Mechanical Analysis of Tubing String in Fracturing Operation

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12 The Open Petroleum Engineering Journal, 2013, 6, 12-24

Open Access
Mechanical Analysis of Tubing String in Fracturing Operation
Jingyuan Li* and Zifeng Li

Petroleum Engineering Institute, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China

Abstract: The method of fracturing of oil gas reservoir is considered as an instrumental one for maximizing the yield.
Multiple loads in a well fracturing operation may compel tubing string to yield, break and/buckle in a permanent spiral,
leading to severe financial deficit. Mathematical models for mechanical analysis of fracturing string in whole fracturing
operation are developed on the basis of operation procedures of well fracturing, with full consideration of well trajectory,
component of fracturing string, borehole fluid property, internal and external pressure, friction factor between fracturing
string and well wall, tubing temperature, packer types, piston effect of packer, helical buckling effect of tubing, slip joint,
etc.. These mathematical models are solved with differential methods, obtaining parameters such as tension force, torque,
stress, safety factor, stability, and elongation etc. Strength calibration of the string is formed. Software for mechanical
analysis of tubing string in fracturing operation is developed with Visual Basic 2008. A case study of field application is
also provided.

Keywords: Tubing, fracturing, mechanics, tension, torque.

INTRODUCTION In this paper, will be presented and highlighted the

mathematical models for mechanical analysis of the
Oil-gas reservoir fracturing is validated as an important fracturing string in the entire process, from tripping in,
procedure of exploration and development of oil and gas
setting, injecting to trip out. For this purpose, software will
field. In this process of reservoir fracturing, the fracturing
be developed and an example of field application will be
string under the influence of internal and external pressure,
axial tension, bending moment, torque, temperature and
other factors, might form complex stress and strain, and 1. FRACTURING TYPES AND SPECIAL PROBLEMS
sometimes might damage the yield, breaking off fracture or IN FRACTURING STRING MECHANICAL ANALY-
permanent helical buckling, resulting in great economic SIS
losses. For the improvement of on-site operation, the
1.1. Fracturing Types
effective analysis of stress and deformation of the fracturing
string, finding effects of various parameters on the stress and It involves the processes such as mechanical single
deformation, optimizing parameters and design do carry (selected) layer fracturing, mechanical separate layer
great importance. fracturing, hydraulic jetting fracturing, casing injecting
In 1980s, was introduced fracturing technology that has fracturing and blank tubing-casing injecting fracturing etc.
been reported in reference [1], and the latest developments Their usages and features of fracturing have been presented
made in this field have been presented in [2-4]. In these below in Table1.
papers, has been focused only the technique of fracturing,
lesser explaining the string mechanics. For mechanically 1.2. Packer Type
analyzing the fracturing string, Kuru et al. studied the axial For the selection of fracturing layers, packers are used to
force transmission after string buckling [5]. Later Du et al. limit the fracturing sections of wells. There exist three types
came with a preliminary mechanical analysis of fracturing of packer: supporting packer, slip packer, and hydraulic
string, mainly for vertical wells [6]. FEM analysis of pressure differential packer.
fracturing string was performed by Wang et al. [7].
Mechanics of the fracturing string in the injecting process The principle of support type packer involves laying
were probed by Li et al. [8]. These researches, however, down tubing string to the bottom of well, exerting axial
carry great importance here still needs to conduct the compressive force on the string, forcing the middle of the
mechanical analysis of the fracturing string in the entire rubber packer thicken, and sealing annulus space; after the
process focusing all aspects of tripping in, setting, injecting, axial compressive force is removed, the packer restores the
and tripping out. free state and unsetting. The advantages that make support
type packer superficial are its simplicity and reliability,
while the disadvantages associated with it is the limited
*Address correspondence to this author at the Petroleum Engineering length from the packer to the bottom of the well.
Institute, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China; The principle of slip type packer is as follows. There
Tel/Fax: 86-335-8079-211;
E-mail: exists a spring centralizer or a friction cushion block on the

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Mechanical Analysis of Tubing String in Fracturing Operation The Open Petroleum Engineering Journal, 2013, Volume 6 13

Table 1. Types, usages and features of fracturing

Name Usages Features

Mechanical single If there is no low-pressure protection level under the fracture layer,
Set down the string once and fracture only one layer.
1 (selected) layer the packer and hydraulic anchor under the fracture layer may not be
Applicable to cased hole.
fracturing deployed. This is known as a single layer fracturing.
Mechanical fracturing Set down the string once, fracture two or more layer It is necessary that there shouldn’t be any layer to be protected
of separate layers separately. Applicable to cased hole. underneath the bottom fracture layer.
Flush out eyehole in the wall of a well, and create
Hydraulic jet
3 fractures with high-pressure jet. Applicable to open A jet nozzle is connected to the bottom of tubing or coiled tubing.
Inject fracturing fluid from the annular space between The packer underneath the fracturing layer protects other producing
Casing injection
4 the casing and tubing, and fracturing the weakest strata layer. If there is only one layer in the whole well, the string may be
which has been shot above the packer. avoided.
Blank tubing and
Blank tubing, inject into the annulus space and tubing at
5 casing injection Blank tubing, no packer.
the same time.

