Chicken Dance
Chicken Dance
Chicken Dance
Werner Thomas and Terry Rendall
with a lit tle bit of
7 C G7
this and a lit tle bit of that then a lit tle wig gle down and up a gain with a lit tle bit of
11 C
this and a lit tle bit of that then a lit tle jig gle down and up a gain with a lit tle peck for
15 G7
you and a lit tle peck for me then a lit tle gig gle too and then a glance with a lit tle bit of
19 C To Coda
this and a lit tle bit of that its a lot of fun to do the bird ie dance then we all make a star and
25 G7
cir cle left and sing as we go round the floor then we change hands and cir cle
to the right we're hav ing fun to night lets dance some more Coda then we all
39 C D.S. al Coda