Here are some helpful tips and reminders presented by Mendoza 2002 when
conducting an interview:
a) Prepare for the interview
b) Always start by making the client feel comfortable
c) Use your intuition or “sixth sense”
d) Exercise care in the use of interview instruments like intake and survey forms
e) Be conscious of time
f) Do not rush into direct action or help without fully understanding of the client’s
g) The interview should have proper department
2. Communication – from the Latin word “communist” meaning to make common and
the word communicare meaning to share or impart is a two way process which
usually start with the source initiating the process and receiver’s responding.
Likewise, it is a method by which a source purposively conveys messages directly
with the receiver or through a channel and both learn from each other.
a. Source
- This is where the communication emanates or the originator of information.
b. Message
- This could either be knowledge, information, and attitude, and/or behavior
which the source wishes to convey to the receiver.
c. Channel
- This refers to the proper course or means of transmission of communication
i.e. either interpersonal communication (either individual or group basis) or
mass media or a combination of both. Interpersonal communication involves
face to face contact with people. This can either be on a one to one basis
such as
the communication that takes place during the interview and home visits or group levels
such as the communication involved during small group conversations., meetings,
community assemblies between the worker and clients. Mass media, however, comes
in two forms: printed materials like leaflets, pamphlets, posters, flipcharts, magazines,
newspapers, etc. and electronics such as radio, television and films.
Nowadays, an evolving channel of communication is the use of internet and social
media. Accordingly, this has been considered the most efficient and convenient way of
transmitting information to the receiver since it can reach a bigger scope of audience
within a short period of time.
d. Receiver
- Refers to the persons, groups, and population segment, total population that
is intended audience of a communication.
e. Feedback
- The way or means by which the source of the receiver of communication
evaluates, counterchecks or recognizes the roles played by either of them
including the client’s attitudes ad feelings and how these affects the
communication. Feedback is also sought in order to determine whether the
message being communicated was clear and properly understood.
objectives to be pursued are clearly stated and the specific means on how to achieve
such goals are indicated. This also illustrates the assessment and recommendations to
the worker.
e. Summarized Process Recordings – should contain considerable details about the
content of interviews, conferences and other contacts with clients, in the
sequence in which it took place including the reactions and responses of both
client and worker followed by the worker’s assessment/ analysis of what
f. Progress Notes/ Reports – regular (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly) accounts of
the client’s activities and engagements as well as the significant developments
noted by the worker and significant others in the client’s life.
g. Case Conference Reports – an account of the proceedings or a summary of
recommendations from the helping intervention team composed of social
workers, teacher, psychologist/guidance counselor, houseparent, medical
personnel and significant others during a case conference.
h. Home Visitation/ Home Study Reports – a report containing the information and
assessment about the client’s family, the home atmosphere, the physical
structure4, the significant others as well as the relationship of the family in the
community and the community life in general.
i. Periodic Evaluative Summaries – includes a statement about the major
development that have occurred.
j. Transfer Summaries – a report prepared if the case will be transferred to another
worker or unit which may include recommendations on future course of action.
k. Final Evaluative Statement – focuses on the extent to which goals/ objectives
spelled out in the Case Study have been accomplished/ not accomplished and
why; recommendations for termination or continuation of service.
l. After Care Reports – a report prepared six months to one year after the
reintegration or reunification of the client to her/his family, placement to an
adoptive or foster family, movement of the client to another agency, or while the
client is in transition to independent living.
m. Closing Summary – a report prepared once the case has been closed or officially
terminated due to various reasons.
4. Community Resources-Social work practice also neccesitates the use of concrete
community resources which includes the programs and services for offered by different
agencies and organizations. It may be offered under public (e.g Department og Health)
semipublic the Philippine Mental Healthy Association which is funded by Philippine
Charitu Sweepstakes office), and private (e.g Plan International) sponsorship. They may
be classified im different levels as follows; local (e.g Manila Department of Social
Welfare and development), or National (e.g, United Nations Children's Fund).
6. Ecological Map (ECO-MAP) is a simple paper and pencil simulation that has been
developed as an assessment ,planning, and intervention too. This tool depicts the family
or individuals family life which which lead to a more holistic and integrative of the self on
the part of the client.