Table 2. Fracturing procedures and key problems in tubular mechanics

Sequence number Operating procedure Packer type Problems considered in tubular mechanics
The bottom of the string is free. Piston effect of the packer and the buckling effect of
1 Tripping in
the string need to be considered
Support type The bottom of the string is pressed in the landing process.
(1)When the string is raised, the bottom of the string becomes free.
(2) On rotating the string, the tension at the bottom of the string becomes zero.
Slip type
2 Setting (3)When the string is lowered, the packer is pressed according to the given value. The
string at the bottom of the packer remains in the free state.
Hydraulic pressure
When tubing pressure reaches to the setting value, the packer is fixed.
differential type
The effect of the fluid temperature variations and the influence of high pressure inside
3 Injecting
the string on the force of the string are considered.
4 Unsetting The bottom of the string is free. The unsetting resistance is attached on the packer.
5 Tripping out The bottom of the string is free. Piston effect of packer is considered.

packer(under the slips, the diameter is found to be larger 1.3. Injection Method
than tubing string), which is always connected to the wall;
during running string, the ledge is placed on the top of the When fracturing, it may be injected from the tubing, from
transposed slot, while the rubber barrel is placed in the free the annulus, or in both ways.
state. When laying down the packer to the predetermined 1.4. Fracturing Procedures and Main Problems in
depth, it is begun with picking up the string, then moving the Tubular Mechanics
ledge to the bottom of the short slot and rotating the string
for 1-3 rounds. While maintaining the torque, the string is Different processes of fracturing involve different stress
laid down to apply compression load on the packer. Because states of the string. Therefore key problems that need to be
of rotating right to the string, the ledge moves from the short considered also become different, as shown in Table 2.
slot to the long groove and the mandrel moves downward Fracturing string is mechanically analyzed to determine
under the compressive force, the slip centrum descends to the parameters along the whole string, such as tension,
open the slip, the edge of the alloy blocking on the slip is torque, temperature, stress, safety coefficient, stability,
inserted into the wall of the casing, then the rubber barrel elongation, etc., on the basis of the operation process,
expands under the compressive force until the two rubber wellbore trajectory, the composition of tubing string, fluid
barrels are both attached to the casing wall to form seal. properties, internal and external pressure of tubing string,
After the test, first of all, is picked up the tubing string friction coefficient between the wall of wellbore and the
followed by the rubber barrel contracts, the slips withdraw string, string temperature, etc. The effects need to be
and the packer is unsettling. If anchor packer is used in the considered are those of piston, expansion and buckling.
drill stem, the wellbore must be regular and hard.
The working principle of hydraulic pressure differential PERATURE
packer: after reaching the designated location, the pressure is
imposed on the string to make the packer swell. The temperature of the string is reported to be different in
different operations. The length and/or stress of the string are
14 The Open Petroleum Engineering Journal, 2013, Volume 6 Li and Li

greatly influenced by the variations in string temperature. fluid is in the turbulent state, the default is a hydraulic
Therefore, while analyzing the stress state of the string, smooth region.
thermal stress of the string needs to be considered. During
In this calculation, assume that the ground pressure and
tripping in, the running speed of the string becomes lower in
rate of flow are known.
comparison to the increase of string temperature. So the
temperature of tubing string in the wellbore is considered to 3.1. String Inflow
be equal to the formation temperature of the point. During
Dynamic pressure decreases gradually along the direction
injecting, the temperature of the string distributes lineally
of flow. The reduced value of pressure is found to be
along the depth if bottom hole flowing temperature could be
proportional to the friction coefficient.
measured; otherwise, the temperature of the string is found
to be fracturing fluid temperature on the ground. If the friction coefficient is obtained from the field test,
the fixed friction coefficient is used in calculation. If the
2.1. Surface Measurements friction coefficient is not obtained, it becomes necessary to
Before tripping in, string temperature becomes equal to calculate friction coefficient in accordance with the fluid
its temperature on the ground mechanics. The friction coefficient obtained from field-
testing is reported to be better than that of theoretical
T = Tsurp (1) calculation.
2.2. Tripping In and Tripping Out Reynolds number [9]

