Hipotesis 1
Hipotesis 1
Hipotesis 1
2, 2018
Tshepiso Makara
Faculty of Business,
Sheridan College,
Perth, 6000, Australia
Email: tmakara@sheridan.edu.au
Gladness Monametsi
Department of Accounting and Finance,
Botswana Open University,
Email: gladnessmonametsi@gmail.com
1 Introduction
1.1 Overview
Innovation has been recognised as one of the most important drivers of competitiveness
in organisations. Research has demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt that innovation is
the key to both growth and economic prosperity for any country or organisation (Ikeda
and Marshall, 2016; Vyas and Raitani, 2014). The twenty first century ushered in a new
era for banking institutions, which requires them to compete using different technologies
in order to either serve the customers better or meet their expectations (Akturan and
Tezcan, 2012; Chiu et al., 2017; Mullan et al., 2017). The adoption of new technologies
by banks has created impetus for optional customer services and products (Ayo et al.,
2016; Mishra, 2014; Kamakodi and Khan, 2008). Currently, bank customers seek faster
and more efficient services in order to meet and satisfy their needs (Ladeira et al., 2016;
Malinconico and Fuccio, 2016).
It should be noted that commercial banking innovation has transformed the way
customers do their banking. Customers can now conduct banking transactions anytime
and anywhere in the world without physical presence at the bank counters (Vyas and
Raitani, 2014). These innovative practices have made banking services to be more
efficient and convenient to the customers as never before. In reality, it is believed that
customers perceive innovation as “an idea, practice, process, product or service that is
new to an individual or other unit of adoption” (Rogers, 1983, 1995, p.11). Innovative
banking services come in many ways such as Mobile banking, internet banking,
E-Wallet, and are regarded as service innovation, enabling a multi-channel banking
strategy by providing new methods for customer engagement (Mbama and Ezepue,
The rationale behind innovative driven services and products emanates from the
assumption that such practices will enhance the level of customer attraction, satisfaction
and retention. Studies suggest that the banking industry is highly competitive. Not only
do banks compete among each other, but also with other non-banking financial
institutions (Clemes et al., 2007; Hull, 2002; Yap et al., 2012). This type of competition
has led not only to an improvement in the services offered by commercial banks to their
customers, but also to an introduction of innovation-driven services (Mbama and Ezepue,
2018; Mullan et al., 2017). However, most commercial banks’ product development areas
are easy to duplicate. Since banks provide similar services and products; differentiation
of such services and products can only be through fees charged and the quality of
services and products. Similarly, innovation is perceived as an engine for commercial
banking modernisation, because it increases competitiveness in all organisations (Agolla
and Van Lill, 2016; Vigoda-Gadot et al., 2005). Organisations that have embraced
innovation holistically have added commercial advantage in the competitive markets.
This is because they have managed to attract, satisfy and retain their customers, resulting
in added value to their portfolios in the market.
Cohen et al. (2006) suggests that, due to the little disparity in the services offered by
different banks, customer retention is potentially an effective tool that banks can use to
gain a strategic advantage and survive in today’s ever-changing banking competitive
environment. However, customer retention does not come easily and cheaply in a
competitive environment, particularly with the rapidly advancing innovation landscape in
the banking industry, as well as varying customer preferences concerning banking
Impact of banking innovations on customer attraction, satisfaction and retention 153
services and products (Mohit and Pooja, 2013). Therefore, the banking business
environment now offers challenges and opportunities to commercial banks to offer
dynamic services and products that would appeal to customers. The authors propose that,
in addition to the challenges identified in the literature, commercial banks also face a
unique challenge of understanding customers’ perception of quality. Although, most
commercial banks have adopted innovative services and products through the application
of sophisticated technologies, the war for customers’ attraction, satisfaction and retention
among commercial banks is incessant. The dimensions of banking innovations are: use of
different technologies to offer services, easy of use of such technologies, transaction
costs, ease of transfer of funds from one end to the other, security of technologies, and
improved quality of service of such technologies.
This study focuses specifically on the impact of banking innovations on customer
attraction, satisfaction and retention in commercial banks. Therefore to answer the
purpose of the study, we pose the following research question:
What are the effects of banking innovations on customer attraction, satisfaction
and retention?
