British Culture
British Culture
British Culture
BRITISH CUL After Romans left Britain in 410, England was settled
by waves of Germanic people. Jutes together with An
gles and Saxons known as Anglo-Saxons began to in
The Roman Period (43-410) ֍ Anglo-Saxons and Danes have little cultural differe
nces between them. That's made political unification e
Julius Cesar conquered Britain in 55 BC because
asier and by the end of the 10th century, England wa
he wanted to make Britain a part of the Rome Empir
s united kingdom with a germanic culture thoughout.
e. Romans stayed there four hundered years. Throug
Most of Scotland was united by this time, at least in
hout this time, Romans effect them culturaly. They ch
name, in a Gaelic kingdom.
anged the British culture like teaching them about lan
guage, law and legal system. They introduced new id
eas and way of living in Britain. They built roads and
military camps. Romans introduced the idea of living i 973- Edgar became king of nearly all present day En
n big towns and cities. Roman's language was Latin gland and for the first time the name England is used
and people in Britain started to use it, too. If a place .
name has 'cester, chester, caster' in it, it's almost cert
ainly Roman. London was Roman city and called Lon
dinium. Hadrian' s Wall built by Roman Empire for pr
otect themselves from attacks.
Emperor Cladius send an army to invade Britain.
Boudicca was a celtic queen who led a revolt agains
t Rome.
410- Romans left Britain because they were attacked
by different Germanic tribes.
597- St. Augustine arrives in Britain and introduced c
Romans lost a great deal of their empire to different
German tribes.
End of the old English time period and beginning of t (Shakespeare appeared in that period.)
he Middle English time period. Throughout this period,
the English kings were often at war with French king Tudor Dynasty: was a series of kings and queens of
s. Normans (were Vikings settled in southwest France England. This line of rulers started in 1485 and lasted
) invaded Britain. Black death killed off almost half of until 1603.
the population. Dynasty- a sequence of powerful leaders in the same
The succesful Norman invasion of England brought Br family. Tudor- a member of the dynasty that ruled En
itain European culture. William Conqueror was the kin gland.
g of Normandy. He took the position of king William t
he first and became the king of England for 21 years.
During this time, William and his followers became th The 16th century was a bit chaotic in terms of religio
e most powerful force in England. William organised h us beliefs, creating fear and anxiety in many people.
is English Kingdom according to the feudal system. T The social and economic order of the medieval period
he feudal system was a kind of cast system, there is was beginning to break down. More and more peopl
no moving from between the ranks. Within the feudal e were rejecting the authority of kings and the Catholi
system, only kings, lords, dukes or wealthy upper clas c church. This was the period of the English Renaiss
s owned the land. If you were a peasent or serf, you ance, and the growth of a new form of christianity wh
would actually owned owned by the land owner. ich rejected the authority of the roman catholic church
: Protestantism.
Church was the publisher, librarian and the teacher of
society. The lives of the people in middle ages was The two most famous English monarch in this period
dominated by the church. The Catholic church was a were Henry VIII and Elizabeth I.
very powerful institution which had its own lands and
laws. Also was able to influence the kings. Great cast HENRY VIII (1509-1547): is one of the most well-kno
les, cathedrals and monastries were built. wn English king due to his peculiar affinity for marryin
g, divorcing and killing his wives. When he was 36, h
e still had no son and became tired of his wife. He lo
ved Anne Boleyn and asked the pope permission to d
Feudalism, in England, as each new area of land wa ivorce his first wife so he could marry with Anne. The
s captured, William gave part of it as a reward to his pope said no and Henry broke with Rome. There wa
captains. s a lot of anti-catholic feelings in England so Parliame
nt and the people supported Henry against the pope.
