1.2 Multiple Access Techniques
1.2 Multiple Access Techniques
1.2 Multiple Access Techniques
Multiple access techniques are used to allow a large number of mobile users to share the
allocated spectrum in the most efficient manner. As the spectrum is limited, so the sharing is
required to increase the capacity of cell or over a geographical area by allowing the available
bandwidth to be used at the same time by different users. And this must be done in a way
such that the quality of service doesn’t degrade within the existing users.
There are several different ways to allow access to the channel. These includes mainly the
FDMA,TDMA and CDMA are the three major multiple access techniques that are used to
share the available bandwidth in a wireless communication system.
Depending on how the available bandwidth is allocated to the users these techniques can be
classified as narrowband and wideband systems.
1. The term narrowband is used to relate the bandwidth of the single channel to the expected
coherence bandwidth of the channel. (Coherence bandwidth is a statistical measurement of
the range of frequencies over which the channel can be considered "flat", or in other words
the approximate maximum bandwidth or frequency interval over which two frequencies of a
signal are likely to experience comparable or correlated amplitude fading.)
The available spectrum is divided in to a large number of narrowband channels. The channels
are operated using FDD. In narrow band FDMA, a user is assigned a particular channel
which is not shared by other users in the vicinity and if FDD is used then the system is called
Narrow band TDMA allows users to use the same channel but allocated a unique time slot to
each user on the channel, thus separating a small number of users in time on a single channel.
For narrow band TDMA, there generally are a large number of channels allocated using
either FDD or TDD, each channel is shared using TDMA. Such systems are called
TDMA/FDD and TDMA/TDD access systems.
In wideband systems, the transmission bandwidth of a single channel is much larger than the
coherence bandwidth of the channel. Thus, multipath fading doesnt greatly affect the received
signal within a wideband channel, and frequency selective fades occur only in a small
fraction of the signal bandwidth
Figure 1.2: The basic concept of FDMA.
This was the initial multiple-access technique for cellular systems in which each individual
user is assigned a pair of frequencies while making or receiving a call as shown in Figure 8.1.
One frequency is used for downlink and one pair for uplink. This is called frequency division
duplexing (FDD). That allocated frequency pair is not used in the same cell or adjacent cells
during the call so as to reduce the co channel interference. Even though the user may not be
talking, the spectrum cannot be reassigned as long as a call is in place. Different users can use
the same frequency in the same cell except that they must transmit at different times.
The features of FDMA are as follows: The FDMA channel carries only one phone circuit at
a time. If an FDMA channel is not in use, then it sits idle and it cannot be used by other users
to increase share capacity. After the assignment of the voice channel the BS and the MS
transmit simultaneously and continuously. The bandwidths of FDMA systems are generally
narrow i.e. FDMA is usually implemented in a narrow band system The symbol time is large
compared to the average delay spread.
The complexity of the FDMA mobile systems is lower than that of TDMA mobile systems.
FDMA requires tight filtering to minimize the adjacent channel interference.
1.2.3a FDMA/FDD in AMPS The first U.S. analog cellular system, AMPS (Advanced
Mobile Phone System) is based on FDMA/FDD. A single user occupies a single channel
while the call is in progress, and the single channel is actually two simplex channels which
are frequency duplexed with a 45 MHz split. When a call is completed or when a handoff
occurs the channel is vacated so that another mobile subscriber may use it. Multiple or
simultaneous users are accommodated in AMPS by giving each user a unique signal. Voice
signals are sent on the forward channel from the base station to the mobile unit, and on the
reverse channel from the mobile unit to the base station. In AMPS, analog narrowband
frequency modulation (NBFM) is used to modulate the carrier.
1.2.3b FDMA/TDD in CT2 Using FDMA, CT2 system splits the available bandwidth into
radio channels in the assigned frequency domain. In the initial call setup, the handset scans
the available channels and locks on to an unoccupied channel for the duration of the call.
Using TDD(Time Division Duplexing ), the call is split into time blocks that alternate
between transmitting and receiving.
The near-far problem is one of detecting or filtering out a weaker signal amongst stronger
signals. The near-far problem is particularly difficult in CDMA systems where transmitters
share transmission frequencies and transmission time. In contrast, FDMA and TDMA
systems are less vulnerable. FDMA systems offer different kinds of solutions to near-far
challenge. Here, the worst case to consider is recovery of a weak signal in a frequency slot
next to strong signal. Since both signals are present simultaneously as a composite at the
input of a gain stage, the gain is set according to the level of the stronger signal; the weak
signal could be lost in the noise floor. Even if subsequent stages have a low enough noise floor to
In digital systems, continuous transmission is not required because users do not use the
allotted bandwidth all the time. In such cases, TDMA is a complimentary access technique to
FDMA. Global Systems for Mobile communications (GSM) uses the TDMA technique. In
TDMA, the entire bandwidth is available to the user but only for a finite period of time. In
most cases the available bandwidth is divided into fewer channels compared to FDMA and
the users are allotted time slots during which they have the entire channel bandwidth at their
disposal, as shown in Figure 1.2. TDMA requires careful time synchronization since users
share the bandwidth in the frequency domain. The number of channels are less, inter channel
interference is almost negligible. TDMA uses different time slots for transmission and
reception. This type of duplexing is referred to as Time division duplexing(TDD).
The features of TDMA includes the following: TDMA shares a single carrier frequency with
several users where each users makes use of non overlapping time slots. The number of time
slots per frame depends on several factors such as modulation technique, available bandwidth
etc. Data transmission in TDMA is not continuous but occurs in bursts. This results in low
battery consumption since the subscriber transmitter can be turned OFF when not in use.
