Author: Sponsor:
Hossein Alzubaidi Swedish National Road Administration
Operation and maintenance of gravel roads – A Literature Atudy
Gravel roads form a large percentage of the road network in Sweden. The public road network under the
jurisdiction of the Swedish National Road Administration has a total length of some 98,000 kilometres.
About 22,000 km of this network consist of gravel roads. In addition, there are about 74,000 kilometres
of private road and 210,000 kilometres of forest roads.
The report describes the present position in the operation and maintenance of gravel roads. It presents a
comprehensive literature survey of current and recent national and international research. It deals only
with summer maintenance and focuses primarily on roads surfaced with aggregate.
1-Definitions and terms regarding the operation and maintenance of gravel roads.
2-General description of the Swedish road network.
3-Major factors causing deterioration of gravel roads.
4-Technical requirements for Swedish gravel roads.
5-Factors, which influence the operation and maintenance of gravel roads.
6-Operation and maintenance methods.
7-Condition assessment of gravel roads.
8-Planning and evaluation of operation and maintenance measures.
This study of the literature forms the first part of a PhD project "Efficient
production methods in the operation and maintenance of gravel roads". The
project is carried out in the Centre for Research and Education in the Operation
and Maintenance of Infrastructure (CDU), with financial assistance from the
Swedish National Road Administration (SNRA), Management of State Roads.
The project is carried out at the Swedish National Road and Transport Research
Institute (VTI). My principal supervisor and examiner is Professor Rolf
Magnusson, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). Project manager at VTI is Lars
Bäckman, and the SNRA representative is Ulf Påhlsson. A combined steering and
reference group has been formed for the project, comprising the following
Hossein Alzubaidi
Summary vi!
1 Introduction 1
1.1 "#$%&'()*+!! 1
1.2 ,-.!#/0 2
1.3 1/0/2#2/(*3 2
1.4 4*5('0#2/(*!3.#'$- 3
2 Definitions 4
2.1 67.'#2/(*!#*+!0#/*2.*#*$. 4
2.2 8#/*2.*#*$.!!!!4
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2.4 92#:/;/3#2/(*!#*+!32'.*&2-.*/*&!!!!7
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2.6 ,-.!32')$2)'.!(5!2-.!'(#+ 9
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4.2.3 <)32 31 <.5/*/2/(*!(5!+)32 31 ,-.!J)#*2/2=!(5!+)32 32 8.#3)'.0.*2!(5!J)#*2/2/.3!(5!+)32 34
4.2.4 H('')/(* 35 ,=7.3!(5!$('')/(* 35 F'#$2/$#;!0.#3)'.3!2(!$()*2.'#$2!$('')/(* 37
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4.2.6 I)23 40
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4.2.8 K'(32!+#0#&. 42 K'(32!-.#@. 42 9(52.*/*& 43 K'(32!:(/; 43 92(*.!0/&'#2/(* 43 H'(335#;; 54 1.#32!#$$.72#:;.!$(*+/2/(*!$;#33!!!!!54 <'#/*#&. 55 9;(7.3 55! K'/$2/(* 55 U)#;/2=!(5!>.#'/*&!$()'3. 55 K'..+(0!5'(0!(:32#$;.3 55 </@.'3/(*!(5!2'#55/$ 55 97.$/#;!$(*+/2/(*3 56
7.1.5 ,-.!:.*.5/23!(5!+)32!$(*2'(;!!!!125
7.1.6 H-(/$.!(5!+)32!$(*2'(;!#&.*2 127
7.1.7 1#:('#2('=!2.323!2(!.@#;)#2.!+)32!$(*2'(;!#&.*23 128
7.2 G'#+/*&!(5!&'#@.;!'(#+3 130
7.2.1 9)'5#$.!&'#+/*&!#*+!+..7!&'#+/*& 131
7.2.2 K#$2('3!>-/$-!/*5;).*$.!&'#+/*& 132
7.2.3 K'.J).*$=!#*+!2/0.3!(5!=.#' 132
7.2.4 8.2-(+!37.$/5/$#2/(*!5('!&'#+/*& 132
7.2.5 F;#*2!#*+!.J)/70.*2!5('!&'#+/*& 134
7.2.6 H(323!(5!&'#+/*& 140
7.2.7 \]7.'/.*$.!5'(0!&'#+/*& 141
7.3 I.&'#@.;;/*&! 142
7.4 \+&.!2'/00/*&!#*+!#&&'..!'.$=$;/*& 144
7.4.1 W('%/*&!0.2-(+3!/*!#&&'..!'.$=$;/*& 145
7.5 W#2.'/*&! 147
7.6 F#2$-/*&! 148
7.7 <'#&&/*&! 149
7.8! </2$-/*& 151
7.9 I.0(@/*&!32(*.3!5'(0!2-.!'(#+ 152
10 References 213
Appendix No 1- 1.*&2-3!#*+!7.'$.*2#&.3!(5!+/55.'.*2!>.#'/*&!$()'3.!2=7.3!/*!
Appendix No 2- G'#@.;!'(#+!/*37.$2/(*!3-..2
Appendix No 3- c*3)'5#$.+!'(#+!/*37.$2/(*!3-..2!
Gravel roads form a large percentage of the road network in Sweden. The public
road network under the jurisdiction of the Swedish National Road Administration
(SNRA) has a total length of some 98,015 km. About 22% (22,136 km) of this
network consists of gravel roads. In addition, there are about 74,000 km of private
roads and 210,000 km of forest roads. The Swedish National Road Administration
has recognised the need for more research concerning gravel roads. The need to
optimise the costs of maintaining optimum quality has been of great concern to
This report describes the present position in the operation and maintenance of
gravel roads. It presents a comprehensive literature survey of current and recent
national and international research, and deals only with summer maintenance.
Summer in Sweden extends from May to October. The report focuses primarily
on roads surfaced with aggregate, and forms the first part of a PhD project,
"Efficient production methods in the operation and maintenance of gravel roads".
The project will be carried out in collaboration between the Swedish National
Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) and the Department of Infrastructure
and Planning, Highway Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH).
The report consists of eleven chapters. A brief description of the content of each
chapter is given below.
Chapter 1 discusses the background to the PhD project, the aim of the current
report. This chapter also presents the limitations this literature study is subject to
and how the search of information is performed.
Chapter 2 gives a review of several definitions and terms regarding the operation
and maintenance of gravel roads. These include maintenance, operation,
stabilisation, unsealed roads, different wearing courses and different layers in the
road structure.
Chapter 3 provides general information on the Swedish road network. The extent
of gravel roads is described in tabular form. The chapter also contains details such
as length, traffic volume, speed limits, road width and maintenance costs.
Corresponding information on other types of wearing course is given for
Chapter 4 briefly describes the major factors which cause deterioration of gravel
roads. These include routine maintenance activities, traffic and climatic factors.
The chapter also discusses surface damage and problems associated with gravel
roads and their development in connection with the above factors. The major
problems are dust, corrugations, potholes, insufficient drainage, loose aggregate
and frost damage.
Chapter 5 sets out the technical requirements for gravel roads in Sweden which
are applied by the Swedish National Road Administration. These requirements
mainly relate to materials and workmanship concerning gravel wearing course,
Chapter 6 deals with factors which affect the frequency and cost of the
maintenance of gravel roads. These include road standard, traffic, aggregate
characteristics, and geometric and climatic factors. Traffic is one of the man made
factors that affect gravel roads, and the types and speeds of vehicles and the
annual average daily traffic (AADT) on the roads all constitute variables in this
context. The effect of geometric factors is seen in terms of road width, cross
section and alignment. Aggregate characteristics comprise proportioning, shape
and type of aggregate.
Chapter 7 describes maintenance methods for gravel layers. These are dust
control, grading, regravelling, ditching, watering and dragging. The chapter also
examines different materials used in dust control such as calcium chloride CaCl2,
magnesium chloride MgCl2, lignosulphonate and bitumen emulsion. The selection
of a suitable dust control agent, total cost, dust control procedures, frequency,
environmental impacts and evaluation of a dust control programme are discussed
Chapter 8 reviews methods for assessing the condition of gravel roads. Methods
of subjective assessment applied or proposed in Sweden, Finland, USA, Canada,
Australia and New Zealand are described. These subjective assessments have been
correlated with objectively measured condition factors such as surface roughness.
Objective measurement methods used in Sweden are described.
Gravel roads constitute more than 22% of the Swedish road network managed
by Swedish National Road Administration (SNRA) for whom maintenance
represents 17% of the total maintenance budget. This chapter discusses the
background to the PhD project and presents the aim of the current report. This
chapter also describes the limitations this literature study is subject to and how the
search of information is performed.
1.1 Background 1
1.2 The aim 2
1.3 Limitations 2
1.4 Information search 3
1.1 Background
Gravel roads make up a considerable proportion of the Swedish road network.
The State maintained road network comprises 98,015 km roads, of which 22,136
km (22%) are gravel roads (1997). Apart from the State gravel roads there are also
about 74,214 km private gravel roads and about 210,000 km forest roads.
The performance of gravel roads is important for rural areas, recreation and
forestry. Gravel roads have societal rather than traffic policy significance. They
represent the end points of the road network and must be kept in a state acceptable
to society and the road user. In certain cases, gravel roads also have a cultural and
historic value.
Should gravel roads be paved? This is a question that is often posed by road
users. In recent years some gravel roads have been given a simple type of
surfacing. For two reasons, however, all gravel roads will not be paved. The first
reason is low road traffic flow, and the second lack of funds.
A large proportion of gravel roads have such a low traffic flow that, from the
standpoints of both business economic (road management authority) and societal
considerations, there is little chance of these being paved. The aim of the Swedish
National Road Administration is to pave gravel roads carrying more than 250
However, owing to lack of funds, all gravel roads that have a high traffic flow will
not be replaced by paved roads in the next few years. The roads are in such a poor
state that they cannot be simply given a surfacing. The wearing course, roadbase
and sub-base must all be reconstructed.
Gravel road research was intensive during the 1930s and 1940s, but has been at
a low level since then. Attention was instead directed towards permanent
At present there is thus a lack of knowledge and research in this field. Greater
competence in the field of gravel road management is therefore desirable if a
transport system of greater long-term sustainability is to be achieved.
1.3 Limitations
The study of the literature is subject to the following limitations:
• The report mainly deals with Nordic conditions.
• The methods for operation and maintenance of gravel roads mainly relate to
measures during the period when roads are free of snow and ice. Winter
maintenance of gravel roads is not dealt with in this report.
• Technical requirements for gravel roads, operation and maintenance methods
and condition assessment refer primarily to the requirements and methods
applied in Sweden.
• The study of the literature does not cover strengthening or improvement
measures. In some cases it has however been difficult to distinguish between
maintenance and strengthening measures.
• Measures, which have the aim of providing gravel roads with a surfacing, are
not included in this literature study.
• The literature study mainly deals with State maintained roads.
B) Dust + Damm(Dust)
The wildcat [?] character indicates that there may be any number of characters
after the word, e.g. road? means roads, road construction, road maintenance.... etc.
The fundamental concepts used in the report are defined in this chapter. These
concepts are operation and maintenance, maintenance, operation, stabilisation,
strengthening, State, municipal, forest roads and private roads, types of wearing
course and the different courses of a road. Terms such as maintenance and
operation will be described in greater detail.
2.2 Maintenance
The Swedish National Road Administration defines the term maintenance as a
measure whose object is to restore the properties of structures, facilities and
devices to the level intended at the time of original construction or a later
improvement (Regulations for Maintenance and Operation, 1990, in Swedish).
He himself thinks that his interpretation of what is comprised in the term paved
road maintenance and gravel road maintenance does not fully agree with the
terminology at present applied by professionals in civil engineering.
Bäckman et al. (1998) give a schematic picture of the way maintenance can be
subdivided; see figure 2.1.
Event Preventive
The term condition controlled maintenance implies that the condition of the
object concerned is checked at regular intervals. It is not until gradual
deterioration causes the object to approach an unacceptable condition that
appropriate measures are taken.
It is worth noting that Sundquist's definitions agree quite well with the operation
and maintenance of bridges, but are often less appropriate for gravel roads.
Service activity and actual maintenance are expressions that are used in some
old literature, but are seldom used now. Service activity is work that is closely
related to keeping the road trafficable and safe in the short term. Examples of this
are dust control, grading, patching and repair of damage such as frost damage
(Bergfalk and Åkeson, 1969).
2.3 Operation
The National Swedish Road Administration defines operation as the measures
necessary to ensure that roads, bridges and traffic facilities at all times have the
functional properties they are designed for (Regulations for Maintenance and
Operation, 1990).
carries. However, it is not clear how adaptation of the standard of the road to
traffic can be determined for a gravel road.
State roads are roads where the Swedish National Road Administration is
responsible for road planning, construction, operation and maintenance.
Municipal roads are streets and roads in local development plan areas in towns
and built-up areas, which are maintained by the municipality.
Private roads are roads maintained by private property owners and other
partnership owners. Private roads may or may not receive a State grant (Private
Roads, 1996, in Swedish). The Swedish National Road Administration is the
authority that administers the allocation of grants for private roads. The generic
term private road has three subdivisions depending on the legal status of the road:
easement roads, agreement roads and privately owned roads.
Forest roads are defined as roads, which predominantly serve forestry interests.
Forest roads are often classified as private roads without a State grant (Forest road
service, 1992, in Swedish).
Lightly trafficked roads are defined as roads with traffic below 1000 AADT or
100 heavy vehicles per day (Bäckman et al., 1998). There are however many
different limits for this definition.
According to Regulations for Maintenance and Operation (1990), gravel roads are
classified as secondary and tertiary county roads. In Sweden they have road
classification numbers of 500 and above.
Average annual daily traffic AADT is a mean value which refers to a mean day
during a certain year for a certain road. If AADT refers to both carriageways of a
two-way road, AADT refers to the total two-way flow and is denoted AADTt
(ROAD 94, 1996).
The road structure consists of embankment and pavement; see figure 2.3.
The pavement is the part of the road construction that is above the formation
level. The pavement consists of wearing course, base course and sub-base and
protection course if any. The pavement has the function of distributing pressure
on the underlying material; see figure 2.3.
The subgrade is defined as that part of the soil to which load is transmitted by a
building, bridge, road structure or similar; see figure 2.3.
The embankment is the part of the road construction between the subgrade and
the formation level. The embankment mainly consists of imported soil and rock
masses; see figure 2.3.
A paved road is defined in ROAD 94 as "A road with a cement or bitumen bound
wearing course or base course. However, a gravel wearing course treated with
emulsion to control dust is not classified as a bitumen bound wearing course".
At present the fraction limits applied in highway engineering are the same as
those in soil mechanics. See table 2.2.
Gravel roads are classified as unpaved roads. Depending on the material in the
wearing course, unpaved roads may be gravel or earth roads. Unpaved roads often
carry little traffic. In foreign literature, unpaved roads are called unpaved,
untreated, unsurfaced, unsealed or unimproved roads. Gravel roads are often
referred to as dirt roads, a name that reflects the state of these roads in some
Oil gravel is a plant mix surfacing in which the binder is road oil and adhesion
between the aggregate and binder is improved by the admixture of an adhesion
agent (Glossary for Bituminous Surfacings, 1976).
Sealed gravel roads have been treated with bitumen emulsion according to the
hard method in order to control dust. See chapter 7.
General description of the Swedish
road network
The aim of this chapter is to illustrate the role played by gravel roads as part of
the Swedish road network. In the following, information concerning the length
and composition of the road network and the proportion of maintenance costs and
traffic volume accounted for by gravel roads will be tabulated. Data for these
tables were obtained from the databank of the Swedish National Road
Administration (VDB), with the exception of tables 3.1 and 3.14 where the data
were obtained from "Statistics from the Swedish National Road Administration",
1997, in Swedish. The data were downloaded in April 1998.
Other national roads 14,610 14,587 14,637 6,616 6,647
Municipal roads 37,925 38,618 38,300 38,900 38,900
According to Table 3.2, the length of gravel roads decreased by 5009 km between
1990 and 1997, from 27,145 km to 22,136 km. This is a reduction by 5.3
percentage points in the total State road length, from 27.3% to 22%. Roads with
single course surface dressing, Y1G, increased by 1747 km during the same
period, from 10,153 km to 11,900 km. This is an increase by 1.6 percentage points
in the State road network, from 10.2% to 11.8%. Figure 3.1 summarises the total
length of gravel roads, Y1G, oil gravel and bituminous roads over the period
Length (km)
Figure 3.1 Total length of the four wearing course types over the period
As will be seen from the table, there is considerable variation in the percentages
of gravel roads in different counties. The county which has the most gravel roads
in relation to the total State length is Västerbotten county which has 3682 km
gravel roads. It is the four most northerly counties, Västernorrland, Jämtland,
Västerbotten and Norrbotten, in which the proportion of gravel roads exceeds
30%. The county of Gotland has the lowest percentage, 0.07%. It is worth noting
that dust control of gravel roads on Gotland with bitumen emulsion (BE) began in
1990. (0) in the tables often denotes a length less than 500 m, but may also signify
nothing (0 km), while (:) always denotes nothing.
Västerbotten county has both the greatest length and the highest percentage of
gravel roads. The length of gravel roads in this county is 3682 km which is 16.6%
of the total length of 22,136 km in Sweden.
Table 3.4 Length of State gravel roads (km) in the different counties in 1997.
County and county letter Gravel roads
County County letter Length (km) Percentage of whole
Stockholm AB 85 0.4
Uppsala C 524 2.4
Södermanland D 512 2.3
Östergötland E 981 4.4
Jönköping F 735 3.3
Kronoberg G 647 2.9
Kalmar H 339 1.5
Gotland I 1 0.0
Blekinge K 46 0.2
Skåne M 718 3.2
Halland N 197 0.9
V.Götaland O 183 0.8
Älvsborg P 1264 5.7
Skaraborg R 632 2.9
Värmland S 1372 6.2
Örebro T 761 3.4
Västmanland U 485 2.2
Dalarna (Kopparberg) W 1030 4.7
Gävleborg X 426 1.9
Västernorrland Y 1969 8.9
Jämtland Z 2322 10.5
Västerbotten AC 3682 16.6
Norrbotten BD 3225 14.6
Totals 22136 100.0
Appendix No 1 shows the lengths of different wearing course types on the State
road network in the different counties over the period 1990-1997, as well as the
percentages of the total length of State roads accounted for by the different types
of wearing course. Figure 3.2 shows the lengths of State gravel roads in different
counties in 1997.
1991 129678 2327 1.79 1973 1.52 13 0.01 6947 5.36 117968 90.97
1992 131064 2220 1.69 2025 1.55 19 0.01 6822 5.21 119541 91.21
1993 130982 2008 1.53 2142 1.64 20 0.02 6661 5.09 119631 91.33
1994 131727 1892 1.44 2193 1.66 21 0.02 6990 5.08 120324 91.34
1995 132716 1816 1.37 2322 1.75 23 0.02 6766 5.10 121185 91.31
1996 134258 1789 1.33 2372 1.77 24 0.02 6816 5.08 122455 91.21
1997 133739 1761 1.32 2392 1.79 24 0.02 6834 5.11 121924 91.17
It is worth noting that in 1997 only 1.32% of the total vehicle mileage takes place
on gravel roads.
Table 3.7 Breakdown of gravel roads by AADT (two axle units) in 1997 (km)
and the percentages of the total length of State gravel roads –
22,136 km – with a certain AADT.
AADT 2 axle units Gravel roads
km %
-99 15700 70.9
-124 2855 12.9
-250 3173 14.3
-300 264 1.2
-350 58 0.3
-400 36 0.2
-450 25 0.1
-500 22 0.1
-550 0 0.0
-600 0 0.0
-1000 0 0.0
According to table 3.7, ca 71% of the total State gravel road network has AADT
below 100.
Table 3.9 Lengths of gravel roads (km) on State road network in 1997 and
the percentages of the total length of State gravel roads of a certain
width accounted for by gravel roads.
Width Length Percentages in 1997 of total length of State gravel
m km roads of a certain width
0-3.5 11141 50.3
3.6-4.5 7709 34.8
4.6-5.5 2530 11.4
5.6-6.5 675 3.0
6.6-7.5 34 0.2
7.6-8.5 2 0.0
8.6-9.5 : 0.0
9.6-12.5 0 0.0
12.6-40.0 0 0.0
It is seen from table 3.9 that 50.3% of State gravel roads have a width up to 3.5 m,
and 34.8% have a width between 3.6 and 4.5 m.
The road width that is sometimes measured is the loadbearing width, i.e. the width
which can normally be used by vehicles with the permissible axle pressure.
Usually about 0.5 m near each ditch must be deducted from the total width. Since
road width varies along a long stretch of road, the tabulated width is the mean
Table 3.11 Lengths of gravel roads (km) with a certain speed limit in 1997 and
the percentages of the total length, 22,136 km, of State gravel roads
with a certain speed limit accounted for by these lengths.
Speed Length Percentage of total length of State gravel roads in Sweden in
(km/h) (km) 1997 with a certain speed
-30 3 0.01
31-50 191 0.86
51-70 20502 92.62
71-90 1377 6.22
91-110 0 0.00
According to table 3.11, gravel roads with a speed limit of 51-70 km/h represent
93% of the total length of State gravel roads.
Table 3.12 shows that about 76% of the total length of the State road network is
Deterioration of gravel roads
4.1.1 Traffic
Hubendick (1969) confirms that traffic is the greatest cause of wear of the road.
Soil erosion caused by traffic comprises two active mechanisms, the slipstream
and mechanical abrasion due to the torque developed by the driving wheel (Lindh,
When the wheels of a vehicle roll along the road, the particles of aggregate in the
surface are subjected to considerable forces. Underneath the wheel load, the
carriageway deflects to some extent. This gives rise to a certain movement
between the particles a little lower down in the wearing course. The particles
grind against one another and are abraded. Gradually, large particles become
smaller. As the vehicles rush along the road, some aggregate particles are
inevitably thrown to the sides and vanish. They are carried along by the tailwind
and are also spread out by the wheels as they are thrown into the air. As regards
loss of material, however, dusting is much more serious (Hubendick, 1969).
Persson (1993) states that the wearing course is continuously broken down by the
vehicle wheels crushing the larger particles. The result is a shortage of aggregate
and an excess of sand. The road easily becomes corrugated. Figure 4.1 shows how
the particle size distribution curve changes.
Figure 4.1 Change in the wearing course due to crushing, dusting and rain
action (Road maintenance-roads free from snow and ice, 1992, in
Vertical axis- Percentage passing in %
Horizontal axis-Particle size in mm
Beskow (1934) says that gravel carriageways are subjected to the greatest stress
on two occasions, when the water ratio is high and when the moisture content is
very low. The water ratio is elevated during long rains and especially when the
soil thaws out, while the moisture content becomes very low during dry periods in
the summer.
A high water ratio reduces bearing capacity. When water ratio is very low,
cohesion decreases and material in the surface of the road is easily dislodged by
traffic. One of the consequences of this is the formation of corrugations across the
gravel wearing course.
4.1.3 Grading
Each time the road is graded, some abrasion occurs. The grader blade abrades,
crushes and cuts into the aggregate. The wetter the carriageway, the smaller the
abrasion. But this abrasion is in most cases relatively small compared with that
caused by traffic.
If the road on straight sections is flat as a floor, rain falling on the road is not
drained properly. It collects in pools. In such conditions it does not take long for
the road to be destroyed. The road is therefore constructed roughly as a roof, with
the ridge along the centre line and the roofs sloping down towards the edges of the
road. Water then drains into the ditches.
Water must take the shortest route to the sides. The more the road slopes
sideways, the more quickly water drains away. A proper sideways slope is
therefore desirable. But, on the other hand, the road must not have such a steep
sideways slope that a vehicle may overturn or slide off the road, or it becomes
difficult to keep the vehicle on the road; see figure 4.2.
Figure 4.2 Examples of correct and wrong camber (Unsealed Roads Manual-
Guidelines to Good Practice, 1993).
The more uneven the road, the more slowly water will drain. The cambers on a
gravel road must therefore be slightly steeper than on a paved road. Hubendick
(1969) says that the shape of a road will deteriorate due to wear and overload.
Figure 4.3 Owing to the camber of the road, material tends to be displaced
towards the sides (Hubendick, 1969).
In this way, the road gradually becomes flatter while the edges are raised up.
Figure 4.4 gives some examples of how the camber is worn down.
Figure 4.4 The camber is gradually worn down, the edges are raised up, and
ruts are formed in the carriageway if this is not graded
(Hubendick, 1969).
If camber is greatly reduced, water will not drain satisfactorily and the road will
therefore be exposed to other types of damage. The road must therefore be
reshaped in time before wear has gone too far. Deep grading does this. If the road
is not reshaped in time, a reverse camber is formed; see figure 4.5.
Figure 4.6 If the road structure is too weak, camber may be flattened in the
middle (Hubendick, 1969).
försvagat parti=weakened part
The more vehicles there are, the higher their speed and the sharper the curve, the
greater wear will be. The inside of the curve, in particular, is subject to heavy
abrasion. The material in the carriageway is dislodged by the wheels and is
thrown towards the outside of the curve. The road along the inside of the curve
therefore loses material and becomes lower. The thrown out material, on the other
hand, raises the road along the outside of the curve. In this way, superelevation
gradually becomes too steep.
The thrown-out material does not usually end up at the outer edge, but
approximately in the middle of the outer half of the road. The superelevation
along the outermost part of the road is therefore too flat. Sometimes it becomes
horizontal or even slopes the wrong way. Such a road is a danger to traffic. See
figure 4.7.
Figure 4.7 The wheels of a vehicle abrade the material on the inside of the
curve and throw it towards the outer edge of the curve (Hubendick,
In sharper curves where vehicles must make larger changes in their direction and
speed in order to negotiate the curve, the road often becomes heavily worn at the
entrance to the curve. It is here that vehicles begin to turn and brakes are usually
applied the hardest. The surface therefore easily becomes uneven at the entrance
to the curve.
Even over transition sections between superelevation and camber along the
outside of a curve, the road may become uneven. The normal camber and
superelevation on gravel roads is illustrated in figure 4.8. Crossfall
Crossfall has been discussed in Subclause 4.2.1. Slopes
The inner slope must not be too steep since it serves as support for the road
structure. If the slope is too steep, the edge of the road will collapse. On steep
slopes water has a high speed. The faster water drains away, the more soil and
sand it carries with it, so that the slope is washed away. Ditches
According to Hubendick (1969), ditches are the most important part of the road. If
there are no ditches, there is nowhere for water to go; the result is that water
builds up in the road structure so that its bearing capacity is reduced. Ditching is
therefore important work. Jansson (1985) and Hubendick (1969) say that a ditch
has several functions:
• To take away water that runs off the road. This does not require either a
particularly wide or deep ditch. Water is drained from the surface of the road
due to its crossfall.
• To remove water from the surroundings of the road which would otherwise run
on to the road. In most cases, more water comes from the surrounding terrain
than from the road itself. The ditch must therefore have a certain size. If water
must be carried over a long distance along the road, the ditch must be made
larger. Water from the surrounding terrain and from the carriageway is in most
cases removed through an open ditch.
• To drain the road structure. This can be achieved with an open or covered
ditch. The deeper the bottom of the ditch, the better the road structure will be
drained. In terrain that is susceptible to frost action, it is extremely important
for the road structure to be properly drained. If ditches are allowed to
deteriorate, this may be the direct cause of very serious frost damage to the
road during the thaw; see Subclause 4.2.8. Water is present in the road
structure in many forms, and all water cannot be drained by ditches. Water that
is bound around the particles of material, for instance, is not affected. Two
experiments performed by Jansson (1985), however, show that there is no
relationship between depth of ditch and the bearing capacity of gravel roads. A
Finnish study shows that, in a normal road construction, very little water is
drained sideways into the ditch (Jansson, 1985).
• To act as a storage place for snow (Jansson, 1985). Culverts
Culverts have an important role in ensuring that the road is drained. Culverts,
especially at their inlets and outlets, can silt up or be blocked when snow melts or
when ditches are cleared, bushes are trimmed or trees are felled. In the worst case
the road structure can be completely washed away (Forest roads, 1992, in
4.2.3 Dust
The finest particle fractions in the gravel wearing course are swirled up by the
slipstream of passing vehicles into clouds of dust that are driven to the sides and
vanish from the road. A speed of 100 km/h corresponds to a wind speed of ca 28
m/s. This is almost the wind speed in a hurricane. The movement of air is
sufficiently high to dislodge and remove a quantity of fine material from the
carriageway. If traffic is heavy, the quantity of material that disappears in this way
will in time be considerable. Ordinary wind also removes fine material in the
same way. This is usual in coastal areas and flat country.
Vehicle speed influences both the quantity of dust and its dispersal from the road.
Relationships between vehicle speed, vehicle type and quantity of dust are
illustrated in figure 4.9. Three vehicle types are covered by the figure, small car,
large car and lorry. The vehicle type has the influence that e.g. a low vehicle with
several wheels raises more dust. Foley and Cropely (1995) quote one of the
Transit New Zealand Research reports. The results of this report suggest that
heavy vehicles at high speed cause more dust.
Figure 4.9 Relationship between vehicle speed, vehicle type, vehicle size and
quantity of dust (Jones, 1984, in Foley and Cropely, 1995).
Lindh (1981) quotes Roberts and Walter (1975) and gives a relationship between
vehicle speed and dust formation. Figure 4.10 shows the relationship between
vehicle speed and dust formation on a gravel road in terms of weight per vehicle
per mile, for particles smaller than 0.01 mm and 0.002 mm.
Figure 4.10 Relationship between vehicle speed and dust formation (Lindh,
Foley (1996) quotes Addo and Sanders (1995) and gives a relationship between
speed and quantity of dust; see figure 4.11.
Figure 4.11 Relationship between speed and quantity of dust (Foley, 1996).
B. Number of vehicles
The greater the number of vehicles, the greater the quantity of dust.
D. Cohesion
Cohesion depends on how well the wearing course is compacted, the cohesion
between particles in the wearing course, and the durability of the material in the
wearing course.
E. Climate
The climate has an influence because a number of the effects of dust control
agents, e.g. hygroscopic salts, are greatly dependent on moisture. Moisture varies
as a function of rain and evaporation. With regard to net rainfall and temperature,
a classification into climatic zones can be made.
Some measurements have been made to determine the quantity of dust emitted to
air from gravel roads when a vehicle is driven along the road at different speeds.
The publication "Guidelines for cost effective use and application of dust
palliatives" (1987) shows an equipment, a Dustfall Station, that is used to analyse
and measure the quantity of emitted dust; see figure 4.12.
