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Discrimination and Treatment in the Workplace of LGBTQ Senior High School

Students in Our Lady of Fatima University


The study aimed to get an in-depth understanding on LGBTQ’s opinions, thoughts,

experiences, and feelings regarding the discrimination and maltreatments it experienced in the
respective workplaces. The objective of this study is to know the different experiences of the
LGBTQ Senior High School students in Our Lady of Fatima University about the treatment of the
people of society to the LGBTQ and know if the LGBTQ community is suffering into
discrimination. The researchers also aim to know the different rights and privilege of being the part
of the LGBTQ. By knowing the rights and privilege, the researchers will be able to help LGBTQ
community from the unethical treatments and discrimination from the people because LGBTQ
community will know how to defend their rights and protect themselves and be able to do works
and activities peacefully without being discriminated. The researchers chose case study approach
as a research design to describe the experiences of LBGTQ senior high school students who suffer
from discrimination and non-humanly treatment in the workplace. The researcher thinks that case
study approach is the most appropriate design to use because it is only focusing on certain group
of people who met the criteria regarding the research topic. The study shows that discrimination
and maltreatment had a negative effect in the academic and personal performances of LGBTQ’s. It
lowers the quality of the education it must received by the schools because of the environmental
factors forcing such individuals to hide its true identity. By hiding its personality, it hinders the
individual show its real potential to the fields it may excel. Families and friends are one of the
major factors that might help LGBTQ from suffering discrimination because of the gender identity

Keywords: Discrimination, LGBTQ, Maltreatment, Workplace, Gender Identity Roles, Non-

Humanly Treatment, Experiences

1.0 Introduction

LGBTQ is an initialism that stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer
groups. The people who labeled themselves attracted to people of their own sex, in short
homosexuals. Members of this community is significantly gaining attention and popularity
nowadays because of positive and above average skills and abilities individuals possess, however
the society also noticed the negative traits too, that some member of this said group shows and that
picture the whole LGBTQ community because human mind tend to remember negative things than
the positive ones. Religion and policies are some of the other factors affecting homosexuals
experience discrimination. That existing problem are always interconnected about this topic, but
that’s not what this study is focused to.

The issues are either cause by the fellow member of the LGBTQ community or by the
natural factors the society need to follow like laws made by the government or a certain religion
that prohibits the idea of homosexuality. The proper way of how the students dress with only two
option—skirts and pants. Some schools forced men to only wear only pants and women to only
wear skirt, but other homosexuals want to wear what it wants. This is clearly a school ground-
policy, but it is also a factor that this study should look to. Another issue is about haircuts, it has
the same idea about the uniform, issues like this are some of the basics, thus this study will look to
more factors that affecting individual homosexuals experience discrimination.

The main objective of this research is to gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding
of the experiences of homosexual students about the discrimination cause by neither fellow students
nor friends nor family and what are the strategies homosexuals developed to adapt and cope with
the discrimination. After this study is conducted, LGBTQ community will benefit from it the most
because society might finally understand the personality, behavior and mindset of each individual
members of the LGBTQ community. If the society know the reason behind all the actions made by
homosexuals then there is no reason to make fun of them and doubt their skills and abilities to a
certain field. If the whole world knows what is like to be a homosexual, then the whole world might
finally accept the LGBTQ community. That is the contribution of this study, to be that kind of
transformative research.

2.0 Background

2.1 Problem Statements

This study was conducted to analyze the experiences of discrimination and

maltreatment of LGBTQ students.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

Research Question #1: What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Name:

1.2 Age:

1.3 Strand:

1.4 Gender:

Research Question #2: What are the effects of being an LGBTQ to everyday lifestyle and
routine of students.

Research Question #3: How did LGBTQ individuals find out its gender preference and
why it is important to be certain about it?

Research Question #4: Why do homosexuals chose something that makes them scorn by
the society?

Research Question #5: How discrimination and maltreatment affects LGBTQ lives?

2.2 Theoretical Framework

Allport's theory of personality emphasizes the uniqueness of the individual and the
internal cognitive and motivational processes that influence behavior. For example,
intelligence, temperament, habits, skills, attitudes, and traits. Allport (1937) believes that
personality is biologically determined at birth, and shaped by a person's environmental

If you are asked to describe someone, how would you do it? Suppose, it is your
friend that you are asked to describe in three words. You would probably describe him or
her as funny, smart, and kind. All these are known as traits. Traits are predispositions or
ways in which you can respond to various kind of stimuli. In short, it is our set of traits that
makes us what we are and accounts for the permanent and enduring features of our
behavior. The trait theory of personality, developed by the American psychologist Gordon
Allport, tries to describe people according to recognizable traits of personality. His theory
seeks to emphasize the characteristics that capture what a person is really like.

