2336-Article Text-9350-1-10-20110204 PDF
2336-Article Text-9350-1-10-20110204 PDF
2336-Article Text-9350-1-10-20110204 PDF
Sustainability implies using, developing and protecting resources in such a manner that enables
society to meet current needs and provides that future generations will be able to meet their needs,
from the joint perspective of economic, environmental and social objectives. Sustainable resource
use implies a concern for intergenerational equity in the long-term decision making of society. The
purpose of this paper is to evaluate the concepts of sustainable development from the perspective
of infrastructure resource allocation, and in particular for sustainable transportation. The concept
and methods of assessing sustainable transportation are discussed. Most state transportation
agencies use performance measures to define specific transportation strategies rather than having
a comprehensive sustainable transportation policy. Planning for transportation sustainability
requires a paradigm shift changing the way people think about and solve transportation problems.
S ustainability involves the concern for intergenerational equity or fairness in the long term decision making
of an entire society. It is the recognition of the role of finite environmental resources in that decision
making process. The concept of sustainability or sustainable development has been discussed by
economists and researchers for hundreds of years. As far back as the 1700s, Malthus expressed concern about the
growing population in Britain and whether there was enough land to feed and support the people (Malthus, 1798).
Jevons, in 1865, was concerned about Britain’s energy consumption and if it could be sustained on the available
supply of coal (Jevons, 1977). Classical economic themes emerge in the 1950’s exploring the relationship between
economic growth and distribution (Kaldor, 1957). In 1960, Piero Sraffa, building on the framework of David
Ricardo, wrote that the problems of an economy should be viewed in terms of the conditions it must satisfy in order
to sustain itself and grow (Sraffa, 1960). In The Limits to Growth, Meadows and others (1972) evaluated the issue of
sustainability of the entire industrialized world given the finite capacity of the planet to provide material inputs. The
publication of this book prompted two additional later publications by Meadows, Beyond the Limits: Confronting
Global Collapse, Envisioning a Sustainable Future (1993) and Limits to Growth: A 30-Year Update (2004),
updating their estimates on the issue of sustainability.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the concept of sustainable development from the perspective of
infrastructure resource allocation and in particular, transportation systems. Sustainable transportation systems
represent a vital aspect of infrastructure resource allocation. Most transportation agencies use only performance
measures as a way to define specific transportation strategies rather than incorporating sustainability into their
overall mission and vision statements. This manuscript is organized as follows: First, a brief discussion of
sustainable development is provided. The next two sections discuss the concepts involved in sustainable
transportation, how performance measures have been used to define specific transportation strategies, and how this
approach does not always achieve sustainable transportation. The final section offers conclusions and implications.
The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (ICUN) World Conservation
Strategy first used the term sustainable development in1980 (World Bank, 1996). In 1983, the United Nations
Journal of Business & Economics Research – September, 2009 Volume 7, Number 9
established the Brundland Commission to propose long-term strategies for achieving sustainable development. In
1987, this commission published a report, Our Common Future, that detailed issues related to sustainable
development and the change of policies needed. Out of this report came one of the most commonly used definitions
of sustainable development, that “sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (WCED, 1987). Another early
contribution to the literature of sustainable development was by Barbier in “The Concept of Sustainable Economic
Development” (Barbier, 1987). In this article, Barbier emphasized the environmental, economic and social features
of sustainability and goes on to emphasize that environmental sustainability, economic sustainability, and social
sustainability are separate but interrelated concepts.
Thus, sustainable development can be considered to be development that improves the standard of living
and quality of life, while at the same time protecting and enhancing the natural environment. Sustainable
development is sensitive to environmental and social constraints, including indirect and long-term impacts. It is also
concerned with intergenerational equity and ecological viability, ensuring that people living in the future receive a
fair share of existing resources.
In the article, “Toward Some Operational Principles of Sustainable Development,” Daly discusses three
principles of sustainable development:
Daly assumed that sustainability requires that total capital (human-made plus natural) be maintained intact,
and that natural and human-made capital are complements rather than substitutes (Daly, 1990). Sustainable
development maintains a distinction between growth (increased quantity) and development (increased quality). It
focuses on social welfare outcomes rather than simply measuring material wealth, and questions common economic
indicators such as Gross Domestic Product, which measures the quantity but not the quality of market activities.
There are constraints to the sustainable development such as environmental issues and the need for
conservation of natural resources. These constraints act as a driving force for addressing sustainability, and are
broadly defined as:
Resource Constraints: Non-renewable resources should not be used without enabling the production of
substitutes, and renewable resources should not be used at a faster rate than they can be reproduced.
