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Exclusive distributor Benelux:

Infusion Technology
Estersveldlaan 53
5361HS Grave
The Netherlands
Tel. +31 (0)486-785014
Mob. +31 (0)6-37741019
Fax. +31(0)486-851510
Email: jurgen.reimer@infusiontechnology.eu


Add: 12th Floor,Baiwang Research Building,No.5158 Shahe West
Road,Xili,Nanshan,Shenzhen ,P.R. China
Te l: +86 755 26953369-824/829 MEDCAPTAINl 1 atra da m&rko lM edc aptal nlij 1uiicalTechnology C<l., Ltd
Fax: +86 755 26001651-848 Spe cificalio n• 1u11• ubi •cl lo c hen gewithoutpriornolict1 MEDCAPTAIN MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.
E-mai l : inti- market@medcaptain .com Website: www.medcaptain .com ® 2 012 -201 5 Madca p talnM AdlcalTech n ol o g yCo. ,Lt d. A ll rlghls MUrvRd .
MP-80 ,.. MUti-chamel corrbination:
Up to five compasite boxes are available end 15-
channel infusiort/syringe pt.mps can be combined

,.- Cascaded infusion:

Cascaded llfusian is .supporled between infus.ion,I

IN FUSION syrînge PlfTlPS.

WORKSTATION " Moduler Stockable Combinaticn

M"fü-chamel infusion/syrllge pumps can be com-
bi-led easily, without usi1g any tool
The MP-80 lnfusion Workstation can be modlJarly
,.. lnfusion pipe organization:
combined into rrulti-chffinel syringe pullps.,
T his fmction makes mLfü---channel lnfusion/syrhge
multi-diannel infusion pumps, end llll.Jti-channel
pipes deer and neat
nfusion/syri1ge mixng pumps based on c6nical
demands. Cascaded l"lfusion is supp::>rted between
,.. Intercom function: This function SLfJporls voice cafa
nfusion and syringe pu~s, meeting venaclysi.s
demands of patients. between patients and rurses.
Supports all infusion sets in compliance with international standards. Automatic infusion accuracy
adjustment. Multiple infusion modes. With lnfusion Workstation can operate in cascade connection infusion.
Wi-Fi data transmission functions with lnfusion Central Monitoring System (ICMS). Multiple Powers: AC
power supply, DC power supply, and built-in battery.

• Voice communication • Automatic maintenance reminder

The voice communication function realizes the real-time communication The infusion pump needs to be maintained periodically. The automatic
between patients and medical staff, thereby handlin9 infusion problems in time. maintenance reminder functkm can ensure timely maintenance, thereby saving
Features And Functions: In addition, the infusion pump with the buirt-1n voice commurncation function can
make up the traditiona l nurse call system and enable extra bed patients to
resources for medical institutions.

enJOY kindnesses from medical staff. • Multiple infusion modes

• Accurate infusion • Motorized Door Mechanism Flow Rate mode, Drop mode, Time mode, Body Weight mode, Multi-Rate mode,
The MP-60 infusion pump adopts a compact pcristallic pump slruclure thal The MP--60 infusion pump adopts the moloriLed pump door \hal is dcsigned • Night mode and O:iscaded mode.
realiLes the correct cooperalion belween parls and enables lhc peristaltic and produced based on lhe palenl lechnology. Users can easy operalc the The bright display of the traditional infusion pump causes light 1nterference to
tablet to move more stably and smoothly, which is different from the traditional pump door to open or close it. 1he dynamoelectric door cnables the sensor to patients and medical staff at night and even affects the rest and treatment of • Dual-CPU design
loosc slructur e. The emulaled µipe guiding device avoids pipe bendîng and beller monitor lhe sta lus of lhe pump door and er1sures that infusion is patients. In night mode, the Ml'-60 infusion pump can automatically decrease Operation display and stepper motor control are implemented by two CPUs,
denection. The infusion conlrol algorilhm bases on lots of scienlific stLKiics and suppor led when th~ pump door is closed, lhereby ensuring the safety of infusion. the brightness of the display and the alarm sound, thereby re ducing thereby ensuring real-time control and data reliability.
experiments of engineers. This ensures lhe stabilily and accurncy of infusion. acousto-optic interference without affecting the normal operation.