Figure 1. Five Factor Model

Practically, all personality theorists are concerned with traits. However, Allport is
one of the first modern trait theorists. Unlike the humanistic and psychoanalytic theories
of personality, the trait theory looked at the trait approach to emphasize individual
differences in characteristics that are stable across time and situation. To understand his
theory of traits, it is important to know how he approached psychology, and in particular
traits and personality.

3.0 Research Methodology

3.1 Research Design

The researchers chose case study approach as a research design to describe the
experiences of LBGTQ senior high school students who suffer from discrimination and
non-humanly treatment in the workplace. The researcher thinks that case study approach
is the most appropriate design to use because it is only focusing on certain group of people
who met the criteria regarding the research topic. The researcher conducts a research
interview to collect in-depth information on people’s opinions, thoughts, experiences, and
feelings regarding to the research topic.

3.2 Research Locale

This study will take place only at Our Lady of Fatima University (OLFU) —
Quezon City Campus during the 4th Quarter of the school year 2018-2019. Our Lady of
Fatima University — Quezon City is located at #1 Esperanza St., Hilltop Mansion Heights,
Lagro, Quezon City, Metro Manila. Our Lady of Fatima University is a private university
in the Philippines. It has five main campuses, one based in Valenzuela City, the other in
Quezon City, Antipolo, Rizal, Pampanga, and the newly constructed Nueva Ecija Doctors
Colleges Inc. The university concentrates mainly on allied medical sciences. The
researchers chose OLFU—QC because the university accepts homosexuals, this is why
you can see many “gays” with long hair in the campus, and thus this make the researcher
convenient in finding appropriate research subjects.

3.3 Key Informant Selection

The researchers will use snowball sampling technique because the informants must
be available and represents the characteristics which should be: a senior high school student
of Our Lady of Fatima University — Quezon City campus school year 2018-2019,
homosexual or LGBTQ community member, and experienced or dealing with
discrimination and/or maltreatment. The researchers chose snowball sampling technique
to effectively obtain respondents through referral from the primary sources. The
researchers will find as many informants as the researchers can, but assuming the
characteristics given above, the informants may be in small number. The researchers will

only interview the available informants in the time where the interviewer go around the
campus at the allotted time of interviewing that scheduled ahead.

3.4 Research Ethics

This researched observed the ethical standards. In doing so, the participants will
be informed about all the steps that were to be taken in this research. The participants were
more important than the study, and therefore always respected. The participants will be
informed that the study was completely voluntary that they could withdraw from the study
at any time without questions being asked, and would not affect their academics, in any
way. Confidentiality will be provided by anonymously replacing the participants real name
with fictional names and/or codes.

3.5 Research Instrument

The researchers will be using a semi-structured face-to-face interview with a loose

interview guide so that the interviewer will have the guidance and not loose in the process
of interview. The researchers chose a face-to-face interview because the study wants to get
a detailed perception, opinion, and attitudes regarding to the research topic. The researchers
think that the semi-structured face-to-face interview is appropriate because the interviewer
must meet the participants in person. Semi-structured is chosen so that the participant can
share all its knowledge without limitation, but with a loose guide so that the interviewer
knows the sequence and keep intact to the main topic.

3.6 Data Collection

Semi-structured face-to-face interview will be the main data collection technique

use for the study. Secondary data sources may include, like text messages and/or photos
provided by participants who voluntarily participate in the study. The researchers will be
using snowball sampling technique, some people do not want to come forward and
participate in research studies, because it does not want to expose its identity. This method
will be effective as the referrals are obtained from a primary data source.

Interview were conducted base on open-ended question made by the researchers.

Participants were allowed the freedom to talk about their experiences in which they are
comfortable. The interview will be conducted in a quiet place and where the participants
can comfortably share their opinion, attitudes, beliefs, and experiences regarding the

research topic. To ensure the level of quiet, interview will take when other students have
classes or take the participant to a place that have none or low number of students. To
ensure the privacy, other researchers will have to guard the surroundings where the
interview is taking place and making sure that no one can overheard the conversation of
the interviewer and the participant at all time to ensure a high level of privacy and
confidentiality of the interview.

3.7 Data Analysis

The data will be analyzed through transcription, coding, categorizing, and

formulation of themes. Transcription involves close observation of data through repeated
careful listening and this is an important first step in data analysis. Open Coding and/or
Axial Coding will be used to look for distinct concept and categorize the given data which
will form the basic unit of the data analysis and finally, creating a table to organize the
results of coding process. Key-word-in-context (KWIC), will be using to formulate themes
by deconstructing context, and themes will be identified by sorting the categorized data
into piles of similar meaning.

