Pre-School Teacher in Singapore
Pre-School Teacher in Singapore
Pre-School Teacher in Singapore
1. I gain the experience by working here in Singapore because it is multicultural country so it has
Malay, Chinese, Indian, and English, they have their own languages.
2. Here in Singapore, especially the older ones, they talk to you in their own mother tongue. So for
you to understand them, you must learn their own language. For example, the way they say
brother, the way they say sister, the way they count.
3. So from what I saw here in Singapore, if you are native speaker talking to a non-native speaker
you will use English that is easy for them to understand so that you can able to communicate with
them better.
4. I cannot answer it because I am a Filipino.
5. So for us to be aware of these, we must teach it in the school, so the children will know what is
these, why should we learn these, and how can we use it.
Pre-school teacher in Singapore
1. I gain experience in intercultural communication when I started working here in Singapore, where
in they got a lot of races and a lot of different culture that you will encounter and different kind
of people, different kind of languages.
2. I can say yes that I experienced a lot of problems in communicating with other nationalities, and
the most problem that I can say is the way they speak or the word, and the word that they use is
different on the words that we are using in the Philippines. Aside from that, their accent and the
way they pronounce the words are quite different from us.
3. Yes I have noticed some differences when they are communicating with other people. Because
for me, different nationalities have different way of interacting to other people or communicating
with other nationalities. We Filipinos, for me, are very polite or they (Filipino) are using polite
words to say or to talk to others. While the other nationalities are quite straight forwards, and
they are using some words that is not clear to others.
4. I can say that it is easy to communicate to the Filipino when using our own language, because
there is no hesitation to deliver the words or the thoughts that we want them to know. While
when we are talking to the tourist or the transnational students, it is quite hard because for
example here in Singapore there are Chinese people who can’t really understand simple English
and you have to speak to them with sentence for us is grammatically incorrect because that is the
way they understand the sentence, that’s the way they understand you on what you are trying to
say. Unlike when we are talking to the Filipino or our fellow Filipinos, it is very easy to speak or
start conversation with them because you both know the language that you are speaking.
5. For me the best way to improve these matter are reading and being exposed to different kind of
cultures and languages, and to be exposed to speak to other nationalities.
ESL teacher in Singapore
1. I started communicating with people from other country because my job is an ESL teacher, so
basically I teach people how to speak in English. And through that I also learned how to speak in
different languages but not fluently, I just learned how to communicate with them with basic
knowledge of other languages like Korean and Japanese.
2. Yes there are a lot of instances where in I had some difficulties communication with my students
and with other people, because their language is not really English so they have to learn that
language. There is a struggle, but I think that it not really difficult as long as you try to express
yourself better, and by the use of internet and technology we can be able to translate, so I think
that is a good plus. And if you are like me, you are a teacher, I think that you should have more
patience when it comes to some students or some clients who are having difficulties speaking in
and conveying their messages in English, because if we are going to switch back, I cannot
understand them in their language so it is going to be difficult. I am happy that there is language
that is called English that we can really use as one especially here in Singapore because most
people communicate in English.
3. There are other people from other countries who are having trouble when it comes to
communication, and relate to people who often speak their language especially Japanese and
Korean, they still would talk to their original language even though they are aware that they are
not being understood at all. So, I think that is very important for people to learn English especially
when you are in a country like Singapore, because it is a country of different nations or
nationalities, so it really important to have one language.
4. One good thing about being an ESL instructor is we work – taught about different expression and
words to be used, because in the Philippines there is a lot of Filipino-English terms that if you are
going to use those in other countries they wouldn’t be able understand them. Like for example
when we say ‘bottomless’, in the Philippines there is unlimited water or unlimited iced tea, so
instead of saying that, we can say ‘refillable’ because there is no such thing as ‘bottomless’. So, I
think that it is really important for Filipinos to know that since we are an English speaking country,
we are able to make our own expressions that are not really present in other countries. So, think
that is one way for me to relate to other people from other countries, and that is being completely
aware of the international term and Filipino-English.
5. One tip I can give you is that not every country are the same, we have different culture and
traditions, as well as beliefs, so we must respect them in order to have a better communication. I
think that language is very important, but I think that awareness about those different stuff are
also important and those are necessities to have a better understanding. If you are in the
Philippines, when you are working with a Filipino, I think that, it is not really that difficult to
understand and relate to them because we are very open and more liberated in comparison to
other countries in Asia. But that being said, I think that, in other countries like Korean, China and
Japan they are more conservative, so you should learn how to communicate with them, and not
try offend them in any ways. So I think that cultural awareness is very important.