Mecgale: Consider Base Mva Consider Base KV
Mecgale: Consider Base Mva Consider Base KV
Mecgale: Consider Base Mva Consider Base KV
: MPPL-A1693/E-334
i Incoming Voltage = 11 KV
ii Fault level at 11KV Bus = 762.08 MVA at 11KV
iii Fault Clearing Time = 4 Cycles (Max)
= 80 mSec (Max)
iv 11/0.433KV Transformer rating(TR-1/ TR-2) = 1.0 MVA (2 Nos) (1W+1S)
v 11/0.433KV Transformer impedance(TR-1/ TR-2) on principal tap = 5 % (Max)
vi Highest rating motor provided in PMCC (Silo Area) 7.0 Nos
a) Rating = 30.0 KW (5W+2S)
b) Full Load Current = 51.3 Amp
c) Full Load Efficiency = 93.6 % (As per BBL data sheet for IE3
d) Full Load Power Factor = 0.87 lag class 30KW motor)
vii Highest rating motor starting current at rated voltage = 6.5 times FLC
Balance running load of new & existing MCC (when 30KW rated motor is
viii = 570.03 KVA
2 2
i Calculated impedance for 3 core cable (ZC) = SQRT(R +X ) Ohms
Where R = AC resistance in Ohms at 900C
X = Reactance in Ohms at 50HZ for 3 core cable
Impedance for 3 core cable after corrections for site conditions (Z) = 1.1 X ZC Ohms
Z Transformer = 0.050 pu
Tolerance in Impedence = 0.9
Minimum Tap at = 0.95 (of rated voltage)
Zmin of Transformer = 0.04275000 pu
Z Transformer at 11KV = 0.042750000 pu
ix p u impedance of utility = 0.006560991 pu
p u impedance of utility at base voltage (Zs) = 0.006560991 pu
x p u impedance of 1.0MVA transformer at base voltage(Ztr) = 0.21375 pu
xi p u impedance of 3C x 150 XLPE cable (Existing Cable)
Voltage level = 11 KV
Length = 900 Mtrs
= 0.01122964
No of runs in parallel = 1
Therefore, p u impedance of 1-3C x 150 XLPE cable(C11/C12) OLD = 0.011229643
xii p u impedance of 3C x 150 XLPE cable
Voltage level = 11 KV
Length = 100 Mtrs
= 0.00124774
No of runs in parallel = 1
Therefore, p u impedance of 1-3C x 150 XLPE cable(C21/ C22)(New Cable) = 0.001247738
xiii p u impedance of 3C x 70 XLPE cable
Voltage level = 1.1 KV
Length = 103 Mtrs
= 0.002521381
No of runs in parallel = 1
Therefore, p u impedance of 1-3C x 70 XLPE cable = 0.002521381
Total pu Impedance (Ztotal) = (Zs + Ztr + Zc) = 0.232788372
xiii Fault MVA contribution from running motors
Total load contribution (assumed 2 times transformer rating) = 2000.000 KVA
= 2.000 MVA
ii Fault level at 415V PMCC bus at rated voltage = 21.48 MVA
Fault level contribution due to running motors = 2.000 MVA
Total Fault level at 0.415KV Switch Board bus at rated voltage = 23.479 MVA
Therefore, fault level at 415KV PMCC bus with +10% voltage variation = 25.83 MVA
Therefore, fault level at 415V PMCC bus with +10% voltage variation = 25.83 MVA (Max)
However, PMCC (Silo Area Stage-2)designed to withstand 35MVA fault level for 1.0Sec at 415V, 50Hz.
iii Total p u impedance of system under transient condition = 0.23278837
iv p u impedance of running load (motors) = 8.77146817
v p u impedance of 1 nos 30KW running motor = 135.72000000
vi p u impedance of 30KW motor being started = 20.88000000
vii p u impedance of running laod+ started motor = 6.17670108
viii Total p u impedance of system under transient condition = 6.40948945
Voltage drops at various system components when 30KW rated motor is started & other assorted rated motors are VOLT
running, incoming voltage is 11KV DROP
i 11KV(E) grade XLPE insulated cables having Aluminium conductor and conforming to IS-7098(Part-2)-1985, have been
selected to carry 100% load of 11/0.433KV, 1000KVA transformer.
Current drawn by transformer when loaded at
= 54.0 A(approx)
100% of its capacity
Current rating of 1-3C x 150sqmm AL conductor
= 290 A
XLPE insulated cable in air
Deration for 50 C ambient temperature = 0.87
Deration for method of laying (2no cables,
= 0.84
Horizontal, touching)
However, 11KV(E) grade cable selected = 1-3C x 150 sqmm AL conductor XLPE insulated
1.1KV grade XLPE insulated cables having Aluminium conductor and conforming to IS-7098(Part-1)-1985, have been selected
to carry 90% load of 11/0.433KV, 500KVA transformer. (INCOMING CABLE TO EXISTING PMCC IN SILO AREA)
However, 1.1KV grade cable selected = 2-3.5C x 300 sqmm AL conductor XLPE insulated
3. (1000KVA transformer rating) not yet final Noted. We have already through a
separate letter forwarded our points of
view for your consideration.
4. (90% load of 11/0.433KV, 500KVA transformer) – to Please note that load to be considered for
be considered 100% load. existing 500KVA transformer has nowhere
been specified in technical specifications.
We have of our own considered worst
loading of 90% for existing transformer in
line with selection criteria for transformer
specified by NTPC for this package. You
may however, specify the actual loading
on existing transformer for us to revise
the calculations.
(Cable size between new MCC and existing PMCC I/C As of date size selected by us as 2R-
to be considered as) 7RX1CX630 3.5Cx300 is in order and need not be
(500KVA existing transformer) - 100% load to be considered Please note that load to be considered for
existing 500KVA transformer has nowhere
been specified in technical specifications.
We have of our own considered worst
loading of 90% for existing transformer in
Confirmation / Clarification Sheet
Fault Level Calculations (1000KVA Transformer) - (4230-162(A) – PV E – U – 004B, Rev-00)
line with selection criteria for transformer
specified by NTPC for this package. You
may however, specify the actual loading
on existing transformer for us to revise
the calculations.
2 Also calculate for when all working motors running Complied with in revision 2 of calculations
then attached herewith. However, under
1. when highest rating stand by motor considering normal conditions of system only 5nos
the existing MCC drives also, is starting for 30KW motors along with other running
changeover, calculate in this condition starting & loads, shall run.
running voltage drop in cables (Typ.)
3 (KW rating is) 30, Check drain sump Confirmed compliance in revision 2 of
pump(Typ.),vendor to ensure & confirm calculations attached herewith.
4 Also consider existing MCC highest motor ratings Complied with. 30KW rated motor
(Typ.),Vendor to ensure & confirm remains the largest size motor fed by
these transformers.
5 ( Efficiency class of motor is ) IE3, Confirmed. Motor performance data
revised accordingly in revision 2 of
calculations attached herewith.
6 ( Starting current as multiple of FLC) To be as per Confirmed. Motor performance data
motor data sheet, Vendor to ensure & confirm(Typ.) revised accordingly in revision 2 of
calculations attached herewith.
7 (Fault Clearing Time (Max) to be considered for cable Fault clearing time of 4cycles (0.08 Sec) is
sizing) 0.12 Sec more than actual up-stream breaker
tripping time and hence need not be
8 (% voltage drop in cable C11 (Old) is) starting or The voltage drop is under steady state
running drop? vendor to ensure & confirm running condition.