2.1 Overview
The Botswana banking sector has grown considerably for the past 20 years. The first
commercial banks were established in Botswana in the 1950s, when Standard Chartered
and Barclays banks were licensed to operate. These two banks enjoyed duopoly and
co-existed enjoying little competition between them (Akinboade, 1998). This low number
was due to the prevailing licensing restrictions imposed by the regulatory framework of
the Bank of Botswana (BOB). Stringent regulation by the BOB reinforced the duopoly,
which inhibited competition and efficiency in the sector. This trend continued until the
1980s, when Bank of Credit and Commerce Botswana was established. Currently there
are 10 commercial banks effectively operating in Botswana and listed on the Botswana
Stock Exchange (BSE) (BOBS, 2017). The entry of new banks in the 1990s shifted the
banking paradigm and led to the introduction of innovative services and products. This
entry of new banks was stimulated by a number of changes over the years, which
154 J.E. Agolla et al.
included a more liberal licensing regime, broader macro-finance policy changes such as
the abolition of exchange controls, and technological changes (Akinboade, 1998).
The development of the banking sector was stimulated by other factors such as the
growth of the economy and rising income levels that provided opportunities for the
commercial banks to exploit. Notwithstanding increased competition, the banking sector
has remained exceptionally profitable. One possible explanation for this could be the
technological development that commercial banks have benefited from as part of large
international banking groups. These technological changes have enabled them to cut
costs. Nonetheless, competition in what remains a relatively small market has not been
sufficient to bring prices down commensurately (Akinboade, 1998). On the one hand,
technological changes have provided opportunities for commercial banks to improve their
efficiency and offer innovative services. In addition, it has also changed the banking
landscape, and offered opportunities for new competitors, which may not look like
conventional banks, such as specialised cell-phone banking operations, and e-money
providers (Akinboade, 1998). While there is evidence that commercial banks’ innovative
practices may positively influence the customers to remain loyal to the banks (Anani,
2010), the studies that have examined the relationship between innovative banking
practices and customer attraction, satisfaction and retention among commercial banks are
scanty. In Botswana, such studies have not been conducted, making this research the first
of its kind.
likely that the customer will generate profits (Jan and Abdullah, 2014; Reichheld and
Sasser, 1990).
Long-term customers tend to increase the value of their purchases, the number of
their purchases, and produce positive word of mouth (Carole and Ye, 2003; Lam et al.,
2004; Thakur, 2014). Accordingly, retaining an existing customer costs less than
recruiting a new one (Clemes et al., 2007 Mishra, 2014). The strategies used by
commercial banks to retain customers are: customer delight/exceeding customer
expectation, adding customer perceived value, creating social structural bonds, and
building customer engagement (Buttle, 2004; Parawansa, 2018). Similarly, Yang et al.
(2008) assert that innovative banking practices are positively related to customer
retention. Essentially, under such intense competition, the bank that has the largest
customer base and the highest customer retention rate will be a market leader in the
industry. As a result, knowing customers’ needs and expectations has become critically
important for maximising customer retention (Yap et al., 2012). Moreover, it is cheaper
to retain existing customers than to acquire new ones (Ayo et al., 2016; Vyas and Raitani,
Therefore, based on the above arguments, this study tests the fifth hypothesis:
H5: There is a significant positive relationship between customer attraction and
customer retention.
This study proposes a conceptual framework for commercial bank innovation and argues
that innovation in the banking sector is incited by three major constructs namely:
customer satisfaction, customer attraction and customer retention. This framework is
outlined in Figure 1. The authors suggest that banking innovation is triggered by the
desire to meet customer needs, to ward off competition and by the rapid change in
technology. Therefore, a highly innovative commercial bank will have a higher degree of
customer attraction, satisfaction and retention. Conversely, a commercial bank that fails
to adopt innovative practices will likely struggle to attract, satisfy and retain customers.
These relationships have been presented in the model in Figure 1.
innovation Customer
The above model shows the relationship between exogenous variables and their impact
on the commercial banks’ innovation and how they affect the banks abilities to attract,
satisfy and retain their customers in this competitive environment.
158 J.E. Agolla et al.
4 Methodology
This study was conducted from November 2016 to February 2017 in Gaborone City and
the commercial hub in Botswana. The choice of the location was informed by the fact
that, being the capital city of Botswana, Gaborone City offered the best location in terms
of the number of banks and a diverse customer base. Secondly, being the capital city, it
fairly represents all banks as all of them are headquartered in Gaborone. Lastly, given the
population of the country (2.024 million people), Gaborone City, with a population of
roughly 259,291 people (Statistics Botswana, 2015) qualified as a perfect location of
choice for the study.