Acitivity 2
Film showing: Sa Kambas ng Lipunan
Instruction: watch a short film entitled sa Kambas ng Lipunan by joey Velasco. After
watching, reflect on the life of each of the client and evaluate what method of social
work can be applied best as well as the tools needed for each. Prepare a case
summary indocating the method you will apply as well as the tools you will be using.
Prepare a presentation to be shared to the class.
fill in the blanks. Please fill in the right answer for each item.
1. ___________ An organized effort with the aim of securing social progress and
solving mass social problems by influencing legistation or the administration of social
2. __________ A two- way process which usually starts with the source initiating tge
process and the receiver responding and also a method by which a source purposively
conveys messages directly with a receiver or through a channel.
8. ___________ It involves a critical inquiry and the scientific testing of validity of social
work organization, function, anf methods in order to verify, generalize, and extend social
work knowledge and skill.
9. ___________ It is sought in order to determine whether the message being
communicated was clear and properly understood.
10. __________ This is a process amd method through which group life is affected by a
worker who consciously guides the interaction process forward the accomplishment of
goals which are conceived in a democratic frame of reference.
11. __________ This comes in two forms; printed materials (e.g leaflets, pamphlets,
poster, flipcharts, magazines, newspapers, etc.)
13. __________ It may be offered under public, semipublic, and private sponsorship,
Also it may be classified under local, national, or international levels.
14. _________ A face to face interaction or meeting between two or more persons,
directed toward a purpose like to obtain information amd facts, to give instructions, and
to help.
15. _________ This refers to the human resources or personnel administration, which
includes the realization of the agency's tenure, salaries, vacations, and working
conditions, and the eavaluation of the performance of the membera of the staff to
ensure efficient service and fair treatment.
17. _________ This is a process which is comprised of different activities that may
include the giving of material assistance, referrals, and rendering emotional and
psychological support, expression of acceptance, and reassurance, amomg others.
19. _________This can either be knowledge, an attitude and behavior which the source
wishes to convey to the receiver that can be transmitted verbally, nonverbally, and
through symbols.
20. ____________ These are reports containing data obtained prior to admission and
entering into a helping relationship.
1. Refers to the restorative, curative, and remedial actions. Social workers are
responsible to assist individuals and groups to determine and settle or reduce the
problem that came out of the imbalance between the individuals and environment. This
function attempts to put back the person to a balanced state of social functioning.
a. Preventative
b. Rehabilitative
c. Developmental function
d. Non e of the above
2. They are those who as a result of periodic or continuous use of drugs (usually in the
form of sedatives, stimulants, and hallucinogens) have developed a physical and or
psychological need for reliance on these drugs to the extent that their denial produces
adverse effects om themselves.
a. Drug courier
b. Drug abuser
c. Drug dependents
d. None of the above
3. Social workers may explore their careers in secondary settings taht include the
following except:
a. Schools
b. Hospitals
c. Correctional facilities
d. Chils-caring agencies
4. International social work is the professional practice and the capacity for international
actiom by the social work professio and its members.
International action has four dimensions that include the following except:
a. International practice
b. Work ethics
c. Professional exchange
d. International policy development and advocacy
5. NASW identified standards on the ethical responsibility to clients and these are the
following except for:
a. Conflict interest
b. Informed consent
c. Privacy and confidentiality
d. Interdisciplinary collaboration
6. The Philippine Association of Social Workers Inc. has formulated social worker's
_____________ which made up of it's beliefs and standards of ethical conduct in
following areas: relative to the profession, to clients, and colleagues.
a. Greed
b. Standards and policies
c. Guidance for Conduct Work
d. Cide of Ethics
Category 4 3 2 1
Content. Completely Shows Somehow Does not show
shows the significant shows relevant important
profile of the information information information
agency le basic about the about the about the
information agency agency but agency
programs and seems
services, incomplete
processes, etc
Quality Exerted efforts Exerted efforts Tries to present Unprepared
extraordinary and somehow a good material and does not
prepared with prepared the but somehow exhibit any
the use of agency profile lacks the effort creativity in the
multi-media to to be presented in doing it prepation of
present yhe materials
agency profile
Presentation Creatively and Able to present Able to present Does not
critically the material the material but demostrate a
presents the and somehow lacks insightfu creative and
materials attempts to do critical
critical analysis presentation of