(Modified) : Individual Task Action Plan Practical Evaluation
(Modified) : Individual Task Action Plan Practical Evaluation
(Modified) : Individual Task Action Plan Practical Evaluation
Design Brief
To identify key issues of food consumerism, how it is Impacting a sustainable future and demonstrate how changes can be made to aid sustainable eating.
Individually prepare a sustainable main meal (main meal or dessert) that reflects a swap of an unsustainable ingredient and swapping for a more sustainable
Design Criteria
Research suitable recipes for sustainable meals. Keep in mind your design criteria.
Once you have selected your recipe and have checked how it meets the design criteria, discuss the recipe decision with your teacher to confirm.
Create a PowerPoint presentation that you would use to demonstrate how you will justify your decision of a sustainable meal and meet the design criteria (in the table
below). By explaining how it reflects a swap of an unsustainable ingredient and swapping for a more sustainable alternative.
Slide 3: Be completed within 70 minutes, including preparation, serving and clean up.
-Refer to design criteria.
-Think about your skill level. A recipe may say 40 minutes to complete however this may be different for you.
- Time plan
-All components including clean up need to be finished by 90 minutes.
Your Slide 4: State your dish chosen.
Justify how your decision specifically addresses each influencing factor.
Slide 6: Dish selected must demonstrate changes for sustainability.
-What ingredient did you swap for a more sustainable option?
-How is this ingredient more sustainable? (Use a reference).
Slide 8: Be completed within 70 minutes, including preparation, serving and clean up.
-- How does your recipe meet the time – look at prep and cooking total time. What does it add up to?
- What will help with your time management. (Workflow plan).
References Include the web address (URL), title, author or creator (website name), the date it was written, and the date you accessed the site.
Equipment needed:
Time plan: 10-minute intervals from when your practical time starts to when it ends.
Time: What you need to be doing
Produce the sustainable meal you have planned.
Personal hygiene
How well did you practice high standards of personal hygiene throughout the practical? Give examples and explain why you need to do this.
Did you have any hygiene mishaps? Discuss in detail.
How well did you handle the high risk ingredients in your recipe? Explain.
How did you minimise bacteria growth during the practical? E.g. safe storage, keeping and serving food at correct temperature, minimising food kept in the danger
How did you prevent cross contamination during the practical? Explain why you need to be aware of this practice.
How did you overcome any problems during the practical?
Did you know how to prepare the recipe? If not, how did you resolve this issue? – Time plan and workflow plan.
Did you use your time effectively during the practical? Were you prepared? If not, why?
Did you finish making the recipe within the time restraints? If not, why?
Were you able to follow the recipe correctly? Explain. Did it affect the final product? If so, how did you resolve this issue?
How can you improve your meal and the way you worked next time?
Technology - Equipment
Did you have all the necessary equipment to make the recipe? If not, how did you resolve this issue?
Did you know how to correctly use all of the equipment needed to make your recipe? If not, how did you resolve this issue?
What were the positive things that happened during the task?
What improvement would you make if you made the meal again?
REMINDER of Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards:
Students evaluate the features of technologies and their appropriateness for purpose. (Evaluation)
Need to include discussion of equipment:
What were some of the main pieces of equipment used and why were they important to the practical?
Did you know how to correctly use all of the equipment needed to make your recipe? If not, how did you resolve this issue? Have you used this specific equipment
Discuss some safety points you followed when using certain equipment.
Environmental hygiene – work area kept clean (cleaning as they go, de-cluttering bench)
Demonstrated safe work practices (behaviour and general kitchen safety, no running, no towel whipping)
All equipment left clean and returned to its place of storage (cupboards and drawers in order after practical)
All steps in the recipe are followed in logical order and with independence
Time management (food served and kitchen cleaned in time for dismissal)