The purpose of dust analysis was to chart the proportions of particles smaller than
0.01 mm and 0.002 mm, respirable dust, i.e. particles that can penetrate into the
lungs, to find how far from the road the dust fallout is measurable, and finally to
determine its content of carbonates, quartz, clay, organic substances and other
materials (Lindh, 1981).
In their report, Foley and Cropely (1995) give equations or models for calculating
the quantities of material removed as dust from gravel roads.
Most states in the USA have drawn up regulations for the maximum permissible
quantity of "fugitive dust". The term fugitive dust refers to particles smaller than
30 µm in the atmosphere. In Sweden there are no rules for the maximum
permissible quantity of dust in air, and perhaps this is not so important here
because of e.g. climatic factors (Lindh, 1981).
4.2.4 Corrugation
The term corrugation denotes a wavy surface. The road surface consists of a series
of waves, with ridges and troughs. The pitch of such a wave is the distance
between two consecutive ridges or troughs. The difference in height between
trough and ridge is the wave height. There is very little connection between pitch
and height. Ridges ranging from a few millimetres to 10-20 centimetres can be
seen on the same stretch of corrugated road where the pitch is approximately the
A gravel road must consist of both coarse and fine material and must on no
account be sandy. The aggregate is gradually broken down by wear and sand is
formed. When the road contains a lot of sand it is susceptible to corrugation.
Beskow (1932) quotes two factors for the formation of corrugations, vehicles
which are the active factor, and the carriageway itself which is the passive factor.
Beskow (1932) says that part of the unbound material is thrown up by the wheels
and is carried along by the slipstream, and part is caught up on the wheels. This
results in a sorting of the material. The finest particles are entrained by the
slipstream in the form of a dust cloud. The intermediate particles are too large to
be entrained but too small to roll along the carriageway on their own. They
accumulate in the corrugation ridges which thus attain a clearly graded,
sometimes very well graded, sandy composition. The coarse aggregate particles
and stones roll easily if they have a rounded shape, and cannot remain on the
ridges. In its purest form, this type of corrugation arises where there is a thin
cover of aggregate on a hard and firm surface, for instance a carriageway treated
with sulphite lye and well compacted.
The ridges do not usually consist completely of loose aggregate but have a core of
more or less hard compacted material. These cores are formed by deepening of the
troughs due to dislodgement of material, so that the bases of the ridges are slightly
elevated above the original surface. On the whole, however, the firm ridges are
formed by loose aggregate that has been thrown up and gradually compacted. See
figure 4.15.
Wet corrugation occurs on a wet or moist road where the road structure has
insufficient bearing capacity. In such a case it is not the top layer that is abraded,
but the substructure is deformed in depth. Wet corrugation normally occurs during
or as a consequence of thaw.
Beskow (1932) collates information from a number of books and reports. These
are based on either experimental investigations or direct observations and general
experience. The results indicate that
• Corrugation occurs especially on carriageways that have a considerable
thickness of unbound fine aggregate.
• An increase in the moisture content or soil binder content of the carriageway
reduces its susceptibility to corrugation.
• Properly executed grading is the best way of preventing corrugation.
Beskow (1932) summarises the most important measures that can be taken against
corrugation as follows:
1. Appropriate adjustment of aggregate composition by avoidance of fine sandy
aggregate, at least on roads not treated with salt, and primarily by avoidance of
4.2.5 Potholes
Potholes are usually between 30 and 80 cm long, but shorter and longer ones also
occur. Their depth is usually between 3 and 7 cm.
Potholes are most common on horizontal sections, in depressions and where the
camber is insufficient, and where the road is highly susceptible to corrugation.
Potholes often penetrate some way into the roadbase and it is therefore very
difficult or impossible to eliminate them by ordinary grading. They form a
permanent base for corrugation, a base system through which, in spite of full
surface treatment by grading or aggregate spreading, corrugation soon recurs
(Beskow, 1932).
Potholes are said to form a regular pattern where several potholes occur in a row
at constant intervals approximately corresponding to the pitch of normal
corrugations. These clearly regular potholes occur on roads with moderate traffic
where deep ruts are formed in the single lane. All the corrugation troughs
therefore assume the shape of elongated potholes that are filled with water. See
figure 4.16.
Potholes in an irregular pattern are the third group. If these potholes are
compared to the regular normal corrugations, it is seen that the distribution of
potholes across the carriageway is quite irregular, with different distances
between potholes along the road. Potholes are unevenly distributed across the
carriageway. Beskow (1932) explains the irregularity of potholes as follows:
In order that water should collect in the corrugation troughs, it is necessary for
these troughs to have the shape of enclosed holes. If the carriageway has a
sufficient crossfall, no water will collect in the corrugation troughs. In this
respect, the individual corrugation troughs on the same section of road are usually
quite different. The result is that only certain of these depressions will become
potholes. See figure 4.18.
4.2.6 Ruts
Ruts are described as transverse irregularities caused by vehicular traffic. The
shapes and character of ruts vary depending on what has given rise to rutting.
Rutting is due to deformation of the road structure. It is seen from Unsealed
Roads Manual (1993) and Memorandum for Traffic Engineering (1995, in
Swedish) that deformations may occur in the subgrade, wearing course or base
If plastic deformations occur, the base course and wearing course may be
displaced to the side. As a result, these courses are raised up on each side of the
rut; see figure 4.20.
Traffic load may give rise to compaction and displacement of aggregate in the
wearing course; see figure 4.21.
Unsealed Road Manual (1993) states that the following are the causes of
• Inappropriate aggregate composition
• Wearing course of insufficient thickness
• Inadequate compaction
• Insufficient drainage
• High fines content
Hubendick (1969) says that ruts make driving unpleasant because the tyres are
forced to follow the ruts. Ruts also collect water which gives rise to other damage.
water to be drawn up, and the quicker the growth of the ice layers and the greater
the frost heave. This emphasises the importance of a well drained road structure.
When water freezes it expands since ice has a larger volume. Expansion takes
place upwards, i.e. the road rises as it thaws; the total rise is often 20 centimetres
and at times almost 50 centimetres. Frost heave exerts such force that sometimes
even heavy buildings are lifted up and may thus be damaged (Guidelines for
Construction and Maintenance of Forest Roads, 1946).
Frost heave varies with the type of soil. The most frost susceptible soils are silt
and fine grained moraines. Softening
Typical softening of the surface occurs in the beginning of the thaw period,
especially in conjunction with rain or meltwater. Frost prevents drainage of the
road structure so that excess water accumulates in the top layers (Persson, 1993).
In normal cases this has no serious consequences if ditches and culverts are in
good order and heavy traffic can be kept off the road until it has dried. Deep ruts
formed by heavy vehicles can further reduce drainage and thus delay drying. The
carriageway becomes soft, of low bearing strength and rutted by traffic.
Persson (1993) describes the process which results in migration of stones to the
surface layer. When the soil freezes, a layer of ice forms around the stone. The
increase in volume which occurs when water freezes pushes the stone upwards.
As the ice melts, the hollow around the stone is filled with fine particles and the
stone cannot regain its original position.
Persson lists some problems due to the presence of stones in the carriageway. He
says that larger stones in the carriageway reduce the efficacy of grading and
dragging because it is more difficult to shape the carriageway. There is more wear
on the blade. Snow clearance is also hindered. The stones can damage plant and
appliances. Large stones jeopardise traffic safety and reduce trafficability.
5 %
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$()*2'=! +.7.*+/*&! (*! $;/0#2/$! $(*+/2/(*3! 3)$-! #3! 2.07.'#2)'.! #*+! 7'.$/7/2#2/(*[!
2'#55/$! @(;)0.3[! 0.$-#*/$#;! .J)/70.*2[! 2.$-*/$#;! %*(>O-(>[! 0#/*2.*#*$.!
,-.! 2.$-*/$#;! '.J)/'.0.*23! ;#/+! +(>*! :=! 2-.! 9>.+/3-! Y#2/(*#;! I(#+!
• I6?<!DL[!CDDa!#*+!7'.@/()3!&.*.'#;!2.$-*/$#;!37.$/5/$#2/(*3d!
• I.&);#2/(*3!5('!8#/*2.*#*$.!#*+!67.'#2/(*[!CDDR[!/*!9>.+/3-d!
• 9YI?! 8.2-(+! 37.$/5/$#2/(*3! b?33.330.*2! (5! 2-.! $(*+/2/(*! (5! &'#@.;! '(#+3O!
"#$% ,.$-*/$#;!'.J)/'.0.*23!5('!2-.!$(*32')$2/(*!(5!*.>!&'#@.;!'(#+3!/*!9>.+.*!!!!&"%
"#$#$% I.J)/'.0.*23!/*!H-#72.'!C!(5!I6?<!DL!!!!&"%
"#$#'% I.J)/'.0.*23!/*!H-#72.'!M!(5!I6?<!DL!!!!&(%
"#$#)% I.J)/'.0.*23!/*!H-#72.'!N!(5!I6?<!DL!!!!&*%
"#'% ,.$-*/$#;!'.J)/'.0.*23!5('!(7.'#2/(*!#*+!0#/*2.*#*$.!(5!&'#@.;!'(#+3!!!!")%
"#'#$! I.J)/'.0.*23!5('!2-.!2-'..!32#*+#'+!$;#33.3!!!!")%
"#'#'! 62-.'!'.J)/'.0.*23!5('!(7.'#2/(*!#*+!0#/*2.*#*$.!!!!"&%
!"#$%&'()*(+&,"-.,#/('&01.'&2&-%3(45'(67&8.3"(9'#:&/('5#83( ;)(
!"#$%&'()*(+&,"-.,#/('&01.'&2&-%3(45'(67&8.3"(9'#:&/('5#83( ;J(
Figure 5.1 Schematic use of 3 m straightedge (ROAD 94, 1996).
Table 5.2 Requirements for longitudinal surface evenness, measured with a 3
m straightedge at the time when the road is opened to traffic, for
carriageways on roads with a wearing course of YG or with an
unbound wearing course.
6&,%.5-( %5( F&( I5#8(3&,%.5-(LCC(2(/5-9(5'(%'#44.,(/#-&(JCC(2(/5-9M(6&,%.5-(%5(F&(3&/&,%&8(45'(
,"&,K&8( .-:&3%.9#%.5-(7.%"(#(3&/&,%.5-('#-852-&33(54(NO(3&&(<<PE(QC>(
I#-852( -(R(S)T(,"&,K($5.-%3(%5(F&(3&/&,%&8(.-(/5-9.%18.-#/(#-8(%'#-3:&'3&(8.'&,%.5-3(
3#2$/&( 7.%".-(%"&(,"&,K(3&,%.5-(FH(%"&(3&/&,%.5-(258&/($'5,&33(8&3,'.F&8(.-(<<PE(
P'&2&-%( L(2(3%'#.9"%&89&(7.%"(L(2'.-9($5.-%3T(3&&(4.91'&()MSM(P'&2&-%(%5(F&(
$'5,&81'&( .-(#,,5'8#-,&(7.%"(<<PE(SCU(
P'&2&-%( V&:.#%.5-(W22X(4'52(3%#-8#'8(/&:&/(54(3%'#.9"%&89&(#%(&#,"(2'.-9($5.-%(
:#'.#F/&3( WST(?T(LX(54(%"&(3%'#.9"%&89&(
!'.%&'.5-( @%(&#,"(,"&,K($5.-%G(
:#'.#F/&3( @G(V&:.#%.5-(4'52(3%#-8#'8(/&:&/(54(3%'#.9"%&89&(#%(2'.-9($5.-%(S(
@,,&$%#-,&( @%(&#,"(,"&,K($5.-%G(
.-%&':#/T( @(#-8(E(((((((!(((((((@D!T(ED!(
1-F51-8( Z)((((((((((((((Z>((((((((((((ZJ(
5'(0! 2-.! 37.$/5/.+! 2=7/$#;! @#;).d! ,-.! 7.'0/33/:;.! +.@/#2/(*! 5'(0! $'(335#;;[! 5('!
'(#+3! >/2-! #! >.#'/*&! $()'3.! (5! kG! ('! >/2-! #*! )*:()*+! >.#'/*&! $()'3.[! 3-#;;!
!"#$%&'()*(+&,"-.,#/('&01.'&2&-%3(45'(67&8.3"(9'#:&/('5#83( ;U(
$(07;=! >/2-! 2-.! '.J)/'.0.*2! 5('! H'(335#;;! H;#33! Y(! C! #2! 2-.! 2/0.! 2'#55/$! /3!
G'#@.;!'(#+3!#*+!'(#+3! >/2-!#!>.#'/*&!$()'3.!(5!kG!3-();+!:.!+.3/&*.+!3(!2-#2!
5'(32! -.#@.! +)'/*&! #! 0.#*! >/*2.'! +(.3! *(2! .]$..+! CaR! 00d! ,'#*3/2/(*! X(*.3!
4*! H-#72.'! M! (5! I6?<! DL[! bF#@.0.*2! <.3/&*b[! &'#@.;! '(#+3! #'.! $;#33/5/.+! #3!
• G'#@.;!>.#'/*&!$()'3.!
• c*:()*+!:#3.!$()'3.!
• 9):O:#3.!#*+!7'(2.$2/(*!$()'3.[!/5!#*=!
<.3/&*! >/2-! '.37.$2! 2(! :.#'/*&! $#7#$/2=! 3-#;;! :.! '.&);#2.+! :=! @#'=/*&! 2-.!
,-.! 7#@.0.*2! 3-#;;! :.! +.3/&*.+! 3(! 2-#2! 2-.! @.'2/$#;! $(07'.33/@.! 32'#/*! /*! 2-.!
&'#@.;! >.#'/*&! $()'3.! 3-#;;! *(2! :.! /*$;)+.+! /*! 2-.! $#;$);#2/(*! (5! 32'#/*3! #*+!
Table 5.3 Maximum permissible vertical compressive strain in the formation
for a gravel pavement (ROAD 94, 1996, table 3.3-2).
Climatic zone 1 2 3 4 5 6
G'#@.;! >.#'/*&! $()'3.3! )3.+! /*! &'#@.;! '(#+3! 3-#;;! :.! NR! 00! 2-/$%d! ,-.! 2(2#;!
!"#$%&'()*(+&,"-.,#/('&01.'&2&-%3(45'(67&8.3"(9'#:&/('5#83( ;>(
Figure 5.2 Structure of gravel pavement, dimensions in mm (ROAD 94, 1996).
Table 5.4 Gravel pavement, mm (ROAD 94, 1996).
Total pavement thickness on Climatic zone
formation of material of following S( ?( L( ;( )( J(
S( ?CC( ?CC( ?CC( ?CC( ?CC( ?CC(
L( L)C( L)C( L)C( ;CC( ;CC( ;CC(
;( )CC( )CC( )CC( ))C( ))C( ))C(
)( )CC( )CC( ))C( JCC( JCC( JCC(
#*+! 5('! 2-.! $(*32')$2/(*! (5! &'#@.;! >.#'/*&! $()'3.[! :#3.! $()'3.[! 3):O:#3.! #*+!
I6?<! DL! 37.$/5/.3! '.J)/'.0.*23! 5('! 2-.! &'#@.;! >.#'/*&! $()'3.! 0#2.'/#;! #*+! 5('!
,-.! 0#2.'/#;! 5('! #! &'#@.;! >.#'/*&! $()'3.! 3-#;;! -#@.! #! :#;;O0/;;! @#;).! (5! DOMRd!
!"#$%&'()*(+&,"-.,#/('&01.'&2&-%3(45'(67&8.3"(9'#:&/('5#83( ;Q(
Table 5.5 Gravel wearing course, requirement for particle size distribution
(ROAD 94, 1996).
Sieve mm 0.063* 0.075 0.25 1.0 4.0 8.0 16 22.4 31.5
P#[(\( WS)X( SJ( ?L( L;( )U( UU( QQ( D( D(
P.-(\( WSCX( SC( SL( ?C( L)( ))( >)( Q>( SCC(
Figure 5.3 Gravel wearing course, requirement for particle size distribution
(ROAD 94, 1996).
<)32! $(*2'(;! (5! 2-.! &'#@.;! >.#'/*&! $()'3.! /3! 7.'5('0.+! )3/*&! $#;$/)0! $-;('/+.[!
'(;;.'! 3-#;;! -#@.! #! 32#2/$! ;/*.! ;(#+! *(2! ;.33! 2-#*! CN! %Yo0d! I6?<! DL! #;3(!
I6?<! DL! 37.$/5/.3! '.J)/'.0.*23! 5('! :#3.! $()'3.! 0#2.'/#;! :(2-! #3! +.;/@.'.+! #*+!
>/2-! 2-.! '.J)/'.0.*23! $(*$.'*/*&! :(2-! :.#'/*&! $#7#$/2=! #*+! 0(/32)'.! '.2.*2/(*!
!"#$%&'()*(+&,"-.,#/('&01.'&2&-%3(45'(67&8.3"(9'#:&/('5#83( )C(
2-.! '.J)/'.0.*23! /*! 2#:;.! Nda! #*+! 5/&)'.! NdLd! ,-.! 0#]/0)0! 32(*.! 3/X.! 3-#;;! *(2!
.]$..+! -#;5! 2-.! $()'3.! 2-/$%*.33d!,-.!7'(7('2/(*!(5!)*$')3-.+!0#2.'/#;!pCa!00!
W-.*! +)32! $(*2'(;! (5! &'#@.;! >.#'/*&! $()'3.3! /3! 7.'5('0.+! )3/*&! .0);3/(*[! :#3.!
Table 5.6 Base course for gravel roads, requirement for particle size
distribution (ROAD 94, 1996).
Sieve mm 0.063* 0.075 0.25 1.0 4.0 16 22.4 31.5 45
P#[(\( WSSX( S?( SU( ?Q( ;Q( >?( QQ( D( D(
P.-(\( WJX( (J( (>( S;( ?;( ;J( )U( J>( Q>(
Figure 5.4 Base course for gravel roads, requirement for particle size
distribution (ROAD 94, 1996).
3)$-! #! >#=! 2-#2! #! -(0(&.*.()3! ;#=.'! /3! (:2#/*.+d! 4*! ('+.'! 2(! '.+)$.! 2-.! '/3%! (5!
!"#$%&'()*(+&,"-.,#/('&01.'&2&-%3(45'(67&8.3"(9'#:&/('5#83( )S(
,-.! 0#2.'/#;! 3-#;;! *(2! :.! 5'(X.*! >-.*! $(07#$2.+d! ,-.! :#3.! $()'3.! 3-#;;! :.!
$(07#$2.+! >/2-! #! @/:'#2('=! ('! (3$/;;#2/*&!3/*&;.! >-..;!'(;;.'!>/2-! #2!;.#32!CNOMR!
0.2.'! >/2-! +($)0.*2#2/(*! /3! )3.+[! #2! ;.#32! L! 7#33.3! 3-#;;! :.! #77;/.+d! 9)'5#$.3!
>-.'.! 2-.! :.#'/*&! $#7#$/2=! /*$'.#3.3! #'.! 2(! :.! 5)'2-.'! $(07#$2.+d! 45! 2-.'.! /3! *(!
$(07#$2/(*! 0.2.'[! #2! ;.#32! a! 7#33.3! 3-#;;! :.! #77;/.+d! H(07#$2/(*! 3-();+! :.!
$#''/.+! ()2! #2! #! ;(>! #07;/2)+.! 2(! '.+)$.! 2-.! '/3%! (5! $')3-/*&! 2-.! 0#2.'/#;d! ,-.!
W-.*! +.;/@.'.+[! 2-.! :#;;O0/;;! @#;).! (5! 2-.! 0#2.'/#;! 3-#;;! *(2! .]$..+! MRd! ,-.!
ARdRRQoRdRENB! $(*2.*2! 3-();+! :.! CROMRm! :=! >./&-2d! 6'&#*/$! $(*2.*2! 3-#;;! *(2!
,-.! 7#'2/$;.! 3/X.! +/32'/:)2/(*! (5! 2-.! 37'.#+! 3):O:#3.! 3-#;;! $(07;=! >/2-! 2-.!
45! 2.32! '.3);23! #'.! >/2-/*! :)2! @.'=! *.#'! (*.! (5! 2-.! ;/0/2/*&! $)'@.3[! 3#07;/*&!
W-.*! +)32! $(*2'(;! (5! 2-.! &'#@.;! >.#'/*&! $()'3.! /3! 7.'5('0.+! )3/*&! .0);3/(*[! #!
3):O:#3.! 5('! 7#@.+! '(#+3[! /*! #$$('+#*$.! >/2-! 3):$;#)3.! NdNdC! (5! I6?<! DL[!
+.3$'/:.+! /*! 2-/3! 3):$;#)3.d! 45! 2-/3! /3! +.$/+.+! (*[! +)32! $(*2'(;! >/2-! $#;$/)0!
Table 5.7 Sub-base for gravel roads, requirement for particle size
distribution (ROAD 94, 1996).
Sieve mm 0.063* 0.075 0.25 1.0 4.0 16 31.52 90
P#[(\( WSSX( S?( SU( ?Q( ;Q( >?( QQ( D(
P.-(\( WJX( (J( (>( S;( ?;( ;J( JC( Q>(
!"#$%&'()*(+&,"-.,#/('&01.'&2&-%3(45'(67&8.3"(9'#:&/('5#83( )?(
Figure 5.5 Sub-base for gravel roads, requirement for particle size
distribution (ROAD 94, 1996).
I6?<! DL! 37.$/5/.3! 2-#2! 2-.! 0#2.'/#;! 3-#;;! *(2! :.! 5'(X.*! >-.*! $(07#$2.+d! ,-.!
3):O:#3.! 3-#;;! :.! $(07#$2.+! >/2-! #! @/:'#2('=! ('! (3$/;;#2/*&! 3/*&;.! >-..;! '(;;.'!
#$$('+/*&! 2(! ,#:;.! Ndg! ('! >/2-! #!3/0/;#'!$(07#$2/(*!.J)/70.*2d!,-.!'(;;.'!3-#;;!
0(@.! #2! #! $(*32#*2! 37..+! >/2-/*! 2-.! '#*&.! QdNOLdR! %0o0d! W-.*! #! $(07#$2/(*!
0.2.'! >/2-! +($)0.*2#2/(*! /3! )3.+[! #2! ;.#32! L! 7#33.3! 3-#;;! :.! #77;/.+d! 9)'5#$.3!
>-.'.! 2-.! :.#'/*&! $#7#$/2=! /*$'.#3.3! #'.! 2(! :.! 5)'2-.'! $(07#$2.+d! 45! 2-.'.! /3! *(!
Table 5.8 Maximum thickness of layer when compacted with rollers of
different line loads (ROAD 94 ).
Line load kN/m Maximum layer thickness, m
S)( CM?(
?)( CML(
LC( CM;(
;)( CMJ(
:=! .]7.'/.*$.! 2(! #$-/.@.! 2-.! *.$.33#'=! $(07#$2/(*! (5! 5'/$2/(*! 0#2.'/#;! >-.*! /23!
#*+! +.7(3/2.+! (*! 2-.! '(#+[! #*+! 5('! /23! 37'.#+/*&d! ,-.! $(07(3/2/(*! (5! 2-.!
7'(2.$2/(*! $()'3.! 5('! &'#@.;! '(#+3! 3-();+! :.! 3)$-! 2-#2! 2-.! 0(/32)'.! '.2.*2/(*!
7'(7.'2/.3! #'.! 0#/*2#/*.+d! ,-.! 7'(2.$2/(*! $()'3.! 3-#;;! $(*3/32! (5! *(*O5'(32!
3)3$.72/:;.! 5'/$2/(*! 3(/;! /*! >-/$-! ./2-.'! 2-.! ARdRENoCaB! $(*2.*2! /3! :.;(>! CQm! :=!
!"#$%&'()*(+&,"-.,#/('&01.'&2&-%3(45'(67&8.3"(9'#:&/('5#83( )L(
$(07;=! >/2-! 2-.! '.J)/'.0.*23! 5('! 2-.! 3):O:#3.! #3! /*! 2#:;.! NdE! #*+! 5/&)'.! NdNd!
"#'% !+,-./,01% 2+34/2+5+.67% 892% 6-+% 9A+206/9.% 0.=%
#*+! 0#/*2.*#*$.! (5! 2-.! 2-'..! 32#*+#'+! $;#33.3! ?[! "! #*+! H! #'.! ;#/+! +(>*! /*!
bI.&);#2/(*3! 5('! 8#/*2.*#*$.! #*+! 67.'#2/(*[! CDDRd! F.'5('0#*$.! #*+! 92#*+#'+!
97.$/5/$#2/(*3[! bK9"b! ACDDgB[! /*! 9>.+/3-[! ;#=! +(>*! '.J)/'.0.*23! 5('! 2-.!
(7.'#2/(*! #*+! 0#/*2.*#*$.! (5! &'#@.;! '(#+3d! ,-.! 0#2.'/#;! 5('! 2-.! >.#'/*&! $()'3.!
#*+! .].$)2/(*! #*+! $(*2'(;! (5! 37'.#+/*&! 3-#;;! $(07;=! >/2-! 2-.! '.J)/'.0.*23! /*!
,-.! '.J)/'.0.*23! /*! I.&);#2/(*3! 5('! 8#/*2.*#*$.! #*+! 67.'#2/(*! 5('! 2-.! 2-'..!
9)'5#$.! .@.**.33! #*+! :/*+/*&! #:/;/2=! 3-();+! :.! 3)$-! 2-#2! 2-.=! 3#2/35=! 2-.!
'.J)/'.0.*23! 5('! #2! ;.#32! H(*+/2/(*! H;#33! Q[! 9>.+/3-! Y#2/(*#;! I(#+!
?+0/*/32'#2/(*! 8.2-(+! 97.$/5/$#2/(*! CRa[! b?33.330.*2! (5! G'#@.;! I(#+3bd!
H(*+/2/(*3! #$$('+/*&! 2(! H(*+/2/(*! H;#33! M! 0#=! ($$)'[! :)2! 5('! *(2! 0('.! 2-#*! M!
9)'5#$.! .@.**.33! #*+! :/*+/*&! #:/;/2=! 3-();+! :.! 3)$-! 2-#2! 2-.=! 3#2/35=! 2-.!
'.J)/'.0.*23! 5('! #2! ;.#32! H(*+/2/(*! H;#33! Q[! 9>.+/3-! Y#2/(*#;! I(#+!
?+0/*/32'#2/(*! 8.2-(+! 97.$/5/$#2/(*! CRa[! b?33.330.*2! (5! G'#@.;! I(#+3bd!
H(*+/2/(*3! #$$('+/*&! 2(! H(*+/2/(*! H;#33! M! 0#=! ($$)'[! :)2! 5('! *(2! 0('.! 2-#*! E!
9)'5#$.! .@.**.33! #*+! :/*+/*&! #:/;/2=! 3-();+! :.! 3)$-! 2-#2! 2-.=! 3#2/35=! 2-.!
'.J)/'.0.*23! 5('! #2! ;.#32! H(*+/2/(*! H;#33! Q[! 9>.+/3-! Y#2/(*#;! I(#+!
?+0/*/32'#2/(*! 8.2-(+! 97.$/5/$#2/(*! CRa[! b?33.330.*2! (5! G'#@.;! I(#+3bd!
#$$('+/*&! 2(! H(*+/2/(*! H;#33! M! 0#=! ($$)'[! :)2! 5('! *(2! 0('.! 2-#*! E! $(*3.$)2/@.!
>('%/*&! +#=3d! ")/;+/*&! +.@.;(70.*2!#;(*&!2-.! '(#+!/3!+.5/*.+! #3!#*! #'.#!>-.'.!
2-.'.! #'.! a! +>.;;/*&3o:)/;+/*&3! >/2-/*! NRR! 0! #;(*&! 2-.! '(#+d! ,-.! +/32#*$.!
!"#$%&'()*(+&,"-.,#/('&01.'&2&-%3(45'(67&8.3"(9'#:&/('5#83( );(
"#'#'% B6-+2%2+34/2+5+.67%892%9A+206/9.%0.=%50/.6+.0.,+!
#*+! :/*+/*&! #:/;/2=[! ,'#55/$#:/;/2=! #*+! $(*2/*)/2=[! $'(335#;;[! ;.#32! #$$.72#:;.!
$(*+/2/(*! $;#33[! +'#/*#&.[! 3;(7.3[! 5'/$2/(*[! J)#;/2=! (5! >.#'/*&! $()'3.[! 5'..+(0!
5'(0! (:32#$;.3[! +/@.'3/(*! (5! 2'#55/$! #*+! '.J)/'.0.*23! 5('! 37.$/#;! $(*+/2/(*3d! ,-.!
5(;;(>/*&! 7.'5('0#*$.! #*+! 32#*+#'+! 37.$/5/$#2/(*3! '.;#2.! 2(! '.J)/'.0.*23! ;#/+!
?! '(#+! 3-#;;! :.! 3(! 5/'0! #*+! $(-.3/@.!#*+!3-#;;!-#@.!3)$-!3)'5#$.!'.&);#'/2=!2-#2!
0#=!($$)'! #;(*&! '(#+3! >/2-!;/22;.!2'#55/$!>-.'.!2-.'.!/3!*(!:)/;+/*&!+.@.;(70.*2!
#77;/.+! '.&#'+/*&! 7.'0/33/:;.! ;(#+/*&d! ,-.3.! ;/0/23! 3-#;;! :.! $-(3.*! 3(! 2-#2! /2! /3!
7(33/:;.! 5('! )*;(#+.+! -.#@=! @.-/$;.!$(0:/*#2/(*3!2(!7#33!#;(*&!'(#+3!>/2-!5'(32!
+#0#&.! '.32'/$2/(*3d! 9)/2#:;.! ;/0/2#2/(*! (5! 7.'0/33/:;.! ;(#+/*&! @#'/.3! :.2>..*!
0#=! :.! /07(3.+! (*! 2'#55/$! #52.'! $(*3);2#2/(*3! >/2-! 2-.! '(#+! 0#*#&.0.*2!
#)2-('/2=d! I.32'/$2/(*3! 3-#;;! :.! /07(3.+! >-.*! +#0#&.! -#3! ($$)''.+! #52.'! -.#@=!
3-#;;! :.! /07(3.+! #*+! $#*$.;;.+d! ,-.! +.$/3/(*! /3! 0#+.! :=! 2-.! '(#+! 0#*#&.0.*2!
#)2-('/2=d! ,-.! $(*2'#$2('! /3! '.37(*3/:;.! 5('! 2'#55/$! 3/&*! #*+! %..7/*&! '.$('+3d! 4*!
0/*+d! I.32'/$2/(*3! 3-#;;! :.! /07(3.+! #*+! $#*$.;;.+! >/2-()2! +.;#=! /*! #$$('+#*$.!