In tripping in and tripping out, string temperature is vi d i  fi 4  fi Qi

reported to be equal to the formation temperature Rei = = (5)
μi μ i d i
T = Tsur0 + Tgrad  cos  d l (2)
0 If Rei <= 2000 , in the laminar state
2.3. Injecting 64
i = (6)
(1) The fracturing fluid temperature on the ground is Rei
considered as the temperature of the string
If Rei > 2000 , in the turbulent state
T = Tsurl (3)
0.3146 (7)
i =
(2) The temperature of the string is taken as the linear Rei0.25
function of temperature of bottom hole measurement and the
fracturing fluid temperature on the surface The total pressure in the string
Qi 2 l i  fi
T = Tsurl + (Tbottom  Tsurl )l / Lz (4) pi = pi0  8 sign(Qi )(

)  0
+g   fi cos  d l

In the process of injecting fluid into the wells, the fluid

3.2. Annular Flow
flows to the bottom through the tubing and/or the annular
space. This fluid flow can be laminar and/or turbulent. The If the annular flow friction coefficient is obtained from
fluid pressure in different depth is observed with variations. the field test, it is used directly. Otherwise, calculation is
Since, the fluid pressure acts on the tubing, it affects the done according to the theory [9]
safety factor.
v o (d w  d o )  fo 4  fo Qo
Fracturing fluid is reported to be a mixture of solid Reo = = (9)
μo μ o (d w + d o )
particles and liquid dispersion medium. There are classified
about Newtonian liquid and non-Newtonian fluid. As for If Reo <= 2000 , in the laminar state
fluid mechanics at present, have been investigated the axial
laminar flow problems of Newtonian fluid and simple non- 96
o = (10)
Newtonian fluid in the pipe and annular space. Turbulence Reo
and multiphase flow researches are yet to be performed.
Non-Newtonian fluid is also reported to possess thixotropic If Reo > 2000 , in the turbulent state
and shear thinning properties. But in the research, have not 0.3146
been focused these properties. o = 0.25
For carrying out engineering calculation, the pressure of
the fluid can approximately be calculated with some Total pressure in annulus
l o  fo vo2
Assumptions: (1) the fluid is Newtonian; (2) the string is po = po0  sign(Qo )  dl (12)
(dw  do ) 2
concentric with the casing; (3) the effect of string joints is l
ignored; (4) the liquid viscosity change is ignored; (5) if the +g   fo cos  d l
Mechanical Analysis of Tubing String in Fracturing Operation The Open Petroleum Engineering Journal, 2013, Volume 6 15

3.3. Throttle Valve d Mt 

= f1Ro N + m0 + M t 
For conducting some operations, such as separate-layer dl

fracturing, the throttle valve may be installed in the tubing, d Ft d kb 
which could produce differential pressure [9] + EIkb  f2 ( N + Nc )
dl dl 

d j2 Qi  Cv  B + qk • et = 0 
p i = 8  fi (1  )2 ( )2 (13) 
d i2 d j2 d 2 kb 2 
 EI 2
+ k b Ft + EIk n k b + k n k b M t  (14)
Because of shear thinning effect of the fracturing fluid, + N n + f1N b + qk • en = 0 
temperature increase while flowing down into the well and 
in other factors, using formula (6) or (7)(10) or (11) to d( EIkn kb + kb M t ) d kb 
  EIkn + Nb 
calculate the bottom hole pressure may sometimes yield dl dl
result less than the static fluid pressure, leading to fallacy. 
 f1N n + qk • eb = 0 
In the process of running in, the well bore is filled with R o f vf
fluid. The string is affected by a number of forces such as f1 =  f2 = 
gravity, buoyancy, lateral contact force and friction among v 2 + ( Ro  ) 2 v 2 + ( Ro ) 2
the sidewall, liquid viscous resistance, and so on,
0 2μ o
accompanied by temperature increase, buckling and axial m 0 = 2Ro3[ + ],
deformation. v 2 + ( Ro  ) 2 d w  2 Ro
If the string moves down to the bottom and appears the 2Ro 0v 2μ o
helical buckling, an additional torque will be produced due B= ,C = ,
v + ( Ro ) 2 dw
to helical buckling, friction and motion, resulting into the ln
rotation of the string or having a trend of rotating. The torque 2 Ro
on reaching a certain value and at just its back off direction  s   fo
may cause tubing string twist-off. In process of tripping in, q = q0 + (  fi   fo ) Ai g 
tubing string rotation may take place on drilling floor, which s
is the result of the torque on the string caused by buckling.
N= N n2 + N b2 is the contact force between the string and
4.1. String Tension - Torque Differential Equations
the wall.
The string involves three states in the wellbore, namely, In Equation (14), the first equation is the torque
stability, sinusoidal buckling and helical buckling. Different differential equation, the second equation being the axis
state of the string contradicts with different force. Since the tension force differential equation, the third equation as the
contact force of the sinusoidal buckling between the tubing balance equation in the principal normal direction, and the
string and casing/wellbore is much less than that of helical last equation as the balance equation in the binormal
buckling, and because of a lacking of proper calculation direction.
method, for the time being stability state is used instead of
sinusoidal buckling state. If the helical buckling happens, 4.1.1. Tripping in Process  =0  v > 0 
additional resistance and torque are considered. The tubing under the section of helical buck-
Suppose that the depth of helical buckling begins at L hs ling l > Lhe 
and terminates at L he , in this range, there will be produced M t = N c = 0 (15)
torque in the tubing string induced by helical buckling,
friction and movement, and enforcing the string to rotate or For helical buckling section Lhs  l  Lhe 
having a rotating trend.
rb Ft2 
The helical buckling, rotating or the trend of rotating may Nc = 
4 EI 
produce a torque in the string below the buckling section.  (16)
However, the torque value is small enough and can be r 2F 2  Ft 
M t =  fRo b t
neglected. 4 EI 2 EI 
Moreover, a torque might be present in the string above The tubing above the section of helical buckling sec-
the buckling section, due to the helical buckling, rotating or tion l < Lhs 
the trend of rotating. The farther away from the buckling
section, the smaller the value of the torque will be and its Nc = 0 
distribution being unclear, but the value becomes zero at the 
N (17)
wellhead. Assuming that torque reduction is proportional to M t =  M ths Lhs