Henry broke with the church and appointed himself a
The Battle of Hasting: Beginning of the Norman con s the supreme head of the church of England. He too
quest of England. It took place in 1066 between the k church lands and buildings, he gave much of the w
Norman-French army of William, the Duke of Norman ealth to his friends. He ordered that church services s
dy and English army under the Anglo-Saxon king Har hould be in English instead of Latin and that each ch
old Godwinson. This battle started with King Edward urch should have an English bible
had died leaving English throne without an heir. Willia
m won the battle because his army was better than QUEEN ELIZABETH (1558-1603): She came to be q
Harold's. At the end of the war, Harold died. ueen at age 25. When she came to power, England
had no army or police and a weak bureaucracy. Whe
n she died in 1603, She left England as one of the
֍Wales was never settled in great numbers by Saxo most powerful nation on the earth. Her rule was char
ns or Normans. As a result, the (celtic) Welsh langua acterized by a protestant restoration and religious tole
ge and culture remained strong. rance. She made protestantism as the national religio
n by having parliament pass the Act of Supremacy: th
is law made the king or queen the supreme head of t
֍Magna Carta: Which means 'The Great Charter' w he church of England. Elizabeth's death marked the e
as a document signed by King John. The king agrees nd of of Tudor Dynasty.
to follow certain rules of government. Magna Carta is
the first monarch agreed in writing to abide by forma The Wars of Roses: Were a series of English Civil
l procedures. Wars for control of the throne of England between th
e house of Lancaster, associated with a red rose and
the house of York whose symbol was a white rose.
Womens demanding the right to vote. Britain was no l During the 17th and 18th centuries, the British saile
onger a superpower in the world after the WW II. Am d across the seas with the purpose of increasing Briti
erica took this position from Britain. It was from the st sh power and wealth. Competing mostly with France f
art of the 20th century that the urban working class fi or colonies around the world. Emigration was a soluti
nally began to make its voice heard. In the parliament on to the over population problem in Britain. Little by
, the Labour party gradually replaced the Liberal as th little, people looking for freedom or wealth settled in t
e main opposition to the Conservatives. hese for away places. By the late 19th century, under
queen Victoria, England rules about 1/4 of the world'
19th and 20th centuries, Britain's colonies became mo s land and population. During this period, England als
re and more independent. o became the leading industrial nation in Europe. In f
act, England was the birthplace of the Industrial Revol
Membership of EU: Britain joined the EU as a way t ution. In 1834, Britain stopped slavery in all its coloni
o avoid its economic decline. es. In the 19th and 20th centuries, her colonies beca
me more and more independent. And the big compan
Suffragette: Suffragettes were members of militant w ies were not allowed to monopolized trade. It became
omen's organization in the early 20th century, fought f too difficult to maintain such a huge empire, and so i
or the right to vote in public elections. t gradually disapeared; today, there is only a linguistic
and cultural connection with Great Britain. Major colo
1914- Beginning of the WWI. Britain and Belgium had nies in the British Empire: America, Canada, India, Au
a treaty to support each other if they were attacked. stralia, Hong Kong and New Zeland.
In 1914, Germany attacked France by moving through
Belgium. So Britain attended the war.
1536- Anne Boleyn is executed. ALBION: is the oldest known name of the island of
Patriotism- or national pride is the feeling of love, de Great Britain used by poets and songwriters.
votion and sense of attachement to a homeland.
Walter Raleigh- was an English adventurer and write BRITANNIA: is the name that the romans gave to th
r who became a favorite of Queen Elizabeth. eir southern British province.
Harold Godwinson- often called Harold II, was the la The Emerald Isle is another way of referring to Irela
st anglo-saxon king of England. He died at the battle nd.
of Hasting fighting the Norman invaders led by the Wi
lliam the Conqueror.
Surnames; Mac/Mc are Scottish or Irish
Domesday Book- is a manuscript record of the "Gre
at Survey" of much of England and part of Wales by 'O' is Irish
order of king William Conqueror.
Evans/Jones/Morgan/Williams are England
Dissenters: English Dissenters were Protestant Christ
ians who seperated from the church of England in the
16th, 17th and 18th centuries. A dissenter is one wh Importance of England;
o disagrees in opinion, belief and other matters. 1- The main language for four nation is English and t
his language comes from England.
Presbyterianism- was influenced by the French theol
ogian John Calvin, who is credited with development 2- The capital of UK is in England.
of Reformed theology. The presbyterian church in Irel 3- England contains about %84 population of the UK
and is the largest presbyterian denomination in Irelan
d. "The Presbyterian Church is a branch of reformed 4- The Royal Family live in England
protestant christianity originated in British Isles."
5- England is the biggest country in the UK
1666- The Great London Fire of september 1660 was
one of the moat famous incidents in Stuart England.
Geographically; Lying off the north-west coast of Eur
ope. There are two large islands and hundreds of mu
1284- The conquest of Wales by Edward I.
ch smaller ones. The largest island is called Great Bri
tain, and the other large one is called Ireland.