• Barcode scanning • Anti-Bolus

The pressure is automatically lowered when the occlusion alarm, thereby
• Reliable and safe • Wi-Fi networking For standardized clinical treatment, patient information needs to be accurately
reducing overdose infusion.
In compliance with turopean standards and FDA Guidance for lndustry and The MP-60 infusion pump is equipped with a built-in Wi-Fi moclule The Wf--Fi mcxJule ls entered on medical devices. The complex and errnr-prone traditional
FDJ\ Staff, the MP-60 infusion pump inlegrates stric\ risk management conlrol. connecled to the vemclysis iCMS to monitor lhe infusion status of patienls in infusion information entering mode deer eases the working efficiency of medical slaff
The acousto-optic alarm design complies with electrical medical device roans and wards in real tine to d1scover infusion problems in time, whch reduces the and a~:mravates the burden. The barcode scanning function makes it simple and • High values
standards and supports separate audible alarms. With this design, alarms can workload of medical staff and enst..res safe ood relffË infusion. The infusion pump with a easy to enter patienl informaliun. The prod uct has multiple palenls for invention. presentiny higher values.
be generated in time even if the circuit malfunctions, which enables the patients buit-il Wi-fi mOOule Cffi easiy cornect to the clilic<l infrnnation system (CIS) of the hospitaL
and medical staff to use the MP--60 infusion pumps without any worry.

• Easy- to-use • Motorized Anti-Free Flow Mechanism

1 1
With the popular touchscreen, beautiful dispL:iy interface, hunmnis\ic color, 1he MP-60 infusion pump adopts the motoriz:ed anti free flow mecharnsm that
mauni fied number display, and simple funclion menu, the MP-60 infusion pump is desianed and produced based on the patent lechnology. Users can slightly
makes infusion simpler and more convenient. press the infusion stop damp to stop or resume infusion.
Multiple operating modes. Automatic identifies syringe sets with different specitications. Multi-channel infusion/syringe
pumps. Wîlh lnfusion Workstation can operale in cascade connection infusion. Wi-Fî data lransm1ssion funclîons with
lnfusion Cenlral Monitoring System (ICMS). Multiple Powers: AC power supply, DC power supply, and built-in battery.

• Night mode + Voice communication

1he bright disp~y of the traditional infusion pump causes light 1nterference to 1 he voice communicat1on funct1on realizes the real time communicat1on
patients and medical staff at night and even affects the rest and treatment of between patients and medical staff, thereby handling infusion problems in time.
Features And Functions: patients. In rnght mode, 1he MIJ 30 syringe pump can automatica lly decrease
the brigh tness or the display and the alarm sound, thereby reducing
In addition, the 1nfus1on pump with the built in voice communication function can
rnakc up the traditional nurse call system and enablc extra bed pa\ier1ts Lo
acous to optie inlerference w1Lhout affecling the normal operalion. enioy kindn~sses from 1nedical starr.
• Accurate lnfusion • Multi-channel Combi nat ion
1he Ml 1-30 syringe pump adopts the lead mechanism processed using the 1 he Ml >-30 syringe pump adopts the modular structure. lt can be used
special computerized numerical control system and the 1ntegrated nut. The separately, comb1ned into multi-channel infusion pumps and multi-channel
• Barcode scanning • Multiple infusion modes
1-or slandard1Led clinical trealmen t, palienl information needs to be accurately How Rate mode, Time mode, Body Weight mode, M~li l~ale mcxle arKI Cascaded mode.
increase in part processing casts brings more accurate and firmer mechanica! infusion/synnge mixing pumps by means of building blocks, or 1nserted 1nto a
entered on medical devices. 1he complex and en or-prone Lrad1Lional
cooperalion. The irnproved precise drive assembly and lhe upgradcd infusion cornposite box for cascaded infusion. In lhis way, infusion and syringe pumps
control algorithm embedded with the modular circuit makes infusion more are really conHgured based on demands in clinical applications, thereby information entering mode decreases t he workin9 efficiency of medical staff
stable and accurate. maximizing the utilizat1on rate of dev1ces of medica! institut1ons. and aggravates the burden. The barcode scanning function makes it simple and • Dual-CPU design
easy to eflLer patiefll information. Operation display and stepper motor control are 1mplemented by two Cl 1Us,
thereby ensuring real-time control and data reliability.
• Reliable and safe • Wi-Fi networking
In cornpliance with l:::uropean slanda1 ds and HJA Cluidance for Indus try and lhe Ml-1 30 syringe purnp is equipped wilh a built 111 Wi 1-i module. 1he Wi f-i • Anti-Bolus
1-DA Staff. the Ml-1 30 syringe pump integ rates strict risk management control. module is connected to the venoclysis ICMS to monitor the infusion status of 1he pressure is automatically lowered when t he occlusion alarm, thereby • High values
The acousto-op lic alarm design complies wi lh eleclrical medica! device paLients in inrusion rooms and wards in real time Lo discover irirusion prnblems reducing overdose infusiofl. 1he product has multiple patents for invention, presenting higher values.
standards and supports separate audible alarms. With this design, alarms can in time, which reduces the workload of medical staff and ensures safe and
be generated in time even if the circuit rnalfunctions, which enables the pa\ients reliable infusion. The infusion pump wilh a built-in Wi-Fi module can easily
and medical staff lo use Lhe MP 30 syringe pumps wilhouL any wony. cor1nccl Lo Lhe clinical information system (CIS) of lhe hospital