Ecological Constraints: The ecological boundaries are exceeded if more waste is put into the ecological
system than the system can safely absorb or if the system is damaged by taking excessive amounts of good
arable land to provide transportation and other infrastructure needs.
Environmental Constraints: Excessive pollution damages the environment and can result in health
problems for humans and damage to plant species. Pollution can also result in climate changes, which can
cause floods, droughts, and increased diseases.
The principles of sustainable development that are implied in the definition include intergenerational equity
and multi-dimensionality. Intergenerational equity refers to ensuring that current and future generations enjoy an
acceptable quality of life. There should also be an equitable distribution of resources between communities and
generations. Assessment of sustainability should always be dynamic (adaptable to changes over time) and represent
a continuum of varying degrees of sustainability, rather than a discrete assessment of what is sustainable or
There are three dimensions of sustainable development, social equity, economic development, and
environmental stewardship. Each is interrelated and at the same time should be simultaneously evaluated. These
dimensions can be described as:
Journal of Business & Economics Research – September, 2009 Volume 7, Number 9
Social Equity
o People must be able to interact with one another and nature.
o A safe and secure environment must be provided.
o There must be equity between societies and generations.
o There must be adequate access to employment and other opportunities.
o Important considerations also include equity, safety, security, human health, education and quality of life.
Economic Development
o Resources need to be adequately maintained.
o Financial and economic needs of current and future generations must be met.
o There must be adequate mobility to move people goods, and services.
o Important considerations also include business activity, employment, productivity, tax issues and trade.
Environmental Stewardship
o Use renewable resources at below their rates of regeneration and nonrenewable resources at below the rates
of development of renewable substitutes.
o Provide a clean environment for current and future generations.
o Important considerations also include pollution prevention, climate protection, habitat preservation and
Special attention has recently been given in the literature to the concept of sustainable current and future
land use and transportation patterns. This reflects the impacts that current patterns of transportation have on the
environment and the often complex interactions between transportation, land use, and population activity.
Sustainable transportation is thus seen as transportation that meets mobility needs while at the same time preserving
and enhancing communities and their ecosystems (Litman, 2005). It is the provision of safe, effective, and efficient
access and mobility into the future while considering the economic, social, and environmental needs of society
(Jeon, 2005).
The concept of a sustainable transportation system has been discussed since the early 1990s. One of the
early definitions proposed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) defined
sustainable transportation as; “transportation that does not endanger public health or ecosystems and meets mobility
needs consistent with (a) use of renewable resources at below their rates of regeneration and (b) use of non-
renewable at below the rates of development of renewable substitutes” (OECD, 1994) However, this definition
specifies what the transportation should not be rather than what it should be. This definition also fails to recognize
one of the key features of sustainability, intergenerational equity.
In 2001, the Ministry of Transport of the 15 European Union countries adopted a resolution entitled,
Strategy For Integrating Environment and Sustainable Development Into the Transport Policy. This April
Resolution defined a sustainable transport system as one that:
“Allows the basic access and development needs of individuals, companies and societies to be met safely
and in a manner consistent with human and ecosystem health, and promotes equity within and between
successive generations;
Is affordable, operates fairly and efficiently, offers choice of transport mode, and supports a competitive
economy, as well as balanced regional development;
Limits emissions and waste within the planet’s ability to absorb them, uses renewable resources at or below
their rates of generation, and, uses nonrenewable resources at or below the rates of development of
renewable substitutes while minimizing the impact on the use of land and production of noise” (EU, 2001).
The New Zealand Ministry for the Environment extended this definition to include the layout of cities and
the balance of transport investments. Their policy states:
Journal of Business & Economics Research – September, 2009 Volume 7, Number 9
“Sustainable transport is about finding ways to move people, goods, and information in ways that reduce its
impact on the environment, the economy, and society. Some options include:
Improving transport choice by increasing the quality of public transport, cycling and walking facilities,
services and environments
Using cleaner fuels and techniques
Using telecommunications to reduce or replace physical travel, such as tele-working or tele-shopping
Planning the layout of our cities to bring people and their needs closer together
Developing policies that allow and promote these options, such as the New Zealand Transport Strategy”
(New Zealand, 2008)
In the United States, sustainable transportation has been the subject of research for over a decade (Black,
2002). However, sustainability has not been explicitly mentioned in the mission and vision statements of most
transportation agencies, and they only touch upon sustainability concerns indirectly. Sustainable transportation
should be seen as an expression of sustainable development in the transportation sector. Sustainability of
transportation systems can be largely defined through the impacts of the system on the economy, environment, and
general social well-being. It can thus be measured according to transportation system efficiency and its impact on
the natural environment.
