Revision Question Bank 2 Subject: Social Science Answer Scheme Grade: VIII
Revision Question Bank 2 Subject: Social Science Answer Scheme Grade: VIII
Revision Question Bank 2 Subject: Social Science Answer Scheme Grade: VIII
Traces of Modern Indian History
Beginning of Colonial Rule in India
Agrarian Policies of the British
Tribal Societies and the Colonial Rule
The Great Uprising of 1857
Craft and Industries Under the British Rule
Indian Constitution: A Revelation
Fundamental Rights and Duties
Directive Principles of State Policy
Earth’s Store House
Crustal Resource – Soil
The Blue Resource
Earth’s Farm House
Minerals and Power Resources
Earth Harvested
country properly.
Efforts were made to know necessary facts such as
topography, quality of soil, flora, fauna, cropping patterns,
Thus, they carried out detailed surveys and prepared maps.
Traces of Modern Indian History TB Pg 4
Q 11. How did the Charter Act of 1813 support Christian missionaries? [3] U
The Charter Act of 1813 supported Christian missionaries in
following ways:
The Charter Act of 1813 permitted Christian missionaries to
come to India under the license to carry out proselytizing
They were granted permission to function freely and even
allowed to own land.
Also police protection was given to the missionaries.
The Great Uprising of 1857 TB Pg 43
Q 12. What was the impact of British rule on Indian trade and industry? [3] An
The Indian goods exported to Britain were charged heavy
import duties whereas the British goods imported into India
were subjected to a nominal duty.
Increase of export of cotton goods to India from Britain
ruined Indian manufacturers.
Similar effect was seen on other industries such as iron-
smelting industry which was destroyed due to the cheap
imported iron and steel.
The ruin of industry and commerce decayed the
manufacturing towns and centers and their population was
driven to overcrowd villages.
(Accept answer as a whole)
The Great Uprising of 1857 TB Pg 42
Q 13. Write the events that led to the establishment of Portuguese [3] U
settlements in India.
In 1498, the discovery of a new sea route to India by Vasco da
Gama paved the way for the Europeans to trade with India.
The Portuguese were the first European traders to establish
their control in the western coast of India.
Alfonso de Albuquerque was appointed the Governor of
Portuguese affairs in India.
He captured the rich port of Goa in 1510 and established the