Because of a discontinuous transmission in TDMA the handoff process is much simpler for a
subscriber unit, since it is able to listen to other base stations during idle time slots. TDMA
uses different time slots for transmission and reception thus duplexers are not required.
TDMA has an advantage that is possible to allocate different numbers of time slots per frame
to different users. Thus bandwidth can be supplied on demand to different users by
concatenating or reassigning time slot based on priority.
1.2.4a TDMA/FDD in GSM As discussed earlier, GSM is widely used in Europe and other
parts of the world. GSM uses a variation of TDMA along with FDD. GSM digitizes and
compresses data, then sends it down a channel with two other streams of user data, each in its
own time slot. It operates at either the 900 MHz or 1800 MHz frequency band. Since many
GSM network operators have roaming agreements with foreign operators, users can often
continue to use their mobile phones when they travel to other countries. 8.3.2 TDMA/TDD in
DECT DECT is a pan European standard for the digitally enhanced cordless telephony using
TDMA/TDD. DECT provides 10 FDM channels in the band 1880-1990 Mhz. Each channel
supports 12 users through TDMA for a total system load of 120 users. DECT supports
handover, users can roam over from cell to cell as long as they remain within the range of the
system. DECT antenna can be equipped with optional spatial diversity to deal with multipath
1.2.5 Spread Spectrum Multiple Access Spread spectrum multiple access (SSMA) uses
signals which have a transmission bandwidth whose magnitude is greater than the minimum
required RF bandwidth. A pseudo noise (PN) sequence converts a narrowband signal to a
wideband noise like signal before transmission. SSMA is not very bandwidth efficient when
used by a single user. However since many users can share the same spread spectrum
bandwidth without interfering with one another, spread spectrum systems become bandwidth
efficient in a multiple user environment.
There are two main types of spread spectrum multiple access techniques: Frequency hopped
multiple access (FHMA) Direct sequence multiple access (DSMA) or Code division multiple
access (CDMA).
1.2.5a. Frequency Hopped Multiple Access (FHMA) This is a digital multiple access
system in which the carrier frequencies of the individual users are varied in a pseudo random
fashion within a wideband channel. The digital data is broken into uniform sized bursts which
is then transmitted on different carrier frequencies.
1.2.5b Code Division Multiple Access In CDMA, the same bandwidth is occupied by all the
users, however they are all assigned separate codes, which differentiates them from each
other (shown in Figure 1.3). CDMA utilize a spread spectrum technique in which a spreading
signal (which is uncorrelated to the signal and has a large bandwidth) is used to spread the
narrow band message signal.
Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DS-SS) -This is the most commonly used technology
for CDMA.
In DS-SS, the message signal is multiplied by a Pseudo Random Noise Code. Each user is
given his own code word which is orthogonal to the codes of other users and in order to
detect the user, the receiver must know the code word used by the transmitter. There are,
however, two problems in such systems which are discussed in the sequel.
In this standard, the frequency range is: 869-894 MHz (for Rx) and 824-849 MHz (for Tx). In
such a system, there are a total of 20 channels and 798 users per channel. For each channel,
the bit rate is 1.2288 Mbps. For orthogonality, it usually combines 64 Walsh-Hadamard codes
and a m-sequence.
1.2.5d CDMA and Self-interference Problem In CDMA, self-interference arises from the
presence of delayed replicas of signal due to multipath. The delays cause the spreading
sequences of the different users to lose their orthogonality, as by design they are orthogonal
only at zero phase offset. Hence in despreading a given user’s waveform, nonzero
contributions to that user’s signal arise from the transmissions of the other users in the
network. This is distinct from both TDMA and FDMA, wherein for reasonable time or
frequency guardbands, respectively, orthogonality of the received signals can be preserved.
1.7 OFDM
In FDM, the adjacent bands are non overlapping but if overlap is allowed by transmitting
signals that are mutually orthogonal (that is, there is a precise mathematical relationship
between the frequencies of the transmitted signals) such that one signal has zero effect on
another, then the resulting transmission technique is known as Orthogonal Frequency
Division Multiplexing (OFDM).
OFDM is a technique of transmitting high bit rate data into several parallel streams of low bit
rate data. At any instant, the data transmitted simultaneously in each of these parallel data
streams is frequency modulated by carriers (called subcarriers) which are orthogonal to each
For high data rate communication the bandwidth (which is limited) requirement goes on
increasing as the data rate increases or the symbol duration decreases. Thus in OFDM,
instead of sending a particular number of symbols, say P, in T seconds serially, the P symbols
can be sent in parallel with symbol duration now increased to T seconds instead of T/P
seconds as was previously. This offers many advantages in digital data transmission through
a wireless time varying channel.
The primary advantage of increasing the symbol duration is that the channel experiences flat
fading instead of frequency selective fading since it is ensured that in the time domain the
symbol duration is greater than the r.m.s. delay spread of the channel. Viewed in the
frequency domain this implies that the bandwidth of the OFDM signal is less than coherent
bandwidth of the channel.
Although the use of OFDM was initially limited to military applications due to cost and
complexity considerations, with the recent advances in large-scale highspeed DSP, this is no
longer a major problem. This technique is being used, in digital audio broadcasting (DAB),
high definition digital television broadcasting (HDTV), digital video broadcasting terrestrial
TV (DVB-T), WLAN systems based on IEEE 802.11(a) or HiperLan2, asymmetric digital
subscriber lines (ADSL) and mobile communications. Very recently, the significance of the
COFDM technique for UWA (underwater acoustic channel) has also been indicated.
Moreover related or combined technology such as CDMA-OFDM, TDMA-OFDM, MIMO-
OFDM, Vector OFDM (V-OFDM), wide-band OFDM (W-OFDM), flash OFDM (F-OFDM),
OFDMA, wavelet-OFDM have presented their great advantages in certain application areas.