Humanities Introduction
Humanities Introduction
Humanities Introduction
HUMANITIES – came from the Latin word humanus which means IMPORTANCE/IMPACT OF ART IN HUMAN EXISTENCE
to be truly human. To be truly human is to be • Transformed Aesthetically
culturally enhanced and refined. • Utilitarian- can be used in real life (practical)
• People always aspire to attain beauty. There are times that
CULTURE – comes from the Latin terms cultus-colere which means people encounter certain dilemma regarding the use of the
to cultivate and to develop. concept “art” and “craft”
-- is the general way of life of a society, including ways ART – pertains to beauty
of thinking, beliefs, customs, language, art and CRAFT – refers to anything that is being useful
traditions. It is a cumulative creation of man and the
totality of human heritage. “Beautiful things can be useful and useful things can be
• MEDIEVAL PERIOD: “cultivation of man’s spirituality” • According to ARISTOTLE, “Art is the reason of making things”,
• RENAISSANCE PERIOD: set of disciplines being taught in therefore, any kind of human activity that is directed to change
colleges and universities or transforming things under the patterns of right reason can be
• MODERN PERIOD: it is referred to as ARTS. Humanities is considered as an art.
art itself. • Art is very important in our lives and is considered as a
“language of feeling” It is also considered as one of the oldest
ETYMOLOGY AND EVOLUTION OF ART and most important means of expression developed by man.
ART – came from the Aryan Root “AR” meaning “join” or • Art is a formal expression of human existence which focuses on
“put together” two distinct ideas:
FORM: pertains to expression
ARTIZEIN – to prepare
SUBSTANCE: refers to man’s experiences in life
ARKISKEIN – to put together
-- Latin ARS, ARTIS meaning everything that is FUNCTIONS OF ART
artificially made or composed of by man. 1. PHYSICAL FUNCTION