• Easy- to-use • Automatic maintenance reminder

1 1
With the popula1 touchscreen, beautiful display interface, humanislic color, The infusion pump needs to be maintained periodically. The automatic
rnagnified number display, and sirnplc function menu the MP-30 syringe purnp ma1ntenance reminder function can ensure timely maintenance. thereby saving
makes infusion simpler and more convenient. resources for medical institutions.

Product nAme

rower supply
MP 80 1nrus1on WorkslAt1on

AC 100-240V
CENTRAL MONITORING SYSTEM Applicable syringe pump MEDCAPTAIN syringe pumps {model: MP 30)

Applicable infusion pump MlflCAPTAIN infusion pumps (model: MP-60)

A computer system configured with the host, printer, microphone, loudspeaker box, and wireless router is deployed.
Number of connected
The computer is installed with the ICMS software. A wireless local area network is formed using Wi-Fi to connecl
composite boxes 1to ~
the syringe pumps, infusion pumps, and lnfusion Workstation in each ward to the computer.
Number of channels 1n

composite synnge and 1 to 15

infusion pumps
Wireless networking Il is connecled Lo the lnlusion Cenlral Monitoring Sy!:ilem(ICMS) and

supports nurse calls, voice communication, and information interworking.

C'...ascaded infusion C'...sscaded 1nfus1on is supporled belween infusion/syringe pumpé;

Safety standards IEC60601 1. IEC60601 1 2, IEC60601 1 4, IEC60601 1 8

Product name MP-60 1nfus1on pump

Power supply /\C.: 100 240 V l:::xtcrnAI LJC 12 V 8u1lt 1n OO~tery(~ hours for continues working)
Applicable infusion sets All disposable infusion sets in compliance with ISO 8536-4
lnfusion mode Sreed mode, LJrop mode, 1ime mode, Weight mode. Mt1ll1 "lte mode And

Cascaded mode
lnfus1an sneed rnnge 0.1-1200.0ml/h, with the niinimurn ir1uemont of 0.1 mUh
lnfusion accuracy ±S%
Occlusion level and rarige Three levels ,~re supported. The pressure ran<Je is 200-1100 mmHri
Alarm Near end; lnfusion complete: Occlusion; Battery empty; Low battery; No

pov•er supply Drop alarm: Air alarm; Technica! ala~m ;Reminder; S1lence.
Special funct1ons Cvenl recording, sound volume adjustment, automatic power supply swilching,

And OOrcode ~cAnn1ng

Feature Wireless nelworking lt is connected to the lnfusion Central Monitoring System(ICMS), Nurse calls,

Voice comrnur1icc1tior1. ,nd connected to CIS.

