d8s-s3 NAT-HLA
d8s-s3 NAT-HLA
d8s-s3 NAT-HLA
1.1 Sub rule 3 of Rule 9 and Rule 57 of the Aircraft Rules, 1937 stipulate
that every airplane shall be fitted with instrument and equipment,
including radio apparatus and special equipment, as may be specified
according to the use and circumstances under which the flight is to be
1.2. In accordance with the NAT HLA to PBN Transition Plan for the ICAO
North Atlantic Region, with effect from 04 February 2016 that airspace
formerly known as the “North Atlantic Minimum Navigational
Specifications Airspace” (MNPSA), but excluding the BOTA (Brest
Oceanic Transition Area) and SOTA (Shannon Oceanic Transition
Area) areas and with the addition of the BODO Oceanic FIR (FL285-
420 inclusive), is re-designated as the “North Atlantic High Level
Airspace” (NAT HLA). However, recognizing that ICAO Annex 6
allows for a “minimum navigation performance specification” to be
regionally specified in Regional Supplementary Procedures Doc 7030,
it has been determined to maintain reference to a “MNPS” in the NAT
Region within NAT Doc 7030 and in the guidance material (Doc 007),
within particular contexts. Thus, approvals initially issued to operate in
the NAT MNPSA are referred to as “NAT MNPS” approvals and
approvals issued to operate in the NAT HLA are referred to as “NAT
HLA MNPS” approvals. Otherwise, except in respect of historical
references, from Edition 2016 of this document (NAT Doc.007) and
subsequently, previous references to “Minimum Navigation
Performance Specifications” and “MNPS” are replaced by “North
Atlantic High Level Airspace Specifications” and “NAT HLA”. NAT HLA.
Approvals granted prior to this (04 Feb 2016) change will continue to
be valid for NAT HLA operations. However, those issued prior to 01
1.3. The CAR lays down the requirements concerning operations and
airworthiness approval of navigation equipment in NAT HLA Airspace.
The requirements stipulated in this CAR must be complied with by
operators intending to operate their airplanes in NAT HLA airspace.
1.4. The CAR is consistent with Sub rule 3 of Rule 9, Rule 57 of the Aircraft
Rules 1937 and is issued under the provisions of Rule 133A of the
Aircraft Rules, 1937 for information, guidance and compliance by the
concerned commercial and general aviation operators operating to,
through and within the NAT HLA airspace. The contents of this CAR
are consistent with the provisions of ICAO Annex 6, ICAO Doc 4444
and ICAO Doc 7030 on the subject.
2.1 A large portion of the airspace of the North Atlantic Region, through
which the majority of these North Atlantic crossings route between FLs
285 and 420 inclusive, is designated as the NAT High Level Airspace
(NAT HLA). Within this airspace a formal Approval Process by the
State of Registry of the aircraft or the State of the Operator ensures
that aircraft meet defined NAT HLA Standards and that appropriate
crew procedures and training have been adopted. The lateral
dimensions of the NAT HLA airspace include the following Control
Areas (CTAs):
2.2 The main reference document for operations in NAT HLA is NAT Doc
007 - Guidance concerning Air Navigation in and above the NAT HLA
which is required to be complied by all operators in this airspace.
3.2 Presently NAT HLA requirements are applicable in the North Atlantic
Airspace (NAT). However, NAT HLA requirements may be imposed in
any other airspace by the ATS providers. Specifications may not be
exactly similar to that of NAT HLA. To meet, the accuracy requirements
for navigation in the particular NAT HLA Airspace, appropriate
equipment shall be installed for such operations. Individual approval is
required for each aircraft and the operator to operate in each NAT HLA
airspace as and when such areas are notified and operator wishes to
operate in such airspace.
3.3 Special arrangements for the penetration of NAT HLA airspace by non-
NAT HLA approved aircraft in accordance with NAT Doc 007 (latest
3.4 Special arrangements for the penetration of NAT HLA airspace by non-
RVSM approved aircraft in accordance with NAT Doc 007 (latest
4.2.1 For aircraft which is approved for operations within NAT MNPS/HLA
Airspace prior to January 2015, shall have a navigation performance
capability such that:
(a) the standard deviation of lateral track errors shall be less than
6.3 NM (11.7 km);
(b) the proportion of total flight time spent by the aircraft 30 NM (56
km) or more off the cleared track shall be less than 5.3 x 10-4;
4.2.2 For approvals issued after January 2015, the navigation system
accuracy requirements for NAT MNPSA/HLA operation should only be
based on the PBN specifications, RNP 10 (PBN application of RNAV
10) or RNP 4. Although when granting consequent approval for
operations in MNPS/NAT HLA airspace, RNP 10 time limits for aircraft
equipped with dual INS or inertial reference unit (IRU) systems will be
considered by DGCA.
Note 1: Currently the only GNSS system fully operational and for
which approval material is available, is GPS.
Note : Some aircraft may carry two independent LRNS but only
one FMCS. Such an arrangement may meet track keeping
parameters but does not provide the required redundancy (in
terms of continuous indication of position relative to track or of
automatic steering guidance) should the FMCS fail; therefore, in
order to obtain NAT HLA certification, dual FMCS is required to
be carried. For example: a single INS is considered to be one
LRNS; and an FMCS with inputs from one or more IRS/ISS is
also considered to be a single LRNS.
(d) Since MNPS Airspace is now designated as RVSM airspace
at all levels (i.e. FL 290-410 inclusive) specific State RVSM
Approval is also required to operate within NAT HLA.
RVSM approvals prescribe both airworthiness requirements
to ensure aircraft height-keeping performance in accordance
with the RVSM Minimum Aircraft System Performance
Specification (MASPS), and also crew operating procedures.
6.2 Each operator shall have a system of evaluation and recording Inertial
Navigation System radial errors and ensure that such defects when
reported are duly rectified.
7.1 Introduction
7.1.1 The operating crew shall be adequately trained and kept proficient for
operation of aircraft in NAT HLA and shall be fully aware of the
procedures to be followed. During operations in NAT HLA if there is
any failure, the pilot shall inform the concerned ATC immediately and
comply with their instructions. Operators shall ensure that appropriate
guidance is provided to all flight dispatchers in accordance with NAT
Doc 007 (latest version).
7.1.2 All initial NAT HLA training courses must be approved by the FSD,
DGCA prior to use and the syllabus incorporated in the Operations
Manual. Recurrent training is required on an annual basis. The
following items detailed below should be standardized and
incorporated into training programmes and operating practices and
(b) MNPS procedures for NAT (and other areas when applicable)
12. FEES
Fees for NAT HLA approval on first aircraft type with the operator shall
be Rs Ten Thousand only.
(B S Bhullar)
Director General of Civil Aviation