Thomas Beckett- The murder of Thomas Beckett, th
e archbishop of canterbury, by soldiers og king Henry ֍ Channel Island and the Isle of Man are not officiall
II. Beckett becomes a popolar martyr and his grave i y part of UK.
s visited by pligrims for hundreds of years. The Cante
rbury Tales, written by Chaucer in the 14th century, r The Four Nations; People often refer to Britain by a
ecounts the stories told by fictional group of pligrims nother name. They call it England but England is the
on their way to canterbury. part of UK like Scotland, Wales and Ireland. In 1707,
Act of Union, Scottish Parliament joined with English
and Welsh Parliament in England. It was completed i
n 1800, when Irish Parliament joined with the Parliam
ent of Scotland, Wales and England in Westminister;
so that, the whole areas became a single state. How
ever, in 1922, most of Ireland became a seperate stat rain you get. This bad reputation about climate comes
e. from British people. They always talk about weather.
The main influence on their climate is Atlantic Ocean
and Gulf Stream.
England is the most populated country in the UK. En Wales is one of the four parts of the UK. Technically,
gland is bordered by Wales to the west and Scotland Wales is a principality. This means that it is ruled by
to the north. England contains about %84 population a prince. Traditionally, the prince of Wales is the eld
of UK. The capital city is London, other major cities i est son of the English monarch. Wales has not been
nclude Birmingham, Manchester, Sheffield, Liverpool, politically independent since 1282 when it was conque
Newcastle and Leeds. England includes many small i red by king Edward I of England. Wales does not iss
slands such as the Isle of Wight and Hayling Island. I ue its own currency and is not in control of any arme
t was the first industrialized nation after the Industrial d forces. These are the powers of the national govern
Revolution that began around 1760. The official Lond ment of the UK. The national game of Wales is Rugb
on home of the British monarch is Buckingham Palac y. Snowdon, Conwy Castle, Cardiff Castle and Pembr
e. The longest river in England is the river of Thames okeshire Coast National Park are most famous places
, the largest lake is Windmere and the highest mount in Wales. Longest River is Towy, longest lake is Barl
ain is Scafell Pike. English food has traditionally been a. Cardiff -the capital- Swansea, Pembrokeshire, New
based on beef., lamb, chicken, fish and most commo port, St. Davids are famous cities. Wales is known fpr
n and typical foods are sandwich, fish and chips. Eng its great actors: Richard Burton, Anthony Hopkins etc
lish people like drinking tea more than anybody else i .
n the world. Famous musicians/bands are the Beatles Writers: David Jones, Dylan Th
, Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, Queen, Led Zeppelin, Th omas, Dick Francis etc.
e Clash, Black Sabbath... Famous English Scientists Musicians/Bands: Tom
are Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton and Stephen Hawk Jones, Catatonia, Super Furry Animals.
ing. There have been a number of influential authors Main religion: Anglicanism,
but perhaps the most well-known is Shakespeare. As Methodism.
part of the UK, the basic political system in England i
s a constituonal monarchy and parliamentary system. "SCOTLAND"
There has not been a government of England since a
ct of union 1707. Before the union, England was rule Its capital city is Edinburg. It is second largest countr
d by its monarch and the parliament of England. Tod y in the UK, after England. Scotland has 3 officially r
ay, England is governed by the Parliament of the UK. ecognised languages: English, Scots and Scottish Ga
elic. Edinburg has a medieval old town and an elegan
England famous for its pubs. English pubs are a part t Georgian New Town with gardens and neoclassical
of everyday life. It's educational institues such as Oxf buildings. The largest city is Glasgow and other major
ord and Cambridge are most famous universities of th cities include Aberdeen and Dundee. Scotland includ
e world. es approximately 790 islands. Ben Nevis is the highe
st mountain in Scotland. The offical animal of Scotlan
LONDON: London, England, the capital of UK, on the d is unicorn. The modern game of golf originated in S
Rriver Thames in southeastern England. It is among cotland. Scotland reputed for its whisky. Scotland fam
the oldest of the world's great cities and one of the ous for its castles, there are over 300 castles and the
most cosmopolitan. By far, Britain's largest metropolis, Edinburg Castle is the most important castle. Famou
it is also the country's economic, transportation and s Scots are Walter Scott, Arthur Canon Doyle etc.