H#0:.'! 3-();+! *(2! :.! ;.33! 2-#*! Qm[! >/2-! 2-.! .]$.72/(*! (5! 2'#*3/2/(*#;! 3.$2/(*3!
2'#*3/2/(*#;! 3.$2/(*3! #+^(/*/*&! 3)7.'.;.@#2/(*! #*+! 0#]/0)0! @#;).3! (5!
$'(335#;;o3)7.'.;.@#2/(*[! 2-.! '.$(00.*+#2/(*3! /*! b,V! CQL! \[! 92#*+#'+!
,-.! $#''/#&.>#=! (5! #! &'#@.;! '(#+! 3-#;;! $(07;=! >/2-! H(*+/2/(*! H;#33! Q! /*!
!"#$%&'()*(+&,"-.,#/('&01.'&2&-%3(45'(67&8.3"(9'#:&/('5#83( ))(
• ,(!#!3):32#*2/#;!+.&'..[!-#@.!2-.!*.$.33#'=!$'(335#;;d!
• Z#@.! *(! 7(2-(;.3! ('! 3)'5#$.! )*.@.**.33d! \]$.72/(*3! 0#=! ($$)'! (@.'! 3-('2.'!
• Z#@.! #*! .@.*! 3)'5#$.! #*+! :.! 5/'0d! 1((3.! #&&'..! 0#=! ($$)'! (@.'! 3-('2.'!
• ".!3(!$(-.3/@.!2-#2!(*;=!30#;;!+)32!$;()+3!#'.!'#/3.+!:=!2'#55/$d!
,-.! '(#+! 3-#;;! :.! /*! 2-.! #:(@.! $(*+/2/(*! +)'/*&! 7.'/(+3! >-.*! 2-.'.! /3! *(! 5'(32!
</2$-.3[! 37#$.3! :.;(>! -#*+'#/;3[!$);@.'23[!3)'5#$.!>#2.'! #*+!+'#/*#&.!7/7.3!>/2-!
&);;.=3! #*+! 0#*-(;.3[! #*+! '(#+! $);@.'23! 3-#;;! :.! %.72! (7.*! 3(! 2-#2! +'#/*#&.! /3!
4**.'! 3;(7.3! 3-#;;! -#@.! #*! /*$;/*#2/(*! (5! CjQ! ('! 5;#22.'! #*+! ()2.'! 3;(7.3! CjQ! ('!
9;(7.3! 3-#;;! -#@.! *(! .'(3/(*! $-#**.;3! +..7.'! 2-#*! RdQ! 0! #*+! >/+.'! 2-#*! RdM! 0d!
?$$('+/*&!2(!67.'#2/(*! Da[!2-.!'(#+!3-#;;!*(2!:.!3;/77.'=[!.]$.72!+)'/*&!7.'/(+3!
<)'/*&! 2-.! $(*2'#$2! 7.'/(+! 2-.! J)#;/2=! (5! 2-.! &'#@.;! >.#'/*&! $()'3.! 3-#;;! :.!
2'#55/$! 3#5.2=! ('! ,'#55/$#:/;/2=! /3! '.+)$.+d! \]#07;.3! (5! 7-=3/$#;! (:32#$;.3! #'.!
#:#*+(*.+! @.-/$;.3[! 32(*.3[! 2'..3! 5.;;.+! :=! 32('0[! 7/.$.3! (5! 2='.3[! '.0#/*3! (5!
W-.'.! #*! (:32#$;.! /3! .32/0#2.+! 2(! $#)3.! $;(3)'.! (5! 2-.! >-(;.! $#''/#&.>#=! 5('!
!"#$%&'()*(+&,"-.,#/('&01.'&2&-%3(45'(67&8.3"(9'#:&/('5#83( )J(
H(*3/+.'#2/(*! 3-#;;! :.! &/@.*! 2(! 37.$/#;! $(*+/2/(*3! >-/$-! *.$.33/2#2.! #! -/&-.'! ('!
;(>.'!'(#+! 0#*#&.0.*2! 32#*+#'+d!\]#07;.3!(5!3)$-!37.$/#;!$(*+/2/(*3!#'.!;#'&.!
Chapter 6/ Factors which influence the operation and maintenance of gravel roads 57
Factors which influence the operation
and maintenance of gravel roads
32#*+#'+[! 2'#55/$! +.7.*+.*2! 5#$2('3[! &.(0.2'/$! 5#$2('3! #*+! 7-=3/$#;! 5#$2('3d! ,-.!
2-.! >.#'/*&! $()'3.[! 7#'2/$;.! 3-#7.! #*+! 7#'2/$;.! 3/X.! +/32'/:)2/(*d! 62-.'! 7-=3/$#;!
5#$2('3! #'.! 2-.! 5'(32! 3)3$.72/:/;/2=! #*+! +'#/*#&.! $(*+/2/(*3! (5! 2-.! 3):&'#+.! #*+!
(5! 2-.! 2.''#/*! #*+! :)/;+/*&! +.@.;(70.*2d! ,-.! 0.2.('(;(&/$#;! 5#$2('3! >-/$-! #'.!
:'/.5;=! +/3$)33.+! #'.! 7'.$/7/2#2/(*! (5! +/55.'.*2! 5('03[! 2-.! *)0:.'! (5! 3)*3-/*.!
-()'3[! 2-.! ;.*&2-! (5! 2-.! 7.'/(+! >-.*! 2-.! '(#+! /3! 5'..! 5'(0! 3*(>! #*+! /$.[! #*+!
6.1 I(#+!32#*+#'+!!!!58
6.2 ,'#55/$!+.7.*+.*2!5#$2('3!!!!58
6.2.1! ,'#55/$!5;(>!??<,!!!!58
6.2.2 ,'#55/$!$(07(3/2/(*!!!!60
6.2.3 V.-/$;.!37..+!!!!61
6.3 G.(0.2'/$!5#$2('3!!!!61
6.3.1! W/+2-!(5!'(#+!!!!61
6.3.2 ?;/&*0.*2!#*+!7'(5/;.!(5!2-.!'(#+!!!!62
6.4 F-=3/$#;!5#$2('3!!!!62
6.4.1 H(07(3/2/(*!(5!>.#'/*&!$()'3.!!!!62
6.4.2 K'(32!3)3$.72/:/;/2=!(5!3):&'#+.!#*+!'(#+!32')$2)'.!!!!73
6.4.3! ,=7.!(5!;#*+3$#7.!#*+!2-.!3)''()*+/*&3!(5!2-.!'(#+!!!!73
6.4.4 ")/;+/*&3!!!!73
6.5! 8.2.('(;(&/$#;!5#$2('3!!!!73
6.5.1! F'.$/7/2#2/(*!(5!+/55.'.*2!5('03!!!!73
6.5.2! Y)0:.'!(5!3)*3-/*.!-()'3!!!!73
6.5.3 1.*&2-!(5!7.'/(+!>-.*!2-.!'(#+!/3!5'..!5'(0!3*(>!#*+!/$.!!!!74
6.5.4 Z)0/+/2=!!!!74
Figure 6.1 Principle of optimum condition and relationship between costs and
road standard (Bäckman et al., 1998).
Vertical axis-Annual cost
Horizontal axis-Standard
Totalkostnad=Total cost
Sök minimum=Find minimum
Trafikkostnad=Traffic cost
Väghållarkostnad=Road management cost
6.2 Traffic dependent factors!
6.2.1 Traffic volume AADT!
<(:3(*! #*+! F(32/;;! ACDgMB! J)(2.! "#)0#*! #*+! ".2X! ACDgRB! #*+! $(*5/'0! 2-#2!
3$(7.! (5! 0#/*2.*#*$.! >('%d! ,-.! -/&-.'! 2-.! 2'#55/$! 5;(>[! 2-.! &'.#2.'! /3! >.#'! #*+!
".'&5#;%! #*+! s%.3(*! ACDaDB! J)(2.! #! 9>.+/3-! /*@.32//(*! >-/$-! .]#0/*.+! 2-.!
$(323! (*! gR! &'#@.;! '(#+! 3.$2/(*3! /*! 3/]! $()*2/.3! (@.'! 2-.! 7.'/(+! CDNMOCDNad!
9.7#'#2.! +/#&'#03! 3-(>/*&! 2-.! '.;#2/(*3-/7! :.2>..*! 2'#55/$! 5;(>! #*+! '.3()'$.3!
.]7.*+.+! >.'.! +'#>*! 5('! .#$-! #$2/@/2=[! '.&'#@.;;/*&[! &'#+/*&[! +)32! $(*2'(;[!
>#2.'/*&[! 7#2$-/*&! #*+! $;#=! 37'.#+/*&d! ,-.! $(323! (5! 2-.3.! A9\`o0B! >.'.! 2-.*!
Figure 6.2 Relationship between number of vehicles and the costs (SEK/m) of
different operation and maintenance measures (Bergfalk and
Åkeson, 1969).
Vertical axis- SEK/m
Horizontal axses-vehicles/mean summer day
Undersökning av grusvägbanekostnader 1953/54-1955/56, Sammanlagd kostnad
= Investigation of gravel road costs, 1953/54-1955/56, Aggregate costs
Barmarkstid=Snow & ice free period 9 months
Vägbredd= Road width
Dammbindning=Dust control
Lerning=Clay spreading
Figure 6.3 Maintenance costs for gravel roads.
Vertical axis- SEK 1000/m
Horizontal axis-Vehicles/annual mean day
Servicrabete=Service work
Egentlig underhåll=Actual maintenance
Allm. kostnader=General costs
,-.! $)'@.3! 5('! '.&'#@.;;/*&[! 7#2$-/*&[! &'#+/*&! #*+! +)32! $(*2'(;! #'.! /*! '.;#2/@.;=!
J)#;/2=! >.'.! 0(*/2('.+! /*! CDgR! (*! 2-'..! &'#@.;! '(#+3! /*! `#;0#'! H()*2=d! 42! >#3!
6.2.2 Traffic composition
Y(2! (*;=! 2-.! 0#&*/2)+.! (5! 2'#55/$! 5;(>! :)2! #;3(! /23! $(07(3/2/(*! /3! $(*3/+.'.+! 2(!
,-.! 2=7.! (5! 2'#*37('2! /3! #;3(! 3/&*/5/$#*2[! #*+! #;3(! /5! /2! /3! $(*$.*2'#2.+! (@.'! #!
6.2.3 Vehicle speed
1/*+-! ACDgCB! .32#:;/3-.3! 2-#2! 2-.! J)#*2/2=! (5! .0/22.+! +)32! @#'/.3! .]7(*.*2/#;;=!
>/2-! @.-/$;.! 37..+d! G)/+.;/*.3! 5('! $(32! .55.$2/@.! )3.! #*+! #77;/$#2/(*! (5! +)32!
7#;;/#2/@.3! bG<Fb! ACDgEB! &/@.3! 5/&)'.3! (5! #**)#;! ;(33! (5! #&&'..! #2! +/55.'.*2!
37..+3d! K/&)'.! adL! /3! $(*32')$2.+! (*! 2-.! :#3/3! (5! 2-.! ;/2.'#2)'.! 32)+/.+! :=! 2-(3.!
Figure 6.4 Estimated annual loss of aggregate at different speeds
(GDP, 1987).
6.3 Geometric factors!
6.3.1 Width of road
3(0.! .J)#;/3#2/(*! (5! 2-.! .55.$2! (5! 2'#55/$[! 3/*$.! 2'#55/$! (*! #! *#''(>.'! '(#+! 0)32!
6*! *#''(>! '(#+3[! #! ;(2! (5! 7;#*2! $#**(2! :.! )3.+! 5('! 0#/*2.*#*$.d! ".'&32'h0! #*+!
>('%d! 45! 2-.! '(#+! /3! *#''(>! #*+! 2-.! >.#'/*&! $()'3.! .]2'.0.;=! 2-/*[! #! >/*+'(>!
Zh:.+#! ACDEgB! *(2.3! 2-#2! .]7.'/.*$.! /*! 9>.+.*! #*+! Y('>#=! /*+/$#2.3! 2-#2! 2-.!
$(#'3.! 0#2.'/#;! /*! 2-.! >.#'/*&! $()'3.! 0)32! $(*3/32! (5! 5'#&0.*23! (5! 32'(*&! '($%3!
Zh:.+#! ACDEgB! J)(2.3! I(3.*J@/32! ACDLMB! >-(! 37.$/#;;=! '.$(00.*+3! 2-.! )3.! (5!
b:#3/$b! '($%3d! "#3/$! '($%3! #'.[! #3! #! ');.[! 2()&-! #*+! 7'(+)$.! '($%! 5;()'! (5! :.22.'!
H(07#'.+! >/2-! >-#2! /3! )3.+! /*! 9$#*+/*#@/#[! @.'=! 7(('! 32(*.! 0#2.'/#;! /3! (52.*!
)3.+! /*! >.#'/*&! $()'3.3! #:'(#+d! I/22.'! ACDNLB! /*! Zh:.+#! ACDEgB! 3#=3! 2-#2! ;($#;!
0#2.'/#;3! 3)$-! #3! 7('()3! ;#@#[! 3(52! #*+! 7('()3! ;/0.32(*.[! 3-.;;3[! 0/*.! >#32.[!
3)$-! >.#%! 0#2.'/#;3! -#@.! :..*! )3.+! /*! $;/0#2.3! >/2-! ;(>! '#/*5#;;! #*+! *(! 5'(32!
4*! -/3!;/2.'#2)'.! 32)+=[! Zh:.+#! ACDEgB!$(*3/+.'3!2-#2!#!32'(*&! #&&'..! 0#2.'/#;!
#:'#3/(*d! ?! @.'=! 32'(*&! #&&'..! 0#2.'/#;! (5! /*#77'(7'/#2.! 7#'2/$;.! 3/X.!
+/32'/:)2/(*! /3! *(2! $')3-.+! #3! .#3/;=! /*2(! #! 32#:;.[! 2/&-2! +/32'/:)2/(*! >/2-! 5.>.'!
@(/+3! #3! #! 0#2.'/#;! $(*2#/*/*&! #! b3)55/$/.*2b! J)#*2/2=! (5! >.#%! 7#'2/$;.3d! 9(0.!
>.#%! 0#2.'/#;3! #'.! #;3(! $(07#$2.+! /*2(! 2/&-2! #*+! 32#:;.! 0#33.3[! #*+! 2-.! 5/*.!
0#2.'/#;! 0#=! 3(0.2/0.3! .@.*! -#@.! $.0.*2/*&! 7'(7.'2/.3d! Zh:.+#! 2-.'.5('.!
&'#@.;! 7/2! 0#=! :.! 7'.5.'#:;.! 2(! )*>.#2-.'.+! #&&'..! 5('! 2-.! 7'(+)$2/(*! (5!
?$$('+/*&! 2(! ?0.'/$#*! $(+.3! ('! '.&);#2/(*3[! #! 1(3! ?*&.;.3! *)0:.'! *(! &'.#2.'!
2-#*! NR! A/07#$2! @#;).! uERB! /3! '.$(00.*+.+! /*! ('+.'! 2(! 7'.@.*2! .]$.33/@.!
I6?<! DL! ;#=3! +(>*! 2.$-*/$#;! '.J)/'.0.*23! 5('! 2-.! 0#2.'/#;[! 3)$-! #3! :#;;O0/;;!
@#;).[! $(*2.*2! (5! ('&#*/$! 0#22.'[! 7#'2/$;.! 3/X.! +/32'/:)2/(*! #*+! 7'(7('2/(*! (5!
)*$')3-.+! 0#2.'/#;[! 5('! 5()'! +/55.'.*2!$()'3.3[!>.#'/*&! $()'3.[!:#3.!$()'3.[!3):O
:#3.! #*+! 7'(2.$2/(*! $()'3.! /5! #*=d! 9..! H-#72.'! N[! b,.$-*/$#;! '.J)/'.0.*23! 5('!
<)32! $(*2'(;! #&.*23! -#@.! 3(0.! 3/&*/5/$#*$.!5('!2-.!+.&'#+#2/(*!(5!$.'2#/*!'($%3d!
8/$#$.()3! 0#2.'/#;3[! 0#/*;=! 3;#2.[! $#*! :.! :'(%.*! +(>*! :=! $#;$/)0! $-;('/+.!
>-/$-! .].'23! #! +/37.'3/*&! .55.$2! (*! 0/$#$.()3! 0#2.'/#;[! 2-)3! /*$'.#3/*&! 2-.! 5/*.!
?! -/&-! &'#@.;! 3-#7.! /*+.]! 5('! &'#@.;! /*! 2-.! >.#'/*&! $()'3.! #;3(! #77.#'3!
#;3(! 7(/*23! ()2! 2-#2! 2-.! .55.$2! (5! +)32! $(*2'(;! >/2-! ;/&*/*! /3! /07'(@.+! /5! 2-.!
2-.! >.#'/*&! $()'3.! /3! ;/0.32(*.d! 1/0.32(*.! /3! #! >.#%! '($%! #*+! /3! :'(%.*! +(>*!
.@.'=! 2/0.! 2-.! '(#+! /3! &/@.*! 0#/*2.*#*$.! &'#+/*&[! >-/$-! 0.#*3! 2-#2! 2-.! 5/*.3!
$(*2.*2! /*$'.#3.3! /*! 2/0.! #*+! 2-.! .55.$2! (5! +)32! $(*2'(;! 2'.#20.*2! >/2-! :/2)0.*!
.0);3/(*! +/0/*/3-.3d! ,-/3! 7'(:;.0! /3! :.;/.@.+! 2(! -#@.! :..*! 3(;@.+! :=!
2/0.!(5!0#/*2.*#*$.! &'#+/*&!/*!('+.'!2(!&.2!#3!*.#'!2-.!/+.#;!#&&'..!$)'@.!#3!
;(*&!+/32#*$.!5('! &'#@.;! '(#+3d!K('!'.#3(*3!(5!$(32[!;($#;!3)77;/.3!0)32!:.!0#+.!
! Particle shape!
2-#2! #*&);#'! 7#'2/$;.3! -#@.! -/&-.'! /*2.'*#;! 5'/$2/(*! 2-#*! '()*+.+! (*.3d! ,-/3!
/07.+.3! 0(@.0.*2! :.2>..*! 7#'2/$;.3! #*+! ;/0/23! +.5('0#2/(*d! H')3-.+! '($%!
0#2.'/#;! /3! 2-.'.5('.! 7'.5.'#:;.! 2(! *#2)'#;! #&&'..d! 4*! #++/2/(*[! 2-.! +.*3/2=! (5!
0#2.'/#;! $(*3/32/*&! (5! /''.&);#'! 7#'2/$;.3! /3! -/&-.'! 2-#*! 2-#2! 0#+.! )7! (5! '()*+.+!
7#'2/$;.3d! ")2! 2-.! 30#;;.'! 2-.! 7#'2/$;.! 3/X.[! 2-.! 30#;;.'! /3! 2-.! 3/&*/5/$#*$.! (5! 2-.!
+/55.'.*$.! /*! 7#'2/$;.! 3-#7.! :.2>..*! +/55.'.*2! 0#2.'/#;3d! \@.*! 5('! 2-.! $(00(*!
#&&'..! 3/X.3[! 2-.! +/55.'.*$.! /*!7'(7.'2/.3!+).!2(!2-.!7#'2/$;.!3-#7.3!(5!*#2)'#;!
3/&*/5/$#*2! 5('! 2-.! 7'(7.'2/.3! (5! 2-.! >.#'/*&! $()'3.d! 4*! 2-.! 3#0.! >#=! #3! 2-.!
.37.$/#;;=! /*! 2-.! $#3.! (5! >.#%! 0#2.'/#;3d! F#'2/$;.3! >/2-! 3-#'7! .+&.3! #'.! '()*+.+!
7#'2/$;.! 3-#7.! +.7.*+3! (*! 2-.! 7'.@#/;/*&! 32'.33! $(*+/2/(*3d! c*+.'! 2-.! 32'.33!
$(*+/2/(*3! 0.2! >/2-! /*! #! '(#+! $(*32')$2/(*[! 3-#'7! .+&.+! 7#'2/$;.3! #'.! &.*.'#;;=!
Figure 6.5 Limiting curves for carriageway composition of acceptable bearing
Vertical axis- Percentage by weight passing
Horizontal axis- Håldiam för såll i mm=Hole dia of screen in mm
Fri maskvidd för siktar i mm=Clear aperture of sieve in mm
Bärigt=acceptable bearing capacity
>#=! 2-#2! $(07(3/2/(*3! (5! 2-.! >.#'/*&! $()'3.! &'#@.;! :.;(>! 2-/3! ;/0/2! >/2-()2! #!
+():2! -#@.! 5);;! :.#'/*&! $#7#$/2=! .@.*! /*! 2-.! 0(32! 3.@.'.! $(*+/2/(*3[! /d.d! >-.*!
3#2)'#2.+! (@.'! #! 7'(;(*&.+! 7.'/(+! #*+! 3):^.$2.+! 2(! -/&-! 2'#55/$! ;(#+d! K'(0! 2-/3!
".3%(>! ACDMLB! 3)00#'/3.3! 2-.! 7'#$2/$#;! $(*$;)3/(*3! #*+! 32#2.3! 2-#2[! /*! @/.>! (5!
:.#'/*&! $#7#$/2=[! 2-.! J)#*2/2=! (5! $(#'3.! 0#2.'/#;! /*! 2-.! $#''/#&.>#=! 3-();+! :.!
/*$'.#3.+d! 8#2.'/#;! $(#'3.'! 2-#*! L! 00! /3! 0(32! .55.$2/@.d! 4*! $(*2'#32[! 5/*.!
#&&'..! 7#'2/$;.3! #*+! 3#*+! -#@.! $(*3/+.'#:;=! ;.33! .55.$2d! 42! /3! (*;=! >-.*! 2-.!
• Abrasion resistance
,-.! 3)'5#$.! .@.**.33! (5! #! $#''/#&.>#=! /3! 0#/*;=! +/3')72.+! :=! $('')/(*d! ,-.!
0(32! /07('2#*2! $#)3.! (5! $('')/(*! /3! 2-#2! 2-.! 0#2.'/#;! /*! 2-.! $#''/#&.>#=! /3!
./2-.'! ;((3.! 5'(0! 2-.! ()23.2! ('! /3! +/3;(+&.+! :=! 2'#55/$[! #*+! 2-/3! ;((3.! 0#2.'/#;! /3!
0(32! 3)3$.72/:;.! 2(! $('')/(*! /3! C! 00d! 5/&)'.! ada! 3.23! ()2! 2-.! '.3);23! (5! 3(0.!
Figure 6.6 Range of variation for aggregates of differing susceptibilities to
corrugation (Beskow, 1934).
Vertical axis- Percentage by weight passing
Horizontal axis- Diameter för såll i mm=Hole dia of screen in mm
Fri maskvidd för siktar i mm=Clear aperture of sieve in mm
,-.! 5/*.;=! -#2$-.+! X(*.! /3! 2-.! (*.! /*3/+.! >-/$-! 0(32! #*#;=3/3! $)'@.3! 5('!
".3%(>! ACDMLB! 3#=3! 2-#2! 2-.! .#3/.32! >#=! (5! #$-/.@/*&! #! '(#+! 3)'5#$.! 5'..! 5'(0!
?$$('+/*&! 2(! ".3%(>[! /*! ('+.'! 2-#2! 2-.! >.#'/*&! $()'3.! 3-();+! :.! %.72! 5/'0! #*+!
/3! 3)55/$/.*2;=! -/&-[! /d.d! *(2! ;.33! 2-#*! CMm! :=! >./&-2d! K/*.! 0#2.'/#;! *..+! *(2!
#*+! .37.$/#;;=! 2-(3.! $#''=/*&! 2-.! 0(32! 2'#55/$[! /2! /3! *(2! :.#'/*&! $#7#$/2=! :)2!
'.3/32#*$.! 2(! $('')/(*! 2-#2! /3! $'/2/$#;d! 42! /3! >('2-! *(2/*&! 2-#2! 2(+#=q3! 2'#55/$! /3!
• Combination of bearing capacity and abrasion resistance
6*.! '.3);2! (5! ".3%(>q3! /*@.32//(*3! >#3! 2-.! 7'(+)$2/(*! (5! #*! /+.#;! #&&'..!
X(*.d! ".3%(>! ACDMLB! 32#2.3! 2-#2! 2-.! '#*&.! (5! @#'/#2/(*! 5('! #! $#''/#&.>#=! (5!
#*+! $('')/(*! '.3/32#*2! $#''/#&.>#=[! -#@.! J)/2.! +/55.'.*2! 7(3/2/(*3d! ,-.=! $#*!
-(>.@.'! (@.';#7! 2(! #! $.'2#/*! .]2.*2! 3(! 2-#2! 2-.'.! /3! #! $(00(*! X(*.! >-.'.! 2-.!
2-.! .@.*2! (5! 3#2)'#2/(*! #*+! 2-.! '.J)/'.0.*2! 5('! #! $#''/#&.>#=! (5! &((+! :/*+/*&!
?$$('+/*&! 2(! ".3%(>[! 2-.! #&&'..! >-(3.! 7#'2/$;.! 3/X.! +/32'/:)2/(*! $)'@.! /3!
/*3/+.! 2-/3! X(*.! 0#=! :.! +.*(2.+! 2-.! /+.#;! '(#+! #&&'..! ('! 2-.! b)*/@.'3#;b!
#&&'..d!?$$('+/*&!2(!".3%(>!ACDMLB[!2-.!ideal aggregate zone /3!2-.!$(00(*!
X(*.! :.2>..*! 2-.! )77.'! :()*+#'=! 5('! 0#2.'/#;! (5! &((+! :.#'/*&! $#7#$/2=! #*+! 2-.!
Figure 6.7 The ideal road aggregate or "universal" aggregate (Beskow,
Vertical axis- Percentage by weight passing
Horizontal axis-Diameter för såll i mm=Hole dia of screen in mm
Fri maskvidd för siktar i mm=Clear aperture of sieve in mm
Gräns för den för vägbanans översta lager tillåtliga avvikelsen från universal-
gruszonen= Boundary for the permissible deviation of the top layer of the
carriageway from the universal aggregate zone
Universal-eller idealgrus=Universal or ideal aggregate
Zh:.+#! ACDEgB! 3#=3! 2-#2! 7#'2/$;.3! 3(0.>-#2! ;#'&.'! 2-#*! /*! 9>.+/3-! b/+.#;b!
3)55/$/.*2! $(-.3/(*! /5! 2-.'.! /3! 2((! ;/22;.! 5/*.! 0#2.'/#;! 3/*$.! /2! /3! 2-.! 5/*.! 0#2.'/#;!
2-#2! #$23! #3! 2-.! :/*+.'! /*! 2-.! >.#'/*&! $()'3.d! ,-.! 5/*.! 0#2.'/#;! /3! 3(0.2/0.3!
*(2! 3)55/$/.*2! :.#'/*&! $#7#$/2=! >-.*! >.2! #*+! '(#+! :.$(0.3! ')22.+d! 4*! 3)00.'[!
.]$.33! (5! 5/*.3d! 4*! 3)$-! #! $#3.[! /5! 2-.! >.#'/*&! $()'3.! -#3! :..*! &/@.*! &((+! +)32!
45! 2-.! >.#'/*&! $()'3.! $(*2#/*3! 2((! 0)$-! 0#2.'/#;! :.2>..*! RdCQN! #*+! L! 00[! /d.d!
3#*+[! /2! .#3/;=! :.$(0.3! $('').+d! ,-.! 7'.'.J)/3/2.! 5('! 2-.! 5('0#2/(*! (5!
$('')/(*3! /3! #*! .]$.33! (5! 3#*+d! \@.*! #*! /*3/&*/5/$#*2! .]$.33[! #! 5.>! 7.'! $.*2[!
0#=! :.! .*()&-! 5('! 2-.! >.#'/*&! $()'3.! 2(! :.! 3)3$.72/:;.! 2(! $('')/(*d! 9#*+!
*(2! :.! 3)$$.335);! :.$#)3.! 2-.! .0);3/(*! 0)32! #+-.'.! 2(! #! 0)$-! ;#'&.'! 7#'2/$;.!
#*+! $(#'3.! 0#2.'/#;[! /d.d! 2-.=! (52.*! -#@.! #! $(*3/+.'#:;.! .]$.33! (5! 3#*+d! 4*! 2/0.[!
,-.! &'#@.;! >.#'/*&! $()'3.! 3-();+! *(2! $(*2#/*!2((! 0#*=! ;#'&.! 32(*.3! /*! ('+.'! 2(!
• Fine material
,-.! 2.'0! 5/*.3! /3! #;3(! )3.+! #3! #! &.*.'/$! 2.'0! 5('! 2-.! 3/;2! #*+! $;#=! 5'#$2/(*3[! /d.d!
bG)/+.;/*.3! 5('! $(32! .55.$2/@.! )3.! #*+! #77;/$#2/(*! (5! +)32! 7#;;/#2/@.3b! ACDgEB!
Figure 6.8 Aggregate of different fines contents.
K/*.3! /*! 2-.! >.#'/*&! $()'3.! 3-();+! #;3(! -#@.! $.'2#/*! 7;#32/$! 7'(7.'2/.3d! ! 45! 2-.!
>#2.'! '#2/(! #52.'! #! +'=! 7.'/(+! /3! 2((! ;(>[! 2-.! >.#'/*&! $()'3.! 32#'23! 2(! :.$(0.!
:.&/*3! 2(! :.! ;(32! 2-'()&-! +)32d! 6*! 2-.! (2-.'! -#*+[! /5! 2-.! >#2.'! '#2/(! /3! 2((! -/&-[!
• W.;;!&'#+.+!5'#$2/(*3!-#@.!#!-/&-.'!'.3/32#*$.!2(!7.'0#*.*2!+.5('0#2/(*3!2-#*!
• 4*$'.#3/*&! 5/*.3! $(*2.*2! $#)3.3! #*! /*$'.#3.! /*! 7.'0#*.*2! +.5('0#2/(*d! 9..!
Figure 6.9 Effect of fines content on permanent deformations in base course
consisting of crushed gneiss-granite after 105 loading cycles
(Lekarp, 1995).
Vertical axis- Permanent strain
Horizontal axis-Fines content
100% T-180C –densitet=100% T-180C-density
• Properties of soil binder!
".'&32'h0! #*+! G'.:#$%.*! ACDDNB! 7(/*2! ()2[! -(>.@.'[! 2-#2! /*! &'#@.;! '(#+!