4.0 Results

These are the findings that has been collected through 10 respondents which comprises
LGBTQ’s from different strands of senior high school students of Our Lady of Fatima University.
There were four gays, five bisexuals, and one who don’t want to specify its gender. The age range
of the participants are 16-18 years old. All participants information had an open-coding for better
analyzation of findings. The findings are extracted through “Cool and Warm Analysis” method and
to validate themes the researchers used the “Member-Checking Procedure” method.

The emerging themes and categories for these participants are presented in Table 2 in a
manner which reflects the chapter organization in order to allow the reader to follow and locate the
findings easily. The Table 2 shows the demographic information about the respondents in terms of
name, age, strand, and gender. The Table 3 emphasize the respondents’ statements by making a
table of categorization scheme and significant statements.

Table 1. Respondents Demographic Profiles

Name Age Strand Gender

Marvin 17 ABM Gay

Anthony 16 ABM Gay
PJ 17 HUMMS Bisexual
Kaye 17 STEM Bisexual
Wendel 17 STEM Not stated
Marielle 17 HUMMS Bisexual
Nasif 17 STEM Bisexual
John 18 ABM Gay
JP 16 ABM Bisexual
Antonette 16 HUMMS Gay

The participants for the study comprise of 60% of the respondents at the age of 17, 30% of
the respondents at the age of 16, and 10% of the respondents at the age of 18. The participants
coming from different strands, which is ABM with 40% respondents coming from it, HUMMS
with 30% respondents coming from it, and STEM with 30% respondents coming from it.

4.1 Discrimination

According to the respondent’s answers, LGBTQ’s are being discriminated and

experiences maltreatment because of the gender preference it chose. Physical and verbally
discriminated in front of others and being called in words that is degrading to the self-
esteem, words such as “salot” and the likes. Some says that friend and classmates
sometimes ignore, reject, and/or avoid them for being them. One respondent say that he/she
overheard a conversation that the likes of him is a curse.

LGBT nowadays is living in a society that can tolerate them but not fully accept
the true nature of such individuals. It is true, because until now there are a lot of concerns
regarding the issue, it seems that the unequal treatment in LGBT is not fully died. However,

there are laws that are being implemented so that young, even adults, would not experience
discrimination regarding to the gender, ever again (Wilkerson et al., 2009).

As observed by the interviewers, the participants are sad while sharing the story of
its life, but not all are unhappy, rather, some are grateful because this made the individuals
momentum built more and more to achieve the things they want. One of the participants
say that being discriminated and bullied sometimes may affect the victim to think and
commit suicide, as this is can’t take the pressure and stress that builds through time.

A good impression projected by the members of the LGBT community. The

community showed the attitude of not absorbing the insult received but instead used it as a
challenge to become a better individual. Avoidance of the negative criticisms is an essential
thing for the members of the LGBTQ community for it empowers the mind and heart rather
than the surge of emotions (Ocampo, Kristel, & Juli-ann, 2016).

4.2 Equality

All respondents think that everyone must treat them equally as a human. Gender is
only a preference in a society role and it does not make homosexuals unhuman. Society
treats them as “others” because people thinks it’s beyond normal to see a third gender, but
little-do-they-know, it’s not something special and important to forget that homosexuals
are humans too and must treat like it is. LGBTQ wants to make the society discriminates
them because it hurts for them. One respondent says:

“We are the same person, we are not animal that have diseases, we are not like
that, we are still a person”. (P10:S10.1)

It emphasizes the fact that the likes of them are still human beings and must treated
the same way, like the heterosexuals.

The political government being the hindrance of the LGBTQ to move freely.
Because of the government the freedom of them to express themselves is taken away,
causing them not move and act on how they want to be. But as time goes little progress is
shown enabling them to move and act how they want, also learning how to evaluate the
situation to help more accepting and less biased community (Batocabe, 2011).

4.3 Acceptance

The most important and common goal of each and every LGBTQ. According one
of the respondents:

“I think they need to respect us also, to have our reason to respect those who can't
accept LGBTQ like me.” (P3:S3.4)

It says that respects are earned. It is true, one must respect to gained respect from
others, and that is what LGBTQ’s are doing to gain acceptance from the society. LGBTQ’s
are being discriminated and maltreated in the workplace so where do such individuals seek
happiness? Some answered friends because it accepts what he/she was. Some answered
family because it is the foundation of its personality and build its life, but other don’t
answer family as a choice, rather, it says that even its family rejected him/her. That is why
other individuals seek happiness and protection in others.