contact force and the torque turns to zero at the wellhead.
 N d l 
The tension -torque differential equations [10] is
16 The Open Petroleum Engineering Journal, 2013, Volume 6 Li and Li

4.1.2. Other Processes. There is Mt = Nc = 0 5. THE STRING FORCE AND DEFORMATION IN
If the tubing is not moving  = 0 v = 0 , then
taking f = 0 . Consider three types of packers: support, anchor and
hydraulic pressure differential.
Eq. (14) not only applies for tripping in process, but also
applies to other processes. 5.1. Support Packer
4.2. Continuity Conditions Axial compressive force at the packer is calculated equal
to or greater than the given value of axial compressive force.
If some larger diameter tools are reported to be present
In Eq. (14), taking  =0 and v > 0 , and the modifying
on the string, such as a packer, then piston effect cannot be
boundary conditions of Eq. (20) as follows
neglected, so the force caused by piston effect becomes
necessary to be added in the calculation [10] Ft ( L p ) =  Fp 
Ft = Ft + Fpj (18) M t ( L) = 0 
l =lPj l =lP+j

5.2. Slip Packer

4.3. Boundary Conditions
In the process of slip packer setting: (1) string is picked
4.3.1. Monitoring Friction Coefficient, Stress Condition,
up, and the ledge is forced to slide down in the short slot; (2)
Contact force between the String and wellbore
rotating string makes ledge converse; (3) by laying down
If the hook load is measured, it can be used to monitor string, the ledge is made to slide up in the long slot, locking
friction coefficient between the string and wellbore, stress the bottom of the packer, meanwhile, the packer starts
condition of the string and the contact force expanding to seal wellbore; (4) the pressure in the string is
increased, the hydraulic anchor is opened and stuck into the
Ft ( L) = 0  sidewall to maintain rubber barrel pressure.

M t ( L) = 0  (19)
 5.2.1. Tripping Out
Ft (0) = Woh 
M t (0) = 0  Now picking up the whole tubing string, in Eq. (14),
taking  =0 and v < 0 .
If the friction coefficient of the whole or any part of well 5.2.2. Rotating String
is assumed as an unknown constant, then any kinds of load
measured on the ground (hook load, rotating torque) can be Now rotating tubing string, in Eq. (14), taking  > 0
used to calculate the friction coefficient between the string and v = 0 .
and well bore. 5.2.3 Tripping In
4.3.2. Prediction of Stress State and Contact Force between
The effect of slips leads to the division of string into
the Tubing String and Sidewall
upper and lower parts. Differential equation is still Eq. (14).
At the lower end of the string, both the axial tension and The state of motion is  =0 at the upper  0  l  Lp ,
torque are reported to be zero boundary conditions
Ft ( L ) = 0  Ft ( L+p ) = Ft ( Lp ) + Fpl 
 (20)  (24)
M t ( L) = 0 M t ( Lp ) = 0 
4.4. Identification the State of String Self-locking At the lower end of the string L p < l  L , and its
According to the result of nonlinear helical buckling movement trend  =0 and v > 0 , boundary conditions
without gravity [10], the string self-locking condition is as Ft ( L ) = 0 
follows  (25)
M t ( L) = 0
4 EI
Ft <=  (21) 5.2.4. Opening Hydraulic Anchor
3 3rb2
After the tripping in of the tubing string, the effect of the
4.5. Axial Deformation of the String slips makes it difficult for the packer to slide freely in the
Tubing string will be deformed under axial tension, well. The change of internal and external pressure causes the
buckling and temperature change string stress and the axis shape to change.
(1) Tubing string without buckling. The string is
l  t  μ p (  +  r ) expanded by internal pressure and compressed by external
s=  [ +  (T  Tsurp ) +  h ]d l
E pressure in the free state. The effect of the packer does not
let the length of the string elongate or shorten, that is
 2 (22)
1+ rb Ft 1 (Lhs  l  Lhe )
reported to be equivalent to addition of an axial tension on
h = 2EI the string

