Carbon-Based Supercapacitors Produced by Activation of Graphene
Carbon-Based Supercapacitors Produced by Activation of Graphene
Carbon-Based Supercapacitors Produced by Activation of Graphene
Fig. 2. Characterization of the a-MEGO material (SSA ~ 2520 m2/g) with MEGO reduction of the (002) in a-MEGO indicates that there are essentially no inter-
or graphite as a control. (A) Synchrotron powder XRD pattern (plotted as Cu Ka). layer correlations of the carbon sheets. (B) XPS C1s spectra, with K2p region
Full width at half maximum of the (100) peak is ~2 degrees for both samples, in the inset. (C) EELS spectra from a-MEGO and graphite. Quantification of the
indicating average in-plane crystal size of ~5 nm with the Scherrer equation; the near-edge structure indicates that the a-MEGO has 98% (T2%) sp2 bonding.
Fig. 3. Gas adsorption/desorption analysis of an a-MEGO sample (SSA ~ volume and (inset) pore-size distribution for N2 (calculated by using a
3100 m2/g). (A) High-resolution, low-pressure N2 (77.4 K) and Ar (87.3 K) slit/cylindrical NLDFT model) and CO2 (calculated by using a slit pore NLDFT
isotherms. (Inset) The CO2 (273.2 K) isotherm. (B) Cumulative pore model).
Fig. 4. Supercapacitor performance of a-MEGO (SSA ~ 2400 m2/g) in the pedance. (Inset) The data at high-frequency ranges, with frequency values
BMIM BF4/AN electrolyte. (A) CV curves for different scan rates. Rectangular corresponding to the transition of the curves marked. (D) Frequency re-
shapes indicate the capacitive behavior. (B) Galvanostatic charge/discharge sponse of the gravimetric capacitance of the a-MEGO supercapacitor. Ca-
curves of a-MEGO–based supercapacitor under different constant currents. pacitances of 35 and ~8.8 mF remain at the frequencies of 10 and 100 Hz,
(C) Nyquist plot, showing the imaginary part versus the real part of im- respectively.
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