The Filipino gays show dissimilarities of attitude, lifestyle and character traits.
Some Filipino gays even formed a family and inclined to heterosexual relationships.
Though the society thinks that Filipino gays are under the same umbrella, it has been said
that varying attitude and behavior are shown by the Filipino gays (Wright, 2017).

4.4 Academic

Almost all of the respondents excel in their respective classes. It cannot be deny
the fact that almost LGBTQ’s are smart and have a high intelligence, that is why they keep
fighting, pursuing the goals, the achievements, and the acceptance. LGBTQ’s intellect
helps them through the struggle by thinking the ways and the importance of living. But,
discrimination is on the way. They say that is distracts them on studying and pulling them
down to achieve the set goals of individuals. That is why discrimination and maltreatment
must eradicate.

4.5 Social Interaction

Being with gay friends is somewhat fun and enjoyable as what other see, but little-
do-they-know, it suffers from different pains and struggled daily because of the society
thinks about them. Such individuals have families and friends to support and protect them,
but not all that that caring families and friends. Those individuals fight the battle by

themselves. That is why peers that understand LGBTQ must be there to support and
protects those individuals, even far away or nearby to those persons.

4.6 Lifestyle

LGBTQ’s lifestyle is not that much big difference than those heterosexuals.
Homosexuals eat, take a bat, sleep, work, study, and enjoy too, but others think that those
individuals are far different from those heterosexuals, there goes the difference. By
discriminating and maltreating LGBTQ’s, it erases the line of the normality of the lives of
individuals. Everyday life of homosexual suffers for them because of the gender preference
it choose. Bullying, topic for gossips, and subject for funny doings is what LGBTQ’s life
has been when gender preference became a big issue to the society. Avoidance, rejection,
and being ignored is what happening to those individuals who can’t identify and be certain
to the gender it has.

4.7 Self-Value

According to the respondents, the way to not let the discrimination sink in to them
is to just ignore what other will say and will be saying to them, as its just going to build
pressure to them. One respondent said: “Be true, be brave and be humble to be part of
LGBTQ. We’re all unique and ignore what other says about us, we must know ourselves
than they do” (P1:S1.5) — this emphasizes the bravery and confidence of LGBTQ’s. As
the interviewer go on the process of the interview, some respondents show confident and
hope in the eyes even though the respondents telling a sad part of the story. This shows that
those individuals do know the worth it have. “Become though and be stronger and they
should not be ashamed of who they are so rise up and prove them your potentials.” — a
very inspiring quote coming from one of the participants. It wants to emphasize the true
potential of each and every individual to pursue the goals it wants to achieve.

Table 2. Emerging Themes and Categories

Emerging Themes Emerging Category

1. Discrimination  Bullying
 Suicide
 Rejection
 Avoidance
 Ignored
 Maltreatment
 Gossips
 Suicide
2. Equality  Judgements
 Human Rights
 Citizen
3. Acceptance  Respect
 Happiness
 Freedom
4. Academic  Study
 Focus
 Distraction
5. Social Interaction  Friends
 Families
6. Lifestyle  Emotion
 Practices
7. Self -Value  Special
 Unique
 Bravery
 Potential

Table 3. Categorization Scheme and Significant Statement

Significant Statements
Categorization Scheme

Discrimination: “I’m always their topics, also I’m centered of bullying;

Bullying; Ignored, physical, verbal and social bullying. (P1:S1.2)
Rejected, and Avoided
“They can only see your difference from them they can’t see
your worth as a person, you can’t live normal, you felt your
ignored by everyone” (P2:S2.3)

“There are times that they are joking on my gender,

especially the children” (P3:S3.2)

“LGBT shunned by other people” (P4:S4.2)

“It makes me offensive often other saying “GANTO”

(this),” GANYAN” (that).” (P7:S7.1)

“I also experienced back in school while I’m waiting for my

turn in the photocopy are, I overheard some students talking
about my friend and even told him or her he or she is “salot”
and they even spread rumors about it” (P8:S8.2)

Acceptance: Being who you “I live myself the way I want not by people want to see”
are (P2:S2.3)

“Show up whether who are, live the way you want to live, it’s
about your own happiness not by others. Be yourself.”