0#/*2.*#*$.! 2-.! RORdCQN! 00! 5'#$2/(*!/3!'.5.''.+!2(!#3!3(/;!:/*+.'!3/*$.!/2!/3!2-/3!
(5! 2-.! &'#@.;! >.#'/*&! $()'3.! #77'.$/#:;=! +.$'.#3.3! /5! 2-.'.! /3! 3(0.! $(-.3/(*! 3(!
2'#55/$d! ?*(2-.'! 2#3%! (5! 2-.! 3(/;! :/*+.'! /3! 2(! 3.#;! 2-.! >.#'/*&! $()'3.! #&#/*32!
4*! 7'/*$/7;.[! #! 0#2.'/#;! 2-#2! /3! #++.+! 3(! #3! 2(! $(*5('0! 2(! 2-.! >.#'/*&! $()'3.!
/23! 3.*3/2/@/2=! 2(! >#2.'d! ,-.! >.#'/*&! $()'3.! 0)32! :.! 0(/32[! :)2! *(2! 3#2)'#2.+[! 2(!
8('#/*.! (5! -/&-! $;#=! $(*2.*2! /3! #;3(! 3)/2#:;.! #3! :/*+.'! /*! 2-.! >.#'/*&! $()'3.[!
>-/;.! 0('#/*.! >/2-! #! -/&-! $(*2.*2! (5! 5/*.! 3#*+! #*+! 3/;2! 3-();+! :.! #@(/+.+[!
5'..X.O2-#>! $=$;.3[! '.3);2/*&! /*! +.&'#+#2/(*! (5! 2-.! 0#2.'/#;! ('! (]/+#2/(*! (5! 2-.!
3)*! #*+! >/*+[! 0#=! './*5('$.! 2-.! +.&'#+/*&! .55.$2! (*! .0);3/(*d! \0);3/(*!
6.5.3 Length of period when the road is free from snow
and ice
,-.! ;.*&2-! (5! 2-/3! 7.'/(+! +.2.'0/*.3!2-.!;.*&2-! (5!2/0.!(@.'! >-/$-!0#/*2.*#*$.!
?'.#3! >-.'.! 2-/3! 7.'/(+! /3! ;(*&.'! 7'(:#:;=! -#@.! -/&-.'! 0#/*2.*#*$.! $(323d! 42! /3!
-(>.@.'! +/55/$);2! 2(! $#;$);#2.! 2-.! .55.$2! (5! 2-/3! 7.'/(+! (*! 2-.! 2(2#;! 0#/*2.*#*$.!
6.5.4 Humidity!
2-.! +'=/*&! ()2! (5! #! >.2! $#''/#&.>#=d!".'&32'h0! #*+!G'.:#$%.*!ACDDNB!*(2.!2-#2!
Operation and maintenance methods
The methods applied for the operation and maintenance of gravel roads during
the time of year when the roads are free from snow and ice are largely the same in
most countries. The purpose of operation and maintenance measures is to try to
keep the surface of the gravel road dustfree, even, of the correct shape and firm,
and thus enhance e.g. driving comfort and traffic safety.
Operation and maintenance of gravel roads costs SEK 6-10 per metre of road
(1997). The cost varies depending on the factors described in detail in Chapter 6,
"Factors which influence the operation and maintenance of gravel roads".
Different dust control agents are studied in this chapter. These agents are water,
clay, inorganic salts such as calcium chloride CaCl2 and magnesium chloride
MgCl2, non-bituminous organic chemicals such as lignin, bituminous binders such
as bitumen emulsion, and dust control oil. The time of year, frequency, coverage,
workmanship and the environmental impact of dust control with different agents
are also studied in this chapter.
Dust control became necessary when traffic increased in the 1920s. Dusty gravel
roads are a serious problem for both road users and those living near the road. A
gravel wearing course that contains too little fine material is not cohesive enough,
with the result that there is a greater risk of loose aggregate and corrugation of the
wearing course. On gravel roads with a large volume of traffic, a lot of money can
be saved by keeping the road under constant dust control. Dust control makes it
possible for the wearing course material to retain its correct composition for a
longer period. The road can remain in a good state longer without being graded
and having new aggregate spread on it, and this reduces costs.
Dust control of gravel roads is a measure whose effect does not last long and it
may therefore have to be repeated several times a year. The matter of which roads
are to be given a permanent surfacing is largely decided by traffic volume.
Han (1992) quotes a report by the Transport Research Board and says that gravel
roads with a traffic flow of 15-500 AADT should be dust controlled. According to
this report, gravel roads with a traffic flow >500 AADT should be paved.
Guidelines for Cost Effective Use and Application of Dust Palliatives (1987)
states that it can be economically justifiable to dust control gravel roads with an
AADT below 500.
The goal of the Swedish National Road Administration is to pave all roads with
traffic exceeding 250 vehicles per day, and to pave for environmental reasons
gravel roads where there are buildings along the road and the average traffic is
greater than 125 vehicles per day. In 1996 the length of gravel roads with an
average traffic greater than 250 vehicles per day was 475 km, and there were 273
km of gravel roads with buildings along the road on which traffic was in excess of
125 vehicles per day (Statistics from SNRA, 1997, in Swedish). In 1996 the total
length of State gravel roads was 22,267 km; see table 3.2.
It would appear that the number of times that a road needs dust control every year
varies from one to three. According to interviews conducted by Bergström and
Grebacken (1995), dust control with salt and lignosulphonates must on average be
repeated three times per season. Han (1992) says that a road needs dust control
more often than three times when:
• Speed is higher and there is a higher proportion of heavy traffic
• Humidity is lower
• Fines content in the wearing course is below 10%
• The wearing course contains large quantities of loose aggregate
Han (1992) states that previous experience is the best basis for determining when
and how often dust control should be carried out.
Dust control in Sweden is performed in the form of a basic treatment in the spring
and additional applications during the season (Jämsä, 1983). This applies to dust
control with salt and lignosulphonates. During supplementary applications the
concentration of the solution must normally be about 50% of that used for the
basic treatment. It is sometimes necessary first of all to make minor local dust
control applications in open country where the road surface dries out very quickly
(Jämsä, 1982).
The road engineering and economic reasons are that road dust mostly consists of
the finest particles of the wearing course. If these are allowed to disappear as dust,
the carriageway loses cohesion, becomes unstable and susceptible to corrugation
since there is an excess of sand. Persson (1993) says that this necessitates more
frequent maintenance in the form of grading or regravelling. Each time the road is
graded, some of the aggregate material is crushed. More frequent maintenance
results in increased expenditure. The traffic engineering reasons are that on a
carriageway with good dust control, with a smooth and firm surface and good
friction, traffic safety is higher than on an uneven, dusty carriageway with loose
aggregate on the surface. Visibility is also improved since there is less dust. A
road with good dust control also increases capacity to some extent since speeds
are higher (Lindh, 1981). The aim of dust control for sanitary reasons is to
prevent or alleviate dust pollution of the surroundings. It is mainly carried out in
built-up areas, on sections where there are buildings and cultivated areas along the
road, and on sections where pedestrian and cycle traffic is of considerable extent
(Persson, 1993).
The main reason for these difficulties in definition is that it is the purpose of the
measures and the importance attached to the dust control function which
determine whether or not the method in question can be regarded as a dust control
method. Dust control comprises one or more elements depending on the type of
dust control agent; for instance, dust control with salt comprises the elements
watering, grading and spreading of salt.
Lindh (1981) says that every action which keeps the emission of dust particles
below an acceptable maximum level, is carried out with the chief purpose of
controlling dust and uses a method that does not alter the character of the road as a
gravel road, may be said to be dust control action. Han (1992) quotes three
methods of dust control:
• Chemical method
• Mechanical method
• Administrative method
In the chemical method, chemical agents for instance salt such as calcium
chloride CaCl2, magnesium chloride MgCl2 or sodium chloride NaCl, or organic
bituminous binders or non-bituminous organic chemicals such as lignin, are
spread or added to the road. This literature study mainly deals with this method.
The administrative method entails the imposition of a speed limit on the road.
When speed is reduced, dust emission decreases. Han (1992) says that this method
is described in detail by Metzger (1967) in his report "Dust suppression and
drilling with foaming agent". Han (1992) quotes Metzger (1967) who says that
dust emission decreased by 40% when vehicle speed was reduced from 40 mph
(64 km/h) to 35 mph (56 km/h).
Lindh (1981) says in his literature study that dust can be controlled or eliminated
in three ways:
By covering the surface of the gravel road with an impervious layer, e.g. a
surfacing. Surfacing is a permanent solution of the dust problem.
By keeping the dust particles bound in the surface of the wearing course. This
can be achieved by keeping the road moist and in this way utilising surface
tension effects at the air-liquid phase boundary. This method is applied in dust
control with water and solutions of certain hygroscopic salts such as calcium
Hoover (1981) quotes one of the RRL reports (1971) and gives the following
• Water, sea water or fresh water
• Inorganic salts and bases, e.g. calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, sodium
chloride, and other inorganic salts such as solutions of aluminium or calcium
• Other inorganic chemicals
• Organic non-bituminous binders such as calcium lignosulphonate, enzyme
products, and other organic non-bituminous binders
• Bituminous materials and elastomers such as bitumen emulsion, asphalt
solution, elastomers and polymers Water
Water is the cheapest temporary dust control agent. Few publications regard water
to be a dust control agent on its own. Hubendick in Lindh (1981) describes its
effect as follows:
When the material in the wearing course is moist, the different particles are
surrounded by thin water membranes. Such a water membrane can resist a certain,
relatively large, force by surface tension. When the water membranes between
two particles come into contact, the surface tension endeavours to move the
particles towards one another and to keep them together.
As a consequence, the moist particles of dust in the wearing course are bound
together, both with each other and with the coarser material. Quite a large force is
needed to overcome surface tension and to dislodge moist dust particles from the
wearing course, and this is the reason why a moist wearing course emits no dust.
The drawback of water as a dust control agent is that it rapidly evaporates. In
order to keep a road free of dust, it is necessary to water it more often, which
increases maintenance costs.
The dust control effect of water depends on e.g. traffic volume and the weather. It
varies between a minimum of half an hour and a maximum of twelve hours
(Foley, 1996).
Studies by Struss and Mikucki in Lindh (1981) are stated to show that the water
potential in soil material is a statistically significant factor in determining dust
formation. One conclusion of these studies is that water, if it is readily available,
may be an economic alternative in dust control if it is applied at the correct time
during the drying process.
Sea water is usually more effective than fresh water due to its content of small
quantities of dissolved salts, mainly magnesium chloride. According to Lindh
(1981), sea water has been used in Norway along the coast as an alternative to
dust control with calcium chloride. Both Foley (1996) and Lindh (1981) state that
if the air along the road has a sufficiently high relative humidity, these chemicals
retain the absorbed water and the road remains free of dust for a longer period
than if fresh water is used.
The two designations hygroscopic and deliquescent are used in the literature not
entirely consistently, the probable reason being that different authors ascribe a
somewhat different meaning to these designations.
A hygroscopic salt is a salt that can absorb atmospheric humidity to such a high
degree that the crystal dissolves.
Lindh (1981) quotes a dictionary of chemistry and defines the word deliquescent
as follows: "When a salt absorbs moisture from the atmosphere and is dissolved in
the absorbed water it is said to be deliquescent. This occurs only if the vapour
pressure of the water over the solid is lower than the vapour pressure in the
ambient air". Lindh (1981) makes a distinction between hygroscopic and
deliquescent properties and quotes Miall and Sharp (1976). Miall and Sharp
classify calcium chloride and magnesium chloride as deliquescent salts, while
they regard sodium chloride to be a hygroscopic salt. It should however be
pointed out that Lindh (1981) writes that these three chemicals are all hygroscopic
and that all three may also be deliquescent.
The dust control effect of salts is due to the fact that 1. the surface tension of a
salt solution is greater than that of water, and 2. the vapour pressure over a salt
solution is lower than that over water of the same temperature, and that
evaporation of water from the road surface is consequently of lower extent and
may change into absorption of moisture from the air. Lindh (1981) quotes Reyier
(1972) who describes the dust control effect of salts. Lindh says that if dust
control of a gravel road is performed using water, the wet road dries out as soon
as the relative humidity of air is less than 100%, i.e. when the vapour pressure of
air is lower than its saturation pressure at the prevailing temperature. Since the
saturation pressure over a salt solution is lower than that over water, the saturation
pressure can be lowered with a salt that is capable of forming a solution with
water, and water can thus be retained at the surface of the road even when relative
humidity is lower than 100%.
The dust control effect of a certain quantity of salt is a function of the volume of
the solution that is formed when the salt absorbs water. The volume of solution
depends on the chemical character of the salt, temperature and humidity.
According to Reyier (1972) in Lindh (1981), there are two factors which are
critical for the dust control effect of salts, namely the ability to go into solution
and the solution volume formed.
The inorganic salts described in the following are calcium chloride CaCl2,
magnesium chloride MgCl2, sodium chloride NaCl, calcium nitrate and calcium
chloride+sodium chloride.
Calcium chloride
Calcium chloride CaCl2 was tested as a dust control agent as early as the 1920s
(Jämsä, 1983). Many consider that calcium chloride is one of the best dust control
agents that are at present available (Persson, 1993). In Sweden about 20,000-
40,000 tonnes of calcium chloride are used annually for dust control of gravel
roads (Walterson, 1995). Calcium chloride is produced by Kemira Kemi AB.
The dust control effect of calcium chloride is based on the fact that the salt
deliquesces, forms a solution with atmospheric humidity which, due to its high
surface tension, binds the particles together and prevents evaporation of water.
Calcium chloride is sold in the form of a hydrate with the chemical formula CaCl2
2H2O (Svensson, 1997). It is delivered as white flakes either in bulk or in bags
(Hallberg, 1989). As it absorbs moisture, it changes from white flakes into a while
jelly-like mass and finally into a colourless viscous liquid. On delivery calcium
chloride contains about 20-25% water (Glänneskog and Skog, 1994). Calcium
chloride must be stored so that the salt does not come into contact with moisture.
Reyier (1972) says that commercial calcium chloride theoretically contains about
75% water-free salt, while Nilsson (1980) in Svensson (1997) gives a higher
value, 77-80%. The solubility of calcium chloride in water is stated by Thornburn
and Mura (1969) in Lindh (1981) to be 59.5 g per 100 ml water at 0°C and 159 g
at 100°C.
The relative humidity needed for calcium chloride to be able to absorb moisture
from air varies with temperature. Lindh (1981) quotes Thornburn and Mura
(1969) and says that more than 30% relative humidity is required to enable
calcium chloride to absorb moisture from air. Bergström and Grebacken (1995),
on the other hand, say that relative humidity should be higher than 35%.
As regards the time of year and frequency, there are different opinions as to
when salt must be spread in the spring as basic treatment. Certain road
management areas spread most of their calcium chloride as early as possible in
order to make use of spring moisture. The Swedish National Road Administration
recommends that the first dust control treatment should be applied in the spring
when thaw has penetrated to a sufficient depth. The reference does not however
say what this depth is. Dust control is carried out after the thaw when the
carriageway has stabilised but still retains spring moisture. The road must be
graded because of the settlements that had occurred after the thaw. A road with
good cohesion must be deep graded, as a result of which some of the salt is
wasted (Road maintenance-roads free from snow and ice, 1992, in Swedish).
According to ROAD 94, the quantity of calcium chloride must be at least 0.5
kg/m2. This applies to new roads, i.e. the first coverage. The whole section of road
need not be dust controlled with the same quantity, but the coverage must be
adjusted in view of the needs of the road section (Road maintenance-roads free
from snow and ice, 1992). For practical reasons, however, the same quantity is in
actual fact applied to the whole section.
According to the literature, the quantity of calcium chloride used in dust control
depends on four factors:
A. Composition of the wearing course
B. Open terrain or terrain sheltered by forest
C. Road width
D. Traffic volume, proportion of heavy vehicles, and speed.
Beskow (1934) says that if the quantity of material passing a 0.125 mm sieve is
less than 10%, addition of soil binder to a road treated with a dust control agent is
The results of tests (Hallberg, 1989) suggest that wearing courses deficient in soil
binder are controlled better with calcium chloride than with Dustex. He adds that
these results agree quite well with previous tests. However, Hallberg does not
define the term "wearing course deficient in soil binder".
Brown and Elton (1994) tested both calcium chloride and lignosulphonate. The
results suggest that the effect of calcium chloride is better on sandy wearing
courses. Lignosulphonate produces better results on wearing courses containg
quite a lot of clay.
Table 7.1 Quantity of CaCl2 (kg/metre run) used in Sweden for dust control.
Traffic AADT Openness (%)
0-9 10-19 20-
0-49 0.7 0.8 1.0
50-124 0.9 1.1 1.3
125-249 1.3 1.5 1.8
250- 1.7 2.1 2.6
C. Road width
Table 7.2 sets out the average quantities of calcium chloride (tonnes/km) used in
Finland for different road widths and traffic volumes.
Persson (1993) writes that the normal quantity during a year is 0.6-1.5 tonne/km.
If it is necessary to use more than 1.0 tonne/km, about two thirds of this are spread
in the spring on the first occasion. The remainder is spread in conjunction with
grading in the summer, or when it is otherwise necessary to apply dust control.
"Road maintenance -roads free from snow and ice" (1992) lays down that in the
spring about 1.5 kg/metre of road should be used. Bergström and Grebacken
(1995) add that this quantity applies for a road of 4 m width. Hallberg (1989) has
used 1 tonne/km in his test. During maintenance grading in the summer months,
light dust control, about 0.2-0.5 kg/m road, is generally needed (Road
maintenance-roads free from snow and ice, 1992).
Salt retains its dust control properties for 1.5-2 months (Bergström and
Grebacken, 1995). However, Han (1992) gives a considerably longer period, 6-12
Han (1992) says that the quantity of CaCl2 for American conditions is 1.0-1.5
lb/yd2 which is equivalent to 0.5-0.8 kg/m2. No traffic volumes are quoted.
Beckemeyer and McPeak (1995) give the quantity for American conditions as
0.65 kg/m2, which is the same as the quantities used in Sweden.
It is seen from the report "Dust control of gravel roads" (1993) that the quantity of
calcium chloride used in Norway in this test is 1.5-2.0 kg CaCl2/m.
Magnesium chloride
Magnesium chloride MgCl2 and calcium chloride CaCl2 have several common
properties. Magnesium chloride is also hygroscopic and easy to dissolve. Both
these road salts are also industrial waste products. Magnesium chloride is obtained
when certain naturally occurring potassium salts (e.g. carnallite) are refined.
Magnesium chloride is also obtained from sea water. Both these salts are
marketed in the form of a hydrate, i.e. as solid chemical compounds.
Figure 7.1 Relationship between the relative humidity at which the salt goes
into solution and temperature (Foley, 1996).
Foley points out that the figure only applies when the salt is not mixed with other
materials. If the salt is mixed with the road material, the relationship is different.
It can be seen from the figure that calcium chloride goes into solution at a lower
relative humidity than magnesium chloride when the air temperature is higher
than about 23°C, which is the temperature on a quite warm summer day in the
Nordic countries (Jämsä, 1983). This means that calcium chloride has a better dust
control action than magnesium chloride on warm summer days.
The figure also shows that magnesium chloride has the advantage that it can go
into solution at a low temperature by absorbing less moisture, i.e. it has a more
rapid dust control effect, while the opposite applies at higher temperatures.
However, it is considered that the saving made by using magnesium chloride,
because less water needs to be spread, is small compared with the cost of
purchase, transport, storage and spreading. In order to achieve the same effect as
in using calcium chloride, 18% more magnesium chloride per m2 is needed
(Reyier, 1972). Others consider that up to 20% more is needed.
Glänneskog and Skog (1994) state that the final sum is approximately the same.
Magnesium chloride may be even a little more expensive.
Magnesium chloride costs about SEK 1300/tonne (1998) which is about 15%
cheaper than calcium chloride that costs about SEK 1500/tonne (1998).
The differences between MgCl2 and CaCl2 have been investigated by Nilsson
(1994). He carried out a small scale dust control test on gravel roads between
Alvesta and Vislanda in Kronoberg County. Both magnesium chloride and
calcium chloride were used in the test. Nilsson (1994) summarises the results as
• Magnesium chloride is more pleasant to handle than calcium chloride. What
is most important, it raises less dust when loaded and spread than calcium
• Dust control effect is the same as that of calcium chloride.
• The consumption of magnesium chloride at two of the test areas is slightly
higher than that of calcium chloride.
• Magnesium chloride combines with about 30% less chlorine than calcium
chloride. This may be seen as environmentally favourable if the consumption
of the two salts used in dust control is equal.
• Magnesium chloride runs out of the spreader more freely than calcium
• The road has a lighter colour after treatment with magnesium chloride.
• Magnesium chloride should not be loaded the evening before spreading since
it appears to be more hygroscopic than calcium chloride.
Sodium chloride
The cheapest dust control agent is sodium chloride or cooking salt NaCl whose
principal field of application in road management is however as a skid control
agent (Han, 1992). Sodium chloride occurs naturally as rock salt in a number of
places over the whole world, and makes up 3% of sea water. The lowest relative
humidity at which sodium chloride can absorb atmospheric moisture is 80%
(Lindh, 1981 quoting Thornburn and Mura, 1969). RRL in Lindh points out,
however, that the corresponding percentage is 75%. Han (1992) states that the
lowest relative humidity is 76%. Sodium chloride has been tested to a limited
extent in dust control of gravel roads, but the results have not been satisfactory.
The reason is the high relative humidity needed (75-80%) before sodium chloride
can absorb atmospheric moisture and go into solution (Jämsä, 1983).
The above report refers to an investigation in which calcium chloride, Dustex and
Norsalt were tested. The report states that the quantity of Norsalt used in the test
in Norway was 1.8-2.0 tonnes/km.
Calcium nitrate
Calcium nitrate as a dust control agent has not been dealt with to any major extent
in the literature. In Norway, however, an investigation has been made to find if
calcium nitrate is suitable as a dust control agent for gravel roads.
Calcium nitrate is cheaper than calcium chloride. Jämsä (1982) states that the use
of calcium nitrate saves about NK 400-500/km (1980) when the quantity of
calcium nitrate used is the same as that of calcium chloride.
It may be stated on the basis of experience that, in spite of its weaker dust control
effect in comparison with calcium chloride, under certain conditions satisfactory
results can be achieved by using calcium nitrate.
Jämsä (1982) considers that the risk of environmental damage poses no obstacle
to the use of calcium nitrate. Although calcium nitrate is a fertilizer, Jämsä's
report makes no mention of the risk of eutrophication and anoxia.
Analysis of the road is broadly the same whether salt, lignosulphonate or bitumen
emulsion is used as a dust control agent.
A. Analysis of road
In order that dust control should be as effective as possible, an investigation
should be made to find whether the road is suited to dust control treatment with
salt, lignosulphonate or bitumen emulsion. The analysis is in two stages, check on
the composition of the wearing course and check on the camber and
When dust control is carried out using bitumen emulsion the ideal particle size
distribution given in ROAD 94 should be aimed for, but according to Bergström
and Grebacken (1995), tests on Gotland show that a wearing course with
approximately half as much fine material (<0.25 mm) produces better results
when emulsion is used for dust control. The reason is that the limestone found on
Gotland is easily broken down and in this way the fines content increases.
Before dust control treatment begins the wearing course should be inspected, the
need for new aggregate assessed and regravelling if necessary. Regravelling is
described in Clause 7.3.
The edges of the road shall be trimmed prior to watering and grading so that water
can drain unobstructed and so that vegetation is not drawn on to the road by the
grader. If water ponds on the carriageway, salt and lignosulphonate are dissolved
and the dust control function disappears. When emulsion is used for dust control,
the advance patrol for edge trimming, which consists of two graders and a water
tanker, should be deployed not more than 4-5 hours before emulsion treatment to
ensure that the road has the correct moisture content (Bergström and Grebacken,
1995). Edge trimming is described in more detail in Clause 7.4.
In order that dust control should have long duration, the road must then be graded
to ensure that camber and superelevation are correct. The road shall have the
appropriate moisture content prior to grading. The natural moisture content of the
road can with advantage be utilised by grading the road directly after a heavy fall
of rain or before there has been time for it to dry out after the thaw. If for some
reason the natural moisture content is not enough, the road must be watered until
the correct moisture content is obtained. Watering is described in Clause 7.5.
A road with salt as the dust control agent is easy to grade. A grader blade of
ordinary plain steel works well. Bergström and Grebacken (1995) say that,
depending on how badly damaged the road is, the grader blade should penetrate
about 1.5-3 cm. The reason for shallow grading is to minimise the quantity of
loose material in front of the grader blade and to avoid the risk of cutting into poor
material below the wearing course. Since, as a rule, the road is not constructed in
accordance with any specification, one does not know what there is below the
wearing course.
A road previously treated with bitumen emulsion should be watered and graded to
a depth of 5-10 cm irrespective of how damaged it is. Deep grading is necessary
to break down the lumps of emulsion and to adjust camber and superelevation.
Grading is described in detail in Clause 7.2.
Han (1992) considers that 15-30 cm of adjacent passes must be overlapped when
salt solution is applied. He adds that the road should not be used immediately after
the salt has been spread to ensure that the material mixed with salt does not get
caught up in the tyres. This holds for salt both in solid form and as a solution. The
wait is about 4 hours and depends on the type of wearing course and the climate.
A wearing course with a high fines content requires a longer time. He suggests
that if the road must be used immediately after salt has been spread the surface
should be compacted before the road is opened to traffic.
Jämsä (1982) describes the mix-in-place method as follows: The wearing course
is worked over with a grader. The road must be watered prior to grading to
facilitate both mixing and compaction. In normal conditions, two passes are
needed to loosen up and mix the material. After this treatment the loose wearing
course material forms a windrow in the middle of the road. The material is then
spread and evened out, during which process the coarse material is spread evenly
over the two halves of the carriageway. Salt is then spread on the road. After this,
the salt is mixed into the wearing course and the road is accurately shaped.
Mixing is carried out using an aggregate windrow spreader attached to a grader or
a road drag. After mixing and fine adjustment, the road is compacted with suitable
equipment, e.g. a pneumatic tyred or smooth wheeled roller.
Sultan (1974) recommends that the road should be watered both before and after
Beckemeyer and McPeak (1995) write that the salt must be mixed into wearing
course material of 25-50 mm thickness. The road must then be rolled. Water must
be added if necessary.
The plant and equipment used in dust control with salt are a water tanker, road
grader and spreading equipment.
Spreading equipments which are used are sand spreader, salt spreader or
fertiliser spreader. A brief description of each of these is given below.
A sand spreader is often used for the spring salt treatment at which time a large
amount is spread (about 1.5 tonnes/km). A sand spreader must be used if more
than 0.7-0.8 tonne/km is to be spread (Persson, 1993); a lorry with a tipper body
and a spreader towed behind are employed. See figure 7.2.
Figure 7.2 Dust control treatment with a sand spreader (Maintenance of gravel
and earth roads, 1994).
The spreaders which are towed by the lorry have a small container into which the
salt can be tipped from the lorry. This equipment is capable of spreading a
constant quantity of material per unit of surface irrespective of the speed of the
lorry (Jämsä, 1983).
According to "Road maintenance-roads free from snow and ice" (1992), salt
should be spread in two passes so that the whole width of the road is treated. On
dry sections further passes may be needed.
A fertiliser spreader mounted on a tractor can be used when small quantities are
to be spread. When a fertiliser spreader is used, covers must be used on each side
of the spreader and the speed kept low to ensure that the width of spread is
correct; see figure 7.3.
Glänneskog and Skog (1994) deal with the following areas in conjunction with the
environmental effects of salt:
• Sources of water supply
• Vegetation
• Corrosion
• People
Walterson (1995) quotes Segerros (1972) and claims that as early as during the
1930s and 1940s it was seen that calcium chloride damaged trees and bushes
along Swedish roads.
Bergström and Grebacken (1995) write that the effect of salt on vegetation is
limited to a strip of about 20 m from the road. Walterson (1995) does not disagree
with an investigation made by Bäckman (1980) which suggests that damage to
vegetation, especially to conifers, occurs more or less generally along winter
roads treated with salt over a distance up to 10 m from the edge of the road.
Calcium chloride CaCl2 consists of three ions, a calcium ion About which is a
natural and necessary constituent of soil, an two chloride ions Cl2 which are not
equally beneficial to the soil. Glänneskog and Skog (1994) claim that chloride
ions are easily taken up by plants and attack their cell membranes so that they
cannot absorb water and nutrients as easily as before.
Walterson (1995) quotes Dragsted (1988) and says that in an experimental study it
was found that treatment of young maple trees with sodium chloride or calcium
chloride caused damage which was correlated with the chloride content of the
leaves. The greatest damage was caused by calcium chloride.
Chloride damage to deciduous trees is characterised by the leaves wilting from the
outside towards the centre. The same symptoms are also found in conifers; the tips
of the needles are affected first, and gradually the whole needle turns a reddish-
brown colour. Entire annual growths of needles can disappear, and branches and
needles are thinned out. Nature can deal with salts in low concentrations
(Glänneskog and Skog, 1994). Halophytic plants such as lyme grass are favoured
by increased salt content and may therefore grow in certain road environments
(Bergström and Grebacken, 1995).
The conclusions drawn by Walterson (1995) suggest that there is little risk of
groundwater being affected by the use of calcium chloride on roads. On the other
hand, groundwater has on several occasions been contaminated in Sweden by
sodium chloride used in winter for skid prevention.
C. Corrosion
Glänneskog and Skog (1994) claim that calcium chloride accelerates the corrosion
process by retaining moisture and increasing the conductivity of the layer of liquid
on the vehicle body. Salt facilitates combination of oxygen with iron.
Lindh (1981) quotes Hubendick (1975) and says that a corrosion investigation
performed by the Swedish National Road Administration shows that dust control
with hygroscopic salt makes a considerably higher contribution to the corrosion of
vehicles on gravel roads than that due to chemical skid control with sodium
chloride. However, if the small volume of traffic on gravel roads is compared with
that on paved roads, a different picture of the effect of corrosion on vehicles
Reyier (1972) quotes Bergström (1956) who claims that one essential difference
between magnesium chloride and calcium chloride is considered to be the greater
aggressivity of the latter towards concrete. Other investigations have however
pointed in the opposite direction.
In order that a complete comparison may be made between MgCl2 and CaCl2, their
environmental impact should be studied not only locally but over a whole life
cycle. In a life cycle analysis (LCA), an analysis is made of e.g. what these
contain, how they are made, what transportation they require, etc. MgCl2 is
brought in from Israel, which in itself is a negative environmental impact.
D. Health hazards
In the literature studied, there are conflicting data concerning the toxicity of salts.
