Sustainable Energy Technology: MSC Programme
Sustainable Energy Technology: MSC Programme
Sustainable Energy Technology: MSC Programme
MSc Programme
Engineers in Sustainable Energy Technology followed by in-depth courses in three out of six
have a broad knowledge of the field and can profiles. These profiles are:
act as the system integrators of the energy
Degree Master of Science transition. They can bring different energy Wind Energy: Assessing wind resources.
subsystems together into one system. Their Adapting wind turbines to their environment
Starts September engineering skills include renewable energy and applying wind turbines in an (offshore) wind
generation, distribution systems, and storage. energy system.
Type full-time
In addition they can integrate systems that
Credits 120 ECTS, 24 months can manage the fluctuating energy supply Solar Energy: Researching and developing
and demand. They are also aware of the photovoltaic devices. Designing and
Language English challenges of the energy market and innovation integrating photovoltaic systems in a variety of
Application deadline 1 April 2019 management. applications.
Tuition fee € 18.750 (non-EU) Programme Biomass Energy: Understanding the pros and
€ 2.083 (EU) The Master’s programme in Sustainable Energy cons of using biomass as an energy source.
Technology offers students in the first quarter Designing and analysing biomass-based
an overview of the sustainable energy field, energy processes.
Sustainable Energy Technology