The Relationship Between Cement Quality and Separation Cut Size
The Relationship Between Cement Quality and Separation Cut Size
The Relationship Between Cement Quality and Separation Cut Size
Cement is prepared by firing a mixture of raw materials, one of which is mainly composed of calcium carbonate and the other of alu-
minium silicate. The most familiar materials answering to this description are limestone and clay, both of which occur in nature in a
great number of varieties. Marls, which are a mixture of clay and shales, are also common raw materials for cement. The production
of cement is an energy-intensive process. The typical energy consumption of a modern cement plant is about 90–120 kWh per ton of
produced cement.
The service properties of cement such as workability and strength development are affected not only by the chemical and mineralogical
composition but also to a great extent by the fineness and particle size distribution of the cement produced; in practice often only the
strength development of cement is of primary interest. Yet the effect on workability is just as important. Moreover, the surface area
and granulometric parameters may also directly or indirectly affect the frost resistance and other durability-related properties of con-
crete. There are process engineering options for controlling fineness and particle size distribution of the cement by changing the mode
of operation of the mill and the separator.
This paper describes a study of the relationship between cement strength and separation cut size (d50). The separation cut size (d50) of
air separator products obtained by different days was ascertained by using particle size analysis. It was found that the cement fineness
and separation cut size (d50) are very effective on the strength of cement.
Keywords: cement production, cement quality, separation, cut size, air separator
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The particle size distribution of cement and/or To achieve the workability of the cement, suffi-
its components has an important influence on water cient water must be added so that the particles can
demand, the setting behavior, and the strength de- move against each other. The required amount of
velopment of cement in mortar and concrete. water is particularly influenced by the particle size
The particle size distribution of the product de- distribution. Consequently, the water demand of
pends significantly on the mill system used for ce- cements from more comminution is higher, since
ment grinding and therefore especially affects the cements have narrower the particle size distribution
choice of cement mills (Ellerbrock et al., 1990). and thus there is a larger gap volume to be filled.
Non ground clinker does not have the qualities The strength of cements with the same specific
of cement. Clinker must be ground finely to be able surface area increases with narrowing of the parti-
to react with normal water. More finely ground ce- cle size distribution. This is caused by an increase
ment has a larger specific surface and the reactive of completely hydrated fines as a result of the de-
area with water is thus larger. Contact with both fine creasing average particle size. This position param-
additives and gravel and sand surfaces is improved, eter represents the fine particle fraction, which is
the initial hydration of clinker minerals is made responsible for the strength behavior of the cement
easier, and the distribution of hydration products (Schneider et al., 2011).
is accelerated. On the other hand, if cement is too Several different techniques are available to
fine, it will get wet and will clot more easily when control the fineness of cement-based materials.
stored. If it is used in concreting, it displays the ten- These include a series of non-destructive approach-
dency to segregate by water erosion, the onset of es (i.e., sieving (Erdoğdu and Turker, 1998; Paya
hardening gets shorter, and the hardening time gets et al., 2002; Chindaprasirt et al., 2004), air clas-
longer. Despite the higher initial firmness of cement sifying (Paya et al., 2002) or magnetic-extraction
that is too fine (less than 20 µm), its final firmness (Chindaprasirt et al., 2004) methods as well as
is not higher. The increase of grinding fineness in- destructive approaches (i.e., mechanical grinding
creases the intensity of hydration-heat generation; (Osbaeck and Johansen, 1989; Paya et al., 1996;
shrinkage and the consequent tendency to form fine Kakali et al, 2000; Kiattikomol et al, 2001; Paya
cracks grows. This is reflected by the loss of the et al., 2002; Jaturapitakkul et al., 2004; Sakai et
mechanical properties of the final products. Thus, al., 2009; Sengul and Tasdemir, 2009; Sezer et al.,
over-grinding of clinker results in an increase in en- 2010) methods). The cement industry typically uses
ergetic demands and consequently in the final price ball-mill grinding as the preferred method to reduce
of the cement as well as in other adverse attributes the size of clinker in cement manufacturing (Paya
(Sverak et al, 2013). et al., 1996).
