Personality Theories Matrix
Personality Theories Matrix
Personality Theories Matrix
■Genetic versus environmental influences ■Conscious versus unconscious behavior ■Free will versus determinism
Freud’s psychosexual
stages describe the
major themes
encountered during
Oral-Focus on oral
Anal-Concern with
anus and feces.
Phallic-Fear of
castration from father--
sexual desires for one’s
Latency-Absence of
strong sexual energy.
Genital-Maturity of
Fixation caused by
traumatic events during
any of the pregenital
stages can result in
excessive libido being
attached to that stage
of development (i.e.,
excessively seeking
gratification). This
fixation can produce
disturbances and
impact the development
of one’s personality.
Practitioners Sigmund Freud Alfred Adler Gordon Alport Hans Eysenck Carl Rogers John B. Watson George Kelly
Carl Jung Henry Murray Arnold Buss Abraham Maslow B. F. Skinner Albert Ellis
Erik Erikson Raymond B. Robert Plomin Julian Rotter
Karen Horney Cattell Albert Bandura
Harry Stack
Erich Fromm