CS 251 Fall 2018 Final Exam
CS 251 Fall 2018 Final Exam
CS 251 Fall 2018 Final Exam
120 Points
Select and circle all options (if any) that result in a true statement
about the C function’s runtime.
Circle ALL options that result in
a true statement.
(A) ...𝑂(1)”
(B) ...𝑂(𝑂)”
(C) ...𝛩(𝑂𝑂𝑂 𝑂)”
(D) ...𝛩(𝑂 𝑂𝑂𝑂 𝑂)”
(E) ...𝑂(𝑂2 )”
(A) ...𝑂(𝑂3 )”
(B) ...𝛩(𝑂2 )”
while(i<j) {
while(i<j && a[i] <= z) (C) ...𝑂(𝑂 𝑂𝑂𝑂 𝑂)”
i++; (D) ...𝛩(𝑂)”
while(j>i && a[j] > z)
j--; (E) ...𝑂(𝑂𝑂𝑂 𝑂)”
tmp = a[i];
a[i] = a[j]; Circle ALL options that result
a[j] = tmp; in a true statement.
} “The best-case runtime of wild
} is…
(A) ...𝑂(1)”
(B) ...𝑂(𝑂𝑂𝑂 𝑂)”
(C) ...𝛩(𝑂)”
(D) ...𝛩(𝑂 𝑂𝑂𝑂 𝑂)”
(E) ...𝑂(𝑂2 )”
Circle ALL options that result in
a true statement.
void stuff(int a[], int n) {
int i, j; “The worst-case runtime of stuff
int beans=10*n; is…
Question 3 (8 points):
// Algorithm 1
Build a min-heap on all n elements.
Perform k delete-mins and return the result of the last delete min.
return the max element in the heap after this process.
Algorithm 2:
(b) T F If 𝑂(𝑂) = 𝑂(2) + 𝑂 then 𝑂(𝑂) = 𝑂(𝑂 𝑂𝑂𝑂 𝑂). Assume 𝑂(1) is
(c) T F If 𝑂(𝑂) = 𝑂( 3 ) + 1 (and 𝑂(1) is a constant) then
𝑂(𝑂) = 𝑂(𝑂𝑂𝑂 𝑂)
Question 6 (20 points): The incomplete C++ function below which takes two
● A binary search tree (containing doubles) as a bst_node pointer to its
root and
● a double x.
The function is supposed to return the value in the tree that is closest to
Feel free to write helper functions if you like. Your solution must be
completely self-contained -- exception: you may use the library function
fabs() for computing absolute values (or do it yourself if necessary). More
space on the next page.
struct bst_node {
double val;
bst_node *left;
bst_ node *right;
Question 8 (8 points): The following statement is FALSE:
“If a DAG has a single vertex with indegree zero, invoking breadth-
first search from that vertex will label/process the vertices in a
valid topological order.”
struct edge {
int vertex_id;
double weight;
edge ( int vtx_id=0, double _weight=1.0)
: vertex_id { vtx_id}, weight { _weight}
{ }
struct vertex {
int id;
vector<edge> outgoing;
vector<edge> incoming;
string name;
vector<vertex> vertices;
unordered_set<string> edges;
struct vertex_label {
double dist;
// int pred; <<<<<<====== oops -- no predecessor!
char state;
int npaths;
/* ...... */
bool extract_path(const vector<vertex_label> & rpt,
int dest, vector<int> & path) {
if(rpt.size() != num_nodes())
return false;