0 other  Fe = (1  2 μ p )[( p ia  p is ) Ai + ( p oa  p os ) Ao ] (26)
Mechanical Analysis of Tubing String in Fracturing Operation The Open Petroleum Engineering Journal, 2013, Volume 6 17

(2) The tubular buckling occurs. In case, the tubular state, the change is observed only in the internal and external
buckling occurs, the packer axial tension  Fp and string axial pressures.
elongation s ps at the packer (taking shortening as negative)
Ft ( L) = 0 (30)
need to be calculated first in the slips setting process under
the internal pressure pis and the external pressure pos . Then, (3) Single-packer setting without anchor. This working
should be calculated the axial force Fpa to get the elongation condition involves installation of a packer above the
sps under the conditions of internal pressure pia and outside reservoir without anchor and packer seals and may slide
pressure poa . This process requires trial calculation. along the well bore. Its characteristics is that packer may
5.3. Hydraulic Pressure Differential Packer slide along the well bore under the fracturing fluid pressure
in the process of fracturing at the bottom of tubing
Throw a ball into the tubing to add pressure to the tubing
directly. When the pressure reaches a certain value, the 
Ft ( L) =  p fb (d w2  d i2 ) (31)
hydraulic anchor and packer set in the casing. 4
6. FORCES AND DEFORMATION IN THE PROCESS If the liquid is injected into the annular, it starts the
OF INJECTING casing injecting fracturing
After tripping in, the tubing is generally moved up and 6.2.2. Mechanical Selective Layer and Separate Layer
down, and packer is set down. The tubing movements bring Fracturing
a decrease in the friction between the tubing and casing. The The working condition refers to proper functioning of
distribution of friction between tubing and casing is still both the upper and lower hydraulic anchors. The elongations
unclear. In order to calculate easily, the effect of friction is of underground tubing at the two hydraulic anchors are
ignored. characterized to be the same as setting in the processes of
After the above mentioned simplification, the tubing injection and anti-handling
would be subjected to the gravity, the external pressure of
s ( L1 ) = s 0 ( L1 )
the annulus fluid, the internal pressure of tubing fluid, the  (32)
contact force with wellbore and the supporting force of  s ( L2 ) = s 0 ( L2 )
packer, besides, bending stress of tubing bending with the
Sometimes, a slip joint is added at the upper end of the
hole, thermal stress caused by temperature change and
packer. In setting, there exists a compressive force on the
buckling bending stress. Different processes have different
slip joint. In injecting, the slip joint may withstand tension,
stress of tubing, depending upon the composition of the
compression, or might also be free
string, boundary conditions, etc. In the hydraulic jet
fracturing, the string with no packer moves up and down. s ( L1 ) = s 0 ( L1 ) [ Ft ( L1 ) < 0] 
The stress and deformation of string could be calculated 
using equation (14). Mechanical models of other four kinds Ft ( L1 ) = 0  (33)
in the process of injecting are as follows. s ( L1 ) + s slip = s 0 ( L1 ) [ Ft ( L1 ) > 0]
6.1. Tubing Tension-torque Differential Equation 6.2.3. Blank Tubing and Casing Injecting Fracturing
d Ft d kb The working condition refers to the injecting of the blank
+ EIk b + qk • e t = 0 (27)
dl dl tubing into both the annulus and tubing at the same time. The
bottom of string is reported to be free
6.2. Boundary Conditions
Ft ( L) = 0 (34)
6.2.1. Mechanical Single Layer Fracture
(1) Tubing anchored. This working condition refers to the 7. FORCE AND DEFORMATION OF STRING DUR-
normal condition of mechanical single layer fracture. Its ING UNSETTING AND TRIPPING OUT
characteristics is that the total elongation of the tubing In the processes of unsetting and tripping out, the
underground is the same as that of setting wellbore is filled with liquid. The string force possesses
s ( L) = s 0 ( L) (28) gravity, buoyancy, lateral contact force, friction, liquid
viscous drag, etc. At the same time, this string force also
Sometimes, a slip joint is added above the packer. In causes string bending and axial deformation. In the process
setting process, there lies a compressive force on the slip of unsetting, an unsetting tension is exerted at the packer, but
joint. In injecting process, the slip joint may withstand when tripping out, the tension becomes zero, the piston force
tension, compression, or may also be free of packer has to be considered.