With the implementation of the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) in 1993, all government
agencies in the U.S. including transportation-related agencies were mandated to engage in project management tasks
such as setting goals, measuring results, and reporting their progress. Performance measures are one method that can
be used to define specific transportation strategies in the operationalization phase. Performance measures originated
as a management tool used by private-sector organizations to evaluate progress toward goals using measurable
results or targets. Performance measures translate data and statistics into succinct information that can be readily
understood. They can be used across all aspects of an agency or department to help identify trends, predict problems,
assess options, set performance targets, and evaluate the organization.
In 1997, a study was conducted in the U.S. of 36 states’ Department of Transportation agencies to review
state-of-the-practice in performance measurement (Poister, 1997). It found that the most commonly used measures
were in the areas of highway maintenance, safety, highway construction, public transit, and aviation. Fewer agencies
used performance measures for rail and water transport, and for general administration and organizational
effectiveness. This study suggested that performance measurement should undergo a paradigm shift to encompass
measures of mobility, livability, accessibility, and sustainability.
There have been several research studies undertaken in the United States regarding the use of performance
measures and their role in the transportation sector (NCHRP, 2000), (NCHRP, 2006) (Rosa et al, 2008). One of the
most important concepts to emerge from the use of performance measures is the need for public involvement.
Sustainable development reflects a community’s values and as such they should be included in the planning process.
Also, because sustainable transportation often involves changes in community infrastructure design, residents need
to feel a stake in the decision making process. Oregon is one of the very few states to have incorporated
sustainability as a specific goal in their state-wide transportation plan. Oregon’s sustainability goal states, “Meet
present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs from the perspective of the
Journal of Business & Economics Research – September, 2009 Volume 7, Number 9
environment, economy and communities. Encourage conservation and communities that integrate land use and
transportation choice” (Oregon Transportation Commission, 2006).
In designing and carrying out sustainable transportation planning that can simultaneously support economic
development, protect the environment, and improve social equity, there are many conflicting issues to be resolved.
The transportation sector has been the focus of this paper since it plays such a prominent role in many issues that
sustainable development aims to address, such as greenhouse gas emissions, urban sprawl and habitat destruction.
With transportation being one of the largest contributors of greenhouse gas emissions and transportation-related air
pollution, many uncertainties persist about the nature and severity of these environmental problems. State
transportation agencies need to undertake a paradigm shift to incorporate sustainability in their long-range
transportation plan. Planning for sustainability requires changing the way people think about and solve
transportation problems. It demands a more comprehensive analysis of impacts and the consideration of a broader
range of solutions. Integrated solutions are necessary and any optimal solution must include a balance between
economic, social and ecological objectives.
Dr. Duane J. Rosa is Professor Economics and Regional Division Director of the Texas Transportation Institute at
West Texas A&M University. He has been with the university since 1984. Dr. Rosa holds a Ph.D. in economics
from Texas Tech University and Master’s degrees in engineering and economics from the University of Oklahoma
and the University of Nevada Las Vegas. He teaches courses in environmental economics, managerial economics,
and microeconomic theory. Dr. Rosa was a Fulbright Professor at the University of Iceland in 1992 and 1994. His
research and professional publications are in the areas of energy, water resources and transportation.
1. Barbier, E.B. (1987), “The Concept of Sustainable Economic Development,” Environmental Conservation
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2. Black, J., Paez, A., and Suthanaya, P. (2002), “Sustainable Urban Transportation: Performance Indicators
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11. Malthus, T.R. (1976), An Essay on the Principle of Population. New York: Norton (Originally published in
12. Meadows, D.H., Meadows, D.L., Randers, J., Behrens III, William (1972), The Limits to Growth, Signet
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Journal of Business & Economics Research – September, 2009 Volume 7, Number 9
13. Meadows, D.H., Meadows, D.L., Randers, J., Behrens III, William (1993), Beyond The Limits: Confronting
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14. Meadows, D.H., Meadows, D.L., Randers, J., Behrens III, William (2004), Limits to Growth: A 30 Year
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17. New Zealand, Ministry for the Environment (2008), New Zealand Transport Strategy (NZTS), Wellington,
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23. WCED (World Commission on Environment and Development -1987), Our Common Future, Oxford
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24. World Bank (1996), Sustainable Transportation: Priorities for Policy Reform, Washington, D.C.