“For me as part of LGBTQ community, I just notice that the

society accept us little by little. There are few that can’t
accept LGBTQ but the amount of people that accepting the
LGBTQ is much greater than not.” (P3:S3.1)

“Even though the society won't accept us, we need to accept

them as a child of God. Acceptance may cause a peaceful
world if everyone is openminded to accept what is good for
the world. And I thank you!” (P3:S3.6)

“This is me. I found happiness in rainbow” (P4:S4.4)

“We are all unperfect and we are all born to be free and do
what we want.” (P5:5.4)

“We know ourselves we just need to be real.” (P5:S5.6)

“Just ignore them because we knew ourselves better than

them.” (P6:S6.6)

“Be yourself and don’t be affected by others.” (P7:S7.6)

“I just let it pass” (P6:S6.3)

Strategies: Avoiding “I always ignore what others thought about me.” (P1:S1.3)
Negative Judgements
“We’re all unique and ignore what other says about us”

“To those who are suffering from any discrimination, don’t

blame yourself. Ignore them and stand prove them than you
can whatever you think and you want.” (P1:S1.6)

“I think to lessen the discrimination to LGBTQ is you need

to be respectful in your actions, in what you are wearing and
in your manners to have people a reason to respect you as a
LGBTQ.” (P3:S3.3)

“To cope up with the problems caused by being a LGBTQ?

Listen to music, pray, read inspirational quotes.” (P4:S4.3)

“Joining my friend who are part of it. Because when you are
joining this group, it will makes you happy.” (P7;S7.3)

“The only strategy to lessen these inhuman activities is to just

avoid them.” (P8:S8.3)

5.0 Discussion

5.1 Conclusions

The study shows that discrimination and maltreatment had a negative effect in the
academic and personal performances of LGBTQ’s. It lowers the quality of the education it
must received by the schools because of the environmental factors forcing such individuals
to hide its true identity. By hiding its personality, it hinders the individual show its real
potential to the fields it may excel. Families and friends are one of the major factors that
might help LGBTQ from suffering discrimination because of the gender identity roles.

Overall, LGBTQ’s says that ignoring all the harsh words and insults coming from
the bullies is the best choice LGBTQ’s can do. Avoiding all potential risk that may results
discrimination, seeks protection from the people who accepts what and who LGBTQ’s may

be, and just focus on studying is all what LGBTQ’s are doing to not let issues and other
factors affects the everyday life such individuals had.

LGBTQ’s know the real value and the worth of each one. That is why LGBTQ’s
still fighting and achieving the goal which is to accept homosexuals in the society because
LGBTQ’s knows that there is no boundary between being homosexual and a human, all
are human being and must treat equally—equality and equity.

5.2 Recommendations

Based on the findings and conclusion of the study, here are several
recommendations to be considered:

 Society must stop discriminating LGBTQ’s, as this is one of the

hindrances to showcase the personalities and talents of each
 Families, Friends, and classmates of this individuals must the one
who understand the situation LGBTQ’s suffers, not to join the
bandwagon and hatred towards the rejection of homosexuality.
 Don’t judge the LGBTQ’s by its gender preference or its gender
roles because each individual has its own strength and weaknesses
that must be respected.
 Stop picking jokes on about LGBTQ’s gender because it hurts for
them, others might not see it, but it always be not that funny.

6.0 Reflection

The whole process of this study is a challenge to the researchers. It’s because doing
research is hard, it’s difficult to find participants to fit for the topic of the study, lastly, it’s hard to
interpret and analyze the life experiences of the individual participants. But while doing this study,
the researcher cannot hide the fact that it is enjoyable and fun to observe and know more about
LGBTQ’s or homosexuals. The researchers learn a lot about gender identity and its roles in society.
This researched offered contribution not just in the department of psychology but also to all the
people out there especially LGBTQ’s. Homosexuals are not simple to interpret because even
professionals don’t not know how the different gender rises. Even though it’s hard to this study,
LGBTQ’s also a human and worth studying for.


The researchers are very grateful to those who give nonstop support, help and contribution
to complete this study.

To our teacher Ma’am Jane L. Espiritu, thank you for all the knowledge you’ve given to
us and for guiding us to finish this research. Without you we could’ve been know how to do a
proper ethical research, and without your all effort in providing us support and correcting our drafts
we could’ve complete this research.

To our classmates and friends, thank you for supporting the researchers and helping us to
complete this research and being in our side in the sleepless nights. Thank you for all your

To our parents, thank you for all your understanding for all our concerns. We all are grateful
to your moral and financial supports. We are grateful for having you us our parents.

The last but not the least, to god, thank you for the opportunity you’ve given us to study
and gain knowledge in this journey of our life. We are grateful to the lesson you’ve given us because
this makes us strong and independent as a person.