s ( L) = s 0 ( L) [ Ft ( L) < 0]  7.1. Unsetting

 (29) In unsetting process, there lies a tension increment at the
Ft ( L) = 0 
s ( L) + s slip = s 0 ( L) [ Ft ( L) > 0] packer
Ft ( L+p ) = Ft ( Lp )  Fpu 
(2) Failure of packer and anchoring equipment. In case, 
the packer and anchoring equipment both fail calculation of Ft ( L ) = 0  (35)
the deformation and stress becomes equal to that of the static M t ( L) = 0 

18 The Open Petroleum Engineering Journal, 2013, Volume 6 Li and Li

7.2. Tripping Out

( t   b   bc )2 +  r2 +  2
Take v < 0 in Eq.(14).
 i = [( t   b   bc ) r +  r   (43)
Strength verification can be made after computing string
+  ( t   b   bc )] + 3 2
tension, torque, internal pressure and external pressure.
8.6. Safety Factor
Both the tube bodies and joints are significant enough to
Since the stress intensity from the tubing inner wall to
be considered in the strength verification for the string. The
outer wall is found to be changing, so it becomes necessary
tube bodies may be checked through mechanical analysis,
to take the maximum value for the checking of the string
while joints, due to their complexity of the stress will be
ignored in the paper. s
n= (44)
8.1. Tensile Stress  i max
The tensile stress caused by axial tension force and Theoretically, Equation (44) calculates the minimum
internal and external pressures has been represented by the safety coefficient of the section, which is found to be equal
following equation or lesser than actual overall static safety coefficient.
However, factors of fatigue, dynamic load, and scratches
Ft + pi Ai  po Ao
t = (36) may lead to a deficit in the actual safety coefficient.
A Therefore, the real safety coefficient calculation still poses as
8.2. Shear Stress a challenge that needs to be overcome.

The shear stress caused by the torque is 9. SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION

M tr According to considering the theories presented above,

= (37) and on the basis of literature [11], has been developed the
J fracturing tubular mechanical analysis software has been
8.3. Bending Stress developed with the programs such as Visual Basic 2008,
Teechart and Office. The main functions of the software
The bending stress caused by the bending of the wellbore include: (1) the wellbore trajectory calculation and
is visualization; (2) mechanical analysis of tubing string in the
processes of tripping out and tripping in; (3) mechanical
 b = Ek b r (38)
analysis of tubing string in the process of fracturing; (4)
The bending stress caused by helical buckling is analysis of down hole condition. The input parameters of the
system include: (1) well trajectory; (2) fracturing string
rb Ft r combination; (3) casing combination; (4) sliding friction
 bc =  (39)
2I coefficient between fracturing string and casing/wellbore; (5)
fluid property in the string and annulus; (6) fracturing
8.4. Radial Stress and Tangential Stress operation parameters. The output parameters are: (1) well
The radial stress and tangential stress caused by internal bore trajectory data and three-dimensional map; (2) in the
pressure and external pressure are process of tripping, in any case, calculation of string tension,
torque, lateral contact force, safety coefficient, stability and
pi Ri2  po Ro2 ( pi  po ) Ri2 Ro2  elongation; (3) in the process of fracturing, annulus pressure,
r =   string internal pressure, tension, stability and safety
Ro2  Ri2 ( Ro2  Ri2 )r 2 
 (40) coefficient and elongation, etc.; (4) true friction coefficient
p R2  p R2 ( p  p )R2R2 between testing string and casing/wellbore.
 è = i i2 o2 o + i 2 o 2 i 2 o 
Ro  Ri ( Ro  Ri )r  In the initial phase, this software has been utilized in
oilfield. From 2009, more than 1000 fracturing strings have
8.5. Stress Intensity been analyzed and tested using the software and no string
For tension part of the string breaking problem has been reported so far in industrial
( t +  b )2 +  r2 +  2  [( t +  b ) r 9.1. Example 1: S-1 Well
i = 2
+ r   +   ( t +  b )] + 3 S-1 well is a deep well, the parameters of which are as
follows: inclination data in Table 3, combination of
For compress and not buckling part of the string fracturing string in Table 4, combination of casing in Table
5, and fracturing parameters in Table 6. The friction
( t   b )2 +  r2 +  2  [( t   b ) r coefficient is 0.5 when tripping out, while it is reported to be
i = (42) 0.35 when tripping in. The rotating friction coefficient is
+ r   +   ( t   b )] + 3 2 0.45. The fluid density inside and outside the string is
calculate as 1220kg/m3 having a viscosity of 0.01Pa.s. The
For compress and buckling part of the string
surface temperature is reported to be 16 o C and the
geothermal gradient is found to be 2.2 o C/100m .
Mechanical Analysis of Tubing String in Fracturing Operation The Open Petroleum Engineering Journal, 2013, Volume 6 19