4.2 Procedure
Banking institutions by nature of their business maintain strict confidentiality of customer
information. As such, conducting a survey such as this one proved difficult. The study
adopted random sampling to obtain the participants of each commercial bank.
Participants were approached as they were exiting the banking hall and requested to spare
a few minutes to answer self-administered questionnaire by the researchers. The purpose
of the study was explained to each customer approached before being handed a
questionnaire to fill in. After obtaining individual customer’s consent, researchers handed
each one of them with the questionnaire to complete. The length of the questionnaire was
two pages only, and could take between 10–15 min to complete. The questionnaire
required the participants to indicate what they perceived as important in choosing the
services from different banks.
5 Results
5.1 Overview
The data were analysed using IBM Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version
20. Correlation and regression analyses were performed, as shown in Figures 4 and 5,
respectively. Regression analysis was performed after calculating correlation between
variables in order to estimate the existing relationships between dependent variables. This
was done to explore the form of relationship that exists between the dependent and
independent variables.
Further analysis was performed using a correlation matrix, and the results are presented
in Table 3. The results of the correlation matrix indicate that there is a significant positive
correlation between banking innovation and customer satisfaction of 0.58** at p = 0.01
significance level. The results also suggest a strong positive correlation between banking
innovation and customer attraction of 0.716** at p = 0.01 significance level.
Furthermore, the findings imply that there is a high positive correlation between customer
satisfaction and customer attraction of 0.667** at p = 0.01 significance level.
This study, however, did not establish a significant correlation between banking
innovation and customer retention (0.109; p = 0.01 significance level), customer
satisfaction and customer retention (0.016; p = 0.01 significance level) and customer
attraction and customer retention (0.100; p = 0.01 significance level).
type of problem (encountered in this study, see Table 4) arises in both serial correlation in
time series and cross-section data. In this case, the best known test for uniformity of fit is
Durbin-Watson (Pratschke, 2001).
R2 Standard statistic Df: Durbin-
Model R R2 adjusted error R2 F 1:2 P Watson
1a 0.580a 0.337 0.328 4.58570 0.337 37.564 1:74 0.000 2.037
b a
2 0.716 0.512 0.506 2.07219 0.512 79.726 1:76 0.000 1.935
3c 0.069a 0.005 –0.023 3.29190 0.005 0.168 2:71 0.846 2.167
d a
4 0.109 0.012 –0.001 3.42185 0.012 0.922 1:76 0.340 2.255
5e 0.069a 0.005 –0.023 3.42185 0.005 0.168 1:71 0.846 2.167
a. Predictors: (Constant), bankinnovt, Dependent Variable: custsat, Predictors:
(Constant), bankinnovt, Dependent Variable: custract H5, Predictors: (Constant),
custract, custsat, Dependent Variable: custretn, a. Predictors: (Constant), bankinnovt,
b. Dependent Variable: custretn, a. Predictores: (Constant), bankinnovt, b. Dependent
variable: custretn.
It can be observed from Table 4 that regression results are generally on the weak side and
models 3, 4 and 5 are also low (R2 = low). This condition can be due to several factors,
however in this study, it can be that weak regression results are due to sample size
employed in the study (Beaujean, 2014). One cannot know all the factors influencing the
dependent variable so we must recognise that some independent variables have been
omitted from the model; many variables will have only a slight intermittent influence on
the model. Furthermore, the data used to eliminate the model may not be completely
representative of the population and may contain measurement errors, missing
observation or outliers.
The model used in this study presents a linear relationship that made it possible to
have a wide variety of statistical tests for variable and assumption; the F-test is used
to assess the significance of the whole model, t-tests examine the significance
of individual model parameters and residual diagnostics for example, Durbin-Watson
test the assumptions of the residual errors. In our case, these tests are particularly
important because model selection was based on small datasets, without an out-of-
sample dataset.
162 J.E. Agolla et al.
satisfaction -0.023*
innovation Customer
0.012* retention
From the results above, it can be deduced that two models are partially adequately fitting.