Wilkerson et al. (2009). Identity development of Social constructions influencing sociosexual

collegiate gay and bisexual men. Date last visit: January 5, 2019. From:

Batocabe (2011). When The "Bakla" And The "AJ" Fight Back: Looking at How The Collective
Identity Of The Gay And Lesbian Social Movements In The Philippines And Singapore Is
Created And Used. Date last visit: January 06, 2019. From: Link:

Wright (2017). The Queer Queen Quivers: The Gays in Selected Philippine Prose in English. Last
date visit: January 5, 2019. From:

Wikipedia. Big Five personality traits. Last date visit: March 20, 2019. From:


Research Instrument

Insight into Discrimination and Maltreatment in the Workplace of LGBTQ Senior High School
Students in Our Lady of Fatima University

1. What is life like to be a part of LGBTQ?

2. Why do you chose to be someone (LGBTQ) that scorns by the society?
3. How and when do you experience discrimination and maltreatment?
4. How discrimination and maltreatment affect your academic performances?
5. As a part of LGBTQ, will you treat your fellow the same as you treat others? Why?
6. Why it’s important to know and be certain about your gender identity?
7. Do you think it was your sexual orientation/gender identity that causes discrimination? Why?
8. On your own perspective, what causes homosexuality?
9. Is sexual orientation a choice?
10. Is it possible that anybody can come out LGBTQ at any age? Why?
11. What do you do if you are encountering discrimination?
12. Is homosexuality a mental illness or emotional problem? Why?
13. Is it possible to cure homosexuality?
14. What other rights do gay people lacks?
15. Why do some LGBTQ people come out and other’s not?
16. How discrimination affects your lifestyle as a child to your parents?
17. What are the consequences of being part of LGBTQ?
18. Are you proud that you are a part of LGBTQ? Why?
19. Why do you think that LGBTQ hates by the society?
20. How do you defend or protect yourself to those who discriminates you?
21. What are the positive effect of being a part of an LGBTQ?
22. In your opinion, how to prevent discrimination regarding gender preference?
23. In your opinion, what are the reasons LGBTQ facing discrimination at their workplace?
24. Do you think that there is enough information provided by schools regarding sexual orientation?
25. Do you think that being part of LGBTQ can lead you a successful life?
26. How do you cope up stress and anxiety because of gender maltreatment?
27. How do you know your gender preference?
28. When did you learn about homosexuality?
29. Does your parent supports you for being who you are? Why?
30. What are factors that changes your gender preference?

Interview Text

“My opinion to that scenario are all of us are equal even we’re different from others but
we deserve good treatment as a normal person or citizen of our country.”
“In my experience, it’s not easy to be different by sexuality to other students I encounter,
I’m always their topics also I’m centered of bullying; physical, verbal and social bullying.”
“To cope with that, I always ignore what others thought about me. I learned so many things
to my experience then I realized that all of them was wrong, they didn’t know who I am.”

“To those bullies out there, you’re wrong about what you says about us we are human too,
we are equal.”
“Be true, be brave and be humble to be part of LBGTQ. We’re all unique and ignore what
other says about us, we must know ourselves than they thought.”
“To those who are suffering from any discrimination, don’t blame yourself. Ignore them
and stand prove them than you can whatever you think, and you want. Lastly, your unique and

“My opinion no one can question about LBGTQ why? Because deserves to show
themselves, everyone has the right to be happy if they are happy in that way let give them a support
not a discrimination”
“I can say that it is so hard to focus in my studies because of discrimination, because they
can only see your difference from them they can’t see your worth as a person, you can’t live normal
you felt your ignored by everyone.”

“For me, I don’t mind what other people can say LBGTQ because I didn’t hurt anyone or
someone. I live myself the way I want not by people want to see”
“It’s a bad, it can cause person to suicide or suicidal, especially it can cause a life
“Show up whether who are, live the way to want to live it’s about your own happiness no
by others. Be yourself.”
“Never give up! focus, don’t let anyone ruin your self even though your happiness, don’t
let them enter in your life just to bring a distraction, fight your right, your life and happiness”

“For me as part of LBGTQ community, I just notice that the society accept us little by little. There
are few that can’t accept LBGTQ but the amount of people that accepting the LBGTQ is much
greater than not.”
“There are times that they are joking on my gender especially the children and I consider
it as a discrimination to myself.”
“think to lessen the discrimination to LBGTQ is you need to be respectful in your actions,
in what you are wearing and, in your manners, to have people a reason to respect you as a LBGTQ.”
“I think they need to respect us also to have our reason to respect those who can't accept
LBGTQ like me.”
“You need to be respectful.”
“Even though the society won't accept us, we need to accept them as a child of God.
Acceptance may cause a peaceful world if everyone is openminded to accept what so good for the
world. And I thank you”


“What is your opinion regarding the discrimination dealt by LBGTQ? being part of
LBGTQ is not a sin. We are all equal. We don’t have the rights to judge other people by their
outside looks.”
“Can you tell about your experiences in discrimination and maltreatment in your
workplace(school)? LBGTQ shunned by other people.”
“What are your strategies to cope up with the problems caused by being a LBGTQ? Listen
to music, pray, read inspirational quotes.”
“This is me. I found happiness in rainbow”
“don’t let other people down you, god adores you”
“What motivational message can you give to your fellow LBGTQ or/and for everyone who
suffered discrimination and maltreatment? Be a warrior not a worrier.”