Table 3. Inclination data

Sequence number Depth measurement (m) Inclination (°) Azimuth (°)

1 1172 0.469 294.300

2 1522 0.313 186.840
3 2022 0.412 236.750
4 2522 0.644 185.600
5 3022 0.554 283.190
6 3522 0.551 268.920
7 4022 0.494 15.804
8 4522 0.820 103.770
9 5022 0.767 207.050
10 5777 1.000 207.000

Table 4. Well fracturing string

Outside diameter Inside diameter Linear mass

Sequence number Name Wall thickness (m) Steel grade Length (m)
(m) (m) (kg/m)

1 Tubing 0.0889 0.0760 0.0065 P-110 15.18 4997.18

2 Change over 0.0940 0.0620 0.0160 P-110 31.00 0.340
3 Tubing 0.0730 0.0620 0.0055 P-110 9.520 760.77
4 Change over 0.0980 0.0450 0.0265 P-110 46.00 0.310
5 change over 0.0980 0.0450 0.0265 P-110 46.00 0.450
6 RTTS packer 0.1110 0.0460 0.0325 P-110 62.00 1.180
7 Tubing 0.0730 0.0620 0.0055 P-110 9.52 9.630

Table 5. Casing string

Sequence number Name Outside diameter (m) Inside diameter (m) Wall thickness (m) Linear mass (kg/m) Length (m)

1 casing 0.2445 0.2205 0.0120 69.940 5250

2 casing 0.2064 0.1718 0.0017 - 600

Table 6. Fracturing parameters

Reservoir depth Measured(m) 5777

Reservoir temperature() 127.094

Reservoir pressure( MPa ) 69.64
Reservoir fluid density(kg/m ) 861.00
Reservoir fluid viscosity( Pa  s ) 0.0100
Maximum produced rate of flow (m /s) 0.0010
Fracturing fluid density(kg/m3) 1020.00
Fracturing fluid viscosity ( Pa  s ) 0.0100
Fracturing fluid temperature at wellhead (°C) 20.00
Fracturing fluid temperature at the bottom (°C) 80.00
Tripping in velocity (m/s) 0.30
Tripping out velocity (m/s) 0.30
Fracturing type Single packer and single layer
20 The Open Petroleum Engineering Journal, 2013, Volume 6 Li and Li

Table 6. Contd….

Reservoir depth Measured(m) 5777

Packer type Slip

Axial clamping compress force of packer ( kN ) 50.00
Internal pressure at wellhead ( MPa ) 66.30
Flow rate in tubing(m3/s) 0.0910
Friction coefficient in tubing 0.002
Annular pressure at wellhead( MPa ) 0
Flow rate in annulus(m /s) 0
Friction coefficient in annulus 0
Axial additional tension on packer when unsetting( kN ) 50.00
Tool allowable curvature(°/m) 1.00

Fig. (1). Mechanical conditions of S-1 well string in injection.

Table 7. Result of mechanical analysis in the whole fracturing procedures.

Location of the minimum safety factor

Operating procedure Minimum safety factor String elongation (m)

Running string to the depth of operation 1.79 Well head 10.07

Packer setting 2.20 Well head 7.53
Fracturing – packer anchored 1.34 Well head 7.18
Fracturing – packer slipping 0.51 Bottom buckled section -6.47
Packer unsetting 1.57 Well head 11.29
Start tripping out 1.69 Well head 10.37
Mechanical Analysis of Tubing String in Fracturing Operation The Open Petroleum Engineering Journal, 2013, Volume 6 21

Fig. (2). Shows the mechanical conditions of S-1 well string while packer slipping upwards.

Fig. (3). Mechanical conditions of T-1 well string in packer setting.

In Fig. (1a), has been shown the dependence of the axial force and friction factor over the measured depth. In this
force and torque on the measured depth. In this figure, the figure, the abscissa is measured depth, the left ordinate is
abscissa is shown as measured depth, the left ordinate as the contact force, and the right ordinate has been presented as
axial force, while the right ordinate has been reported as friction factor. Fig. (1c) shows the dependence of the safety
torque. Fig. (1b) highlights the distribution of the contact factor and elongation upon the measured depth. Here, the
22 The Open Petroleum Engineering Journal, 2013, Volume 6 Li and Li

Fig. (4). Mechanical conditions of T-1 well string in injection.