In addition to the significance of the overall regression equation, the significance of
individual regression coefficients is examined to identify which individual variables
significantly predict the dependent variable (Agolla and Van Lill, 2016). The results of
these analyses, displayed in Figure 2, suggest that customer attraction is inversely related
to customer retention and that customer satisfaction is inversely related to customer
6 Discussion
This study has examined the relationships between innovation, customer attraction,
customer satisfaction, and customer retention in the banking sector. The results indicate
that banking innovation predicts customer attraction. This is consistent with previous
studies (Dauda, 2016; Liébana-Cabanillas et al., 2013). This result suggests that banks
should try to introduce more innovative services as this is deemed critical in determining
whether customers will be attracted to bank with them or not. The strong association of
banking innovation and customer attraction possibly emanates from the fact that such
innovative services have profound effects in enhancing convenience, efficiency and
timely services to customers. In addition, the study by Jan and Abdullah (2014) provide a
clear indication that customer satisfaction, in Malaysia particularly, is significantly
enhanced when banks use these technologies.
In today’s information rich era, where customers are the nexus of every business,
many companies are forced to adopt the latest innovations in order to satisfy the
customers. This study also reports that banking innovation predicts customer satisfaction,
which is consistent with prior studies (Dauda, 2016; Lie´bana-Cabanillas et al., 2013).
With regard to whether banking innovation has direct effect on customer satisfaction, the
study finds an insignificant effect. This is contradictory to other similar studies (Kaura,
2013; Yap et al., 2012). Additionally, the findings imply that there is no significant
relationship between customer satisfaction and customer retention. This is inconsistent
with the study by Liébana-Cabanillas et al. (2013), which reports that banking
innovation, specifically (technology), has a significant relationship with customer loyalty
(retention). This study demonstrates some contradictions with previous studies. It is
possible that the participants in this study pay less attention or emphasis on loyalty or
long-term relationship when transacting business. Another issue could be that these
customers place a higher priority on the innovativeness of the banks, which in turn
determines their level of attraction and satisfaction.
7.1 Overview
This study offers empirical evidence of banking innovation and its impact on customer
attraction, satisfaction and retention from a developing country, Botswana. The study
reports critical factors that banks need to pay attention to when opting to use technology
in providing services to their clientele. In the case of Botswana customers, the
applications of these technologies are not considered to predict the customers’ loyalty to
164 J.E. Agolla et al.
their respective banks. In addition, the study also identified the impact of banking
innovation on customer satisfaction as: elimination of long queue in the banks,
availability of ATMs in most parts of the country and a network of bank branches all of
over the country. The study found overwhelming evidence that customers are attracted to
their banks due to these innovative banking approaches. In addition, customers opt for the
ease with which such technologies make the banking transactions possible. Moreover,
customers favour innovative banks because technology reduces the costs of obtaining
services from such banks.
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A Banking survey
Dear Respondent,
We are currently doing a research on Banking Innovation. The topic of our research is
BOTSWANA:” We are requesting you to fill in this questionnaire which is intended to
assess why you bank with your current bank. Your honest responses are essential in
achieving this objective. Participation in this survey is voluntary and confidentiality is
assured. No individual data will be reported.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
1 Indicate the degree of agreement or disagreement with the statements regarding your
reasons to bank with your current bank using the following scale: (1). Strongly
Disagree (SD); (2). Disagree (D); (3). Neutral (N); (4). Agree (A); (5). Strongly
Agree (SA).
Please TICK (3) in the appropriate boxes below. (Number 1-31)
1 My bank always delivers on its promises 1 2 3 4 5
2 I am happy doing business with my bank 1 2 3 4 5
3 My bank understands my personal needs 1 2 3 4 5
4 I am satisfied with the services/products I receive from my bank 1 2 3 4 5
5 I am satisfied with the way my bank answers my queries 1 2 3 4 5
6 I am satisfied with the sincerity with which my bank employees 1 2 3 4 5
solve my problem
7 Overall, I am satisfied with the services I receive from my bank 1 2 3 4 5
8 I am happy with the technologies my bank uses when providing 1 2 3 4 5
services to me
9 My bank offers good services using different technologies 1 2 3 4 5
10 Electronic banking has made banking services easier for me 1 2 3 4 5
11 My bank uses electronic banking services 1 2 3 4 5
12 Electronic banking has made transfer to money easier for me 1 2 3 4 5
170 J.E. Agolla et al.
B Demography