Iecex Ibe 09.0017
Iecex Ibe 09.0017
Iecex Ibe 09.0017
of Conformity
IEC Certification Scheme for Explosive Atmospheres
for rules and details of the IECEx Scheme visit
Equipment: Enclosures and cubicles made from metal with flange of type 07-56..-..../....
Optional accessory:
Type of Protection: Increased safety "e"; Intrinsic safety "i"; Protection by enclosures "tb"
Approved for issue on behalf of the IECEx Prof. Dr. Tammo Redeker
Certification Body:
(for printed version)
Additional Manufacturing
This certificate is issued as verification that a sample(s), representative of production, was assessed and tested and found to comply with the
IEC Standard list below and that the manufacturer's quality system, relating to the Ex products covered by this certificate, was assessed and
found to comply with the IECEx Quality system requirements. This certificate is granted subject to the conditions as set out in IECEx
Scheme Rules, IECEx 02 and Operational Documents as amended.
The electrical apparatus and any acceptable variations to it specified in the schedule of this certificate and the identified documents, was
found to comply with the following standards:
This Certificate does not indicate compliance with electrical safety and performance requirements other than those expressly included in the
Test Report:
DE/IBE/ExTR09.0015/01 DE/IBE/ExTR09.0015/02
IECEx Certificate
of Conformity
Certificate No: IECEx IBE 09.0017 Issue No: 3
Equipment and systems covered by this certificate are as follows:
Enclosures and cubicles of type 07-56..-..../.... are made of metal and have flanges. They serve for connection and branching of
incoming and exiting cables and wires by connection clamps and terminal blocks.
The e nclosure- and distribution cubicle made of metal with flange type 07-56..-..../.... fulfils the requirements of an electrical
equipment for use in hazardous areas, equipment group II, in types of protection ‘Increased safety “e”’, ‘Intrinsic safety “ia,ib,ic”’ and
type of protection ‘protection by enclosures “tb”.
Technical data
IECEx Certificate
of Conformity
Certificate No: IECEx IBE 09.0017 Issue No: 3
Additional information:
5 6 . 1- .. ../ ....
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
.1 = closed
.2 = flanges C-side
.3 = flanges D-side
.4 = flanges C- and D-side
.5 = flanges C- and E-side
.6 = flanges D- and E-side
.7 = flanges C-, D- and E-side
8: Running number for special costumer purposes
Safety hints
Each empty enclosure or cubicle made of metal with flanges of type 07-56.1-..../.... has to undergo routine verifications and necessary
tests according to IEC 60079-0, cl. 27.
The conditions stated in the component approvals have to be observed at installation in the enclosure.
The degree of protection of at least IP 54 according IEC 60529 is only achieved if certified cable entries and stopping plugs are used
that are suitable for the application and correctly installed.
The information in the supplementary sheets has to be observed regarding placement, conductor cross sections and rating current.
Plastic inspection windows >20cm² (IIC), >100cm² (IIB,IIA), >400cm² (surrounded by a metallic frame IIB,IIA) require a warning label
according IEC 60079-0, cl. 29.8g).