Organizational Structure Printout PDF
Organizational Structure Printout PDF
Organizational Structure Printout PDF
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A social unit of people that is structured and managed to meet a need or to pursue collective goals.
All organizations have a management structure that determines relationships between the different
activities and the members, and subdivides and assigns roles, responsibilities, and authority to
carry out different tasks. Organizations are open systems--they affect and are affected by their
environment. Organisations are needed everywhere-business, politics, education, health,
infrastructure for an all round economic growth. Organisation is a multi-dimensional and complex
body. But most of them have common objectives like to economise, costs cutting and to prioritise
because of the problem of limited and scarce resources. It also includes developing resource
acquisition strategy, developing survival and growth strategy because of the presence of
competition, employment of staff and managing input of resources. Therefore, there are a variety
of management systems, practices and strategies.
Oil and natural gas Corporation limited is a highly formalised structure with whole of it working
under the registered office at New Delhi where as the head quarter being at Dehradun. It follows
a hierarchical structure where decision flows from top to bottom and the data flows from bottom
to top.
The marketing and refinery decision regarding the organization is taken at Mumbai based offices.
Under the corporate office operations are strategically structured along the verticals :
2. Pipelines 6. Assets
3. Procurements 7. Plants
4. R&D Centre
Each of these divisions have a different organisation structure specific to their own functions. For
e.g., the R&D center is not as diversified as other divisions and therefore has fewer number of
departments and offices across the country. Drilling offshore follows a tall structure whereas
Pipelines and procurement follow the divisional structure.The marketing division located at
Mumbai co-ordinates with the regional offices i.e., North, South, East and West, other divisional
offices for decisions regarding investments and new projects. The regional offices coordinate with
respective state offices that in turn co-ordinate with respective location offices.
The below chart represents the organizational chart depicting the divisional,
functional and territory based structure of O.N.G.C. [3]
Oil and Natural gas Corporation limited has highly job specialized but cross cultured approach of
working having knowledge about both the world. Worker have very high incentives and company
take efforts to keep the worker happy. Coming to the point about behavioral formalization the
company is neither highly formalized nor is formalized to the least but is moderately formalized.
The next dimension of organizational structure talks about the centralization or decentralization of
the organization. O.N.G.C. is a P.S.U. so the organization is highly vertically decentralized and
the authority is top to bottom. The organization is not only vertically decentralized but horizontally
decentralized too. The decision making is done taking into consideration of all the heads and not
any particular individual.
Any organization requires a clear & well-defined organization structure for the many arms and
legs of the organization to function in harmony. There are different types of organization
structures, each having its own advantages and disadvantages. A company may choose one of
those structures or customize one for itself. But even a customized one will fall into one of the
broad categories.
The organization structure of Indian Oil is a dynamic one which is revised at regular intervals to
increase efficiency of the organization and is a good example of unity in diversity. All the division
of Indian Oil have a common agenda, vision and mission but their way of approaching them
slightly differs from each other. Each division- Refineries, Marketing, Pipelines, R&D and Assam
Oil Division, have different yet somewhat similar organization structure. For e.g. Refineries
follows a tall structure whereas Pipelines and Marketing follow the divisional structure. At the
same time, the other two divisions have a relatively flatter structure. But the type of departments
and hierarchy in each is similar along with the regional classification of the divisions.The hierarchy
followed in Indian Oil is almost similar in every department across all divisions. A few engineering
departments have some special posts for technical jobs. The Board of Directors are above the
hierarchy order and are nominated to the posts, not promoted.