Fig. (5). Mechanical conditions of T-1 well string in packer unsetting.

abscissa is measured depth, the left ordinate is safety factor, 9.2. Example 2: T-1 Well
the right ordinate is elongation.
T-1 well is a vertical well with inclination 13° at finished
In Table. 7, have been highlighted the minimum safety depth 6 100 m. Two packers are used to select a layer. The
coefficient of the string and the total elongation of the string mechanical conditions of string in packer setting, injection
in each work process. Fig. (1) defines the mechanical state of and packer unsetting are shown in Figs. (3 and 4) and Fig.
string in injection process. Fig. (2) comes up with the (5) respectively. In Fig. (3), the string has been shown under
mechanics state of string when packer slides up. The overall helical buckling at the bottom inducing light torque. Fig. (4)
conclusion is that the safe coefficient of the string is not high shows that the reduction of temperature produces tension
enough. Once the anchor of the packer fails, string buckling force in the part between two packers, and the safety factor
failure will take place. from 2 000 m to 5 900 m is a little larger than 1. It is
Mechanical Analysis of Tubing String in Fracturing Operation The Open Petroleum Engineering Journal, 2013, Volume 6 23

suggested that the string from 2 000 m to 5 900 m should be L = string length
L1 = depth of the top packer
10. CONCLUSION L2 = depth of the bottom packer
(1) The mathematical models for mechanical analysis of L he = helical buckling end depth
tubing string in the whole process from the string tripping in,
Lhs = helical buckling start depth
setting down, injecting to tripping out are established in this
paper. Lp = packer depth

(2) The software of mechanical analysis of tubing string L+P = depth of bottom of packer
in fracturing operation is developed. LP = depth of top of packer
(3) More than 1000 fracturing strings have been Lz = depth of thermometer
evaluated and no string break problem was recorded. l = well depth of calculation point
CONFLICT OF INTEREST l pj = depth of packer j
The authors confirm that this article content has no lpj = depth of the top of packer j
conflicts of interest. lp+j = depth of the bottom of packer j
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Mt = torque on string
The paper is supported by NSFC No. 51244004 and M ths = torque at the starting point for helical buckling
Open Fund of EOR Key Laboratory of Ministry of N = normal contact force between string and wellbore
Education of China at Northeast Petroleum University. The
authors gratefully acknowledge Dr. Zirui Li for polishing Nb = contact force hn component in the direction of eb
this paper’s English. Nc = additional contact force for string buckling
NOMENCLATURE Nn = contact force hn component in the direction of en
A = string cross-sectional area ( A = Ao  Ai )
n = safety factor

Ai = string inner area

p fb = downhole dynamic pressure

Ao = string outer area pi = fluid pressure in string

dw = well diameter
pi0 = fluid pressure in string at well head

E = young’s elastic modulus pia = internal pressure when the hydraulic anchor is opened

di = inner diameter of string

pis = internal pressure when slips setting

dj = throttle valve diameter po = fluid pressure in annulus

do = outer diameter of string

p o0 = fluid pressure in annulus at wellhead

direction of the tangent, the principal normal,

poa = external pressure when the hydraulic anchor is opened
et , en , eb =
binormal of the string deformation pos = external pressure when slips setting
axial tension caused by change of internal and external Qi = flow rate of liquid within string
Fe =
Qo = flow rate of liquid in annulus
Fp = axial compressive force on packer to make it work
q0 = weight per unit length in the air
Fpa = axial tensile force at packer in setting
Rei = Reynolds number within string
Fpj = piston force at packer j
Reo = Reynolds number in annulus
axial friction force between string and wellbore to
Fpl =
make packer setting Ri = string inner radius

Fpu = tension force for packer unsetting Ro = string outer radius

Ft = tension force r = ( Ri  r  Ro ) is radius

f =
sliding friction coefficient between string and well rb = radius difference between wellbore and string
s = axis displacement in depth of l
g = acceleration of gravity
s 0 ( L) = packer displacement in setting
hn = contact force vector between string and well bore
s 0 ( L1 ) = top packer displacement in setting
I = bending moment of inertia of string section
s 0 ( L2 ) = bottom packer displacement in setting
J = poplar moment of inertia of string section
packer displacement after internal and external
sps =
k = unit vector in the direction of gravitational field pressure changed
kb = wellbore curvature s slip = stroke of slip

kn = wellbore torsion T = string temperature

24 The Open Petroleum Engineering Journal, 2013, Volume 6 Li and Li

Tbottom = Temperature of fracturing fluid reached to bottom  = shear stress caused by torque
Tgrad = Temperature gradient 0 = structure strength of fluid in annulus
Tsur0 = room temperature (usually 20°C)
rotating angular speed (in the coordinate system,
taking rotary table right rotation as positive)
Tsurl = liquid temperature on the ground
SI Unit is used.
Tsurp = string temperature on the ground
v = trip in speed
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Received: October 08, 2012 Revised: December 20, 2012 Accepted: December 20, 2012

© Li and Li; Licensee Bentham Open.

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