Software can be installed on a desktop or portable computer. Safety standards IEC60601-1. IEC60601-1-2, IEC60601-1-4, IECGOGOH-24, IEC60601-1-8
Operat1ons can be performed using a mouse or through the touchscreen.
The syringe pumps, infusion pumps, and lnfusion Workstation can be
remolely monitored in wireless mode.
Product name MP-JO synnge pump
Up la 3810 pumps can be remotely monitored.
Power fal[)ply AC100-240V txternal 0C 12V Ouilt- in battery(6 hours for continues working)
Single-bed monitoring, multi-bed monitoring, multi-werd monitoring, and
Compatible syringes 10ml, 20mL, 30mL. and o0(60lml
whole-deparlmenl monitoring are supported.
lnfusion mode Speed mode, Time mode, Weight mode, Multi-rate mode, and Cascaded mode
Parameters are monitored, including patient information, running parameters of
lnfusion speed range 0.1-2000.0mUh, wilh the minimum increment of 0.1 ml/h
syringe and infus1on pumps, and alarms of syringe and infusion pumps.
lnfusion accuracy ±2%
The bell and voice calls are supported bel ween Lhe syringe/inrusion pump and
Occlusion level and range Three levels are supported. The pressure range is 200-1100 mml lg
the lnfusion Workstation.
Alarm Nearly empty; lnfus1on complete; Occlus1on; 8attery empty: Low battery; No
The function of looking up patient information 1s supported.
power supply; Drop alarm; Air alarm; Technical alarm ;Reminder; Silence.
Historica! event records can be looked up, backed up, imported, and printed. Special functions Fvent recording, sound volume adjustment, automatic power supp~ swikhing.
The lhree-leve! (high, mediale, and low) acouslo-oplic alarm function is supporled. and barcode scanning

The reliable and stable data encryption and redundancy technologies are adopted. V•.rireless nelwnrking lt is connected to the lntusion Central Monitoring System OCMS), Nurse calls,

1 1
Voice communicatJon, and connected to CIS.
Control operation is not performed on the connected syringe. infusion, and
composite pumps to ensure safety of infusion. Safety standards lt:C60601 1. lt:C60601 1 2. ll::C60601 1 4. lt:C60601 1 24, lt:C60601 1 8
lnfusion Pump
Supports all infusion sets in compliance with ISO 8536-4. Automatic infusion accuracy adjustment. Multiple infusion operatino modes.
Wireless data transmission (Wi-Fi) with Jnfusion Centra! Monitoring System(ICMS). Multiple powers: AC power supply, DC power
supply, anci built-in battery.

• Voice communication • Automatic maintenance reminder

The voice communicalion funclion real1zes the real-time communication The 1nfusion pump needs to be maintained penodically. The automatk:
between patients and medical staff, thereby handling infusion problems in time. mainlenance reminder function can ensure timely mainlenance. thereby sav1ng
Features And Functions: In addition, the infusion pump with the built-in voice communication function can
make up the traditional nurse call system and enable extra bed patients to
resources for med1cal 1nstitutions.

enioy k1ndnesses from medical staff. • Multiple infusion modes

• Accurate infusion • Motorized Door Mechanism • Night mode Flow Rate mode, !Jrop mode, Time mode, Body Weight mode, and Multi l~ate mode
The SYS 6010 infusion pump adopls a compact peristaltic pump slruclure that The SYS 6010 infusion pump adopls the motorized pump door that is designed
The bright display of the traditional infusion pump causes light 1nterference to
realiLes the correct cooperation between parts and enables the peristaltic and produced based on the patent technology. Users can easy operate the
tablet to move more stably and smoothly. which is different from the traditional pump door to open or close it. The dynamoelectric door enables the sensor to
patients and medical staff at rnght and even affects the rest and treatment of • Dual-CPU design
pabents. In night mode, the SYS 6010 1nfusion pump can automatically
loose structure. The emulated pipe guiding device avoids pipe bending and better monitor the status of the pump door and ensures that infusion is Operat1on display and stepper motor control are implemented by two CPUs.
decrease the brightness of the display and the alarm sound, thereby reducing
deflecbon. The intusion control algorithm bases on lots of scienbfic studies and supported when the pump door is closed, thereby ensuring the safety at infusion. thereby ensuring real-time control and data reliability.
acousto-optic interference without affecting the normal operation.
experiments of engineers. This ensures the stability and accuracy of infusion.
• Anti-Bolus
• Reliable and safe • Barcode scanning The pressure is automatically lowered when the occlusion alarm. thereby
• Wi-Fi networking reducing overdose infusion.
For standardized clinical treatment, pat1ent information needs to be accurately
In compliance with European standards and FDA Guidance tor lndustry and The SYS-6010 infusion pump is equipped with a built-in W1-Fi module. The entered on medical devîces. The complex and error-prone traditional
FDA Staff. the SYS-6010 infusion pump 1ntegrates strict risk management Wi-Fi module is connected to the venoclysis ICMS to monitor the infusion 1nformat1on entering mode decreases the werking efficiency of medical staff
control. The acousto optie alarm design complies with eleclrical med1cal device status of pat1ents 1n infus1on rooms and wards 1n real time to discover infusion and aggravates the burden. The barcode scanning function makes il simple and
• High values
standards and supports separate audible alarms. Vl/ith this design, alarms can problems in time, which reduces the workload of medica! staff and ensures easy to enter patient information. The product has multiple patents for invent1on, present1ng higher values.
be generated in time even if the circuit malfunctions, which enables the patients safe and rehable 1nfusion. -, he 1nfusion pump wilh a built in W1 Fi module can
and medical staff to use the SYS-6010 infusion pumps without any worry. easily connect to the clinical information system (CIS) of the hospita!

