Prep Efficacy Counselling Message: Stopping Prep
Prep Efficacy Counselling Message: Stopping Prep
Prep Efficacy Counselling Message: Stopping Prep
Stopping PrEP
“PrEP can be stopped 28 days after the last possible exposure to HIV. People can consider
stopping PrEP if they are no longer at substantial risk of acquiring HIV infection. Ways to
lower risk include: adopting safer sexual practices, such as not having vaginal or anal
intercourse, or using condoms for all vaginal and anal intercourse; changing circumstances
such as leaving sex work or stopping injecting drug use; or, moving to a place that has a low
prevalence of HIV infection. For people in a serodiscordant relationship, HIV transmission
risk is very low when the HIV-positive partner is virally suppressed on ART.”
WHO Implementation tool for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) of HIV infection. Module 1:
Clinical. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2017 (WHO/HIV/2017.17). Licence: CC BY-
NC-SA 3.0 IGO.