Svensson (1997) claims that calcium chloride is not poisonous but that it irritates
the skin and the eyes. Calcium chloride may also burn the skin on contact. When
being handled, road salt may emit dust which may irritate the airways. Protective
clothing and gloves should therefore be used when handling road salt so as to
avoid skin contact. When dust is likely to develop during handling, protective
spectacles and respirators should also be worn.
Walterson (1995) quotes Flatla (1976) and says practical observations indicate
that calcium chloride may poison cattle and sheep grazing in the vicinity of roads
treated with salt. Preliminary results from a study made by the Institute of Internal
Medicine in Norway show that high doses, 2-8 g/kg of body weight, taken by
cattle orally caused toxic symptoms and death.
road is not moist enough. In conjunction with grading the road must be
accurately shaped.
• It is satisfactory to spread salt directly on a naturally moist carriageway, for
instance after rain, snowmelt or a thaw, but it is necessary for the road surface
to have stabilised if it has softened due to thaw.
• Another possibility is to spread salt in the evening when humidity is high.
• Salt must not be spread during sustained rainfall since it can be washed off
the road and contaminate sources of water supply. The greatest disbenefit is
that salt is wasted without doing any good.
• Höbeda (1978) considers that the effect on the resistance to abrasion is
slightly greater if the hygroscopic salts are mixed into the gravel wearing
course than if they are spread on the surface.
• According to Lindh (1981), indications are that mechanical admixture of the
salt improves the durability of dust control treatment.
• According to Jämsä (1982), relative humidity may be so low on hot summer
days that calcium chloride changes into the solid state and has no dust control
effect. However, relative humidity in any case increases in the evening, so
that CaCl2 absorbs water from the air and this produces a dust control effect
the next day.
• In cold weather the air contains only small quantities of water and dissolution
may therefore take a long time although relative humidity is high. In
consequence, the CaCl2 grains may be thrown to the edge of the road before a
solution is formed. For this reason, the effect of calcium chloride is weak
early in the spring when the roads are free from snow and ice but frost still
occurs overnight (Jämsä, 1983). Han (1982) recommends that dust control
with either chemicals or organic substances should not be carried out at
temperatures below 4°C.
• According to "Road maintenance-roads free from snow and ice" (1992), dust
control treatment should cover the whole width of the road.
• Beskow (1932) confirms that salts have a dispersing effect on aggregate
containing a lot of slate. Salt treatment under such conditions reduces the
bearing capacity of the road in spring and autumn. In Sweden, such aggregate
is found only in certain relatively small areas such as parts of the northern
mountain chain and smaller slaty areas in southern and central Sweden. It is
only in these areas that care should be taken in treating roads with salts. Such
aggregate has a low ball-mill value and is probably not permitted by
ROAD 94.
In Sweden, about 15000 tonnes of lignosulphonate are used annually for dust
control and stabilisation of gravel roads (Walterson, 1995).
Lignin is the natural cementing agent and is the substance that binds together the
fibres in wood. As a dust control agent, it acts as an adhesive and glues together
the aggregate particles even in dry material.
Listab WIBAX AB (1997) states that lignosulphonates have been used for more
than 80 years as dust control agents. Between 1920 and 1960 lignosulphonates
were generally used as dust control agents (Lignin stabilised gravel roads, 1988,
in Swedish). From the 1960s to the 1980s, their use diminished. This reduction is
due to the displeasure of road users and also to reduced availability (Road
maintenance-roads free from snow and ice, 1992). The reason for reduced
availability of lignosulphonate is that the chemical industry has changed from
sulphite to sulphate processes (Jämsä, 1983).
However, owing to the steep increase in the price of calcium chloride in recent
years, there is greater interest in alternative dust control agents. Dust control using
lignosulphonate has therefore again been tested by the Swedish National Road
Administration since 1980 (Lindh, 1981).
Jämsä (1982) claims that the dust control effect of lignosulphonate is considerably
weaker than that of calcium chloride. According to Jämsä, it is estimated that 1 kg
CaCl2 corresponds to about 1.5 kg dry lye and about 15 kg raw lye. Hallberg
(1989) supports this after dust control tests with both Dustex and calcium
chloride, and writes that the dust control effect is comparable at a dosage of 1.5
parts dry substance Dustex and 1 part dry substance calcium chloride.
Lignosulphonate products are used not only for dust control of gravel roads but
also have other areas of application, for instance as binders in animal feed, as an
adhesive and dispersing agent (Lundqvist, 1998).
Dustex is produced by LignoTech. Dustex consists of liquid calcium
lignosulphonate of 50% dry content (Lignin stabilised gravel roads, 1988).
The sulphite lye is neutralised and condensed from about 12% to about 50-60%
dry substance. By this treatment, the previous pungent sulphite smell is largely
eliminated (Hallberg, 1989). Most of the smell has been removed without
reduction of the dust control capacity (Bergström and Grebacken, 1995). Hallberg
states that Dustex is also used in warm and dry countries as a moisture retention
agent in vegetable cultivation. Dustex is supplied as an aqueous solution with a
pH of 6-7. It is stored in a tank and the product has storage stability when it
consists of about 50% dry substance. When the temperature drops below –5°C,
the lignin and water phases separate, but after thawing and agitation the
components again form a mixture and are stable (Bergström and Grebacken,
Listab is produced by Wibax AB in Piteå. This product is considered to be
competitive in the northern part of Sweden since transport costs are low.
According to Lundqvist (1998), in 1997 almost 5000 km of road were dust
controlled with Listab. Dustex and Listab are very closely related in that they are
both based on lignin and are both byproducts in the production of sulphite pulp.
How often a road needs treatment with lignosulphonate varies from case to case.
A test was performed in the road management area Mellerud in 1988 where only
Dustex was spread. Dustex treatment was carried out on Road No 1131 on 13
May, and no more treatment was needed before 5 October (Hallberg, 1989).
Armstrong (1981) carried out a test in Australia. A road was treated for dust
control by mixing lignin into the wearing course at the beginning of summer.
Another road was treated with lignin by merely spreading lignin on the wearing
course. Results indicate that dust on the first road was reduced to an acceptable
level for up to three months. On the other road dust was reduced for only two
weeks before the first rain arrived and washed away the lignin. Armstrong adds
that on the first road, even after three months when dust began to be emitted,
some lignin was still left in the wearing course. Owing to the remaining lignin, a
smaller quantity is needed on the next dust control occasion. The test also shows
that the effect of spreading and admixture is the same during the period April-
August. This may be due to humidity in the winter. The results of this test are set
out in figure 7.4. What weather conditions were like compared with Swedish
conditions is however not clear.
A. Analysis of road
Analysis is largely the same in dust control using salt, lignosulphonate or bitumen
emulsion. This stage was described in Subclause Analysis may be
performed prior to annual treatment, basic treatment and/or supplementary
B.1 Spreading
In Sweden, lignin if often spread on the wearing course at the time of annual
treatment and supplementary treatment.
At the time of annual treatment in the spring, the road is first graded so that the
surface is loosened up and the lignin is then applied in two passes. To ensure that
the road is also compacted, a spreader lorry can be used, but it is best to deploy a
pneumatic tyred roller (Glänneskog and Skog, 1994). However, it is not clear how
a spreader lorry can be used to compact the road.
According to Bergström and Grebacken (1995), tests were made with different
rollers to compact the road, but the results suggest that this is not economically
justifiable. Lundqvist (1998) considers however that it is best if the road can be
properly compacted after spreading so as to ensure that the dust control treatment
has the maximum life.
Both Bergström and Grebacken (1995) and Glänneskog and Skog (1994) say that
Dustex should be mixed with water in the proportions 1 part of Dustex to 2 parts
of water so that it should mix with the aggregate more easily. Water can with
advantage be pumped up by the spreader lorry from the nearest watercourse.
Glänneskog and Skog consider that brackish or salt water has no deleterious effect
on the results.
In his field tests, Cleghorn (1992) carried out dust control treatment with lignin as
follows. The road was graded to remove surface unevenness and then compacted
until about 100% degree of compaction was achieved. The road was watered if
necessary before the lignin was spread.
Sultan (1974) used both spreading and admixture in his field tests. Spreading was
carried out in three stages; grading with a smooth blade, spreading and
compaction with a pneumatic tyred roller.
B.2 Admixture
Lignin is often mixed into the wearing course during basic treatment. Glänneskog
and Skog (1994) describe admixture as follows: the road is graded, lignin is
spread on the surface and is mixed into the wearing course to a depth of about 3-4
cm by turning the windrow with a grader. In the method employed in the tests
carried out by the firm Vägmaskiner AB, the total quantity of binder used was
1.0-1.5 kg/m2 and it was spread as a 40-43% aqueous solution. The lignin was
spread and mixed in three stages (Lignin stabilised gravel roads, 1988).
Stage 1: A small quantity, about 5-15% of the total quantity of lignin, is mixed in
the water used to water the road.
Stage 2: About 60-80% of the lignin solution is applied to the road in a number of
passes. Between the passes the grader turns the windrow so that lignin is gradually
worked into the aggregate. The grader distributes the aggregate over the road so
that the camber is 4-5% with a pronounced peak "A".
Stage 3: The remaining lignin, about 20-25% of the total quantity, is then spread
over the carriageway as a sealant. This quantity can to advantage be diluted in a
larger quantity of water. However, the quantity of water applied should not be so
large that the road is saturated. The gravel wearing course is compacted with a 5
tonne towed vibratory roller. Experiences from the test suggest that use of a
smooth wheeled roller is not suitable since the moist lignin-treated aggregate
easily sticks to the roller.
As mentioned above, Sultan (1974) used both spreading and mixing in his field
tests. He describes the working method for mixing in the following eleven stages:
• Watering
• Ripping the surface by using the ripper attached to the grader to a depth of
8 cm
• Watering
• Spreading some of the lignin. Sultan does not however explain what
proportion of the lignin should be spread
• Grading so that the loose wearing course forms a windrow along each edge
• Distribution of the two windrows evenly over the two halves of the road
• Spreading the remaining lignin
• Grading so that the loose wearing course forms a windrow in the middle of the
• Distribution of the windrow evenly over the two halves of the carriageway
• Shaping the road surface
• Compaction with a preumatic tyred roller
Jones (1984) calls the mixing method "mix in place". He describes this method as
the one most common in Kenya for dust control with lignosulphonates. According
to Jones, the thickness of the wearing course into which lignosulphonate is to be
mixed should be 7.5-0.0 cm. The road is first graded and the lignin is spread, after
which the wearing course and the lignin are mixed together and compacted.
If lignin is spread the day after grading when the road has already been compacted
by traffic, dust control acts only as a surface seal (Bergström and Grebacken,
When Listab is to be used on roads that are not in the immediate vicinity of a
Listab depot, a tank is also needed for intermediate storage. In most cases the
suppliers makes this tank available, which also has the advantage of being mobile
(Lundqvist, 1998). Since the flow rate from the jets is known, coverage is adjusted
by varying the speed.
It is seen from the Norwegian report "Dust control of gravel roads" (1993) that the
quantity of Dustex used in tests in Norway is 2.0-3.0 kg/m. Svensson (1997)
quotes Holmen LignoTech (1989) and says that the quantity of Dustex should be
1.5-2 kg solution per metre of road. Lundqvist (1998) says that 0.5 kg Listab/m2
should be regarded as normal coverage. This is equivalent to 3 kg/m on a road 6
m wide. In practice, coverage is 2-4 kg/m depending on several factors such as
traffic flow, topography, road material, etc.
As regards effects on vegetation and the soil, the following facts are known from
product information for lignosulphonates (Bergström and Grebacken, 1995):
• Lignosulphonates contain heavy metals, for instance cadmium, chromium,
lead and mercury, but in quantities below the permissible threshold limit
values. However, the heavy metal content depends on where the tree used had
grown. If the raw material comes from an area with a high heavy metal
content, the contents in the dust control products will also be high.
• Lignosulphonates do not give rise to any environmentally harmful
degradation products.
• Lignosulphonates have little effect on vegetation.
If lignosulphonate products get into a well the water is discoloured and has a
musty smell, similar to that of humus formed by natural breakdown of plants and
trees. However, the water is not dangerous to health. Walterson (1995) says there
are no data in Sweden relating to the quantities in lakes and watercourses of the
substances contained in lignosulphonate products which can be associated with
the treatment of gravel roads.
C. Corrosion
Investigations by the Swedish Testing and Research Institute have shown that
Dustex 50 causes appreciably less corrosion on steel sheeting than either clean
water or hygroscopic salts (Walterson, 1995).
D. Health hazards
Lignosulphonates pose no danger to people and are not allergenic. Only ordinary
working clothes need be worn during spreading. Any liquid splashes can be
removed by washing in water (Bergström and Grebacken, 1995).
According to Bergström and Grebacken (1995), the following facts are known
from product information relating to lignosulphonate based products:
• Lignosulphonates contain no other organic substances in concentrations
hazardous to health.
• No damage to people exposed to lignosulphonates has been reported.
• In normal cases, lignosulphonates have low toxicity to fish, but in
LIGNOSOL AP-35, a product that contains 15-16% lignin, there are some
resin acids that are very toxic to fish.
• Lignosulphonates contain no dioxins.
• Lignosulphonates are not toxic to mammals and do not appear to be skin or
eye irritants.
• Contents of toxic trace elements are below the limits laid down by the US
Environment Protection Agency.
froths and blocks the pump. Hallberg (1989) gives some solutions, e.g.
placing the storage tank so that gravity flow is achieved.
• Dustex requires a porous surface to penetrate into the carriageway.
"Lignin stabilised gravel roads" (1988) gives the following recommendations for
best results with lye:
• The composition of the gravel wearing course should conform to the ideal
aggregate curve. The actual filler proportion may be higher, but should
preferably be no lower. There shall be no lumps of sand.
• If possible, the moisture content of the surface layer should, after the product
has been sprayed, be equal to the optimum moisture ratio which is 4% or
higher, but it should not be saturated. The surface layer shall be moist but not
sticky in order that compaction should be optimal and service life long.
• The camber of the road shall be about 4-5% and there shall be a pronounced
peak in the centre. There shall be no flat portions.
• Immediately after treatment, the road should be compacted with a pneumatic
tyred roller or a lorry.
• Favourable results have been achieved using a combination of Dustex and
clay. If the wearing course aggregate has a uniform composition with a low
proportion of fines, a larger quantity of Dustex is required for satisfactory
dust control.
Bitumen emulsion binds the dust through its adhesive effect, and, in the same way
as lignosulphonate, it can be used even when the carriageway is dry (Bergström
and Grebacken, 1995).
There are three factors that impede the use of bitumen emulsion and have the
effect that it is not at all times possible to determine its usefulness as a dust
control agent. These factors are:
• Relatively high cost in the first few years
• Small experimental base. Only 1% of the gravel road network was dust
controlled with bitumen emulsion in 1997
• Short follow-up period
Emulsion is a chemical system comprising two liquids that are insoluble or only
slightly soluble in each other, one of which is suspended in the other in the form
of colloidal particles. Bitumen, the first liquid that is often in the form of spherical
particles, forms the disperse phase. The other liquid is water and is the dispersing
Bergström and Grebacken (1995) describe the bitumen emulsion used in Örebro
and on Gotland as a blend of the following substances:
1. About 30% fluxed bitumen. Fluxed bitumen "MB" consists of a B180 fluxed
to MB 2000. The mean value of the kinematic viscosity of MB 2000 is 2000
mm2/s at 60°C. The flux used is an oil refinery product that has a lower
viscosity than the basic bitumen it is mixed into. Diesel is a very common
2. About 65-70% fresh water at a temperature of about 80°C. The two liquids,
fluxed bitumen and fresh water, are mixed in a heated mill (Bergström and
Grebacken, 1995).
3. Emulsions may also contain solvent, e.g. diesel. It is added to make bitumen
less viscous for a longer period after the emulsion has broken.
4. About 0.4% emulsifying agent that prevents separation of the mixture.
There are three types of emulsifying agent, anionic, cationic and neutral. Anionic
agents were introduced as early as 1930 while cationic agents first appeared in
1958 (Lindh, 1981). In Sweden cationic emulsifying agents are used almost
exclusively, and specifications have therefore been developed for these.
When the emulsion has been spread on the road, the disperse phase must separate
or coagulate. The emulsion must coagulate irreversibly, i.e. no new emulsion must
form when water is added. During coagulation the coating on the suspended
droplets is disrupted so that the bitumen begins to work as a dust control agent
through its adhesive effect. As a rule, the emulsion persists for a couple days in a
In the first method, a large quantity of binder of high viscosity is used, while in
the second method a smaller quantity of binder of low viscosity is applied.
According to Simonsson (1978), the prevailing opinion is that dust control
through surface application of different oils has a short life, which means that
repeated applications are necessary and this, in turn, limits this application.
Simonsson states that treatment by mixing in larger quantities of binder provides a
better effect, but in reality these methods must be regarded as bitumen
stabilisation or simple forms of surfacing. It is worth noting that the boundaries
between the soft and hard method are indistinct. The two methods are described in
the following.
Bergström and Grebacken (1995) say that the soft method has been tested on e.g.
Gotland and in Örebro. According to Junes (1988) and Karlsson (1989), the
method has also been tested in Norrbotten (Råneå). "Road maintenance-roads free
from snow and ice" (1992) describes another method developed during the
"Västerås test". This method is difficult to classify as either the soft or hard
method. The following tests or methods may be classified as soft methods and
will be described below.
A.1 Test in Råneå
A.2 Gotland method
A.3 Örebro method
A.4 Västerås method
Stage 1: The road is watered and 2-3 cm of the wearing course is graded into a
windrow along each edge of the road.
Stage 2: About 2 litres emulsion per m2 are spread on each half of the road at a
time with an ordinary water butt.
Stage 3: The aggregate windrows are spread over the emulsion and the two are
mixed into a homogeneous mass before the road is shaped.
Application begins by watering the previously graded road immediately before the
emulsion spreader to ensure that the wearing course is thoroughly wet. The
quantity of water is not described; it is merely pointed out that the wearing course
should be "sufficiently wet".
Drivers must maintain contact via radio. The driver of the emulsion spreader
vehicle dictates the speed of the water tanker through visual assessment of the
moisture content of the carriageway. In turn, the grader driver dictates the speed
of the spreader vehicle in regard to the quantity of emulsion. After a day or two,
the bitumen emulsion will have dried and the wearing course compacted by
traffic. The results of the treatment will be satisfactory if edge trimming and
grading have been performed accurately. Before the road has dried, the emulsion
may soil vehicles using the road.
The water tanker is articulated and fitted with extra wide single tyres.
Conventional double tyres would produce a troublesome uncompacted bank of
material between the wheels. In this way, the whole width of the double wheel is
compacted in one pass. Attempts have also been made to use different kinds of
pneumatic tyred rollers, but this has not been successful or economically
justifiable. The aggregate-emulsion mixture got caught up on the tyres. When the
water tanker is employed, this problem does not arise.
The road grader for scarifying the wearing course is a 14 tonne grader equipped
with System 2000 on the blade and a toothed blade on the windrow spreader.
These blades break down the wearing course gravel to a lesser extent than a
smooth blade.
The road grader for mixing the emulsion is a 14 tonne road grader equipped
with System 2000 on the blade and a smooth blade on the windrow spreader. The
reason that a smooth blade is fitted on the windrow spreader is that more even and
better mixing of emulsion into the wearing course is to be achieved. When a
toothed blade was used, windrows of emulsion-aggregate mixture were left
behind the grader, with the aggregate and emulsion separated. System 2000 is
described in detail in Clause 7.2.
The spreader vehicle is an ordinary lorry with a tank. The tank is fitted with a
spray bar at the back of the lorry. The spray bar is controlled from a panel near the
driver so that emulsion can be spread evenly and as needed along the entire width
of the road. The tank is equipped with a pressure gauge since the rate of spread is
regulated by pressure. The tank volume is 11,000 litres which is enough for about
3.5 km of road.
If the wearing course has a too high fines content, dust control will be
unsuccessful because the emulsion must bind a much larger surface than if the
particle size distribution is correct.
This problem appears to have been solved by correcting the composition of the
wearing course during maintenance by the addition of certain fractions, e.g.
aggregate of 8-16 mm fraction so that the distribution comes as close as possible
to the ideal curve, but with a smaller quantity of fines. Bergström and Grebacken
(1995) note that when a change was made on Gotland to dust control with
emulsion, the aggregate required for supplementary spreading decreased from
Treatment begins by applying large amounts of water to the road. When this
pretreatment has been carried out, water is again sprayed immediately before the
emulsion spreader. The wearing course should be so wet that when a shoe is
pressed into the road, a pool is formed. The emulsion spreader is followed by the
grader that mixes the emulsion into the wearing course and at the same time
adjusts camber and superelevation.
mobile slurry machine. The quantity of emulsion added is 3.5% by weight. The
mixed material can be stored for later use.
Stage 3: The material is adjusted with a road grader. The layer thickness shall be
4-5 cm.
Stage 4: The adjusted surface is rolled with a pneumatic tyred roller.
Figure 7.7, 7.8 and 7.9 show deposition, spreading, adjustment and rolling (Road
maintenance-roads free from snow and ice, 1992).
Sweeping Sand dressing Spreader Water tanker Roller Grader Water tanker
• Large nationaleconomic gains can be achieved due to shorter trip times,
reduced corrosion, etc. However, Thomasson does not say how large these
gains are. No nationaleconomic calculations for gravel roads have been found
in the litterature.
• The road is perceived to be a paved road.
• Use of salt can be reduced.
• Material that does not comply with specifications can be used.
• Soiling is reduced.
• More expensive method. The test indicates that under some conditions it is
10-15% more expensive over a 10 year period than conventional gravel road
maintenance, but this disregards the nationaleconomic gains.
• It is probably difficult to return to conventional gravel road maintenance.
• The condition of the road is slightly worse in winter since this dust control is
sensitive to the action of the plough during snow clearance.
When aggregate from the wearing course is dislodged, the bitumen emulsion
remains on the particles and is not spread out into nature further than the
aggregate itself. Most of the aggregate particles removed from the road collect in
the ditches; when the ditches are later cleared they are collected up and deposited
in a controlled tip. According to Bergström and Grebacken (1995), the problem
may be considered to be of small significance and controllable.
It is worth noting that occasionally the bitumen does not break but runs into the
ditch and from there into pools of water.
B. Transport
Bitumen is regarded in transport as dangerous goods since it contains fluxing oil
that is flammable (Bergström and Grebacken, 1995). In the Nynäs AB product
description sheet (1998) it is stated that BE 60 M/2000 is not classified as
dangerous goods by any national or international standardised transport
C. Corrosion
Emulsion does not contribute to corrosion, but acts rather as a good undersealing
compound (Bergström and Grebacken, 1995). "Environmental effects of operation
and maintenance of roads and streets" (1992) quotes some positive environmental
effects such as reduced use of salt and corrosion, and a dust free road
D. Health hazards
Kandeman (1983) made an investigation of chemical health hazards, noise, dust
and exhaust gases in his work on the laying of emulsion concrete, surface dressing
and the production of bitumen emulsion.
Kandeman says that complaints have involved headaches, itching, white/red skin
rashes, dryness in the mouth and eyes. In all cases the personnel had been engaged
on laying emulsion concrete. This is puzzling, since the greatest exposure appears
to occur in conjunction with surface dressing, the spreading of bitumen emulsion
or production at the emulsion plant.
• Storage and handling of the product at high temperature, 50-80°C, may cause
skin burns. Clay
This subclause will deal with clay as a dust control agent. In case the fine material
has been lost as dust from the wearing course, soil binder must be added to bind
the loose aggregate. Greasy clay is generally used as soil binder. The need is
determined by analysing the particle size distribution curve for the material and
comparing this to the ideal aggregate curve.
An endeavour should be made to add the soil binder after thaw and at the time that
the wearing course is dressed. Natural moisture content is usually sufficient, and
this reduces the need for water and makes work easier.
In his tests in Älvsborg County over three seasons, Hallberg (1989) used a
residual product from the paper industry, non-fibrous filler. In its dry form, this
contains about 40% kaolinite clay. The remainder is cellulose fibre. The
dewatered fibrous material has a dry content of about 35%.
The effects of kaolin are considered superior to those of clay application in older
days, mainly due to the more homogeneous admixture into the wearing course
gravel which is accomplished due to the consistence of the material and on the
way it is spread. Care must be taken not to add too much material as this may
make the carriageway slippery.
Beskow (1934) states that in the usual case when the gravel wearing course is
badly bound and is easily corrugated, it should be treated either with a binder or
by increasing the soil binder content, or possibly by both. Soil binder is mixed
into the existing aggregate material with a grader. This addition of soil binder
should be carried out when the road is wet after rain or watering. Once the
material has been mixed in, the road should preferably be rolled, or traffic may be
used to perform the necessary compaction.
When the proportion of soil binder is determined and it is mixed into the wearing
course, care must be taken not to spread excessive quantities. This may cause
problems for traffic in wet weather. For the best effect, soil binder should be
applied before the first dust control treatment of the year (Bergström and
Grebacken, 1995).
Storage of soil binder over the winter makes work easier since the slabs of clay
are broken up by frost and this promotes the ease of mixing of the soil binder.
Storage is a measure that must often be resorted to since soil binder cannot at all
times be extracted in the period best for spreading, owing to slippery conditions or
poor bearing capacity in clayey areas.
In Hallberg's (1989) tests with kaolin, this was spread as follows: the material was
spread with a fertiliser spreader drawn by a tractor or a clay spreader that is often
a converted sand spreader. The edge masses, aggregate and kaolin were mixed
with a road grader. Water was added if needed.
According to Halberg (1989), the rate of spread of kaolin varies but is normally 7-
10 m3/km. According to Jämsä (1982), the quantity of clay spread at one time is
usually 6-12 m3/km.
Lindh (1981) points out that a road treated with oil is considered to have
somewhat better resistance to drying and the action of water than one treated with
calcium chloride. He summarises some field tests carried out on different test
sections by saying that the best results of dust control with oil have been achieved
In 1995 a full scale test was carried out on a gravel road in South Halland using
"rape seed oil gravel". The purpose of this test was to find an alternative to
traditional dust control. Rape oil was mixed in at the rate of 2%. The road,
provided with a 3 cm thick layer of rape seed oil gravel, was compacted by traffic
to a hard and dust free gravel road. The road was harder than planned and could
not therefore be maintained with a grader. Two years later only traces of rape seed
oil gravel remained (Gunnarsson, 1997).
Maintenance costs vary with the number of maintenance operations that must be
carried out each year and the resources which these require. The number of
operations varies from one (minimum) to three or four (maximum). Dust control
using calcium chloride needs the least resources and plant. Costs can be broken
down into two, material costs and plant costs (Bergström and Grebacken, 1995).
Han (1992) quotes four operations that must be included when dust control is
costed. These are road upgrading, surface preparation, dust control agent and
Spreading comprises labour and plant used in spreading the dust control agent.
Hallberg (1989) gives a comparison between Dustex and calcium chloride. The
test was performed in Älvsborg County between 1986 and 1988. In view of a
possible investment in a storage tank, the total cost of dust control with Dustex
was judged to be higher.
Bergström and Grebacken (1995) compared bitumen emulsion by the soft method,
calcium chloride and Dustex. According to this, calcium chloride is more
expensive than Dustex. The comparison also shows that in the first four years
Dustex treatment is the most economical method. After this the Örebro method is
more cost effective. The Örebro method is described in detail in Subclause
"Dust control of gravel roads" (1993), in Norwegian, arrives at the following costs
for calcium chloride, Dustex and Norsalt.
According to Bergström and Grebacken (1995), the soft method on Gotland costs
SEK 8.4/m. The corrresponding cost in Örebro is SEK 8.0/m. Bitumen emulsion
on Gotland costs SEK 900/tonne exclusive of transport. The corresponding cost in
Örebro is SEK 850/tonne.
Karlsson (1989) has calculated the cost of dust control with bitumen emulsion
according to the soft method in the first year (1988). For a 5 m wide road, it was
about SEK 19/m. The way costs change in subsequent years is not given in the
Krigsman (1993) says that the cost of dust control with bitumen emulsion
according to the soft method is twice as much in the first year as that of dust
control using calcium chloride. But in the second year the costs are equal. If no
measures need be taken in years 3 and 4, dust control with bitumen emulsion is
cost effective.
Thomasson (1991) has investigated the costs of the hard method. He compared
the costs of dust control with bitumen emulsion according to the hard method with
that using calcium chloride. The costs include the cost of surface preparation and
repair of frost damage. See table 7.8.
Table 7.8 Annual costs of dust control with bitumen emulsion and calcium
chloride (Thomasson, 1991).
Cost of dust control, SEK/m
Year With bitumen emulsion With calcium chloride
1987 18.5 6.5
1988 8.0 7.0
1989 7.0 7.5
1990 3.0 7.0
According to the table, the initial cost for a 5 m road is about SEK 3.7/m2.
According to Karlsson (1989), the initial cost for the hard method is SEK 3.5/m2.
This cost does not include the cost of any other maintenance carried out in
conjunction with dust control.
The above negative effects are described in greater detail in two reports,
"Economic Disbenefits of Dust from Unsealed Roads" (1993) and "Effect of Dust
Palliatives on Unsealed Roads in New Zealand" (1995).
The benefits of dust control can be mainly divided into short term and long term
benefits. These are sometimes referred to as direct and indirect benefits.
In the short term, dust control produces concrete benefits because the dust is
controlled and the road is made smoother, which means that the frequency and
extent of grading and the cost of regravelling and ditching are reduced.
"Guidelines for Cost Effective Use and Application of Dust Palliatives" (1987)
states on the basis of experience that, by effective dust control, the costs of
grading and regravelling have been reduced by 25-75% depending, for instance,
on the choice of dust control agent and on how often and at which state of the
road dust control was carried out.
In the long term, there are benefits for society and road users. "Guidelines for
cost effective use and application of dust palliatives" (1987) describes the
environmental and social effects of dust in greater detail. The areas discussed are
traffic safety, aesthetics, health, vegetation, land, water resources and vehicle
costs. By means of dust control, the following long term benefits are achieved:
• Vehicle costs (damage, fuel) are reduced because the road is more even
• Accident risk is reduced due to improved visibility
• Less disturbance to those living nearby and fewer complaints because of dust.
• The value of properties and other facilities increases
• Living standards are enhanced
• Reduced need for maintenance of buildings to remove dirt caused by dust
• Less damage to health and health hazards caused by dust
• Less sediment in water
• Reduced environmental impact on sensitive vegetation
• Extraction of finite resources such as fossil fuels, aggregate, rock and
bitumen is reduced or limited. As pointed out by Sander (1997) in her
licentiate thesis, the negative effect of the aggregate industry is reduced.