cultural center. It is the coumtry's business and banki Main religion is the church of Scotland (Presbyt
ng centre and the centre of its transport network. It is erian), Roman Catholicism and Episcopal church.
home to the country's parliament, its major legal insit
utions and the monarch. London was founded in the f "NORTHERN IRELAND"
irst century CE by Romans, who called the are Londi
nium, it grew in importance over the centuries, and b Protestans and Roman catholics in N. Ireland is
y the early middle ages was the most important city i becoming increasingly delicate. Titanic ship was built i
n all of Britain. Two well known areas of London are n Belfast, the capital of N. Ireland. Major cities are B
the West End and the East End. The former is know elfast, Lisburn, Londonderry, Bangar. Its longest river i
s River Bann and longest lake is Lough Neagh. Engli 4-Revolution is mainly started by people, the middle c
sh is spoken by almost everyone in N. Ireland. Other las. They want to have a better live and change the
important languages are Irish and Ulster Scots. Dunlu political system. It always happen in violence. Reform
ce Castle, Titanic Belfast and Giant's Causeway are f is always started by government. Reform means rebui
amous places. Famous Irish: Van Morrison, George B ld, make changes in specially in order to improvement
est, William Burke, etc.
5- Margaret Thatcher also known as iron lady becam
"CLASS" e Britain's Conservative Party leader and in 1979 was
elected prime minister, the first women to hold the p
The class system is alive in the UK but it doesn' osition.
have the same status as it once did. Working class p
eople can became middle and uppuer class by gainin
g a good education.
Discruptive Nationalism (1871-1890): Minority groups Economic and social system in which all proper
ty and resources are collectively owned by a classless soci
wanted to be independence from Austria Hungary and
ety and not by individual citizens. In such a society, social r
Ottoman Empire. elations were to be regulated on the fairest of all principles.
The most common variation of communism is Marxism.
Agressive Nationalism (1900-1945): Opposing national
forces collided causes of wars. Socialism: Socialism is an economic and political system w
here the ways of making a living are owned by the workers
Contemporary Nationalism (1945 to present): Collapse who run them and the people who depend on them, meani
of soviet union, reaction to American global suprema ng the value made belongs to the people who make it, inst
cy, retreat from colonialism. ead of a group of private owners. The common feature is t
he perception of society which regards the private property
as a source of unhappiness and for this reason tries to nati
onalize it. All the social classes should work together and Nationalism is a strong attachment to a particular cou
have a common goals that aims for the good of everyone. ntry, or nation. It is also called patriotism. In the mod
Liberalism: Liberalism is a philosophical, economic and poli
ern world, many citizens are very loyal to their countr
tical ideology which aims at establishing individual freedom y or to their ethnic group. Many historians consider n
as a basic principle of economic and social order. Accordin ationalism to be one of the most important forces in s
g to liberal thinking, the individual freedom is the essential haping modern history. Nationalism can have a positiv
standard and the surface of a human community which serv e influence by giving people a sense of belonging to
es as a source to the constitution of the state and its politic a national community. Sometimes, however, nationalis
al and economic order. t feelings can make people ignore problems in their c
Conservatism: It is a political ideology that emphasizes the ountry or group. It also can make people think that th
importance of tradition, preserves and affirms the dominant eir country or groups is better than any other. This fe
political order and protects the given distribution of power eling led to the creation of nation-states, or countries
and influence. Their three major principles are: identity, sec populated mostly by a single ethnic group. During the
urity and continuity. time, the modern countries of Germany and Italy took
shape. Nationalists feelings also led to successful rev
Fascism: It is the political movement created by Mussolini i
n 1919 and dominated Italy from 1922 to 1945. Fascism ca
olt against the ottoman empire which ruled over many
n be defined as a political system characterised by unparlia different peoples. Nationalist feeling led to the break
mentary, totalitarian and very often anti-semitic tendencies, up of Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia. Gandhi's power
using a socio-revolutionary communication. It characterised ful strategy, involved nonviolent, noncooperation, boyc
by a broad power base, controlled by the mass organization otts of all thing British. His methods use for Indian in
s under strict central control. dependence have been adopted by protest movement
! Democracy cannot guarantee of good government or even
s throughout the world. He inspired movements for ci
that human rights will be respected. Hitler was elected by vil rights and freedom across the world.