Our Lady's Juggler
Our Lady's Juggler
Our Lady's Juggler
other characters:
.Brother Maurice
.Brother Alexandre
.Brother Marbode
Medieval times;
Our Lady's Juggler" is the story of Barnaby, who gave up his juggling trade to become a monk but was
saddened by his inability to contribute to the artistic and literary life of the monastery. Barnaby decided
to offer his juggling talent to Our Lady, the Virgin Mary, and her statue came to life for him. The story is
a short parable recommending the virtues of humble simplicity.
Life as a juggler was difficult for Barnaby, as he traveled from town to town in France. Barnaby is
described as a humble man of God, who suffers cold weather and other problems with patience and
gratitude for what he has.
One day, Barnaby met a monk, who explained to him that the monastic life was devoted entirely to
praise of God and Our Lady. Barnaby told the monk that he would gladly forsake his juggling trade for
this life of devotion. The monk was touched by Barnaby's simple faith and allowed him to join the
Barnaby was soon discouraged, however, feeling he had very little to offer compared to the other
monks. They had so many gifts and used these to glorify their God. Barnaby did not know what he could
do until he heard a monk relate a tale of a man who knew no prayers but the Ave Maria, or Hail Mary.
Upon the man's death, roses came out of his mouth, a miraculous sign of heavenly approval of his
humble devotion.
Some time later, the other monks went to the chapel and found Barnaby performing his juggling act in
front of Our Lady's statue. They were angry, until they saw Our Lady's statue come to life and wipe the
sweat from Barnaby's brow. The monks at once recognized that the simple-hearted were blessed with a
unique gift, allowing them to come close to God.
Barnabas' silence upon his suffering when he was living his life as a juggler. Barnabas' frustration on
seeing the monks offer great things to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Sometimes, when the earth was too hot, Barnabas would require the shade of the tree or when it's too
cold, he wouldn't be able to perform but freeze on the cold and hard ground of the earth.
The beginning of thestory describes the hard life of a juggler who wanders from town to town, often
hungry and exposed to the elements.
Rising Action
He meets a monk who assures him that a monk's calling is the greatest in the world.
The juggler becomes a monk, but soon, he becomes despondent, as he feels he does not have the skills
necessary to properly worship the Virgin Mary.
Rising Action
The juggler's sorrow deepens until he wakes up one morning, goes into the chapel alone, stays for more
than one hour and until then he would spend time alone in the chapel and emerges refreshed.
One day, the prior of the monastery and two brothers enter the chapel to see what he's doing and they
catch him juggling before the statue though they think it's sacrilege, when they realize he's being
blessed, they bow down to the floor.