190 Inżynieria Mineralna — LIPIEC – GRUDZIEŃ <2015> JULY – DECEMBER — Journal of the Polish Mineral Engineering Society
Air separator or dynamic separators are used Material and methods
in a variety of industrial applications such as food, The separation performance of a separator de-
chemical, minerals, building materials and other vice depends on its structure, operating conditions,
fields that need to mass-produce fine particles in a separation cut size, feed amount, and cement parti-
limited size range of controlling powder properties cle size. The Tromp distribution curve shape relies
including homogeneity and high quality. on the operating conditions of the used device than
The main performance characteristics to be con- the feeding material properties. The Tromp curves
sidered in the design of dynamic air separators are were plotted using the samples taken at different
the pressure drop and the separation efficiency. The time periods for the same separator device.
pressures drop across the cyclone air separators a Determination of separation cut size (d50) with
significant characteristic since it is directly relat- Tromp distribution curves
ed to the operating costs. The pressure drop over For this study, first, the particle size analyses
a cyclone separator can be calculated when the for the samples obtained from GÖLTAŞ Co. (Is-
difference of the static pressure between the inlet parta/Turkey) air separator unit were performed.
and outlet. The confidences in the dynamic sep- The samples (separator feed, over flow and under
arator flow-field predictions can only be obtained flow) were taken from the separation device (air
by industrial experiment validation. The separator separator) at different time intervals. Afterwards,
efficiency can also be illustrated by the selectivity the Tromp distribution curves were plotted for air
curve or the Tromp curve. This curve shows, for separator from the sieve size data of the products.
each cement grain size what percentage of the sep- Following this study, both observed separation cut
arator feed is selected as fines or retained as coarse size (d50) and corrected separation cut size values
particles. were determined because of by-pass product for
Separation cut size (d50) has been indicated di- the air separator, and efficiency curves were drawn
rectly from changes of the particle size distribution (Figure 1).
of cement products in many studies. However, sep- Material experiments were conducted at the ro-
aration cut size between the compressive strength tor cage rotary speeds of 130 rpm when the air inlet
important points of the cement quality has not been velocity is 56.25 m3/second and the amount of sep-
investigated. In this study, the relationships be- arator feed is approximately 200t/h. Density of ce-
tween the separation cut size (d50) with compres- ment powder is 3150 kg/m3. The separation cut size
sive strength of cement (as 2, 7 and 28 days) were (d50) are not closer from as depending on the time
investigated. they obtained both observed Tromp curves (Figure
1) and corrected Tromp curves (Figure 2).
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Changes of the separation cut size (d50) as de- were consisted of the average of four samples made
pending on the time experimental. All specimens were sealed until the
In the actual classification process, the separation desired age of testing, which were 2, 7, and 28 days
cut size (d50) is defined as the diameter of a particle for the cement.
whose partial classification efficiency is 50%. As The analysis conducted according to TSEN 196-
shown in Figure 3, the separation cut size (d50) is ob- 1 (2009) and TSEN196-6 (2010) standards, the ef-
tained by experiments is between 78 µm and 38 µm. fect of the separation cut size (d50) on the quality of
Determination of compressive strength for ce- the cement are shown in Figure 4. The cement fine-
ment quality ness is very effective on the strength and optimal
All mortars were prepared in a Toni technique fineness of cement must be specific for maximum
mixer according to ASTM C 305 (1996). After cast- strength.
ing, the specimens were prepared for testing. The The biggest factors affecting the compressive
compressive strength was measured using a To- strength of cement are the heat of hydration. The
ni-Troll with cylindrical specimens (approximate- important factor is the particle size distribution and
ly 40 mm diameter and 150 mm height) in accor- the d50 values (mm) for cement.
dance with ASTM C-39 (2003). Each test results
Fig. 3. Relationship the separation cut size (d50) with hours on different days
Fig. 4. Relationship compressive strength with the separation cut size (d50)
192 Inżynieria Mineralna — LIPIEC – GRUDZIEŃ <2015> JULY – DECEMBER — Journal of the Polish Mineral Engineering Society
Conclusion separator feeding sizes were variable. Additionally,
One of the most important factors in determining the reason for this disorder could be attributed to
the quality of the produced cement is the particle size. either the feeder was not arranged according to the
The most important factors that determine the parti- particle size of the feeding cement or carelessness
cle size distribution or the separation cut size (d50) of the labourer during those hours.
are the grinding circuit. In this study, the relationship It could be suggested that the feeding particle
was shown that between separation cut sizes of air size at the closed grinding-separator plant should
separator and the compressive strength obtained on be note homogenous. Additionally, the variations
different days with high correlation (> 80%). The found in the process are caused by the automatic
separation cut size (d50) is between 38 µm and 78 measurement system not used in the plant. There-
µm. The separation cut size (d50) are expressed, the fore, if there were established an automatic particle
importance of determining the quality of cement. size analysis system in the grinding-separator sys-
It was observed that the separation cut sizes are tem than the process would be improved.
continuously varies. The reason for this was that the
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