“for me it hurts because we are all have a rights to live so why they need to discriminate
us? we are all lives equally.”
“They are bullied even not necessary, they discriminate us, they won't welcome us for what
we are, and they can’t accept us”
“be yourself”
“Like what I’ve said earlier we are all have rights to live so for those who discriminate us,
you don’t have any rights to do it because we are all unperfect and we are all born to be free and
do what we want.”

“Stay what we are and even they discriminate us do not trample on others idealism.”

“In my opinion they shouldn’t discriminate other people.”
“In school if you are a part of LBGTQQ other people can’t acept you”
“I just let it pass”
“It’s okay for me even though other people can’t accept me at least my friends and family
“Be proud because we are a part of LBGTQ. They may not accept us, but we push
“Just ignore them because we knew ourselves better than them.”

“As part of it, it makes me offensive often other saying “GANTO”,” GANYAN”. We all
have a human right but there a lot of people saying that being part of this group is a low class”
“When they already knew that you are part of that group. They trying to say that LBGTQ
is not acceptable by the society and it’s also a common verbal bully and saying that you are not
“Joining my friend who are part of it. Because when you are joining this group, it will make
you happy.”
“for those who are bullying us GODBLESS God can handle it.”

“Be strong, don’t mind people saying about. They can accept us in the right time”
“Don’t mind them. Be yourself and don’t be affected by others.”

“In my own opinion, thru LBGTQ and the straight individuals should have equal rights and
shout not feel discrimination”
“I also experienced back in school while I’m waiting for my turn in the photocopy are, I
overheard some students talking about my friend and even told him or her he or she is “salot” at
they even spread rumors about it”
“the only strategy to lessen these inhumane activities is to just avoid them.”
“Maybe the time has not come yet but we should put in our minds that they are capable of
degrading someone, so we only have to do is to avoid them.”
“My advice for the LBGTQ community is for them to become though and be stronger and
they should not be ashamed of who they are so rise up and prove them your potentials.”
“And everything's going to be fine and everyone will accept the LBGTQ community sooner
or later.”

“May be for me opinion being a member in LBGTQ once one of our members
discriminated it we really hurt also for me because we the LBGTQ are not doing bad to others and
we have also the right to change our self.”
“Like carrying a chair, they said you are a weak because you are a gay.”

“once you show weakness it will really mark in their brained that you are weak but if you
show them your capability they will admire you”
“discriminate me? He will say hello and great them and say hi I am who were discriminated
before but now I have excelled in the class.”
“so, don’t be shame because we have an advantage to do that other can’t do as long we are
not doing wrong hurt other.”
“just say the word just be yourself because you need to be you.”

“they should stop discriminating we are the same person we are not animal that have
disease we are not like that we are still a person
“school, sometimes we felt offended because they said are you a guy or lesbian lesbian is
different from bisexual because they said lesbian whip up the woman.”
“we have to understand what they are said because we can do nothing to them”
“they should attend their own problem not other problem.”
“just keep fighting time will come they accept us.”
“just ignore because if we you keep them fighting still nothing different”

Researchers Resume

Kirk Yendell Marcos

#51 B Eagle St. Area 2 Sitio Veterans, Brgy. Bagong
Silangan, Q.C.
Cell #: 09957465958

I. Education

Secondary Our Lady of Fatima University

#1 Ezperanza St., Hilltop Mansion Heights,
Lagro, Quezon City
Senior High School
2018- 2019

Batasan Hills National High School

IBP Road, Batasan Hills, Quezon City
Junior High School
2014- 2018

Primary Del Carmen School

Sitio Veterans, Brgy. Bagong Silangan, Quezon
2008- 2014

II. Professional Information

a. Achievements

Batasan Hills National High School

“Outstanding Student of TLE Drafting
for the Year 2017-2018”
March 2018

Nueva Vizcaya
“Cooking Contest Finalist”
September 2016

Batasan Hills National High School

“Honor Student for the Year 2017-2018”
March 2018

Bintawan National High School

“Honor Student for the Year 2016-2017”
March 2017

Our Lady of Fatima University

“Academic Excellency Award”
October 2018

b. Organization

TAO Org. Philippines


2012- Present

TGB Rhyme Dance Troupe

2015- Present

III. Personal Information

Age: 17
Date of Birth: Enero 31, 2002
Place of Birth: Quezon City
Civil Status: Single
Sex: Male
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Catholic
Height: 5’5
Weight: 45 kg .
Father: Garry V. Carmona
Mother: Lenelie M. Marcos
852 6756 0252
Guardian: Violeta M. Marcos