• Easy- to-use • Motorized Anti-Free Flow Mechanism

1 1
With the popular touchscreen, beautiful display interface, humanist1c color, The SYS-6010 infusion pump adopts the motorized anti-free flow mechanism
magnified number display, and simple function menu, the SYS-6010 infusion that 1s designed and produced based on the patent technology. Users can
pump makes infusion simpler and more convenient. sl1ghtly press the 1nfusion stop damp to stop or resume infus1on.
Syringe Pump

Easy operation: The SYS 30 Syringe Pump is desig ned to meet the customer
requirements sufficiently. With easy operations, clear user-friendly interfaces,
and consummate software and hardware design, the SYS 30 Syringe Pump
tends to be smarter. The complex smart design brings easy operations.

Safety and reliability: The SYS 30 Syringe Pump is based on the IEC/CEN
standard and in accordance with the rules of the FDA guide. Il has a patent
accurate transmiss ion mechanism, more internal monitoring sensors, and a
sealing and waterproof mechanism.

• This syringe pump is desig ned with consummate and easy
man-machine operation inte rfaces.
• The patent transmission mechanism brings a stable in fusion.
• The fine 16-Microstep driving technology of step motor
brings amore accurate flow rate.
• lt has 11 sensors to perform real-time integrated intell igent
Three injection modes With the double CPU application, the With two independent alarms, the With multi-function interfaces, the
monitoring, which brings a reliable infusion .
Fit in wilh various brands of syringes. syringe pump operation data is more syringe pump is used more safely and syringe pump can connect the DC

1 1
• lt has13 positions with waterproof design to guarantee safe
accurate and timely and the mutual data reliably. The alarm function is excellent. power externally and perform data
infusion. verification is more reliable. informat ion networking and nurse
• The pump can automatically reduce the pressure in case of
station calls.
occlusion, which prevents overdose infusion.

rroduct nAme SYS-6010 1nh1s1on pt1m11

Power supply AC 100 240 V
External DC 12 V
Ouilt-in battery(S hours tor continues working)
Applicable intusion sets All disposable infusion sets in compliance wilh ISO 8536 4
lnfusion mode Speed mode, Drop mode, l ime mode, We1ght mode. and Mult1-rate mode
lnfusion speed range 0.1 1200.0mUh, w1th the minimum increment of 0.1 mllh
lnfusion accuracy 15%
Occlusion level and range Three levels are supporled. The pressure range is 200-1100 mml lg.
Alarm Near end; lnfus1on complete; Occlus1on; 1:3attery empty; Low battery: No power input: Drop Alarm; Air
alarm; Technica! alarm ;Reminder; Silence.
Special functions [vent recording. sound volume adjustment automatic power supply switching, and barcode scanning
Wireless networking lt is connected to the lnfusion Central Monitoring Syst em(ICMS), Nurse calls, Voice communication, Syringe
and connedeci to CIS.
Safety slandards IEC60601 1, IEC606011 2, IEC60601 1 4, IEC60601 1 24, IEC60601 1 8

Product name SYS-30 synnrie pump

Power supply AC 100-240 V

Extemal DC 12 V
l::3uilt-1n battery (8 hours for continues work1ng)
Compatible syringes 10mL 20mL 30ml, and 50(60lml
lnfusion speed range 0.1-2000.0ml /h, with the minimum increment of 0.1 ml /h
lnfusion accuracy ±2%
ücclusion level andrange 1hree levels are supported. l he pressure range is 200 1000 mmHg
Alarm Nearly empty; lnfus1on complete; Occlusion; No battery; Low battery; No AC power; No exteral power;
Self-test error ;Reminder; Silence.
IV sets
Special funclions Event recording, automatic power supply swilching, Repeal slsrming,l\larm volume setting,and shul down.
Snfety standnrds ILC60601-1, ILC60601-1-2, ILC60601-1-4, IL C60601-1-24, ILC60601-1-8

1 1

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