• Traffickability is improved
Han (1992) describes other factors that must be considered in choosing the dust
control agent, such as environmental laws and other regulations, access to
materials and equipment, and the views of road users. He considers environmental
impacts to be the most important factor in choosing the dust control agent.
The report "Guidelines for cost effective use and application of dust palliatives"
(1987) contains a table which may provide help in choosing the appropriate dust
control agent. This table takes into consideration five factors, traffic volume, type
of base course, climate, wearing course material and environmental impacts. The
ratings used are (2) good, (1) quite good and (0) bad; see table 7.9.
What does not look right in the above table is that environmental impacts (EI) are
the same for all dust control agents.
Comparisons between dust control agents are usually made with respect to four
• Construction, i.e. can ordinary maintenance plant be used to spread the agent
• Cost
• Dust control effect
• Corrosivity and other environmental effects
In FSB Version (1998), in Swedish, it is stated that the material for dust control
must be approved by the management authority. A report on the quantities of dust
control agent used must also be submitted to the authority once a year after the
season, but no later than 15 October.
As regards strength, Han (1992) and Hoover (1973) both say that a triaxial
compression test can be used to evaluate dust control agents. A cylindrical test
specimen (5.08 cm x 5.08 cm) of the wearing course material treated with the dust
control agent is loaded to failure in a triaxial compression test. By comparing the
compressive stresses at which failure occurs, different dust control agents can be
compared and evaluated.
The traffic simulator apparatus is a about 3.5 m long linear road simulator. The
width of the test lane is 0.9 m and its height above the ground is 0.6 m. The
apparatus is shown in figure 7.12.
Figure 7.13 Results of Hoover's (1973) tests with the Traffic Simulator
In 1981, Hoover performed another test with the Traffic Simulator Apparatus. He
tested calcium chloride CaCl2, lignosulphonate and bitumen emulsion. The test
was carried out on eight sections on which the wearing course had different
compositions and material types. The material properties and wearing course
composition on these eight sections are set out in table 7.10. The results of the
tests are plotted in figure 7.14 (Hoover, 1981).
Table 7.10 Material properties and wearing course composition for the eight
Figure 7.14 Results of Hoover's (1981) tests with the Traffic Simulator
and superelevation. Camber and superelevation are adjusted by deep grading. All
other measures such as aggregate recycling, regravelling, ditch clearance etc will
be of little use if the road after grading remains flat without sufficient camber and
superelevation. A badly shaped gravel road is easily potholed by rain. A well
shaped road from which water quickly drains often stands up to several falls of
rain before further grading is needed (Road maintenance-roads free from snow
and ice, 1992).
The grader thus leaves a windrow which must be spread across the road. This is
done with a windrow spreader that is mounted on the blade. The windrow
spreader is also set at an angle, but in the opposite direction, so that the material is
returned to the road and runs out between the teeth of the windrow spreader.
Hubendick (1969) considers that surface grading is really nothing but more or less
shallow dragging and should really be called dragging. See Clause 7.7, Dragging.
Hubendick adds that, in all other cases, grading is deep grading, i.e. "proper"
In deep grading, a small cutting angle is used, with the result that the blade easily
cuts into the road to a sufficient depth. A small cutting angle also gives a blade
angle that is advantageous for good mixing of dislodged material. Material that
has been cut out is then used for adjustment of the shape.
• The road must be watered to ensure that material dislodged by grading and
the base are moist enough for compaction by traffic. Watering is described in
Clause 7.5. Grading in conjunction with watering may be carried out in
several ways. "Road maintenance-roads free from snow and ice" (1992)
describes one alternative.
• The road is be watered in good time before grading begins.
• The road is broken up by two passes of the grader, one in each direction.
Dislodged material is deposited at the sides of the road; it should not run
on to the slopes.
• The road and the rows of aggregate are watered again.
• The rows of aggregate are graded in and are distributed evenly over the
road with a windrow spreader. The road is watered again if necessary.
• The road is compacted by the water tanker.
Grading of gravel road adjacent to a paved road is carried out in two passes.
figure 7.15 illustrates the reason for this (Plant operator training, 1995).
When roads with curves are graded, it is difficult to decide which sections should
be cambered or superelevated. If all curves are superelevated, there will be too
many transitional sections. Some of these will always be flat and drainage will be
unsatisfactory. "Road maintenance-roads free from snow and ice" (1992)
therefore recommends that only curves of small radius should be superelevated
after consultation with the grader operator and the road engineer. The rest of the
road should be cambered. It is difficult to quote a definite radius for
superelevation. The decision can only be made on the basis of experience and
The road grader is superior to all alternative equipment for the shaping and
smoothing of gravel roads. It is one of the most important items of plant in
highway engineering. The need for graders has decreased as the extent of the
gravel road network has been reduced, since an increasing number of roads are
treated with Y1G (Gustafsson, 1982). The most common graders used by the
Swedish National Road Administration are in the 14-17 tonne weight class.
Hubendick (1969) describes the construction and use of the road grader in greater
detail. A grader is a versatile construction plant which may have either a rigid or
articulated frame. It can be equipped with:
• Dozer blade for excavation work
• Grader blade for levelling, adjustment and winter work
• Grader blade and windrow spreader for grading gravel roads
• The road grader can also be used as a platform for implements.
Attempts have been made to find a replacement for or additions to the road grader
in both gravel road and winter road maintenance because both the first and
running costs of graders are high. Gustafsson (1982) compares a road grader with
a wheeled loader with a mounted blade, two lorries with blades and four road
drags. His results showed, inter alia, that it is only the road grader that can carry
out deep grading.
In all grading, it is essential that the blade is correctly set as regards cutting angle,
horizontal and vertical angle. See figure 7.16 (Plant operator training, 1995).
The duty of the windrow spreader is to distribute over the graded surface the
material dislodged by the grader. It is important that the spreader should be
correctly set, so that the material is evenly distributed and the intended crossfall is
Källqvist (1991) says that the old windrow spreader used by the National Swedish
Road Administration had many faults. The most serious of these was that it was
difficult to shape the wearing course to the correct crossfall on narrow gravel
roads, which make up the greatest proportion of gravel roads, in conjunction with
maintenance grading with two passes, one in each direction. According to "Road
maintenance-roads free from snow and ice" (1992), a narrow road is one less than
5 m wide. Källqvist describes other shortcomings of the old windrow spreader as
• The horizontal angle of the blade could not be altered
• Lateral extension was limited
• The blade could not be bent longitudinally
• It was difficult to set the right vertical angle
Figure 7.17 Windrow spreaders. At left, made by Mähler, and at right, made by
Kommunalmaskin (Road maintenance-roads free from snow and
ice, 1992).
The windrow spreader shall at all times put the camber in the correct position
irrespective of road width. For narrow roads, the windrow of aggregate must be
inside the grader wheels, and on wide roads it must be outside the wheels. See
figure 7.18.
Figure 7.18 Grading of narrow and wide road (Road maintenance-roads free
from snow and ice, 1992).
Horisontalvinkel vid hyvling av smal grusväg=Horizontal angle when grading a
narrow gravel road
Horisontalvinkel vid hyvling av bred grusväg=Horizontal angle when grading a
wide gravel road
A. Smooth blade
"Road maintenance-roads free from snow and ice" (1992) quotes two drawbacks
of the conventional smooth grader blade:
• Material is removed by cutting, which requires a lot of energy.
• Wear on the blade and the aggregate material is high.
B. System 2000
The system was initially introduced for demanding winter grading and later began
to be applied for summer grading (Junes, 1989). Junes states that one prerequisite
for System 2000 is that roads should not be too stony. He says that the
recommended user and maintenance instructions should be complied with,
otherwise experiences will be gained at a high price. The blade consists of 4
mounting plates and 104 replaceable cutter teeth which are rotating tines
(Svensson, 1997). Grading is normally performed with toothed blades. Through
the years, these produced low steel costs and satisfactory results. Both types of
blade are shown in figure 7.19.
Figure 7.19 At front, smooth blade and behind, System 2000 that is mounted on
the blade (Road maintenance-roads free from snow and ice, 1992).
Junes lists the following advantages of System 2000 from the standpoints of
quality and user convenience:
• Owing to the larger depth of grading, better grading quality and longer
grading intervals. The road should be more even immediately after grading,
and it should take longer for the road to need grading again.
• Less crushing of aggregate and better final results because a rougher surface
is obtained, which means that less water is needed and loose material stays on
the road and can be gathered up again.
"Road maintenance-roads free from snow and ice" (1992) adds two more
• Less energy than in using a conventional blade because cutting is achieved by
rotary action
"Road maintenance-roads free from snow and ice" (1992) points out some
drawbacks of S2000:
• System 2000 always has a straight blade surface
• System 2000 demands care such as cleaning and lubrication for the system to
The results show that System 2000 can cut deeper. The reasons for the differences
in capacity and costs depend on whether costs are counted for km of passes
carried out or the volume of material loosened up. Junes adds that in order for
capacity to be higher and cost to be lower, it is necessary for either deep grading
to be needed or for the surface to be very hard.
The right measure should be selected in order to restore a gravel road to good
standard at least possible maintenance cost. "Road maintenance-roads free from
snow and ice" (1992) lists different measures in table 7.12.
Table 7.12 Capacities and index numbers for the costs of different kinds of
Measures Capacity Index number
Watering, grading, dust control 8 km/day 12
Grading during rain without dust control 16 km/day 1
Grading during rain with dust control 16 km/day 4
According to "Road maintenance-roads free from snow and ice" (1992), the above
figures prove that week-end and shift working in suitable grading weather are
both justifiable and necessary from the standpoint of economy. It is very often
cost effective during rain to grade even roads that have an acceptable standard.
The alternative might be that expensive grading combined with watering must be
resorted to after the rain.
• After dust control treatment, an endeavour should be made not to grade the
road too often, since the effect of the treatment is ruined by repeated grading
(Glänneskog and Skog, 1994).
• After a gravel wearing course has been graded, the road surface is loosened
up. It may be thought that compaction is desirable. However, investigations
made by Johansson (1980) showed that the road did not become more durable
after rolling subsequent to grading. Johansson found that, from the standpoint
of road users, compaction produced a smooth surface more quickly, but
production costs were higher. Johansson is therefore of the opinion that the
effect of using compaction plant is marginal.
• When roads that had previously been treated with emulsion are graded, it is
important to make sure that the grader does not penetrate right through the
previous emulsion-aggregate mix, since there is substandard material directly
below the wearing course. Grading can be carried out without added water,
preferably in the spring when the material is somewhat easier to grade
(Bergström and Grebacken, 1995).
7.3 Regravelling
The object of regravelling is to give the wearing course sufficient thickness and
the correct particle size distribution (Persson, 1993). The particle size distribution
curve of the wearing course should conform to the ideal aggregate curve and
contain sufficient fine material (Bergström and Grebacken, 1995). Before
development of the aggregate recycling method, only regravelling was employed,
and this is still the case in most countries. The term regravelling means that
aggregate or rock material of 0-18 mm particle size is spread. Particles of 0-20
mm size are also used. According to Bergström and Grebacken (1995), roads with
too high a fines content should be improved by adding 8-16 mm aggregate. The
need for aggregate should be determined by a person of great experience of these
roads and their condition.
A special regravelling means that the actual composition of the wearing course is
determined and the fractions necessary to achieve a material conforming to the
ideal aggregate curve are added (Isemo and Johansson, 1976). Regravelling was
initially carried out without consideration of the composition of the existing
wearing course.
Lack of stone material causes first rutting and then inadequate crossfall.
Aggregate should be spread before the road has lost its crossfall (Maintenance of
unpaved roads, 1985). The composition of the added material can vary depending
on what is locally available (Isemo and Johansson, 1976).
From the standpoint of costs, regravelling is one of the heaviest items in gravel
road maintenance (Isemo and Johansson, 1976). Bergström and Grebacken (1995)
say that the aggregate requirement is 30 m3/km every other year, which gives an
aggregate cost of about SEK 1500/km of road. Persson (1993) points out that 14-
25 m3 aggregate per km is annually needed. The quantity depends on road width
and traffic intensity, and whether the road is given dust control treatment.
The object of aggregate recycling is to draw in edge material and in this way to
recover some of the material thrown to the sides, and to improve the abraded
gravel wearing course. The edge material may however contain some clumps of
grass and stones. These can be removed. The material that can be used is mixed
into the wearing course. By the addition of 4-18 mm fraction, a particle size
distribution conforming to the ideal aggregate curve can be achieved.
The reason why the 4-18 mm fraction is often added is given in "Road
maintenance-roads free from snow and ice" (1992). A sufficient quantity of fine
material has already been added to the road by drawing in material thrown to the
edges, and therefore only the lack of stone material has to be made up. Since
crushed aggregate from which sand has been removed contains about 40% of the
0-4 mm fraction, of which there is an excess on the road, in most cases material of
4-18 mm fraction is most profitable to use. The choice between using crushed
aggregate from which sand has been removed and the 4-18 mm fraction is
determined by cost.
According to "Road maintenance-roads free from snow and ice" (1992), table 7.13
can be used for guidance. The figures in the table include material from the
existing wearing course, edge material plus added aggregate fraction.
The term for the determination of how much supplementary material is needed is
called proportioning. This is done in different ways. Computer programs for the
calculation of distribution curves have been designed to facilitate proportioning.
In order to obtain an ideal gravel wearing course of the right thickness, several
calculations are often needed with different quantities of edge material and
supplementary aggregate.
In 1992, about 500,000 m3 of aggregate were used for the maintenance of gravel
roads. Spreading of appropriate aggregate fractions in combination with aggregate
recycling could reduce this requirement by about 50%. "Road maintenance-roads
free from snow and ice" (1992) states that if all road management areas in Sweden
applied the recycling method, the aggregate requirement would be reduced by
about 200,000 m3, lorry transport by about 1,000,000 km, and air pollution would
also decrease.
7.5 Watering
Watering reduces crushing of the aggregate material, but its primary object is to
maintain the efficacy of previous dust control treatment or to facilitate subsequent
dust control treatment and compaction. Unless the road is sufficiently moist when
salt is spread, only the topmost layer of the wearing course will be bound by the
salt, and there is a much higher risk of corrugation and potholing in the
carriageway (Bergström and Grebacken, 1995).
It is essential that the correct quantity of water is added. A large excess of water
during grading may give the wearing course aggregate a porridge-like
consistence. This makes conditions difficult for road users. The wearing course
material may segregate and some of it may run into the ditch. Subsequent
compaction is made difficult and the carriageway may become rutted. If too little
water is added, dust control treatment and subsequent compaction are jeopardised.
(Road maintenance-roads free from snow and ice, 1992).
The number of water tankers which carry out watering must be adapted to the
capacity of the grader, the need for water and the transport distance. It is best to
begin watering about 1 hour prior to grading. Permanent water stations should be
arranged to reduce transport.
In Sweden, about 400,000 m3 water or 14 m3/km of gravel road are spread every
year. The total cost of watering, in terms of 1990 prices, is SEK 17m. Watering is
expensive but it can be minimised by increased utilisation of rain. There are large
differences in cost between Swedish counties. The range is SEK 1076-116/km.
Han (1992) considers that water should be added at the rate of 0.03-0.3 gal/yd2
which is equivalent to 0.136-1.358 l/m2 or 0.544-5.432 m3/km for a 4 m wide
Bergström and Grebacken (1995) claim that the road has optimum moisture
content when the best compaction is achieved, which occurs for about 4-6% water
in the wearing course. If work is planned properly, natural moisture after thaw can
be utilised.
7.6 Patching
Repair of potholes on a gravel road by hand is also referred to as patching. Using
a shovel, potholes are filled with suitable aggregate material.
Patching is recommended if there are only few holes and it is a long time until the
next grading event (Persson, 1993). Hubendick (1969) points out that the choice
between patching and grading should be determined not only by the number of
potholes but also by the cohesion of the carriageway, whether it is dry or moist,
etc. In other words, consideration must be given to how easy it will be to treat the
road. On the insides of curves, near paved areas or bridges, it may at times be
difficult to remove a few potholes by grader, especially if they are deep.
In the summer, plenty of dust control agent should be mixed into the aggregate
used for patching to prevent the material being lost in the form of dust. In the
same way, when frozen potholes are to be patched, calcium chloride solution
should be added to the aggregate so that it can melt the sides of the hole.
Hubendick (1969) says that the aggregate must not be thrown into the pothole but
laid in place in order to prevent segregation. Traffic will compact the material in
the hole. It is therefore necessary to add excess material so that the carriageway
will be flat after compaction.
7.7 Dragging
The aim of dragging is to remove incipient corrugation, rutting, shallow potholes,
etc. Superficial levelling is achieved by drawing over the road a steel implement
that scrapes the surface.
In many cases it is unnecessary to grade the road when all is needed is superficial
levelling; dragging may be sufficient instead. Dragging produces the best effect
when the carriageway is moist.
A road drag is a steel frame with beams at an angle that scarifies and remixes the
aggregate wearing course (Bergström and Grebacken, 1995).
There are many versions of drags, ranging from simple home-made drags with
two or more grader blades bolted to a frame, to factory-made adjustable drags.
The drag is generally coupled to a tractor or lorry. See figure 7.24.
Figure 7.24 Road drag coupled to a tractor (Maintenance of gravel and earth
roads, 1994).
Drags are normally drawn over the road unconstrained. There are also steerable
drags, drags which can be loaded, and drags where the frame is carried on runners
and its height can be adjusted to a certain extent. Hubendick (1969) gives a
detailed description of how dragging is to be carried out. Examples of some drags
are given in figure 7.25.
7.8 Ditching
Hubendick (1969) states that ditches are the most important part of the road. If
there are no ditches, there is nowhere for water to drain into. The result is that the
road structure contains too much water, it does not bind together, and has not the
bearing capacity it must have. Ditching is therefore important work. The term
ditching refers to both new ditches and the clearing of heavily blocked ditches.
Persson (1993) says that ditching must at all times be preceded by consultation
with the land owners concerned. In some cases a permit is also required from the
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. An application for such a permit must
be submitted to the county executive board. The suitable depth and slopes of a
ditch are illustrated in figure 7.26.
A shallow ditch can be provided to drain surface water from the carriageway
where space is limited by plots near the road, under bridges, etc. See figure 7.27.
Shallow ditches do not drain the road pavement.
Figure 7.27 Suitable depth and slopes of a shallow ditch (Persson, 1993).
Ditch clearance comprises edge trimming and clearing of the ditch so that it
regains its original shape and depth. The frequency at which a ditch must be
cleared varies. The average time between ditching operations is about 7 years.
Ditches should be inspected and repaired regularly. When a large flow of water
may be expected, for instance after a major timber felling operation, it is
particularly important that drainage should be in good order.
A road grader is used for normal work on ditches and slopes, and an excavator for
more difficult jobs. The grader blade should cut right down to the bottom and
draw soil up to the edge of the road.
"Forest roads" (1992), in Swedish, says that bad material removed from ditches
should be run to a tip and spread out, or spread out on the ground near the ditch.
The eventual aim of measures is to remove large stones from the road structure.
An excavator or wheeled loader equipped with a combigrip are suitable plant for
this. See figure 7.28.
Figure 7.28 Excavator and wheeled loader equipped with combigrip (Persson,
Persson (1993) describes two methods for removing large stones from the road
structure, excavation and blasting.
Excavation means that stones are dug out or broken up with the bucket. The hole
is then filled with suitable pavement material. The surface is levelled and
compacted with the bucket or blade.
Blasting can be used when individual stones are to be removed. One drawback of
blasting is that often only the top of the stone is removed. The remainder can
continue to force its way upwards.
If there are many stones in the road and the soil is susceptible to frost action,
removal of stones is time consuming and expensive.
In very difficult areas one alternative may be to dig out the subgrade. Other
conceivable measures are to install an anticapillary layer or insulation. The best
method is to remove boulders when the road is constructed.
Condition assessment of gravel roads
!"#$%&'(>*(!5-8.%.5-(#33&332&-%(54(9'#:&/('5#83( S))
The condition of the gravel road network in 1934 is set out in table 8.1.
!"#$%&'(>*(!5-8.%.5-(#33&332&-%(54(9'#:&/('5#83( S)J(
for dusting tendency a scale from A to C. These condition classes are set out in
table 8.2. Photographs are not shown in this report.
Andren and Fransson emphasise that the classification method shall be as simple
as possible, no measurements or sampling, only visual inspection of the road. As
far as can be ascertained, this method has not been used in practice.
In the joint Nordic project FUG (1979) and FUG (1983), a system was established
for the assessment of gravel roads. Over the project period 1980-81, a number of
test roads were selected in each country for maintenance studies and driving tests.
Their condition was assessed subjectively in a uniform manner in all the
countries. The factors assessed were surface roughness, binding ability and
dusting tendency. A scale ranging from 0 to 5, according to a Finnish system, was
used for surface roughness. This system is described in Subclause 8.3.1. For
binding ability a scale from 0 to 4 was used, and for dusting tendency a scale from
0 to 3. Assessment was performed according to a system tested in Sweden.
!"#$%&'(>*(!5-8.%.5-(#33&332&-%(54(9'#:&/('5#83( S)U
Table 8.3 Instructions for quality assessment of gravel roads according to the
FUG scale (FUG, 1979) and (FUG, 1983).
Assessment Surface roughness
;MS`)MC( +"&(31'4#,&(54(%"&('5#8("#3('&%#.-&8(.%3(3"#$&(#-8(.3(:&'H(&:&-(#-8(4.'2M(
LMS`;MC( +"&(31'4#,&(54(%"&('5#8("#3(9&-&'#//H('&%#.-&8(.%3(3"#$&(#-8(.3(:&'H(&:&-(
?MS`LMC( +"&(31'4#,&(54(%"&('5#8("#3(9&-&'#//H('&%#.-&8(.%3(3"#$&(#-8(.3(253%/H(
SMS`?MC( +"&('5#8(2#H("#:&(F&&-(8&45'2&8(%'#-3:&'3&/HM(+"&'&(2#H(F&(
CMS`SMC( +"&('5#8(.3(.-(3&:&'#/($/#,&3(8&45'2&8(%'#-3:&'3&/HM(+"&(31'4#,&(.3(
( Binding ability
LMS`;MC( B.%%/&(5'(-5(/553&(#99'&9#%&(5-(%"&(,#''.#9&7#HT(%"&'&(2#H(F&(/553&(
?MS`LMC( 652&(/553&(#99'&9#%&(5-(%"&(,#''.#9&7#HT(5,,#3.5-#/(7.-8'573(54(
SMS`?MC( E#-K3(54(#99'&9#%&(.-(,1':&3T(#-8(7.-8'573(54(#99'&9#%&(#/5-9(7"5/&(
CMS`SMC( Y'5-51-,&8(F#-K3(54(/553&(#99'&9#%&(5'(#(/5%(54(/553&(#99'&9#%&(5:&'(
( Dusting tendency
?MS`LMC( B.%%/&(5'(-5(813%(.3('#.3&8M(
SMS`?MC( P.-5'(813%(,/5183M(
CMS`SMC( Y'5-51-,&8(813%(,/5183M(
It is stated in FUG that the following requirements should be satisfied in order that
a subjective assessment system may be appropriate:
• Assessment should be easy and reliable since there are many users and their
training is variable.
• The difference between the classes should be obvious to both the road
management authority and road users.
• There should be good correlation with some objective method, e.g. bump
integrator, TÖI (Norwegian Institute of Transport Economics) meter.
!"#$%&'(>*(!5-8.%.5-(#33&332&-%(54(9'#:&/('5#83( S)>(
The DDP scale was used in 1982 to monitor and study a number of gravel roads in
the D, H, U, W, Y and Z counties. A total of 34 roads were observed. The total
length of road was ca 300 km (Olsson et al., 1983).
!"#$%&'(>*(!5-8.%.5-(#33&332&-%(54(9'#:&/('5#83( S)Q
Results were printed out every 300 metres both on punched tape and on a panel in
the car. This measuring vehicle is described in detail in VTI reports Nos 49, 83
and 123. Measurements were made at 50 km/h.
The Effect Catalogue (1989) states that, on the basis of Carlsson's surface
roughness measurements, it is possible to translate the values of the FUG scale
into surface roughness indices in terms of mm/km.
The Effect Catalogue (1989) gives a table in which the FUG scale is compared
with the DDp scale and surface roughness indices. See table 8.5.
Table 8.5 Comparison of FUG and DDp scales (Effect Catalogue, 1989).
Surface roughness(
61'4#,&('519"-&33(.-8&[(22*K2( (((SS?CC( ((((QLCC( ((((U;CC( (((())CC( ((((LJCC( ((((SUCC(
cdb(3,#/&( (((((((C( (((((((S( (((((((?( ((((((L( (((((((;( ((((((()(
Binding ability
cdb(3,#/&( (((((((C( (((((((S(( (((((((?( ((((((L( (;(
Dusting tendency
cdb(3,#/&( (((((((C( (((((((S( (((((((?( (((((((((((((((((((((L(
The condition of gravel roads is assessed in accordance with the SNRA Method
Specification 106:1996, "Assessment of the condition of gravel roads, functional
properties" which is abbreviated VVMB 106. Method Specification 106:1996
supersedes 106:1990.
Assessment according to this method is not made under freezing conditions but
only when roads are free from snow and ice (May-October). At other times
inspections are performed to an extent sufficient for changes in condition to be
reliably monitored. There is a proposal for this assessment method to be altered so
that it can also be applied during the frozen period.
!"#$%&'(>*(!5-8.%.5-(#33&332&-%(54(9'#:&/('5#83( SJC(
Class 1, good
The road surface has the necessary crossfall and is even and firm. There may be
one or two potholes; see figure 8.1.
Class 2, acceptable
The road surface largely has the necessary crossfall and is mostly even and firm.
There are potholes and surface roughness on certain sections; see figure 8.2.
!"#$%&'(>*(!5-8.%.5-(#33&332&-%(54(9'#:&/('5#83( SJS
Class 3, low
The carriageway has poor crossfall and/or is deformed transversely. Large
sections of the surface are uneven owing to potholes and corrugations; see figure
Class 1, good
Loose aggregate occurs on the carriageway to a slight extent (due to grading there
may be loose aggregate at the edges of the road and between ruts). No dust is
raised; see figure 8.4.
!"#$%&'(>*(!5-8.%.5-(#33&332&-%(54(9'#:&/('5#83( SJ?(
Class 2, acceptable
Loose aggregate occurs on the carriageway to a minor extent and in small banks
along the edges of the road. Minor dust clouds are raised along the road; see
figure 8.5.
Class 3, low
Loose aggregate occurs to a large extent over the whole carriageway and in
pronounced banks along the edges of the road. Pronounced dust clouds are raised
along most of the road; see figure 8.6.
!"#$%&'(>*(!5-8.%.5-(#33&332&-%(54(9'#:&/('5#83( SJL
It is worth noting that the Swedish National Road Administration, West Region,
has drawn up a report which contain more photographs describing the three
classes of surface roughness and binding ability. (Manual of standard
photographs, Gravel Road Maintenance, 1996, in Swedish). When more
photographs are available, it is easier to determine what class the road is to be
assigned to.
Standard classes
With regard to traffic flow, a road should be assigned to a certain standard class
according to table 8.6 (Regulations for Maintenance and Operation, 1990, in
In determining the condition that a road must have, consideration should also be
given to buildings, public transport and other utility traffic, the distribution of
recreational and business journeys, and available economic resources. table 8.6
sets out the three standard classes.
In the West Region, the standard classes have been altered so that C has been
replaced by B which is the lowest class in this region. See below. Classes A and
have been amalgamated into a Class A.
For Swedish gravel roads, surface roughness normally varies from 3000 to 9000
mm/km. Normal values for paved roads are 500-3500 mm/km. ("Data for
management planning", 1983).
!"#$%&'(>*(!5-8.%.5-(#33&332&-%(54(9'#:&/('5#83( SJ;(
2. GM Profilometer
This is a car that measures longitudinal roughness in the road by means of a fifth
wheel. Both the movements of this wheel in relation to the chassis, and the
movements of the chassis, are registered. See figure 8.7.
!"#$%&'(>*(!5-8.%.5-(#33&332&-%(54(9'#:&/('5#83( SJ)
The trailer was originally designed for use on a relatively even road, and from the
vehicle engineering standpoint it is therefore less satisfactory for use on a very
uneven surface.
!"#$%&'(>*(!5-8.%.5-(#33&332&-%(54(9'#:&/('5#83( SJJ(
!"#$%&'(>*(!5-8.%.5-(#33&332&-%(54(9'#:&/('5#83( SJU
The report states that similar correlations had been obtained between the Road
Roughness Indicator, the TÖI meter and the CHLOE profilometer.
2. TÖI meter
This is an equipment developed by the Institute of Transport Economics (TÖI) in
Norway. The equipment can measure rut depth and surface roughness at 50 km/h.
See figure 8.11.
3. CHLOE profilometer
The name CHLOE refers to Huckins, Leathers and Other Engineers, i.e. the team
that developed the instrument.
The profilometer comprises a laced beam supported on the towing vehicle and
two wheels. The supporting wheel unit incorporates a balance arm mounted in
such a way that it is deflected by surface roughness. In the Swedish version the
"TRAC" value is calculated. This is considered to have better correlation than the
Present Serviceability Index (PSI) with subjective assessments. Measuring speed
is quite low, 15 km/h. See figure 8.12.
!"#$%&'(>*(!5-8.%.5-(#33&332&-%(54(9'#:&/('5#83( SJ>(
Sjögren (1998) claims that, with the help of the longitudinal profile in the two
wheeltracks and the surface roughness determined from this, and the differences
between roughness in the two tracks, it is possible to obtain a measure of the
extent of corrugations and potholes. Using the coarse macrotexture, 0.4-50 mm, a
measure of the occurrence of loose aggregate can be given.
!"#$%&'(>*(!5-8.%.5-(#33&332&-%(54(9'#:&/('5#83( SJQ
• The surface roughness of gravel roads varies more across the road than that of
paved roads.
• It is important to measure the entire width of the road.
The term geographical area refers to the area for which management and
maintenance work has been procured. These areas are also called contract areas.
Under the monitoring system, the contractor carries out his own condition
assessments, and the road management authority performs spot inspections at its
discretion. Today, GUPP is applied in only a few regions, and reports are not sent
to BESS.