Gabrielle Angelo B. Adriatico
Purok 8 Pugo St. Barangay Commonwealth Quezon City

I. Education
Secondary Our Lady of Fatima University
#1 Esperanza St., Hilltop Mansion Heights, Lagro, Quezon
Senior High School

Commonwealth High School

Ecols St. Barangay Commonwealth Q.C
Junior High School

Primary Manuel L. Quezon Elementary School

MRB compound Barangay Commonwealth Q.C

II. Professional Information

a. Personal Information

Age: 17
Date of Birth: February 5, 2002
Place of Birth: Morong, Rizal

Civil Status: Single
Sex: Male
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Height: 6’1
Weight: 50 kg
Father: Eddiy Boy P. Adriatico
Mother: Ingrid Maye B. Adriatico

Jeffrey N. Muldez
#147 Saint Catherine Brgy. Holy Spirit Q.C.
Cell #: 09555426605

I. Education

Secondary Our Lady of Fatima University

#1 Esperanza Street, Hilltop Mansion Heights,
Lagro, Quezon City, Metro Manila
Senior High School
2018- Present

Holy Spirit High School

Kalapati St, Quezon City, Metro Manila
Junior High School
2014- 2018

Primary Doña Junana Elementary School

Saint Catherine Corner Saint Peter, Quezon
City, 1127 Metro Manila

II. Professional Information

a. Achievements

Cheerdance contest

III. Personal Information

Age: 17 taong gulang

Date of Birth: Setyembre 07, 2001
Place of Birth: Quezon City
Civil Status: Single
Sex: Male
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Catholic
Height: 5’6
Weight: 125 lbs. .
Father: Prisco Muldez
Mother: Lucia Muldez

Cuanico, Justin Kate L.
#33 Dalton st. Barangay Holy Spirit,
Quezon City
Cell #: 09075758027

I. Education

Secondary Our Lady of Fatima University

1 Esperanza Street, Hilltop
Mansion Heights, Lagro, Quezon City
Senior High School
Judge Feliciano Belmonte Sr. High school
Artillery Rd. Brgy Holy Spirit Quezon City

Primary Holy Spirit Elementary School

Dalton St. Holy Spirit, Quezon City

II. Personal Information

Age: 17
Date of Birth: October 30, 2001
Place of Birth: Philippine General Hospital
Civil Status: Single
Sex: Female
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Catholic
Height: 165cm

Weight: 50kg .
Father: Rico C. Cuanico
Mother: Arlene Cuanico

Semblante, Nash Georald A..
#4 Senorita St.Talanay Area B.
Batasan Hills Quezon city
Cell #: 09454292403

I. Education

Secondary Our Lady of Fatima University

#1 Esperanza Street, Hilltop Mansion Heights,
Lagro, Quezon City
Senior High School

Batasan Hills National High School

IBP Road Batasan Hills, Quezon City


Primary Pres. Corazon C. Aquino Elementary School

IBP Road Batasan Hills, Quezon City


II. Personal Information

Age: 17

Date of Birth: Enero 9, 2002
Place of Birth: Quezon City
Civil Status: Single
Sex: Male
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Born Again Christian
Height: 165cm
Weight: 55kg
Father: George Ray Semblante
Mother: Rachelle Semblante

Shane Anne B. Cremat
Little Baguio Bgy.180 Miramonte Heights
Caloocan City
Cell #: 09090469096 (email address)

I. Education

Secondary Our Lady of Fatima University

#1 Esperanza St., Hilltop Mansion Heights,
Lagro Quezon City
Senior High School
2018- 2019

Amparo Integrated High School

Malanting Street Amparo Subdivision Caloocan
Junior High School
2014- 2018

Primary Caloocan North Elementary School

Ph6 Camarin Caloocan City
2006- 2014

II. Professional Information

A.P Club


Adventist Youth

III. Personal Information

Age: 16
Date of Birth: Hulyo 7, 2002
Place of Birth: Makati City
Civil Status: Single
Sex: Female
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Adventist
Height: 5’2
Weight: 42. kg
Father: Rolando G. Cremat
Mother : Esther B. Cremat


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