 • Builds muscles and helps
• Lower blood pressure them work more efficiently
• Less risk of a blood clot leading
to heart attack O2
• Development of extra blood vessels O2
• Healthy veins with healthy valves
O2 • Less bad cholesterol (LDL)
and other fats in the blood
• More good cholesterol (HDL)
O2 in the blood
O2 O2 • Reduces inflammatory markers
O2 O2 in the blood
• Fewer substances in the blood
• Use oxygen efficiently that cause clots
• Get rid of more wastes O2
• Use blood sugars and insulin more O2 O2
effectively to produce energy
O2 O2
FIGURE 8.5 Benefits of physical activity for the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
Studies show that endurance athletes—
such as cross-country skiers, cyclists, and
distance runners—typically have very high
aerobic capacity and score well on field
tests of cardiorespiratory endurance.
Interpreting Self-Assessment
Self-assessments are not as accurate as laboratory
tests of fitness; therefore, you should perform
more than one self-assessment for cardiorespiratory
endurance. However, self-assessments do give a good
estimate of your fitness level, and each assessment
has its own strengths and weaknesses. For example,
the results of the PACER and the one-mile run
(included in this chapter) are influenced by your
motivation; if you don’t try very hard, you won’t
get an accurate score. Because these tests require a
high level of exertion, they may not be the best tests
for people who have not been exercising regularly
FIGURE 8.6 The maximal oxygen uptake test or who have low fitness.
measures the amount of oxygen you use while The walking test, on the other hand, is a good
running on a treadmill. indicator of fitness for most people but is not best
for assessing very fit people. It would be a good test
and you begin to run uphill. As you exercise, the for a beginner. The step test (included in this chap-
gas meter measures the amount of oxygen you use ter) uses heart rate; therefore, motivation does not
each minute. The amount (volume) of oxygen you influence its results as much as it does some other
can use during. the hardest minute of exercise is con- assessments. But step test results can be distorted if
sidered your VO2max score (see Science in Action). you’ve done other exercise that might elevate your
Medical doctors and exercise physiologists some- heart rate before doing the assessment. Your heart
times use another laboratory test called a graded rate can also be influenced by emotional factors
exercise test (or an exercise stress test). This test is (stress) and nutritional factors (caffeine) that cause
used to detect potential heart problems. During it to be higher than normal. Finally, your results may
the test, your heart is monitored by means of an vary depending on the time of day the assessment
electrocardiogram while you run on a treadmill. is done. For example, fatigue associated with daily
Both the graded exercise test and the maximal activities may result in poorer scores late in the day.
oxygen uptake test are done in a laboratory and Regardless of which tests you do, practice them
require special equipment and people who are before using them to assess your fitness. Practice
trained to administer them. Most people, how- allows you to pace yourself properly during the
ever, assess their cardiorespiratory endurance using test and enables you to perform the tests properly
practical nonlaboratory tests called field tests. These so that you get accurate assessments. Because you
tests require little equipment and can be done at may get different ratings on different tests of car-
home or at school. Scores are determined based on diorespiratory endurance, consider the strengths
your ability to function (your functional fitness) and weaknesses of each test when making decisions
about which score best represents your fitness. After the low and marginal zones and into the good fitness
you’ve done regular exercise over time, test yourself zone. The risk of hypokinetic diseases is greatest for
again to see how much you’ve improved. people in the low fitness zone.
Some people aim for especially high cardiorespi-
ratory endurance because they want to perform at
How Much a high level in a sport or a physically demanding
Cardiorespiratory job, such as being a Marine or a police officer. To
be properly fit for such challenges, you must train
Endurance Is Enough? harder than most people. Achieving the high per-
To get the health and wellness benefits associated formance zone will be difficult for some people,
with cardiorespiratory endurance, you should and doing so is not necessary in order to get many
achieve the good fitness zone in the rating charts of the health benefits of fitness. Nevertheless, the
that accompany each self-assessment in this book. higher your cardiorespiratory endurance score, the
Health benefits are associated with moving out of lower your risk of hypokinetic disease.
Lesson Review
1. What are some health and wellness benefits of cardiorespiratory endurance?
2. How does physical activity affect the various parts of your cardiovascular and respiratory
3. What are some methods for assessing cardiorespiratory endurance and aerobic capac-
ity, and how are they done?
4. How much cardiorespiratory endurance is enough?
160 Fitness for Life