!"#$%&'(>*(!5-8.%.5-(#33&332&-%(54(9'#:&/('5#83( SUC(
At the time of each assessment, the gravel road is to be assessed in places selected
at random. Gravel roads shorter than 1 km are not included in the monitoring
system. For gravel roads longer than 10 km there shall be at least 2 assessment
objets selected at random, plus one more assessment object per every 10 km or
part thereof in addition to the first 10 km. Three alternatives are given for the way
random selection is to be made. The assessment object is a section of gravel road
that covers the selected points. The three alternatives are:
Alternative 1
Points on the gravel road are selected from a table of random numbers. This table
is designed so that points far too close to one another are avoided.
Alternative 2
An ordinary table of random numbers or a random number generator is used to
determine the points. This may at times result in some crowding of points, but this
is statistically correct.
Alternative 3
The points are stratified. The gravel road is divided into the same number of
sections as the number of objects to be selected. The lengths of these sections
must be equal. One point in each section is then selected using a table of random
numbers or a random number generator.
If the producer makes the inspections, the road management authority shall make
random checks. The times the authority makes its checks should closely coincide
with the producer's inspections. The producer is therefore obliged to inform the
authority in good time, e.g. a few days, before each inspection as to which objects
will be assessed and the time of such assessments.
8.3.1 Finland
About 42% of the 75,000 km of State road network in Finland consists of gravel
roads. Traffic mileage on gravel roads is ca 7% (Männisto and Tapio, 1990).
Traffic mileage on gravel roads in Sweden is 1.32%. See Chapter 4.
For the assessment of the condition of gravel roads, the most important
information in the road register is that relating to bearing capacity and road length
at risk of frost damage. The road register gives e.g. the length of gravel roads,
year of construction, functional class and standard maintenance class, measures
taken on the road, traffic volume, traffic mileage and tonne mileage, road width,
lighting, speed limits, number of accidents and accident frequency (Jämsä and
Kankare, 1980).
!"#$%&'(>*(!5-8.%.5-(#33&332&-%(54(9'#:&/('5#83( SUS
Subjective assessment
The condition of the wearing course is assessed visually according to the
assessment scale set out below. This assessment takes no account of occasional
frost damage. Assessment is primarily based on surface roughness, binding
ability, dusting tendency and crossfall (Routine road maintenance management
and monitoring at the Finnish National Road Administration, 1994).
Jämsä (1983) and Johansson et al (1983) say that assessments and monitoring are
carried out in five stages:
!"#$%&'(>*(!5-8.%.5-(#33&332&-%(54(9'#:&/('5#83( SU?(
In Finland there are five standard classes for gravel roads. The highest is standard
class 3, and the lowest standard class 7. See table 8.8.
Stage 5: If the condition drops below the minimum limit of the target, then, if
weather conditions permit, the necessary measures must be taken to raise the
standard. See table 8.8.
The difference between the Finnish and Swedish models is that in the Finnish
model the limits are different for measures to be taken depending on standard
class, while the Swedish model has the same limits irrespective of traffic. In the
Swedish model it is the time within which measures must be taken after the
standard has dropped below the lower limit which depends on standard class
(Standard project, 1979, in Swedish).
8.3.2 Canada
In their "Manual for condition rating of gravel surface roads", Chong and Wrong
(1989) describe a method for condition assessment.
1. Surface defects
1.a Loose aggregate
1.b Dust
1.c Potholes
1.d Breakup
2. Surface deformation
2.a Corrugations
2.b Rutting
2.c Flat or reverse crown
2.d Distortion
!"#$%&'(>*(!5-8.%.5-(#33&332&-%(54(9'#:&/('5#83( SUL
Chong and Wrong propose what operation and maintenance measures should be
taken depending on the results of assessments. table 8.9 shows the measures
needed for different levels of rutting. The following example gives a detailed idea
of how rutting and the measures that are needed are assessed. figure 8.13, 8.14
and 8.15 show the three levels of rutting, slight, moderate and severe.
!"#$%&'(>*(!5-8.%.5-(#33&332&-%(54(9'#:&/('5#83( SU;(
Table 8.9 Management and maintenance measures needed for different levels
of rutting.
!"#$%&'(>*(!5-8.%.5-(#33&332&-%(54(9'#:&/('5#83( SU)
Table 8.10 The hundred-degree assessment scale (Chong and Wrong, 1989).
Description PCR Recommended
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2#-.4&3%#%.5-3(2#K.-9(%'#:&/(1-$/#-%(F&,#13&(54( #(213%(45'('&3.8&-%.#/(
7#3"F5#'8.-9T(813%T($5%"5/&3T(8.3%5'%.5-T(&%,M( #'M(652&($5'%.5-(2#H(
B5,#/.3&8(F'&#K1$(#'M( F&(-&&8('&"#F./.%#%.5-M((
c/#%(%5('&:&'&3(,'57-T(3&:&'('5#87#H(31'4#,&( CDSQ( I&"#F./.%#%.5-(-&,&33#'H(
Dobson and Postill (1983) present in their study a method for standard
classification of gravel roads. Roads are assigned in view of their "Quality of
Service" to three classes; see Table 8.11. Standard classification is based on
AADT and the proportion of heavy vehicles, road width, visibility conditions,
driving comfort and availability during the year.
!"#$%&'(>*(!5-8.%.5-(#33&332&-%(54(9'#:&/('5#83( SUJ(
Dobson and Postill made 400 vehicles the upper limit for AADT since they
consider that roads with AADT in excess of 400 ought to be paved. According to
Dobson and Postill, management and maintenance activity can be planned and
performed better when their classification is employed. They also add that this
classification makes macroeconomic estimates possible.
8.3.3 USA
About 50% of the American road network is unpaved. Traffic flow on gravel
roads varies from 50 to 400 AADT (Han, 1992).
1. Crown
The term crown also describes crossfall and the height of the centre of the road
above the edges. There are three levels, excellent crown, poor grading and poorly
graded crown.
2. Drainage
The condition of both ditches and culverts is assessed with the help of
photographs and descriptions. There are four levels, excellent drainage, acceptable
drainage, poor drainage and no drainage.
!"#$%&'(>*(!5-8.%.5-(#33&332&-%(54(9'#:&/('5#83( SUU
4. Surface deformation
Surface deformation may be rutting, corrugation or potholes.
4.1: There are two levels of rutting, rutting only in wheeltracks and extensive
rutting combined with very poor drainage.
4.2: There are two levels of corrugation, moderate and significant corrugation.
4.3: There are three levels of potholes, few potholes, series of moderate potholes
and extensive potholes which covers almost the whole carriageway. Potholes on
bridges is also described.
5. Surface defects
In conjunction with defects, dusting and loose aggregate are described as follows:
5.1: Unexpectedly, dust is given only one level which is lot of dust. There should
be another level, e.g. no dust.
GPM gives a table for assessing the condition of the wearing course with respect
to the above five properties and defects. With the help of photographs and verbal
descriptions, the road is assigned to five condition classes. The scale 1—5 is used,
with 5 as excellent. See table 8.12.
!"#$%&'(>*(!5-8.%.5-(#33&332&-%(54(9'#:&/('5#83( SU>(
!"#$%&'(>*(!5-8.%.5-(#33&332&-%(54(9'#:&/('5#83( SUQ
In their report, Eaton and Beaucham (1992) describe a method for condition
assessment. The method is based on subjective assessment and presents an
"unsurfaced road condition index" URCI. This has a scale ranging from 0 to 100,
and the road condition according to this is the same as that given in "pavement
condition index" PCI for paved roads. Standard classes and condition classes are
briefly described in the following.
Standard classes for gravel roads according to Eaton and Beaucham are set out in
table 8.13.
For condition assessment there are two types of inspection. One is "windshield
inspection" and the other a detailed inspection.
Eaton and Beaucham recommend that the detailed inspection should be carried
out every year at the same time. The inspection should be made when the road is
in the best possible condition. An inspection should not be made during the thaw
!"#$%&'(>*(!5-8.%.5-(#33&332&-%(54(9'#:&/('5#83( S>C(
A straightedge 1.2 m long is used to measure the depth, area and width of the
The seven types of distress are illustrated in figure 8.16-8.22 (Eaton and
Beaucham, 1992).
Figure 8.16 The three levels for assessment of crossfall (Eaton and Beaucham,
!"#$%&'(>*(!5-8.%.5-(#33&332&-%(54(9'#:&/('5#83( S>S
Figure 8.17 The three levels for assessment of drainage (Eaton and Beaucham,
!"#$%&'(>*(!5-8.%.5-(#33&332&-%(54(9'#:&/('5#83( S>?(
Figure 8.18 The three levels for assessment of corrugation (Eaton and
Beaucham, 1992.)
!"#$%&'(>*(!5-8.%.5-(#33&332&-%(54(9'#:&/('5#83( S>L
Figure 8.19 The three levels for assessment of dusting (Eaton and Beaucham,
Figure 8.20 The three levels for assessment of potholing (Eaton and Beaucham,
!"#$%&'(>*(!5-8.%.5-(#33&332&-%(54(9'#:&/('5#83( S>;(
Figure 8.21 The three levels for assessment of rutting (Eaton and Beaucham,
Figure 8.22 The three levels for assessment of loose aggregate (Eaton and
Beaucham, 1992).
!"#$%&'(>*(!5-8.%.5-(#33&332&-%(54(9'#:&/('5#83( S>)
The inspection report is made on a special form; see Appendix No 3. The form
has two tables which must be filled in. One contains information regarding
degrees of severity L, M or H. The other table is headed URCI Calculation. URCI
is calculated in four steps. These are not described here.
After URCI has been calculated for the whole road, the condition class to which
the road is assigned is assessed. The relationship between URCI and the condition
classes is set out in figure 8.23.
!"#$%&'(>*(!5-8.%.5-(#33&332&-%(54(9'#:&/('5#83( S>J(
All roads in the network can then be assigned to three priority classes, low,
medium and high priority. The class the road is assigned to is determined by:
• Standard class
• Budget availability
• Local conditions
Roads with e.g. a lower URCI and a higher AADT should have a higher priority.
Depending on defects, recommendations are also made as to the management and
maintenance measures that need be taken. For each standard class there is a target
in the form of a lower limit for the condition of the wearing course according to
the scale presented in figure 8.24.
"A guide to the visual assessment of pavement condition" (1987) states that
damage to unpaved roads, i.e. gravel and earth roads, is to be divided into three
primary groups.
1. Deformation D
2. Surface Texture S
3. Potholes HO
The first two groups are subdivided into other secondary defects. Secondary
defects are denoted by two letters.
1. Deformation D
1.a Erosion channels DN
1.b Corrugation DC
1.c Rutting DR
1.d Shoving DS (Plastic bulging of surface)
2. Surface Texture S
2.a Coarse texture ST
2.b Loose material SL
A 1.2 m straightedge is used to measure the depth, area and width of the various
defects. The length and width of e.g. corrugation ridges and ruts can also be
measured with the straightedge. The length of road affected is also judged. All
defects are photographed. table 8.14 describes the measurements made in
conjunction with condition assessments.
!"#$%&'(>*(!5-8.%.5-(#33&332&-%(54(9'#:&/('5#83( S>U
The report proposes an inspection form to be used for assessment and reporting.
!"#$%&'(>*(!5-8.%.5-(#33&332&-%(54(9'#:&/('5#83( S>>(
The total value of forest roads in Sweden is SEK 10-15 milliard. The annual
management costs for forest roads amount to about SEK 800 million.
!"#$%&'(>*(!5-8.%.5-(#33&332&-%(54(9'#:&/('5#83( S>Q
Road class 1: Single lane permanent road with wearing course of crushed
aggregate. Design speed is normally 60 km/h. This class is primarily intended for
specially important roads where there are relatively high demands regarding
speed, e.g. the longest forest roads or combined roads where traffic other than
forest traffic is also of great extent.
Road class 2: Single lane permanent road with wearing course of crushed
aggregate. Design speed is normally 40 km/h. This class is primarily intended for
major forest roads.
Road class 3: Single lane permanent road with wearing course of crushed
aggregate or graded natural aggregate. Design speed is normally 30 km/h. This
class is intended for roads with low demand regarding speed.
Road class 4: Single lane permanent road that has no proper wearing course.
Design speed is normally 20 km/h. Engineering design is based on assumption
that road standard is not maintained by continuous maintenance measures. Road is
put in order prior to each period of use. Roads in this class are considered to have
a life much shorter than roads in Classes 1-3.
Road class 5: Single lane road which cannot normally carry vehicle combinations
longer than 18 m. Width of carriageway is ca 3 m.
Road class 6: Simplest possible road which cannot normally carry vehicles with
Classes 1-4 all have a carriageway width of 3.5 m and shall otherwise be designed
for traffic comprising the same vehicle type. Comprehensive improvements shall
not under any circumstances produce a standard lower than Class 4. Newly
constructed roads shall always have a standard corresponding to Classes 1-4.
Road classes 5 and 6 are only included to assign a standard to existing low class
Owing to the low geometric standard, mainly in the southern parts of Sweden,
many areas cannot be reached with 24 m vehicles, and timber must be
transhipped. Drivers are forced to leave the lorry trailer out on the major road and
to enter the narrow roads with only the lorry itself. The trailer normally carries
twice as much as the lorry, and three trips are therefore usually necessary before
the combination can be coupled up and the journey can continue. This assembly
operation normally takes 2-4 hours.
!"#$%&'(>*(!5-8.%.5-(#33&332&-%(54(9'#:&/('5#83( SQC(
The design of forest roads, including those of lowest standard (Road Class 4) is
based on a typical vehicle of:
Total length: 24 m
Total width: 2.6 m
Total height: 4.5 m
Overall weight: 60 tonnes
Axle/bogie load: 10/18 tonnes on roads
Axle load on bridges: 14 tonnes
Bogie load on bridges: 18-22 tonnes
From the standpoint of bearing capacity, roads are assigned to four classes with
respect to the part of the year during which it is normally assumed that heavy
traffic can use the road without seriously damaging it. All roads must have
sufficient bearing capacity for vehicles with 10 tonnes axle load and 18 tonnes
bogie load. The four availability classes are as follows:
Availability Class A: The road shall be able to carry lorry and car traffic during
the whole year.
Availability Class B: The road shall be able to carry lorry traffic during the
whole year except during the thaw period. It shall be able to carry cars during the
whole year.
Availability Class C: The road shall be able to carry lorry traffic during the
whole year, except during the thaw period and prolonged rainy periods. The road
shall be able to carry cars during the whole year except during the thaw period.
Availability Class D: On the whole, the road shall be able to carry lorry traffic
only when the road structure is frozen. The road shall be able to carry cars during
the summer also.
!"#$%&'(>*(!5-8.%.5-(#33&332&-%(54(9'#:&/('5#83( SQS
Table 8.16 Division into standard classes (Roadplan 80, 1982, in Swedish).
General standard Satisfactory Carriageway with Some older roads
gravel no proper wearing
carriageway course, temporary
( Normal design speed, km/h Availability for
Availability 18m vehicle Lorries
60 40 30 20
B5''H(#-8(,#'(%'#44.,( (
1A 2A 3A 4A 5A
B5''H(%'#44.,(#//(H&#'( (
&[,&$%(81'.-9(%"#7M( 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B
1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C
.-(7.-%&'M(!#'(%'#44.,( - - - 4D D( 6D
The most common class for forest roads in Sweden is Class 3C. The class to be
chosen in different situations is mainly a matter of planning the road network,
which is dependent on forestry, transport and highway economic factors.
A road may be classified as e.g. 18K-30-A-250.05, i.e. the road carries 250
vehicles per day with an axle load of 18 kip (80 kN) at a speed of 30 km/h. A
denotes availability in all weathers except during the thaw period. The life is 5
Chapter 9/ Planning and evaluation of operation and maintenance measures 192
Planning and evaluation of operation
and maintenance measures
Planning must relate to the entire road network so that the correct priorities may
be decided on. There should be available a maintenance system to provide
assistance in maintenance planning.
In their report, Eaton and Beaucham (1992) present a complete system for the
classification and condition assessment of gravel roads and the planning of
operation and maintenance. The main points of this system are:
1. Identification of the road network
2. Division of the road network into different standard classes
3. Condition assessment and division of the road network into different
condition classes
4. Assignment of priorities to different road sections
5. Assessment of the need for operation and maintenance measures
6. Calculation of costs with reference to purely business economics aspects
7. Management of data
This method has been used in practice and, according to Eaton and Beaucham, has
been found quite good for planning operation and maintenance measures. Items 2
"Standard classes" and 3 "Condition classes" are described briefly in Chapter 8.
Bäckman et al. (1998) add however that it is very unusual for a road management
authority to fully concentrate on one of these strategies, even though the first two,
only acute maintenance and worst first, are not uncommon due to the lack of
economic resources.
It is worth noting that in 1990 the Swedish parliament passed a resolution that all
State activity shall be thrown open to competition. In 1997, State roads were
divided into ca 145 geographical areas, and 107 of these, covering 70,000 km, are
subject to competitive tendering. At present (1999), ca 99% of the geographical
areas are subject to competition.
The party who commissions operation and maintenance work is called the
principal or the road management authority. The party who carries out operation
and maintenance work is called producer or contractor. Those carrying out
operation and maintenance of gravel roads are Production SNRA profit centre,
Skanska, NCC, PEAB and other local companies; see table 9.1.
The Basic Management Package is formulated in such a way that the road
management authority shall, throughout the year, feel confident that it discharges
its responsibility for road management by making the producer responsible for
carrying out acute and routine measures without any action on the part of the
authority (Wikström in the course "Operation and maintenance of Traffic
Facilities-KTH, 1997). The basic management package also comprises, inter alia,
winter road management, traffic sings, rest areas and pavement repairs.
B. Correct procurement
There must be methods to describe the worst standard that will be accepted and
the standard to aim for. Knowledge of the normal frequency of measures is also
required in order that the tender shall be calculable.
C. Measurable results
Methods of measuring the results of a measure have been developed over a long
time for certain types of activity, e.g. surfacings. There is a great need of objective
result measurement for other measures. One example may be gravel road
maintenance where conditions often change rapidly. It is important that it should
be possible to measure the worst condition that is accepted before remedial action
must be taken.
D. Consistent standard
Since grant allocations may vary from year to year, procurement must incorporate
such flexibility that the standard required can be adjusted easily depending on the
availability of funds.
In their degree project, Andren and Fransson (1976) developed a method for
classifying gravel roads with respect to the factors surface roughness, binding
ability and dusting tendency. The method and the criteria employed are described
in Subclause With respect to these criteria, an action diagram was
constructed showing whether or not a certain measure is necessary. See figure 9.1.
No action necessary.
Figure 9.1 Action diagram for operation and maintenance measures (Andren
and Fransson, 1976).
Andren and Fransson also drew up a relationship between running speed and the
number of vehicles that have passed since remedial action was taken on the gravel
road. The relationship shows that the maintenance cycle of a road, i.e. the period
between two consecutive measures such as grading, may be said to comprise three
stages, an initial stage when the road has binding ability, a stationary stage when
the condition of the road is reasonably unchanged, and a decline stage during
which deterioration is manifested by a drop in mean speed. On the roads studied
in the degree project, it was found that the mean speed was 55-65 km/h at points
where the condition became unacceptable after ca 6000-10,000 vehicle passages.
In their report, Beckemeyer and McPeak (1995) present a figure for the choice of
operation and maintenance measures; see figure 9.2. The figure is based on the
URCI scale; see Subclause 8.3.3.
However, the business economic calculation considers only the direct effects, not
the external effects such as negative impacts on the environment which are not a
business economic cost. In a nationaleconomic calculation all the effects of a road
are considered, regardless of whether or not they are expressed in monetary terms.
The relationships between effects in the following are based on a scale for
condition classification used in the joint Nordic project "Improvement and
maintenance of gravel roads FUG". The relationship between this scale and the
DDp scale was described in Subclause
Both surface roughness and binding ability influence vehicle costs. Surface
roughness affects tyre wear, maintenance, repairs and depreciation. In contrast,
fuel consumption is affected only by binding ability.
A. Traffic safety
As a rule, roads with a gravel wearing course have low geometric standard.
Speeds on these roads are lower than on paved roads.
B. Trafficability
In conjunction with trafficability, both speed and driving comfort are evaluated.
B.1 Speed
Running speed on a newly graded road is low because the road has not yet
developed binding ability. As binding ability increases, speed rises. Surface
roughness then deteriorates owing to traffic, precipitation etc, and binding ability
is reduced. However, the drop in speed caused by this is generally moderate.
In "Effect Calculation models" (1986) it is stated that the change in trip time
consumption due to a change in the standard of gravel road management can be
calculated from the following equation:
BMT = period when road is free from snow and ice (months)
BMDT = mean daily traffic during period when road is free from snow and ice
(two-axle units/day), can be put at 1.1*AADT
Vå1, vå0 = running speed at the condition prevailing (Qå0, Qå0) when action is taken
The speeds vå1, vå0 ,at the conditions prevailing when action, is taken can be read
in figure 9.4.
No properly designed tests with the aim of ascertaining the relationship between
speed and the surface condition of gravel roads have been made in Sweden.
In Finland, a study was made to find the propensity of motorist to choose a good
but longer paved road instead of an uneven but shorter gravel road, a paved
uneven road or a road under reconstruction, in order find the cost of lack of
comfort. A riding comfort value was obtained (Effect Catalogue-Operation and
maintenance measures, 1989).
The value obtained in the Swedish investigation is in quite good agreement with
that in the Finnish investigation. Figure 9.5 sets out the relationship between
riding comfort and surface roughness.
Figure 9.5 Relationship between riding comfort and surface roughness (Effect
Catalogue "Operation and maintenance measures", 1989).
Vertical axis- SEK/veh.h
Horizontal axis- Surface roughness, Low, Acceptable, Good
C. Vehicle costs
There are four components:
• Fuel consumption
• Tyre wear
• Maintenance and repairs
• Depreciation
VOC (1994) quotes Curtayne et al. (1987), according to which the relationship
between these four components and surface roughness on gravel roads, for buses,
is as set out in table 9.2 and figure 9.6. It is however not clear how "increase in
roughness" was determined.
Table 9.2 Relationship between the four components and surface roughness
of gravel roads for buses.
VOCs components Average contribution to Increase in VOC related to
total cost (%) increase in roughness (%)
Fuel consumption 25 5
Tyre wear 10 120
Maintenance and repairs 40 40
Depreciation 25 30
Figure 9.6 Relationship between the four components and surface roughness
of gravel roads for buses (VOC, 1994).
The conclusions of VOC are that the differences in vehicle costs between unpaved
and paved roads are not more than 5%.
Table 9.3 Percentage breakdown of vehicle costs over the four components.
Cost item Percentage
Fuel cost about 40
Tyres about 10
Maintenance, repairs about 35
Depreciation, driven distance dependent about 5
Depreciation, time dependent about 10
A brief description of fuel consumption, tyre wear, maintenance and repairs and
depreciation is given below.
Sävenhed (1986) and (1987) has studied how fuel consumption is affected and
changed when a gravel road remains ungraded over an entire summer. Reference
sections were a number of gravel roads which were graded to the normal extent.
The results show that the increase in evenness due to grading appears to influence
fuel consumption by only 1-3%. Loss of binding ability in the road surface causes
a 3-5% increase in fuel consumption. A clearly higher fuel consumption was
measured when the road surface was wet.
It is entirely logical that greater loss of binding ability should increase fuel
consumption, since lower incidence of loose material on the surface would reduce
rolling resistance.
Sävenhed (1986) points out that fuel consumption immediately after grading is
higher than a week after grading. According to Sävenhed, the reason is that the
road is compacted by traffic which makes the surface hard and even.
"Effect Catalogue" (1989) tabulates a relationship between tyre wear and surface
roughness; see table 9.7.
C.4 Depreciation
According to VOCs (1994), depreciation accounts for 25% of vehicle costs.
"Effect Catalogue" (1989) states that depreciation on the average gravel road is ca
25% higher than on a corresponding paved road. It is claimed that, with this
"Effect Catalogue" (1989) states that vehicle costs on a normal gravel road are
SEK 0.85/vehicle km. Such a gravel road is characterised by surface roughness of
3-4 and binding ability of 2-3 according to the FUG scale. This gives the vehicle
costs for a perfect gravel road as SEK 0.77/ Vehicle costs for variable
surface roughness and binding ability standards are calculated using the correction
factors set out in table 9.10.
Table 9.10 Correction factors for vehicle costs for variable standards of
surface roughness and binding ability.
Binding ability Surface roughness
FUG scale 4—5 3—4 2—3 1—2 0—1
DDp scale Good Acceptable Low
FUG scale DDp scale
3-4 Good 1.00 1.09 1.17 1.26 1.35
2-3 Acceptable 1.01 1.10 1.19 1.27 1.36
1-2 Low 1.04 1.12 1.21 1.30 1.39
0-1 Low 1.08 1.16 1.25 1.34 1.43
The vehicle cost index kå0, kå1 as a function of road condition Q is plotted in
figure 9.7. B denotes binding ability.
Figure 9.7 Vehicle cost index for different standards of binding ability and
surface roughness (Effect Calculation models, 1986).
Vertical axis-Index
Horizontal axis-Surface roughness
Road user costs in the form of vehicle costs, traffic safety and trafficability can be
evaluated in monetary terms. The other effects, mainly environmental impacts,
must often be assessed subjectively.
Olsson et al. calculated the annual road user costs, maintenance costs and total
costs during the period when roads were free from snow and ice. Calculations
were made only with respect to surface roughness, and on the assumption that the
surface condition of a gravel road changes linearly between grading events. Other
assumptions made for the calculation were as follows:
Traffic 100 vehicles/day
Proportion of lorry traffic 10%
Snow and ice free period 9 months/year
Maintenance costs during this period SEK 3000/km annually for at least Surface
Standard 2
Maintenance costs during the period when roads were free from snow and ice
were calculated for different minimum standards with reference to the cost of
maintenance for a road of a given condition. The calculated costs were corrected
with respect to value added tax (VAT) in order to be nationaleconomically
It is however not clear how costs are obtained for a minimum standard other than
minimum standard 2, since one of the assumptions was that maintenance costs
during the snow and ice free period were SEK 3000/km annually at minimum
surface standard 2. The results of calculations by Olsson et al. are plotted in figure
9.8, 9.9 and 9.10.
The results of Olsson et al. suggest that total costs will be least at a minimum
standard just below 2; see figure 9.10. It is also evident from the figure that
nationaleconomic costs rise very steeply if a standard higher than the optimum is
selected, while nationaleconomic costs rise more moderately if a standard lower
than the optimum is decided on.
objective of a willingness to pay study is to estimate the values road users place
on different road surface standards, a factor that gives a reasonable description of
the surface condition of the three road types is required. The factor chosen in the
study is surface roughness. The surface roughness of the gravel road is broken
down into four levels:
Level 1: A simple surfacing of Y1G type has been applied to the gravel road,
which means better tyre grip, no dusting and more relaxed driving than on a
gravel surface. There may be one or two roughness places, especially during the
thaw period. A speed of 70-90 km/h can be maintained on straight sections.
Level 2: The gravel road is even and firm. There may be one or two potholes. A
speed of 70 km/h can be maintained on straight sections.
Level 3: The gravel road is even in places. There may be potholes over short
sections. In most cases a speed of 70 km/h can be maintained on straight sections.
It may be necessary to lower speed somewhat when there are many depressions.
Level 4: Longer sections of deep potholes are usual. Where there are the most
roughness, the driver has the feeling of driving over a washboard. A speed of 50-
60 km/h can be maintained on some sections. Speed must however be steeply
reduced in some places.
Levels 2, 3 and 4 may be likened to the SNRA condition classes good, acceptable
and low with reference to surface roughness, but without speed restrictions.
In order that the values placed by road users on the different road conditions may
be estimated, a cost factor is also required in addition to the surface standard
factor. The cost item chosen in this study was petrol price per litre. Variations in
petrol price occur by changes in taxation, which are assumed to have a direct
coupling to road maintenance.
In order to find whether the place of residence of the persons interviewed has an
effect on the values, the sample was divided into four strata; Norrland, Central
Sweden, Southern Sweden and Metropolitan Regions (Stockholm, Göteborg and
Malmö). The results of the study regarding gravel roads are set out in table 9.11.
The terms Norrland, Central Sweden and Southern Sweden were not defined in
the study.
Table 9.11 Willingness to pay (SEK/l) in four strata in Sweden (Ruckertz and
Forsström, 1991).
Places Improvement from Improvement from Improvement from
standard standard Standard
2 to 1 3 to 1 4 to 1
Norrland 0.16 1.13 3.9
Central Sweden 0.10 1.21 4.12
Southern Sweden 0.06 0.74 3.32
Metropolitan Regions 0.02 0.79 3.44
Whole country 0.07 0.96 3.69
The above results show that road users place quite a high value on an
improvement of the road network. Willingness to pay is highest for an
improvement from Level 4 (washboard) to Level 1 (Y1G). The average value
placed on this improvement is ca SEK 3.7/l. One remarkable result is that road
users appear to be uninfluenced by the difference between a newly graded gravel
road and one with Y1G.
Ruckertz and Forsström (1991) point out, however, that this result is not
statistically verified.
In order to find what the customers of the National Swedish Road Administration
think of the roads and of the way the Administration carries out its duties, the
Administration has on several occasions commissioned market survey institutes to
carry out road user investigations. Other interested parties apart from SNRA have
also considered it of interest to make such investigations.
Andren Claes & Fransson Per: Bedömning av grusvägar tillstånd från underhålls-
synpunkter. (Assessment of the condition of gravel roads the standpoint of
maintenance) (In Swedish). KTH, Highway Engineering. Stockholm, 1976.
Beckemeyer Curt A and McPeak Trent J: Rural roads design, maintenance and
rehabilitation guide. SD Department of Transportation Office of Research. SD95-
16-G2, 1995.
Bergfalk Lars and Åkeson Göran: Sambandet mellan trafikarbete och vägunderhåll.
(Relationship between vehicle mileage and road maintenance). (In Swedish). Degree
project. KTH, Highway Engineering. Stockholm, 1969.
Bolander Peter W: Chemical Additives for Dust Control—What we have used and
what we have learned. Transportation Research Board. Paper No 97-0726. 76th
Annual Meeting. Washington DC, 1997.
Brown Dan A and Elton David J: Guidelines for Dust Control on Unsurfaced Roads in
Alabama. Final Report. Highway Research Center. Alabama 36849—5337. Harbert
Engineering Center. Auburn University, 1994.
Bäckman Lars, Centrell Per, Engström Rickard, Grudemo Stefan, Jansson Håkan:
Lågtrafikerade gator och vägar. (Low traffic volume streets and roads). (In
Swedish). Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute. Bulletin No 834.
Linköping, 1998.
Chong G J and Wrong G A: Manual for condition rating of gravel surface roads.
Ministry of Transportation. Research and Development Branch. Ontario, 1989.
Economic Disbenefits of Dust from Unsealed Roads. Transit New Zealand Research
Report No 16. Works Consultancy Services Ltd. Wellington. New Zealand, 1993.
Effect of dust palliatives on unsealed roads in New Zealand. Transit New Zealand
Research Report No 38. Bartley Consultants. Auckland. New Zealand, 1995.
Foley Graham, Cropley Stephen, Ggiummarra George: Road Dust Control Techniques –
Evaluation of chemical dust suppressants' performance. ARRB Transport
Research. Special Report No 54. Victoria. Australia, 1996.
Fäldner Leif: Värdering av komfortskillnaden mellan att köra på belagd väg och
grusväg. (Valuation of the difference in comfort when driving on paved or gravel
roads). (In Swedish). Swedish National Road Administration, Section for road
management planning. Publication No 1988:33. Borlänge, 1988.
Guidelines for Cost Effective Use and Application of Dust Palliatives. Roads and
Transportation Association of Canada. Ottawa, 1987.
Han Ghunhua: Dust Control on Unpaved Roads. Research and Development. 92-07.
USA. 1992.
Hubendick Per Erik: Väghyvling. Senare bearbetad av Nils Ivarsson i samarbete med
författaren. (Grading of roads. Revised by Nils Ivarsson in collaboration with the
author). (In Swedish). Malmö, 1969.
Höbeda Peet: Några faktorer som påverkar egenskaperna hos ostabiliserade lager,
särskilt gruslager. (Some factors that affect the properties of unstabilised layers,
especially gravel layers). (In Swedish). VTI Bulletin No 96:1978. Swedish National
Road and Transport Research Institute. Linköping, 1978.
Isemo Alf, Johansson Jim: Samband mellan olika faktorer inom grusvägsunderhåll.
(Relationship between different factors in gravel road maintenance). (In Swedish).
Degree project, 1976:6. Highway Engineering, KTH. Stockholm 1976.
Jones TE: Dust Emission from Unpaved Roads in Kenya. Transport and Road Research
Laboratory, Report No 1110. Department of the Environment. Crowthorne, 1984.
Jones TE: The Kenya maintenance study on unpaved roads. Research and
deterioration. TRRL Laboratory Report No 1111. Crowthorne,1984.
Junes Tore: Dammbindning med Emulsion. (Dust control with emulsion). (In Swedish).
Swedish National Road Administration. BD Report. BDa 7. 88703-31. Umeå, 1988.
Junes Tore: Prov av hyvelskär av borstålskvalite. (Tests on grader blades of boron steel
grade). (In Swedish). Swedish National Road Administration. DDa Report. C. Gravel
road maintenance. DDa 7. 81701-30. Borlänge, 1981.
Junes Tore: Väghyvelskär för grushyvling. (Road grader blades for gravel). (In
Swedish). Swedish National Road Administration. BD Report. C. Gravel Road
Maintenance. BD 7. 89701-30. Borlänge, 1989.
Jämsä Heikki and Kankare Esko: Förbätring och underhåll av grusvägar (FUG).
Dagens situation. (Improvement and maintenance of gravel roads. The present
situation). (In Swedish). Technical Research Centre of Finland Bulletin No 63. Esbo,
July 1980.
Jämsä Heikki: Maintenance and rating of the condition of gravel roads in Finland.
Low-Volume Roads. Third International Conference. Transportation Research Record
898. 1983.
Jämsä Heikki: Metoder för grusslitlagers behandling. (Methods for the treatment of
gravel wearing courses). (In Swedish). Technical Research Centre of Finland Bulletin
No 194. Esbo, 1982.
Lindahl Arne: Måste vägar saltas under sommaren. (Must roads be salted in the
summer). (In Swedish). Örnsköldsvik, 1997.
Listab. WIBAX AB. Dammproblem? LISAB är lösning. (Dust problems? LISAB is the
solution). (In Swedish). Piteå, 1997.
Magnusson Georg, Arnberg Peter W and Pettersson Hans-Erik: Mätning och bedömning
av ojämnheter på grusvägar. (Measurement and assessment of surface irregularities
on gravel roads). (In Swedish). Swedish National Road and Transport Research
Institute Bulletin No 123. Linköping, 1977.
Maintenance of gravel and earth roads-An efficient Finnish approach. Roads and
Waterways Administration RWA. Finland. 1994.
Management and maintenance of traffic facilities. (In Swedish). Drift och underhåll av
trafikanläggningar. Course at KTH, lecturers Håkan Sundquist, Ulf Olsson, Uno
Danielson, Hardy Wikström, Hans Silborn et al. 1997.
Memorandum for the design of major roads, advanced course. (PM för
Trafikledsteknik, fk). (In Swedish). Chalmers University of Technology. Road and
Traffic Planning. Göteborg, 1995.
Miljöeffekter av drift och underhåll av vägar och gator. (Environmental effects of the
management and maintenance of roads and streets). (In Swedish). Nordic Association
of Road Engineers. Report No 5/1992. 1992.
Nordiska Vägtekniska Förbundets XIV Kongress. Kongresshandlingar del III 4-6. (XIV
Congress of Nordic Association of Road Engineers. Congress Proceedings). (In
Swedish). June 1984, Stockholm. P 141-144. 1984.
Pernler Lars: Dammbindning av grusvägar. (Dust control of gravel roads). (In Swedish)
National Road Administration. EA-salt. BD Report. BD 5. 90501-31. 1990.
Persson Håkan: Drift och underhåll av enskilda vägar. (Management and maintenance
of private roads). (In Swedish). Swedish National Road Administration. No 1993:33.
Borlänge, 1993.
Regulations for Maintenance and Operation. (In Swedish). Regler för Underhåll och
Drift. Swedish National Road Administration. Publication No 1990:51. Highway
Engineering Section. 1990.
Riktlinjer för byggnad och underhåll av skogsbilvägar särskilt med hänsyn till
hårdgörning, tjälens betydelse samt trafik med nya typer skogstransportbilar.
(Guidelines for the construction and maintenance of forest roads, with special
reference to hardening, the significance of frost and traffic with new types of forestry
transport vehicles). (In Swedish). Värmland Forestry Work Study Association.
Filipstad, 1946.
Road maintenance during the snow and ice free period. (Vägunderhåll Barmark). (In
Swedish). Swedish National Road Administration. Växjö, 1992.
Simonsson Bo: Study of maintenance methods for earth and gravel roads in
developing countries. Swedish Road and Transport Research Institute. Linköping,
Sultan Hassan A: Soil erosion and dust control on Arizona Highways Part III –
Progress Report-Field Testing Program. Arizona Department of Transportation
and Federal Highway Administration. P B-260 6021. Phoenix. Washington DC, 1974.
Sultan Hassan A: Soil erosion and dust control on Arizona Highways Part II-
Laboratory Testing Program. Arizona Department of Transportation and Federal
Highway Administration. P B-260 6011. Phoenix. Washington DC, 1974.
Sultan Hasssan A: Soil erosion and dust control on Arizona Highways Part I – State-
of-the-Art review. Arizona Department of Transportation and Federal Highway
Administration. P B-260 600. Phoenix. Washington DC, 1974.
Tanner J S: Corrugations on earth and gravel roads, their formation, treatment and
prevention. Road Research Laboratory. Ministry of Transport. Crowthorne, 1969.
The effects of management measures-a brief situation report. (In Swedish) Effekter av
driftåtgärder-En kortfattad lägesredovisning.. Swedish National Road
Administration. Section for Planning Data. PP Bulletin No 11, 1980.
Underlag för femårsplan drift (1988—92). (Data for five year management plan). (In
Swedish). Appendix No 1. Service Department, Planning and Design. Swedish
National Road Administration. 1986.
Vehicle operation costs on unsealed roads. Transit New Zealand Research Report No
37. Travers Morgan Ltd. Wellington. New Zealand, 1994.
Wikström Hardy: Drift och underhåll i väghållningen. (Service and maintenance in road
management). (In Swedish). Documentation of CDU Seminar. Stockholm, 1997.
Vägplan 80: Tillstånd och standard för det enskilda vägnätet som betjänar skogs-
bruket 1980 samt plan för dess utbyggnad och förbättring fram till 1995.
(Condition and standard of the private road network serving the forestry industry
1980, and plans for its extension and improvement up to 1995). (In Swedish).
National Swedish Board of Forestry. Jönköping, 1982.
Växtpåverkan. Jämförelse mellan Dustex och salt vid försök i Götene Kommun.
(Effects on vegetation. Comparison of Dustex and salt in tests in Götene
Municipality). (In Swedish). Lignotech Sweden. 1995.
Figures and tables
11.1 Figures
Chapter 2. Definitions 4
Figure 2.1 Schematic representation of the subdivision of maintenance 5
Figure 2.2 Relationship between different types of maintenance 6
Figure 2.3 Subgrade, substructure, formation level, pavement and slopes 9
Figure 7.13 Results of Hoover's (1973) tests with the traffic simulator apparatus 129
Figure 7.14 Results of Hoover's (1981) tests with the traffic simulator apparatus 130
Figure 7.15 Grading of gravel road adjacent to a paved road 133
Figure 7.16 Grader blade settings 135
Figure 7.17 Windrow spreaders. At left, made by Mähler, and at right, made by
Kommunalmaskin 137
Figure 7.18 Grading of narrow and wide road 138
Figure 7.19 At front, smooth blade and behind, System 2000 that is mounted on
the blade 139
Figure 7.20 Reforming of corrugations 142
Figure 7.21 Classification with vibratory screen 146
Figure 7.22 Classification with tractor-drawn oversize aggregate remover 146
Figure 7.23 Classification with grader-drawn oversize aggregate remover; inset:
the edge trimmer 147
Figure 7.24 Road drag coupled to a tractor 149
Figure 7.25 Some examples of road drags 150
Figure 7.26 Suitable depth and slopes of a ditch 151
Figure 7.27 Suitable depth and slopes of a shallow ditch 151
Figure 7.28 Excavator and wheeled loader equipped with combigrip 152
11.2 Tables
Chapter 2. Definitions 4
Table 2.1 Fraction limits (mm) previously used in highway engineering 10
Table 2.2 Fraction limits at present applied in highway engineering 11
Table 5.5 Gravel wearing course, requirement for particle size distribution 49
Table 5.6 Base course for gravel roads, requirement for particle size
distribution 50
Table 5.7 Sub-base for gravel roads, requirement for particle size distribution 51
Table 5.8 Maximum thickness of layer when compacted with a roller of
different line loads 52
Appendix No 1
Lengths of different wearing course types on the State road network in the
different counties over the period 1990-1997 and the percentages of the total
State road lengths in the counties accounted for by these wearing course
Stockholm (AB)
Year Total Gravel Y1G Sealed Oil Gravel Bituminous
length Gravel
km km % km % km % km % km %
1990 3261 272 8.34 118 3.62 : 0.00 1 0.03 2868 87.95
1991 3047 241 7.91 134 4.40 : 0.00 1 0.03 2669 87.59
1992 3049 226 7.41 145 4.76 : 0.00 1 0.03 2675 87.73
1993 3068 197 6.42 174 5.67 : 0.00 1 0.03 2694 87.81
1994 3077 161 5.23 159 5.17 : 0.00 1 0.03 2754 89.50
1995 3113 128 4.11 76 2.44 : 0.00 1 0.03 2906 93.35
1996 3138 85 2.71 59 1.88 : 0.00 1 0.03 2991 95.32
1997 3138 85 2.71 26 0.83 : 0.00 1 0.03 3024 96.37
Uppsala (C)
Year Total Gravel Y1G Sealed Oil Gravel Bituminous
length Gravel
km km % km % km % km % km %
1990 2933 602 18.46 243 7.45 : 0.00 31 0.95 2057 70.13
1991 2955 602 19.76 243 7.98 : 0.00 31 1.02 2079 70.36
1992 2976 587 19.25 258 8.46 : 0.00 31 1.02 2100 70.56
1993 2985 534 17.41 300 9.78 : 0.00 31 1.01 2120 71.02
1994 2977 530 17.22 296 9.62 : 0.00 40 1.30 2131 71.58
1995 3015 530 17.03 296 9.51 : 0.00 40 1.28 2149 71.28
1996 3013 530 16.89 296 9.43 : 0.00 40 1.27 2147 71.26
1997 3013 524 16.70 302 9.62 : 0.00 40 1.27 2147 71.26
Södermanland (D)
Year Tot. Gravel Y1G Sealed Oil Bituminous
length Gravel Gravel
km km % km % km % km % km %
1990 2708 543 20.05 205 7.57 : 0.00 3 0.11 1957 72.27
1991 2733 542 19.83 182 6.66 : 0.00 3 0.11 2006 73.40
1992 2733 531 19.43 187 6.84 : 0.00 3 0.11 2012 73.62
1993 2731 516 18.89 203 7.43 : 0.00 3 0.11 2009 73.56
1994 2777 512 18.44 206 7.42 : 0.00 3 0.11 2056 74.04
1995 2791 512 18.34 206 7.38 : 0.00 3 0.11 2070 74.17
1996 2832 512 18.08 205 7.24 : 0.00 3 0.11 2112 74.58
1997 2832 512 18.08 205 7.24 : 0.00 3 0.11 2112 74.58
Östergötland (E)
Year Total Gravel Y1G Sealed Oil Gravel Bituminous
length Gravel
km km % km % km % km % km %
1990 4621 1316 28.48 519 11.23 : 0.00 2 0.04 2783 60.23
1991 4681 1271 27.15 594 12.69 : 0.00 2 0.04 2813 60.09
1992 4701 1219 25.93 617 13.12 : 0.00 2 0.04 2862 60.88
1993 4702 1096 23.31 678 14.42 : 0.00 2 0.04 2925 62.21
1994 4706 1082 22.99 683 14.51 : 0.00 2 0.04 2938 62.43
1995 4706 1002 21.29 695 14.77 : 0.00 2 0.04 3006 63.88
1996 4731 987 20.86 705 14.90 : 0.00 2 0.04 3037 64.19
1997 4731 981 20.74 705 14.90 : 0.00 2 0.04 3043 64.32
Jönköping (F)
Year Total Gravel Y1G Sealed Oil Gravel Bituminous
length Gravel
km km % km % km % km % km %
1990 4393 1195 27.20 603 13.73 0 0.00 310 7.06 2283 51.97
1991 4406 1104 25.06 649 14.73 0 0.00 291 6.60 2361 53.59
1992 4424 1041 23.53 704 15.91 0 0.00 259 5.85 2419 54.68
1993 4457 890 19.97 778 17.46 0 0.00 238 5.34 2551 57.24
1994 4524 841 18.59 813 17.97 0 0.00 224 4.95 2646 58.49
1995 4538 770 16.97 848 18.69 0 0.00 224 4.94 2696 59.41
1996 4550 746 16.40 851 18.70 0 0.00 223 4.90 2730 60.00
1997 4567 735 16.09 861 18.85 0 0.00 223 4.88 2748 60.17
Kronoberg (G)
Year Total Gravel Y1G Sealed Oil Gravel Bituminous
length Gravel
km km % km % km % km % km %
1990 3615 1092 30.21 372 10.29 77 2.13 354 9.79 1719 47.55
1991 3616 1036 28.65 389 10.76 105 2.90 354 9.79 1731 47.87
1992 3616 922 25.50 482 13.33 120 3.32 348 9.62 1743 48.20
1993 3636 817 22.47 575 15.81 120 3.30 346 9.52 1777 48.87
1994 3632 731 20.13 576 15.86 120 3.30 344 9.47 1852 50.99
1995 3628 687 18.94 607 16.73 114 3.14 329 9.07 1891 52.12
1996 3628 652 17.97 636 17.53 114 3.14 329 9.07 1897 52.29
1997 3664 647 17.66 636 17.36 114 3.11 326 8.90 1941 52.97
Kalmar (H)
Year Total Gravel Y1G Sealed Oil Gravel Bituminous
length Gravel
km km % km % km % km % km %
1990 4058 651 16.04 461 11.36 : 0.00 106 2.61 2839 69.96
1991 4013 623 15.52 471 11.74 : 0.00 90 2.24 2829 70.50
1992 4034 550 13.63 575 14.25 : 0.00 75 1.86 2834 70.25
1993 4034 460 11.40 687 17.03 : 0.00 79 1.96 2808 69.61
1994 4033 418 10.36 698 17.31 : 0.00 75 1.86 2842 70.47
1995 4034 346 8.58 737 18.27 : 0.00 74 1.83 2877 71.32
1996 4033 340 8.43 742 18.40 : 0.00 74 1.83 2877 71.34
1997 4030 339 8.41 742 18.41 : 0.00 74 1.84 2875 71.34
Gotland (I)
Year Total Gravel Y1G Sealed Oil Gravel Bituminous
length Gravel
km km % km % km % km % km %
1990 1489 338 22.70 346 23.24 : 0.00 10 0.67 788 52.92
1991 1489 279 18.74 344 23.10 : 0.00 15 1.01 844 56.68
1992 1488 170 11.42 340 22.85 : 0.00 15 1.01 956 64.25
1993 1489 100 6.72 337 22.63 : 0.00 15 1.01 1030 69.17
1994 1485 37 2.49 317 21.35 : 0.00 15 1.01 1109 74.68
1995 1486 1 0.07 317 21.33 : 0.00 15 1.01 1146 77.12
1996 1486 1 0.07 317 21.33 : 0.00 15 1.01 1146 77.12
1997 1486 1 0.07 317 21.33 : 0.00 15 1.01 1146 77.12
Blekinge (K)
Year Total Gravel Y1G Sealed Oil Gravel Bituminous
length Gravel
km km % km % km % km % km %
1990 1539 167 10.85 240 15.59 57 3.70 156 10.14 919 59.71
1991 1522 134 8.80 238 15.64 68 4.47 161 10.58 921 60.51
1992 1536 103 6.71 241 15.69 105 6.84 161 10.48 926 60.29
1993 1545 76 4.92 247 15.99 118 7.64 149 9.64 955 61.81
1994 1545 59 3.82 249 16.12 124 8.03 149 9.64 964 62.39
1995 1551 46 2.97 242 15.60 129 8.32 151 9.74 983 63.38
1996 1552 46 2.96 242 15.59 129 8.31 151 9.73 984 63.40
1997 1552 46 2.96 242 15.59 129 8.31 151 9.73 984 63.40
Kristianstad (L)1
Year Total Gravel Y1G Sealed Oil Gravel Bituminous
length Gravel
km km % km % km % km % km %
1990 3679 545 14.8 444 12.1 : 0.00 193 5.2 2493 67.8
1991 3689 545 14.8 441 12.0 : 0.00 176 4.8 2523 68.4
1992 3683 542 14.7 441 12.0 : 0.00 176 4.8 2520 68.4
1993 3718 474 12.7 505 13.6 : 0.00 175 4.7 2560 68.9
1994 3719 413 11.1 539 14.5 : 0.00 175 4.7 2588 69.6
1995 3736 342 9.2 538 14.4 : 0.00 175 4.7 2677 71.7
1996 3747 342 9.1 538 14.4 : 0.00 175 4.7 2688 71.7
Kristianstad until 96. Skåne + Kristianstad from 97 onwards had got the name Skåne
Skåne (M)
Year Total Gravel Y1G Sealed Oil Gravel Bituminous
length Gravel
km km % km % km % km % km %
1990 4268 807 18.9 508 11.9 : 0.00 6 0.1 2898 67.9
1991 4135 770 18.6 473 11.4 : 0.00 6 0.1 2839 68.7
1992 4147 755 18.2 424 10.2 : 0.00 6 0.1 2918 70.4
1993 4191 570 13.6 575 13.7 : 0.00 6 0.1 2996 71.5
1994 4191 475 11.3 614 14.7 : 0.00 6 0.1 3052 72.8
1995 4214 397 9.4 611 14.5 : 0.00 6 0.1 3156 74.9
1996 4214 376 8.9 610 14.5 : 0.00 6 0.1 3178 75.4
1997 7977 718 9.0 1149 14.4 : 0.00 181 2.3 5881 73.7
Halland (N)
Year Total Gravel Y1G Sealed Oil Gravel Bituminous
length Gravel
km km % km % km % km % km %
1990 2968 282 9.5 475 16.0 14 0.47 1012 34.1 1203 40.5
1991 2984 280 9.4 471 15.8 14 0.47 1007 33.7 1212 40.6
1992 2996 266 8.9 485 16.2 14 0.47 1003 33.5 1228 41.0
1993 2981 218 7.3 539 18.1 14 0.47 980 32.9 1215 40.8
1994 3053 209 6.8 546 17.9 14 0.46 973 31.9 1282 42.0
1995 3053 200 6.6 550 18.0 14 0.46 971 31.8 1289 42.2
1996 3095 200 6.5 548 17.7 14 0.45 968 31.3 1314 42.5
1997 3093 197 6.4 549 17.7 14 0.45 962 31.1 1320 42.7
V. Götaland (O)
Year Total Gravel Y1G Sealed Oil Gravel Bituminous
length Gravel
km km % km % km % km % km %
1990 2659 305 11.47 109 4.10 : 0.00 266 10.00 1979 74.43
1991 2873 272 9.47 111 3.86 : 0.00 265 9.22 2234 77.76
1992 2883 251 8.71 112 3.88 : 0.00 250 8.67 2270 78.74
1993 2895 233 8.05 124 4.28 : 0.00 237 8.19 2301 79.48
1994 2897 212 7.32 130 4.49 : 0.00 246 8.49 2309 79.70
1995 2912 204 7.01 129 4.43 : 0.00 246 8.45 2333 80.12
1996 2911 184 6.32 136 4.67 : 0.00 243 8.35 2348 80.66
1997 2928 183 6.25 137 4.68 : 0.00 246 8.40 2360 80.60
Älvsborg (P)
Year Total Gravel Y1G Sealed Oil Gravel Bituminous
length Gravel
km km % km % km % km % km %
1990 5184 1501 28.95 618 11.92 : 0.00 442 8.53 2623 50.60
1991 5220 1404 26.90 647 12.39 : 0.00 432 8.28 2737 52.43
1992 5220 1363 26.11 649 12.43 : 0.00 406 7.78 2802 53.68
1993 5215 1340 25.70 719 13.79 : 0.00 396 7.59 2760 52.92
1994 5223 1321 25.29 723 13.84 : 0.00 385 7.37 2794 53.49
1995 5240 1304 24.89 742 14.16 : 0.00 380 7.25 2814 53.70
1996 5260 1270 24.14 734 13.95 : 0.00 376 7.15 2880 54.75
1997 5254 1264 24.06 736 14.01 : 0.00 375 7.14 2879 54.80
Skaraborg (R)
Year Total Gravel Y1G Sealed Oil Gravel Bituminous
length Gravel
km km % km % km % km % km %
1990 4068 798 19.62 438 10.77 : 0.00 298 7.33 2534 62.29
1991 4075 794 19.48 441 10.82 : 0.00 297 7.29 2543 62.40
1992 4085 740 18.12 464 11.36 : 0.00 291 7.12 2590 63.40
1993 4080 697 17.08 466 11.42 : 0.00 289 7.08 2628 64.41
1994 4082 668 16.36 470 11.51 : 0.00 288 7.06 2656 65.07
1995 4082 658 16.12 467 11.44 : 0.00 283 6.93 2674 65.51
1996 4095 642 15.68 469 11.45 : 0.00 282 6.89 2702 65.98
1997 4093 632 15.44 476 11.63 : 0.00 282 6.89 2703 66.04
Värmland (S)
Year Total Gravel Y1G Sealed Oil Gravel Bituminous
length Gravel
km km % km % km % km % km %
1990 4803 1473 30.67 492 10.24 : 0.00 814 16.95 2024 42.14
1991 4804 1457 30.33 501 10.43 : 0.00 812 16.90 2034 42.34
1992 4804 1439 29.95 492 10.24 : 0.00 778 16.19 2095 43.61
1993 4805 1403 29.20 517 10.76 : 0.00 771 16.05 2114 44.00
1994 4802 1390 28.95 529 11.02 : 0.00 770 16.03 2113 44.00
1995 4818 1377 28.58 541 11.23 : 0.00 771 16.00 2129 44.19
1996 4814 1372 28.50 537 11.15 : 0.00 768 15.95 2137 44.39
1997 4816 1372 28.49 537 11.15 : 0.00 768 15.95 2139 44.41
Örebro (T)
Year Total Gravel Y1G Sealed Oil Gravel Bituminous
length Gravel
km km % km % km % km % km %
1990 2811 831 29.56 332 11.81 : 0.00 124 4.41 1523 54.18
1991 2949 883 29.94 331 11.22 : 0.00 110 3.73 1625 55.10
1992 2945 874 29.68 322 10.93 : 0.00 108 3.67 1641 55.72
1993 2961 806 27.22 373 12.60 : 0.00 108 3.65 1674 56.53
1994 2965 800 26.98 376 12.68 : 0.00 107 3.61 1682 56.73
1995 2978 772 25.92 395 13.26 : 0.00 107 3.59 1704 57.22
1996 2980 765 25.67 399 13.39 : 0.00 106 3.56 1710 57.38
1997 2984 761 25.50 398 13.34 : 0.00 106 3.55 1719 57.61
Västmanland (U)
Year Total Gravel Y1G Sealed Oil Gravel Bituminous
length Gravel
km km % km % km % km % km %
1990 2522 521 20.66 469 18.60 : 0.00 24 0.95 1508 59.79
1991 2522 521 20.66 459 18.20 : 0.00 24 0.95 1518 60.19
1992 2524 521 20.64 459 18.19 : 0.00 24 0.95 1520 60.22
1993 2536 487 19.20 494 19.48 : 0.00 24 0.95 1531 60.37
1994 2536 487 19.20 494 19.48 : 0.00 24 0.95 1531 60.37
1995 2572 485 18.86 493 19.17 : 0.00 24 0.93 1570 61.04
1996 2572 485 18.86 492 19.13 : 0.00 24 0.93 1571 61.08
1997 2574 485 18.84 492 19.11 : 0.00 24 0.93 1573 61.11
Gävleborg (X)
Year Total Gravel Y1G Sealed Oil Gravel Bituminous
length Gravel
km km % km % km % km % km %
1990 3584 536 14.96 374 10.44 : 0.00 845 23.58 1829 51.03
1991 3581 538 15.02 382 10.67 : 0.00 851 23.76 1810 50.54
1992 3580 531 14.83 366 10.22 : 0.00 874 24.41 1809 50.53
1993 3582 499 13.93 361 10.08 : 0.00 906 25.29 1816 50.70
1994 3577 455 12.72 338 9.45 : 0.00 963 26.92 1821 50.91
1995 3600 454 12.61 326 9.06 : 0.00 996 27.67 1824 50.67
1996 3597 426 11.84 322 8.95 : 0.00 1028 28.58 1821 50.63
1997 3596 426 11.85 307 8.54 : 0.00 1039 28.89 1824 50.72
Västernorrland (Y)
Year Total Gravel Y1G Sealed Oil Gravel Bituminous
length Gravel
km km % km % km % km % km %
1990 5190 1998 38.50 268 5.16 : 0.00 1459 28.11 1465 28.23
1991 5128 1984 38.69 266 5.19 : 0.00 1448 28.24 1430 27.89
1992 5974 1986 33.24 264 4.42 : 0.00 1444 24.17 1431 23.95
1993 5125 1973 38.50 263 5.13 : 0.00 1453 28.35 1436 28.02
1994 5127 2000 39.01 253 4.93 : 0.00 1354 26.41 1520 29.65
1995 5124 1990 38.84 253 4.94 : 0.00 1358 26.50 1523 29.72
1996 5123 1990 38.84 243 4.74 : 0.00 1355 26.45 1535 29.96
1997 5134 1969 38.35 238 4.64 : 0.00 1335 26.00 1592 31.01
Jämtland (Z)
Year Total Gravel Y1G Sealed Oil Gravel Bituminous
length Gravel
km km % km % km % km % km %
1990 5974 2683 44.91 587 9.83 : 0.00 591 9.89 2113 35.37
1991 5966 2658 44.55 514 8.62 : 0.00 565 9.47 2229 37.36
1992 5974 2577 43.14 504 8.44 : 0.00 536 8.97 2357 39.45
1993 5991 2491 41.58 385 6.43 : 0.00 504 8.41 2611 43.58
1994 5989 2395 39.99 421 7.03 : 0.00 562 9.38 2611 43.60
1995 5996 2364 39.43 397 6.62 : 0.00 627 10.46 2608 43.50
1996 5995 2328 38.83 382 6.37 : 0.00 661 11.03 2624 43.77
1997 5994 2322 38.74 377 6.29 : 0.00 667 11.13 2618 43.68
Västerbotten (AC)
Year Total Gravel Y1G Sealed Oil Gravel Bituminous
length Gravel
km km % km % km % km % km %
1990 9241 4046 43.78 652 7.06 : 0.00 2953 31.96 1590 17.21
1991 9251 4015 43.40 652 7.05 : 0.00 2972 32.13 1612 17.43
1992 9251 3962 42.83 654 7.07 : 0.00 3016 32.60 1619 17.50
1993 4248 3876 91.24 725 17.07 : 0.00 3015 70.97 1632 38.42
1994 9238 3781 40.93 791 8.56 : 0.00 3045 32.96 1621 17.55
1995 9251 3739 40.42 815 8.81 : 0.00 3039 32.85 1658 17.92
1996 9253 3696 39.94 841 9.09 : 0.00 3057 33.04 1659 17.93
1997 9251 3682 39.80 852 9.21 : 0.00 3058 33.06 1659 17.93
Norrbotten (BD)
Year Total Gravel Y1G Sealed Oil Gravel Bituminous
length Gravel
km km % km % km % km % km %
1990 8724 3490 40.00 642 7.36 : 0.00 3304 37.87 1288 14.76
1991 8713 3452 39.62 688 7.90 : 0.00 3308 37.97 1265 14.52
1992 8713 3418 39.23 734 8.42 : 0.00 3305 37.93 1256 14.42
1993 8713 3304 37.92 840 9.64 : 0.00 3333 38.25 1236 14.19
1994 8720 3306 37.91 848 9.72 : 0.00 3311 37.97 1255 14.39
1995 8725 3250 37.25 936 10.73 : 0.00 3267 37.44 1272 14.58
1996 8727 3231 37.02 946 10.84 : 0.00 3263 37.39 1287 14.75
1997 8723 3225 36.97 948 10.87 : 0.00 3260 37.37 1290 14.79
Appendix No 2
Gravel road inspection sheet (Method Specification 106:1996)
B/F from
Appendix No 3
Unsurfaced road inspection sheet